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tv   The Five  FOX News  December 28, 2017 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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in tonight at 7:00 p.m., i will be in for my friend martha on "the story" and you can catch me tomorrow on "the intelligence report." "the five" is next. ♪ >> hello everyone, i am brian kilmeade, along with katie pavlich, it is 5:00 in new york city coming into this according to my rundown is "the five" ." ♪ president trump's laser focus on cracking down on illegal immigration, i'm sure that you have heard that before, a hallmark of this campaign making america safe again. in fact quota crossings are down, but the new report suggests he sent fewer mexicans back to their country between january december of this year compared to president obama did during the same time in 2016.
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now president trump as you know it's working hard at keeping mexicans from crossing over legally in the first place, he hinted last week he will make a trip to the southern border over to san diego looking at the type or his proposed mall, now making the choice that they are going to be about 30 feet high. and then we will see if they do something below, because we have a little bit of a tunnel problem, kennedy, what does the study say to you that we have actually had less mexican apprehension in 2017 and 2018? >> also fewer illegal border crossings, so the president did some very good messaging and good marketing when he was running for president in that fewer people came into this country illegally, and also it shows that the president has a much bigger heart than president obama who is absolutely awful about supporting people and ripping families apart and it is laughable that he reached out to the latino community the way that he did, because he was incredibly heartless with
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his deportation, and president trump is actually soften and looking for other ways to try to solve the immigration crisis. >> marie, it turns out that i do chance to go to the border two weeks ago, and they think that the beginning of the wall will be built in the rio grande valley sector where it is the worst. but the word came out in the first half of the year that we are cracking down and slowing down, and the second half of the year when we did not do anything policy wise because congress could not get their act together, it picked up again and then you have these numbers overall, what does that tell you? >> we will see how big president trump's heart is when we deal with daca and the new year, that is the biggest immigration fight that we will . the numbers are interesting, i'm not sure what to make of them come i think that fewer people are coming here, they have arrested more immigrants, but they have supported fewer back to mexico. when it comes to the wall, i do not predict that president trump will be able to build a wall across the entire border. he will find places where you
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can put up the structure, take a photo with it, say that he has kept his promise, because in some of these places the land owners are not going to want to give up their land, they very much do not want the government coming in and some of these places and taking their land to build a wall. it is going to be an eminent domain battle, but i do not think that everybody is focused on that. >> why would they want a wall? >> they don't want illegal crossings on the property, right? >> texas especially, this is an issue because there are families that were property owners before texas was a state in the united states of america, so the culture is a little bit different in dealing with the issue, that does not mean that they do not want border security or border patrol to be on their property, working with border patrol to make sure that people are not crossing back and forth, but that does not mean that they want their ranches divided by a big wall. there is going to be a big battle there. in terms of the numbers, not all
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illegal immigrants in this country are mexicans, only 50% of them are. the rest are other than mexican, one of the big reasons we have is the overstay, 54 million people that come into the country every year, 7000 of them stay behind, interior enforcement is an issue coming in under obama he was called the deport or in chief, but the way that they measure that number was to catch people at the border and immediately deport them, they counted that as a deportation, that is not going in the community and revving people up and deporting them, they were counting people turning themselves into border patrol and getting kicked out as a deportation, that's why the number was so high. >> that is a great points coming in one thing is also clear, it is not just mexicans, central america and south america the way that the border is coming you can keep going, you can come in as long as you want to. keep going, so it is really not mexico right now that it is a problem, that is among the border patrol, but keep in mind the fear of drugs, no coming across the the southern border
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is a problem. >> fewer people deported should be celebrated, the headlines in the paper that trump sends fewer mexicans despite deportation talk. and then it says rhetoric versus reality. >> just talking about deportation, the fact that it is empty talk, but it is not. if you're tough talk makes fewer people come across the border it should be trumped immigration policy working. >> the other thing that they are working on, going to happen in january, kennedy, they are going to talk about immigration and there is a bipartisan committee in the senate right now that his passing chain migration because i believe the sentiment on both sides to attack ads, the lottery as well and daca to mixing with border security, could this be the first joint legislators since the 20s? >> it is interesting because people's feelings about immigration evolves with some of the facts and reality and news that happens, and whether it is
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kate steinle's death, which was capitalized on the rights or some of the terror incidents had to reach across party lines and people go, well, i'm wondering about the people that are in my community, how do we keep the country safer? well, still attracting famous people in the world to come and work at businesses and help take care of families and participates in the economy, i mean, that is what you want to. so the question is, how do we fix immigration to keep bad people out without compromising the civil liberty. that is a big goal, the ultimate goal, but i think republicans and democrats are much closer on that, because people essentially want the same thing. they want the country to be safe. if they want the best and brightest people here, and they realize that the system is broken on several ends, visa and it be so over state, we have to fix the visa system and democrats have to live up to the promises that they made on border security 11 years ago.
