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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  October 6, 2015 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT

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started, 126 years ago. today. i'll be with you in two hours on our brands new sirius xm 15. neil cavuto starts now. welcome, everybody. you remember when courts were ruling mr. president, you can't just freeze the deportations, millions of them. they have to resume. now we've got some numbers out that show, they're very low. deportations are extremely low. in fact, the odds of you being shipped back if you snuck in are about the best they've ever been. yet hillary clinton on the stump saying not good enough. in fact her boss, her old boss, has been a little too stringent and a little too tough. take a listen. i apologize. any way, that is not music to the ears of arizona sheriff, who right now is running for congress. not that everyone has to do.
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that you're reading that hillary quote there. sacramento county, county sheriff joins us as well, scott jones. to you first. she is saying, taking account of violent people but we are being a bit too harsh here. >> i think people have to understand even under this new priority enforcement program, and the federal government will out the that as the reason. the reality is for both those systems to work, detainer systems, the request from i.c.e. to the local jails, has to work. there is a complete failure. the folks they have decided to take custody of are getting out before i.c.e. can get to the jails. the unwillingness of local facilities across the country to hold folks past their release date. >> i worry about, sheriff, is that if hillary clinton is saying that her old boss isn't being harsh enough or tough
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enough, or too tough, i should say, and he hasn't really been that tough. effectively freezing millions of deportations on top of what i'm told guys like you with the go slow approach prior. wow! what does that mean? >> i can tell you what it means. it means we'll continuously descend into this abyss of no immigration enforcement at all. my job and my oath is to protect the citizens of sacramento county like all sheriffs in this county. i can do it far less effectively for the undocumented population that commits crimes than for their american counter parts and that means there is something wrong this system. >> it was ruled that the president's attempts to freeze deportations, upwards of 5 million, some say no. he couldn't do it. now, they've gone back and forth appealing this. but the fact of the matter is they've said no, that's taking a huge leap and you can't do it.
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so here is my question for you. if they have not resumed deportations and you were telling me prior. we were not going at a gang buster's pace any way. what does this mean? if she becomes president and she found that approach was too harsh, then what? >> none of this is for public safety. it is for political gain. look how fast the obama administration appealed this. they were in court in days appealing that decision. the one case decision in clackamas county, oregon, they threatened every sheriff's department which is why nobody hostages i.c.e. detainers. they are unwilling to take a stand. >> it seems like a wasted time. sheriff, that has to make your job trickier. i guess that explains why you want to settle in it congress. even with congress getting as aggressive as it has and questioning the legality in doing this, i'm wondering where
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it goes. what do you think? >> go ahead. >> well, obviously, the president doesn't care about the laws and what congress passes. with the wave of his hand he seems to have gained the power through the power grab of the executive branch to suddenly stop enforcing the law. and i want hillary clinton to look steve and marian mendoza and the countless other american parents whose children have been killed, have been murdered by these criminal illegals who have been released and ask them if it is too tough to deport these criminal illegals. this is unconscionable. and these leaders of our country, barack obama, jay jaug, the former eric holder, all these guys should be accomplices in these crimes. they knowingly released murderers into our communities. people with dangerous criminal records. >> hillary did make an exception. that we separate those who are
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dangerous but we're not even doing that. we're not even doing that. we're not doing the kind of stuff to take care of felons and violent people. we're not even doing that minimum. >> my folks, my partners at i.c.e. tell me in custody arrests in california are down 95%. which means everybody who comes in. we don't have access to the i.c. eshs database. before i.c.e. can get to the jail, make no mistake about it. this is not a legal issue. this is a policy issue that this administration that permeates all branch, law enforcement branches of the executive branch, this is a policy decision. it will not change unless we get leadership with the conviction to enforce the laws that are already there. >> i didn't realize you were both sheriffs. so my apologies for confusing you. i'll call first names. i know you want to run for congress. you want to change the tone in
