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tv   Hannity  FOX News  October 19, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT

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tomorrow night we have brit hume. don't miss that. go to kelly file. and let us know what you'd like to hear from mr. hume about. thanks for watching. tonight -- >> jeb says we were safe with my brother. well, the world trade center just fell down. >> the feud between donald trump and jeb bush over 9/11 intensifies. >> look, my brother responded to a crisis and he did it as you would hope a president would do. >> governor bush is here exclusively to respond. >> the seven members of my committee are much more focused on the four dead americans than we are anyone's presidential aspirations. >> hillary clinton is set to testify this week in front of the benghazi select committee. we'll expose how she's changed her story over time. >> what difference at this point does it make? >> plus louisiana governor bobby jindal on his battle to defund
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planned parenthood. "hannity" starts right here, right now. >> and welcome to "hannity." tonight, 2016 republican presidential candidate donald trump is in a major war of words with his republican rival, former florida governor jeb bush, over who is to blame for the 9/11 terrorist attacks. here's what trump has been saying in recent days. >> i think i'm much more competent than all of them when you talk about george bush, and say what you want, the world trade center came down during his time. i would have been much different. somebody says, well, it wouldn't have been any different. well, it would have been. i'm extremely, extremely tough on illegal immigration. i'm extremely tough on people coming into this country. i believe that if i were running thing, i doubt those families would have -- i doubt that those people would have been in the country. jeb said we were safe during his reign. that wasn't true. that's the only thing i pointed out. i'm not blaming anybody, and i'm not blaming george bush, although, if you look at his three primary agencies, they hated each other, they weren't
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talking. it wasn't they weren't talking by mistake. they hated each other. a good leader would have made sure they got along and they talked. >> here's part of governor bush's spobs to donald trump. >> i had great doubts bs, to be honest with you. it's only because of the things he says. it looks as though he's not taking the responsibility, the possibility of being president of the united states seriously. >> 2016 candidate former florida governor jeb bush. that question that you were answering is whether or not you trust donald trump to have his finger on our nuclear arsenal. and your answer was no. >> well, look, i mean, you have the palestinian uprising incited by the palestinian authority. you have syria in complete disarray. you have iran interests in the region on the run. russia now has as much or more influence than the united states in the region. and we need a steady hand. we need someone that understands the grave threats and america's
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leadership in the world. and his view of history is just wrong. the simple fact is that when we were attacked, my brother created an environment where, for 2,600 days, we were safe. no one attacked us again. and he changed the laws. he did everything necessary, united the country and he kept us safe. and just a tip of the hat to that, and moving on to what the threats are today is what we ought to be focused on. donald trump is not a serious candidate as it relates to foreign policy. >> does that mean that we've had this big issue about whether or not every republican candidate would support the eventual nominee, would that mean if you don't trust him to have his finger on the nuclear button, you wouldn't support him if he became the nominee. >> i said i had great doubts. that's what a campaign is all about. he can persuade people that he's capable. it's not about him, it's about
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policies, about a strategy, understanding how the world works and how american leadership matters. look at syria. in the last month donald trump has said let isis take out assad, then he said let russia take out isis. he was happy that russia is in syria. that's not in our strategic interests to allow russia to gain influence. they're ferrell bombing the innocents. this problem is cascading throughout the region. there's a million refugees heading towards europe. you can't expect the soviet union whose only objective is to prop up its client state, assad, this lack of understanding how the world works is what the problem is. >> i want to ask you as it relates to -- i think this is an important question because we don't learn from the mistakes in the past, i would argue we're doomed to repeat them. you're right, when we talk about all the different issues that are going on in the world right now, it's a pretty scary time, in my opinion. in my first book that i wrote in
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2002 "let freedom ring," i actually described how monsour ijaz tried to broker a deal between the u.s. and sudan where literally the sudanese were offering -- they wanted sanctions lifted. and they offered bin laden on a silver platter. in a speech before the long island business authority an old friend of mine mac crosston actually asked bill clinton about this issue. and i'm going to play it for you. and here's what he said.
