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tv   Outnumbered Overtime With Harris Faulkner  FOX News  February 14, 2018 10:00am-11:00am PST

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every single time and you ladies brought the heat. i love it. we are back here tomorrow at noon eastern time. here's harris. ♪ >> harris: controversy over a staff departure. let's go outnumbered overtime i'm harris faulkner. house oversight committee now is investigating the white house's handling of rob porter's security clearance even as accusations domestic abuse were piled up against him. congressman trey gowdy says they launched an investigation last night and he wants to hear from chief of staff john kelly and white house council don mcgahn about their extent of the knowledge of the domestic abuse allegations against porter. this a day after the head of the fbi contradicted the white house's time line of events. >> i would want to know from don mcgahn and general kelly and anyone else what did you know, from whom did you hear it, to what extent did you hear it and what actions, if any, did you take.
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the chronology is not favorable for the white house. >> will the oversight committee be launching an investigation into this? >> we did last night. >> harris: chief white house correspondent john roberts now on the north lawn, john? >> harris, good afternoon to you. we are on day eight. rather than things getting better for the white house they are actually, as you point out, taking a turn in a much more dramatic direction. we have known for the last week that there were serious allegations leveled against the former white house staff secretary rob porter. the most serious among them that on a vacation in italy, back in the early 2,000s, he allegedly, according to his first wife, punched her in the eye, giving her a black eye. the fbi yesterday came forward in the form of christopher wray at a hearing on the senate intelligence committee to challenge the white house's time line of events which then forced the white house yesterday to adjust its time line again. let's listen to what sarah huckabee sanders said.
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>> the fbi portion was closed. the white house personnel security office, who is the one that makes a recommendation for adjudication had not finished their process and, therefore, not made a recommendation to the white house. is there's multiple groups here. the white house personal security office, which is staffed by career officials would have -- may have received information but they had not completed their process. >> thus far, the shifting explanations that the white house has been making are simply to the press corps but now things have been stepped up a notch, harris, as you pointed out at the top trey gody the chairman of the house oversight and government reform committee sent this letter to the chief of staff, john kelly. well, that one is actually to the head of the fbi chris wray. he sent ago similar one to chief of staff john kelly. that's the one to kelly right there asking for, among other things, answers to policies, practices and procedures at the white house for interim security clearances whether porter's
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clearances, interim and final were consistent with those procedures. the date when the white house became aware of the allegations against porter, and the dates of porter's security clearance adjudication. trey gowdy this morning suggesting that he is very hot about getting some answers. listen here. >> clearly we should all be condemning domestic violence. and if a personal who commits domestic violence gets in government, then there is a breakdown in the system. there's a breakdown in the vetting system. that breakdown needs to be addressed. >> i'm sorry, that was speaker of the house paul ryan there. voicing a very public and personal condemnation of domestic violence, something that we, harris, have so far not heard from the president. any statement about domestic violence the president has been making through his surrogates, though twice in person he seemed to offer some support for rob porter. once last friday and then in a tweet over the weekend. the white house briefing, which no doubt will be
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probably, consumed with these latest twists and turns in this porter now investigation, has been pushed back until 2:30. there was some talk last night at the white house that maybe they would send out the chief of staff john kelly and the white house counsel don mcgahn to meet with the press and brief them on more further detail as to exactly what happened and when regarding rob porter. we don't know if they have made a decision to do that or not but, harris, we will find out in 90 minutes unless it's delayed again. harris? >> harris: yeah. and what we have seen is that the white house press briefing has been pushed back several times due to this issue because this issue has been around or at least it would seem so now for 8 days as you pointed out, a huge distraction at this point. i'm seeing from voters all over and viewers and people all over social media. there are so many things that they want this white house to talk about like the president's budget, so on and so forth. so we await to see what their comments will be before we move on. john roberts, thank you very much. >> thanks, harris.