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>> brian: marie, tell me where the no-go zone is, i've not seen it yet except for build a wall, does not want to give him the victory, i have not heard him affect the chain migration and the lottery system being re-examined and daca of course he is saying, i'm interested in getting this done come march, do you think that it might be two-thirds of the way there, or am i dreaming? >> marie: you are wide-awake, you are not dreaming, i think that we might be close, it was tweeted that there will be a dock of a bipartisan bill to the floor after the new year. i think that that was something that he got in exchange as being a "yes" on tax reform, chuck schumer was a part of the end of chain migration, this is something that democrats are absolutely opening to talk about. that is the package earlier in the new year, the closer you get to november, the harder it becomes, if we can do that, we can get a bipartisan team. >> katie: if you are able to
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tackle daca and the dreamers, taking care of things like chain migration and the lottery system, and you do not hold amnesty into it. will be a really big challenge, because the details of daca's are going to be hard to work out, what is the threshold in terms of the timing that was brought here, do you get to stay? 66% of the illegal immigrants in the country have been here for more than ten years, which means the rest have only been here for five, that is a lot of people that will be looking for some form of amnesty and does involve the question of what do we do with people that are here, because they are not all dreamers, and let's not forget that barack obama's dreamer policy caused an influx of unaccompanied minors, a huge crisis, and that is a potential to happen again if they are not careful about the way that they debate the legislation. >> brian: tom, you are in a tough spot, you are going to use to migration and come across the border. speak to a fair state, tom. >> tom: we are just fine,
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because they do have merit. >> brian: you bring something to the table? >> tom: we do not need to migration. they can come here because they are highly skilled. >> brian: and you can sing and dance. a triple threat. >> tom: this is the one thing i fear, we are all tired of this, conservatives will say, you have to get a deal on daca, and democrats say you cannot do a deal which from, we have the republicans on their back. if you let trump stand up and look like a consolidator, there goes the midterm election. >> marie: we are confident enough in what we are running on, and to kennedy's point, the fact that so many republicans have come out in support of daca and getting it fixed and done is good. not alone, but it is such a change from where we were a year ago, two years ago, three years ago, that's why it's going to get done. to the 800,000 dreamers, i do believe both sides of the i want to find a compromise.
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>> katie: cannot just say that the illegal immigration system in this country is severely broken. legal. and i believe that it is unfair that we are focusing on the illegal immigration reform of this problem before we are focusing on the legal reform, because people wait five, ten, 15 years to come to the country legally and pay thousands of dollars and are currently using the fees that the illegal immigrants are paying for daca and the dreamers that were here before. that's how he got away with doing it and not going through congress. so i do think that we have to rethink our priorities, daca is one that a lot of people can agree on, but there are bigger immigration problems putting americans first that the president campaign on that should be kept first. >> brian: i am a part of the community that prides itself on internationals, they are angry at the whole talk of daca, because they go through the green card system for the most part. >> tom: they should pay the fees and then they will say,
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wait about -- what about us? >> kennedy: i give people credit for having a nuanced conversation about immigration, because they realize that it is heartless to deport people if this is the only home that they have ever known, that is the basis for the argument for dreamers. at the same time, having said that, then you do not create the influx, you kind of close the door, and that when we fix the immigration system, and i don't think that you shut down the number of visas come i think that you do a better job of letting people and allowing people in who are going to work hard. what is the metric for that, how do you measure that? i don't know, i don't know if anybody has the answer. >> katie: this is another big question, you look at daca in the dreamers, talk about not breaking up families, guess what, dreamers all families, if their parents are illegal immigrants, which many of them are, because i.c.e. delivered families for years. do they get amnesty? do they get to stay?
