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tv   Fox and Friends First  FOX News  August 1, 2019 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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sights on the vice president, he took a lot of incoming but so did kamala harris, who is fine with the vice president in the last debate. likely the last debate stage appearance for some of these contenders. to make the next round? thank you for joining us, most-watched, most trusted, most grateful you spent the evening with us, good night from detroit. >> i needed to create a plan that was responsive to the needs of the american people, responsive to their needs understanding that insurance companies have been jacking up the prices am i devised a plan with 10 years of transition. >> you should wonder why it took 10 years. >> i believe we should finish the job we started with you for the care act with a public option because everybody in his audience a chance. >> if you cross the border illegally you should be able to send back. it is a crime. >> look like one of us is
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learned the lessons of the past and one of us hasn't. >> senator harris says she's proud of her record as a prosecutor. she put over 1500 people in jail for marijuana violations and left about it if she ever asked if she was ever smokes marijuana. >> the terrific impact of climate change on americans. we have to act now. >> what did you mean when you said when a woman works outside the home result in deterioration of family? it was the title of the op-ed. >> we need to do the opposite of what we are doing now in the opposite of donald trump is an asian man who likes math. >> first thing i will do as president is clorox the oval office. >> drinking the kool-aid and don't even know what the flavor is. >> are you ready to say here and now that you a pose a new nafta? >> be engaged. the answer is yes.
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>> i consider that a victory. >> i love your affection for me. >> [ ♪ i can make your handclaps ♪ i can make your handclaps. >> good morning from new york city to detroit, outside the fox theater, that band -- after the last two nights of debates from the democrats you are watching "fox and friends first" on this thursday, august 1st. thank you for starting your day with us as always. now at 4:00 am on the east coast, debate rematch between democratic heavy hitters, joe biden, kamala harris feeling the
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heat over the history of deportation, corolla justice reform. all of that but after all the shots had been fired and smoke it cleared the trump campaign is declaring victory. we have team coverage, pete hegseth, former bernie sanders staff are and foreign policy expert james carrafanoh. we begin live from the fox peter in detroit, griff, round 2 is done. >> round 2 is done it if there was a song that summarize joe biden's performance i think it is tom petty's back down. he was the main target on stage last night and all the competitors came after him. >> middle ground solutions like the vice president has proposed or average size things are not going to save us. >> you can't have it both ways. you invoke president obama more than anybody in the campaign,
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you can't do it when convenient and i when it is not. >> i asked the vice president point blanket he uses power to stop those deportations, he wants to be president of the united states you need to answer the tough questions. >> i'm going back to joe biden because your plan does not cover everyone in america. >> it looks like one of us is learned the lessons of the past and one of us hasn't. >> biden was more energetic. he was on his a game, did what he needed to do by all measures which front and center of the issues was healthcare, medicare for all. kamala harris unveiling her own version of medicare for all this week, that was on stage last night. listen. >> vice president biden's campaign called your plan, quote, a have it every which way approach and said it is just part of the confusing pattern of equal indicating about your healthcare plan. what do you say to that?
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>> they are confused because they've not read it. >> you wonder why it takes 10 years. it will require middle class taxes to go up, not down. >> the cost of doing nothing. >> harris was also a main target, she didn't do well in the first debate and it was totally gathered taking on senator harris over her former role as a prosecutor of criminal justice. listen. >> senator harris says she's proud of her record as a prosecutor and she will be a prosecutor president but i'm deeply concerned about this record. she put over 1500 people in jail for marijuana violations and left about when asked if she ever smokes marijuana. >> i'm proud of making a decision, not just giving fancy speeches of being a legislative body and give speeches but actually doing the work. >> people who suffered under uranus prosecutor, you owe them an apology. >> reporter: senator booker had
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a great night. a lot of people talking about his line where he said you are dipping into the kool-aid and don't know the flavor. that will get a lot of play today but at the end of the day, joe biden is a 33%. we will see what the voters have to say later today and later next week when we get the next new numbers polling. >> still just the beginning. >> kool-aid answered him on twitter. thank you so much. let's bring in the campaign staffer for bernie sanders, thank you for joining us, we appreciate it. what did you think about your overall take, let's deal with joe biden and his performance. >> stronger than the first time, he was able to get some recovery but he survived. he didn't thrive. he did better taking shots back to back, throughout a couple
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folks on stage but certainly it wasn't impressive but he did survive, just hanging in there but i think joe biden has a lot of support regardless what he does but he was certainly challenged because of express with barack obama. one minute you want to use barack obama for your experience in the next, let's not talk about barack obama and my experience. >> a lot of people wondering when the next polls come out will he slip? will he fall from first place? this is an example of what some people are saying was a problem. mumbling, stumbling. listen to this. >> everyone talking about how terrible i am on these issues. >> which one. >> i am not the president. i keep my recommendations in private. i am shocked that you do.