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washington. the house is not exactly endorsing what the president is doing. they fought tooth and nail on this. what makes you think you will make a difference? >> we need members of congress. >> then you're wasting your time. >> here's the thing. we demand that the president, whoever it is, doesn't mind if it is republican or democrat. there were so many who have lied to us and have broken their promises once they get in. but congress needs to stand up for. they and say we are the law making body and you have sworn an oath to enforce the law and you need to do it. and we hold them accountable as well. >> gentlemen, i want to thank you both and my apologies for confusing you. rarely do i have two sheriffs on at the same time so i was honored. in the meantime, you probably heard that donald trump who has made a huge issue out of this issue, has said that he is running and going all the way. i talked to his son on fox
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business. he said dad is in it for the long haul. we're not giving up. eric trump is convinced his dad will be president on january 2017. no way some say. if trump is in it to win it. sherry said, he could be out before iowa. ye of little faith. why do you see him not finishing this? >> we have a couple of debates to go at that time. i don't think the rise that he had, enjoyed before, can be sustained. if you look at the real clear politics, the top six polls averaged out. the donald has dropped by, he's lost almost 25% of his support just in the past month. >> well, is he in the lead or not in the lead? you argue every single poll that comes out, he is on top. >> and there will be fluctuations in polls. and i think the candidate that doesn't panic. when you watch this whole rodeo happen, it is hard to decide
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whether donald trump is the most entertaining or more entertaining watching people sort of squirm after they've underestimate him again. i don't know if that's the side i would want to be on. i don't think you can guess where donald trump will go downward. he handle so far. >> there is something, he has hit his ceiling. many candidates hit a ceiling. ronald reagan hit a ceiling. because there are other candidates in the race. i guess your thinking is that other candidates presumably drop out, he could take advantage of that or his opponents. the remaining opponents could. >> if those people that are supporting other candidates will go to donald trump, i think they would have by now. he has hit his ceiling and we've seen it going the opposite way. we have carson ahead of him. we have trump dropping from 16 points ahead down to 5 in new hampshire which is the first primary state. he's also dropped in hawaii for the caucus state stoex number are going in the wrong
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direction. he really wants to spend his own money. he has gotten all this media attention. he doesn't need it. >> he's gotten about $50 million in free media that the others haven't. he got more media attention than all the other candidates combined. if there was any other that spent -- >> i think you're being a hater. you don't like donald trump. you didn't from the beginning. >> we wonderful be blinking an eye. that will stop dropping. people are getting a little more serious. >> he is on top in almost everyone of the polls. >> that's not true. i defended him initially after his north america when there was some confusion. >> yes, you did. but after that he seem to have a hard time articulating his position on anything. >> i love you dearly but -- >> i never said that. >> but candidates who have articulated positions have been richly rewarded.
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talked to jeb bush on tax problems. it hasn't worked. what do you think? >> i completely agree with you, neil. even clear down to those saying he will get out. it proves to me that sort of the voting population, they still don't get it. and it just solidifies the trump support and the trump base that i think will stand strong. >> it is just that base. it is not growing. it is going in the other direction. when other candidates drop out. now the electorate is getting serious. the republican that's are voting are getting serious. we want somebody electable. let me finish. donald trump is the only top tier republican in the field that hillary trounces. the others beat her in polls. >> the latest poll shows her leading by 5 points. >> that's about it. >> okay, ladies -- >> it does depend on which polls you look at, to be sure.
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>> very true. the same about -- they said the same about millard fillmore. remember that. i have no idea if they said that. thank you very, very much. all right. hillary clinton, what is that they say about the best defense is a darn good offense? on this whole benghazi thing, thanks to one kevin mccarthy, guess who is on offense? that's next. glad i could help you plan for your retirement. alright, kelly and promise me that you'll try that taco place on south street. and we have portfolio planning tools to help you manage your ira. yeah, you're old 401k give me your phone. the rollover consultants give you step-by-step help. no set-up fees. use your potion. sorry, not you. my pleasure. goodnight, tim. for all the confidence you need. who's tim? td ameritrade. you got this.