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what is their status? that is a tough question, you can argue if you pass through daca, the entire family gets to stay because we are not a heartless country that the ports and breaks up families, and that is something that is difficult to deal with. that is amnesty for everybody. >> brian: do you guys see what i am doing right here? i am crossing out the a block. and all the pressure -- >> kennedy: you would make such a good teacher. >> brian: and all of that is going on your show, young lady, coming up 12 minutes after the hour, president trump getting slimed by many in the media, but it does not seem to matter anymore. why? we will explain. ♪
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♪ >> kennedy: we've all got saturday fever on a thursday, president trump has been fighting the long war against the media, as you know, he is convinced that the process out to to get him, a new poll seems to support his conclusion, determining media coverage and in its first 60 days in office was about three times more negative then president obama received about two times more negative than president bush and clinton. mr. trump's approval rating is on par with obama and his first year, so the people may not be so influenced by the negative press. does it surprise you, brian, that -- >> brian: no, let me get a second to compose myself. speak to the president is a huge fan, where you broadcast every morning from 6:00-9:00 a.m. on fox news network.
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>> brian: thank you very much, kennedy, you have been on before too, wearing something totally different. >> kennedy: no, i wear the same drab gray dress every day. [laughter] >> brian: i will say this, there is no doubt about it coming at the negative coverage has been overwhelming it is almost comical, they use the last few days when i had time off to reflect, and i flip channels, and i listened on serious and i listened, i am amazed at how the president is actually programming three other networks by his tweets, they are so outraged by what he says that they book guess around what he is tweeting in the morning and blow their whole entire rundown in the street about it. so he is playing into it. i get that. but it is so negative that they are not understanding that they have never come across a fighter like this, he fights every story that he does not like and sees it as incorrect every single day.
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people say that i am exhausted. to speak to the danger is, marie, that he can come off as thin-skinned, but at the same time, does not seem to hurt him. as much as the press seems to subtly taken down, and sort of miss produce the coverage, it doesn't really have have the intended effect. >> marie: we will see, his poll numbers, the approval rating, all of his numbers are historically low for the first round president, lower than any everyone else, he has kept his base which is about 30-33%, not enough to win and election, we will see if all of the negativity surrounding his presidency -- >> kennedy: does he call it negativity? >> marie: of his own making and to the media coverage. we will see if that has an impact in 2018 when he is not on the ballot, but his party is, and we will see how that impacts senators who needs legislations past that are also running this year. i think it is still an open
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question, but he brings a lot of it on himself. and he likes the fight. >> tom: i think that people like the fights too. he is like toto pulling back the curtain, and the entire department is "the wizard of oz," the establishment, there is nothing there. and he exposes them for what they are. including the 5% of positive stories for trump where headlines where president wins the election despite losing the popular vote. [laughter] the positive as a guess, but we trust the mainstream media lesson that is a good thing. >> kennedy: katie, it is interesting because we were reading some articles this morning before "outnumbered" when the three of us were on the couch together joyfully, because even when you have a story from the hill or political or "the new york times" that talks about the success of the president is enjoying right nowe wall street is not correlated
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with any presidential edict or influence, and that is when it kind of go subtly out of the way to say, obama during his first term, he was so magical. everything was wonderful. he fixed it with presidential superglue. >> katie: as somebody who has a journalism degree, i will say as i said earlier, there is always going to be a tension between the government and the press, that is the entire purpose of an unbiased media. that being said, that is not a territory that we are playing in anymore. every headline is politicized. everything is a fight. and honestly, it really is lazy journalism for them to throw all of the headlines to focus entire newspapers around tweets means that they are not actually doing the digging, not the investigative work that they need to do on big topics. we have seen them really screwing up big reports with anonymous sourcing about major russia bombs that have repeatedly had to be retracted or corrected. i think that they need to take a step back. they have said this many