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>> if bill clinton knew he want to commit crimes against america and was offered him and he didn't take him, isn't that in and of itself a legal basis to take the guy? i mean, if we're going to really delve into this issue, that seems to me like an admission. >> i think there's two ways to look at islamic terrorism. one is a threat that has to be taken out as it relates to creating a strategy that calls it a war, or we view it as a law enforcement operation where people have rights. i think the clinton administration made a mistake of thinking bin laden had to be viewed from a law enforcement perspective. similarly the threat president obama's policy seemed to be focused on that as well. this is a war against western civilization. and without the united states' leadership, this will be a problem for generations to come. i think we need to be much more forceful both here to protect the homeland as well as overseas to create a strategy to unite
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the world against this great threat. i don't believe donald trump has the capability of doing that. >> you see the backlash emerging now in europe over the refugee problem from syria and iraq. the president said he's going to bring in 250,000 refugees into this country. my fear is and our national intelligence director james clapper said that isis in iraq will infiltrate the refugee population. if that's the case, i don't think we can risk taking one refugee in, although we can help probably on a humanitarian basis. what's your position on that? >> the principal thing we should focus on is a strategy to take out assad and to take out isis. and i laid out that strategy two months ago where we create a no-fly zone and a safe haven for a force where both europe and the arab world would unite behind a force that was well trained where our air support could make a difference. that's the way to restrict the number of refugees leaving. we can't take 250,000 refugees.
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i've never heard that. and that would be impossible to imagine logistically for us to screen. and it's going to be a huge problem from europe as well. russia has made this worse. and donald trump believes that russia's presence is a good thing in syria. it just makes no sense at all. he's running for president of the united states, he should be commander in chief. he's running for commander in chief. he should have a policy that projects america's leadership and presence in the world, not to applaud putin for filling our void. >> let me ask you two other foreign policy questions because i think they're important. one is the president signing off on this whole iranian deal. you get $350 billion. 24 hour notice for inspections. they build their icbms, they get missile defense and get more conventional weapons. that coupled with john kerry last week. here israelis are getting killed and he tried to create a moral equivalency between palestinian terrorists and israel. what are your reactions to those
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two specific, i think, huge, mistakes? >> first, they go hand in glove. because legitimizing the iranian regime to allow them to become the largest sponsor of terrorism which we've done is only sending fear throughout the region and israel correctly views this as an existential threat. i don't believe it's necessarily a coincidence that the palestinian authority is inciting violence against innocent israelis. we have some say as it relates to the palestinian authority give the fact that we provide aid. and we should be very clear that there is no moral equivalence. that inciting terror inside of israel is not the equivalency of what israel does in self-defense. they do this in their schools to incite a feeling of hatred towards israel. israel is responding as any sovereign nation would. we should be completely on their side on this. and frankly, the next president of the united states ought to be
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getting israel's back. we need to make sure we're supporting israel providing them with the most sophisticated equipment. as it relates to iran, one of the ways to do it is to show our support for israel. >> we have a few political issues emerging, the latest on joe biden getting in, hillary clinton's got a big showdown with the benghazi select committee and the republicans can't seem to find a speaker. thoughts on all three? >> well, i think joe biden will be a strong candidate for sure. it will be interesting to see, as they trip over themselves to move to the left, it creates a huge opportunity for us to be able to regain the center with conservative principles and conservative policies drawing people towards our cause. so i'm excited about that. i hope they have a fierce primary battle. as relates to the speakership, hopefully that will sort itself out soon. finally, what was the last question? >> about hillary, the benghazi select committee. >> hillary, yeah. the idea that she thinks this is
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a joke, that she literally laughs out lout when it's brought up about her e-mails and benghazi when there's an fbi investigation and a congressional inquiry that's run by an honorable man, trey gowdy, that's not politicizing this, shows how vulnerable she is and i hope that the committee shows that. >> if you have grave doubts about trump and the nuclear weapon. who would you rather have their finger on the button, obama, trump or hillary. >> i'd rather have the republican nominee. i'm a loyal republican, i've been that way for a long while. >> governor, thanks for being with us. we'll have more on this reaction, this battle between governor trump and hillary clinton gets ready to face the benghazi committee and she's laughing her head off. we'll detail how her story has changed when it comes to the terror attack that left four americans dead.
