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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  October 21, 2015 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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president obama standing next to him. family members and a teleprompter in the rose garden. very interesting to watch. now what happens with the front runner for the democrat party? hillary clinton goes on the hill tomorrow to face the benghazi committee and a round and round we go, lot of news to cover. right now "happening now". the presidential race. >> the fallout from this decision and the reaction from the political world. we'll cover all of the news "happening now". to russia with love. syria's president makes a surprise trip to moscow to discuss the ongoing mission to fight terrorist. and what does it say about the kremlin's latest power play? and a shocking case of road rage. >> the maniac trying to run me off of the road. >> that turned deadly.
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now the man accused of pulling the trigger heads to court. and a ton of terrorçó jumps in e stands. more on the bull that went rogue. it is all "happening now". yet another surprise in the campaign season, joe biden announced moments ago that he will not run for president so in 2016. welcome to the second hour of "happening now". i am jon scott. >> and i'm jenny lee. >> and the grieving process for his son beau impacted his decision not to seek the president so. >> unfortunately i believe we are out of time, the time necessary to mount a winning campaign for the nomination.
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but whileñi i will not be i candidate, i will not be silent. i intend to speak out and influence as much as i can where we stand as a party and where we need to go as a nation. >> let's bring in our chief white house correspondent ed henry. >> reporter: good to see you jenna. what is interesting, this is a big moment for hillary clinton. if you look at that debate, many people gave her the victory in the democratic debate. the democrat field is smaller and not big and bold as the republican side. jim webb got out and now joe biden is not getting in and what i find fascinating, he's surprising his key supporters. the head of the american
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firefighter's union ready to throw support behind joe biden, he was expecting joe biden to get in and preparing his troops to get out there and go door-to-door for the vice-president in the presidential campaign. earlier this week three advisors expected him to announce as well. and they stressed on monday and tuesday, he had not made a final decision but believed he was leaning to get in and expecting him to announce. he made that final decision and did a gut check that told him clearly he didn't have a pathing to victory. the timing is interesting. he does it 24 hours before hillary clinton will go before the house select committee on benghazi. some of his advisors were trying to force a decision before the hearing and concerned if he got in after the hearing and hillary clinton acquitted herself well in the hearing, after a strong
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debate performance and on the hill, it would look less and less likely that a presidential bid would be successful and if hillary clinton did bad in that hearing tomorrow, he would look oportunistic and say after a bad performance that i am in. he decided in the final moment he would not get in. and i find it interesting that the rest of his speech sounded like a campaign speech and rationale to getting in. with a lot of speculation with hillary clinton's political fut and you are what will happen, the vice-president made it clear he's available and here and thought about it seriously and came close to taking the plunge. he said clearly as you heard them, i will not stay silent and did not endorse hillary clinton, jenna. >> very interesting. when you speak about timing, it
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is important to mention the timing of the fbi investigation. those who say we learn from the fbi what they are going to do with this investigation, we could be well into next year. is that the case as you understand it at this time? >> reporter: we frankly don't know how quickly the fbi will go forward with this investigation and how long it will take them to sort out the facts. if they come forward with a damaging report in say late january before the iowa caucus and the primary that could be a problem for hillary clinton. but we don't know. will it take them middle of next year when we are in the middle of a general election in no one knows the answer. >> that is an interesting thing not to know going in a presidential year. we have to keep our eyes on that.
