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tv   Fox and Friends First  FOX News  August 2, 2019 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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first time. the pilot and no one on the ground was injured. arcus just started but starbucks congress will think it is too early. what do you think? i think it is too early. rob: it is friday, august 2nd. fox news alert pushing for peace, the us taking a tentative agreement that could pull thousands of troops out of afghanistan. jillian: how close are we to reaching a final deal to end america's longest war. no punches in front of thousands in ohio. >> the democrat party is now being led by left-wing who reject everything that we hold dear. they would love to see a guy
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like sleepy joe biden who has no clue what the hell he is doing. rob: the president's fiery rebuttal to the highflying promises made by democrats during the debate. michael moore predicted the president's 2016 victory. jillian: the liberal filmmaker wants to enter the 2020 race to rush donald trump. "fox and friends first" continues right now. heather: i have a feeling it is friday today. what do you think of that?
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rob: is that all? jillian: probably not. good morning, you are watching "fox and friends first" on friday morning. rob: thanks for starting your day with us beginning with a fox news alert, the pentagon preparing to withdraw thousands of us troops from afghanistan. this is part of a proposed deal with the taliban. jillian: aishah hasnie has more on the strategy to end america's longest war. >> reporter: of this agreement happens it would require the taliban make peace with the new afghan government and not use the country as a launching pad for international terror attacks. a tweet by the us negotiator reads the united states and afghanistan have agreed on the next step for the negotiating delegation and technical support team being finalized. a peace deal with me to end to at the beginning, 100,000 us troops in that country, recent reports put it at 14,000 but the
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last month the president told tucker carlson he had been fooling even more troops out. >> i have wanted to pull them out and i have pulled a lot out, 16,000 to 9000 which a lot of people don't know. we should not have been there 19 years. we want to get out of a lot of areas. we shouldn't be there. >> the state department express and caution, the presence of us forces has long been condition-based. and any future reduction or withdrawal of forces will also be condition-based and lindsey graham tweeting skepticism saying i hope any agreement will be a good deal for america that protects the homeland, our allies and our interests. it is one thing to end the war with honor and security and another to simply hope it goes away.
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us peace envoy added for the next round of talks, and if the taliban does their part and we do hours we will have an agreement. rob: also breaking north korea escalates nuclear tension launching a third missile test in eight days. the regime trying to pressure the us and south korea ahead of joint military exercises. the president downplayed this and said i am not concerned. >> a short range missile, we never made an agreement on that. i had no problem. we will see what happens. these are short range missiles that are very standard. >> in thailand, he said he was ready for a meeting with north korea but it was unlikely. jillian: china threatening necessary countermeasures.
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donald trump follow through on his latest terror threat. it is unclear what that means, donald trump announced and present tariffs of temper first on the remaining $300 billion in chinese imports, he hasn't already taxed. mike pompeo says beijing brought this on themselves. >> for decades china has taken advantage of trade. donald trump has said we will fix this. and walked away from the deal. >> the president imposed $200 billion on chinese products. >> donald trump wrapping up his attacks against progressive democrats at a rally in cincinnati. >> the president committing his strong economy while slamming a weak performance of his opponents on the debate stage. >> i was watching the so-called debate last night and the democrats spend more time
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attacking barack obama than they did attacking me. but the greatest betrayal committed by the democrats is their support for open borders. they vote for any democrat in 2020 as a vote for the rise of radical socialism. we will never stop fighting for the values that bind us together as one america. our nation is stronger today than ever before. our spirit is strong. our stride is back and our stand is clear. we are finally putting america first. about time. jillian: there were thousands cheering as he promised crackdowns on illegal immigration and hope for blue-collar workers. rob: doug luzader joins us with the night's biggest moment.
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>> reporter: the president saw this as an opportunity to fire up the base, he hit on democrats in the wake of their big tonight debate in detroit. he noted their criticism of his predecessor. >> i was watching the so-called debate last night and the democrats spend more time attacking barack obama than they did attacking me practically. >> reporter: the president hit on democratic lawmakers for failing to tackle illegal immigration and that they are putting the interests of foreign citizens over americans with we didn't hear chances of send her back that punctuated the last rally the president did mention the four democratic lawmakers known as the squad. >> the rage filled democrat party is trying to tear america apart. the democrat party is now being led by four left-wings who reject everything that we hold dear.