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live from america's news headquarters, i'm robert gray. the cia looking into a possible breach of director john brennan's personal e-mail accounts. a hacker posted documents he claims came from brennan's aol account. it includes a contact list of senior intelligence officials along with their social security numbers. canadian broadcasting corp projects liberal leader justin trud u will become the next prime minister of canada. but it's not immediately clear if liberals will win a majority of seats to form a marjts government. he would replace stephen harper. olympic runner oscar pistorius now under house arrest. he was released after serving
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less than one year of his five-year sentence for killing his girlfriend. pistorius claims he mistook her for an intruder. i'm robert gray. now back to "hannity." welcome back to "hannity." so the political battle between donald trump and jeb bush over 9/11 and who's to blame continues to intensify. governor bush just joined us. to respond to trump's comments. here with reaction fox news contributor rich lowry, peter johnson jr. to me i brought up this whole issue of what bill clinton said. we could have taken him. we knew he wanted to create damage in the united states. when he says that very thing, isn't that an admission of a conspiracy to commit harm against the united states, isn't that a legal basis to take him? >> a lot of folks over time have said that if any political
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figure blew it in terms of preventing the 9/11 disaster, if you were to point to any figure, then it would be mr. clinton and his presidency. >> but his exact words were, i didn't bring him here because he had committed no crimes against america. we had no basis on which to hold him, although we knew he wanted to commit crimes against america. doesn't that represent a conspiracy that you could bring him on that charge alone? >> and his failure to do so, that makes him complicit in it. >> yeah. >> i guess you could make that argument. i don't think that's a strong argument. a stronger argument was that they had an opportunity to kill bin laden and they didn't kill him. and he should have been killed. bill clinton. that's the very representation of the pre-9/11 mind-set, which this is a crime, a criminal conspiracy rather than an act of war. look, trump is absolutely right. this isassive government failure at all levels that we experienced this attack on our
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shores and bush was the head of the government at that time. but he was only in there nine months. and the politics here, though, jeb has to be so -- he's been so reactive to this entire campaign. trump has set the agenda, set the debate. if i were bush, i'd be desperate to get out there and start my own fight, not with trump, but with the left, with the media. >> with hillary. >> with the democrats. correct. >> let me go back to what bill clinton also said. the only place bin laden ever went to that we knew he was there occasionally, he went to kandahar. he would always spend the night there in a compound with 200 women and children. i could have on any given night ordered an attack that i know would have killed 200 women and children. and he didn't do it. is that the same pre-9/11 mentality you're talking about? >> absolutely. everyone would have taken that shot after we saw those towers fall. this is a threat that wasn't taken seriously enough over the course of about two decades. >> what do you think? you agree with rich, michelle,
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in terms of should jeb be responding to this? obviously, i asked him about it. it's in the news. i have grave doubts about whether donald trump should have his finger on the button. >> i think he should try to run away from the issue. every time they bring this up, what trump is doing is reminding people that jeb's last name is bush and that he's part of the bush family. and i think that's one of the biggest weaknesses of jeb bush. but in terms of what donald trump said, i do think there's some truth to it. i don't think he articulated it correctly. but george w. bush was president at the time. the fbi and the cia were not communicating and coordinating with one another. we know that many warnings were given from intelligence officials to the bush administration and they did not take it seriously. so there's blame to be passed around. but both the bush administration and also the clinton administration. >> i would actually put more on the clinton administration myself, especially based on what clinton himself has admitted.
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>> it has to be taken into account in a serious way. in american history, we know from time to time go back to the pearl harbor attack. a lot of folks said there was a conspiracy. roosevelt knew about it. so there's always this conspiracy mentality in american politics and american history. i think the trump shot is not fact based. i think it's a cheap shot. but it's a great political shot across the bush bow. >> but the thing is that republicans -- >> the thing is how do you respond? it is not factually -- >> what do you say, michelle? >> republicans constantly say, oh, you know, obama's responsible and secretary of state hillary clinton at the time was responsible for benghazi because they were the ones who were at the top and in charge when this occurred. well the same can be said about george w. bush -- >> there's no comparison whatsoever. >> there's no comparison? if the roles were reversed -- >> we're talking about a decision potentially withholding assistness nesance at benghazi
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>> but warnings were given to bush administration -- >> responsible for an attack -- >> i'm not saying he's responsible -- >> well, there's a lot of reasons we were attacked, but i'm not going to blame the president of the united states. >> but i think if roles were reversed, you would be. you would be. >> as much as i like him and love him in some ways he's wrong about this. >> you thing a good political move. >> a great political move, but it's absent any fact and it's bankrupt. >> in many ways we are repeating history because i would argue thatanians get their nuclear weapon and use it, obama's going to be long gone. >> exactly. >> and the cost of the weakness comes after you're gone usually. and that happened with clinton. it's probably going to happen with obama. i think what's most objectionable about trump's statements about this, though, is his contention that he would have magically stopped these attacks from happening. >> i think he's talking about immigration there, but that's a separate issue. >> well, i'm not even sure.
