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tv   Fox News Night With Shannon Bream  FOX News  July 31, 2019 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT

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>> laura: trump wins that any day of the week. all the time we have this week. phenomenal analysis from this panel. great job in new york and washington. shannon bream, the "fox news @ night" team take it all from here live in detroit. shannon bream takes it away. shannon? >> shannon: hello, and welcome to "fox news @ night," special coverage of the second round the democratic debates. i'm shannon bream live in detroit again tonight. ten different democrats facing off tonight. last night, expose a radical deep divisions between the so-called moderates and progressives. the rematch of former vice president joe biden and california senator kamala harris. unfortunately for the former vp, she was not the only one taking direct aim at him tonight. biden faced repeated attacks from everything from immigration to criminal justice reform. we've got five steam coverage again tonight.
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bret baier, howard kurtz, peter doocy on the spin duty tonight. >> see and then tonight , joe biden defended himself. more forcibly than he did in the first debate. but he still struggled to effectively attack one of his biggest offenders they'll make the offenders biden was more effective attacking the health care plan but harris had a response ready. >> any time anyone tells you get something good in ten years, you should wonder why it takes ten years. you can't beat president trump with double-talk on on this pl. >> your plan does not cover everyone in america. in 2019 in america, for a democrat to be running for president with a plan that does not cover everyone, i think it's without excuse. >> it wasn't just harris going
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after the front runner being out of touch. almost every other candid and did as well. listen to this exchange between biden and julian castro over the issue of illegal border crossing. >> if you cross over the border illegally, you should be sent back. it's a crime. >> one of us learned the lessons of the past and one of it hasn't. we need politicians who have some guts on this issue. >> i have guts enough to say this plan doesn't make sense. >> one of biden's best defenses came when kirsten gillibrand attacked his record on women. listen to this. >> what did you mean when you said, when a woman worked outside the home, and its resulting "the deterioration of family." >> from the very beginning, when my deceased wife worked -- raising our children. you came to the university with me and said it was wonderful, i'm passionate about the concern making sure women are treated equally. i don't know what's happening
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except you are now running for president. >> there was plenty of other cross fire among the candidates. tulsi gabbard made a very effective argument, essentially attacking, let harris' record as attorney general of california saying she's not the progressive prosecutor she claims to be. >> on the claims of those on death row, innocent people, you actually blocked evidence being revealed that would've freed them, and until you were forced to do so. no excuse for that and people who suffered under your arena prosecutor, you owe them a apology. >> i've been personally opposed to the death penalty and that has never changed. that is my work. i'm proud of it. >> gabbard's argument is the argument biden tried but struggled to make. the question now, did the former vice president do enough to convince voters, convinces
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democratic primary voters that he's ready to go toe-to-toe against president trump? shannon? >> shannon: there were questions about that on the stage tonight. kristin, we will have congress on rentals gabbard with us shortly later in the hour for his key moment of the night. i dress they'll make another eventful night in the lot of time. what stood out to you. >> good evening, shannon. joe biden was under attack for a lot of the time. this started with a handshake with kamala harris when she came on stage and said to her, microphones were all in, go easy on me, katie. she did not. neither did anybody else. there was an exchange with bill de blasio where he went after vice president biden under deportations after the obama administration been ended up the vice president was not going to say what he told president obama, blaming
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president obama for the deportations, even though most other times he claims that president obama, says his name again and again and again, to link with him. i had three different moments, shannon, and i think someone who had a good night tonight was cory booker. he attacked vice president biden the number of different times but specifically on criminal justice reform and his record. >> the person enjoying this debate most right now is donald trump as we picked democrats against each other. i was raised by two civil rights parents who told me to always keep your eye on the prize. vice president, you can have it both ways but you invoke president obama most than anybody else in this campaign. you can't do it when it's convenient and dodge it when it's not. you want to compare records? frankly, i'm shocked that you do. i'm happy to do that. all the problems he's talking about he created. you are dipping in the kool-aid and you don't even know the flavor.