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i can hear. >> we can have fun. >> that protester talking about immigration policy. that is one thing he did stick by. he was hit with would you still deport the number of illegals that happened during the obama administration, some like 3 million and he said yes. if you cross the border illegally, you commit a crime and are subject going back but the other things he was hit with like the hide amendment going back and forth. >> voting for the hide amendment, that was a nice comeback on that, some of the debate disagree. senator harris addictive too long to change his position but we will see more flip-flopping on hide amendment and kamala justice as the race continues to narrow down. >> do you think voters when listening realize when a candidate is just telling them what they want to hear to get their vote and based on that who do you think won last night and
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we will talk about that? >> i think the winner, it wasn't clear to everyone is clear is a was last night but if i had to choose someone i would say cory booker. once he got everything let's all get along and not be divided, once he realized he was in a debate i think he came a lot stronger during the second half. castro was really strong as well, don't know how much it will help in the polls but senator booker and castro were the strongest of the 2 which was a mess. just being honest with the lower tier, much stronger. >> give us your overall winner from tonight. >> overall winner was elizabeth war and without question. one because she was consistent, she won the first debate even though bernie sanders did come back stronger, let's not forget he wasn't that strong the first night, when you look at her consistency she's been rising in the polls, won the first debate,
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she won the night before debate so she's been consistent so she was the strongest of all the candidates. >> i was saying the media training for all the candidates, did a lot better this time around than the first debate, specifically kamala harris who did a good job as a former prosecutor pivoting away from answers she did not want to give and focusing on someone else. what about the loser? >> i think the loser was john delaney. i don't know if he's listening to the democrat party but they're not interested in hearing about holiday money out of the insurance industry and how he was able to profit from that. is not the primary form. it's important to have a moderate in the race bit him saying the insurance was a business and senator warren telling him he needs to step up and have some guts did not go well for him. several people should probably drop out, and tim ryan, beto, john delaney would be the loser if i had to pick one.
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>> great to have you with us, thank you so much. take a nap, get some sleep. it is 10 minutes after the top of the hour and some moderate democrats pushing for merit-based immigration, donald trump opposed that idea so why won't they get on board. james carafanoh says it is because it doesn't fit their open borders policy. >> dipping into kool-aid and don't even know the flavor. >> you are going to hear that line a lot, cory booker making a big splash with that line. we will show you how kool-aid responded overnight. ♪ bad ♪ bad to the bone. need cash?
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at newday, veteran homeowners can get $54,000 dollars or more to consolidate high rate credit card debt and lower their payments by $600 every month.
