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tv   The Story With Martha Mac Callum  FOX News  March 28, 2018 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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grieving. a tough day, but very grateful for the outpouring from his super friends. let me tell you two things. one, shannon bream is a fantastic person, salt of the earth. two, if we could all do just one thing every day for somebody else, just imagine. thanks for inviting us into her home tonight, that's it for this special report. fair, balanced, and unafraid. here's martha. >> martha: thank you so much. great story. breaking tonight, president trump making some big moves of the white house as his doctor, a navy admiral takes over the va to work in pretty close proximity at the white house. >> i see him every day, i've seen him almost three times a day. we have conversations about many things, most don't revolve around medical issues at all. >> martha: there is more than that came from and also this evening, the issue of potential creative financing for the
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border wall. as the pressure is on to find a way to keep this promise. >> president trump: i will have mexico pay for that wall, mark my words. we will build a great mall and yes, mexico will pay for the wall. who's going to pay for the wall? >> mexico! >> martha: but now, it looks like the white house is working on a potential plan to get the defense department to foot the bill, at least in part in the name of national security. fox news chief national correspondent ed henry live on the lawn of the white house to explain the big story tonight. hi ad. >> great to see you, martha. a lot of shake-ups going on at the white house. admiral ronnie jackson now in as veteran affairs secretary. you mentioned his proximity to the president david chilton, now out. the reason why ronnie jackson had so much credibility when he came out in january and gave the
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president of clean bill of health is because he also served under then president barack obama seen as bipartisan as stroke and was as well. he didn't work out that way. lindsey graham tweeting tonight, "if there ever was a home run pickett, admiral jackson fits the bill. combat surgeon, career military officer who loves his country and will provide the highest quality health care and services to our wonderful veterans." interesting and mentioned that bipartisan note, it didn't work out for dave ashokan a scathing report about that, blew up in his face because of the taxpayer dollars used, lost the confidence of the president, as this is important now for the president to get his team in place. he has been fired by tweet. the president has been very active on twitter and not just on personnel moves, but policy pronouncements. you mentioned the issue of
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immigration, based on the constitution, it would be hard for the president to shift money from the pentagon that was in the spending bill and all of a sudden, shifted over to pay for the wall. do not underestimate their sheer will of this president to try to make it happen. this stems from two flash points with his political base that came together with that omnibus bill that he was reluctantly signing into law last friday. one, he is under great pressure to deliver on that promise to call what he called "a big, beautiful wall" and he tried to justify setting that bill to say he was holding his nose over liberal programs for exchange for a big boost to defense money. the president started laying the groundwork for a merger of these priorities sunday tweeting "because of the $70,716,000,000,000 cut and to rebuild our military, many jobs are created and our military is again rich. building a great border wall with drugs, poison, and enemy combatants pouring into our
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country, is all about national defense. build wall through m, apparently mexico. the president spoke with paul ryan and his wanting to slide money from the defense department to build the wall by calling it "national defense." it's highly unlikely this big would give up congress' power of the purse, you would need a separate vote to approve moving the money. sarah sanders suggested today that the white house podium, they are not quite taking no for an answer yet. >> i can't get into the specifics of that at this point, but i can tell you the continuation of building the wall is ongoing and will continue moving forward in that process. >> on that earlier this month, the president took his first trip to california since taking office and got a close look at those wall prototypes last month, the cuts of border protection again building part of a border wall replacement near the mexican border, they
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took about 2 miles of a tiny barrier that was built in the 1990s and are now replacing it with a 30-foot high ballard's, so it's not the wall the president promised in the campaign, but piece by piece, they find a dollar here, a dollar there and keep fortifying that barrier, it will turn out to be a wall in the end. >> martha: thank you so much, good to see you tonight. here to weigh in on all of the big news this evening, charlie hurt political columnist with the washington "the washington times" in a fox news contributor and communications director for the hillary clinton campaign and a democratic strategist. charlie, let me start with you. he's got to build a wall, he promised it up and down, he has some supporters who are no longer supporters because they are very frustrated with the omnibus bill and also the wall. how's he going to do it? >> first of all, this idea of getting the military to pay for the wall is great politics for the president, as usual. he's got very good instincts on this.
