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tv   Media Buzz  FOX News  February 11, 2018 8:00am-9:00am PST

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howie: on the buzz media physical abuse allegations from two ex-wifes of rob porter. >> i closed the door and locked it behind him. he returned a moment later and punched in the glass on the front door. >> you were frightened? >> yes. >> and you call the bliss? >> yes. >> obviously the underlying story is ugly.
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it does not look good. >> the real question is what did john kelly know. even if he knew only some of the allegation why would he allow rob porter to get so close to the president. >> sources telling cnn that senior white house officials knew about the allegations for months and scrambled to protect porter. howie: as journalists pounce on the president for his public comments, is the press turning on general kelly. a leaked story in the "new york times" says the president's lawyers don't want him talking to bob mueller. >> trump could have every intention of telling the truth and being completely factual. and the way he talks and goes off on tangents.
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he would be in major jeopardy. >> mr. president, your own lawyers think you are too stupid and too much of a liar to stand up to the heat bob mueller is sending in your direction. >> the president stands at odds with his own public the statements. howie: what about those newly disclosed texts from rogue fbi agents? and did some news analysts miss them. is the president being blamed for dramatic dips in the stock market. >> could a las vegas newspaper have stopped winn20 years ago?
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the story on white house staff secretary rob porter began with the tabloid daily mail. a second daily mail piece quoting his second ex-wife and she got a protective order against him. >> these -- outrageous allegations are false. i took the photos to the media and they are not what has been described. howie: willoughby did a lengthy sit-down with anderson cooper. >> he came to the shower and opened the door and pulled me out to continue yelling at me. >> he put his hand on you and
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pulled you out? >> yeah. >> was that a startling moment for you? >> i think up until that moment i didn't realize i was in an abusive marriage. >> is this a coordinated smear campaign? >> no. i had no intentions of disparaging rob. howie: reporters asked the president about the allegations against rob porter. >> we wish him well. he worked very hard. i found out about it recan'tly and i was surprised by it. we wish him well. it's obviously a tough time for him. he also as you probably know, he says he's innocent. i think you have to remember that. howie: joining us to analyze the coverage, emily jashinsky, ed henry, and capri cafaro.
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emily, the ouster of rob porter. and the shifting explanations at the white house, does it warrant the coverage it's getting? emily: yes, it's so persistent because of the rolling accusations. he said maybe he didn't realize they were domestic violence abuse. then we have reports that john kelly was aware. we have to get to the bottom of those questions. howie: the fbi never gave porter a permanent security clearance. fox news corporation covered this story as it should. but when it was exploding, there was no mention of porter being
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ousted at the white house. capri: this has been in every news outlet including the daily mail which always british news corporation. headlines are what get people to click on something online. that's how so many of us get our news. if you are scrolling through twitter and up see cnn, their made line says rob porter's wives detail porter allegations. fox says trump wishes porter well ban was surprised by allegations. both are true, but the approach how they are communicating the content of the underlying articles or pieces is very
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different. howie: i think opinion shows can cover this any way it wants. but to not cover it for a day gives ammunition to trump's critics. "new york times," under fire, kelly said to muse about retiring. we have gone through kelly's first statement praised rob porter as a man of true integrity and honor. after the black eye photos were published, he said it was true. ed: how did general kelly and kelly conway where the president said this is a tough time for rob porter. didn't mention any of the women. how did they allow him to get in front of the tv camera and say what he said without mentioning any of the women? capri: particularly in this
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climate. ed: the president is getting hammered in this tweet. he said there should be due process. he is right. there should be due process. the problem is there could have been due process months ago if general kelly was told this. howie: a tweet from the president. people's lives are being shattered and destroyed by a mere allegation. some are true and some are false. some are old and some are new. is there no such thing anymore of due process. politically it doesn't mean he has to keep his job at the white house. ed: beyond the political fallout, there are real human lives here and the white house seems to have completely missed
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that there were women who came forward and said they were victims. no human element. capri: that's a security clearance there. if he's you septemberible to blackmail because of this information, that puts our white house in jeopardy. howie: kellyanne conway told jake tapper that the president has full confidence in john kelly. she said she has no reason not to believe the two ex-wifes. trump said he's angry at his chief of staff and he's in trouble. and when you see names floated, that doesn't happen by accident. do you think the press is taking a more negative view on john