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themselves to regather themselves, think about what their priorities are in the story and take back their liberal bias a little bit and not let their positions on the policies affect the way that they go after the facts. >> kennedy: one of the comments that you made earlier today, marie, being a spokesperson at the state department for the president, it does not feel like the press is fair. from where we sit, "the new york times," and other institutions, very kind and glowing towards president obama, and secretary clinton. but do you think that the way that the press covers the president now, is it going to be the same level of scrutiny for the next democratic president? >> marie: probably come i think so. >> kennedy: you really think that they are going to? brian, take it over. >> marie: let's look at all of the hillary clinton stories that we have talked about over the last year. i do want to give one little shout out to the reporters who have done a good job coming up we have had stories that have broken major news weather on the russia investigation or other
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topics, reporters are doing a good job, but the problem is when news outlets has to retract stories and great stories, that makes it harder for everybody else, so let's focus on the good journalist and make the bad ones better. >> kennedy: will there be a healing of the rift between the presidency and the press coming out is that necessary? should the press be as harsh with every administration as this one? >> brian: president obama got treated with kid gloves, did you see on the other day with the prince ? >> brian: having three networks. >> tom: then he said we were on the same page, yes, of course we were. >> brian: there are things that the president could do to change things subtly and get over 50%, number one, do something bipartisan even even if it takes off republicans, and let the republicans do the fighting for them, he has not at anybody in his corner early with more and more lawmakers getting into including mitch mcconnell, fighting for them and saying, that was unfair, let
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me do this, let me be at the tif the spear for a while. if he can back off and let people take the fire, he will get closer and closer. >> kennedy: i think that you are right, but it is contrary to his nature. >> katie: i agree. >> kennedy: that is hard for him to delegate, he is good, this is why you like so many generals around him, because he is good at delegating the policy stuff, the foreign national security that may not be as natural to him at some of the economic stuff, but when it comes to fighting and picking fights come i think that he feels that he does a better than anybody else. >> katie: with the media strategy, because the media is unpopular, he knows that when he attacks them, there are a lot of people that like it because it is unpopular. >> brian: eminem for sure, because he was like, i'm going to go after limp bizkit. if he is mad, i am mad. >> kennedy: we call him 8-mile brian kilmeade. >> brian: 's nickname should
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be shorter by nature. >> kennedy: president trump, not happy with china today, says that the country has been caught red-handed doing something not too good with north korea, what is that? we will tell you next. ♪
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>> katie: as -- pressure with the rogue regime, secretary of state rex tillerson notes a new op-ed, peaceful pressure campaign has cut off nearly 90% of the north revenue, which is used to fund the development of illegal weapons, china should end could do more, capturing photos of chinese illegally selling oil to north korean boats, more than 2000 times since october. china has denied to confirm it,
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but president trump said tweeting, caught red-handed, very disappointed that china is allowing oil to go into north korea, there will never be a friendly solution to the north korea problem if this continues to happen." murray, is in a lot of the basis of why we cannot come to a solution with china on the north korea problem based on a lack of trust from china and the u.s.? >> marie: i think it is a lack of trust, but also a lack of interest that are on the same page, china does not have all of the same interest that we do. sure, they do not want north korea to launch weapons all around the world, but they do not want war on the peninsula, and they do not want to north korea where there is refugees blowing across the chinese border, they have economic interests as well. so part of the goal has to be convincing china that our interests are the same and really putting some teeth behind this to get them more onboard, because at the end of the day, sanctions are not going to end north korea's nuclear program. it is going to take much more
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pressure from countries like china, like russia, and others to really get some better solutions. >> katie: you talk about not wanting more on the peninsula, but they see an expansion of u.s. power as well, but i was in a meeting, kennedy, two weeks ago with a senior national security adviser at the white house, making it pretty clear that we are on the path to war if things do not change soo soon. the diplomatic options are pretty limited. >> kennedy: tonight on my show i am going to interview ralph peters, and he will talk about the biological warfare, and anthrax missiles, it is really scary that they have all of these capabilities, what is really tragic is that the north korean people are the ones who suffer. because cheap filthy oil is actually quite expensive. and they are taking all of the money that they have to buy a lot of this stuff on the black market. china is a state run economy,