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>> harris: moments ago we should tell you that vice president mike pence commented on the handling of rob porter allegations. watch this. >> there are very few americans or american families that have served this nation more honorably or sacrificed more for this country than the family of general john kelly. john kelly's service in uniform his tis continuing britished servicdistinguishedsef homeland security where we saw a dramatic illegally crossings at our southern border and distinguished service at chief of staff gives me and the president great confidence in this good man. i want the american people to know -- >> harris: let's bring in oversight member now congressman mark walker who also chairs out republican study committee. great to see you, sir. i know that you guys are looking at this. my big question is why has
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this made its way all the way to congress? >> well, i think because the focus is not on, as the vice president said, the character of john kelly. we also are huge fans. great warrior, great commitment to his country. but interest is something that we believe for the practice that needs to be investigated as john roberts mentioned i have the letter cents out today primarily focuses on two things. one, as far as what is the status. how does the interim security clearance work? can it be reuped for another 180 days here? that's our focus is to make sure is the process broken? listen, the president, which we are 100 percent supportive of has thousands of employees. there is no way but he has to trust the process when we vet these employees. abuse is horrible. and whether you have someone that has a history whether it is abuse physically or even verbal abuse, we have a real problem in allowing that person to even have the ability to serve in a place where you are having to make
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judgment calls. >> harris: you know, because you brought it up. i want to press in a little bit. >> sure. >> harris: what is being done. it's not just the white house saying. this there is a long backlog for getting security clearances. what's being done to knock that down. >> i think you have to expedite it that's what we, in fact, here in congress as we met in the house oversight committee, we did not have all the information that we needed to be able to say specifically how does this process work. that is why and i will tell you this my friend chairman gowdy i know of no other member who has more integrity than chairman gowdy. we have to figure this out where we do not repeat this pattern. harris, we don't have all the answers and that's one of the reasons why we are opening up an investigation is how do you get past an interim security. how do you post upon that do you have a different criteria for interim than do you long-term security clearances? >> harris: another thing i'm curious about because if these allegations are proven, you know, in one direction or another for the three women who have said what happened to them and/or
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for rob porter who has told people that he didn't do what he is being accused of, what happens next? i mean, and i realize he has left the white house. i want to tell you what vice president pence also said recently just a few minutes ago. someone asked him you seem to be saying he should stay. meaning john kelly, the chief of staff, the vice president said kelly has done a remarkable job as chief of staff. for the president. and i look forward to continued working him for many months. in your oversight, look at this. are you looking at the chain of command, also in all of this? >> i believe tough take some look at it, specifically if there was any intentionality or overlooking. that is not necessarily, harris, our primary focus. our primary focus is there something flawed in the process. we don't go around and make accusations orism pawn someone's lifelong character such as general kelly. our thought process is to peel back the layers or see if it has made it easier or
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more come play cents for people who decisions. >> harris: i think it's important for people to know that because if it's domestic violence accusations that you are looking at, we have police departments who can look at that version of it. not version but that section of this investigation. are you also looking at that? >> we are. this information has to be able to be expedited. there cannot be any kind of slow playing this process. we have to make sure the information is received and gotten to the people who are the decisionmakers. if somebody is making a decision overlooking such abuse, yes that is a problem. we are not going to look the other way. but primarily the house oversight is to make sure how do we get to this place where this was not flagged from beginning? >> harris: you know, i mentioned that the american people may be wondering okay, so what is the take away in all of this? why is now congress looking at it? and have you addressd. some of those answers. i am curious to know what the end game is in all of this for you. >> well, for me. >> harris: for the committee. >> for the committee, yes. as a former minister, i can
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tell you in dealing with people and offering counseling for some of these survivors who have gone with abuse, whether you are a member of congress or any aspect of life, that ought to be something that we're speaking out very firmly as republicans, democrats, and unaffiliated alike. as far as the committee, we want to make sure that it's very clear for any hiring practices. now, we don't have a say so in the administration as far as hiring and firing. what our job is to set the guidelines to make sure that this information is clearly communicated in the future u. >> harris: all right. congressman walker, you will give me a couple seconds here. sarah huckabee sanders is expected to come up in the next hour or. so but, in the meanwhile, this is what she said yesterday. let's take a look. >> the white house personnel security office, staffed by career officials, received information last year what they considered to be the final background investigation report in november. but they had not made a final recommendation for adjudication to the white house because the process was still ongoing when porter resigned.