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for more on this lisa both. republican pollster with wpea research and richard dufrt is a strategist and radio talk show host. lisa, is hillary clinton preparing for her testimony tomorrow, is she gleeful right now with the announcement by joe biden. >> it should be. she is all but the crowned democratic nominee. she's not facing other opposition and she will be the nominee. but look, i think that one thing is important to note, you know joe biden made numerous swipes at hillary clinton and her comments about republicans. and this shows a lack of embracement by democrats and colleagues. they should be reluctant. she is facing the benghazi committee and continue to face questions about her time as
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secretary of state be and the e-mail scandal that is srounding her. she is fakes an fbi. >> and she is facing a lot of problems. >> it is true, democrats made hay of the committee and suggesting it is all about embarrassing mrs. clinton, but the fbi is still out there. let me ask you this, richard, why would joe biden make the statements, talking about republicans are not my enemies and sort of taking on hillary clinton in the positions that she espoused in the campaign season? >> i don't think he took her on. he's laying out a road map for democrats to win the white house in the upcoming election. doubling down on education and making sure we get money out of politics and talked to do on the research to end cancer in this
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country. these are strong democratic principle that hillary clinton and bernie sanders and martin o'malley believe in. 17 months and 4.5 million, the republicans found nothing new beside the e-mail nothing new what so ever. and hillary clinton going down in the capitol will be the end of the select committee. mccarthy said it is just to bring downhill hill's poll numbers it is not working. >> richard, the only reason why there is a benghazi committee is the state department and the administration has failed to cooperate in the investigation. the only reason that there is a benghazi committee, is that the obama administration and state department fateed to cooperate. the obama administration misled the american people about the
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benghazi. we know that they intentionally lied about why this terrorist attack happen. they said it was spontaneous reaction from the youtube video and just weeks before the president and we they knew it was a terrorist attack. >> number two, kevin mccarthy. >> the obama administration intentionally misled the american people. >> the republican caucus in the united states house of representative said out of his own mouth indicated. >> richard, richard. it was the numbers. >> why do you want it? it is black and white here, jon. >> when you both speak no body's points get cross. >> the house as a body is an investigative body and in the end of the day they have to get to what happened to four
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americans. the state department was fully aware of the potential terrorist attack happening. we knew that personnel were potentially going to be attacked and the u.s. facility faced an attack in september 11th, 2012, and the state department knew there was a danger. >> richard? last word. >> the committee was down to getting to the bottom. they would subpeona samantha powers and the people in the decision- making chain. they have not. they subpeona hillary clinton's aides and secretary multiple times and once again, after 17 months and 4.5 million, this committee proved. >> and we'll see what happens tomorrow. we'll have to leave it there. list booth, richard fouler a lot
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of intensity on this topic. >> a lot going on in capitol hill. we have the hearing tomorrow and today major developments as well. republicans may have convinced congressman paul ryan to run for the speaker's job. ryan will do that if those in the party include support from the various factions like the far right freedom caucus. john boehner setting the election next week and supporting paul ryan. >> we all knowñi paul ryan. he is a good member and works hard and very bright and has a good relationships with all of the wings of the party and that's why he will do fine. >> and will he or won't he? and blake has the latest. >> reporter: paul ryan wants support all across the party and need the backing from the house freedom caucus to make it happen
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and get over the 218 vote hurdle. ryan is meeting with 40 members this afternoon. and jim jordan and john flemming both said they will keep an open mind. one of ryan's stipulation freedom caucus member said it is a concern. >> >> the demand to change jeffer's rule to overrule on motion to vacate the chair, it worked since 18where are one. and that probably should not be changed. >> the group supported daniel webster who is not backing out now that ryan might be in. >> blake, from what we hear from this moment, does it seem like it will get sorted out at next week. >> that is set to vote.
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that would in theory clear the way for an orderly transition as boehner is set to retire. that is assuming the house republicans choose a nominee. and boehner was asked what would happen if ryan doesn't get support. he said he did not know. >> he probably doesn't. probably the truth. and we'll see what happens. blake, thank you you for that. and it is a big week next week. and neal will speak with congressman dan web bester, who as you heard from blake, he's not going anywhere. that will being about conversation tonight at 4:00 p.m. >> a heated altercation and a shooting in a road rage incident. the man appearing before the judge today. and u.n. general secretary moon urging palestinians and israelis
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to end the wave of deadly violence.
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big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what's up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. (laugh) nice. doing the big things that move an economy. see you tomorrow, mac. see you tomorrow, sam. just another day at norfolk southern.
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"happening now", a florida man accused of killing another driver in a road rage incident appearing before the judge today. robert doyle charged with second-degree murder in the shooting in july. doyle was involved in a altercation and both men dialled 911. the victim followed doyle to the house. >> some maniac is trying to run me. i am going home and getting the gun. >> [inaudible] >> he shot my xdhusband. >> the 911 operator advised him to get home. doyle forced his family out of the car and held them at gun point until the police arrived.
