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tv   The Five  FOX News  October 15, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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back to justify the cost with complying with our tax code. no one's talking that, but it's costing a lot more than any taxes ever will. both parties get on it, get moving, fast. because it's killing us. >> hello, i'm dana perino, along with kimberly guilfoyle, juan williams, eric bolling and greg gutfeld, it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." israel is on high alert and fighting back against palestinians after a string of new attacks. instead of standing by our closest ally in the middle east, the obama administration is accusing israel of terrorism. >> i would say certainly individuals on both sides of this divide are have proven capable of and in our view, guilty of acts of terror. >> state department spokesman john concern kirby stood by tha today. >> i will reit straight what
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what we said before and continue to stress it. the violence needs to stop. no excuse for intentional killing innocent people for the use of terror as a tactic. >> the united states mourns any loss of innocent life, whether it's israeli or palestinian. it's our view that both sides have a responsibility to exercise restraint. >> earlier, israel prime minister benjamin netanyahu accused the palestinians of spreading lies about the violence and warned the world not to confuse his country's victims with their attackers. >> we expect all our friends and anyone concerned with the facts and the truth to look at these facts, to see the truth and not to draw false symmetry between israeli citizens, and those who would stab them and knife them to death. >> eric, i think netanyahu showed a little restraint there. people are being attacked, yes, there has been violence attacks
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against israelis. if an israeli then defends themselves, defends another israeli by attacking that attacker, i would say that that is not terrorism. that is self-defense or defending themselves. >> that is the few attacks over the last few days. over the history of the last 25 years, the israelis are not the attackers, they're the ones getting the missiles shot at them and they go back and take out the places that the missiles were being shot from. the attacks now we know if you watch the videos, they're -- palestinian drives up to the bus stop, takes the bus stop out, hits somebody, hacks away at that person, hacks away at another person, an israeli comes up and shoots him and now this guy is being called the terrorist? i don't know why, there are only close ally in the middle east. we should be embracing that friendship, that alliance instead of calling them out. notice israel's response, not only netanyahu. ron dormer. the other deputy knesset member.
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they're very hesitant to call out president obama specifically. even though things have gotten worse under president obama, they still say united states is our friend, we have a great alliance with the united states, it's not their fault. we just need to call attention to what's really going on. >> in the last couple of days, greg you've been commenting on the media coverage. >> it's amazing, they don't call it terror, they call it tension. whenever there's any defense, that is called a heavy-handed tactic. when a man comes at you with a knife and you shoot them, that's a heavy-handed tactic. then we have to remind everybody, these are coordinated knife attack business palestinian young men to foment a war. it reminds me of zombie movies like "dawn of the dead" when all of a sudden out of nowhere some crazy maniac comes at you and stabs you or kills you. this is what israel is experiencing every day.
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what the media does is they equate both sides is creating violence. that's like a man who push as woman in front of as about. it's the same as the man who rescues her. just because they happen to be there at the same time. it's absolutely disgusting. i was at the gym watching it on msnbc. they must have thought i was crazy. because i'm yelling at the tv like a 75-year-old man. it's it leaves you speechless, the media should be ashamed of themselves. >> juan, when the administration doesn't distinguish between the youth attacking israelis, and the israelis responding, if they equate that, doesn't that incite more of the terrorist acts by the palestinian youth? >> i hope not. i think you have a situation here where it requires some historical context, which is of course that we're talking about jerusalem and about the israeli assertion that that's their capital.