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>> kool aid came up with a tweet saying we know the flavor but i think cory booker had a strong light for him and was the joe biden antagonist. second moment, tulsi gabbard had a strong light on stage very kristin mention the attack on kamala harris' record as ag of california. but there were other moments where she talked about pulling u.s. troops homes >> this is not about arbitrary deadlines. this is about leadership. the leadership i will bring to do the right thing to bring our troops home within the first year in office because they shouldn't have been there this long. four too long, we've had leaders who have been arbitrating foreign policy from ivory towers in washington without any idea of the costs and consequences, the told that it takes on our service members. we have to do the right thing on these wasteful regime wars and bring our troops home. >> last night we saw the battle
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between the progressives and more centrist democrats. i think senator michael bennett from colorado played the role of john delaney. governor bullock last night. but had a very impassioned moment, a key moment for him in this debate, talking about schools and race. >> this is the fourth debate we have had and the second time we have been debating what people did 50 years ago with bussing when our schools are as segregated today as they were 50 years ago! we need a conversation about what's happening now. when there are a group of kids in this country at that not get preschool through no fault of their own and another does, equal is not equal. we've got a group of k-12 schools that are good because families can spend a million bucks, and you got the dccc schools that are as segregated as they are equally.
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>> ran the school system in colorado. it is possible that somebody like michael bennet could rise up in the flight for safety for moderate choice. my final point is we had the most searched member of the stage being marianne williamson. i think you are going to see andrew yang get a lot of searches tonight. he has a lot of donors already, and a lot of attention. but he was concise, focused, personal. i would expect he's going to make that third debate stage. shannon? >> shannon: he made a plea for that as they all did too late. he's the one who talks about universal basic income for everyone and tried to talk about that in the context of michigan and the automation that has taken away a lot of jobs here and how he fears atop all-american industry. a breakout for him and
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cory booker and others as well pure thank you for being up late with us for special dallas. good to have you with us. >> you bet. good to see you. >> shannon: take a listen to what america would look like under these democratic candidates. >> we need to be honest what's in this plan. it bans employer-based insurance and taxes the middle class. >> we cannot keep with the republican talking points on this. you've got to stop. >> everything must be sublimated to the challenge and the crisis that is accidental, which is dealing with the climate threat. >> still going to be consequences if somebody crosses the border. a civil action. >> shannon: tonight's candidates contrasted in america we see right now -- it's in contrast they are from what we've heard from the candidates tonight versus what we've seen under the policies of president
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president trump, so let's bring in the house minority leader, the republican congressman from california kevin mccarthy. we do not have them just yet. we will go back to him. in the meantime, let's go to the stage floor getting with the candidates getting the readout of everybody seeing how they did tonight. let's check in. peter, what is the latest? >> shannon, the latest in the spin room not far away where you are standing, it's really cozy. there seems to be a lot more interest among members of the international traveling press in the candidates i'm just trying to figure out exactly where these candidates are. i'm actually going to use my long arms try to reach in and get a question in for secondary castro. i will trade places. are you coming out? okay. just going to trade places with this gentleman. get a little closer. excuse me. all right. >> if we speak to the issues of people who are slammed right
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now, families who have been suffering because of police violence, of the people in puerto rico that wonder whether those of us up there on that stage care about the fact that they had to get out there in the streets and protest a corrupt administration and are we going to be there as they recover from herrick and maria, we are going to support them. i wanted to make sure that we bring everybody into this debat debate. >> secretary castro, we are alive right now. >> when you were talking about vice president biden and basically challenged him, you kind of evolved and you haven't. talk to me a bit what went through, because you are saying you have evolved from that obama administration, why did you have to go out and say that? >> i said i learned from the lessons of the past. trump has been so much for us on issue. >> shannon, we are going to continue reaching in to find some candidates who just left
