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tv   The Five  FOX News  October 7, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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caucus, 40-member strong. congressman daniel webster to be the next speaker of the house. whoa. >> hello, i'm kimberly guilfoyle, along with juan williams, eric bolling, dana perino and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." checkers? or cats. which game does the white house think vladimir putin is playing? >> i don't think president putin is playing chess. he's playing checkers. and i say that because he's making a series of tactical decisions leading to a starkly negative strategic conclusion. russia is being sucked into a sectarian civil war. essentially a quagmire that pose as whole set of risks to
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russia's interests, not just in the region, but back at home. >> as the obama administration keeps trying to paint putin as weak, russia is intercepting our drones over syria. and a very concerning development. the a.p. reports the fbi and police in moldova have foiled a plot to sell nuclear material to jihadist groups like isis. [ yelling ] >> suspected arms dealers in europe have allegedly been looking to sell weapons-grade uranium to terrorists. at least four attempts were reportedly made over the last five years, here's the s.e.a.l. who killed bin laden and a former counterterror official on the threat. >> they've proved they don't need the weapon. all they need is the threat of the weapon to get people nervous. they've done it before with any kind of thing they can in an airport and all of a sudden we have a knee-jerk reaction to everything. as long as they can effect as
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far as new england as far as commerce, trade, travel. they're going to do it. >> this is the something that the u.s. and we hope russia have to take very seriously. because the consequences of missing nuclear material and allowing it to get to a group like isis would certainly be sto catastrophic. >> does this development surprise you, eric, when you hear about this? this has been going on. >> the finding of the nuclear material? i think it's been going on for a long time. fortunately, we did find out. i'm sure that there is that material vanl. it's just available. it's just a matter of time. where do you dispense p? where are you going to put it? that's a lot of planning. what's concerning is that the way of computation with russia happened. we have a drone, they have fighter jets, they come within 20 miles of each othernd our drones are told to go back. that's a conflict. we need to deconflict. these deconfliction talks that we've been having, apparently
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they didn't work and we need to outline what it means to each side. so that they come up with a strategy, because god forbid, it's not a drone next time, it's a fighter pilot and the fighter pilot decides to fire on a russian jet or the russian fighter decides to engage on a u.s. jet and we're engaged. and the conflict in a small country in the middle east becomes an international crisis. >> this is the part we were just talking about. it feels like moments ago, just in the last couple of days. this is what the foreshadowing. now when we look at these images of what's happening. it seems like you're watching the homeland or "24" when you hear about this and what the russians are doing. it's remarkable that the situation has gone this bad this quickly. a couple of things, one big concern about this problem is that russia har very cooperative with the united states in trying
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to find and share intelligence to insure that people like the individual arrested today. having weapons-grade uranium that they're trying to sell, that we can track those people down. so that cooperation between the united states and russia and other ku other countries has been key to stopping those attacks. hopefully we can keep the communication going on while we're in syria. because i think most intelligence officials would say that's the next step in the war on terror against western national countries. the other thing is kerry and lavrov. remember last week we waited for them to come out and do their press conference? one of the things they said is we're committed to continuing to talk. we need to work on this deconflict ion issue. lavrov and kerry have not spoken since last week. the white house i understand what they're saying when they explain their point of view about putin's position now. that they think he's operating from a position of weakness, getting in too far over his
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heads. the thing is that's not how putin sees himself. while it's true that people in russia are less wealthy than they were even last year, they die at a younger age than even, every year it's like their life expectancy goes down. they do have a ton of problems, but right now i think that putin has calculated this just right for what he needs right now. we can't wait for the long arc of history to show that putin was wrong. that's why i don't know what the department of defense is doing because the national security council is supposed to rub all of these policies through. they're talking directly to generals and end-running around the cabinet. so nobody knows what's going on. that's why there's a lack of imagination. >> greg, how do you see it putin has all of these problems. from where i'm sitting, it looks like he's on top of things. he's taking the charge. he's calling the shots. >> i like earnest, letting us know that they're not playing chess. they're playing checkers.