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including east jerusalem. which nobody acknowledges this. but and then you have not greg somehow a coordinated effort by you know some palestinian terror group, but individuals, i think everybody agrees, these are individual kids acting out. >> coordinated. >> i don't know that it's coordinated. >> do you think there's all of these knife attacks? >> what dana said is true, social media, as opposed to a terrorist group which is what we had in previous intifadas, that's not what's on the table. then you have the israelis using the military, not police sources, but the military in response. it's not some guy who says, i saw someone stab somebody on the bus and i responded. it's now the israeli -- >> eric, i watched the film. we watched it. a car drove into a bus stop with elderly people, ran them over, he got out he stabbed them and thank god some guy comes out of nowhere with a gun and shoots him. and then the palestinian gets up, starts grabbing, swinging
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the knife again. this big, juan. he gets shot a third and a fourth time. >> you're ignoring part about the israeli military. >> what's the military stopping coordinated attacks? >> how dare they do their job? >> what's wrong with that? >> i think for most of the world they say wait a second, this is the israeli military, not even the police force. >> you think this is random acts of violence? >> i disagreed with you. >> what greg is describing, kimberly is what the definition of terrorism. so trying to attack and kill innocent people to achieve a political aim. that's the definition of a terrorist attack. so why wouldn't the military fight back on the terrorist attack? i don't -- >> well right. they would be remiss if they didn't. they would be shirking their obligations and their duties if they didn't do that. i don't understand why israel has to sit there and lay down and take it and become victims of terrorism. they have every right to defend themselves and to stand up against it. with whatever force they need to use. to shut it down. because if they see that that's a weak target and people can go in and do this and everybody
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wants to gang up on israel and everybody blames israel as the bad guys, i don't play that game. >> i don't think it's the love of israel. the united states is the number one ally of israel. >> you wouldn't know it from the rhetoric and -- >> i think the iran deal, i think everything has been aimed to try and solidify israel's standing. >> you do realize that bebe netanyahu is calling out the president and -- >> that's benjamin netanyahu's failure as a leader with a lack of vision. >> the israeli people are in favor of the u.s.-iran deal. >> but netanyahu i think netanyahu has done a bad job of leadership. >> almost across the board -- >> people's interest. juan thinks like we hooked up israel by getting in bed with you know iran and doing this deal. >> how about we protect say no to iran getting a nuke and iran saying they wanted to remove israel from the earth. i'm saying right now --
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everybody is talking about a two-state solution and that's why i think you hear the administration saying, hey, slow down. everybody slow down. this could cycle out of control and everybody suddenly finds that we're in trouble. >> i agree with that i think that's why netanyahu today actually was trying to be very calm about it. but do you have a problem when the secretary of state with declining influence in the middle east says, i'm going to go and try to fix it. but he has actually the one who said that it was because of an increasing number of settlements and it was even a bigger quote than that like more than ever. elliott abrams has been in israeli/u.s. domestic politics for a long time actually points out, it's not true. less elements under netanyahu than previous wunones, it's dangerous rhetoric like that that feeds into it. >> ws the call for knife control by piers morgan and barack obama barack obama. >> it is the israeli military who is thwarting the terror
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attacks, wow, great, they've declared a war on terror. we can't even say we have terrorists here. >> we prefer their tactics over what we're doing, pretending it doesn't exist. >> i don't think anybody is denying what's going on. think that's the difference. everybody at this table and the world sees that you have the palestinian kids -- let me finish. >> workplace violence when 13 or 14 depending on your view, that was declared workplace violence. >> let this was called road rage. >> back to my point. nobody in the world is denying that you've had these palestinian kids perpetrating acts of violence -- >> stop calling them kids. >> teenagers, what do you want me to call them. >> young adults. >> whatever you want to call them. let's not play games. so they're perpetrating acts of violence against israelis. your think something yeah bring in the military and the biggest armaments and that will stop them? answer, no, it's a lot of social media. and these kids are angry at the fact that the israelis have come in and taken control of -- >> you can hit the problem from other directions, juan, but
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you're naive to think that you can't respond and should not respond with force and strong measure to shut it down. >> i don't think -- >> campaigns or social media. and see them get slaughtered like a lamb. >> i want it to stop and i don't think the tremendous overwhelming show of force is what's going to somehow dissuade this kid that he can achieve martyrdom by a knife attack. >> i would send out more. >> is incremental progress when you kill somebody with a knife, which progress i'm willing to take. if that person has a knife, i would want my people to have a gun. >> can-day one more topic just because we have two minutes? >> no, i've had enough, i'm out of here. >> jim comey is the fbi director. he had a warning about isis in america. >> that group is using social media to try to motivate people. either come to their so-called caliphate, or if you can't come, kill where you are. the terrorist is buzzing in the pocket of a troubled soul 24 hours a day through twitter.