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no one has paid a higher price for the far left's destructive agenda than americans living in our nation's inner-city. >> reporter: there were protesters at the event last night, the president easily carried ohio back in 2016 and he would almost certainly have to repeat that in 2020 to win reelection. rob: we appreciate it. and father claims his twins died when he left them in a hot car will not be brought. >> the district attorney putting the case on hold as, investigation plays out. the iraq war that tells police he thought he brought the one-year-old to daycare before his shift at a medical center in new york, he pleaded not guilty to manslaughter and child
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endangerment charges, his lawyer says he is facing a life sentence of torment and grief. tragic story there. james comey firing back at mark meadows over the doj decision not to prosecute him. comey slamming meadows saying he's waiting for fact before he talks about them. meadows took aim at comey on line tweeting the truth is coming and the verdict won't be pretty. sarah carter also slamming the doj for its decision on comey. >> americans will not accept a 2-tier justice system. they can't just watch comey walk away and not have to pay any price unless there is something else happening and i have been hearing john durham is looking diligently. >> the full report is expected in the coming weeks. puerto rico's governor is preparing to resign with no replacement.
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ricardo rocheleau stepping down as massive protests erupted over his tweets really women, lgbt q and hurricane maria victims. the secretary of state pedro lucy would replace him but might not have enough votes for confirmation. we will watch and see how that plays out. in the meantime to see how the weather is looking for today, janice dean outside on fox square. >> it is very nice out today. we are in the 70s. let's look at the maps and see if i am correct, there we go. 75 the next couple hours, 76, our summer concert series, jason lure -- more is here. i hope justin more will forgive me. 74 in new york city. in the 60s across the great lakes. we have a friend stalled out over the central us that could
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bring showers and thunderstorms and look at our friends in florida. that looks like tropical moisture and it is coming from the south. we will watch a that the next couple days. a couple areas of disturbed weather in the tropics and monsoon season bringing showers and thunderstorms across the southwest. this is hawaii. a storm, it's name is eric moving south of the island but it will bring the potential for showers and thunderstorms and flossy out there could affect the big island over the next couple days. this is the system we are watching the next couple days, 70% chance of formation this weekend. it is hurricane season. justin more, can't wait to see you and it is ice cream sandwich day. rob: flossy would be a good popstar name. >> your mind you to floss your teeth today.
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>> 11 minutes after the hour, the president taking aim at democrats over their handling of america's inner-city's. >> no one has paid a highe price for the far left's destructive agenda than americans living in our nation's inner-city's. rob: caldwell from chicago says the president is speaking the truth on this in joins us live. jillian: 18-year-old stole her mom's car to make a mcdonald's drum, how did that end? you got to hear the story coming up on friday. ♪ did you know you can save money by using dish soap to clean grease on more than dishes? try dawn ultra. dawn is for more than just dishes.
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with 3x more grease cleaning power per drop, it tackles tough grease on a variety of surfaces. try dawn ultra.
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>> no one has paid a higher price for the far left's destructive agenda than americans living in our nation's inner-city's. we spend billions and billions
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for years, it is stolen money and it is wasted money. rob: blasting democrats for failing america's inner-city's after decades of control but i democrats to blame? jillian: the author taken for granted, how conservatism can win back the americans that liberalism failed. fox news political analyst gianna caldwell. you have quite a likely title. >> thank you so much. donald trump hasn't with this book. and coulter, ben shapiro, newt gingrich, brian kilmeade. i'm excited about this. jillian: let's talk about what is going on in baltimore and inner cities seeing issues. you heard the president make reference to this last night, he has been talking about it. a 25-year-old boy who is able to
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escape trouble in baltimore, and he ended up getting a college football scholarship and came back to baltimore and one of his social workers, and he was shot and killed last weekend, 24 years old in baltimore, 38 in july. what is the problem? >> that is pretty heavy. this is something, individuals don't take life seriously. they are taking so many lives across the country, talk about who is to blame for this, elected officials, they should have taken authority, we see them becoming dumping grounds not only for the trash and the situation with drugs but human lives in which they treat as if they are discount double.