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the stage and we will bring it back whenever we get it. >> shannon: peter doocy, it is good you are as tall as you are because you can see over the whole crowd so we'll check back with you as soon as you corner another candidate. let's bring in the house minority leader republican congressman from california, kevin mccarthy. it's great to have you with us. i want to ask how you react to and peter was just there with former secondary julian castro, he pointed the finger tonight about a lot of things on this issue with immigration and said there are things in the law which needs to be changed to do things like stopping family separation and continued to point at lawmakers and set a lot of attacks being you are not willing to do it. how do you respond? >> i've been down that congress needs to fix the law but it's not the republicans fault. the democrats have not done anything the first 200 days per they deny it's a crisis. if you listen to the debates tonight, the person who was
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attacked the most wasn't even there. it was a member of president obama. think about what the this new party is the new socialist democratic party. they claim for open borders. it's no longer illegal to cross illegally into america. they also wanted to guarantee an income for those able to work but just unwilling. interesting part, if there is one person who won the night, i would give it to tulsi. kamala harris did not see that coming. she thought she'd always be on the offensive but she got on the defensive tonight. i did not think joe biden survives this because the attack is on the former president, and even from his own cabinet members castro. >> shannon: he did get -- she was clearly the target of these standing on stage with him tonight but we talked about it in the first debate how there was siting and by senator harris who seem like to let everybody
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else trying to get in on the game as well which made the exception of congressman gabbard because she did defend on a couple of notes. but you did mention the idea of socialism and it's something that south mayor ben the pete buttigieg brought up on night one. the matter what we no matter what we bring up, the republicans ins white house are going to call us socialist whether it's accurate or not because it scares voters out there. how do you respond to him? >> well! listen to their policies. they are for open borders, they are for taking away any private health insurance so you can only have it from governments. they want to guarantee income, even if you're able to work but unwilling to work. that is a prime definition of socialism. the green new deal, whether you can have a dairy, if you can fly, remember what castro was saying and they all agreed.
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they are all for open borders. this is all socialism at its best. the interesting thing to my latest poll out there, the most requested endorsement for a democrat, former democratic president, the number one after that is aoc. and aoc calls herself a socialist democrats. that's why this party has passed joe biden by and the socialism continues to rise and taken over this party. before we left the house, the speaker nancy pelosi surrendered to the socialists in the party. >> shannon: we saw tonight there was a heated discussion back and forth about whether crossing the border would be handled in civil court or criminal court. seems like there is disagreement there but the one thing cory booker tried to warn the rest of them, the person who was loving this debate tonight was the president because they are dividing and conquering and hoping to sew division among them. of course, the role of the
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debate, whether republican or democrat, look for the democrats don't make differences in the democrats do you think they are monolithic and trying to move further to the left? >> they are guaranteed moving further to the left. i'm not sure if cory booker don't make understands what debate is. there is a common denominator to all of them. they believe in the idea of an open border, they agree in the idea of guaranteed income. also in places they are going, they want government to be the answer for all their problems and they have moved so far to the left, i'm not sure they can even bring all the old democrats with them. that's why i don't think joe biden survives. think about the turmoil in the last week, that nancy pelosi is surrendering to the socialism, you watch two debates that only talk about socialism, and the watch of the arm of the democratic campaign committee actually fire the top five people. they are in a spiral down, not knowing where they end up.