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it's a great way to highlight the fact that there is a centralized campaign promise and by all accounts got him elected president. he comes to washington and democrats, republicans, the swamp, the establishment, everybody is opposed to this thing and he is pushing for it. obviously he comes up with the most creative and imaginative ways to do it. the way to do it is trying to redirect money out of the dod to rebuilding the wall, meaning you'll have to get a vote from congress. you can't just do that because the monies that is directed is supposed to pay for specific things. in the meantime, while he's trying to get his way, it's a great argument to be making. >> martha: obviously you have a huge defense budget as the president pointed out, big jump. that has to go to the kind of
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things of the president has been talking about. those that come in on their nose because they don't have landing gears that work, that has to be the priority. he got $1.6 billion in the omnibus bill and that there's another one that starts october 1st. if it takes 20 something billion dollars to build a small, it looks like the president will try to do it in bits and pieces and keep adding on to that budget. >> bottom line, he cannot get the spending for the wall in the current pentagon because congress does not appropriate that funding. that's not the way the system works. if he wants to get some sort of funding for the wall, he has to go back to congress and congress has to pass it. we can talk about this all day, we can talk great politics, we can try to show that trump is still fighting for this wall and the majority of americans and people in washington don't want it, but you have to go about it in a different way.
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president trump throws out some sort of big idea and then he gets a little piece of it. it's likely that may be what we see happen. >> the president comes to things with a fresh way of looking at it and then comes back with imaginative ways of doing things and people around here can't believe it because nobody thought like that in this town -- >> because it's not legal. >> martha: she's not happy with the system. let's talk about the new director of the va who is the president's doctor as well. here's the really memorable news conference that he gave after he -- the president told an incredulous press that they were getting the whole story. >> i had no concerns about his
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ability. >> how is a guy who eats macdonalds and drinks diet cokes and never exercises is in as good a shape as you say he's in? >> genetics, i don't know. >> is there anything you're keeping from us for privacy reasons? >> i can promise you, absolutely nothing that i'm withholding from you. i told the president if he had a healthier diet over the last 20 years, he lived to be 200 years old, i don't know. >> martha: this person was endeared to the president and they work in close proximity, they might have a good relationship, how's it going to be running the va? >> obviously that's a big question because running an organization like the va, we know how screwed up the va is, it's a tall order and it doesn't necessarily require the exact same credentials, but without a doubt, i don't think anybody can question this guy's qualifications and his integrity and his commitment to the country into doing doing the right thing.
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>> there's call for their big shake-up with the entire way the va is run doesn't work. it's to a government run and needs to have some sort of private mix. the possibility that it exists, we might see some real actual reform there. >> i hope so. the va has had so many issues for so long, it's somewhat irrelevant of who the current president happens to be and what party affiliation he is. it's simply the fact the va has a lot of cleaning up to do, so i hope this guy can get in there and set things straight. >> martha: thank you guys, great to see you. after 20 years, has it been that long? roseann is back and now she's a trump supporter. hoping to show america that the political divide in her house might look a little familiar to what you see in your house. governor mike huckabee on the 18 million people who tuned in to the show last night and what they are trying to tell
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hollywood. plus american-statesman james baker, president reagan's chief of staff speaks out in a rare interview and he speaks his mind about president trump, his answers may surprise you. general jack keane joins us nex next. >> you've got a president who fired his secretary of state, notifies him on twitter and calls kim jong un rocket man and in the next minute -- >> i thought that was rather humorous ♪ piano music >> vo: they want more out of life in every way. so they're starting this year's garden with miracle-gro potting mix and plant food. together, they produce three times the harvest to enjoy... and of course, to share. this soil is fresh from the forest and patiently aged to guarantee more of what matters... every time. three times the harvest.