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even if you had the same views that you did now, you won't do it in nine months. if he's elected the same time bush is. but it goes to his broader critique. the immigration system has been broken forever in this country. we suffered a catastrophic attack on our shores partly because of the and it's still not fixed. >> let me add one other thing. if you see what's happening in europe right now, there's such a backlash especially to the syrian, iraqi migrant refugee crisis. that same political sentiment is growing leaps and bounds he s h. will be a major factor when this election takes place. >> this pre- 9/11 mentality. post 9/11 we have that mentality again. >> you can see it in iran and israel. >> in too many different ways. coming up, hillary clinton set to testify this week in
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front of the benghazi select committee. ahead of her testimony, we'll explain how clinton from the beginning has changed her story about the terrorist attack that left four americans dead and thn later donald trump is booked to host "saturday night live" next month, but one group is furious he got the invite. find out why. plus louisiana governor bobby jindal is here in studio to talk about the funding of planned parenthood in his state and much more. you do all this research on the perfect car. gas mileage, horsepower torque ratios. three spreadsheets later you finally bring home the one. then smash it into a tree. your insurance company's all too happy to raise your rates. maybe you should've done a little more research on them.
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welcome back to "hannity." hillary clinton will be in the hot seat on thursday. the former secretary of state will finally testify before the house select committee on benghazi. now, this hearing comes at a bad time for clinton as damning new evidence was just uncovered showing that ambassador chris stevens requested more security but was turned down by the state department months before he was murdered in the benghazi attacks. >> our ambassadors also asked for public messaging advice on
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the violence. victoria newland e-mails him and says we need help with your public messaging advice. he needed help with security, john, he didn't need help with pr. he was asking for more security. and on one occasion, he even joked in an e-mail, maybe we should ask another government to pay for our security upgrades because our government isn't willing to do it. >> unbelievable. while clinton will likely face pressing questions over why her state department failed to meet the security needs of an important diplomatic compound, she may encounter even harsher criticisms for a stand-down order given to personnel at the adjacent cia annex. now it's an order that the state department denies but was all too real for the security forces there on the ground. was a stand-down order given to you, chris? >> stand-down order was given to john teigen. i was told to wait twice. the semantics and the words we're playing with here are
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ridiculous. the order was given, it cost live. enough said. >> that's not all. clinton will likely come under fire for what she said days after the attack. >> we've seen the heavy assault on our post in benghazi that took the lives of those brave men. we've seen rage and violence directed at american embassies over an awful internet video that we had nothing to do with. >> that statement seems especially odd considering a 2012 report from the u.s. senate concluded the following -- quote, senior officials from the ic, the department of state and the fbi who participated in briefings and interviews with the committee said they believed the attack on the mission facility in benghazi to be a terrorist attack immediately or almost immediately after it occurred. here with reaction, former deputy national security adviser for the clinton administration nancy soderberg and jay sekulow.
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before the attacks we have chris stevens, the ambassador, requested security numerous times. it was denied. we need to know why. people died because it was denied. during the attack people there, five of them, testified that a stand-down order was given. and then we have evidence that shows they knew immediately it was a terror attack but yet we get this whole lie that was created by clinton and others that it was a spontaneous demonstration related to a youtube video. so aren't these really serious, legitimate questions that we need answers to? >> well, i'll answer that in one minute. let me take a second to respond to a previous segment. as a former bill clinton official. i just need to correct the record that bill clinton was not trying to kill bin laden before 9/11. he spent the last three years of his presidency trying to target bin laden. as we found under president bush -- >> that's the way.