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>> we will see because so far the polling is with the vice president but after around two in the books, we'll see where the voters go from here. house minority leader from the house, kevin mccarthy, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> shannon: . >> shannon: more infighting on display tonight. live with critical analysis right after the break. ♪
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>> we are up here with makeup on our faces and are rehearsed attack lines playing roles in this reality tv show. it's one reason we elected a reality tv show as our presiden president. >> shannon: andrew yang they are questioning the whole idea
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of these primary debates. two days, nearly six hours and 20 candidates later. let's get a final checkup of the performance by the moderators. fox news media analyst, hosted media does, the one and only howard kurtz. your tick tonight, howard? >> the cnn moderators didn't have to work hard last night because they were ready to come to rumble. really turned on the counter punching and personal attacks, not so much the questions. they made a decision to give a whole lot of time the joe biden and kamala harris to continue their slugfest. we saw a much more energized and prepared joe biden. in my view, that's the right decision because those are the two top contenders on the stairs. here's dana bash with >> because your plan "a habit every which way approach. just part of a confusing way of
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acquitting your health care stands. >> he said in the past that democrats who wanted to keep the private insurance industry are defending a health care system that is not working. >> that was sort of like waving the red flag and the bulls came charging and they took each other on which is what you want to see. shouldn't be only about the moderator's questions. >> shannon: howard, they talked a lot about immigration. health care that first big focus. they got them into issues of busing and racism, the economy. they covered a lot of grounds tonight. >> some of the questions came from the liberal opinion how is don lemon who of course was ripped on twitter by president trump who called him dumb as a rock after last night when he basically called the president a bigot that he was cautious in his rhetoric. he did ask kamala harris about immigration, whether she was for open borders. take a look.
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>> senator harris, you've indicated you don't think it should be a criminal offense to cross the u.s. border illegally. how do you respond to senator bennet? >> again, with all due respect, after the last debate i went to a place in florida called homestead. there is a private detention facility being paid for by your taxpayer dollars. >> what you saw is kamala harris completely ignoring the question, never responding the question about open borders for this is where a moderator has to say, senator, governor, vice president, you didn't answer the question and ask it again. >> shannon: it gets a little tricky because there were several questions, even last night we saw some of this. even with the follow-up question to them, sometimes saying we didn't answer what we ask you, seems like there was a lot of that tonight but a really good candidate would be able to turn any question into an opportunity to give the answer they wanted to do. what did you think of who did the best of that? we saw that with senator harris
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as he pointed out but all of them took a swipe at doing that if there was a question they didn't want to answer. >> politicians are really adept at that. joe biden had a good night tonight to kamala harris was on the defensive not only when biden pointed out things on her record but we saw earlier tulsi gabbard doing that to her as well. the whole second hour was everybody brought out their bazookas and firing off their oppo research. you had biden defending his own record questioning cory booker when he was mayor of newark. senator gillibrand pulling out an old op-ed where biden appeared to raise questions about women working outside the house. he came out to say that i was a single father for five years after my first wife died. they were very well prepared and it made for good tv. it wasn't much of a wonky seminar as last night. but on the other hand, i think people like to see these candidates mix it up. a little hard to follow the
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details when the chargers and counter charges were flying but i think people got a good sense of his contenders. >> shannon: as you noted, a lot more personal stories and anecdotes from folks tonight. howard kurtz, thank you very much. we appreciate your time. breaking tonight, the son of usama bin laden hair to the al qaeda leadership throne declared dead. we'll have that next. if you have moderate to severe psoriasis,
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see in the basement of the russell senate office building, senator, we are live on fox right now. you are a senator for joe biden -- >> i'm a senator from joe >> they were ten candidates on that stage tonight and at some .7 or eight of them were literally attacking him. he was in the dead center of the stage, in the dead center of their fire, and demonstrated he's fully capable of pushing back. i look forward to seeing him on the debate stage with president trump. it'll be a very engaging presentation of a master politician. >> did you sense anything disingenuous from the other candidates? where they too calculated, and a fair critique or fair question of his record? >> what i think joe showed tonight is while he said since he got into the campaign that democrats attacking each other in the bed stages is not constructive, in miami i think
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he was generally surprised that some of these long candidates friends mischaracterizes record and values. when that happens again he's going to push back and is going to do that on the stage. ms. twiss, mischaracterized >> my last question would be joe biden at one point seem to distance himself from the obama administration deportation policy. is it a mistake for him to do anything to try to get away from the obama administration's record? >> i know joe is proud of his eight years as vice president. this is a job interview for who we will choose as next president of the united states. out of his 44 years of vice president, his eight years is many ways the most important. i do think -- >> sorry. i'm not... we've got another candidate.