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we have investigations in all 50 states to try to identify among hundreds of people who are consuming this poison. >> so kimberly, how does the fbi and other law enforcement coordinate to keep up with that? >> i think it's very difficult. but i do feel confident he understands the nature and extent of the problem. that it is something that we have to deal with, cyberterrorism. the use of social media. a very active network to recruit young people that are feeling disenfranchised and disenchanted with the way government is or trying to join up with the cause to try to become one with something so there is that we have that same problem in the united states with gangs that we see in impoverished neighborhoods or areas, communities that struggle, socioeconomically. so you have to be able to find some kind of measure to draw those people in because they're there for the taking. whose side are you going to let them play for? >> i think all of the presidential candidates should have to answer what their counterinsurgency plan is against the digital media war
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we're engaged in. >> i think last year comey made that same statement. >> he said there were open investigations in all 50 states. >> look, they're on it and that's the good news. and anyone that thinks they should back off any sort of spending on intel is out of their mind. you need to press the intel number. give them all the resources they need. i don't know what the answer is. i don't know that you know, clearly isis is big and growing and becoming a bigger threat and more and more young people are disillusion reasonable doubt jumping into the fray for some reason. >> how do you solve that problem? >> i think there's an upcoming article in "foreign affairs" magazine by jared cohen from google ideas, who has done a lot of this work and one of the things he says is that isis has hierarchy where there's a small number of people, guys, that work on the social media piece and then they have fake accounts, but they go into real accounts so they're protected. but if there's some way that social media such as twitter can find out to cut that head off,
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then -- >> can i just mention one thing here that came as a surprise to me, the fbi also said today, number one source of terrorist attacks in the united states is not isis, but it's domestic terrorism and mostly from white supremicist groups. >> and they're wrong. >> they're wrong? >> yes. >> the amazing thing about this whole event is everybody blames george bush for this instability that is created isis. they're wrong. because it was actually way, it was more stable back then, seven years later, captain cumulus, who coined kimberly's phrase, has screwed iraq, libya, syria, and allowed isis to thrive. under obama, the middle east has become the middle beast. it's his game. and he's losing it. >> and we didn't get to the third topic. for which i apologize, it was afghanistan and the president switching his position yet again, more coming up on that on "special report." coming up, hillary clinton wants everyone to stop pestering her about her emails and one former government employee has
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something to say about that, he says his life was ruined for leaking unclassified material and you're going to hear from him next. glad i could help you plan for your retirement. alright, kelly and promise me that you'll try that taco place on south street. and we have portfolio planning tools to help you manage your ira. yeah, you're old 401k give me your phone. the rollover consultants give you step-by-step help. no set-up fees. use your potion. sorry, not you. my pleasure. goodnight, tim. for all the confidence you need. who's tim? td ameritrade. you got this.
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hillary clinton has been mocking the fbi's investigation of her emails every chance she gets. >> tonight i want to talk not about my emails, but what the american people want from the next president of the united states. >> the secretary is right -- and that is, that the american people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails. >> thank you. me, too, me, too. >> today, a former nsa official and others spoke at the national press club about how their lives were ruined for cases far less compromising than clinton's. they were aggressively prosecuted under the espionage act for sharing information, some of which was not classified to expose alleged government misconduct. thomas drake thinks there's a double standard. >> this is the secretary of state, one of the most targeted individuals by other intelligence agencies, and entities in the world, using a private server to traffic in highly sensitive information.
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and no doubt including classified information, and no doubt information including sources and methods. but hey, i'm secretary of state. even obama gave her cover. >> and no doubt a double standard, dana. >> i'm glad that somebody is finally coming out and saying this. government employees are under very strict instructions in order to get a top-secret clearance, her judgment is, is so bad, i would imagine it would be pretty easy for the justice department to put together a case. because you do have individuals like thomas, who have lost their careers, their livelihoods and have had to deal with the fact that now they have a record, right? you know how hard it is to get a good job when you have a record like that? i think that it is good that they have finally come out. because surely there's more people like for example the marine that greg mentioned who is being discharged, dishonorably discharged for sending an email on a private server because he was trying to warn people to get out of the way of a coming terrorist
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attack. >> the other thing that came out today, in her emails, it turns out that her email server was so poor, it often didn't work. her staff couldn't send her emails she would send state department business from her personal email account to their personal email accounts. that came out today from the a.p. >> it's so glaring, the contrast of what's happening with her and how others were treated, petraeus and others, why shouldn't the media care about it and keep talking about it? >> we should. i take, i push back on one thing that that gentleman said. he said even president obama provided cover for hillary clinton. he didn't. and that "60 minutes" interview, he kind of threw her under the bus. he said we never condoned doing what he did with your email server, it was a mistake. but he definitely brought more light, shed more light on it. >> he said there was no national security issue. >> but then -- he walked that back the next day. >> we don't really know.