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>> martha: developing tonight, james baker, american statesman and veteran white house advisor to presidents reagan and bush in a rare interview talked frankly about russia, north korea, and president trump. >> the president on one hand a week ago congratulates vladimir putin on a sham election in contradiction to his own advice written in big, bold, capital letters and doesn't bring up the fact that the kremlin tried to kill a former russian spy and his daughter on english soil with a nerve agent that has advanced chemical weapons. even though he's been told to do that. then a week later, we are
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spouting it's worse times than any political war. >> i think it's important, having message discipline is really important and running a campaign or the white house. i think there could be an improvement in this white house's message. on the other hand, i would remind you that ronald reagan for whom i worked for 8 years, he told the bureaucrats at one point when they told him, don't say mr. gorbachev tear down this wall, it's terrible. he said i'm president and this is what i'm going to say and he wrote it back in the speech. that turned out all right. >> martha: fascinating, joining me now retired four-star general jack keane and now fox news military analyst. great to see you. always interesting to hear jim baker's thoughts, we haven't heard from you in quite some time. i thought it was refreshing to
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hear his take on russia and how the president is handling it. >> i think he gets the trump strategy that unfortunately a lot of people don't seem to appear at president trump's administration has confronted russia more than his predecessors have, that's an established fact now. at the same time, president trump has not singled out potent and that's by design i think what's happening here, trump knows full well that putin is a thug, he is a bully, he manipulative trump's predecessors quite successfully. i think he's itching, martha, to be getting into a room with this guy and confront him and try to work out a relationship that could have some mutual benefit to both of our countries despite the enormous challenges that separate us from a policy perspective. i think that's why putin has not
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singled him out because he doesn't want to forfeit the opportunity by personally attacking putin who he is establishing a good relationship with him when he needs him. trump knows that evicting diplomats is not going to deter putin, but he wants to see if he can work something out with him and i think that's commendable. >> martha: which is precisely why he didn't call him out in that phone call and then, he took very strong action with a lot of allies afterwards. in terms of the enormous moves were seeing with north korea and china, this is a tweet that the president put out this morning, received message last night from the president of china that his meeting with kim jong un went very well and that kim looks forward to his meeting with me. in the meantime, and unfortunately, maximum sanctions and pressure and must be maintained at all cost. what are your thoughts?
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>> interims with the chinese media are reporting, the president of china and kim jong un made statements to each other that they tend to denuclearize north korea or the peninsula is the word that they used. if you would have told me that 14 months ago when trump became president, that these two leaders would make that statement and have it recorded publicly for all the world to hear, i would be telling you that i just don't see how that could ever happen, but it is happening. with all that said, let's not go too far with optimism here because when trump gets with kim jong un, it's going to be about the conditions, they are going to say we want all the troops out of south korea, u.s. troops, and will be nuclearized. they'll say no and then they'll come back and say stop the exercises with south korea, we'll say no, but we probably won't negotiate frequency and scale. it's going to get down to that, but i'll tell you, we are in a
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remarkable position heading towards the summit that south korean president is going to have and also that president trump is going to hav have. >> martha: you have to be cautiously optimistic would be the way to look at it. there was word of a nuclear plant expansion and north korea, they say of course it's power based. obviously, the proof is going to be in these structures and whether or not they're continuing to expand on them as we speak. >> they are strengthening their negotiating hand. experiments are being tested, other nuclear reactors are being brought online, we are beginning exercises with south koreans that we delayed for the olympics, we are continuing all of our economic sanctions, we got navy ships going into north korean ports. all of that is about strengthening our hands heading in towards the negotiations. spew at the next couple of months will be summing to watch. general, good to see you, thank you so much.
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last night, we brought you matthew schreier's story of his hair-raising escape from an al qaeda prison. he says the fbi only prolonged his agony. now the wife of an american in prisons and iran is pleading for his release. >> this is a crisis, this hostage crisis, i hope it can be evaluated on the same level with other security issues. >> martha: there are so many of these cases, so tonight we sit down with the mother of james foley, the first american who was killed by isis, she said she was appalled by the way her son in his case were treated by the united states government. she wants to make sure that changes. it is one of the hottest races to watch, missouri attorney general josh farley has planned to take the seat away and had to do you see himself, he is here to make his case next and chris stirewalt tells us how
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that race might shape up when we come back. >> for those of us that are in states that trump won, we would really appreciate if she would be more careful and show respect to every american voter and not just the ones who voted for her.
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>> martha: president obama is heading to hollywood to fund raise for claire mccaskill. mccaskill is in for the front of her life, her political life. president trump won the state of missouri in 2016 by 19 points in that election. mccaskill's a long time hillary clinton supporter and now is attempting to distance herself from clinton to appeal to those more moderate voters in her home state. watch this evolution. >> we're going to call hillary clinton in january of 2016, one, two, three, madam president ! she's going to be who she is which is engaging and relatable. >> for those of us who are in states that trump won, we would appreciate if she would be more careful and show respect to every american voter and not just the ones who voted for her.