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>> new developments in the middle east. and u.n. secretary general moon urging and understanding the frustration but condemning the violence. john joins us from israel with more. john? >> reporter: yeah, jenna, the secretary general will be briefing if he hasn't already the u.n. security councilñi to take action. what kind is unclear at this point. despite the meetings, there doesn't appear to be a political discourse between both sides on the horizon. the cycle of violence started today. an israeli female soldier in critical condition after being stabbed boy a palestinian
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attacker according to the police. she was stabbed in the neck just outside of jerusalem. israeli security fores shot the attacker and the second suspected attacker was taken into custody and as the violence continues, so does the political dispute between israeli and palestinian leaders. today, dominanting the headlines here in jerusalem and israel. comments by prime minister netanyahu that the palestinian arab leader in jerusalem in world war ii, told adolph hitler to burn them. when asked what to do about the jews and blaming the palestinian leader for inspiring the holocaust. but historians say that is not historically accurate and this is adding to the inflamed political situation.
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as mentioned u.n. secretary moon's meeting with netanyahu last night and palestinian authority mamoud abbas to try to get them to talk. netanyahu is meeting with merkel. and then tomorrow scheduled to meet with u.s. secretary of state john kerry. any type of political discourse at this point doesn't seem to be on the horizon, and raising and heighten concerns about the cycle of violence continuing as it did today. >> thank you. a man stranded at sea but not alone. how he and his furry friend were saved by a good sais marittan.
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and a road rage incident that ended with the death of a little girl. >> this should is not have happen. this is a complete disrespect of human life. we are starting to see this throughout the nation. did you know that good nutrition
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is critical for brain health? brain food, hmmm. ensure has b vitamins that help support brain health - now that's smart nutrition. ensure's complete balanced nutrition has 26 vitamins and minerals and 9 grams of protein. ensure. take life in. it's the brand more doctorsose recommend
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thinner. even curvier. but what's next? for all binge watchers. movie geeks. sports freaks. x1 from xfinity will change the way you experience tv. >> dramatic video of a man and his cat rescued off of the coast of alaska. he had a cat in his clothing and the boat lost itsñr rudder and rigging. and thankfully a xdgo samaritan answered the call for help. he doesn't know why the cat was on the boat in the first place. >> mysterious story. and a deadly case of road rage in new mexico. the incident escalating in
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gunfire and the death of a four year old gifrment police are searching for the shotter. >> alburquerque police will mount a news conference with updates. they have a description of the vehicle. toyota sed an and university of mexico university license with a spoiler on the top. the shooter has short dark hair white male and possibly hispanic and soft jaw and average build. it was road rage that led to a four-year-old shot in the head and killed. the suspect fired shots at the father of the child while they
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were driving along interstate 40. they were trying to cut each other off. the little girl later died at the hospital. >> there is no way to explain your way out of this. it is 100 percent preventible and didn't have to happen. we need to rise up as a community and say enough is enough. people had to have sewn that and other vehicles in the area and we are begging the community to step forward and help the family. >> reporter: this happen an hour before evening rush hour. it was closed down while police looked for suspects. crime stoppers is offering a reward. >> i hope they find that giechlt thank you. >> a surprise meeting in moscow. and raising questions about what
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russia's next move will be. former secretary of state henry kissinger's biograpper is here. joe biden ended months of speculation of whether or not he would run. we'll explore that with chris. with jublia. jublia is a prescription medicine used to treat toenail fungus. use jublia as instructed by your doctor. are you getting this?! most common side effects include ingrown toenail, application site redness, itching, swelling, burning or stinging, blisters, and pain. oh, epic moves, big j! fight it!ady for your ? ask your doctor if jublia is right for you. visit our website for savings on larger size.
