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tv   Cashin In  FOX News  February 24, 2018 8:30am-9:00am PST

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higher principle. in this case the principle is the second amendment. i think the core issue is how do you get the weapon out of the hands of people that are clearly disturbed? our control is hard to get the data in some cases, the left vehemently fight against releasing documents when people are under serious medication or not well. mental health is an issue that remains an issue. neil: not so much the guns but who is getting them. >> i am a gun owner. who has access and at what time access should be available. this is a national discussion. clearly the shootings are a tragedy and the president,
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everything is on the table and he wants to have a solution but we need people willing to not be obstructionists. neil: thank you, appreciate it on this busy news day. i want to alert you, those concerned about that, cutting ties with the national rifle association. (male vo) allegations of misconduct; ♪ oh, why you look so sad, ♪ the tears are in your eyes, mvo: how hard is it just to take some time out of your day to give him a ride to school and show him you support him. ♪ and don't be ashamed to cry, ♪ let me see you through, ♪ 'cause i've seen the dark side too. ♪ ♪ when the night falls on you, ♪ you don't know what to do,
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mvo: when disaster strikes to one, we all get together and support each other. that's the nature of humanity. ♪ i'll stand by you, ♪ won't let nobody hurt you. ♪ i'll stand by you, ♪ so if you're mad, get mad, ♪ don't hold it all inside, ♪ come on and talk to me now. ♪ hey, what you got to hide? ♪ mvo: it's a calling to the nation of how great we are and how great we can be. ♪ i'm alive like you. ♪ when you're standing at the cross roads, ♪ ♪ and don't know which path to choose, ♪ ♪ let me come along, ♪ 'cause even if you're wrong
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♪ i'll stand by you. ♪ i'll stand by you. ♪ won't let nobody hurt you. ♪ i'll stand by you. ♪ even in your darkest hour, ♪ and i will never desert you. ♪ i'll stand by you.
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neil: cpac continues in maryland. on social media, and the cpac crowd, it was not too pleasant.
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discussing among your colleagues opposed the way google hired the results of that hiring. how would you describe it? >> discriminatory practices in hiring. neil: you outline differences between men and women and there were so few females of equal stature and a lot of companies, the workforce that google when it came to leadership. what did you say about that? women are up to that task biologically. >> to explain why there may be fewer - and changed the jobs.
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neil: insane you write very well, very clear and fight among other reasons the temperament, this contributes to higher levels of anxiety but the lower number, it was obviously a deal changer for google. what did you say when they questioned you about that? >> higher levels of strategy, google was using that when working and discriminating against. i want to show that women tend to experience more stress and if you make the job less stressful,
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more appealing to more women. >> maybe you can help me with this because when the company ceo was asked about this during the diverse select, the context of the word, the representation very low. is more supportive of women, it is not a biological issue. and the client was making the point, deemed to be discriminatory. >> no denying there are differences between men and women, social justice workers in the workplace and outside don't want to accept that, for
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constructive solutions, what google does is employ quotas to mandate the hiring of women despite the fact the pipeline coming out of our -- we need to change that. quotas are illegal under employment laws. the moral imperative, they abide by the united states employment law and at the federal level in california that protect the rights of workers to comment about these issues and not be discriminated against on the basis of gender, race, political orientation. neil: you believe your conservative viewpoint in what was deemed a liberal working environment that works against you, any other instances of
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that, where you felt ostracized? the company did have to respond to an email or who threatened you but - >> there are many instances of shaming. hundreds of pages just repeated over and over so it wasn't an isolated incident. the 20 they argue this has nothing to do with your political viewpoints, having a different political view is absolutely fine. advancing gender stereotypes is not. your reaction? >> they can claim it wasn't about politics but we see time and again they make politically motivated actions. this wasn't an isolated incident. of the 20 when you say not an isolated incident, the high-tech world in general, to mention the present name - it is a career risk. was it?
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is it? >> don't know anyone who voted for trump because no one is willing to admit that they did. it is unfortunate people can't bring themselves to work. patty: to quiet closet trump voters cheering you on? >> there were many people that showed their support privately but told me they were not willing to show any public support because they feared they would get fired. neil: was it your view after all this, your views particularly regarding women weren't enough for the company? that you were almost treated as a right-wing kook? does that bother you? >> yes. they tried to smear me as a misogynist, racist, crazy person, and i was trying to improve the workplace.
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it is really unfortunate but i felt betrayed by them. neil: let's get the read on this because i want to be careful, powerful women in their own right. and good to have you. how was he received when he was there? sympathize with his point of view. were women upset? >> i answered you. i asked him what feedback and response, this conservative argument, people walked up to him and wanted to talk about the situation and the issue. he was well received compared to what he did. and a pending lawsuit about
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this. neil: do you think his message resonated? do you think he was terminated for just speaking out or speaking out on this subject to as google put it sound so discriminatory and we have a company cannot support that? >> he was let go because he violated policy. big chunks of his memo, he writes like what he is saying is consensus, truth. he doesn't include the science that will contradict what he is saying. he contradicts himself in his own memo but you can't do anything about an individual given population level differences. the science is unsettled. social conditioning why women don't choose college majors like engineering. google, we know, is under probe, difficult for them to have this issue in their face. he also says in the memo that the right wing are slow to react, overly hierarchical and
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the lettering have more affinity for the weekend are more compassionate. these broad sweeping claims are throughout his memo on unsettled science. is it true this determines their aptitude? the science is not settled. the problem is he doesn't acknowledge that anywhere even in the footnotes. >> i think google should give him a safe space and open town hall to debase it. that would be an enlightening entertaining event. neil: that would be fun. all this occurs at the time the actor james woods said he was ostracized and sort of put aside because of his conservative viewpoints. this young man is essentially saying the same thing in the technology world. if you are a conservative man, you are not longed for that job. what do you make of that?