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this is not a truly free market economy, therefore, if they want to crackdown on some of the banks and shapes and companies who are supplying north korea with this kind of oil, they absolutely can do that, and they are not to. we to force more of a diplomatic head with china, because no one wants what has happened in the past. absolutely no one. >> brian: the plan is in place to do the outcome of the sanctions will come down and trade restrictions on china, and the goal right now between the scenes is to get europe involved. you have to get europe in in te u.s., and there will be some blowback, but we will deal and the prices in the trade and some of the corporations and companies are going to feel this when it comes to it, but we have to do it. that will be the clampdown coming in on top of that, the more that you build up the military presence, the more uncomfortable china gets. this is the last thing that they want. >> kennedy: can i say something really quickly to the point? there are a lot of allies in western europe, we talk about the north korean deal, sorry, the iran deal, they want us to stay in the iran deal, and if
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they are going to back us on north korean sanctions and putting pressure as an allied block against china, they are going to i think force this president to stay in that iran deal, because you cannot have it both ways. >> katie: china is doing what china does, saying that this could not happen at all. >> tom: i do not believe it. maybe it is the unelected leadership that is known for lying, maybe that is it. we should not be surprised. this is a modern presidential, remember when president trump tweeted out i'm not presidential, and modern presidential? >> brian: i miss that one, actually. >> tom: he says that his twitter coming here is where to find the presidency, telling us outcome of the amazing thing that the president is shouting out to liar, liar, caught red-handed, i love this. this is a presidential twitter that i like. >> brian: the problem is that the u.s. treasury released the pictures coming he did not need the papers to publish them, i hope come i hope you got a
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glimpse of them last week. >> marie: if we are going to have diplomatic talks, which everybody agrees that nobody wants war, i do think that the president should be careful, because they are so sensitive, rex tillerson writes it to very well-crafted op-ed command on and donald trump tweets, and it's own masai, who is speaking for the administration? >> katie: the chinese argument argues that they should be speaking directly, we are asking china to do too much when it comes to political influence, they do not have north korea while also asking them for sanctions on north korea. if canada were popping off and threatening us with biological weapons and pointing missiles at us, would we be asking china to run point? absolutely not. it is the same finger geographically with china, i understand that they want regional dominance, i get that they want global dominance, but it is going to be really hard if they do find themselves in a trade war, and i think in this
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instance, the united states economically, certainly has the upper hand, we just half -- rex tillerson is great, sexy rexy i get it, but nikki haley has done everything better, we need somebody aligned with the president in this arena if we are actually going to solve the problem with china, i don't think rex tillerson can do it. >> brian: if canada was threatening china, china would ask us to help them with canada, we are asking china to help with north korea, because they are closest and have a diplomatic solution. >> marie: we should be talking directly, this is such a pressing issue in 2018, it is going to be at the top of the list. >> brian: for 40 years -- >> marie: we need to sit down face-to-face and not just relying on china to do it, we need to be at the table, that's how you have leverage and pressure people directly. >> brian: we cannot trust what they do or they say, that is a problem. >> marie: you do not to negotiate with your friends coming you negotiate with your
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enemies. >> kennedy: work it off. >> katie: more sanctions. high drama again in alabama, roy moore still refusing to accept the outcome of the senate race that he lost officially today. that is next. ♪ hurry, it's the final days of the ford year end sales event. ♪ i'm on top of the world, hey. ♪ it's your last chance of the year to get our best offer of the year: zero percent financing for seventy-two months, plus an extra one-thousand cash back across a full lineup of ford cars, trucks and suvs. so hurry and save big on america's best-selling brand. it's the final days of the ford year end sales event with zero percent financing for seventy-two months plus an extra one-thousand cash back! see your ford dealer before jan 2nd and save.
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♪ >> marie: well it is official, doug jones is the winner of the long drawn-out alabama senate race. the contest was certified today, despite an attempt by roy moore to stop it. the circuit judge denied moore's request for his restrainer order, alabama secretary of state defended the end integrity of the election on fox news this afternoon. take a look. >> are entitled to wear their own opinion, but not their own facts, and as of the facts today by the time i came on the air with you, we had 118
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instances of alleged voter fraud or fraudulent activity or irregularities that have happened in this election, we have currently adjudicated 85 of those which means that 33 are still outstanding. we will follow through until they have all been properly adjudicated. we want people to know that their votes have been counted and that the election process in the state of alabama has the eight integrity and credibility which is what they expect and should be demanding and what we have provided. >> marie: a spokes person for jones calls the action a desperate attempt to subvert the will of the people. jones will be sworn in by mike pence next wednesday. okay, katie, i'm coming to you on this first, doesn't it feel like the senate election will never end? >> katie: he is officially the loser today, he was officially the loser on election day, and he should've conceded a long time ago. i'm not conceding is the most roy moore thing that roy moore can do, if they want to talk about voter fraud, that can be an issue in elections, but now