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here's a couple of quick thoughts, bernie sanders gave hillary clinton cover. he's the only one who did. now there's a subplot going on that the day after the debate, mark helprin reported that bernie sanders was supposed to be eviscerating hillary clinton for the emails when he delivered the line. but he delivered it improperly, so it looked like he was giving her cover. the sanders campaign has pushed back on that here's a little subplot going on to that. but here's the big thing, 30,000 emails were scrubbed by hillary clinton, right? i would love, love to know if someone could get their hands on those 30,000 somehow. they've got to be somewhere, right? >> i'm sure they have them, for sure. good start. for your shopping. juan. >> there's no evidence there was any breach. if there was, boy, would we have something to talk about at this table. >> how could they not? >> what do you have -- this table -- this table that.
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>> this table is a little bit tilted, a little tilted. >> it's balanced. >> it's a very special table, gregory. think when you look at what's going on here, the problem is for this table, gregory, is that the democrats don't give a hoot and a holler about this issue. >> it's their guy. >> you know what you actually spoke the truth. you meant to say media. but you said democrats. because of the same thing. the media laughs. >> are you kidding? "the new york times" is all over her. >> i'm talking about during the debate. when you heard the laughter among the media. that's why the debate was a sham. they had the opportunity to question her on the fact that she put the country at risk and they didn't. i trust her with national security like i would trust michael moore with my dessert. she has no business being in the oval office. she has no business being in any kind of control. what she did to this country was dangerous. and the fact that they paint accountability as somehow an
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attack? does that mean can you never investigate anything. why investigate anything? >> we can't investigate her because it's a witchhunt. >> and will she pardon all of these individuals like thomas who were prosecuted for it? >> thomas was not secretary of state. >> does she, do you think she actually has credibility with people in the national security industry? >> i don't think that's up to them. that's like us challenging -- >> she wants to be commander-in-chief. >> that's up to the voters. go right ahead. >> do you think she has credibility with them. >> you're taking the democrat attitude that republicans are so anxious to take her down. >> don't fall for this, republicans. this is the whole thing of like democrats, basically saying that i'm trying to help the democrats? no. the democrats were always going to move in lockstep behind her, anyway. you actually have to look for the truth, regardless of where it lies. >> every time you try to call her out on her incompetence as an investigator, you're helping
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her. that's so you don't do that. >> you're hoping that the fbi is investigating? >> yeah, i know. >> we want that let's see how trivial a matter it is to you at that point, juan. >> you can visit her when she's in jail. >> and joe biden is going to run? >> i don't think she's going to be accepting. >> a week today her testimony on capitol hill benghazi committee. >> i'm going to put a file in her cake. ahead, donald trump reflects back on his campaign thus far for the white house. plus he previews his upcoming "snl" appearance, that's all next. can protect capital long term. active management can tap global insights. active management can seek to outperform. that's the power of active management.
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as nbc announced that donald trump will host "saturday night live," trump also spoke to that network about things that he said in the past. i wonder if he could probably have said fewer things about certain things, but honestly, he's very happy with the way it's going.
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>> could probably have said fewer things about certain things, but honestly, i'm very happy with the way it's going. i never look back. i like to look forward. i like to learn from the past and i have learned, i can watch my words a little bit. maybe be a little more politically correct. to be honest with you, i think one of the reasons i am doing well is because i don't want to -- being politically correct takes a lot of time. it takes a lot of effort. we don't have time in this country. our country is really in trouble. >> he's right. being politically correct is time-consuming. but being politically incorrect is not a cover for being crude. but trump's a figure who can navigate both swamps of pop culture and politics. he's the first republican to swim downstream from celebrity as a statesman. his power is that he can do "saturday night live" in his sleep. his challenge, however is we expect more when he's awake. so while i'm all for the skits, you can't be sketchy with world politics. time for specifics. this race goes beyond an emotional high one gets if bold
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jabs on twitter. the trump must put out, not put down. his old strategy, i won't show you my hand until i get the job, is okay with groupies, he wouldn't take it from a contractor, and we can't from a candidate, either, we already tried that, remember? we need evidence that he's thinking of the big stuff in a practical manner. that means islamic extremism, nonstate terror, cyberterror, the changing demands of national security, as the world unravels, your standard for leadership shouldn't than he's politically incorrect. it can be can can he persuade the rest of america that he can govern? maybe that will be a skit. so kimberly, how do you think he's going to do it on "saturday night live"? he's done it before. he's one of the few republicans that can pull this stuff off. >> i think he's going to crush it i bet you he's going to answer the call, he's going to be himself. he's very good impromptu. he's got a lot of confidence, when he's been on the tack shows, late-night shows, he's done great.