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>> harris: this has been day 8 on this issue for the white house. and their focus now is distracted clearly by responding to this. i wants to get your last thoughts. >> well, we have to move beyond the distraction. yet, at the same time, we need to place value and importance when this kind of behavior exists in any of our environments it needs to be condemned and called out and behavior patterns through our process, the investigations of these hiring practices must be changed for the future. >> harris: all right. congressman walker, thank you very much. we appreciate you filling us in. you sit on the very committee that's opened this investigation. thank you for your time. >> sure, thanks, harris. >> harris: the house intelligence committee is meeting for the first time since the white house refused to release democrats' rebuttal to a g.o.p. memo alleging surveillance abuses. now ranking democrat adam schiff says he is still negotiating with the fbi over classified information in that document. reaction to all of this from a member of that committee. plus, the battle lines are being drawn as the senate is expected to begin debate on immigration after an impasse yesterday.
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now senate majority leader mitch mcconnell is accusing democrats of stalling on the issue. we'll get reaction from a california house democrat. stay close. >> i promise i would ensure a fair amendment proin which both sides could offer legislation for discussion and vote. and i have. after months and months spent demanding that the senate take up this issue, do they now object to even starting the debate. ♪ if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, little things can be a big deal. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months, ... with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring.
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foryou know what's not awesome? gig-speed internet. when only certain people can get it. let's fix that. let's give this guy gig- really? and these kids, and these guys, him, ah. oh hello. that lady, these houses! yes, yes and yes. and don't forget about them.
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uh huh, sure. still yes! xfinity delivers gig speed to more homes than anyone. now you can get it, too. welcome to the party. yesterday was blocking production' first amendment which would target sanctuary cities. schumer said the issue had nothing to do with daca or border security. today democratic senator mark warner emerged from a bipartisan meeting though sounding optimistic. watch this. >> i just came from a very productive bipartisan meeting where i think the group isy,close. the challenge may be a little bit in the need to vote r or against something before they could vote for a compromise. i hope the leadership in both parties they want the senate to function, let this process play out.
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>> harris: the president is calling on the senate to pass senator chuck grassley's immigration bill which is expected to come up today. he is reportedly threatening to veto any bill that does not follow his framework. those four pillars that the president has clearly laid out. grassley issued a similar warning to lawmakers. >> there's a lot of ideas around. just heard the minority leader say that there's a few republicans who will go along with the democrats. yeah. but they got a bill that they will never get a law unless the president signs it we have something the president said he would sign. >> harris: meanwhile, in the house today, speaker paul ryan will whip a conservative immigration bill to gauge support for it. let's hear from the democrats. democratic congressman john is of california. he is joining us now. thank you for being on the program. >> delighted to. >> harris: okay. so the legislation that's now being talked about, it has amnesty for a lot of dreamers above the 8 or
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900,000. it has like more than twice that much. correct? >> that is correct. yes. >> harris: all right. so wouldn't this be a question that you would answer just question to on supporting this bill? i'm wondering why you can't get to yes when you are actually getting what you asked for. >> well, it's always yes and what else is there? the senate bill hasn't yet been put together there are some very, very good things being discussed in the senate. and the house bill, however, which i suspect will be the goodlatte bill has some very onerous provisions in it. the senate is moving. they are moving together. they are looking at the various elements. there is one very critical immigration issue that is not being discussed. critical to my district which is a 4 billion-dollar farm gate district in california. there is no agriculture labor issue or short-term labor issues in this bill or in this discussion. we really need that. we're not going to be able to harvest our crops and prune our trees and vines in california unless we get the
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ag labor thing in. it's not there i would like to see it in. but, we will see what happens. in any case, progress is underway. >> harris: why is your take so different than senator schumer? i was curious with the shut down, too, the first one. how do you get the tonight where i think he represents democrats on the hill. does he represent you? >> well, he is in a negotiation situation. and in negotiations you have to go for what is going to be the end result here. is he negotiation. is he saying no. i can't agree to that. he wants additional things. he wants modification in language. so this is part of the process of compromise. and that's underway. it's going to be very, very important. interesting. and for political scientist to observe how the senate works. my curiosity and my concern is how does the house with this. basically speaker ryan has turned over the issue of
