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tv   The Journal Editorial Report  FOX News  October 24, 2015 9:30am-10:01am PDT

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i'm bob massi. i'll see you next week. [ woman vocalizing ] good saturday to you. massive rain storms from the strongest hurricane on record are taking him at the lone star state. some of texas, as you can see,
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is already under water. this freight train was derailed. we'll check in with the fox extreme weather. republicans say they will override the president's veto of a $612 billion. it housed the house and senate with bipartisan resort but the president says it resorts to, quote, gimmicks. we'll have a fair and balanced debate with members of the house armed services committee coming up. new trouble for the va. veterans are still waiting months waiting for appointments, this a year after the president vowed to fix the va. we'll see you for these and the rest of your top stories coming up at the top of the hour. i would imagine i thought more about what happened than
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all of you put together. i've lost more sleep than all of you put together. have i been racking my brain about what more could have been done or should have been done. >> welcome to "the journal editorial report." i'm paul gigot. that was hillary clinton this week in her much-anticipated testimony before the house committee investigating the 2012 terror attack in benghazi, libya. the former secretary of state and democratic presidential candidate faced 11 hours of questioning thursday. so, did we learn anything new? let's ask "wall street journal" columnist and deputy editor, dan henninger, brad stevens and columnist kim strassel. kim, you followed the whole hearing. what did we learn? what's the most important thing we learned? >> the most important thing we learned that this line the white house put out following the attack, it was inspired by this anti-muslim video, we learned
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all along that was not true. we know this because of e-mails that were revealed at the hearing. remember, their argument going into an election was that -- that obama had killed bin laden, al qaeda was on the run, the economy was reviving. they did not want anything to mess with that line. but we now have e-mails that were released that show that on the night of the attack hillary clinton sent an e-mail to her daughter, chelsea, saying i can't talk right now because two of our officers in benghazi have been killed by an al qaeda-like organization. the next day in a conversation she had with the egyptian prime minister she outright told him, we know this was not caused by a video. this was a planned attack. it was not the result of a protest. >> dan, is this going to be significant because what that shows is that the -- politically significant because what that shows is the private story that she was telling people was different than the public story that the administration and
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secretary of state were communicating? >> i think it's going to be significant next year. let's just set aside the incompetence of the state department in protecting its diplomats overseas which is not what anyone is interested in hearing. it's how the politics play for hillary clinton. look, the private version is like the private e-mail servers. it's a question of her judgment. she displayed bad judgment in selecting per personal, political needs over the needs. american people at that point. come next september and october, tv commercials are going to be cut, saying, a, b and this is about hillary clinton's credibility and her judgment, which is her biggest vulnerability right now. >> can i disagree for -- >> the conventional wisdom, brad, is the opposite of what dan says, that this is going -- she is a triumph and she rolled over the republicans. >> i agree with that. look, think was nixon/kennedy
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debate. it's said nixon won by those listening -- >> you didn't see that? i did, as a matter of fact. >> it's similar. if you're sort of thinking of these hearings of what they yielded, the point kim just made, basically we just caught the administration in a gigantic lie, is true. but what americans watching this saga saw was a woman sitting there confidently, patiently with all the right pained expressions, sitting in front of what looked like a bunch of munchkins trying to go after her. >> what about dan's point this is going to show up next year because you'll see the sound bites -- >> and the democrats are going to say, these are desperate attacks and they're old news. and that's what -- and that's going to work. and it is unfortunate for those who were interested in actually getting at what happened in benghazi that we had to have this -- the show that we had this week. >> but aren't they about -- goed to question of political care
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and judgment. if she was as secretary of state, her first instinct was, i'm going to protect -- preserve the narrative the administration wants so we can win re-election instead of my first instinct, let's tell the truth about what happened with the deaths of american people, american servicemen and diplomats. isn't that a question that people will want to hear about? >> yes, that's an important question. the problem is we gave her an opportunity to turn an important political and historical question into a matter of basically political campaign -- >> so, they should not have had -- >> we should have had this information in some way other than this 11-hour marathon hearing. >> i think this performance could have been duplicated by 100 skilled bureaucrats in the federal government. this is what they do. assemble a lot of facts and statements in a fog of irresponsibility, which is what she did. >> so, i thinkist going to come back and be an issue? >> oh, yeah, i think it will be an issue. >> kim, adjudicate this fight between steve and dan henninger.
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>> i'm with dan. people are not going to remember this performance so much as the evidence that came out of it. and the evidence goes, as you said, one, to her character and her judgment. those are going to be some of her biggest vulnerabilities in this race going forward. that and whether the fbi makes a move on any of this going forward as well. >> on the e-mails. weep get to that. anything else, kim, that you learned at the hearing that you thought was significant? >> well, this -- again, it goes to the judgment question. there was a lot of question about why we were in libya, and mrs. clinton's role in pushing us to be there p, and as a resu her interest in making sure this was a good news story, and who was advising her, sidney blumenthal, an old clinton crony, rather than respected and knowledgeable people within the state department. she put a lot of interest and
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impast emphasis on his judgment. >> that's scary when you think about sid blumenthal. with joe biden out of the picture, is the path to the nomination clear for hillary clinton or are there still hurdles ahead? in three months. and that was amazing. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it absolutely reduced my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke.