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he was fantastic with jimmy fallon. sit back, pop the popcorn. >> i'm tired of popcorn. dana, let's admit, he somebody very charming when he's self-deprecating. like in that interview, he seems to be such a good person. it's when he gets up and starts repeating the platitudes. >> there's a benefit of being comfortable in front of the camera having done "saturday night live" before, that's easier. and when you show up in person, in my experience, or almost always nicest to you. they're very, it's very rare that they would actually go after him in a way that is not flattering in some way to him. it's a good decision on his part. one of the things you mentioned on world affairs, think this morning or the last 24 hours, he was talking about the report from the dutch government, that said that the plane that was taken down in ukraine was from a russian missile. and today, donald trump questioned that and said we don't know if that's true, maybe we'll never really know. i think when you want to be the
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leader of the free world, when you have one of their allies that does an independent investigation, you should at least back them up. >> there's something about putin and trump. he must be building hotels in messco. i don't know what it is. he says he's not a bad guy. eric, i have a feeling that the "snl" crew will be more intimidated by him than he will be intimidated by them. >> he does so well in those situations, like you said he can be self-deprecating, they can probably do anti-trump skits and he'll pull it off, he'll laugh. he has that skill. great monologue. very smart to go like yes, he's awesome in this. but yes, he could also use work here. i'm not sure, if you like him or don't like him. >> i've always been here as the donald, as an educator. you can offer my assistance, my brain to help him out. >> you may not get the specifics, because he may not have them.
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he's got an immigration plan. he's got a tax plan, egot things. but what he does very smartly. he brings up names of very, very smart people in business. in government. >> friends of his. when you think, wouldn't you rather have that anyway? wouldn't you rather have president obama who says i know everything and i'm going to sign away on everything i believe. that person surrounded with really smart people and let them help them, that organization come to a decision? >> i worry that imagine if he was on the "the apprentice" and somebody said look, i'm not going to sell any cupcakes today. once you hire me, i'm going to sell the cupcakes, he's going to say you're fired. >> or how about this, i'm going to get eric and greg and dana and kimberly to sell those cupcakes. er that great, people, so elect me and trust me -- >> that was going to be my point for the segment. >> nbc cuts ties with donald trump and "the apprentice" over his calamy over hispanics, but
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now for ratings, he's back in the game and he will, as kimberly said -- >> he's going to kill it. >> he'll get big numbers. i think he can be easily punctured by comics and critics and skeptics and the like. the question is how he feels about it i think he's going to get into it think he will, as you said -- will kill it. >> i said he's going to crush it. >> i think anybody that is willing to show up and play along will do well there. >> he's going to get more supporters. think people are going to see that side of him and maybe that's enough for some people. you never know. >> if you don't do well, that will be embarrassing. >> i see christy could do it. >> ben carson could do it. >> i think most of them could do it. greg, the writing, right? they have the team of writers that can put together, anyone can be funny. >> i think lindsey graham would be the best. >> we say donald trump with a
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bunch of women and hispanics. >> santorum. that would be troubling. ahead, patriots quarterback tom brady and my squash partner has found himself back in the news this time for deflating one of the world's most popular soft drinks, say tuned. 130 yards now... bill's got a very tough lie here... looks like we have some sort of sea monster in the water hazard here. i believe that's a "kraken", bruce. it looks like he's going to go with a nine iron. that may not be enough club... well he's definitely going to lose a stroke on this hole. if you're a golf commentator, you whisper. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. this golf course is electric...