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while we're playing yahtzee. by the way, earlier obama had used a chess metaphor when talking about these about the problem with putin. just let the chess thing go. the russians will kill you at chess. >> the history of that. >> i think we have a bigger issue with the chemical business that happened today. this is no surprise for anybody who has an imagination. terror is a full-time occupation. terrorists don't go home at 5:00 and play with their kids or do fantasy football or barbeque in the back yard. they think about this all the time. and they've had 15 years since 9/11. the next one going to make 9/11 look like 9-10, like nothing. i have yet to see anybody in this administration talk about these new dangers. it's not a state danger like russia. it's not russia. it's these nonstate actors, the people that are trying that now
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have the capacity, that powerful states have like america and russia. we have the power to kill lots of people. but now they're not-state people and there's no plate for isolationists or pacifists who somehow believe that security comes at the expense of freedom. security and freedom go hand in hand. >> you know, i hadn't put this together until i listened to you. >> are you being modest? >> fantasy football, the russians are the ones behind that? i didn't know that. >> you know in fact, coming back to work -- >> i think, i was more concerned than eric was about the sale of nuclear weapons to bad guys, because it raised two points for me. one is, are they getting these weapons from the russian government. is the russian government not in full possession? even if they're -- >> technical weapons yet. where are they getting these
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material? >> from russia. >> that's what i'm saying. i mean we, we always worry about who was that pakistani scientist who was helping the iranians develop. but now if you're telling me that an established nuclear power like russia, doesn't have full control of its nuclear elements and then i'm thinking wow, this is like greg's fantasy about bad guys, with high-end technology. >> not state actors are now everywhere. the same apocalyptic terror that no one but major states could do. putin is at risk of that as well. that's where we still have some comments. >> why do you think that? >> there are people within russia, the soft underbelly of russia, that you have for example chechen rebels and things like that they're at risk as well. that's why it's important to tick to talk to them. even in the middle of what looks like to be not only a tense situation in syria.
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but you also have the turk who is are attacking the kurds which are actually the kurds are the one most helpful for us attacking isis. it's a huge mess. >> i think the biggest threat -- >> josh earnest calls putin checkers player. a year and a half ago, two years ago, he called isis -- >> they're not taking any threats seriously. >> people are dying. >> we're playing like red line jenga. >> i don't know, i have to stay away from those metaphors on crimea. >> putin is not winning this is stupidity. >> why do you say that? >> well obviously the soviet, the russian economy can't handle this for any long period of time. secondly, remember what happened to them in afghanistan, kimberly? it ruined them. that's how ronald reagan won the cold war. >> i don't think it's a question that putin is winning, it's that we're losing. >> how are we losing?
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>> i think -- >> he's exerting influence. >> we've retreated from the world stage. >> i would say if you said to me, obama screwed up in terms of lack of syrian strategy, okay, i agree. i think -- >> i just psychologically said that to you. >> you read my mind. that's exactly what i meant. >> you are devious. >> you're a devious man. i don't know how, we are less safe as an american people, because the russians are over there wasting their time and money, messing around. >> i think that we think it's a waste of time and money, he doesn't see it that way. we have to think like they do. we're saying that yes, russia you're so weak and you're so lame. all the things might be true but that's not how he sees himself. the recklessness part of it becomes an even bigger concern because of this immediate conflict. we have planes in the air flying with weapons. >> i agree, i just, i worry that appeal to nationalism works
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politically for putin. >> it does. >> for a lot of people in america, like trump. >> he's not like putin. >> but he appeals to nationalism. which isn't necessarily bad thing. >> a little bow on that. next, the fbi makes new seizures in the clinton email investigation, stay tune.