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legislating to the president. and he basically says whatever the president wants, that's what the house will do. that doesn't really settle well with 435 of us. we think we write the legislation and then he can decide whether he wants to veto it or not. we will see what happens. there are going to be a whole additional process that will take place in the house of representatives. >> harris: yeah. >> take it up and see where it goes. >> harris: big picture in all of this. observation from somebody in new york away from the hill. well like most people in america. >> yes. >> harris: we don't all live in the beltway. but i mean, the president laid out his four pillars. >> yes. >> harris: what you have in the goodlatte bill and some other members of the house was an answer back, actually, that included those four pillars. you didn't get that in the senate. you didn't even get it among republicans. so you can understand why at this point if you want to get something signed you kind of have to have those four pillars. it seems elementary to me. and the wall is not breaking
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news. it's a wall system. when do you get to yes? can you do it in the next few days? >> i'm not sure in the next few days. but we do have about two weeks here. >> harris: you don't have that many legislative days though. >> well, you and i both know that the real question is the president has flip flopped on this issue a couple of times. he now seems to have settled down on four pillars which are broad words. the question is what do those words mean in final language of legislation? that's part of the compromising that needs to be done around here. it will go back and forth. there will be strong words. maybe from me. maybe from others. certainly schumer has already said no. but what he really means is i don't like it written that way. why don't we look at it this way. so that's the way it should work. and it is seems to be happening that way. we will see on the house side if ryan is whipping the goodlatte bill, the chances are the answer is no. from the democrats and probably from a lot of
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republicans. >> harris: i want to step in. >> sure. >> harris: you say the president hasn't been clear. let me see, wall, daca, no visa lottery, no chain migration. i have a fifth grader who probably could say that's pretty straightforward. how do you get there though? >> kel well, how do i get to the lack of clarity is when he met with many members of congress and the senate, he said he wanted daca and then he said he didn't want daca. back and forth. he has laid down his four pillars. they are, in general language, the specific language that we write here in congress. we will see what's going. the good news is, there is progress underway on a very, very important issue. and if they really want to make me happy,s to in ag labor. >> harris: congressman delawargaramendi if. how difficult does it make for those up for run in the midterm elections? >> i don't think it really
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will effect it. any time problems are solved with a good legislative solution, it is good for all of us, both democrat and republican. is there advantage to the republicans or the democrats in the final outcome? the advantage is to america. and we'll work it out on probably other and almost always it's local issues. the big national issues play a role. but what's happening back home. how well did we take care of our constituents. >> harris: you know that's the criticism. that democrats are pushing against even saying yes to some of the things that you want because you don't want republicans to own the ideas in an election year. i would have to say that your broader look at it is as rare as a unicorn right now on capitol hill the way people see it i will give you the last word. >> well, the last word is, this is moving along. will it actually come to pass? there are a lot of speed bumps. is there a stop sign? not at the moment. let's make it happen because it's really important. really important to those kids and really important to america that we solve and
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hopefully get onto ther issues of immigration which similarly have to be solved. the ag labor. the issue of how do we deal with everify and other things. >> harris: sounds like if they can get it in there, they might have your vote. >> well, they got an opportunity to do so. we'll see what happens here. but i want this problem solved. >> harris: a democrat on the issue u congressman garamendi of california, thank you. >> thank you. >> harris: we are awaiting the white house press briefing as we get word president trump's attorneys are now building a case against the president being interviewed by robert mueller and his russia investigation. just weeks after the president said he looked forward to a meeting. we'll talk with rnc spokesperson kayleigh mciny, stay close for that. democrats accusing the white house of attempting to sensor the final version of their fisa memo which we heard has a lot of sources and methods in it. and that's a no-no. a member of the house intel committee on that. stay close. ♪