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>> martha: here now a candidate who is running against her, missouri's attorney general, josh holly. good to see you. you've seen how she is defining herself at this point. she's also trying to define you as someone who is out of touch, someone who has spent more time on the coast then you have in missouri, that you graduated from stanford and yell, she says you are mitch mcconnell's guy and you're not a hometown missouri guy. what do you say to that? >> i would say that's a lot of hot air from someone who's about to fly right over the state of missouri in her private plane to do a beverly hills fund-raiser with barack obama. whatever hillary and senator mccaskill say about the middle part of this country, i'm proud to be from missouri, i'm proud to be from a small town in missouri. i'm proud to stand up for the middle class in our state and to speak for those who were suffering. the truth is we have a crisis of the middle class in our country,
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we've got a crisis in the state of missouri. claire mccaskill has done nothing to help the workers in my state, to help families in my state, she has been with the elite in d.c. and hollywood and wall street and her actions show it. >> martha: what do you think she's most vulnerable on in terms of policy? the vote on tax reform, all these areas, she wants to know where you stand on daca. these are the issues it will come down to if you win your primary. >> the tax release bill is a great example, senator mccaskill has voted to raise taxes on working missourians over 200 times, yet she couldn't find it to vote one time for tax relief for working families, she voted to start the courts with left-wing ideologues, she voted no on just as neil gorsuch, she voted no on rolling back regulations that are choking our family farms and family businesses in missouri like the waters of the united states rule. here's the scorecard on claire mccaskill. she is with the democrats and the party lines every time.
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>> martha: going through some of the missouri papers and editorials, one of the biggest issues that is going to be perhaps tricky for you is her connection to the governor who has had a scandal that has been besieging him, he is going to trial in may for that scandal. as attorney general, you investigated a couple of the elements of that and continue to investigate a couple more. what about the suggestions that you need to distance herself more from him and that you may have soft peddled as some say the early part of that investigation? >> i soft peddled nothing, i take my responsibilities very seriously. we do have an active investigation underway as you allude to. this is bad for the state, there is no way around it, but claire mccaskill will have no success in changing the subject to anything other than her atrocious record which she abandoned the people and workers of missouri. >> martha: i'm almost out of time, but have you subpoenaed the governor?
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is he individually subpoenaed in that? >> i better not say exactly who we have subpoenaed other than this, we will subpoena any one of everyone who is relevant to this investigation and we will not stop until we get all of the facts and we will not be put off by any invocation of executive privilege or anything else, we will get the facts. >> do you think he should step down? >> this is a tough situation for the state, i think the gravity of this is very, very plain. i don't want to say anything that would compromise in any way my investigation which is ongoing are the other law enforcement activities, but the situation is great. >> martha: very nice to talk to you. it's going to be an interesting race to watch prethank you for making time for speech 27 tonight. senator mccaskill has an open invitation to come on and talk about her side of the campaign and we hope she joins us to talk about that. we also invited chris stirewalt.
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>> i'm not running. you will not lasso me into this. >> martha: this is a race everyone will be watching this country. >> it will be tough to say today whether they were the most vulnerable in the democrats in the united states senate, but she isn't sure of the running. it's a very tough position she finds herself in, this is a state that has only gotten more republican since she has been in office. she caught an enormously lucky break the last time with a garbage candidate that the republicans put up against her. she caught this huge break last time. hawley is learning as he goes to a certain degree, you can see that he is trying to figure out -- he's a very conservative republican and he's trying to figure out how to be more populous and the trump era, but the best thing he has going for him is he has a united party
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behind him, the president is behind him. he does not have the problem that other republican front runners in other states however he's facing a savage primary. he's got a clear shot at this, republicans are going to pour money in and why not? if there is one race in the country that republicans can look to as their hope for holding onto the senate, the conflict that one. they stand a much better chance. >> martha: she's clearly vulnerable and tax reform, it's an idea that democrats told across the country is going to be hard for them. >> it's not a coincidence that republicans are pushing so hard on her support for hillary clinton, her greatest vulnerability in the tax cut, it's probably the fact that she was a cheerleader for hillary clinton, not just in the last go around, but in 2008. she's on the record. >> martha: just be nicer to the trump voters in her state. good to see you, pleasure as
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always. thank you. tonight, a devastating setback for the parents in the penn state hazing case. plus this week, we brought you the dramatic story of matthew schreier's escape from al qaeda, now the wife of another american being held in iran is appealing to the trump administration for their help, they are to have hundreds of americans that you never hear about who are taken hostage every year. tonight in a story exclusive, we will hear from a mom who has made it her personal mission to help people like them after her son jim was murdered by isis terrorists, diane foley joins me next. >> i believe the front lines are important. without these photos, videos, you can't really tell the world how bad it might be.