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internet essentials from comcast. helping to bridge the digital divide. . hillary clinton's aides and allies have been trying to get everyone to move on from her email scandal. >> it's ridiculous. why are we talking about this? >> there's been a relentless campaign of distortion here that's gone on for six months and i don't think that hillary clinton brought that on herself. >> here's the bottom line. hillary clinton has taken responsibility for this. she has apologized. she has turn over her server. >> trying to keep the focus on the things that americans are worried about over around their kitchen table. >> the washington beacon reports that the fbi seized four servers from the state department as it tries to determine how classified information made its way on to clinton's private server and the agency's probe
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has expanded to a technology company, a second one called data incorporated. it was hired to help back-up data by the firm that managed clinton's server on the platte river networks. it's like the pandora's box of emails. it's not just the server, it's the fact that every one of hillary clinton's explanations has proven to be false. i don't know how they get away with the explanation that she has accepted responsibility. >> i love the fact that fbi has grabbed four servers, which equals bill clinton ton a typical night out. terror comes in all shapes and sizes, including cyberterror. i don't think a person who mistreats classified email in this manner understands that there are people out there who want to knock out power in the hospital and kill patients or derail trains from afar ordeal with drones and anthrax. she can't even think about that, because she doesn't even
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understand what she has done and how dangerous she is with classified information. she kept her server in the toilet and that's where her campaign should go. >> one of the things that her is that she is believed to think she is better than everybody else, she doesn't have to follow the same rules. but anybody who has a top-secret clearance, that has done anything close to what she is doing would have been fire and out of a job and she wants to be president of the united states and wants us to move on from that. i don't get that. >> she feels entitled. a whole philosophy of the people surrounding her, that this is her moment, she's entitled to have the presidency and everyone else is just pesky and interfering, including the pen ghazi committee. so that's why when she said, what difference does it make, she really meant it. take her at her word. >> next week, eric, a few days from now the democrats are going to have their first debate, happening on tuesday. do you think that bernie sanders will go after her on the -- >> i hope he does go after her
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and ask her about it. because it does matter. contrary to all of those hillary clinton surrogates, because as a voter you have to make a decision whether or not you believe hillary clinton really didn't know that a, she wasn't supposed to be doing ha she was doing and b, she didn't understand what classified material was. any logical person with half a brain has to realize those two cannot be true. therefore you have to pull a voting, vote in favor of someone who blatantly lied to you. if you still want to do that knock yourself out. but that's why it's still relevant. that's why it still matters. and another reason why it still matters. about 60% of the emails are still coming out. we still don't know what's on those 62 thirds. >> juan, i'm curious, i think that the democrats are so good at working to be in lockstep with one another, that i think bernie sanders might agree and say let's move on from the email scandal. and that will show that i think he really doesn't want to win if he does that. but the democrats, do you get
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the sense that they're going to lock arms and not allow any more questioning about it? >> i have a different view. but the short answer to your question is yes. but the reason is different. the reason is that if you look at the polls, most democrats don't care about the issue. and so what you're going to get is, if bernie sanders or let's say joe biden if he gets up there. or jim webb or -- martin o'malley. if any or -- lincoln chafee. any of them get up there and start attacking on this issue, they'll be seen as carrying water for the republicans and pursuing the republican agenda against hillary clinton. and make her more sympathetic figure among lots of democrats. but i must say, i -- i'm a little bit you know, i told you first that i thought that hillary clinton was entitled and acted like -- >> you know what i heard from other people. >> influence peddling. >> i must tell you -- >> why doesn't she just come forward on the email stuff. >> why doesn't she get rid of the foundation? i don't know.
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she was first lady of the united states, kimberly, right? >> yup. >> and she's gone through scandals with her husband. i can imagine people say well maybe she wanted privacy on her server. >> that doesn't mean that you can do something that other people would get fired for in the federal government. donald trump continues to be ahead of republicans, new quinnipiac poll today, florida, ohio and pennsylvania, he's still beating. hillary clinton also the poll numbers come out today and we have a consistency. the quinnipiac asking would you say that hillary clinton is honest and trustworthy? and in those key states of florida, ohio and pennsylvania, strong majorities all saying no. the interesting thing is that you can also be, you can be the front-runner and also be unpopular, thought to be untrustworthy. would you say that trump is honest and trustworthy? and no. in florida, again, majorities 54% across the board. so how does that happen, greg, where you can be a front-runner and be popular, but also be
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unpopular and untrustworthy? >> if you're a dynamic personality, people love you or hate you. what i love about donald, he's only spent $2 million so far, it's amazing, you're welcome. fnc has had donald on more than william devane. america needs to start picking them off like fleas off a dog until you find the one most mature about national security we don't know that about hillary. think that jim webb is going to have a great opportunity in this debate. he's in the debate, right? democratic debate. to actually come at hillary over national security. i think that's the most important thing. >> what would you go after? >> her, let's start with benghazi. she's absolutely no national -- >> i fell off the table. >> on benghazi? you expect a democrat to go after hillary clinton?