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>> talk to mueller? >> i'm looking forward to it, actually. >> date set? >> there has been no collusion whatsoever. there is no obstruction whatsoever. and i'm looking forward to it. >> harris: that was president trump last month signaling his willingness to talk with special counsel robert mueller in the russia investigation. now, sources are telling fox news that the president's outside legal team is compiling a case for him not to actually sit down for an interview with mueller. arguing that they have already provided enough witnesses and documents to the special counsel there is no evidence a crime has been committed come people the president's testimony. cailee mcenany for the rnc national committee. what's the push back here. >> it does make sense. let's be clear that the president's legal team has been unprecedented in their cooperation with special
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counsel. 20,000 pages of white house documents have been provided to mueller. 1.4 million pages of documents from the campaign. 37 witnesses from the campaign and the white house. their cooperation has been extraordinary and it's worth mentioning it's been extraordinary in the face of allegations that are unfounded, baseless and evidence-free. the collusion theory is a conspiracy theory. >> harris: i want to press this notion that the president has probably seen the same pulling that the rest of us have seen and that is that the american people appreciate the fact that he would consider sitting down with robert mueller. that doesn't mean that it's left up to the president to decide that. that's why you have counsel the flip of this though is the grand jury could subpoena him. your thoughts. >> i would argue that first of all mueller doesn't have legal standing. something that apparently the president's legal team has offered as well or has conjectured that he doesn't have the legal standing to interview the president. but, i think what you said at the beginning is very important. the president has said i
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want to talk to mueller because the president is innocent. he knows that this whole theory was baseless. you have dianne feinstein who in may of last year allegations are based on rumors, on newspapers, and not necessarily evidence. and then have you peter strzok that biased fbi agent texting 10 months after he signed the document to start the investigation, texting his girlfriend there is no there there. there's no evidence of collusion, bottom line. that's why the president is so open to this. >> harris: you know what's interesting, you are hearing some democrats. we had one of my guests on this week that prix who used to be part of the state senate in ohio who said russia, russia, russia. we have had enough of that as democrats. it's not going to sell well for us in the mid terms and republican people who were watching were hallucinating say diagnose she actually just say that? no, it was real u for republicans, i'm curious if the continued conversation, what you are seeing among voters, do they care about this? where are they? >> no, they see it for what it is, which is an effort to thwart the will of the
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american people. you know, i had a cameraman sty me out in las vegas, i didn't vote for the president, but this obsession with russia, this anger from the mainstream media has driven me to give him a chance. it is actually driving voters into the president's corner. they care about tax cuts. they care about the fact that 350 companies have given bonuses to their workers. that 90% of americans will see their paycheck goes up by the end of the month. that's what voters karen about. they see through this democratic effort to thwart their vote. >> harris: do you think people under stand, kayleigh, the investigation that involves russian meddling in our elections, which is something that we have to thwart and get to the bottom of because it makes us all vulnerable as a nation versus what this investigation is. >> yeah. i think it's so important, harris, to understand that difference. because president trump has said i trust mueller will get to the bottom of this and be fair and not carry this on needlessly, that investigation. that's special counsel investigation separate from the fbi investigation
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launched in july of 2016. the one by the way launched by someone peter strzok, who wanted an insurance policy against the president. important to understand the difference. likewise important to understand russian meddling in our election is not collusion. very different things and important to understand that. >> harris: how do you think the white house is handling this so far? >> the white house has done a great job handling. this they have let the mueller investigation play out. they have given documents. they have given witnesses. they have cooperated. in the face of by the way we could ask the same question of democrats about their foreign contacts. where was the concern last week we found out about peter -- excuse me adam schiff communicating with a russian posing as a ukrainian to get dirt on trump or mark warner communicating with a lobbyist for a russian oligarch to get access to the dossier. where is the concern about democrat contacts with foreign powers? >> harris: all right. kayleigh, before i let you go. they are negotiating attorneys for the president how this will go, whether he
