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tv   The Kelly File  FOX News  October 27, 2015 1:00am-2:01am PDT

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"special report" is next it app speaker john boehner has one more big compromise up his sleeve. this is "special report." good evening, welcome positive washington. i'm bret baier. house speaker john boehner's promise to try to clean his plate for his successor may be closer tonight. boehner and his team are working with the white house to come up with a plan that would raise the debt ceiling and seal the deal on a two-year budget agreement that would move past the 2016 presidential election. mike is following the story on capitol hill.
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>> good evening. house republicans are meeting this hour and are expected to meet again tomorrow morning to discuss the outline of the plan to see if they can rally up enough support to get some thorny issues off the agenda as the house is expected to transition to a new speaker. the package was negotiated by members of the white house with the top four congressional leaders, top speaker john boehner, nancy pelosi, and democratic leader harry reid. the senate leader talked cautiously earlier this afternoon. >> in the meantime, we also know that fiscal negotiations are ongoing as the details come in, and especially if an agreement is reached, intend to consult and discuss the detail with our colleagues. >> it's past time that we do away with the harmful, draconian sequester cuts. we must also ensure that there is equal defense and non-defense cuts or increases. >> congressional sources say they're closing in on a two-year budget package which would raise
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the debt ceiling from next week until march 2017. it would set a budget parameter, the overall spending goal for the next two years. it's expected to address massive medicare premium hikes for r 87 mi million americans, and it adjusts sequester cuts to defense and domestic programs. josh earnest chose his words carefully. >> we have talked about these base cuts simply because nothing is agreed to until everything is agreed to. >> if the house and congress can round up enough votes, it would prove dysfunction is not the story line down the stretch of a presidential election. bret? >> when that happens, it will move fast, right? >> absolutely because the debt ceiling is set to expire early
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next week, so with the senate clock they have to work on some kind of plan to get this through on the deadline. >> mike, thank you. obviously some people contest that. the u.s., though, is about to test the resolve of china over its expansion of artificial islands in the south china sea. the fact that we know this tonight is causing a great deal of anxiety at the pentagon. and that's not all they're worried about. national security correspondent jennifer griffin has that story tonight. >> reporter: a senior u.s. defense official confirms the u.s. navy plans to send the u.s.s.lassin, a navy destroyer, within 12 nautical miles to the spratly islands in the china sea to challenge. it is armed with tomahawk missiles and its position to carry out the mission. they're angry about the leak and may even consider calling off the operation due to security concerns. the spratly islands are the artificial islands that china
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has been building, adding miles of shoreline and laying down what looked like military runways, adding to concerns of u.s. allies who want the u.s. navy to protect these valuable shipping channels. president obama met with the indonesian president at the white house today to discuss the effort to defeat isis and concerns about chinese aggression in the south china sea. defense secretary ashe carter and chairman joe dempford leave for arizona on friday. in the meantime, officials are warning that an uptick in the cables could cripple the nation's ability to end the war. >> it could take months and years to go out and figure out where these cuts are made. so even a mild disruption could mean a trillion dollars to the united states. >> any attempt to sever these cables would leave them blind.
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quote, it would be a concern of ours to see if any government was tampering with underground cables. the naval forces in europe said the patrols have risen by 50% since last year and pose a direct threat to nato. the pentagon took note last month when a russian spy ship the yantir crewsed around on its way to cable to tell us about this? >> what about that hostage rescue in iraq? >> it was released by the kurdish government, and it clearly shows u.s. delta force operators in a combat role, hostages are pulled from cells, the black flag of isis is in the background. the prisoners are frisked during the process. they released this video from the nose cone of the u.s. war plane that destroyed the isis prison from the air. it is a more clinical picture of
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war. these videos attempt to answer the question, was the operation worth it? army sergeant wheeler and commander was killed during the raid, bret. the associated press is reporting that the green berets who requested an airstrike earlier this month were aware it was a functioning city but believed it was under taliban patrol. there were questions about why the strike was carried out and who approved it. some are calling it a war crime. doctors without borders denies the hospital was controlled by the taliban. dr. ben carson's momentum in iowa is reaching new levels tonight. this comes as the man who was supposed to be the frontrunner but isn't is trying to figure out why. chief political correspondent carl cameron shows us what's happened. >> reporter: before attending a strategy session in texas with big donors, his family and campaign team, jeb bush this weekend outlined category steps
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to outline his campaign. having said for months he would run with joy in his heart, he sounded fed up. >> is this how we're going to run this campaign with no funds? i don't need this. demonizing me and expecting me to demonize them. that's a joke. >> bush knows time is short. in new hampshire trump said bush was someone trying to win donors. >> i say if you can cut 40 to 50%, and they're all taking it, he's meeting now with mom and dad. no, it's true. he needs counsel. >> four -- college polls came today. all four show.