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the case here. 22,800 people wrote in other people that were not grow more mentally manic roy moore. a larger margin of right ends then roy moore, get over it, you're making everybody look bad, you are a sore loser, go home. >> marie: in january mike pence will swear in doug jones, and there will be a one-vote margin. >> kennedy: any of the democratic senators that are more likely to cross the aisle and vote with the president, i would say in order to preserve his senatorial perch, doug jones is going to do just that. and some of these states, like we have talked about, infrastructure, and i would have been with disappointed if roy moore had conceded. >> marie: should you ride out on a horse like you rode in on one? >> kennedy: yes, a crazy stable of horses to ride around the state on, because this election has been such a huge distraction for both parties,
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absolutely insane. hopefully there other places where they have looked at this and internalized and said, we have to run different types of candidates. and a lot of the issues that he has raised, voter fraud, what are you, an infomercial for the mentally ill? >> brian: there is something stranger to come out of this, and that is that roy moore chose to go get a polygraph to prove his innocence. and he said, now that we are done, let's have a polygraph, turns out i do not have it with me, but i passed. so he passes his own polygraph. >> kennedy: in the same style as o.j.? >> brian: it's amazing that o.j. got out of prison and we have not heard from them, more controversial things have happened since he has gotten out. >> marie: we might want to check in on that. do you think, tom, to kennedy's point, do you think the republican party or the democratic party will look at this and say, hey, maybe we made need to make sure that we do not
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nominate people that are crazy? >> tom: i hope that other politicians do not refrain from riding their horses to the polls, i think that is a great way to get to the polls. we don't want to slender people who like to ride horses to the polls, that was not his main problem. >> kennedy: nobody is anti-poll horse riding. >> tom: all of the voter logs, they are going to tamp down minority turnout was huge. these laws are fine, minorities have no problem getting to the polls, they should stop planing about the draconian laws, alabama has some of the toughest motor balls, so they were just fine, and they do not repress voters. >> brian: a lot of people who know roy moore say that he is a great guy, principal guy, i do not mean to be negative towards him. >> marie: go ahead, you are allowed to be. >> brian: i've never met him, interviewed him, he did not do any interviews the week before coming he is out of our coming you do not go to the football game, you have to sit there and work 23 hours over the last 36.
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doug jones did it and he lost by 1% coming you cannot leave anything in the bank. look at what president trump did, he outworked hillary clinton until the end. he did not know it was so close to minnesota, i would've went there one more time, i would've gone to minnesota again. that's the attitude you have to have. he did not run from interviews either. he ran from interviews. >> marie: doug jones, he ran a good campaign, he was a candidate, democrats need to find candidates who match the district or the state. >> kennedy: alabama is a very republican state, you agree that he is likely to flip and cross the aisle then people like joe manchin, heidi heitkamp, some of the other democrats who are in red states. >> marie: asked him i think he is in that camp, absolutely, because i found a candidate who is credible, respected in the state, and he was able to run a good campaign. i think doug jones was respecte respected. they kicked them out in 2020. i think as we look to the end of
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2017, one of the stories that we will be very happy to never talk about again as the alabama senate race. can everybody agree on that? >> katie: unless republicans see that no seat is to read not to keep. >> marie: and states can flip, bill clinton won louisiana, so everybody going to the election needs to keep that in mind. >> brian: what i would like to add to virginia and alabama, the aberrations, whatever, the only thing that keeps coming through his turnout. the democrats are getting the turnout, because they are motivated. republicans have the money and they think they have the candidate, if they do not go out to the polls and candidate, they are going to lose. >> kennedy: turns out that voting wins elections. >> brian: write it down. >> marie: write it down. switching gears, coming up to an interesting new gadget for those in love and thinking of popping the question, may be new year's eve, knowing a thing or two about proposal, he will fill you in next. stay tuned. ♪ you can't predict
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♪ >> brian: there is a new i phone case holds the rock shot, easy-going engagement box that you can propose and record the reaction. a few flaws that they have to work out, check out the latest commercial. >> introducing rock chalk, the cell phone case with a built-in ring box, know when you get down on one knee to propose, you can cherish the reaction forever. never forget the beautiful moment that she said i do. and share it with everyone on social media. rock shock, the best moment from the worst angle.