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65 us patents. that immigration story we need to be telling, we can't always be focusing on the distressed stories. >> making it so that people are able to use our legal immigration system by reforming those laws. >> i disagree that we should decriminalize the border. >> moderate democrats pushing for merit-based immigration reform to solve the crisis at the southern border so why can't democrats get behind donald trump's proposal to do the same? he already has one lined up. joining me is vice president of the heritage foundation james carafanoh, we appreciate it. let's begin with the president's plan for this merit-based immigration proposal. includes a valuable skills, advanced education, plan to create jobs and specifically increases the proportion of
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highly skilled immigrants, highly skilled immigrants from 12% to 57%. why can't these democrats get on board with that? >> we currently bring in about 1 million immigrants each year, it is really only 10% of that we actually bring in to strengthen our economy and bring value. the other 90% are a bunch of other things so the resident's plan would shift that, 60%, 70%, people that would bring in strength to the economy. i have read the draft, it's a solid plan so the great question, nobody has put america's immigration plan on the table before. you heard people tonight say this is a good idea but when the president unrolled this idea the mainstream opposition in congress just said this is ridiculous, we don't want to do this, just not fair. >> some of the candidates list they were trending in that direction, why can't they just go ahead and support the plan
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the president has in place? >> a couple reasons, first of all -- what they've always on for 15 years is tied immigration reform to amnesty, first thing they have to do is use amnesty to illegal immigrants for many things. the problem is when you give amnesty that overwhelms the system. we will bring in as many illegal immigrants this year as legal immigrants. it's not compatible to say let's reform the system. it is like saying let's plug a hole in the boat but the wave of illegal immigration swamps the boat and they won't deal with the problem their policies are tantamount to open borders. >> it was interesting that joe biden last night was hit with would you have the same amount of people deported as what happened during the obama administration known as the deepwater in chief and he said yes, you cross the border
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illegally you should be subject to being sent back. we take a hit for that? is quite different than everyone else on stage? >> i do policy, not politics but that is a minority view in his party. that is not what the mainstream argue. if you look at the policies congress endorses, virtually all the other candidates endorsed essentially decriminalize, we are not going to send people back and were not going to spend money to build a wall, we are not going to screen out the 90% of asylum-seekers who have meritless claims, essentially then you are open borders and that is the position the mainstream opposition to the president has moved to and that is just effect. >> explain to people because we had cory booker talking about declan lies the border and saying do it through civil courts meaning you won't need these awful detention centers that he has been to. how would that actually be open borders? >> is the problem. if you don't detain someone the
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odds of them being deported from the united states goes to 0. 90% of the people with asylum deportation orders don't show up. we have over 1 million people in the united states today who have done everything cory booker said, they have no legal right to be here and we have 1 million of them here. the notion that people will say i'm sorry, i will just leave now, the facts say that -- shannon: not realistic. thanks for joining us. been a long two nights. fox news alert. other news going on. usama bin laden's son is believed to be dead. officials confirmed the fox news overnight.
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[cheers] heather: joe biden wanted kamala harris to take it easy for the kid gloves came off, the top trends. ♪ kids in america ♪
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>> 23 minutes after the the are back with a fox news alert, usama bin laden's and believed to be dead. an unnamed official telling fox news the us did play a role in killing the emerging out qaeda leader. aishah hasnie tells us how the white house is responding. >> donald trump was asked about this yesterday but would not confirm or deny the report. >> we have intelligence that bin laden's son has been killed.
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>> he was thought to be 30 years old, the emerging as a leader within al qaeda as recently as february, the state department offered a one million-dollar reward for information leading to him. on wednesday a us official confirming to fox news that the son of the 9/11 mastermind is believed it to be dead. hours later 2020 candidate and veteran tulsi gabbard use the democratic debate stage to accuse the president of supporting the terrorist network. >> the problem is this current president is continuing to betray us. we were supposed to be going after al qaeda but every years now not only has he not gone after al qaeda who is stronger today than they were on 9/11, our president is supporting al qaeda. >> the facts show the terrorist network is actually lost territory. the islamic state emerged out of al qaeda in iraq after the us-led invasion in 2003.
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at one point ice is controlled 30,000 mi. from syria to eastern iraq and every passing year that number dropped and by march 2019 isis lost that last bit of territory in syria bringing a end to the caliphate. meantime details of how or where he died remain a mystery for now. >> maybe we will learn more throughout the day. north korea now claiming it used a new rocket launcher in its most recent missile test, the second and less then a week of the rogue regime hoping the system will strike targets at us military bases in south korea. dictator heather nauert the new launcher will create a, quote, inescapable distress to enemies. the navy secretary expected to pull metals given to the
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prosecutors and eddie gallagher's case, donald trump ordering the move tweeting and par the prosecutors who lost the case against eddie gallagher were ridiculously given a navy achievement medal. not only did they lose the case but they had difficulty with respect to information that may have been obtained from opposing lawyers and giving immunity in a totally incompetent fashion. for attorneys receive the honor just days after gallagher was acquitted of murdering isis prisoner in 2017. the time 26 minutes after the top of the hour and it is one of the most talked about moments of the debate, tulsi gabbard slamming kamala harris as record on criminal justice reform. >> senator harris says she is proud of her record as a prosecutor, she put 1500 people in jail for marijuana violations and laughed about it when asked if she ever smoked marijuana. >> will that record come back to haunt her? brandon tatum here to debate up next, good morning.