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trump refused to apologize over some great religious figure the years. >> i'm presbyterian. 7-day adventists i don't know about. others have even different rules. he thanked god for his success, as a difference between himself and trump. >> i refuse to get into the mud pit. hillary was actually right when she said republicans were there trying to destroy each other. >> i didn't say anything bad about it, i just don't know about it. i didn't say anything bad. all i said was i didn't know about it. >> trump weighed in on women who
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pay their -- wouldn't it be easi easier. if i was a woman. the billionaire inherited his father's new york city empire, but bemoneyed his earlier days. >> i started out in brooklyn. my father gave me a small loan of. >> trump's late father left between 200 and 400 million. >> he can hold a crowd. there's a new image and a new line every single day. . up next, a major earthquake
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kills hundreds in. fox number 5 in oklahoma city with the first quarter appearance with the woman accused of. a lawyer for 25-year-old daisha chambers says she's still mental mentally. jacksonville, mississippi removing its state flag from the capital campus. it contains the bass an. . this is a live look from our -- they reach a new four-year contract. it happened 16 minutes before last night's deadline.
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the death toll from a major earthquake in northern afghanistan is at least 263 tonight. the quake rattled buildings from kabul to delhi, india and cut communications from some areas in that situation. greg is here from london. hello, greg. >> reporter: hello, bret. it is early tuesday morning in afghanistan and a rescue effort to ramp up there. the quake happened monday afternoon afghan time. it happened in quake-prone hindu
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mountains of afghanistan. the strongest quake was felt as far away as kabul, afghanistan and new delhi. road communications are bad even in the best of times. over a thousand are thought to be injured, thousands of buildings damaged. one report we got, 12 young girls killed in a stampede while they were fleeing falling walls and ceilings in that school. again, the quake was felt throughout southern asia. the quake was felt from hundreds of miles away. aftershocks lasting, according to some, as long as two minutes. medical teams spread throughout the area. complicating things even further, the area where the quake hit is near where afghan and u.s. troops are battling the taliban. here is what the white house had to say. >> we offer our deepest condolences to all of those affected by the earthquake in afghanistan, including the
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family of those who died in afghanistan and pakistan. the u.s. government has been in touch with the governments in afghanistan and pakistan, and we stand ready to provide any additional support that may be needed. >> the quake happened 130 miles below the surface. what experts say is the effect of the quake might be felt widely, but hopefully the destruction at the epicenter won't be so great. putting it in perspective, we were in a quake in that region 10 years ago about in that area, about the same size, but that only happened 10 miles below the surface. 75,000 people were killed in that one. the people there, the experts are hoping the toll from this will be much lower. >> greg, thank you. refugees inundating several countries. but as winter approaches, an
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already dangerous situation becomes worse. 110,000 have survived. >> reporter: having survived harrowing sea voyages, facing possible disease as temperature drops. >> four nights and four days. >> reporter: the colder weather may slow the tide of boats carrying migrants to turkey and libya across to europe, and the chancellor calls the refugee crisis one of the best litmus tests anyone has ever faced. we are all bound to humanitarian, human values. we have -- the latest european
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summit over the weekend laid out a plan, to impose the slowest people. small slovenia and neighbors shut their borders. it's been an intense game of cat and mouse. >> i'm truly miserable. when i watched them walk past, i got up twatch. i watched them and cried. . >> while the migrants try to keep your spirits up. . and the migrant crisis is mag on the issue.