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kelly. what he said about the dreamers, they were too lazy to get off their asses. he got good press, and now it's turning negative. emily: president trump is disturbed by the press coverage of john kelly. what is interesting is president trump is concerned the media coverage on john kelly is turning negative. capri: it doesn't help his white house to have a chief of staff disparaged in the white house. ed: it's not just the president's critics beating up on john kelly. the fuel for these stories are from the trump orbit who want john kelly out. it should be coming out soon. howie: as we played clips on the
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top, on the conservative side there is not a lot of defense against the horrible allegations about rob porter. for those who don't know, hicks was dating rob porter and she was involved in drafting some of the initial defenses of rob porter. white house officials including ivanka trump praised hope hicks. and the president put out a statement saying hope is fantastic. capri: i have never met her. she may be a fantastic individual. it is a difficult circumstance. she was romantically involved with an individual who was a coworker, and all these allegations about abuse of ex-wives have come out. there are two separate issues. is hope hicks competent at her
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job? the view of those inside the white house is yes. she does a good job. the other question is is it appropriate to be involved with somebody else you work with. ed: should she be involved in this story. her personal life is her personal life. howie: we have another story about another white house aide, a former speech writer, david sorenson who resigned friday as the white house was pursuing abuse allegations from another ex-wife. he was gone pretty quickly. the "daily mail" broke this story and had both wivessen the record -- both wives on the record with these allegations. the president was talk about the
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conduct everything democrats not applauding during this state of the union. you you have the other side, even on positive news, really positive news like that, they were like death. and un-american. un-american. somebody edtreasonnous. yeah. i guess why not. can we call that treason? why not. howie: the white house says it was tongue-in-cheek. ed: he's laughing, he's feeding off the crowd. he need to be more careful how he feed off these crowds. when he goes out in these rallies, he gets round up, they get round up. howie: he seemed very serious when he said un-american. capri: the coverage surrounding this statement was not necessarily about what he said
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it's un-american. all the headlines are he said the democrats are treasonous. i think that's a bit of a stretch in how it was actually said. emlip * this is why it's difficult to cover president trump. when you see a video of him and you have to translate that into print. it was clearly a joke predicated on the idea that was hyperbole. ed: the democrats were disrespectful to him. howie: "publisher's weekly" calls my new book even hand and insighsive. a penetrating critique of a lib central news establishment. check it out. "media madness." did some media reports unfairly
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implicate barack obama? and corey lewandowski on the coverage of president trump and the rob porter mess. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. ♪ ♪ i can do more to lower my a1c. because my body can still make its own insulin. and i take trulicity once a week to activate my body to release it, like it's supposed to. trulicity is not insulin. it comes in a once-weekly, truly easy-to-use pen. the pen where you don't have to see or handle a needle. and it works 24/7. trulicity is a once-weekly injectable medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it should not be the first medicine to treat diabetes,
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a new kind of network designed to save you money. visit your local xfinity store today. howie: republican senator ron johnson released another batch of text messages between peter strzok and lisa page. it got heavy play, especially on fox news. >> a boom shell exclusive. >> the new messages raising more questions about what the fbi knew about the clinton investigation and when they knew it. >> guess what there is a reference to in this exchange. >> this may be the first clue of president obama being involved in the investigation.
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>> if you read an excerpt tonight and you want to believe in a conspiracy, you can find your way into a conspiracy. howie: the text in question was about providing talking points for obama. this wasn't about the hillary clinton email investigation which was over. but according to associates of strzok and page was about. was that the danger with running with selectively released or leaked texts? emily: this stems from the report that was released by the committee. in the blush where this text mess paneling was discussed, it links it to the clinton investigation rather than the russia investigation. if people checked the dates they probably would have been more sceptical of that claim because
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the dates didn't add up have much. howie: i know what it's like when you say something on the air or online. but journalists have to cover themselves saying it's not clear what this particular text is referring to. ron johnson talking about the secret society that turned out to be a joke. was he trying to use the media with this line and did he succeed? capri: he did succeed in a number of media outlets. as journalists got further into the story they recognized this was more hyperbole than actual fact. but ron johnson is a united states senator and you assume he has more information than the average bear. it forms the judgment of the media as well. emily: i didn't think it was a calculation or strategy on his behalf because it blew up.