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one of the benefits we as a country give our veterans is eligibility for a va loan for up to 100% of your home's value. thank you, admiral. so if you need money for your family, call newday usa.
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>> if you cross the border illegally you should be able to send back. it is a crime. >> looks like one of us is learned the lessons of the past and one hasn't. >> reporter: senator harris says she's proud of her record as a prosecutor and she put 1500 people in jail for marijuana violations and laughed about it when asked if she ever smoked marijuana. >> a terrific impact of climate change on americans. we have to act now. >> what did you mean when you said when my woman works outside the home it results in deterioration a family? these are quotes, the title of the op-ed. >> we need to do the opposite of what we are doing now in the opposite of donald trump is an asian man who likes math. >> first thing i'm going to do when i'm president is clorox the oval office.
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>> i insist labor be engaged, yes. i consider that a victory. >> i love your affection for me. you spend a lot of time. >> there is nothing in my community, you dip into kool-aid and don't even though the flavor. >> democrats unleashing a fiery second round of debates, joe biden and kamala harris catching much of the crossfire on immigration, criminal justice reform, lots of topics but did they win over the american people? liberal analyst kathy a ruin for police officer brandon tatum will give their expert insight plus rnc spokesman liz harrington will breakdown what it means for donald trump in 2020 but pete hegseth live in rosedale, michigan. what is your take? around 2 is completed. >> reporter: it was all about joe biden anyway you watch it, the difference between night one
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at night to is bernie sanders and elizabeth warren could team up together, joe biden is alone on that stage and under us all night long, some folks like cory booker, tulsi gabbard had a good night. ultimately almost every single issue they went after joe biden from healthcare to kamala harris, cory booker went after him on crime, kirsten gillibrand on women's issues, j inslee on climate, bill diblasio deportation, julian castro about borders but it all started on healthcare and the exchange of whether medicare for all is the right answer or clinging to obamacare. years in exchange between kamala harris and joe biden. >> i don't understand why democrats on this stage are fear mongering about universal healthcare. it makes no sense. i don't know what matthew do in new york or california but i tell you that is a lot of money and there will be a deductible. >> let's talk about math.
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under your plan status quo, you do nothing to hold the insurance companies to task. it is immoral. it is untenable which it must change with medicare for all. >> obviously a big topic in round one and round 2, the very first thing everyone hit and you are right, joe biden, from everyone last night was being slam from every direction. who do you think was the weakest link last night? >> i don't think kamala harris had her best night. she had that moment in the first debate, the viral showdown between orange joe biden, she had a chance around 2, not for lack of trying, she went after, even when tulsi ever came after her on afghanistan she barely answered the congresswoman, turning to joe biden but she didn't have any clean shots even though joe biden was a little on the sound at certain moments waiting for facts. it's not clear if she did a lot
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for her. >> reporter: will joe biden take a hit in the polls after last night? do you think he will drop down? >> i think he became a member of the pack. he has been appear because of his name id. after last night elizabeth warren have strong showing, bernie sanders having a strong core, kamala harris and who knows what bump cory booker will get? he was mostly positive, mostly going after donald trump in an analytical sense with a smile on his face while taking shots at joe biden so i do think you have more or less 45 in the top-tier, joe biden is one, he didn't set himself up last night. >> he didn't show any temper but lots of folks saying we will talk more about this, donald trump was the winner of both night in terms of the amount of time he was referenced. >> he dominated the entire national discussion.
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what matters most is what voters think. that is why we are here, to get a sense of that in detroit. what does the healthcare stuff mean? what resonates, what verbiage? we will ask voters all morning on "fox and friends". heather: joe biden slammed for his backing of the controversial 1994 crime bill. listen. >> every crime bill major or minor has had his name on it. there are people right now in prison for life for drug offenses because you stood up and used that tough on crime phony rhetoric but got a lot of people elected but destroyed communities like mine. >> different runners like biden have grounds to make up with minority voters? her to debate is former police officer brandon tatum, thank you for joining us.
