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  The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  May 23, 2016 5:03pm-5:12pm PDT

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and that's the memo. now for the top story. interview with donald trump. candidate joins us now from his new york city headquarters. first of all, you still believe that egyptian airliner was blown out of the sky? there is a lot of different speculation now. >> i do. in a certain way. i mean, i don't know what they used but something bad happened and we'll see. i guess they will eventually find out but i certainly do. i know that plane very well. i know that type of aircraft. and you have thousands and thousands flying millions of miles and never been anything like it. so i do and i think most people do. >> okay. now, would you support asking congress for a declaration of war? to fight terrorism and then under that declaration it would be the groups that would be -- that the united states would declare war on, isis, al qaeda, taliban. would you favor that because if your president, a declaration of war gives you more power to defeat these people. >> it wouldn't bother me at all doing that probably
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should have done that in the first place. look, we are at war with these people and they don't wear uniforms. it's not your traditional war where it's a war against germany, japan, or whoever. this is a war against people that are vicious, violent people, that we have no idea who they are, where they come from. we are allowing tens of thousands of them into our country now. so on top of wars on foreign land, wait until you see what happens in the future. it's probably not going to be pretty. i hope i'm wrong about that but it's probably not going to be pretty. >> it's speculation. >> well, its did not speculation. we are allowing people into our country we don't know who they are. some of them happen to have cell phones with the isis flag on them. i think it's something that we have to be very tough and very vigilant and very smart or we will be in big trouble. >> national security pole. i want to get you "on the on the record.
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wow ask congress to pass a declaration of war if you are elected? >> i would have no problem with doing it, bill. >> that doesn't mean you would do it but i will take that. >> no. i will study the facts. i will study the facts. but i would have, i think right now i would have no problem with doing it because we are at war. >> by the way, the world is at war. >> more powerful in waging the fight. now, you and i have gone around and around on isis a bit. your theory is that you take their oil away, you strangle their ability to finance themselves and that's one of the components. >> i have said that for a long time. >> i say if you do that it's going to be a blood bat. they are not going to do it easier. how about this doe clarg that anyone buying oil from isis is an enemy of the state? that means an enemy of the united states? that way anybody who buys it, we can drop a drone on.
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>> well, you know, it depends who it is and everything else. i'm not sure i want to go that far because you could have -- maybe they send two barrels to england. than they send two barrels to sweden. i don't know. >> you know not the secondary market. the first guys who buy it see, i would do that i would say enemies of the state you can buy from isis and i'm going to come get you. that would dry up the -- their oil. that would put them out of the oil business as they say this texas. >> i can tell you right now we're not even hitting the people that are buying it on site the trucks. >>. no not at all. in fact hrkts had he sameh say don't hit them that we have transmissions in of the military saying don't hit them blow the hell out of them. >> in that case absolutely 100 percent.
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we north hittings them. in fact, we are saying get out of your trucks. the whole thing is so preposterous what we're doing. those people i would hit so hard so fast. >> let's turn to domestic issue getting people angry. right after you, we have a talk with kirsten powers about transgendered orders from the white house, which would basically put people who are transitioning from one sex to the another and haven't done it biologically yet in a locker room is so you would have little girl, 8 to 11 or 12 with a boy who wants to be a girl in the same shower conceivably. that could happen. and, an acharlotte observer editorialized what happened recently that's fine, we need to get over that afs little preturned by that editorial. what say you. >> it's not fine. i would generally speaking leaving leave it to the states to decide.
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you know, obama is getting into a very tricky territory. amazing thing is so many people are talking about this now and we have to protect everybody, even if it's one personal. but this is such a tiny part of our population. now, with that being said, protect everybody, but i would really leave it up to the states in this case. >> in your facilities, in your hotels, do you have separate facilities for transgendered? are you going to put those in? >> no, we don't. no, we don't have that. >> are you going to put them in? >> i hope not because, frankly it, would be unbelievablely expensive knight. >> it's human rights recommendation hundreds of billions of dollars. >> it's human rights. >> i don't know about human rights. i can tell you unbelievably expensive thing to do. i think our country wants to be spending money in other things in terms of let's build more building and create more jobs or something. that would be unbelievably situation to do. unbelievably. and, frankly, the number of
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people woe are tog about is a small number. >> again, protect them but it's a very, very small number. >> i think it was today on the internet you put up some stuff about hillary clinton and bill clintons. kind of tawdry stuff. i'm not sure that this is a good thing to do that. >> are you talking about what i'm doing? i'm only responding to what they do. they have been -- she has been very nasty and i said i would like it to be on policy, bill. i would like it to be a straight right down the middle and by the way the one thing you didn't mention about the polls, number one, i think i am popular with people. i really do. i think a lot of people that maybe say i'm not they are going to vote for me. i'm winning in most of the polls against hillary. >> we did that on thursday. we reported it first on thursday. >> maybe i didn't see that show. >> everybody watches every night. >> some people might not have saw it. >> they all saw it every
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human being on earth knows and saw that because it goes on the internet and you tweeted about it everybody reads your tweets. so that's been out. i understand what you are trying to do here is inhibit mrs. clinton from attacking you personally by saying if you play that game, then can i come back 10 times harder. i understand that. but it is -- you know that it makes the country look bad abroad and things like that. that's what worries me. i understand the clinton attack machine. i got it. and i think it has to be difficulty with somewhat. but i think maybe caution. >> bill, i don't like doing that but i have no choice. had when she hits me on things i have no choice. you have to do it. it's unfair. you know they are dirt were place. they have been dirty players. historically. i have to fight back the way i have to fight back. >> all right. and voters will make up mind. as i said, if it's in context everybody i think will understand it i hope you guys both just -- you are right, it should be
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issues, right? you and her, on the issues? >> i would rather have policy and issues. much rather have policy and issues. absolutely. >> and you come on this show and you come on other shows that are not as press tinge just as. this we understand why you come here. you are a stand up guy. she doesn't do that i think she should answer the same kind of questions you answer, you are know? >> well, she doesn't. and she goes on very few shows and i notice the other night she was on a show and they gave her setup questions and they negative g-8 their questions. i don't think you can ever say i negotiate my questions with you. >> do you think that would work if you came to my people and said i want o'reilly to ask me these questions? do you think that would work? >> yeah. i actually told my people don't waste your time it's not going to happen. i will say this. if you look at her questions, they are negotiated questions. and i'm not saying that's a dom thing to do, bill. >> if she can get away with
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it. >> we always give you credit for coming okay. all right, donald. thanks again. >> we appreciate it. we'll see you soon. >> thank you. >> next on the rundown, brit