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>> he's probably really concerned about national security. >> i think with trump, his numbers that you saw, you ask the question. i think it's because he's a very smart, good businessman, right? he makes stuff happen. he gets the deals done that he wants. so people necessarily think if you do that you're kind of crafty. maybe you're not so trust worthy. you're the shrewd businessman which is a different dynamic than hillary, who is just untrust worthy, unlikable in general as a politician. >> last word is that he identifies the american voter. i don't trust, but i'll still vote for you because i like you. >> and democrats don't have any other choice. >> juan -- >> hillary is her favorability three months ago, 65%. positive. and now she's 30 or 40% -- >> 39% negative now. >> the more they see, the less they like. >> there's been an onslaught of negative coverage. >> every republican has a target on their back.
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much larger than hillary. >> ahead more for you, because why trust the american media? it's at an all-time low and we gutfield has an investigation.
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marie callender starts her fettucini with chicken and broccoli with
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tender white meat chicken and freshly-made pasta mixed in an alfredo sauce made-from-scratch. because she knows that the most comforting thing about comfort food, is who you're sharing it with. marie callender's. it's time to savor. a new gallup poll finds trust in the media lower, charles manson has a higher e-harmony score. people reject the media, despite the growing pool of attractive mouthpieces and portable delivery systems. if you're a doctor checking the media's vital, what's your diagnosis? not the medium, but the toxic message, kimberly. they spent seven years overlooking an inept president contributing to his clam to us foreign policy. spent decades chasing climate change ideology. while linking scientists to
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holocaust deniers, they happily accept a video that be a solves their hero of benghazi. they anoint a boy who builds a phony clock. to champion their own beliefs about a hateful america. the prognosis? a malignancy of bias. designating themselves as catchers in the rye, the media chose to stand feen 'tween you and the common sense that would expose them as phonies. rot within, as it gets easier to digest media, more people are getting sick from it. if the media were a restaurant, america is getting food poisoning, which makes the five your handy stomach pump. >> it is unsavory, because it's true. this is health kwl skepticism, you shouldn't trust the media, right? >> i feel really creepy when we do this because we're part of the media. so we have to say --
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>> we're above it all. >> for sure we're the pinnacle of success. >> we're angels on a cloud. two little old guys from the muppets, we're off on the side. talking about the media. >> we're the golden girls, you especially. but yeah, of course, the media, distrust them? they don't tell the full story. we do it here. that's why our job is constant and sometimes exhausting because we have to do the job that others are not doing, juan williams. >> is that right? i'm all for it i must say the numbers just knock me out. fox is number one, most trusted. but guess what the least trusted is -- this is wild, c-span. what is to distrust about c-span? >> the caller from iowa. such a jerk. river sunday. >> well i think the media is pretty low. i would agree. other than like tv evangelists and morticians, i think it's so partisan these days. so liberals don't like media,
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conservatives don't like media. >> eric, that's a point that brad soliza makeso fund-raiser the "washington post" makes, he blames did on partisanship. we all have an interest in casting the hopelessly biased. >> i like to -- congress, wall street -- i call that the trifecta of mistrust. so c-span, you have the cameras fixed on the politicians. >> maybe that's it. they have something to say. >> it's the politicians -- >> exactly. >> all right. i see. >> that's a good one. >> how you cannot trust brian lamb? >> i like him. >> and brian williams? >> that one? >> dana -- >> i'm not the one who claimed fwhas a helicopter taking fire. >> leave it alone.