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will sit down. do you feel at this time that there has been enough effort to get the word out that, you know, i, it could be written, it could be sit down so that the american people will understand what's happening? >> i think the president's counsel has done extraordinary job communicating with the public what they have done to cooperate. it's important to get that word out there. the president is open to an interview. he wants to. that's very different than his attorneys advising him to do. so i think they have done a really good job getting the word out there. they are working with mueller. get to the bottom of, this wrap this up and move on. >> harris: your chairperson, is ronna mcdonnell and romney part of her family. mitt romney set to announce before you walk away, what is -- and that's expected to happen tomorrow a senate run. what is the rnc talking about in terms of that? >> well, you know, we will see what mitt romney decides. we obviously don't weigh in on primaries. we don't endorse candidates in the primaries. our chair woman mcdaniel
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is clear she thinks her uncle is someone who will work with the president and he knows him to be a great mencht again, don't get involved in primaries but chair woman, yes has great confidence in her uncle. >> harris: i didn't want to ignore the fact they do share some name there. >> they do. >> harris: thank you for your time. >> thank you, harris. >> harris: the house oversight committee is announcing launching into the white house handling of abuse allegations against former aide rob porter. we have been talking about it. whether that is a necessary step. do you think that it is? we will talk to the power panel about it. stay close. ♪ ♪ months i'm accident free. and i don't share it with mom! right, mom? righttt. safe driving bonus checks. only from allstate. switching to allstate is worth it.
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deign day hi, everybody, i'm dana perino. sarah sanders is expected to brief reporters soon. we expect more questions rob porter as the house launches a new investigation into the handling of that case. we will see how the white house responds. while everyone is worried about threats from north korea what about a proxy war in syria heating up between the united states and russia. all that and more at the top
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of the hour on the daily briefing. ♪ ♪ >> there are very few americans or american families that have served this nation more honorably or sacrificed more for this country than the family of general john kelly. john kelly's service in uniform, his distinguished service at our department of homeland security where we saw dramatic reduction of illegal crossings at our southern border and his distinguished service as chief of staff. gives me and the president great confidence. >> harris: that was vice president mike pence obviously within the past hour commenting on the chief of staff john kelly and then going to be say that he is looking forward to continuing to work with him for many months to come. this as the house oversight committee has launched an investigation. this caught a lot of people by surprise into the white house's handling of domestic abuse allegations against
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former aide rob porter. he's gone. he no longer works at the white house. the move comes one day after testimony from fbi director christopher wray contradicted previous administration statements on when they were briefed on the allegations of abuse. joining us is david bernstein, conservative radio talk show host and fox news contributor and often visits the overtime panel here tammy bruce. i'm going to start with you, tammy. >> yeah. >> harris: a little bit of a surprise for republicans to open this investigation into the white house's handling of firing one of its own staff. that's what we're hearing from people. >> yeah, well, look, there is a little bit of a contradiction. we know what the house said about what they learned and when they learned it. and it was late and after the allegations first broke. but the fbi is saying that they actually reported to the white house their investigation but, here's what we don't know. we really don't know what was in that report. and that becomes an issue. it's one thing to say you
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briefed the white house. buff the fbi isn't saying specifically what was in that report. so i think this investigation is interesting. it will have to deal with what that report from the fbi was. and without that, you're just going to be hearing democrats, of course, making up their own version of what they want it to be. so i think this could be helpful. >> harris: republican congressman mark walker joined me earlier in the hour and he was talking about the specifics of what they will be looking at. you know, i'm curious about how democrats will handle. this because you don't want to jump the shark. it's probably best to, what? >> well, if democrats are smart about it. they should let the investigation play out. have you got someone like trey gowdy in a day. >> harris: is he very well respected i think on both sides of the political aisle. >> he certainly takes a lot in this environment for republicans to open any kind you have investigation into the white house that isn't something we have seen this entire administration so far. so if democrats were smart, they would sit back and let it play out. because it's clear that there are real problems here. right. i mean, john kelly has his own staff calling him a big fat liar.