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[laughter] 's before the reactions you can count capture, when you pop the question to your squeeze come a new device that is convenient for your big moment, the company called rock shock makes the phone case that can hide your engagement ring and when the time is right, you just get on your knee, press record and show her the bling. let's just hope that you can get the answer that you want, i think that -- i love technology, kennedy. i think that this is great, it is a great item, it is to hold the second day you get engaged, you can toss it in the trash. >> kennedy: hopefully it is not too expensive. >> tom: $39.95. >> kennedy: it is going on social media where everybody is going to compare and judge. and for so many people, it does not go on instagram immediately, it did not happen. >> tom: that is a shame, i think that there is too much, brian, everything is online, i
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am a traditionalist. you know, when i proposed, it was in complete darkness. i did not want to see her expression. [laughter] i dated by the moonlight, it was not until late at night. >> brian: people spent on average $5000 on the ring, so you had to be ready to spend $5000, have never seen anything so scripted about a spontaneous moment. i think that this is something, i thought that this was half a joke, half real, i was not sure if this was a mockery, is this really happening? i think it is half a joke, half real. >> marie: i can look on amazon right now and see if it is real. people propose at baseball and football games and they put you on the jumbotron, oh, god, please say yes, there've been times -- you should not do these things. >> kennedy: i went to a fancy restaurant overlooking lake
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tahoe, just a beautiful location, it was one of the casinos, pretty high up, and the view was just stunning, the food was fantastic, and i asked the waiter, he said, yes, we had a man who invited his family and his girlfriend's family, he got down on one knee and proposed in this beautiful setting, and she said "no." >> marie: of people put it in food, if you buy me a dime and, i don't want it in mashed potatoes. common engagement food. >> katie: you never do the upshot on the iphone, that is a bad idea. it should be a little bit sentimental here. something should be private in between you and your significant other of other. and i think that people forget now in the day of commercialization, which is not about the wedding, the proposal, it is about the marriage, and i think that many people forget about that. >> brian: yes, tom, he is still focused on his wedding, where is the relationship tom?
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these are way producers are brilliant. do you know that more engagements happen on christmas eve and christmas more than any other time? >> tom: and they will happen more this year because of that infomercial for the dohme device. this is what is up next! ♪
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>> one more thing up to my rundown. it's called one more thing. let's begin with katie. what have you chosen? >> luke brian may have already won his wife, caroline's heart, but he wins the award for best christmas present. what did he give her? >> here's your purses. two purses. take your blind folds off. >> oh, my god! oh, my god! >> yes, those are two baby kangaroos. they're baby roos. the latest addition to his wife's project, which is a tribute to their niece that died at seven months old. their barn is full of rescue animals and they plan to partner with local charities. so margo and todd are part of the luke brian family. they look very happy.
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>> and kangaroos grow up to punch you. they can be dangerous. >> and they kick you with their feet. >> i have a friend that has a wallaby. >> t-rex arms. breaking news here. >> it's cold almost everywhere here these days. but check out how this father and daughter dealt with the cold. they hop out of the hot tub. take a look at this video. >> i love that video. >> everybody is saying that is dangerous. it's great fun. >> what a good thing for your lymphatic system. >> i'm going to think about doing that. kennedy? >> thanks very much, brian. women in hollywood are planning
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on making a social statement at this year's golden globes. meryl streep plans on wearing black to the awards ceremony and they're very, very brave male counter parts, including dwayne johnson and the winklevoss twins will listen to this, so brave, the guys will be wearing black, too. have you ever heard of a man wearing black to an awards show? incredible. >> profiles encouraged. >> i ask for sentimental tears. >> take that. >> smith wanted to thank his
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parents after he was drafted. he brought his parents a home. listen. >> all the sacrifices you made to get me where i am, i want our family home to be yours. so so i'm -- you can't do that. >> he paid up their mortgage. >> check it out. it was a good interview. >> and special thanks to a tree. nixon walked by it. herbert hoover ate under it. planted by andrew jackson during the campaign, 1828 to 1837. they're blaming melania. an expert told her to do it. andrew jackson lives on. not as big. pieces will be taken off and planted elsewhere. so don't panic, america!
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>> and thank you very much. don't ever miss an episode of "the five." there's a quiz at the end. make sure to use your dvr. now it's time to go to mike emanuel. he's my only friend. >> aren't you usually taking a nap this time of day? >> i am. that's why i didn't make much sense. >> thanks for staying away. the heat is on at the fbi as a top republican says the agency is falling short on answering congress' questions. sorting fact or fiction. the president is planning on signing more legislation than any other administration. and we look at what is on the agenda for 2018. this is "special report." good evening. welcome to washington. i'm mike emanuel in for bret baier. another republican condemns the nation's top law enforcement agency over failing to comply with its probe into the so-called trump


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