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senator gillibrand, you are taking a little bit of heat on social media. thank you i'm a senator, a little bit on social media on your line of question from joe biden tonight. would you do anything different tonight? >> i think the start affordable day care would lead to the deterioration of the family and that was avoiding response abilities, these are quotes from something he wrote. i just wanted to know if he still believes that. if you believe that then, what he meant. the truth is my mother works outside the home, my grandmother works outside the home. i am a working mom but i'm not only the primary caregiver but the primary wager and i have been and i need a good affordable day care when i was a member of congress. i couldn't do my job without it. we have a my sergeant we have a misogynist and the white house. president trump degrades women every day, particularly women of
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color print we saw in 2018 that american women were on fire. they ran in record numbers and won. our nominee needs not only inspire women but need to know that the nominee has their back. i just wanted to explain whether he still believes it or what he meant then. he said he did so. >> he is the iowa front runner right now. do you think you will be behind your front runner -- >> i had the opportunity to share my vision for america and why i am running for president. not only the red places, blue places of my state, i bring people together legislatively to get things done but also electorally. my broken promises bus tour was exactly that, showing democrats how i will beat trump. i will go right into his backyard, talk to voters who voted for him. tell them that he lied to them for things they need in their
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families, like no bad trade deals and lower prescription drug prices. i want to show people tonight how i would be to president trump. >> thank you so much, senator gillibrand. shannon, back over to you. >> shannon: peter doocy busy on the spin room floor. we've been talking about how the candidates went after joe biden's and they print limit show you a little bit about what we were talking about. >> i will not be taken to task by senator biden or senator bennett. >> >> one of us has learned the lessons of the past and one of us hasn't. >> if you cross the border illegally, it's a crime. >> i didn't hear your response when the issue came up. you need to be able to answer tough questions. >> i kept my recommendation in private. >> what vice president help authored in '94 was a mistake. >> shannon: okay.
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as always comfortable in live televisions and nights like this in the spin room, we are now with congressman tulsi gabbard. thank you for being on "fox news @ night" again. i've got to tell you, the google search showing you are once again one of the most searched, if not one of the biggest names to search tonight. i know you had some problems, google did not treat you fairly after the last debate. tell us about that. >> in the first debate, i was on the first night and i was the most searched candidate of that event. unfortunately, google chose to arbitrarily block our google ads account for several hours at a time most critical for our campaign. i am suing google for taking that action for they provided no valid explanation for why that was done. there was no wrongdoing or problem on our part. not because of me, but because of this monopoly, this power that these big tech monopolies have to simply shut out people arbitrarily. this is a threat to our freedom of speech and it's an important thing for us all to stand united
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in calling out and to protect because whether you are a democrat or republican or on the left or on the rights, for a big tech monopoly to have this power, it affects all of us. >> there are a lot of conservative outlet groups who say there are outlets like google who do not treat them fairly print sounds like you are making the same assertion. >> i am. i think one of the problems we are seeing is that people seem to feel like this is a left/right issue rather than seeing it what it is, which is a free-speech issue and how dangerous it is that you have these big tech monopolies like google and facebook that literally have the power through their algorithms and the things they choose to do, the people they choose to shut out, to influence our fair elections. that's what's at the heart of the action. i'm taking it on behalf of the american people. >> we cover that a lot. i know you don't have much time. we don't either.