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>> people under 50 are far more skeptical than towards the media than over 50, towards young people like myself. >> when you take an internet survey, you have to scroll down? >> that's the worst thing ever when you try to find 1964. >> your question was? >> i have no more questions. >> i think that we don't understand the impact of social media yet about on this. so this is about like a 15-year period. usa in the last ten years with the preliminary ration of different ways to get your news and in a commentary about the news, i don't think we understand when they say the media, is not trusted, the second thing is i think that there's a lot of trust in photo journalism. not necessarily in the editing in which pictures are chosen. but if you think of the impact of photo journalists on the world and history and political events, you can believe it
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because you can see it with your own eyes. >> it started the huge debate about the refugee crisis. the little boy was found dead on the shore. so photo journalists i think can be trusted. >> so we're going to end with dana giving valuable insight into this. >> shocked. >> i didn't see that coming, to be honest. >> all right. the ivy league professor, lose her job for using a racial slur to describe ben carson, next. i'm angela, and i quit smoking with chantix. for ten long years i was ready to quit. but i couldn't do it on my own. i needed help and chantix was there. and i did it. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it reduces the urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. so i want to know how this professor got a job at an ivy league school and why she still has that job. thea butler teach recent lidgeous studies at the university of pennsylvania. this was her back in june. >> within the last six years of a lot of white supremicist groups and the right wing groups. we have a basic you know stew
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every day of how black people are to be hated and distrusted in this country. i have to tell you that living in america right now, as an african-american woman, a professional and academic, that i am, too, within this very veil of hatred that we live in in this nation right now. >> while butler talks about hatred, she herself is perfectly happy to spew it at someone who doesn't agree with her politics. last week, presidential candidate ben carson said he was fine with people flying the confederate flag as long as they didn't do it on public land or public property. butler didn't like that and took to twitter using a disgusting racial slur against him. quote if only there were a coon of the year award, end quote. now she herself is black. i don't know how this happens. i think she should be removed from her job immediately. if anybody said -- just imagine now, if anybody said that about
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president obama in 2008, they would have been fired. gone. no excuses. we contacted the school today, and they have yet to tell us if they will take any action. kimberly, do you see this differently? >> i think it's so offensive, i'm 100% with you, the university should fire her, there's no place for that. i mean -- where does she get off saying something like that about ben carson? >> i don't get it. it seems to me to be totally a racial -- >> it has no content other than, i'm doing a racial one up. i'm blacker than you. >> true. >> but isn't speech protected including offensive speech protected? >> in terms of her -- >> okay, want her fired because she said something offensive? >> do you want everyone fired for saying something that's perceived to be offensive? >> she would fire you in a second, eric.
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>> this is different. businesses can fire you for saying offensive things, that's not a first amendment issue. she's not going to jail for this. >> this is not a pc argument. i can understand if she was saying to me, you're just being pc. here's what she really meant. >> we've been talking a lot over the past couple of years about the microaggressions and how people on campus get so upset if you maybe allude to something that would be perceived as hurtful to them and that's called a microaggression. she skipped the micro part and went straight for aggression. i said the last thing you're allowed to be in america is a conservative woman. that's not true. last thing you're allowed to be in america is a conservative black man. or woman. >> correct you're not allowed to be. there's a way to go after them. with impunity and what she says, that the reason she's been
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criticized for her rhetoric in the past and what she says is well i have tenure, so i can't get fired. >> the tenure is intended to allow full and honest debate about substantive issues. this is not a substantive issue. >> calling me a nasty name. he may not like, but what's the point? >> they're not protect anything kind of debate. there is no debate on campuses, you have hershey ali who is goes to speak to a college and is rejected. while they shield identity creeps. right now hatred is an elective course that is applauded, depending on what side you're on. this woman in a way is a victim of her own identity politics. it's poisoned her mind. when he she sees a brain surgeon, a talented brain surgeon, she thinks that word. i mean that shows you that somehow she has been brain-washed and that's what happens on a campus that doesn't allow other points of discourse. >> it's a hate speech, it's a
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hate speech. that's racist and it has no place, i mean it's very, very disrespectful and people in the african-american community should be very outraged that she would even said that about somebody, such a fine individual like ben carson or anybody that's african-american. what is wrong with her? >> it's a lot of self-hatred that's involved there. so deep. the confederate flag issue is a legitimate issue. if she wants to say he's wrong, fine. but why do you have to go in the gutter? anyway, don't move, the fastest seven is coming up. [announcer] right now at sleep train,
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internet essentials from comcast. helping to bridge the digital divide. . time for -- the fastest seven minutes on television. three flashy stories, seven flowing minutes, one fun-loving host. first up, bill clinton -- salvage his wife's struggling campaign. bubba with colbert last night talking trump. check tout, it's huge. >> why do you think trump is doing so well? >> because he's a master brander and he's the most interesting character out there.