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as a former police officer in terms of the crime bill, 1994, biden hit the first debate at the second debate with this. >> it was obviously decimating to the community and putting a lot of fathers in prison and they do a lot of crime at the border about separation fm milies, separation of the family but joe biden care when he was separating black fathers from their children for life. were not talking a few years but life. i don't know why this is shocking to anybody because the democrats have been screwing over the minority community of persons the kkk, jim crow, segregation so it is nothing new. not surprise they called him out for the glad they are standing strong and debating each other. >> your take. >> reporter: >> the 1994 bill wasn't fantastic but that is not what voters want, not what the public wants.
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with biden, really, so apologetic, he represents the obama administration. 1994 crime bill introduced basketball programs for assault weapons off the street so there are some positives that biden keeps apologizing, he needs to stop doing that. >> let me pull up this soundbite because this was a telling moment, tulsi gabbard, biden tried to do this but wasn't successful, going after kamala harris and her time as a prosecutor, listen to this and respond. >> senator harris says she's proud of her record as a prosecutor. i'm deeply concerned about this record. there are too many examples to cite but she put over 1500 people in jail for marijuana violations and laughed about it when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana. >> he got off easy in the first debate but tulsi gabbard not letting her go this time. what did you think of her response to that exchange?
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>> she might as well way goodbye the president hopes because it is over for her. i don't think she has any love for the black community and especially with her record of putting people in prison. she flip-flops on a lot of issues of the reason why is she goes where it is politically expedient so now everybody is talking about soft on crime so she's going to go down the path of being soft on crime. before, it was reasonable and popular to be tough on crime to put people into prison for certain things she believed was legitimate. at the time it was popular she went with it. she's a flip-flopy person and i don't think she will win or do well at all. heather: she was good at giving away from questions she didn't want to answer. >> is a prosecutor, she has been a prosecutor, she needs to learn from marianne from the night before, marion williamson could
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touch everyone on the stage, people like to hear what she had to say next, she has no chance, they say, but we said donald trump had no chance so -- heather: with minority voters, what do you think? >> he doesn't come off as likable. minority voters don't know her record or know her. she comes off as not the opposite of trump which is what everyone loves right now, anybody but trump. heather: we will concentrate on her record moving forward. appreciate it. trashing donald trump is the common theme among democrats on the debate stage. >> no longer allow a white nationalist to be in the white house. >> doesn't give a damn about your kids. >> the president is a racist. heather: is that their whole strategy come 2020? what does it mean for the president's reelection chances? liz harrington says their methods of left americans scratching their heads, good
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>> we can no longer allow a white nationalist to be in the white house. >> the president who doesn't give a damn about your kids. >> the president is a racist. >> i will not do foreign-policy by tweet. >> the current president is continuing to betray us. >> clear incidents of obstruction of justice by this president. >> 2020 democrats trashing donald trump instead of attempting to appeal to the american people during their second round of debates. what does this strategy mean for the president in 2020? task liz harrington who joins us in person, great to have you in studio with us. it sounds like a lot, donald trump was mentioned during night
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2 a total of 89 times. he was mentioned either by name or the trump administration as well. how will that play for donald trump and the candidate? >> i think donald trump was the clear winner of both nights, why democrats are going to be bashing the president. a lot of americans watching these debates areliving in? they must be living in democratically run cities, the economy is doing, wages are rising, americans are optimistic about the country. that is a problem for the democrats. what is the solution? socialist policies, high taxes and from the so-called moderate joe biden eliminating fossil fuels, 114,000 mining jobs. this was hillary's strategy.
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>> any of the moderate democrats, when they say anything that remotely agrees with donald trump or his policies you mentioned biden from last night talking about immigration and people being sent back to break the law it seems like that is not going to play well with democrats, they are going to the extreme left. >> even agreeing with barack obama not so long ago. barack obama was barely mentioned, we didn't have a democrat in office for eight years but last night they are bashing obamacare, the attempt to secure the border and deportation, it is a party that is unrecognizable from recent memory. they are talking about eliminating oil, call, natural gas, not making it a crime to cross the border. this crisis would explode 10 times more if we adopt these open border policies.