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. only one democrat on the stage tuesday said that all lives matter. when they were given a choice between saying black lives matter and all lives matter. so that one candidate was jim webb. two prominent african-americans have some words for the rest. >> it was plantation politics in its finest hour. the continued enslavement of black people emotionally by the democrat party. with this destructive liberal ideology. they're whoring for votes, the
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liberal ideology has been very druktive for the black community for the last 50 or 60 years. >> of course all lives matter. all lives include black lives. we have to stop submitting to those who want to divide us up into all of these special interest groups and start thinking about what works for everybody. there are a lot of policies that this administration embraced that hurt black lives, that hurt all people who are in the underclass. >> kimberly, sheriff clark, ben carson, think they're right, clearly, all lives matter. to me it's a political context up on the debate stage where you have the democrats not wanting to antagonize the black lives matter group for fear of possibly losing black political support. in the democratic primaries. what do you think? >> i never stand down to bullies. >> when when you're trying to win someone's vote? >> who are you. you're somebody who is a sell out. you know what you're say
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something not right. you're doing it anyway, you're pandering, trying to steal vote from people by saying something in a you know is not true, i'm not into that. >> eric, this is interesting. i said what i think is interesting. how crazy am i? i think in black lives matter, said all lives matter, they would potentially bring in more support for themselves. >> they'll defund their group. >> the whole point is specifically pointing out that there's an issue with police and -- >> in the african-american community. >> that's right. >> but don't you think dana, the kid, when they say all lives matter, then people who disagree with them say that's a problem. >> i think you're forgetting one thing. a lot of different politicians have tried to meet with them. bernie sanders, hillary clinton, jeb bush. i know we have to go i was finishing a thought. is that at the dnc meeting they actually passed a resolution
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saying okay we hear you, black lives matter, we get it. and the black lives matter people rejected it because it wasn't strong enough. even when you try to talk to them, they push back against you. >> greg, is it the case if you say all lives matter that you are somehow diminishing black lives matter and the issue of excessive use of force by police? >> they should tell hillary all lies matter. you make a deal with the devil the moment you embrace identity politics. then you know you need to foment division in order to exist. sun unity is the enemy of identity politics, you create for a fractious country in order to get power. there's nothing scarier to a white leftist, than an africon. a black conservative, a walking breathing rejection of the phony toxic ideology if a white liberal gets on an elevator and there's a black conservative, they will take the stairs.
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>> the fastest seven, it isn't the really fastest seven, up next.
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welcome back, time for -- the fastest six and a half or
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so, three stimulating stories, seven streaming minutes, one spirited host. first, lamar odom was an nba star married to a kardashian. he had money, fame, he seemed to have it all and it all started to fall apart. a pending divorce, he got released from his basketball team. the spiral which began last year culminated in in this 911 call from tuesday. >> please hurry. blood coming out of his nose, white stuff coming out of his mouth. can't get him to wake up. he's like almost not breathing. >> okay, is he conscious? >> excuse me? >> is he conscious? >> no. >> juan -- we'll go to you. >> bad things were going on. but for some reason i still feel bad for the guy. >> i think everybody feels bad. it's an awful situation. someone with that kind of career, he's an nba 14 years, it's just -- i don't understand. why does a guy like that, in that place and people are
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enabling. >> he's a guy. >> you and i are guys -- >> by the way, he was in a whore house doing drugs. i mean -- it's a hard way to go. it's a way to go. >> what do you mean? >> if you got to go? >> i guess i have sympathy, but there are people that die in horrible ways that i have sympathy for. >> but he is self-destructive. >> a lot of people in this world are self-destructive. >> kg? >> i'm reading a book on empathy. >> that's a long time coming, by the way. >> i feel bad for him. but we know that bad things were going on there. >> i feel badly for him and for the family. but you know, at least they're there to support him. it doesn't look good from all the reports. very troubling. >> i don't know what to say. i'm not aware of him. i do recognize the drug abuse in this country is very serious. i think that you're going to see a lot more focus on this issue in the presidential election.
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partly it's not only, it's abuse such as this. but it's the lower level, the debate that drug enforcement agency today did a raid on 13 cities to go after synthetic chinese drugs that people are taking and it's a really serious issue, and innocent people are dying. >> the one other thing that drives me crazy, i don't understand why 911 calls are public. because that keeps people from calling 911. when somebody is dying, you think that's a celebrity that's dying, i'm not going to make the phone call because i'm going to be on tv. >> next up we know fallon does a funny donald trump impression. check this out, fallon doing trump and david alan grier doing a good one on ben carson. >> if you hear people sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails. >> thank you, me >> i don't get does is yell. do we really need a president who does nothing but yell?
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>> i yell all the time. in fact i'm yelling right now. this is my normal voice. and my whisper is only audible to dogs, watch -- >> down boy, down boy. >> number one -- >> i have to say this is, one of the primary reasons why ben carson should be president. it will revive the career of david alan grier, he's now working again. >> do you like this one, kg? >> it's funny. and i'm sure that ben and the donald think it's funny, too. they're the winners right now, they're in the top two spots, this is what we're getting attention on things like "snl," they're a mirror, reflection of what's going on in the 2016 election. >> just a moment. as someone who likes ben carson, knows ben carson. ben carson is not fat. >> no, he's not. i told you i find ben carson to be very handsome. >> thank you. >> i don't know why they put padding in his stomach.