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howie: there were many more damaging messages in this exchange between the two fbi agents having the affair, calling trump a blanking idiot. clearly they opposed his election. have these gotten enough attention from media news organizations? capri: i would argue no, too. emily: i think they are serious. regardless of where you are, your partisan affiliation, seeing the fbi, pulling back the veil, there is stuff to be concerned about. you just have to be. capri * at the end of the -- capri: at the end of the day the fbi and the department of justice have to approach things in a non-political matter. i think what has happened, though, there has been an eagerness to try to attach
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higher people to this story, barack obama, the attorney general. they want to sort of build that narrative and put in obama. some of the more important things about bias have gotten swept under the rug. howie: to the extent it hasn't gotten enough coverage. not just one, but the substance all these anti-trump messages. is it baits doesn't fit narrative of major news organizations? emily it was on behalf of the trump campaign, it's inconvenient to have to talk about thise it's not so much the quantity of the coverage on this as it is the severity of it. it's not being taken as seriously. it's being dismissed as a conspiracy. howie: i think we have had a good look at this, capri cafaro,
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emily jashinsky, good to see you. the press didn't have much to say about the soaring stock markets until the 1,000-point declines. hey! this'll help. rocket mortgage by quicken loans makes the complex simple. so, origination fees... this takes care of it, thank you. understand the details and get approved in as few as 8 minutes. by america's largest mortgage lender. bounce back, right right right, i get it now. ♪ i woke up in beast mode, with my girl that's... ♪ can start in the colon constiand may be signs of an imbalance of good bacteria. only phillips' colon health has this unique combination of probiotics.
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visit howie: when stocks began soaring the president was given little credit. president trump: the market is up about 150 points, and we broke a big bearier. president trump: the stock market is smashing one record after another. howie: presidents get more credit than they deserve when they rights and more blame when they fall. that view got a reality test after the dow dropped 600 points
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in one day. monday this happened. >> the sell-off on monday is posing a real issue for done *. this guy and his entire administration has spent the last year cheering the market. >> live by the dow, die by the dow. if you say we are adding trillions of dollars, look at the stock market. >> a, the sky is not falling, b, there is no economic catastrophe on the more rye done, and c, the media wants to associate trump with anything negative. >> a huge loss on wall street, for the second time this week the dow has plunged 1,000 points. howie: it's fair to point out that president trump will keep touting the record run on wall
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street. that he would also have to own the downturn. but the journalists who never attached his name to the upturn, but they are rushing to attach his name to the fall. corey lewandowski whoho stays in touch with the president on how the white house is handling a whole spate of media-fueled controversies. and the indescribable rush of saving drivers an average of $620. why does fear feel so good? i fell in love three times -- once with a woman, once with a country, and finally... with myself. -so, do you have anything to declare or not? -isn't that what i'm doing?