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democrats have taken us for granted in cities, inner cities across the country not only in just inner cities but the appalachian region where working white people live as well. a serious problem. people talk about donald trump's attacks on elijah cummings and others as racist. i don't think it is racist. i disagree with that narrative. i'm happy we have somebody willing to hold democrats accountable for their in action and policies which cripple african-americans, which cripple the appalachian region. we see a cycle of poverty that reverberates individual lives, we see the mass murder that took place across this country so this is something that has to change in him elevating the conversation on something generally disregarded in public discourse is an excellent thing to do no matter what his narrative agrees with. rob: as far as problems in the
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inner-city and across the country opioids is one of those problems, drugs in general and opioids. we heard a lot about that in the second debate. did that surprise you? >> it didn't surprise me and that is personal to me. my mom from my early childhood from age 60 x 20s was addicted to drugs. this is another thing i give donald trump credit for, 1999, 2017, 700,000 people overdosed on a drug and 5% based on what donald trump has done especially including the crisis which is a central focus in this campaign, $3.3 billion to the states to try to stop that train with higher control of those
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prescribing medications so those are different developments. at this point democrats don't want to give donald trump any credit for anything he has done and it is not surprising because i don't know what they are running on. you have the change in trajectory with the immigration issue, the opioid crisis is changed as well. i don't know what they are going to run on because 70% of americans believe the crisis was there biggest political priority. this is going to be an issue for democrats moving forward. and i think based on the debate it looks like trump is going to win 2020. jillian: time will tell. to minutes and one second. we are coming right back.
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i'd rather not. jillian: the navy's top admiral drop all charges against any gallagher's platoon leader, jacob was set to face trial charged with covering about gallagher's work life after gallagher a decorated navy seal was acquitted of murdering and isis prisoner in 2017. the navy said the decision came from chief naval operation admiral john richardson who ordered a full review. the navy adding in part admiral john richardson took this action in the best interest of justice in the navy, donald trump ordered the navy to rescind all metals recently awarded to gallagher's prosecutors. how about this story? this trump supporter wants police to take action after he was assaulted for wake making -- wearing a make america great again hat.
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>> got bombarded. kind of ridiculous to get beat up by this for wearing a hat. >> group of teens attacked him after he but they had at trump tower, he said one of them slammed his face fracturing his cheekbone. police make an arrest, the nypd said he didn't mention the hat in his report. rob: just 7 democrats have qualified for the third round of debates according to analysis by the new york times. joe biden, bernie sanders foreign, 140,000 unique donors and 2% support in different polls to qualify for the september debate. democrats reached those requirements by august 20th. michael moore not satisfied with any of the 2020 democratic
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candidates but does have one person he would like to see in the oval office. >> there is one person that would crush trump and she hasn't announced yet and her last name rhymes with obama. in fact it is obama. michelle obama. >> an interview with amtrak magazine obama says -- michelle obama says there is 0 chance that she will run. >> north korea launching another round of missiles overnight. the third testing just eight days. what does it mean for denuclearization attacks? rob: country music star justin more rocking fox square for the summer concert series. ♪ look limu. a civilian buying a new car. let's go.
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limu's right. liberty mutual can save you money by customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. oh... yeah, i've been a customer for years. huh... only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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>> these are short range missiles. we never discussed that.
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what we talk about his nuclear. those are short range missiles and a lot of other countries. rob: donald from downplaying the threat from north korea but the regime just launched a third round of test missiles in just over a week. what does this mean for continuing denuclearization negotiations, joining is the author of double crossfire deputy commanding general of us forces in afghanistan, general anthony tata. rashida tlaib looking for some ion and staring something up. he is testing multiple rounds rocket launchers, 150 miles reach and they are a new addition to what is predominantly an artillery based army and what this capability
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does is puts all of south korea under an artillery umbrella from north korea and that is important to the north korean army and is not unexpected from the south korean or united states perspective. continuing to build their capability to conduct conventional warfare and donald trump is right that it doesn't violate the agreement he and kim jong un have but it violates the un security council resolution. there are 9 of them imposed on north korea with 71 provisions that are focused on everything from now new missile testing down to intercepting ships that might be smuggling goods to north korea and all those security council resolutions are not born in the maximum pressure campaign the president is imposing. we see kim jong un trying to get attention and posture, and
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protesting a little bit, the purchase of f 35 jets and the wargames we will have on the peninsula. rob: where does your optimism stand on this potential deal at this point? they put a lot of effort into this and keep stalling. >> donald trump puts a lot of belief in his ability to close a deal and he has great instincts and is trying to maneuver rashida tlaib and has successfully maneuvered heather nauert from not testing nuclear weapons and not testing a long-range ballistic missile that can reach the united states. keeping america first in that regard has been what the president is focused on. rob: let's move to a part of the world you know about, afghanistan. negotiation between the us and the taliban and the potential of bringing back thousands of us
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troops, not all of them but thousands at this point. what do you think a deal would look like between the united states and the taliban and? almost incredible to think we can negotiate. >> it is one of those things where combat or war is politics by another means. the bottom line is we have the taliban and focused on trying to regain power. what we are focused on in the united states is denying sanctuary to foreign fighters to include afghanistan. that is the original mission in afghanistan to prevent al qaeda and other fighters from establishing sanctuary. >> part of the deal is to renounce al qaeda. >> and they have. mueller omar in 2010 said we will not allow any foreign fighters into afghanistan because they were in power and made the mistake of hosting al
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qaeda, bin laden to plan the attacks on 9/11 so mullah omar quickly realized them hosting al qaeda and other foreign fighters got them thrown out of power by the united states and allies so they are quick to say we will not let foreign fighters here but they want to regain power so it's a tight rope. we have to get element to the table and give them a political faction of political power in afghanistan and it is time to get out of afghanistan. we are losing soldiers every weekend it is time to move out. leland: 18 years. it has been a long time. we have two bases that help us project power and check iranian power so we need to keep some capability. rob: we appreciate your time.