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you said tonight, didn't sound like you get to finish her answer but you made the accusation tonight that this president, president trump, is in some way supporting al qaeda. is that a connection in our partnership with saudi arabia, support of saudi arabia? what were you getting with that? >> both. his support for saudi arabia providing both direct and indirect support directly to al qaeda, speak of the fact arabia continues to be the propagator of this while hobbyist a leftist that provides the recruiting grounds for al qaeda and isis be this ideal elegy ideology is what drives them. >> do you see the validity of the across party lines there have been a lot of discussions and a lot of talk that saudi ara is a very important partner in that region when it comes to fighting terror. >> if you look at where the partnership has gotten us, once
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again how can you say saudi arabia is a great partner fighting terrorism when they are fueling and funding terrorist groups in yemen. they are providing arms and supports to al qaeda in yemen to fight against their opponent in the . waiting a genocidal war and causing millions more to suffer. that partnership has got us as they are camping for a war with iran, a war far more costly than anything that we've experienced in iraq. far most at stake. >> we can go to those discussions about syria, the competing interest there. you will discuss that in the sleep. again, and a lot of competing interests. tough thing for the u.s. to navigate regardless who is president.
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thank you for popping in and we will see if we see you again in september for the next round. >> i hope to see you before the then. >> shannon: more from the spin room next. . after that we moved to georgia for a couple years. then we spent some time in korea- mmm seaweed snacks. and now we live here for good. our members call many places home, oh, lots of questions. so we made owning a home easier. navy federal credit union. our members, are the mission. dealing with psoriatic arthritis pain was so frustrating. ♪ my skin... it was embarrassing. my joints... they hurt. the pain and swelling. the tenderness. the psoriasis. i had to find something that worked on all of this. i found cosentyx. now, watch me.
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so get allstate... and be better protected from mayhem... like me. ♪ >> mr. vice president, you can't have it both ways. you invoke president obama in both ways. you can't invoke it when it's convenient and dodge it when it's not. >> shannon: let's bring in tonight's power panel, jessica tarlov, guy benson, and mollie hemingway. mollie, i will start with you. racist weeds, how close he is with the obama's, but not endorsing him. and senator booker called him out with you want to distance yourself with the policies and those kind of things? >> not just senator booker, but mayor de blasio forcing them to explain where he differed or whether he would renounce any of president obama's positions and
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biden did not do a great job of handling these attacks but he did respond to them, for instance saying he wouldn't get into what he privately told obama about his positions. people were also taking it to kamala harris and there she didn't have particularly good responses whether it was biden going after her for her medicare for all plan talking about the irresponsibility of that plan or tulsi gabbard talking about her really bad criminal justice record where she was targeting people really harshly. something that really bothers a lot of voters. kamala harris did not have quick or good responses and i think the lack of response would be more interesting than what was happening with biden. >> shannon: it may be a little bit of round one when the vice president seems to be caught off guard with the attacks became his way and senator harris found the lot of attention because he's the one doing the attacking, scoring the points, moving up into another tear. but does she get the same treatment tonight that may be expecting she's going to see so
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much incoming? >> she got a little bit of front runner status tonight. i think the other candidates are well aware it's going to be very hard to chip away at joe biden's lead to, so they need to look at the person who is second closest to her. obviously elizabeth warren and bernie sanders there, it would be a different issue altogether but the other candidates came prepared for attacks on biden and senator harris. a good half an hour to 40 minutes where she was quiet in the middle of the debate. cory booker was really dominating. secretary castro talking and being asked questions in the back and forth. i think people also figured out that you can raise your hand and going to get to talk again so you had a lot of back to fourth with people like michael bennet and secretary castro. people who are long shots for the nomination, but took them a long time. >> shannon: and a lot of
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people figured that the more progressive group was on last night. mayor de blasio saying we shouldn't apologize that we want to do a radical restructuring of things and democrats need to stop shying away from that. >> he's not going to be president. he's playing the delay in your role from last night tonight, going after a front runner from the opposite end of the democratic spectrum. he was effective trying to press biden on certain points. he reminded most viewers why he's not terribly like that all even in new york city where he's mayor and doesn't play on a national stage. the thing, shannon, that's baffling to me is the extent in which almost the entire field is ceding the ground of defending obama and obama was legacy to biden on some of these huge issues they are debating whether it's health care or immigration, either explicitly or implicitly, the rest of the field is taking
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shots at barack obama, joe biden ham handedly at times in a muddled way at times it is playing defense on barack obama's legacy. but most democratic voters, the majority of democratic voters view obama's legacy very positively as do, although i disagree, most voters on the independent side of things as well. it's a huge advantage for biden and he's almost getting by default, i wonder how long they are going to let him win back on terrain. spewing very quickly, need one word or two if you use both names, go through and tell me who you think the winner of the night. mollie, jessica, then guy. >> marion williams in. >> that's not my answer. biden is my answer. >> biden did great. >> shannon: thank you, panel, staying with us. good to see you all tonight on the two of the debate.