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the one running the fed during all this said in his memoir coming out, people should have gone to jail. and people should have gone to jail. >> well, it's been seven years and no one has gone to jail including a lot of the
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politicians who set them up. but it is a bit hypocritical at this point. that banks have paid tens of millions in fines. >> if you're a bank, that hurts pretty much. i'll tell you what. clinton is talking about congress, right? the lawmakers, the regulators. those are the ones that let the rats into the barn if you will. they were the ones, even to her husband, bill clinton who is housing administration had its own problems with regulations. the roots of the financial crisis are back in her own family and certainly in congress which she is not even mentioning. >> i find it odd, why now? why seven years after the fact, why now when we have had a host of executives get carted off to jail for past provable run-ins
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with the law. talk about all the enron folks. tyco, i could go on and on and on about those who went afar from the law and paid dearly for it. it wasn't quite so black and white here. so i just find it odd, why now? >> it feels like the old hail mary, doesn't it? now i'm in your camp. i am in the nonhillary democratic nomination camp here. it feels like the hail mary. i'll tell you what. it is a very populist hail mary. hey, 56 bad. i'm going to take risk out of the system. >> people will do what they'll do. we see it on the right with donald trump. it is easy to point fingers. it is easy to go after villains. it is easy to deflect.
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a lot of these guys bring it upon themselves. especially these guys who are doubling, quadrupling. then answer isn't, as she has been advocating, punish all the guys. so my point is there is a method to this but i think the deflection is sort of like in the wizard of oz, pay no attention to the guy behind the curtain. you're just drawing attention from what seems to be pretty clear. >> and it begs the question, what is the method? where is the devil standing in all this? that to me is really what comes down to. is this a fair policy? is this even a legitimate effort? and saying we have to throw out a lot of the bad wall street people and take risk out of the system. and i really hard on those people next time. doesn't really give american people the details they deserve. >> where were you when it was warning about all of this ahead of time? >> her husband started it. >> i'm going to get into that a
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little later in the show with the revisiting down history lane. thank you. in the meantime, my friend. all right. in the meantime, we've got hillary clinton seizing on this benghazi thing to her own advantage. she might have been helped a little bit by a guy who wants to be the next speaker of the house, kevin mccarthy who has been arguing that those benghazi hearings that have been ongoing in the house have actually brought hillary hm's numbers down. she listed that and now using it as campaign fodder. daniel webster who wants to challenge mccarthy for the speakership. the vote is october 29th. good to have you back. >> great to be back. >> do you think, maybe unintentionally, he just gave hillary clinton some wind at her back? >> well, probably is unfortunate, what happened. my problem is not with any of the individuals running for speaker. my problem is with the way the
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house of representatives is run. if we don't get ahold of that, we won't solve any problems. we have to establish a principled base, member driven process by which every person gets to be a player. a few people -- >> what does that mean? you're not a tea partier. you want to change the way the system operates. a lot of republicans fear you're not going to give them advantage with the advantage in the house. >> they'll get the advantage. every rank and file member will have an advantage. when a few people at the top of the pyramid of power make all the decisions, then we're disadvantaged. when they push everything to the back ends of an issue, whatever it is when the deadline is coming, that puts the membership at risk. to me you take up the most important issues first. then you push down the pyramid of power. you have the opportunity to be successful. when you do that, that moves away from a power base system to a principle base system.
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>> we should explain so not everyone is up on your back ground. you were speaker of the florida house. so you lernlds a thing or two about how to work opposing parties and opposing interests and different personalities. the wrath against speaker boehner is that he never quite got that down and there are a lot of sore egos as a result. how can you avoid that? they think that you would be no, offense, boehner-like. >> i'm the opposite of that. i want to have a flattened out pyramid of power where every member gets to be a part. the advantage is this. in the telling is in what happens. our polls are at 11% since last friday. they were that at the first of january. >> are you talking about congress's approval? >> congress's polls and favorability. when i was in the state legislature, we have about the same polling. until we took over and we changed everything. we took tim most important issues. first we ajournaled on time. we didn't push against any
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deadline or any shutdown of government. >> would you never advocate shutting down the government for any reason? >> no. we'll take up the issues first. get it done first and it works. >> so that is very different than the others running for speaker. he says a little fire and brim stone is needed. what do you say? >> here's what i'm telling you. when you do what i'm just describing, our numbers filmed right side up. 56-27. name any legislative body in the country that has ever had numbers like. that it works. the people notice. when you do things right by principle, the membership will be benefited greatly by that. and you'll end up producing a product that is of the house. not a certain group, a small group of people. >> all right. thank you. we'll watch very closely. good seeing you again. >> good seeing you. >> south carolina after all the rain and all the flooding, guess what? it is getting worse. the latest after this. how do you stay on top of your health?