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announced he will not run for president in 2016. joe biden said the window of opportunity to mount a viable campaign has closed. >> i said all long and that it may very will be that that process by the time we get through it, closes the window on mounting a realistic campaign for president. that it might close. i've concluded that it has closed. >> fox news digital editor chris stierwell joins us from washington. he alluded to the grieving process over the death of his son beau. he had urged him to run. what dow make of the timing of the announcement. >> it has to relate to the big news tomorrow.
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hillary clinton is set to testify before the special committee investigating the benghazi attacks and the talking points that issued out after that. tomorrow will be a blow out news day relating to hillary clinton who is now we can call her the presuchltive nominee. joe biden didn't want to lose the story and don't mind having it taken away. the news cycle will come along tomorrow and hillary clinton will take center stage and joe biden can think of what might have been. >> he was on the stage with former vice-president mondale and seemed to be laying the ground work and criticizing hillary clinton in the process. >> he reiterated those criticisms in his noncandidacy speech. what you have with joe biden. i can't beat her. as it is constructed.
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he can't beat her and his decision not to run will translate to a boon for hillary clinton. she will look better and her poll numbers will go up and her action to consolidate the democratic nomination will speed up. if an e-mail emerges or if someone is indicted, joe biden wanted you to know he would be around. >> and is there a fairly largex contingent voters that are expressing anybody but hillary? and you know, bernie sanders obviously wins that, that group. but if joe biden is not in the race, is there a migration to sanders or one of the other remaining candidates? >> no, bernie sanders is the
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democrats rand paul talking about his issues. he helps hillary and doesn't hurt her when he talks about p her weak spots. he may think he's running for the nomination but not running for the nomination. he is talking about socialism and why it is good and why democrats should embrace that and that is great for him. he's not threatening her. this is part of her consolidating her power and bringing point to destroying whatever the republicans are able to hoist up to the top of the ladder. >> and what about president obama, is she unshackled to be effusive of his praise of hillary clinton? and they are against and anti- his. >> he lost a bargaining chip in his long- running struggle with his long- time friend- enemy and with joe biden.
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he can't say you better be be nice and not say mean stuff about my syria policy or obama nation will get together and try to block you from the nomination and with joe biden saying he's out until he's needed like batman, that obama cannot threaten hillary anymore with that. >> fascinating politics. chris, thank you. >> you bet. >> chris just mentioned the debate over the syria, and secretary of state clinton. joe biden mentioned foreign policy in his speech in the last hour, and this is what he had to say. >> we've learned hard lessons from a decade of large scale- open- ended military invasion. we have to accept the fact that we can't solve all of the world's problems and we can't solve many of them alone.
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the argument that we just have to do something, when bad people do bad things, isn't good enough. it is not a good enough reason for american interventions and to put our sons and daughters lives on the line. put them at risk. >> this is new reports that russia's foreign minister will meet with secretary of state kerry and turkish and saudi counterparts to discuss syria after a surprise visit to moscow with assad who met with vladimar putin. the professor of history of harvard talks politics. and it is great to have you on set with us. it is a ghost of foreign policies past. we have talked about that when we talk about where america is today. what do you make of the meeting
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of assad and putin. >> russia is taking the initiative again. it goes back to the syrian crisis and compared to 1970s when it was a object of american policy to keep soviet union out of the middle east. the initiative lies with moscow and that should be troubling situation for president president to find himself in. >> in syria 200000 lives. and millions of people displaced and you hear from john biden. just because people are bad is not enough reason to get involved. what dow think of that paradoim. >> i remineded of something that henry kissinger said. the united states veers from wanting toq do everything to wanting to do nothing. and joe biden is classic, we can't do everything. no one is asking the united
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states to deal with every crisis in the world. it is legitimate for the united states to show leadership when a major country in the middle east descent greats. we have gone from too much to two little. it really is the case of the pendulum swinging too far. and now we ask ourselves. can the next president clearly not joe biden. can they sort out a deteriorating situation in the middle east. the level of violence in the region as a hold not only in syria. >> you are able to tell an interesting story about henry kissinger and a lot from his personal life dictating his policy. he and his family came face-to-face with evil and that is something that a lot of decision makers don't have that
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experience. how dow think it influenced his decision. >> face-to-face with war. we talk about refugees in the context of syria. henry kissinger was a refugee. people fled germany. he escaped nazi germane. and back six years later as an american soldier. that important point, they experienced war firsthand. he was an infantryman he saw the liberation of a concentration camp. and he understood totalarism produced. what wors me. we are allowing a very dangerous force islamic extremism to grow in syria and iraq. >> we see young henry kissinger