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but that's not on the -- that's not what it said. we didn't have the legal authority to take him even though we know he wanted to commit crimes against america. that's his own voice. that's his own words. >> that was well before we were actually trying to kill him. >> excuse me. he's saying that -- you're making my point. >> a police action, that's the reality here. the clinton administration viewed it as a police action, not an act of terror. that's the difference. that's another segment. >> anyway, let me just answer you on the hillary issue which is what you turned for me to. i think you have to look at the accountability review board which is a nonpartisan review. seven other congressional committees that put out what was the facts here, which is, number one, this is a tragic death of four brave americans. and i think you have to pause -- and this is using those deaths
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for blatant political partisan action. there was no stand-down order made by hillary clinton. >> wait a second. whoa, whoa, whoa. on this show. wait a minute. five people that were there, five of them, are you calling them liars? no, five of them were on my show. are you saying -- >> i'm -- >> -- that they're liars. because that's what you're saying. >> no, hillary clinton did not give any stand-down order. >> i didn't say she did. >> the secretary of state is responsible for the actions. >> the secretary -- >> and it was denied. so she's responsible. >> look at the seven reports that have come back there. there were certainly steps that hillary clinton asked for review of this. there are lot of nonpartisan recommendations going forward. you show take a look at those. but you got to look at this committee on thursday morning. it is a political witch hunt. >> you said that three times now. i got your talking point.
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we got your talking point. >> we do respect -- how about answering the fundamental question? the fundamental question. we knew there was increased security made because of the ambassador asked the state department. indisputable fact. number two, we know no increased security was given. again, not in dispute. number three, the secretary of state was hillary clinton. she's ultimately responsible for that increase of security being denied. and the fourth thing we know is that the narrative that the obama administration wanted was the video on the internet which also we knew immediately was not the reason for this attack, that this was a planned, precalculated attack. and those are the real facts that i hope come up in the committee and i'm sure they will. that's the reality of what we're dealing with. >> nancy, i have another question. you weren't there. the committee reporters weren't there. why would they not take into account the five consistent voices that said stand-down
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orders were given? >> i have no idea who gave those -- >> you keep citing a report that doesn't take into account their testimony. >> right. >> all i'm questioning is hillary clinton, you cannot pin that on hillary clinton. what you need to look at is -- >> i didn't mention hillary's name in that. >> that's the ultimate responsible party in the state department. >> if you look at the nonpartisan reports that have been put out there including the republican chairman of the house armed services committee said when things were unfolding, when you look back. >> but the facts remain. >> and you got to be careful about exploiting the. >> but the security was denied. >> tragedy. >> before security was denied -- five people that were there say a stand-down order was given. now what we know to be a false narrative was given to the american people after. >> right. >> i've been in the white house when bosnia happened. the first reports that come in are never accurate. >> but they knew a week later.
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>> you're acting as if these are. >> they corrected it as soon as -- things are chaotic when things happen. >> we got to go. >> and in iran and everybody knows that. >> the ambassador asked for additional help, he didn't get it. >> didn't get it. that's right. coming up, 2016 republican front-runner donald trump is set to host "saturday night live" next month. not everyone is happy about it. bobby jindal is hitting some road blocks with the clinton administration. he'll join us later in studio. for pga tour professional rickie fowler to hit the perfect shot. at quicken loans, technology, engineering and coordination come together to deliver a customized mortgage experience. quicken loans: home buy. refi. power. official mortgage sponsor of the pga tour. ♪
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welcome back to "hannity." donald trump is set to host "saturday night live" on november 7th. while some can't wait others are calling on nbc to pull the plug. in a letter sent to executives, the national hispanic leadership agenda and foundation for the arts wrote in part, allowing
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trump to host snl will legitimize and validate his anti-latino comments. and the nhla had praised nbc universal when it severed its ties with donald trump. we are appalled that you would enable trump's hateful speech for nothing less than ratings, a ratings ploy, and we ask that you rescind your snl invitation. trump responded on "fox apd friends." >> i'm leading in the polls with hispanics. you look at polls in nevada. i produce jobs, and they know it. i have thousands of hispanics that work for me. my relationship with hispanics is better than those groups. they're looking to fund-raise. >> charles hurt and the chairman and co-founder of the national hispanic foundation for the arts mr. felix sanchez. what specifically caused you to write a letter such as this when you say anti-latino comments, what specifically are you