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aaron peskin for supervisor and ed lee for mayor -- the perfect balance for a better san francisco. two thing to pass along. so much for companies telegraphing the worst possible scenario in their earnings report. yum brands is out, the owner kfc and taco bell. the earnings actually represented a big miss and the stock is falling in after hours trailing, 17 or 18%. now, that is an interesting sort of consumer barometer. it argues, as we eat, so we reflect the economy. either we're not eating or eating out as much and they are feeling it. also this separate report concerning the hedge fund manager. he is saying that hillary
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clinton's view of the biotech industry, you might recall i was saying earlier, he should wants to go after companies that are listing the prices of drugs, even regulate all drug prices, that really battered the industry. knocked it for about a 5% loop today. it is down about 20% as a sector. he is saying it did not change his views on the sector. it remains fairly only miss particular, regulation or no. the biotech sector looks pretty good to him. he's a smart guy. we'll see. in the meantime, we've got the ongoing floods in south carolina. but believe it or not, going from bad to worse. >> i don't know if you can hear us. but to update you on what we know from there, you can let me know when he can hear us, we have indications of 14 dead in south carolina flooding.
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they're not sure it will stop there. because as the water recedes, they discover more stuck vehicles and other problems as a result. but the fear seems to be that even though this storm formally never hit south carolina, in other words, joaquin was well out to sea. the rain did batter the east coast. south carolina was among those states that did have emergency preparations in place. one of six states that declared a state of emergency. it did very little to help matters there. 14 known dead. hundreds are homeless in a situation that has not changed and those waters have not receded nearly to the degree they had hoped. we'll keep you posted on that. also, we want to keep you posted on a couple other developments here, as we were reporting on that. on some of the wall street numbers i was alluding to, the reason why this yum brand thing might be very important, later
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on we'll get some reads from corporate america. in some areas, especially globally, things aren't up to speed. that will be an important barometer as we look at the earnings. how things are looking globally. we just got word that a lot of them are not confident the world will look good and they anticipate the global slowdown. now back to south carolina. i think he is. >> how does it look there, steve? >> reporter: you can see behind me, this refrigerator, people are pulling out everything from their houses. six feet of water here. and you can see further, people from the gas company making sure there's no gas leak before they turn things on. you can see the serious structural damage from the water. not just the water but the currents. there were 14 dead. that number is continuing to rise. and you can look here at the lake. this is this family's car. we saw the national guard go out there and mark with an x.
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that means no bodies found in that vehicle. fortunately for this family rescued by a boat. there are 14. that's expected to rise as we find more explore cars. we could have more trouble ahead over the next 36 hours. ten dams in the state of south carolina have broken, putting a lot of pressure on the other dams, as this water moves further south, we could have more flash flooding ahead for this state. back to you. >> all right. thank you very, very much. for hillary clinton, probably the worst of all possible development that's a state, that joe biden has announced he will run against her. even more damaging is the news that a lot of her supporters are already bolting from her. like now.
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the cash she doesn't really have and donald trump is burning through barely any cash and he has a lot of it. more on that in a second. now to the hillary clinton conundrum with the e-mails. more coming to light. ed henry? >> what's interesting today, in one of these court cases involving freedom of information act requests for more information from hillary clinton's time as secretary of state, it was revealed as the justice department has filed a letter that was sent from the obama state department over to david kendall, hillary clinton's personal attorney, raising questions about whether there is a two-month gap in her official e-mail she turned over. she had said that her official e-mail account started in 2009. now e-mails have emerged between she and general david petraeus from january 2009. the state department is saying
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as a result i ask you confirm that with regard to her tenure as secretary of state, former secretary clinton has provided the department with all official records. this puts her on defense as she is trying to go on offense with this new ad. the gap where he suggested that the reason is to beat up on hillary clinton, bring up her poll numbers. >> everybody thought hillary clinton was unbeatable, right? we put together a benghazi special committee. what are her numbers today? >> republicans have spent millions attacking hillary because she is fighting for everything they oppose. >> so that is timed to come out right before it is decided if mccarthy will become the next speaker. but timed ahead of october 22nd when hillary clinton will