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and because he says something that overrides the ideological differents it may have a short half-life, this campaign, i can't tell you, but he is a master brander and there's a macho appeal to saying i'm just sick of nothing happening, i make things happening, vote for me. >> nice delivery. >> a short half-life. >> he said it might have. i don't know. i have to think that was solid analysis from somebody who is considered one of the best politicians of this generation. i would say 43 slightly better. but i think both of them have good handle on what's going on in the presidential race. i thought that was good analysis. >> is he out to help hillary? is that what this whole talk show circuit -- >> donald trump is a master brander and bill clinton is a -- >> i think trump if he was smart he would pick bill as his vp and run against hillary and uma. is that genius?
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thank you, america, you're welcome. >> bubba. >> bubba's everything. >> i opened the door. >> he opened the floodgates. i think he's fantastic, he's got a good delivery. i think he helped trump. >> i witnessed that. >> i've seen it with my own eyes. >> that's a long list. >> if he had hit on me, that would be unique and that did not happen. >> he probably couldn't see you. >> trump is might be a flash in the pan. but he's been the leader for three months. >> you know what the conventional wisdom. >> here at fox -- everybody thinks, he's not going to last. it can't last. but in fact there's a new poll out today that has him up i think by about nine or ten points. it's unbelievable. so i mean i think he did his
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best to try to explain it. the macho man thing, i understand i'm smarter, i'm richer than you are. some people think well he must know something, about but the macho man thing -- >> that surprises you? >> trump is macho man? >> appealing to the macho man. >> but it's like he's a man, he's got you know -- we have to move on. >> king of the late my man jimms with a special guest, the man who hosted the tonight show, that show for 22 years. the legend jay leno. here's how it went down last night. >> i think i pulled a hammy on that last one. i think i'm going to have to sub. can somebody tag in for me, please? >> you know a lot of people think the republican field begins to clear, it will be down to jeb bush and donald trump. kind of like the race between the toward ois and the bad hare.
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but as jimmy mentioned, bernie sanders is getting a lot of traction. in fact if bernie sanders wins, he'll be the first socialist elected president since 2008. >> do you want to hang around? >> i can't, i'm late for colbert. >> nice to see you, buddy. >> fallon, leno -- >> he's definitely the retired guy with nothing to do. he's purchased every single car on the planet. so he -- he's bored. my suggestion is to start a cult. buy a huge parcel of land somewhere in those states that i can't remember. declare himself a polygamist profit, change his name to jaw leno, j-a-w. but don't come back and do stand-up. did you like it in. >> i really love jay leno. >> jaw leno. >> and he's like yeezus, like kanye.
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i think he's fantastic, a class act. i enjoyed his show and i miss him. >> i think he has a cnbc show. >> he does. >> i think it's about cars like you were saying. i mean it's not that he has nothing to do. i think jay leno is pretty well off. >> he drives those cars that are like 110 years old around town. >> why do you have to be such a hate centre. >> that's who i am. >> i forget. >> speaking of engagements, that's good. >> hopefully he might run into hillary on a speaking circuit next year if things don't pan out but the point is he's a winner. >> we have one more? >> do we not have one more? >> finally. i like the cubbies minus 130 and i have aaron rodgers at home going up against a questionable ram d. a little action with me? here's the deal. fan duel and it would help if you roll that.