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referring to? >> well, i think, you know, as we all know trump in his announcement speech referred to mexican immigrants as, you know, rapists and murderers and that kind of rhetoric really offended -- >> mr. sanchez. >> -- a large percentage. >> i have been down to the border many times. i sat in on a security briefing, 654,000 crimes were committed by illegal immigrants including murder and rape. i asked trump myself. he was talking about those people that break the law by not having controlled borders. are you not allowed to say that -- do you not acknowledge that some people crossing our border illegally commit crimes like murder and rape? are you denying that truth? >> you know, the issue really -- >> i asked a question. i didn't ask you what the issue was. i asked you are you denying that some illegal immigrants commit horrible crimes against american citizens? are you denying that truth? >> i don't know the level,
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but -- >> i didn't ask you the level. are you denying that people commit -- no, this is not a small issue. are you denying that people do not respect american law and sovereignty and enter this country illegally also when they get here commit crimes against american citizens? >> i can't speak for that. >> you don't know the truth about that? >> i think that we all know that crime occurs. >> by illegal immigrants. >> it occurs by every segment of society. we see crime. >> including illegal immigrants. >> and i'm sure that there are, you know, the statistics are there to show that most illegal immigrants that are in this country -- >> he even said that. not all. he said some. he said that in a statement to which you're referring. charles, here's the point. we got a situation where i understand. i've been down to the border, 1012 times. one side of the border there's poverty and the other side is
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half million dollar homes. i get why people want to come here. but i'm only asking people to do it legally. that's what donald trump says. it gets twisted into this, which i find frustrating. >> and the other reason that they come here is because we're a nation of laws and we believe in laws and laws aren't to be disregarded. and honestly, mr. sanchez seems like a nice guy and everything, but i feel like so many people are undermining their own message by denying or trying to conflate what donald trump said talking about the illegals who came here who are coming here committing horrible, heinous, disgusting crimes by somehow conflating those people with all of the good law abiding people who do come here legally. >> come here legally, right. >> come here legally, wait in line. >> and contribute to our society. >> absolutely. >> mr. sanchez, respond to that. >> yeah, i mean, the issue is, you know, the narrative that gets portrayed about immigrants that are coming from mexico is
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that it's an overwhelming negative message. and that negative message extends then to people whose ancestry is from mexico. and so mexican americans and many latinos found those comments very offensive. >> mr. sanchez, he's only talking about those that commit crimes and those that don't respect our laws. shouldn't people respect our laws if they want to come in the country? that's a question. should people respect our laws and come in legally. >> he's creating wedge issues. >> i'm asking you a question. should people come in legally? is there anything wrong with asking that? if you go illegally to mexico, they put you in jail or send you back to the country from which you came. >> these bigoted comments found its way to be offensive to the majority of the latinos that are here. and 125,000 -- >> and the polls suggested they did not find.
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>> also agree that trump should be removed from -- >> my apologies. we need more time on this. thank you both. coming up, governor bobby jindal. a federal judge is attempting to block this. the 2016 republican presidential candidate joins me next to explain how he's going to respond to the administration. also shannon breen has a full report. straight ahead. this program is brought to you by pam. pam helps you keep it off. .so g. well, you didn't use pam. so it looks like you're stuwith me! bargain brand cooking spray leaves annoying residue. that's why there's pam. >> test. >> test. >> >> test. >> test. >> test. >> test (patrick 1) what's it like to be the boss of you?
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welcome back to "hannity." louisiana governor bobby jindal is fighting to defund planned parent hood. earlier today a federal judge ordered that his state must continue to fund clinics for another 14 days while the legal fight continues. the 2016 presidential candidate will join us in just a second, but first, standing by in washington with all the detail on this, our very own shannon breen. >> today was saet to be the day that millions in medicaid funding would be blocked from streaming into clinics in louisiana. but last night in a 59-page ruling made public this morning a federal judge put the brakes on the plan for at least 14 days as that fight plays out. weeks ago governor jindal covered the contract saying that according to louisiana contract with the organization either party was free to cancel the contract at will. he cited these undercover videos released earlier this year by the center for political progress.