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on the screen right now. here we had vice-president joe biden talking about his role in the bin laden raid. we see quibbling amongst the politicians, knowing that none of them executed that mission and very few in power today had the experience that henrow kissinger had with what role evil looks like. how do you see that impacting where we are today in the decisions we are making and how to get the pendulum to fall back in the right place. >> get your priorities right. usually this is a point kissinger makes. chosing between the evils. doing nothing is going to come back and hurt the united states. islamic state becomes a role state if it establishes a viable
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caliphate and controls saudi arabia and you can't rule out and we'll rue the day we relied only on air power and kicked the can down the road. what is crucial to focus on the destruction of is slammic state. a point that kissinger made in the wall street journal. >> any time he writes anything, henry kissinger people pay attention. >> very interesting. and great to have you on set. and it is a book we'll check out. john? >> new information that some of hillary clinton's e-mails might have been breached during the time of secretary of state. and what does it moan regarding the questions that the fbi and congressional committee have regarding her private e-mail server, plus. frightening video.
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a bull jumps a security barrier and runs right into a panicked crowd. how the scary scene unfolds.
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. . . . jeb bush: this president, with all due respect,
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believes that america's leadership and presence in the world is not a force for good. america has led the world and it is a more peaceful world when we're engaged the right way. we do not have to be the world's policeman. we have to be the world's leader. we have to stand for the values of freedom. who's going to take care of the christians that are being eliminated in the middle east? but for the united states, who? who's going to stand up for the dissidents inside of iran that are brutalized each and every day? but for the united states, who? who's going to take care of israel and support them - our greatest ally in the middle east? but for the united states, no one - no one is capable of doing this. the united states has the capability of doing this, and it's in our economic and national security interest that we do it. i will be that kind of president and i hope you want that kind of president for our country going forward.
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announcer: right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message. >> hi, everyone. i am gretchen carlseson. congressman paul ryan has a list of conditions to be speaker of the house. what is the difference between kevin mcarth cay and paul ryan? >> and a teen beaten to his death by his parents for not confessing for his sins and his brother is testifying in court. what is going on in a university of louisville room. coach pi tino answering tough questions. >> and did you catch this video, spectators in a bull fight are sent run nothing panic after a won ton bull jumps the fence.
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this amateur video caught the video. some jumped in the ring to escape the massive and angry animal. 20 people were hurt before the bull was brought under control. >> and hillary clinton's testifying in 20 hours on benghazi. some believe that the e-mails were breached. it is the first time the justice department expressed concerns about this kind of security breach. so what is significant about what you are learning from the justice department. >> it is the first time we heard this and people closest, are saying when hillary clinton when she'sñr e-mailing off theok perl device overseas that goes through a foreign telecomfirst before it is routed back to her server and at that point, they
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are saying foreign government worker for intelcomworker can hack be in the e-mail and trace it back and break into the server remotely over the internet. and i think we have that quite from the justice department and talked to a number of the officials there. her e-mails could have been hacked by the countries. and then as they said rather than back to the home server. >> how easy is it to do that? >> really easy. one former official said anybody all they could to when they saw the lack of security all they needed to do was get to a cell tower. secretary clinton visited china and indonessia. >> she travelled all of the time. >> that's right. the point of time researchers are worried is january to march 2009 period when she first stepped in office as secretary of state. there was a gap in the security
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on her server and she didn't have the digital certificate. that is an extra layer of security. >> without that what does that moan? >> it can breach the server and pass words and log on can be stolen. and the doj officials were adament that it is reckless and unbelievable and stunning what was going on here and the use of personal devices on a home server and the discussion of what is classified and unclassified and the split. she is classified because she has secretary of state is class foyed and as a former first lady. >> and then the president saying no national security risk. there is exclusive information, do we know enough and what does the justice department tell you. >> the fbi is probing the server for national security risks. no discussions was made on what
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the president said, because basically interview happen before that. and the countries that she visited, you know especially china, and the spying that goes on in china and i heard from cyber security research and intelligence officials. it is knitted in a telecomto be eavesdropping and trying to steal information. and the clinton campaign said we were not hacked. not even the nsan or fortune 500 company could make that assertion because anybody can be hacked or has been hacked. >> everything on the hearings and also the risk potentially with the risk of the fbi agent. and what is going to happen with the benghazi committee tomorrow. thank you. >> teesla losing some of the
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spark in the eyes of buyers and consumer reports. we'll look at why. ritical for? ritical for? brain food, hmmm. ensure has b vitamins that help support brain health - now that's smart nutrition. ensure's complete balanced nutrition has 26 vitamins and minerals and 9 grams of protein. ensure. take life in.