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>> harris: wait a minute. >> that becomes a problem. >> harris: i do want to step in because i don't think i hear these words enough. john kelly did not hire rob porter. >> that's right. >> harris: go. >> he is also a very loyal man. he's a man whose background as we know is in the military. i think that he did not know the entire story. i also think this was very badly screwed up. this was not handled well as we know. we are also dealing. >> harris: you mean communications wise? >> communications wise. they are running the free world as well. in addition to having a lot of fire coming in domestically. i think you are looking at a framework where the inclination is to defend a member of staff. at the same time, if they did -- i believe they did not have -- this is my concern with the fbi. because of that initial reaction, i believe they did not have the complete information. and i think john kelly as we have seen has definitely smoothed out the process in the white house. and there is a lot of people who don't like him for that. scaramucci, lewandowski. >> harris: scaramucci
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tweeting that john kelly should be fired. >> of course he did. he is the one who fired scaramucci. so we have to remember the politics involved aiming at john kelly. >> harris: david, when you look at this and put on your communications hat for a second. i know it's hard to take off that democrat hat because it has a chin strap on it when you look at this what are some of the things you think are the take aways that american people should have on this? >> i think people have to look at the facts, right? which is we know that now there is a series of very credible allegations against this guy. and no one -- no one wants to be defending in a position the white house is of defending an accused wife abuser. i mean, this is not good optics for anybody. someone who has a photo of a woman who he was married to with a black eye. and now he says it's an accident. i mean, this is -- if this were a major corporation in america and john kelly were the ceo he would be fired and we all know that. >> there is universal understanding that john kelly is a decent guy. and his change -- he did change his statement once
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the photographs came out and it became apparent what it was they were dealing with. and so we have to remember, again, the politics involved here. the fact that john kelly has been doing a good job keeping that white house centered and there is a lot of people who want to see that end. and this is, i think, possibly also the vice president's statements today indicated that they're standing behind him. >> harris: do you a radio show every day. i would imagine that your callers are talking about so many other things. i see it in social media. >> right. >> harris: the importance of getting this right and moving on in day eight of this story. >> well, i think that the media will make it as long as they want to make it. >> harris: some in the media, yes. >> some in the media do. this is an important conversation in the sense of the attitude of people in the white house. the clarity of how things are being governed. seriousness of this issue about who is being allowed in and who isn't. and the issue of domestic violence. this is why the senate -- the investigation in the house is going to be important. but i do think that the
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communications office, which is primarily women, have a big job on their hands. >> including his girlfriend. >> that's the other issue when you get involved in this way. rule in the white house if you want to date someone, one of you has to leave the environment. that becomes a big problem. this is about the future of the country. people's lives. and this we find can be a problem. but i do think that the white house communications office needs to be very aggressive here. the president has made it clear where he stands. and i do think that while we maybe would have put it differently, everyone understands this is a serious issue and we do need to move on at this point. >> harris: he is gone. >> he is gone but there are two things people are looking for. one is for somebody to come out and say, you know, we really messed this up and we're going. >> harris: they already said there were mistakes made. raj shaw at the white house said that. >> president to say i support -- i'm not in favor of wife abusers. he hasn't quite said it he issued a statement to his spokesman very different thing from a communications
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perspective. >> harris: i'm getting a wrap wrap. we will come right back. democrat adam schiff is refusing to make revisions to his fisa memo to get the white house to release it. one republican says this may have been the plan from the very beginning. is he right? we will stay right here. you too? i think we're coming back. >> i think he wrote this specifically for the purpose of getting in this situation. they put footnotes amplifying information in the way that the nunes memo did not. ♪
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>> harris: oh boy, it's getting interesting. democrats pushing back on a request from the white house to revise their fisa memo in order to have it released. they say this is all one big attempt to censor the final version of the document before the american people see it here is the top democrat on the house intel, adam schiff: >> we're not going to make any revisions to it. the only question is what redactions will be made. and obviously we would like to keep those to a minimum. the white house has a different interest. their interest is in redacting anything that doesn't reflect well on the white house. >> harris: sources and methods. if that's in it, we will never get to see it despite the criticism, house intel committee member mike conway says he and other republicans are doing everything they can to