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testify. she is trying to sow that this is about partisanship. you have this fbi the investigation which is nonpartisan and the state department, the obama state department asking here for more information. >> thank you very, very much. now an update on all the campaign spending going on. we've always wonderfuled how much money donald trump has spent. the bottom line, he is a billionaire so he has a lot of money. we're now learning if a senior aide in the trump organization that donald trump has spent about $2 million on his entire campaign. thus far. trump bloenld $1.8 million to his aides to raise $100,000. by comparison, hillary clinton has raised $28 million in the third quarter and spent about 20.8 million of it. burned about nine out of every $10 raised. i'm trying to think what donald
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trump spent the money on. i think it was the pulled pork sandwiches in iowa? is pork expensive? well, that's where it is. isn't that amazing? with the national review, what do you make of the numbers? >> well, this is really part of the allure of donald trump. and it is something that he has spoken with openly on the campaign trail. he has mocked his challengers for relying so heavily as they do on their financial backers. and these are some of the establishment donors who do exert influence and who has pushed the republicans to the left on issues like immigration and others because they reside primarily on cities like new york and los angeles and trump has said, i don't need these people. screw them. i have my own money. and as it turns out, he hasn't had to spent much of it. >> he is such a celebrity. the media throngs come. he is one of the few, probably the only one who can phone into the sunday talk shows and they'll happily take him
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normally when they require you show up in person. you wonder how long he can do that and how long he can do this on the cheap? what do you think? >> it is a double edged sword. why do they need money? to broadcast their message and become known amongst the voters. trump handle gotten to do that because he has gotten free coverage from channels like fox, nbc, abc. how long can that last? the minute the networks lose interest in his campaign, and who knows when that will be? he will have to start paying and paying a lot for continued attention. >> all right. thank you. it is amazing. did you their one about the russian fellow over you're going to die. share your intelligence to fight isis, america. it is true them actually did. ♪
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does anyone know what is russian for chutzpah? remember when they were on the syrian ground positions, they were trying to help topple the assad regime. they were saying we should stay out of their space and it was a no-fly zone. now they say we're both going after the bad guys. we should share jegs. the form he spokesman, you can't make this up. what do you think? >> good to see you. you can't make it up. i think russia is playing the world like a if i hfiddle right. and they're succeeding. i think this is just a punt stunl in their propaganda war. if and when the russians decide to get assad bashar out of power, yeah, we can talk about it. >> do we know who they are targeting? i know we were saying, john mccain was saying, they're the very ones we were presuming to
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overthrow assad. they stay opposite. they're going after isis and isis only. i know where the planes are going. it is not in the area we think isis is. what are they doing? >> well, senator mccain is right. they were going after the rebels we support. they are not operating in the areas the islamic state patrols. so i think bashar al asaad is prompted up by the russians and i think vladimir putin is trying to make sure he can keep an ally in place. putin sells billions in weapons to assad. and it is russia's only base outside the soviet union. so sure, he is saying, yeah, i'm attack all the terrorists because he considers them all terrorists. >> i think he is following what's going on. he is rattled the cages of that region. and any time you rattled people, they don't know where things will go. that's his currency. oil is still flat from where it was but it is up from where it
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was yesterday. there seem to be a feeling that the more unstable things get there, the higher the price of oil goes. that will benefit him. >> i think he wants the oil prices to go under. russia's economy is a $20 trill economy. soil so low. it is hurting their economy. in ukraine and russia, russia has occupations going on and they've suffered tunneled sanctions. if they say time good guy fighting terrorism. he is hoping the sanctions will be lifted. so it is a pitiful ploy on his part too. >> thank you. do any of you remember yesterday when we were showing you the air france work here's were furious, they went after management ripping their clothes off? [ yelling ] >> i will explain.