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ending months of speculation, vice president joe biden announced wednesday he will not enter the democratic presidential race, leaving vermont senator bernie sanders as the only remaining challenger to hillary clinton to be polling in the double digits. so is the path to the nomination now clear for clinton or are there other obstacles ahead? so lincoln chafee gets out, so joe biden gets out, jim webb gets out. there will be nobody on stage except sanders, clinton and
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martin o'malley. >> i've got to give you my favorite headline from the past week on this subject, which was, how bernie sanders plans to explain democratic socialism. serious. he's going to give a speech explaining what democratic socialism means. >> is that going to carry him over the top? >> no. it means it's hopeless. it means it's probably hopeless. i think there's another point here to make. bernie's support among young democrats is pretty strong, especially among young women. i think there's a problem here for the democratic party. it suggests younger democrats are drifting away from standard liberalism towards the left and maybe even towards socialism. and i think the regular candidates like hillary have to be acutely aware of that. she has to appeal to that segment somehow. >> she is. she is running to the left of barack obama on all kinds of issues. >> so his presence is there no matter what. >> any other obstacles, brad, to her --
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>> the most obvious obstacle is an fbi investigation of her e-mails. that investigation is run by -- ultimately by jim comey and also run by the justice department -- >> jim comey being the fbi director. >> the fbi director, loretta lynch. so, i think the chances of this investigation yielding anything, any real trouble for hillary clinton are fairly slim. j >> if the fbi holds hillary clinton to the same standard it held petraeus and deutsche and others in mishandling classified information, it seems to me she should at least have to cop to a misdemean misdemeanor. she had clear intent to evade freedom of information act, the federal records act and she knew that classified information was very likely to come across that server. that's mishandling classified information. why wouldn't the fbi act on that? >> as i said, jim comey is a very political director. this is the future they believe
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the future president of the united states. so, she's being held to an entirely different standard from general -- or director petraeus, director deutsche and so on. it's simple politics. it's the corruption of a system. >> does this mean the democratic party with hillary clinton clearly the leading candidate, are they all going to marshal forces around her and she'll be able to march to the nomination with ease? >> dan's point is actually really important in that bernie sanders is not going to win this nomination, but he is going to pull her left. and one outstanding question is whether or not she can go left enough to satisfy what is a significant portion of democrats out there, who are not clearly energized or thrilled by hillary clinton. she's also got a tough line she's going to have to walk in that she's got to figure out very carefully how she walks the line between embracing the obama presidency and not upsetting those voters that still very
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much are fond of this president while also suggesting that she would govern differently and she has different policies in some way, to satisfy those who are but to satisfy with his economy and his leadership. >> to kim's point about obama's -- obama's presidency, one interesting thing that -- to me came out of that benghazi hearing was in her opening statement, in which she started talking about working towards a more bipartisan foreign policy and how we had to work with congress, clearly trying to separate herself from obama, who had basically gone alone on foreign policy, and i think that she was making a pitch that showing us what she's going to be saying on the campaign trail. >> i agree. i actually disagree with kim. i think this sn an opportunity, she's clearly going to win the nomination, barring something from the fbi, to attack right back to the center because she knows from now on she's fighting a general election and she'll have to fight for more than just the bernie sanders voter. she has to fight for centrist
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democrats and independent voters. on the other hand, because she has a core nation, she'll be makinging a lot of mistakes. when we come back, with just days to go until the next republican debate, ben carson knocks donald trump from the top spot in iowa and gains ground with a key voting group. could it spell trouble for trump in the months ahead? she'll use that job to buy a home. this is lilly baker. her mom just refinanced their home and is putting an extra $312 a month toward lilly's tuition. lilly is about to take over the world. who's with her? buy in. quickenloans/home buy. refi. power. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice this is claira. for her she's agreed to give it up. that's today? we'll be with her all day to see how it goes. after the deliveries, i was ok. now the ciabatta is done and the pain is starting again.