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>> the piazza's believe that punishment is important, but deterrence is more important. >> martha: the piazza attorney who you've seen on "the story" story" -- 19-year-old timothy died in february 2017 after a brutal night of hazing and heavy drinking, he fell several times down the stairs and received a little help in terms of anyone calling for help. his brothers at the fraternity spent hours doing nothing essentially, so now some of the former fraternity members are still going to face charges for hazing, alcohol violations, but the most serious including manslaughter are off the table. tonight, an urgent appeal from help from a wife whose husband is being held in iran. he was arrested in august of 2016, he was doing research for his doctorates degree.
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iran claimed he was spying, his wife is pushing for his release. >> i fear more and more for his safety and i would like to ask for help from mr. president. mr. president, please help us, please save our family. >> martha: the pain that that woman is going through when you have a loved one who is being held far away from home. in 2012, her son was kidnapped in syria nearly two years later, he was murdered by isis terrorists. his death broadcast for the world to see. in the years since, his family has turned that personal tragedy into a mission to help others like him. diane foley, it's great to have you here, there is a picture of your beautiful family. i know they've stuck together in an important way, but it's
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amazing, there are hundreds of americans who are in these situations. >> in addition, there are hundreds, perhaps even more detainees who are held by recognized governments. the hostages are more considered taken by nonstate actors like terrorist groups, piracy. >> martha: what's harder? >> they're all very difficult, very complex. we were very challenged when we were in that situation. my heart goes out to the weighing family, to the many others. there are many families who have been waiting a long time. >> martha: looking back at drew edwards when jim was being held and you are turning to the government for some kind of help, you said i think our efforts to get jim freed were an
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annoyance to the united states government. it didn't seem to be in u.s. strategic interest at all. >> that was true. i think part of the problem was there was no one whose job it was to help us. our case was on everybody's lips, but it was no one's mission to help. after six americans were killed in 2014 and 2015, the national counterterrorism center was charged with doing a review about how our country handled hostages. i'm happy to report that now, things have improved, at least for a certain group of hostages. those that are taken by terrorists or pirate groups or have nonstate actors. >> martha: how does this feel different from the obama administration to the trump
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administration? >> the trump administration seems to consider this much more of a priority, so i'm incredibly hopeful about that. this administration is more willing to actually hear our voice. they've continued all that was established in 2015 after that review, so we now have an interagency fusion style who helps strategize and engage with families that they don't feel totally alone. we have a special envoy office. unfortunately, the envoys position is still vacant, but it still exists, which is important for the diplomatic efforts. i applaud the trump administration. >> martha: when you heard that jim was taken, did you think
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someone was going to get him ou out? >> we realized that was not going to happen quickly. i was surprised that it was so low a priority, that was the part that was so appalling really and i couldn't believe i it. however, the good thing is after our experience, there is a realization that we have to do better and i'm so grateful for that. >> martha: you've spoken out so forcefully and you've become such a source of strength to so many people who are going through this. you talked about jim's faith and the fact that while he was being held, when most people are thinking they would lose their faith, his increased. >> i'm so grateful for that because that gave him the
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strength to endure and to know that he could make it through and he had to remember he was loved and remember we were doing all we could do. i'm incredibly grateful for tha that. >> martha: to the families who may not have reached out to anyone, but are in the shadows. speak with the foley foundation is doing confidential review. we are inviting any form or hostages or detainees or families thereof to contact the foley foundation and let us hear their voice. everything will be kept totally confidential. we just want to see how the foley foundation can help more, but also to inform the government of what they're doing right and what other needs still are. >> martha: i can't imagine how frustrating, so much anguish to all endured and people are
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enduring out there who are going through these things. i give you so much credit for being such a strong begin. >> thank you for hearing me. >> martha: all the best to your family. we'll be right back with more of "the story" ."
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>> i didn't mean to imply that your some right wing jackass. i should have tried to understand why you voted the crazy way you were dead. [laughter] >> and i should have understood that you want the government to give everybody free health care because you're a good-hearted person who can't do simple math. [laughter] >> martha: [laughs] roseanne barr is back injecting her real-life support for president trump in the abc roseanne reboot and the results are record-breaking. last night's premiere drew a whopping 18.2 million viewers with a staggering 5.1 in the key demo. those numbers almost doubled the will and grace reboot in september, a shoal known for giving president trump a really hard time. this makes the roseanne premiere at the highest rated episode in
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four years. trace gallagher is live with the return of roseanne. >> he has a sitcom character so fully embraced the president and it's no surprise that roseanne barr's support of donald trump would show up in the voice of her tv alter ego roseanne connor. she made it clear that even after a 20 year hiatus, herschel would strive for a realistic portrait of working-class america and the central theme of the first episode was that roseanne and aunt jackie played by laurie metcalf hadn't spoken since the 2016 election. watch. >> how could you have voted for him? >> he talked about jobs, he said he would shake things up. this might come as a complete shock to you, but we almost lost our house the way things are going. >> have you looked at the news? because now things are worse. >> not the real news. >> oh, really, ?