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>> i don't know why they didn't sit up. ben carson has excellent posture. >> that is david alan grier. when was the last time you saw him? tom brady superstar quarterback, check. married to a supermodel, check. tom brady, good samaritan on children's nutrition? check, i guess. >> you'll probably go out and drink coca-cola and think that's no problem. that they can sell that? you know, to kids? that's, i mean that's poison for kids. i think we've been lied to by a lot of food companies over the years. by a lot of beverage companies over the years. we believe that frosted flakes are actually, a food. you just keep eating those things and you keep wondering why you know we do have just incredible rates of disease in our country. >> like this one? >> well, i think obviously free to express his opinion and people might seek it out because he's a major superstar and incredible health. people might want to know what would you feed your kids.
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i think he didn't have to name coca-cola. you could have said soft drinks and that would have been a more reasonable thing to do. >> he can cross off coca-cola and general mills i guess whoever the brand that he named, he can cross those off as potential endorsements. >> you share that wasn't mayor bloomberg? >> you know this is the influence of gisele. brazilian, healthy eating acai berries, all of that. he can say what he wants, it's not like it's going to hit him in the pocketbook. >> i think he should shut up. >> i'll tell you why, coca-cola is the greatest beverage ever made. it used to have cocaine in it back in the day. i had coca-cola every day when i was a child and i turned out like this. by the way -- >> did it stunt your growth? >> yes, it did. >> how dare you. >> but i got to say coca-cola doesn't cause head injuries. it doesn't cause head injuries.
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what does? something called football, mr. brady. >> don't forget this weekend brady gets a little revenge served on a platter. indianapolis colts at the new england patriots, gillette stadium. it will be a great thing to watch. up next, one more thing. when you booked this trip,
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>> greg's disgusting news, this is absolutely repulsive, what i'm about to show you. if you have kids in the room, blindfold them and put them in the garage. these are rare tiger cubs. take a look. this is absolutely disgusting. they're, this is in crimea. in eastern europe. there they are just playing around in a basket. i for one am disgusted by this. interesting fact, they are bottle-feeding, not breast-feeding these cubs, because the mother is not around. an interesting fact is they're adorable now, but in three months, they will eat your face. >> that happens. >> disgusting news. eric, you're next. >> first of all the pats are at the colts not the colts at the patriots. 2,000 twitter followers made me aware of that charles koch sits down with megan kelly, check it
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out. >> i consider myself a classical liberal. >> what does that mean? >> it's someone who wants a society that maximizes peace, civility, poll rans and well-being for everyone. tolerance. one that opens opportunities for everyone to advance themselves. >> don't forget, check that out tonight, kelly file, 9:00. >> kimberly? >> i've got a cute one if you like grandmas. ann romney, is a proud grandmother of 23 grandchildren. she teamed up with the website independent journal review to make a video guide on how to be a quote freaking awesome grandma. take a look. >> always have a fun craft planned. always have a fun game ready to play.
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keep up with what the kids are into. >> her book -- >> you see her book there, in this together. and now all the proceeds go towards neurological research. greg to answer your question. juan? >> i love watching sports and last night i had a moment of vicarious exhilaration. watching the toronto blue jays jose bautista, not just impli hit a three-run homer that would win the game for the toronto blue jays. but watch this. that bat flip, wow, that's a moment of triumph and victory and conquest. he flip it is toward the texas rangers dugout and says, i'm out out of here. >> and guess what they did after that? >> they got into a big fight. >> i loved it. >> a drop the mic moment. >> yeah. >> one thing you might not know, it is national grouch day. i love oscar the grouch. but i want to pay tribute to our
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special little grouch. greg gutfeld. look at him, aww. you are kind of grouchy. and even the word grouchy is annoying. >> he's smiling in the grouchy photo. >> "special report" is next. president obama makes a major about-face on his vow to end the war in afghanistan on his watch. is it enough to shore up the afghans? this is "special report." good evening, and welcome to washington, i'm brett baier, president obama will not keep his promise to withdraw all but a handful of u.s. troops from afghanistan by the end of his second term. the commander-in-chief made that official today. upping the number of americans who will stay in the country for the foreseeable future. many inside and outside the military are asking are the numbers enough to strengthen what has been a weak afghan fighting force.


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