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asle republican presidential candidate prepared to square off in bolder colorado in their third debate. the latest poll shows trump maintaining his lead nationwide. ben carson close behind. within the margin of error. thanks in large part to his support among women, a new
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survey finds carson surging for the first time in the crucial early state of iowa. what do you make of ben cars be's rise in the polls? >> partly it's a matter of donald trump exhaustion. it's a matter of one comment too early. it's somehow the accumulation -- >> the attack on george bush for 9/11? >> exactly. ben carson has a sterling obviously extraordinary reputation as a doctor. he's the quiet man. he comes across as the anti-trump. what's really happening here is republican voters are sampling the outside candidates. that's why you saw carly rise so sharply when she did well in her debates. now deflating a bit. i think as they take a closer look at carson, a lot of republican voters are going to be alarmed and worried he's not going to perform well in debates against hillary because his political knowledge looks pretty shallow. so he's extraordinarily likable
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in the polls. shopping a 80% favorable rating. that doesn't happen, dan, to politicians. maybe because people don't think he is a to go down as he campaigns, but it is extraordinary. >> trump, whose support among women is 13%, but he goes, women love me. well, not so much in iowa, right? 30% say they could never vote for him in iowa. i think trump has reached a ceiling. ben carson hasn't reached a ceiling. >> we saw rick santorum came into the office and talked about the race and his race in iowa and said he thinks carson and trump, a lot of voters don't know what their positions are on the issues. as that becomes more vetted as the weeks go on, you're going to see some republicans say, mm, i wonder if these guys are really who should be the republican standard bearer. what do you think of that
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analysis? >> there's something to that. they probably won't be voting for rick santorum. however this is very much following what happens in past elections. there is a big interest, especially in these early voting states. they start to tune in after the summer is over. and they begin to understand the positions. then they move and gravitate toward other more established candidates. for instance, in iowa, the rise of rubio who is hardly an outsider to politics. he does come across -- >> right, it's way ahead of jeb bush, for instance. other people that are in the race. but the point being is that what is attracting people to him more and more is he looks like someone who knows his stuff when it comes to foreign policy. he's got a plan on a lot of domestic issues. in the end, that's probably going to end up trumping the outsider status that right now holds sway. >> i'm going to probably
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disappoint a few people and agree with brett on carson's appeal to -- the challenge he faces which is people like him very much. they admire his career. but they're going to have to sit down over time and say, can i see this man in the oval office? he's going to have to demonstrate real knowledge of the issues. it's not as if he's not smart enough to do it. but because of what he's been doing with his life, he hasn't been studying issues like russia and the middle east, you know, a lot of economics. and yet those are the biggest questions that a president faces. a few like rubio who's been on the foreign affairs committee. he's dealt with that for years. carson hasn't. is that in your view a big challenge for him? >> i think it is a big challenge. each have to somehow maintain himself as we get closer to iowa and new hampshire. i know people hate process but we're only at the first stage. eventually the candidates like rubio and bush are going to
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start dropping for tv advertising. that stuff makes a difference. once they start pouring it into those states, somehow we'll see if trump spends money on it and ben carson is going to have to row act to it. >> attacking ben carson in a never ad is dicey. >> i think a lot of voters will say, you know, obviously he's a really smart guy but the kind of smarts that makes you a great surgeon isn't necessarily what you need in the oval office. i think that is going to show. in politics, you get thrown questions all the time. you're going to deliver half-baked answers and they're going to come back and haunt you. >> what if looking at hillary clinton they say, you know what, let's elect an honest man. i wish the election in 1940 with wendell willki had gone the other way but it didn't. >> you're right, but let's watch. this could be the year. we have to take one more break. when we come back, our hits and misses of the week.
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time now for our hits and misses of the week. kim, start us off. >> a hit to paul ryan for stepping up to run for speaker. let's be clear. mr. ryan did not judge to do this. he was very happy as ways and means chairman. this is say pretty thankless job, being speaker. it became clear he was probably the only person who could do it. he's a principled conservative. he's got a lot of respect among the members. he's got a vision for the country. mr. ryan very shrewdly made some demands. namely that they all back him. we're about to find out if that caucus understands the opportunity they've been given to finally make some progress in the house. >> i'd like to pay tribute to master sergeant wheeler who was killed in iraq in a very daring rescue operationp 70 kurds who were about to be executed by
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isis in northern iraq. it's a reminder that we have 3,500 troops in iraq. they seem to be a forgotten force. but they're putting themselves in harm's way and they're saving human lives and we ought to be mindful of that sacrifice. we ought to be mindful of what the stakes are. so i just want people to be mindful of master sergeant wheeler. >> hear hear, brett. dan. >> last weekend on "saturday night live" comedian larry david did a perfect imitation of bernie sanders. then bernie sanders did a perfect imitation of larry david. two weeks ago, hillary clinton was on snl with the woman who portrays her as a comedian on snl. i'm getting a little bit confused. who are the comedians? maybe at this point, what difference does it make? >> sanders and larry david, they're both cranky. perfect personalityings. if you have your own hit or miss, be sure to tweet it to us
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5 jerofnc. hope to see you right here next week. once the most powerful weekend on record. patricia gets a major downgrade. this storm still packs a lethal punch. we can get the very latest on what's in store for millions of americans in its path. >> plus, coming home, matthew wheel wheeler's body is about to return to the united states. the first serviceman to die in the ground fight against isis in iraq. the day after announcing he's reorganizing his staff and cutting costs,