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jillian: donald trump slamming democratic rivals at aipac rally in cincinnati using this we kept debate to launch french criticism against them. pete hegseth is live with reaction from voters. what are people saying? >> reporter: yesterday we were in detroit asking voters out of the trump rally, if there is a sign of enthusiasm, the great american ballpark, the line wrapped around the ballpark was one of two lines, the president hitting unfamiliar tones of jobs and the economy but what was on the front of everyone's mind, the president mentioned where the democrat party is going, we
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asked folks at the rally about those debates, this is what they had to say. >> prior to before the debate, i don't think anyone, donald trump will win by a landslide. >> if they love their own party, they would have got no couple people and rallied behind them but the fact they have 20 people vying for candidacy is just ridiculous. >> look at what's trump has done and it is a no-brainer. >> reporter: a lot of confidence in light of promises made promises kept mantra of donald trump, they feel the democrat party has gone so far left it has become unrecognizable, talk to trump supporters who voted for him were previously democrats, they felt the party
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they left has left them even more. when it comes to that, a lot at stake but we asked because this rally had a lot of scrutiny, the president's feud with elijah cummings and back and forth with the so-called squad which was labeled left-wing extremists. we asked about race. is the president a racist? this is what his own supporters had to say. >> do i think the president is racist? >> not at all. he's not racist. >> i'm a proud man. i thought he was a racist i would have attended this rally. >> almost offended by this label hoping to move past it. i am sure we will see many more of these rallies in the weeks to come. >> don't leave cincinnati to go to sideline chili. >> reporter: bill hammer got me onto it.
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thanks a lot. 37 after the hour. ilhan omar and nancy pelosi toensing the president, but some people are not laughing. stay right there. day. go with align whole food blend. from the pros in digestive health.
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>> good morning. congresswoman ilhan omar going viral for her trip to africa with nancy pelosi. rob: carly shimkus with serious xm 115 with reaction to that. >> a trip to ghana with other members of the congressional black caucus. they are there to honor and
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observe the anniversary of slaves coming to america but some people are finding fault with this trip after she posted these pictures on twitter. how does this visit help their voter constituents? parker on twitter says what a joke? why aren't they visiting homeless american citizens, are they afraid what they will find they need to fix? another critical user saying enjoy your taxpayer paid visit. lawmakers on both sides, the big headline, smiling and holding hands after all that controversy with the squad and the house speaker. >> trying to keep that together. don't want people to think i'm a was but i feel bad for the fish in this next video. they are getting electrocuted in the water.
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jillian: how crazy is that video? kentucky to permit efficient wildlife posted this to their facebook page, fish leaping into the air after fishermen send an electrical current through the water. it doesn't kill the fish, just stuns them but they are collected and shipped to buyers. a technique called electro-fishing. i never felt more wildlifey and outdoorsy in my life and doing research for the story. jillian: i feel bad for the fish. rob: just don't fall out of the boat when you are doing that.
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>> it is crazy. all of that lurking in the water, you never know. >> amazing species that they've got to get out of that lake. some asian fish. >> steve doocy live for what is coming up friday on "fox and friends". >> reporter: that fish video is the coolest thing i have ever seen. anyway, i am outside. you know what happens here. great lineup of guests today, housing and urban development and michael wolf, republican from florida, and geraldo rivera
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joining us as well. 30 navy seals teaming up to swim across the hudson river in new york tomorrow to show no veteran is ever left behind. making a stop on "fox and friends" with how you can help. pete hegseth water as well. friday in the summer, the all-american summer concert series brought to you by sandals, the world's only 5-star luxury resort, kicking off at 8:00 with a great star you have seen just in time for the second day of august. can you believe it is already august? rob angeline will be back with more. you are watching "fox and friends first". cascade platinum does the work for you, prewashing and removing stuck-on foods,
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the first time. wow, that's clean! cascade platinum.