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on the other, they're quite concerned about what all this means for the future of their families, their communities and their countries. bret? the british foreign minister says five british nationals died when a whale-watching boat sank over vancouver island sunday afternoon. there is no word yet on what caused that accident. hillary clinton bows it the birthday candles and seeks to keep her hot
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. chief white house correspondent ed henry looks at the candidates' response to a little more criticism than usual from her main competition. as hillary clinton today celebrates her 68th birthday, she's suddenly in the strongest position of the presidential race so far. though there are still hurdles looming from the fbi investigation of her e-mail to the challenge from democratic socialist bernie sanders who has a new strategy of attacking clinton in addition to his new targets. >> the government belongs to all of us, not just a handful of billionaires. >> clinton is responding to sanders in part by saying he's making sexist comments, as she today released a new tv ad about pay he cequity. >> do you think if you're paid
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today you would be paid as much as if you were a male? >> this is one of the jobs where they have to pay you the same. >> saturday night at the reverend jackson dinner in iowa, clinton supporters wore signs and t-shirts that said, i'm fighting for her. then the candidate herself suggested sanders was being sexist at the democratic debate earlier this month when he said clinton was shouting over gun control. z >> i haven't been shouting, but sometimes when a woman speaks out, some people think it's shouting. >> sanders laughed off that charge. >> well, you know, all that i can say is i am very proud of my record on women's issues. >> that comes as sanders sharpens his attacks on clinton over substance, slamming her on flip-flops on issues like the pacific trade deal. >> that is not now nor has it ever been the gold standard of trade agreement.
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>> meanwhile, joe biden suggested his exit speech in the rose garden might have been his way to leave the door open if clinton collapses. though he quickly back-pedalled. >> part of the speech sounded like, i'll be ready. if you've got a plan and need me. >> reporter: clinton is doing some damage controls on little known comments friday when she suggested republicans had bloen the scandal out of proportion for political reasons. >> it hasn't been as widespread as it was made out to be. >> reporter: a scandal was that veterans died while waiting for care. clinton tried to qualify, saying the veterans earned the benefits they receive.
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there was more violence today in the west bank. the palestinians -- a palestinian stabbed an israeli soldier in the neck before he was shot dead. are your children taking too many standardized tests in school? we'll find out what president obama says when we come back. need to hire fast?
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are your children spending too much time at school preparing for and taking standardized tests? president obama thinks so and he has plenty of company. kevin corke adds it all up for us at the white house. >> reporter: it's gone too far. that's what president obama said over the weekend about school testing, taking to facebook to discuss the issue. >> tests should be just one source of information used alongside classroom work and surveys and other factors to give us an all-around look at how our students and our schools are doing. >> the president using the social media site to promote his plan to implement new ways to measure student aptitude, a reversal of years of promoting new testing of reverse outcomes. the white house wants a cap on
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assessments so no more than 2% of class time is used for testing students. they want tests worth taking, high quality, time limited and fair. >> what's the right balance here? that's what we're striving to get to. >> the reach into local education has been a major issue in the 2016 campaign trail. democratic frontrunner hillary clinton joining two major teachers unions and calling the new plan simple saying, quote, we should be ruthless in looking at tests and eliminating them if they do not actually help us move our kids forward. meanwhile, republican presidential candidate jeb bush has been a strong proponent of another education program, common core, an outside-based effort to understand global education where american students currently rank just 27th in math, 20th in science and 17th in reading. >> i think restoring time back to instruction that actually elevates what kids can learn is something that we must emphasize. >> reporter: still, critics
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doubt the white house's plan will do much. >> we have seen federal intervention in education grow exponentially over the past half century, and we have seen very little, if anything, in the way of academic improvement as a result. >> and bret, there is a pretty interesting political angle to this story. among the people who are really happy to see the white house reach out this way is former secretary clinton because, you see, she needs the support of the teachers' union and they've been pushing for less and less testing, and a white house which until this point showed very little interest in backing down. >> kevin corke on the north lawn. kevin, thank you. in tonight's regulation nation report, the latest salvo in the war on coal. president obama's epa has new rules that could result in big changes, good or bad, depending on your perspective. here's chief legal correspondent shanna breen.