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>> in real life, roseanne barr's political views over the years have been hard to pen now. she once sought the green party nomination for the presidency and has been an equal opportunity basher of the clintons, president bush, and president obama. here she is last week on jimmy kimmel. >> you were a very liberal socially person in general. >> i'm still the same, you all moved. you all went so [bleep] far out. >> jimmy kimmel who is permanently anti-trump is the reason abc and his parent company disney have often been criticized for being too liberal and ignoring conservative viewpoints per the analysts say 18 million plus viewers are proof that politics from both sides of the aisle can be profitable. watch again. >> and jackie thinks girls should grow up and be president. even if there are a liar liar pants on fire. [laughter] >> i think we know who's a liar and who is on fire.
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>> the white house has weighed in. >> martha: fascinating. here now, mike huckabee. good to see you tonight. interesting. what you make of all of this? >> first of all, it's a nice start. they have somebody on a network television who voted for donald trump and who carries the star of the show status. if they really, really want to go for diversity, let them do a show in which the real trump voters are also pretrade. i'm talking about evangelical voters, people who are pro-life, able who are pro-biblical marriage, people who are very family oriented. this was refreshing, just to see that there was at least somebody who wasn't a trade as a complete
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nutcase who was sick and tired of getting run over. it ought to be a wake-up call to the entertainment industry, but i doubt they'll still get it. we see so many signs like the movie i can only imagine that busted all the box office at the time when other movies were not doing so well. let's hope this is a trend. who knows? >> martha: it's good business. it reminds me, it pokes fun a little bit of both sides and leaves a little room for gentility and between and i think it reminds a lot of families around america of the conversations with family and friends and it reminds me of families. watch this clip. speak out this country is sick. >> like the people who control it. speak out when you control some of it, i'll listen to your views. in the meantime, you can mail your opinions back to the slammer. >> i thought they were supposed to fix everything. >> it's fix maker.
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it's time some politicians spoke up for the little fellows. i also got a headache and i don't need you. >> martha: [laughs] classic. it makes you sit back and realize that so many shows hit you over the head with one ideology and if you feel alienated by that, you're supposed to feel like you're the outcast. >> the greatest gift and you and i were both laughing out loud when he receding that clip of all in the family. the greatest gift of the roseanne show is this, it's funny. the point is, so many people lack a sense of humor and that's what we need so much of it in our today so we can communicate and not be angry and mad at people all the time. that would go a long way. >> martha: people in hollywood who speak out and want to give the country of voice, they get shut down a lot. here's ashton kutcher talking about his show, the ranch.
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>> i was looking on tv and there was nothing that represented the way i grew up in the middle of the country, slightly conservative values, hard work, so we built the show around that idea that there is a misunderstanding of what the middle of america represents and what those values actually are. >> when someone like him stands up on "good morning america" and says that, does it get any traction? >> i hope so. we missed the shows like "little house on the prairie" and touched by an angel who pretrade things like faith and family in a positive light or people who are true people of faith were not considered just nut cases. >> martha: thank you, good to see you tonight. quick break here on "the story" and will be right back. by quicken loans. apply simply. understand fully. mortgage confidently.
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>> martha: pick one of the night from roseanne, the woman who also brought you a star-spangled banner that will go down in history, but she said remember this, you can always
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get better. nobody can stop you from getting better and nobody can stop you from trying to make something right. that's our story for tonight. we'll see you back here tomorrow night. tucker carlson up next. ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." it's been less than 18 months since donald trump was elected president, but in that short time, the democratic party has changed almost beyond recognition. the party that was the middle class, middle-class concerns has become the party of the very rich and the very poor and its interest and emphasis has changed correspondingly. it had implications for all of us. the top official of the obama administration hillary clinton's campaign will weigh in on those changes in just a minute, but first tonight, the inspector general at the department of justice announced today that the doj has opened an investigation into the spying, possibly illeg


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