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well, the electric car company tesla is getting a terrible rating from its own customers. about 1,400 people who bought that luxury car complained about its handling, charging as well as problems with leaks and squeaking noises. chief correspondent jonathan hunt live in los angeles with more on that. >> hey, the complaints against the high end electric carmaker laid out by consumer reports has dropped its recommended rating for the tesla. >> they chronicle an array of problems. display screen freezes, door
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handle malfunctions. sun roof leaks and full blown replacements of the electric motors. >> tesla stock tumbled 6%. in a statement tesla sought to focus on the positive. and adding, quote, close communication with our customers enables tesla to receive input, proactively address issue and quickly fix problems. over the air software updates allow tesla to diagnose and fix most bugs without the need to come in for service. in instances when hardware needs to be fixed we strive to make it painless. sales of electric vehicles have soared recently. up more than 50% in 2014. but there have been problems, bo both technical and general. gm recalled 64,000 chevy volts because of an engine shutoff issue. there remain the draw backs of
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not enough charging stations. with cars like nissan's leaf and bmw's i 3 not able to get close to the 100 mile mark on a single charge. the tesla s is significantly better on that score. but the issues highlighted by consumer reports are a real blow to a car that is and has been in many ways the flagship of the electric vehicle movement. if only we had the hover boards that back to the future promised us. >> more on that in a second. thank you very much. we'll be right back. are you on medicare? do you have the coverage you need? open enrollment ends december 7th. don't put it off 'til later. now's the time to get on a path that could be right for you... with unitedhealthcare medicare solutions. call today to learn about the kinds of coverage we offer, including aarp medicarecomplete plans insured through unitedhealthcare. these medicare advantage plans can combine parts a and b,
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hop on your hover board and cruise down to cafe 80s. this morning "fox and friends" celebrated with the delorian. its flux capacitor fluxing. october 21st, 2015, is the day marty mcfly and the doc travelled from 1985. marty's mom even stopped by. you can see her on the screen.
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lea thompson was waitistopped b is still waiting for some of the gadgets, though. >> power laces, all right. >> nike says they are working on it. tweeting a little hint to michael j. fox tonight. see you tomorrow. and wouldn't you like to know who wins the world series? >> wait a minute, cubs win world series? against miami? >> it's something, huh? who would have thought, 100 to one shot. >> spooky how that worked itself out. the cubs have their work cut out for them. they're down 0-3 in the series after losing to the mets. the cubs must win tonight to keep the version alive. >> scott kelly tweets this picture of hill valley, california in honor of back to the future day. that's the hometown of marty
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mcfly who travelled on this day exactly 30 years ago. >> i want the nikes. thanks for joining us everybody, in the very real present. >> that's right the real story with gretchen starts now. vp joe biden out. i'm gretchen carlson this is the real story. vice president biden giving up his dreams of the oval office. closing a bid for a third run for the white house. ed henry live in washington. what after all the speculation do you think biden decided no? >> he was certainly sounding like a candidate 24 hours ago when he seemed to be attacking hillary clinton and laying out in a speech a rationale for running. in the rose garden, after initially saying he's not running, the rest of the speech sounded like his rationale for why he did want to get in. from talking t


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