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>> reporter: the clean power plan. a set of moderate regulations has the state goal of power plants of drastically cutting their greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. president obama called it -- >> the biggest fight america has ever taken in the fight against climate change. >> reporter: but they say it's another new power grab that will end up driving up the cost of electricity, in some areas as much as 20% while putting thousands of american jobs at risks. the president called such speculation, quote, scare-mongering for those who want to ignore the problem and touts the work he's done for environmental policies. >> i think he intends to run a greenhouse legacy by running these rules out that are so legally questionable. >> 24 states have filed suit calling the regulation's quote
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unprecedented skpun lawfand unl seeking to pick winners and losers in the energy field and then requiring the states to take part in this unlawful regime. a dozen business groups are suing as well. the new regulations were officially published and epa administrator gina mccarthy called them firmly aligned with science. they also will withstand legal scrutiny. >> it's commensurate with the clean air act and it gives them what they need to implement it. >> he announced he's teaming up with joe mansion for a resolution regarding new regulations. it would only succeed in stopping them if the president signed on or two-thirds of both houses voted in favor. bret? ben carson leading donald trump in iowa while jeb bush just can't seem to get any traction. we'll talk about iowa, we'll talk about the polls, we'll talk
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about the election with the panel after we take a
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we'll start with bush. nice guy, really is. i said low energy. carson is lower energy than bush. i don't get it. i saw him interviewed, he's lower energy than bush. >> i have a lot of cool things i could do rather than sit around and be miserable, listening to people demonize me and me feeling compelled to demonize them. that is a joke. elect trump if you want that. >> i really refuse to get into the mud pit. you know, hillary actually was right when she said that republicans are there trying to destroy each other. i really think that was a huge mistake in the last cycle, and i'm certainly not going to get into that no matter what anybody says. >> not getting in the mud pit. dr. ben carson.
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well, he is getting into the lead in iowa. if you take a look at the recent polls, there are four of them now where ben carson leads in iowa, and you can see the different numbers that he leads by over donald trump. here's the real clear average of polls, the recent polls in iowa. there you see the breakdown. then the national average is different. trump still leads on the polls across the board nationally, and you can see everyone behind carson a distance between those two frontrunners. let's bring in our panel. juan williams, columnist with the hill, laura ingram and charles. charles, what struck me over the weekend most, i think, was the bush sound bite. it seemed like it jumped out from all of the sound from the weekend. >> to use a trumpianism, it was pathetic and petulant.
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this is not very presidential. you look at the two sound bites, the trump and the carson -- excuse me, the bush versus the carson. how do you react to personal attacks from donald trump? and you can see why carson is running about three times ahead of where bush is. carson is completely self-contained, and he's very calm. the idea that he's less than energetic is rather a musing for a guy who stands -- has stood for 20 hours operating with complete and total concentration. i've watched surgeons at work, and that is the most grueling activity imaginable. so the idea that shouting and screaming and jess particulgesta sign of energy is absurd. but saying ben carson is an outsider, i believe, is the reason he's been propelled. if you look at the breakdown in a place like iowa, with men
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they're running about even, carson and trump, but among the women, there is a huge gap. there's about a 2-1 gap. and i think in some sense, people have a sense that if you want to go for an outsider, you might want to try the calm one. >> lauren? >> in south carolina, trump is at 40. in new hampshire he's at 38. i think he's leading carson by double digits, maybe even 20%, in south carolina. iowa clearly doesn't look like it's trump's place. but you're right about the jeb comment. when you think about the demeaning comments, it's the primary, people will be going back and forth. politics is a blood sport. it's not pleasant sometimes. the bushes certainly benefited in the swift boat campaign against john kerry, they benefited greatly. so the idea that jeb bush is the only person to be criticized in
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th this campaign? i think all of them have gone through the gauntlet and trump probably more than any of them, who wrote them off repeatedly and still deride him and ridicule him. and that's fine, that's the way it is. he'll have to deal with that. he'll have to have substantive answers to their concerns. i don't think jeb gets anywhere by saying, i have a lot of cool things to do. >> at the end of that sound bite he says, if you want someone to get something done, if you care about this, i'm your man. but when you start saying, if you want that, vote for trump, it came off strange to me. >> i think he's having a tough time. there's no getting away from it. i think a lot of us in washington's political circle have stayed off of jeb bush on the thought that, look, he has a ton of money. that superpac is loaded right
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now. he's going to put ads up on the air in iowa and new hampshire in the short run telling his story. he wants to focus on national security and really force people to deal with the question, do you really want to trust trump with a bomb, as somebody who can be quick to anger and the like? hillary clinton did that with barack obama? who do you want to wake up at 3:00 in the morning if the world is in danger? that's going to be his pitch. he went home this weekend, and as derump rided him before, he had them helping to raise money. >> trump said mommy and dad. >> in that case, again, though, don't think. despite all that, he's nowhere in the polls. you put up the polls earlier, bret. i think he's running about 7.