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howie: with the president and his white house under fierce criticism, joining me is corey lewandowski, the former white house chief strategist. the media consensus on rob port is john kelly and the white
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house staff badly mishandled the whole situation. fair or unfair? corey: i think that's a fair statement. and raj admitted that. are you rob left the white house and that's the most of important thing. howie: people are saying kelly is in trouble. is this speculation or is there something to it. corey: i think it's speculation. kellyanne conway said john kelly is staying with the president. as long as the president continues to have confidence in john kelly, john kelly will remain in that position. howie: the daily beast is reporting that some white house
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staffers blame you for spreading this story. corey: i don't work in the building or for the "daily mail." i don't know rob's ex-wiefts. these women relayed the information to the fbi. the fbi said or claimed to have said they notified the people in the white house. rob was working under an interim security clearance. what hat has to do with corey lewandowski who doesn't work for the white house. howie: media criticism that the president and his public comments to reports and also his tweet has expressed some sympathy for rob port and concerns about false allegations. but not any sympathy for the two women making these allegations. >> the president was very upset
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when the pictures came out and very disappointed. what the white house said the individuals who worked with rob did not see this side of him. once the allegations and the pictures were brought forth. they worked quickly to take rob out of the building. as soon as the president found out, he said it was time for rob too go. howie: nobody is saying the president knew until this exploded in the press. let me move on to the bob mueller investigation. the president said he's perfectly happy to sit down with the special counsel. but sources are saying his lawyers are opposed to that. which version is right as far as you note? corey: i haven't spoken to the president about this matter. but as a political operative i see no value in the president
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sitting down with won mueller. his attorneys are right to say send us the interrogatories and we'll answer in writing. i don't see the value of the president sitting down with bob mueller. howie: a lot of pundits agree with you on that point. the president sparked a lot of media outrage when he made comment about the democrats sitting on their hands at the state of the union been when it came to black unemployment. what did you make of the harsh criticism of the president pushing back on the democrats? corey: when the president is articulating a 12-year-old boy taking flags and putting it on the graves of dead american soldiers, and that doesn't get
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applause, if you can't in a bipartisan nature support some of the people the president brought to the state of the union and talk about their stories, that's how bad washington, d.c. has gotten. that young man doing that to remember our soldiers should be applauded. it's not a republican or democrat issue it's an american issue. the notion that the democrats can't support those people is un-american in my opinion. howie: one of the people who worked in the white house is omorosa newman. she says she is haunted by trump's tweets. she wouldn't vote for him again in a million years. corey: it's easy to criticize the president after you least office you wanted to stay in. she was asked to leave or resigned. i'm not sure.
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i wasn't part of it. if you were so critical maybe you shouldn't have gone to the administration in the first place. howie: how about the president's idea for a military parade in washington. are you pro-parade? corey: i love our military. if you look at the spending bill, it increases our military. my grand father and far it served, and my brother is a 20-year retired marine. if we can continue to give military all the tools they need to be successful, that's fantastic. if that is what this parade would do. i would be open to having more great men and women serve our country. howie: now that more people have lost the white house are you open if the president were to
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ask to you go inside, as you say? corey: i'm happy being on the outside of the administration. i get to not be involved in the day to day drama that takes place there. dave and i have been lucky to talk about our experience on the campaign.
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howie: the "new york times" is quoting four people briefed on the matter say trump's lawyers are opposed to him sitting down with bob mueller, saying he could walk into a perjury trap. is that story on target? ed: not really. it's on target with what outsiders say. you said advisors briefed on it. my sense is from sources close to the situation that there is
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still divided opinion. and they have not ruled out the president sitting down with robert mueller. what you are seeing in the "new york times" account and others is people trying to influence that decision who don't know the facts of the case and don't know what the legal team has and doesn't have. the bottom line is it's up in the air. there are people worried if the president gets in the room it will be a perjury trap. howie: this an orchestrated leak in your view. ed: they believe the best medicine is cooperate, cooperate and eventually it will go away. we still don't know what robert mueller has. but people around the president believe it's messy and ugly but there is no obstruction of justice and no collusion, and he'll get through this. if you cooperate and sit down,
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limited in scope. he's going to get through it. howie: the president over the weekend block the release of the democratic intel memo having to do with the fisa surveillance warrant for carter page. the president said it continued classified information so he sent it back. ed: we heard all of this in the press about the nunes memo that there are sources and method revealed. and it did not. nunes was backed up by grassley and graham in their memo. democrats have more sensitive information in their memo. if they would rework it it would be in the white house's best interests. howie: if it gets delayed -- ed: it doesn't change the basic
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facts which is the obama administration used a dossier that was unverified to spy on him. howie: cnn had a story attracting a lot of negative attention. that's kim jong-un's sister is stealing the show at winter olympics. calling the sister an ivanka trump of north korea. what do you make of this? ed: this is sucking up to the sister of this brutal dictator. he's starving his own people, he's threatening nuclear war every week. his cousin is opening a starbucks in pyongyang. howie: the story does say north korea's brutal dictator
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operating nazi-style prison camps and executing senior officers and even his own family. ed: beyond ridiculousness of saying these wonderful things about the sister of a dictator. to them have other people compare that to the daughter of president trump is beyond and sushed. but it -- is beyond absurd. but it fits a narrative. good to see you. after the break. omarosa taking a big swipe at her former boss. and did jimmy kimmel really say that about conservatives? but when your psoriasis is bad, does it ever get in the way? embrace the chance of 100% clear skin with taltz. taltz is proven to help people with moderate
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howie: omarosa newman got her job as a presidential aide because she appeared several times on the "apprentice." and she dumped on her former boss on "big brother." >> did anybody say what are you doing? >> i tried to be that person. but all the people around me attacked me. they said don't give her access. and ivanka is there and jared is there. >> should we be worried? howie: you couldn't hear the whispering, she said she is haunted by donald trump's tweets. she said she wouldn't vote for donald trump in a million years.