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>> anyone expressing their political views in this highly sensitive political environment you do stand the risk of being harmed when it comes to your job and your career. this individual for example, this was supposed to be internal, and internal document no matter the comments he made, whether right or wrong it was supposed to be made on internal infrastructure and this information was leaked to the public. that is what this situation is. what i am saying is with that kind of environment, encourage to talk about work versus personal political views. neil: didn't argue with either of you on this subject. more after this. a little to the left. 1, 2, 3, push! easy! easy! easy! (horn honking) alright! alright! we've all got places to go! we've all got places to go!
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both sides of the issue about comprehensive background checks. that is the direction this president is going in as he continues this listening tour to get a sense of what should be done. allison barber has more. >> the president talked about a number of potential proposals aimed at preventing mass shootings which he laid some of them out yesterday during a speech at cpac. one thing and that tweet is potentially raising the minimum purchase age when it comes to rifles from 185221, that is not supported by the nra but donald trump says he is considering, he didn't mention it during his speech at cpac but he did talk about background checks, mental health and hardening schools potentially by putting guns in the hands of some teachers. he doesn't want to i'm someone who never use again but peters who have military or law enforcement background should
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potentially have a concealed carry permit. the only thing on paper the white house has done is banning bump stocks. he sent a directive about laying out regulation to ban bump stocks lose those were not used in the florida shooting but in las vegas but when it comes to everything else the president talked about the white house says they are on a listening tour, whether they would or would not move to legislation or write something down and send it over to the white house. as this has been going on the white house has dealt with security issues. a woman rammed a van into a security barricade. the van did not breach the security barrier. the woman identified as jessica forbes was quickly arrested. they have arrested her before at the white house. the president was inside the white house at the time.
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neil: you covered a lot. allison barber at the white house. ivanka trump is in south korea, some new sanctions on north korea. forget north korea, how will the chinese feel? awkward. hurry hard! my man is literally cheering for people cleaning. oh! he missed it by a skosh. yeah you can get a mortgage that avoids pmi, but there's no way to avoid mi... hey! this'll help. rocket mortgage by quicken loans makes the complex simple. so uh, origination fees... this takes care of it, thank you. understand the details and get approved in as few as 8 minutes. by america's largest mortgage lender.
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neil: if you thought it was tough for mike pence to be a couple feet from the north korean leader at sister at the opening family, ivanka trump at the closing ceremony now that her dad has dropped some sweeping and far more painful
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sanctions against the north koreans, the chinese themselves, i wonder how they will feel about this, former vice chief of staff, good to have you. the chinese are not happy about these sanctions. they are the target of many of them. >> we are doing the right thing. from the beginning this is predictable. we knew the chinese would always probably keep the back door open with north korea and we are in a collision course with the demand we have to buckle down with them. what the trump administration is trying to do is a number of countries shut off trading but shipping companies fly the country's flag because it is economically viable, providing some fuel and other commodities. we are looking after those shipments and in the un we
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proposed 18 of these companies and china said no to ten of them. plus another 20 something from other countries. the guarantor here is not just sanctions. the sanctions are needed because it exposes what happens is on station and they will set the back door down as has been happening and that is lost on the media but that is going to happen and we will continue to get tough. the best i can tell from my sources, we shut down 70%, 80% of the revenue and other trading north korea has been doing. we have got to get the rest of it to tightly squeeze them and we will find ourselves doing more with china before this is over. neil: if you don't mind me switching gears i want to harken back to your military service to this country.
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from a military perspective, your thoughts. i talked to military personnel on this debate over guns and what type of weapons civilians should have in their hands. col. ralph peters said i draw the line at the semi automatic weapons, they shouldn't have them. >> i don't get into those debates. i'm just another citizen. my opinion is protect kids in school, a kid with a gun right now who is thinking about doing this, we have 2 protect those kids. the level of violence has gone up in ways most of us find unacceptable. we can debate with the reasons are. we have to protect our kids. this is not necessarily a gun issue. the kids in school who are potential problems, there are human ways to take care of those kids and other people in the
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school that can respond. neil: thank you for indulging. this roaring debate, what should be done about guns and background checks continues. and opportunities. at ameriprise financial, we can't predict what tomorrow will bring. but our comprehensive approach to financial planning can help make sure you're prepared for what's expected and even what's not. and that kind of financial confidence can help you sleep better at night. with the right financial advisor, life can be brilliant.
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>> multiple deputies might have waited outside as the shooter claimed victims inside. we go live to park visible land, florida. >> dac expires a week from monday and congress is as divided as ever about coming up with a deal. congressmen on both sides of the aisle about that. >> the country prepares to say goodbye to rev. billy graham. we will follow his procession to the final resting place in charlotte, north carolina and


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