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>> the bush response when he said people demonizing me and me feeling compelled to demonize them. who is compelling you? he's saying i'm being pushed by my advisers, i don't do stuff like this, i'm a bush. either you do or you don't of the weakness he's projected but i do say we value their comments more. donald trump said, i don't need this, i can go do my business, and we don't psychoanalyze those comments. >> they've never been invoked in the history of american politics, and that standard is nobody seems to care about the substance of what he actually says, because two days later he's on to some other outrage.
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but each cancels the other out. everybody said -- the way people said about biden, it's a bidennism. is it a trumpism? we'll be amused, we'll have a chuckle and we'll go on. >> i want to get to another topic and that is what's happening in the house. house speaker, outgoing john boehner, has told employees he's getting ready to clean the barn, in his words, which means get rid of some of the most controversial pieces of legislation, including the raise in the debt ceiling in a deal that is on the works, in the works, and laura, i think it's going to be fast moving here once it moves through. >> heaven forbid people actually have time to look at this. if i read one more time, a closed door session. when it's a bipartisan closed-door session, usually you have to grab your wallet and make sure it's still there. for two years they're going to fund the government. after obama is out of office, the government will be funded. meaning the house of representatives will just, you
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know, unilaterally disarm and not have any leverage with anything with the budget, the debt ceiling, which is a constitutional prerogative of congress. so whether it's an issue of trade or this or the executive amnesty, it seems like the congress has no problem whatsoever diminishing legislative authority, which i think going back to our previous conversation is what's driven so many people, so many conservatives a little bit crazy about mcconnell and boehner for all their strength. >> john mccain just coming out saying, it's the best deal we can get on this deal. we're hearing more and more just tidbits that it's going to include some reforms of social security. the disability program, 168 billion in long-term savings. we don't really know all the facts yet, juan, but i assume they're going to come out over the next day or so. >> but i think republicans are going to get something, because the idea coming from the obama white house, we understand we have to give something to make sure boehner can defend it against the kind of charges you just heard from laura, and the
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contrary view would be, of course, that republicans like mccain, boehner, mcconnell, one sure they can govern and certainly not shutting down the government. >> this cleaning of the barn, as boehner says, does it help paul ryan as he takes over as house speaker, or does it really hurt him? >> no, i think it helps him if -- and i would assume this would be ryan's idea. you clear the deck of the short-term stuff that republicans cannot influence in a major way between now and the next election, the democrat and the white house, and you work on real tax reform and real entitlement reform in 2016, and that's how you show that you're a governing party. next up, hillary clinton on a roll and bernie may not be happy about it as he steps up the
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and let me be clear about the current trade deal we are in congress the transpacific partnership. [crowd boos] >> that agreement is not now nor has it ever been the gold standard of trade agreement. i did not support it yesterday. i do not support it today. and i will not support it tomorrow. >> republicans say i'm playing the gender card. well, if talking about equal pay, paid family leave he, affordable child care and women's health is playing the gender card, deal me in. [cheers and applause] >> jackson dinner in iowa.