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♪ >> shannon: the spin room very active right now. many of the candidates making the rounds. you can see right behind me now not all of them have come up to chat with us. but correspondent peter doocy is out there see if he can snag and
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see what reaction he can get. what do you got, peter? speak oceanic, so far we have seen every candidate from the stage tonight except for joe biden. they have come out to try to talk about what they did right, but maybe they would have done differently. one of those candidates is right here and secretary castro's staff is very eagerly trying to bring him on over to us and we will have secretary castro here in just a second. hud secretary under the obama administration, as i'm sure you know from when we hosted a town hall with him a couple months ago. secretary castro, we are live. i just wanted to ask you, you went after -- rather joe biden came after you. he said if you've got a problem with the obama deportation policy, i didn't hear you mentioning it in any meetings privately with obama in a cabinet room. when you respond to that? >> that was between the two of us, there was only one of us that actually was critical of some of the things that were
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going on on immigration during that administration, and that was me. secondly, i said clearly that i've learned the lessons of the past and the vice president hasn't. those lessons are that it doesn't matter how many people you deport or how cruel you are to these migrants, mitch mcconnell and these right wing republicans are never going to come to the negotiating table. secondly, we can't wait on immigration reform. we need to move forward on that and third, if we want to guarantee that no future administrations can truly, truly separate little children from their parents, then we need to terminate, we need to repeal that section of the law that i talked about. and i've learned those lessons and clearly the vice president has not. >> thank you very much for your time. we are running out of live show. shannon is you can see all around us there are candidates there -- this must mean michael bennet is nearby. you can see bill de blasio a head and shoulders above just about everybody else.
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we are going to continue looking for sound as the night goes on even the show is over and we will let you know what we get. shannon. >> shannon: okay. sounds good. much like round one, we didn't see the vice president after those rounds of debates either. he is a repeat nonreturn customer tonight but peter doocy will keep looking for him. stay with us, by the way. more from the spin room live from detroit right after this break. even when i was there, i never knew when my symptoms would keep us apart. so i talked to my doctor about humira. i learned humira can help get, and keep uc under control when other medications haven't worked well enough. and it helps people achieve control that lasts. so you can experience few or no symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems,
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tonight, the former vice president. it took a lot of incoming but so did kamala harris, who had been a star and sparring with the vice president in the last debate. this will likely be the last debate stage for some of the contenders. who makes an extra? most-watched, most trusted, most gratefully spent the evening with us. good night from detroit. >> biden, harris, booker and seven others hit the stage and they hit each other over issues like medicare for all, open borders, race, and a lot more. and in moments we are going to talk to reince priebus, dennis kucinich, byron york and dan bongino among others. they will take you through all the highs and lows. plus, last night we told you the real meaning behind bernie's flailing arms much on delaney's cool and so what did candidates unknowingly reveal tonight? our body language expert's back. she'll be with us at the end of the show to tie it all together. but first we go live to detroit where shannon bream, anchor of "fox news @ night" is here with


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