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the federal judge now blocking jindal's move said the video in question don't relate to clinics specifically in louisiana. and that planned parenthood would be able to say that the attempts to strip it of medicaid funding were unrelated to its competence as a medicaid provider. >> joining us with the brand new book "american will" 2016 republican presidential candidate. he's the governor of the great state of louisiana. governor jindal. >> great to see you, sir. >> i appreciate your fight. i wish we had the same fight in congress over planned parenthood and immigration, et cetera, obama care. y don't have that fight. >> i couldn't agree with you more. the republicans in d.c. have
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become the surrender caucus. they can't defund planned parenthood, they can't stop amnesty, can't stop obamacare. >> they can't or they won't? >> both. they need a back bone transplant. i don't like what transplant. i don't like what pelosi and reid are doing but at least they fight for their principles. we're going to fight to owe protect innocent human life. there are a lot of republicans running for president. a lot of the senators, we need folks to act on the front lines. i hope every governor will defund planned parenthood. they can't sue us all. they can't come after us all. >> why do you think your campaign hasn't broken out until this point? is it too much noise in the room? people don't want any
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politicians? >> we're top five in the polls in iowa. and this is based on what you said, we're the only candidate that cut government spending. most pro-life states, six years or out. so we fought for religious liberty we've got a proven conservative record. i know a lot of folks ignoring iowa and new hampshire. i think that is a mistake. i think our nominees all but one of those states. >> who is ignoring those states? >> there are donors that want to move away. suggesting maybe iowa shouldn't be first. there is a mistake just to look at national polls. let voters, not donors decide. a lot of politicians want to clear the field and i think that is a mistake. >> using 4% of the polls? >> i think voters get to decide.
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democracy is messy. they didn't like it when donald trump ran. i think it's better to let the voters decide. they're so frustrated. i said what? if voters are angrier than republicans and democrats. so your choice are honest, socialist on the left, liars conservatives on the right. we've proven we will fight for conservative values. >> interestinteresting. there is a history hes onhere that we should learn from the past? >> i hope people enjoy this book. we live in the greatest country of the history of the world but there are incredible leaders that made the right decisions at the right moment in time. one story, you talk about how reagan, we all loved reagan. he took on president nixon over welfare expansion in his own
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party. >> that is right but nixon was trying to federalize welfare. do we need to have more able-bodied republicans? reagan won that fight. >> sounds familiar. >> absolutely. >> good to see you, governor. >> coming when we come back, very important question of the day. we need your help and our ask sean segment is straight ahead. ♪ i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet?
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(man) hmm. ♪hat do you think? (stranger) good mornin'! ♪ (store p.a.) attention shoppers, there's a lost couple in the men's department. (vo) there's a great big un-khaki world out there. explore it in a subaru crosstrek. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. time for the question of the day. do you agree with jeb bush or donald trump? or me? because i think bill clinton, that tape reveals a lot. go to and let us know what you think. it's time for our ask sean segment. thank you for sending your
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questions. if there is something you'd like to ask me. >> sean, i appreciate governor walker's. yaefrpel of getting out of the race allowing others a better chance at a more successful run. my question is what drives many candidates to still be in the race? >> i think 16 people is too much in terms of people. i'd like to see the number pared down so we can see the candidates interacting. i don't know what motives are. i assume most have great intentions and they think they can be the best president. i assume that is what motivates them, you've got to realize if you're lindsey graham you're not going to be president. so anyway, thank you for the question. if you have a question for me go to twitter and use #asksean and quick programming note, be sure to tune in tomorrow night, 10:00
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eastern, donald trump will be here to address the feud and issues of the day. so we'll see you tomorrow, we take attendance and it hurts our feelings if you're not here. see you tomorrow night. tonight: >> i believe that if i were running things, i doubt that those people would have been in the country. >> donald trump talking about the 9/11 killers and jeb bush fires back. talking points and charles krauthammer will deal with it. >> i would vote for the nominee of the republican party and i don't believe that is going to be donald trump. >> mitt romney getting a bit more visible but why? we will take a hard look at that question. >> what scares you. >> creepy clowns. >> hillary clinton. >> jesse watters is getting so many dumb answers from american adults. tonight we try the kids. >> do you know who this is?