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there you see the contrast that bernie sanders is talking about. obviously hillary clinton saying that she was for it and then against the transpacific partnership trade deal. also, over the weekend, joe biden with a look back at why he decided not to run. >> i will be very blunt. if i thought we could have put together the campaign that our supporters deserved and our contributors deserved, i would have gone ahead and done it. >> okay. we're back with the panel. juan? >> well, i think it's interesting to watch bernie sanders work at this point. i mean, clearly he gave her a huge gift when he said, you know, i'm sick of hearing about your emails, too at the last debate. she comes out of that debate very well. she comes out of benghazi very well. now, he is still fighting though and he is saying she is playing to the polls. and he saying i'm not a poll-driven guy. if you you look at her she flip-flops. not only on the trade deal but gay rights, right? on keystone e goes he is on
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and on about all the changes that she has made politically, making the case that he is a more sincere democrat and a clear liberal. you notice though, bret. she is not campaigning against bernie sanders. she is campaigning against the republicans on that women's issue. and she is saying they are saying i'm the one who is playing the women's card and then she gets the roar from katy perry and the gang there in attendance. >> there is momentum feel to it. >> i think hillary is running against the republicans because she knows she is going to be the nominee. i thought we would all show up on the panel in the katy perry turban today. what was that. >> by the way, you should get credit, you were one of the only panelist who's said that vice president biden would not run. >> yes. thank you. i thought that he would never be as popular as he is right now if he ran for president. there is a glow about him now, not only suffering the loss of his son but what he said about republicans and
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standing next to president obama they are not our enemies. how -- you don't hear that much in politics today. we have heard a lot of of commonnization and we all do it, i guess. that was kind of -- that was a nice moment and in that 60 minutes interview. talked about his grandchildren sitting on his lap and he also indicted the washington media by saying every time i would wake up and hear some other story about how my son had a dead bed wish, said all of that was untrue. that was revealing on "60 minutes," he goes out beloved person by republicans. charles? whether intended or not, he has pulled the great trick of a politician appealing to history and legacy. a large part of your presidency what did you at the very end, nixon bumbler, plg
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plagiarizes own personal history. seen in some ways as a nonserious person. and i don't think it was intentional orca nifd but the dignity with which he handled the tragedy of the son and what looked like you can never tell with a politician, but i would guess real sincerity in talking about it openly and making his decision bowing out, speaking openly about not making enemies and stuff like that. i think this is -- he is going to be remembered far differently and he said i'm not running again. this is it. this is the end. i think it will change the perception of him in the future. >> very quickly, juan. there is still this investigation. this fbi investigation while clearly hillary clinton has momentum and something in her step. there is still be a fbi investigation about classified emails. >> don't forget you have also got trawnches of emails that are going to be coming out in the next year or so so it's going to be this constant drum beat. charles and i were talking earlier about james comey
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the fbi director and whether or not he could be a political. he has got a history of going against republicans and i think he is going to -- there is no way that i don't think he would, if he saw that there was a criminal act, hold it, but, remember, she is not charged with a criminal act at the moment. >> we'll follow it that's it for the panel. stay tuned for another one of
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finally tonight, of the kickers these received the best responds from you.
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after serve seven months in afghanistan paul came home two weeks early to surprise his 10-year-old son at the end of his swim meet. there wasn't a dry eye in the house. [cheers] welcome. [cheers] >> that was a good butterfly. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and >> it is tuesday, october 27th, as anti police protests pop up against the country, the fbi
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director touches off a brand new debate. >> i spoke to officers who surrounded with youchk people with mobile phones held high taunting them when they get out of their cars. >> how the white house is responding. a plane packed with people skids on the runway. what caused that dramatic damage. time for a hail mary, the football coach who refused to stop his midfield prayers facing a new fight. what the high school is threatening now. fox and friends first starts right now. ♪ good tuesday morning. we are incited that building right there on the 12th floor bringing you this show live. thanks for watching fox and friends first.
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i'm ainslie earnhardt. >> and i'm heather childers. a war of cons turning into a war of words. >> the fbi director says all the anti police rhetoric is to blame for the rise in crime all across our country. >> the white house is firing back. kelly wright with the latest. >> good morning to you as well. is the use of youtube and cell phone cameras causing police officers to hesitate when it comes to stopping violent crime? fbi director james comey posed those questions last week speaking at the university of chicago. he says violent crime is on the rise due to a hesitancy among police to effectively combat crime. he calls it the ferguson effect. >> i spoke to officers privately in one big city precinct who describe being surrounded by young people with mobile phones held high taunting them when they get out of their cars. >> the white house