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declassify the memo. >> the quicker we get the democratic memo out the better. hope get redactions right we will get their report out quickly. >> harris: power panel back david bernstein and tammy bruce. tammy, i will start with you on this. republicans all voted to release this democratic memo. >> sure. maybe they shouldn't have considering how much information is in it that's classified. i find that interesting that they sent it to the white house knowing apparent live1 that there was a lot of classified information. but that said, the timing here now is bad for the democrats. a lot of the people are wondering wait a minute what was the g.o.p. memo about, wait a minute. what is this in response to? and schiff had also said originally before releasing it that they did show it to the fbi. if there is this much classified information then, why was it allowed to go out without the revisions? so the white house schiff wants to make it clear that the white house is involved. but they're not. this is about the fbi and the doj. they are the ones looking at it not the white house. >> harris: david, there has
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not been as i seen or read push back on the actual memo the first one from the democrats. that there push back we want to make it longer or do some kind of politics. what's your take on that. >> as we were anticipating this memo heavily and it turned out not to be as much as a bombshell as everybody, you know, as everybody thought it was, right? i mean, that was the main issue in that it's reporting there is question about how or where the fisa court was. >> harris: is the democrats going to be bombshell? i know you haven't seen it but you run in democratic circles. >> the reality is this whole thing is a big smoke screen designed to draw, take away attention from mueller and the investigation. >> harris: you don't think there is a problem with using a document that is maybely unverified to spy on americans whomever they are? whether they work for the trump campaign or not? >> the fisa court. >> harris: do you have a problem with that. >> the fisa court approved a document. >> harris: yeah. >> people said they knew, the judge knew.
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>> harris: circular reporting which is different than just having political. >> you know, we know the republicans paid for this memo. we know democrats paid for this memo. >> that's not true. republicans were paying fusion gps to look at donald trump and casinos and financial dynamics which came to no good end. that investigation ended. glenn simpson contacted the dnc and hillary campaign and said we are kind of in motion here trying to do stuff in the campaign. they said okay, let's do this. and they then said let's look at the russian aspect and get this dossier. two separate dynamics. >> important what tammy bruce just said there has been talk about republican and payment for this. this is something that every campaign does. they take a look at themselves so that they know when the incoming come what it will look like. that was moved on from. >> harris: that is very important to know. >> that's why republicans were funding it they were funding it because they were against donald trump. >> they were to th funding the
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russian dynamic. opposition research. >> the process was being run by one of the most respected guys internationally on russia who has been a source for our fbi and our cia for years. >> harris: who. >> christopher steele whose quote integrity. >> harris: why did they fire him and tell him you know what? we don't need this anymore because you are bringing us salacious stuff you can't verify. >> and talking to the media against their rules and giving the media information they should not have have. so respected is not exactly the word i would use. >> reality is for many, many years this guy. >> then people, because look, we have never had somebody by which anybody could possibly believe these kind of claims about them because of donald trump's kind of salacious behavior over the years, people actually began to find allegations like this not that far outside of the realm of possibility. >> harris: tammy. >> what this entire process has proven and why the nunes memo was so important is really connecting the dots based on facts on the ground. not political rhetoric about
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what the fusion gps is doing, its relationship in the fact that effectively hillary clinton's campaign and the dnc paid for the entire dynamic and then that was used by the fbi, to yes, spy on american citizens, that's the story, it is a big deal and that's the difference between, i think, conservatives and liberals about what's important in the country. >> harris: we're going to scoot. tammy, david, thank you. awaiting that press briefing as the white house faces questions about happened ling of top staff that faces domestic abuse. the new investigation launched inside congress we're talking about it. stay close.
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>> harris: the immigration debate is about to kick off. we're gonna bring you every bit of it here on fox. i'm harris. here's dana. >> dana: fox news alert. speaker paul ryan weighing in on the rob porter allegations saying there is a breakdown in the vetting system and the breakdown needs to be addressed. hello, everyone, i'm dana perino and this is "the daily briefing." president trump's attorney also facing questions about a six figure payment to an adult film actress. john roberts. never a dull day at the white house, john. and you are live on the north lawn. what's going on today? >> reporter: we sort of long for a dull day at the white house. the briefing which again has been delayed. it is now pushed back


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