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carley: it's unusual to see a former white house staffer in her pjs dumping on the president. what she is foregetting is it's an honor to serve under any president the country elects. >> open rose a was fired three times on the "apprentice." this was the fourth time we let her go. she had limited contact with the president. howie: i think that's called distancing. i get that she was frustrated in the white house. donald trump made her into a national figure.
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is the concept of loyalty outdated? carley: i think the president hired a lot of people off loyalty. he picked the wrong people, be which is why there was so much initial tush yoaf by his staffers. but this seems like an isolated incident. she was let go, she was angry. she is trying to get her 15 minutes of fame. howie: if she said here are my can experience the white house, that's okay. but whispering on the couch. apparently the strain has gotten to her. apparently she was hospitalized after the latest taping of "big brother." let me turn to jimmy kimmel. it's no surprise to people who
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watch him that he regularly slams the president. here is what he said on the lib wral podcast pod cave america. pretty much every late night talk show host is a liberal. go figure. and that's because it requires a measure of intelligence. howie: kimmel is saying conservatives are dumb. is that funny? carley: that's an easy joke to make in a room filled with liberals. after he made that comment and he was criticized, the host said that comment was a joke. i don't think he was kidding. it does take a level of intelligence to be a talk show host. but that's not why they are
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liberal. howie: the late-night come is are anti-trump because that's the cool thing to do. he made a decision not to appeal to the conservative audience. carley, great to see you. still to come, a complete meltdown with firings and resignations at news week. the las vegas newspaper that had the good on steve wynn 20 years ago andrn killed the story. amaz. i have heartburn. ultra strength from alka seltzer. enjoy the relief. the markets change... at t. rowe price... our disciplined approach remains. global markets may be uncertain... but you can feel confident in our investment experience around the world. call us or your advisor... t. rowe price. invest with confidence.
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howie: steve wynn resigned from his las vegas casino empire this week amid sexual allegations. the las vegas journal admitting it killed the story about wynn
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20 years ago. but the paper can't say exactly why the story never made it. now the paper is owned by a rival. what an embarrassment to have killed that thing in 1998. fox news deleted an online couple that was in my view offensive it was by john moody. moody wrote that the u.s. olympics committee want to change the team's motto from faster, stronger. to gayer and fairer. the gay rights group glad accused him of vicious lgbtq and
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buys at what should be the greatest moment of these athletes' lives. "newsweek" which once compared donald trump to charles manson is in total meltdown. the chief content officer was us spend over sexual harassment allegations then brought back. the editor was fired. allegations of improperly buying online traffic that new york prosecutors are investigating. matt cooper has resigned calling the firings a disgrace saying they sought clicks and retweets over fairness. that's it for this edition of "mediabuzz." we hope you will like our facebook page.
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give us a like. i post a lot of original content there. and i try to respond. if you want to email us. i'm running out of time. we'll be back next sunday. see you then with the latest buzz. [♪] eric: the white house chief of staff john kelly coming under more fire over how he handled the rob porter scandal. this as the trump administration is dealing with more fallout with sexual abuse allegations against rob port and david sorenson. arthel: welcome to a brand-new hour of new