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>> they are going after joe biden who is trying to tie him and democrats saying the obama administration, not only that but not agree with donald trump to talk about jobs and the economy. and so many different areas, donald trump taking stage in middle america with ohio rally tonight. bringing that up specifically in ohio, the jobs created under donald trump in that state. >> exactly, no magic was required. it is amazing to see the progress in states like ohio, an appointment down to 4%, 186,000 people from ohio often foods themselves the economy is booming. and a much faster rate than we
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thought was the highest. all that goes away. the president said it very clearly last night in his tweets about the debate. this progress, this prosperity, this revitalization of the american dream, say goodbye to that of these democrats get in charge, big government means low growth, high taxes, kick you off your healthcare and give it to illegal immigrants. a lot of free stuff without a way to pay for it. uma: swing state and independent voters. >> the president will keep those dates because he has an agenda and record of results that is winning for americans. >> >> the time is 10 minutes until the top of the hour, elijah cummings losing ground in the battle over baltimore thanks to his own words coming back to
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bite him. >> i left my community of baltimore a drug infested area. heather: blast from the past that can put his argument against the president arrest finally. one of the benefits we as a country give our veterans
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is eligibility for a va loan for up to 100% of your home's value. thank you, admiral. so if you need money for your family, call newday usa.
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heather: you are watching "fox and friends first," the father accused of leaving his twins to die in a hot car is doing court today. juan rodriguez says he thought he brought them to daycare before his 8 hour shift at a va medical center. he pleaded not guilty to manslaughter and child endangerment charges.
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the twins will be laid to rest tomorrow. investigated for mishandling classified information. the watchdog's president tom fitton sounding off on the brand-new revelation. >> now we know the fbi was investigating these memos, they are interviewing him and these memos, come on, these records go out of the which is a violation of donald trump's rights. heather: the former director admitted under oath he publicly leaked his memos to the new york times. the newly resurfaced video from a congressional hearing 20 years
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ago shows a larger cummings describing his own hometown. >> this morning i left my community of baltimore a drug infested area where a lot of the drugs we are talking about today have already taken the lives of so many children. the same children i watched 14 or 15 years ago as they grew up now walking around like zombies. >> republicans now pointing out the double standard after democrats accused donald trump of being racist for calling baltimore rat infested. the time is 4:52 in the morning on the east coast and just weeks after their first debate stage class joe biden making an appeal to kamala harris heading into round 2. i don't know. no surprise the kid gloves came
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off. carly shimkus is here to share reaction with that top trending moment and more. ♪ i've been everywhere man ♪ i've been everywhere man ♪
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at newday, veteran homeowners can get $54,000 dollars or more to consolidate high rate credit card debt and lower their payments by $600 every month. heather: joe biden slammed by critics for calling kamala harris a kid on stage just before the debate started.
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carly shimkus with fox news headlines 24/7 serious xm 115 with online reaction. i thought it was calculated on his part, he was establishing the role of experience. carley: i didn't think it was a big deal but some people thought the comment was condescending a. kamala harris's press secretary jumped all over with a simple tweet simply writing kid? another twitter user, check out what he was income incredibly disrespectful to her. she is no kid but an intelligent is accomplished woman but jill tweets it is a term of india meant in his world, let it go, people. kamala harris responded and said she didn't have any issue with the comment. did not go easy on him. they tangled on a lot of things.
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heather: this kool-aid response. >> why did you announce 0-tolerance policy of stop and frisk? >> you are dipping into kool-aid and you don't even know the flavor. carley: my favorite thing is when brands actually respond and it happens, kool-aid sense of tweet saying oh yeah and tagged senator booker. that tweet led to this response from someone responding to that moment, oh no, there you go. we knew this debate would focus on, justice reform. we didn't know the kool-aid man would make an appearance. heather: we know the flavor. a whole new world of debates with policies in twitterland. >> social media reaction is a big part of it.
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heather: that wraps up this hour of "fox and friends first," thanks for joining us, round 2 of this debate is over. "fox and friends first" continues right now. have a great day. more on the debate from last night and more experts. >> i needed to create a plan responsive to the needs of the american people and understanding that insurance companies have been jacking up the prices, 10 years of transition. >> wonder why it takes 10 years. >> we should finish the job we started with the affordable care act with a public option that gives everybody the chance to pay for their family. >> if you cross the border illegally you should be able to be sent back. it is a crime. >> it looks like one of us have learned the lessons of the past


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