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>> draft kings, are under investigation by the new york state attorney, state's attorney in new york. saying that their employees are betting against us or sometimes with us. about inside information. >> apparently one of the companies, i forget which one. one of their employees not only has inside information, was putting out bad information and betting at the other site and made a ton of money. that's clearly wrong. here's the thing, there's no regulation on these guys. they're not considered gambling. and they are gambling. >> and that's why the congressman from new jersey has called for hearings on this. and the federalist, they've writ an ton about this and every time i wreed this, i think i should learn more about this. >> younger people, are into this. >> younger people are into a lot of things that are way sexier than fantasy football. >> one of these stories that young people are into. i'm all for that but let's try fantasy curling. have you done any of that? i've drafted kevin martin, randy
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furby and i believe he's from norway, andy mcmillan. >> nobody -- >> fantasy curling is more important than fantasy football. >> there probably is fantasy curling. >> fantasy curling parties. >> people really love this. i don't know. i'm not into the fantasy. i want the real thing. >> you want to buy your own athlete? >> you make me sick. >> is somebody going to get busted for this? >> the ceo has denied all allegations. not only going to get busted, it's going to impact the whole industry. >> we need to redo the stories. >> that's a wrap. >> don't start reading.
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it's time now for one more thing. eric, what you got? >> big day today. today is the 19th anniversary of fox news, 19 years ago they launched. right now fox is the number one for 13 years. the most trusted as juan pointed out earlier, up 4,657% since the launch into the third quarter of this year. the number one cable network.
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>> of everyone first time that's happened. but check this out from 19 years ago. >> how did it happen? how did television news become so predictable and in some cases so boring. few broadcasts take any chances these days and most are very politically correct. we're going to try to be different. >> welcome to hannity and combs on the fox channel. each week night at 9:00 p.m., allen and i will bring you a intelligent and passionate discussion about the major news issues of the day. >> they haven't changed a bit. >> congratulations. >> we don't know what to say. >> they're, each one of them is a sexy man. >> glad you said that out loud. >> moving on, dana perino. >> do you want do see something sweet? >> this is a little baseball player that took a little time-out from instructions he was getting from his dad. who is also a coach. >> come on, champ, run champ,
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run! >> go. go. go. go to second. go do second. go to second. go to second. you got to run to second. >> hey. >> what? you got to run to second. >> i like you. >> i love you. >> i love you, too. run to second. go all the way home. >> awww. if you're a dad, you'll never forget that. now all of you get to see that, too. i knew you would love that. >> that makes me sick to my stomach. >> that's usually not the case. >> move it or lose it. >> all right time for this thing. greg's diet tips. you know -- stop it, kimberly. later. the know the biggest problem with obesity? high carbohydrate diets, not just for you, and for me, but also your pets. take a look at this rat who has been feeding off of high carbohydrate pasta for years. look how fat that rat is this is
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just abuse, i believe. and kind of adorable. that's a fat rat. >> i can be best friends with that rat. >> how about this. the world's oldest woman, 116, i'm going to live that long because we both eat bacon every day. a steady diet of bacon, eggs and grits, uh-huh. and she says bacon makes everything better. i have bacon in honor of susanna jones right here. now -- you can't find grits in new york, they're like no, you can't find it. get cream of wheat. that's not the same. you got to go to jason fickles, they have it. so feast on this. >> snapchat is loving your eating segments. >> here's one more thing that you're going to just -- remember. because a photographer, harold was taking pictures of the northern lights up in norway when he was photobombed by a
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group of humpback whales. >> nice. >> so spectacular. anyway, that's it for us. thanks for watching. >> that's it for us. >> there you go. >> this is a fox news alert. i'm brett baier, welcome to washington, hillary clinton is flip-flopping again. announcing another major break with her former boss. this time, the democratic presidential front-runner is distancing herself from president obama's legacy trade deal. chief white house correspondent ed henry is here with that story tonight. >> it was yesterday, hillary clinton mocked republicans by sending every single candidate a copy of her book, "hard choices." she said the trade deal, if implemented correctly, would benefit america. she negotiated it for president obama, called it the gold standard. that was then, this is now. >> what i know about it as of today, i'm


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