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>> congresswoman ilhan omar facing backlash for these comments about 9/11. >> found that after 9/11 because they recognize some people did something and all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties. >> those comments inspiring decorated u.s. army veteran longtime minnesota officer chris kelly to run for omar's congressional seat in 2020. officer kelly joins me now. we appreciate it. what was the final straw. what was the final straw? what made you want to get this
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seat? >> i said on other interviews that statement was a slap in the face to first responders and everybody who had done that horrible day. it seemed disrespectful and i said to myself either i could sit and complain about it or try to do something about it. >> you are a 27 year veteran of the army and army reserve and you spent the last 2 years working for the minneapolis police department. >> 27 year, retired in 2016, also 20 years in the minnesota police department. spent a lot of time in the district and speeds a lot of things going on. jillian: what do you plan to change? what can you bring to that seat? >> with my background we are expected to perform. i want to talk to everybody in
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the district. it is my goal to find out what concerns people in addition to what i see every day on the streets. jillian: i am curious if people express and concern over ilhan omar and a lot of her comments the are receiving a lot of criticism. >> that is on people's mind and her lot from people saying what is she doing for us, she's more concerned with her celebrity and fundraising outside minnesota, focusing on the district itself. >> aside things to the forefront, and our current congresswoman is not doing her job.
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that is the concern. >> i understand you ran for the republican senate, you were not successful doing that. this time you will be running as an independent. what do you think will change this time around? >> people are not happy with their current congresswoman, also i think there's a lot of disaffected democrats and republicans not happy with their party. things getting done in congress, i am hoping to bridge the gap between the parties and get some legislation done and work both sides. jillian: congresswoman omar is part of the squad. what do you think of the squad? how would you handle that if you were take over that sweet? >> me myself i would be more concerned with helping out my
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district, not a broiling myself in controversy. if elected, what kind of solutions make things better for the district? jillian: we will be watching to see how it plays out and thank you for all the years of service you have done for this country, thank you for joining us. 7 minutes until the top of the hour. a husband get 60 days behind bars for poisoning his wife's coffee. how she is getting the last laugh. it and-year-old making a mcdonald's run. solar mother's car. hear more about the story coming up. ♪
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♪ ♪ you look like i need a drink right now ♪ you look like you are going to try to let me down ♪ nice and easy. jillian: i see you waving your hands with the papers. welcome to fox square time for the good, the bad, and the ugly. as always we start with the good. nfl quarterback drew brees on and off the field. took a break of training camp with meet with 11-year-old joseph who has surgery today. breeze gave the boy a hug and some autographs. >> next drive to mcdonald's
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doesn't end one a happy meal. this 10-year-old stole her mom's suv because she wanted breakfast. on the way she crashed her mom's car. thankfully, everybody, including her, are okay. jillian: wow. finally the ugly, a man gets just 60 days in prison for poisoning his wife's coffee with allergy medication. a michigan woman catching her husband in the act after setting up a hidden camera. he can serve all his jail time on weekends. what? todd: he got off easy. jillian: ice cream sandwich day. here to celebrate is new york's favorite cookies. they are melting quite a bit here. rob: they are massive. jillian: let me tell you a quick story. when i first moved to new york. one of my friends said you have to try these cookies. it's located in hell's kitchen. something like 48th and ninth. right around there. i lived in that area for a little while. and so i'm like okay.
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what is so great about these cookies, right? these are literally the best cookies you will ever eat in your life. they changed my life. rob: do you see this? jillian: i don't know how to eat this with a microphone? rob: who wants an ice cream sandwich? jillian: it's melting. rob: it's big enough everybody will get a b bite. enjoy that going to give it a test. um-huh. [laughter] jillian: this is really good. rob: i can't eat ice cream. i have to do without one. i'm just going to have a cookie. little belly doesn't like ice cream. jillian: i'm a mess. only 20 seconds left. enjoy this national ice cream sandwich day, everybody. thank you very much. all right. "fox & friends" starts right now. rob: we will see you later. jillian: bye. >> while republicans are working every day to build up our country, the rage
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filled democratic party is trying to tear america apart. the greatest betrayal committed by the democrats is their support for open borders. it's the only thing they do good. they stick together. their policies are no good. they are lousy politicians. but they stick together like glue. no one has paid a higher price for the far left's destructive agenda than americans living in our nation's inner cities. you must never forget that the 2020 election is about one thing. it's about you, our spirit is strong. our stride is back and our stand is clear. we are finally putting america first. [cheers and applause] >> about time.


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