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internet essentials from comcast. helping to bridge the digital divide. it's happening all over again! these are workers who found out the job cuts were going on, they were orchestrated by a bunch of
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highly paid -- they say they were ripping off their suits. get the workers. now i'll revert back to english. because they just noticed that a lot of the desk guys are going to lose their jobs, all because they just heard that delta has to save some money for the 14.5% pay hike they just approved for flight attendants, ain't fair, and they age happy. so on what all of this means. what do you think? >> i think this is a symptom of a bigger problem. this is due to revenue. >> they're all doing it. >> it is just the way it is. these guys, the flight attendants, the workers on the ground dealing with the actual machinery. you can't trim them back. they can't be replaced but management may be in a place
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where they need to trim. though delta's profits are still pretty strong. >> did they have to do it this way? no sooner than to secure that deal than all of a sudden, they have to announce these other worker cuts. we know why. the workers know why, too and they get angry. >> i think this highlights the concern when there is this increased cost of labor. and this really goes to, if you want to have a conversation about it. the whole conversation surrounding increasing the minimum wage. when cash goes into one pocket, it has to come out of another. when you increase the cost of labor, businesses are forced to make decisions to either pass the costs down to consumers or to reduce hours or lay workers off. >> and that's what's happening. for businesses across the country. >> ryan tate, delta did put out a statement quoting here, we must continue to look for ways to improve productivity and stay nimble over the course of next few months. delta will reduce some back-office positions while
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continuing to hire frontline and business and operations critical roles. >> this is a perfect storm they're having, neil, they've got revenue issues, sure, they're showing profits right now, but the profits are far from where they should be proportional, even with the decrease in oil and gas prices. demand is low, but the raises that were handed out are not based on productivity and revenue. they were handed out arbitrarily across the board. a lot of external pressure. causes that to happen. and so you can end up with some people that are pretty disenfranchised as well. when we're all getting squeezed like this. even all the way down to the suppliers, imagine what's getting ready to happen to the suppliers, they play a major role. >> i'm thinking of the flyers. i'm always leery of flying carriers when they're in the middle of labor strike, because they're all dealing with variations of that. joe, does that worry you? >> no, it doesn't worry me too
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bad. delta has some serious internal issues to work out. a lot of other airlines are still turning profits. the decrease in oil is helping their margins. they've got to find a way to adapt or die. that's -- >> lisa, you agree with that? adapt or die and flyers just deal? >> of course you know businesses have to adjust to you know adjust their practices here. back to just increasing the cost of labor, you know if we, if the government comes in especially if you look at increasing the minimum wage, increasing the federal minimum wage, if the government comes in and forces businesses to make tougher decisions, it's going to create an even more problematic scenario. >> guys, thank you all very much. in the meantime, happy flying. all right. and what a happy mess, hillary clinton she's going to be speaking right now in iowa. but she made a remark about the financial crisis seven years after the fact. that still gets my goat. after this.
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at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like playing the boss equals the boss wins. wow!
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we ship everything you atcan imagine.n, and everything we ship has something in common. whether it's expedited overnight... ...or shipped around the globe,'s handled by od employees who know that delivering freight... ...means delivering promises. od. helping the world keep promises. at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like shopping hungry equals overshopping.
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. after the meltdown, hillary clinton says it's time to put the hammer down. all of these years after stocks and mortgages and the economy itself all fell out of bed, it's high time we hold some corporate execs to jail. ben bernanke saying the same thing, he's got a new book out, bemoaning the fact that none of these perps have walked. no one has done time for the crime and tens of billions of dollars in fine won't do it corporate suits doing sitting in jail cells, the only thing that will do it you wetter make it a big jail cell, you're rounding up those who gunned the system, you might as well round up the folks who provided the gun. that would be washington, hillary. actually that would be your husband, hillary. actually that would be yeah, you, hilary and that would be you, too, ben.
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the same federal reserve that was all too happy to keep pumping the bubble, the bubble got bigger. i'm not saying the bankers are saints, i'm saying they ain't the only sinners if i remember things correctly, hillary, it was your husband who inspired something noble, called the community reinvestment act. his goal was a good one, to make it easier for folks to get mortgages. barney frank took it to a new level he had he and other democrats took home ownership from being a goal do a darn near birthright. it was the 1990s, your home was an atm and washington wanted to make sure that everyone shared in the fun. even if they didn't qualify for the game. along came what no-doc loans and zero-down loans. don't bother, just sign here, loans. it was fun and fast and it was intoxicating. folks were flipping properties like pancakes, egged on by lenders who were egged on by washington to keep lending, keep partying so they packaged those
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loans and mortgages like the hot properties that they represented. everyone was buying and no one was warning. not you, hillary. not your husband, hillary. not you, barney frank, and not you, ben. or anyone on the fed, ben. in fact if i remember correctly you said you rather liked these new mortgage-backed securities. funny, i don't recall any of you talking about a bubble then. i know, hindsight is always 20/20, but you are blinding me, now thinking there's only one culpable party. you egged on banks to do what they did. you pushed more liquor on a party you knew was out of control. you made financial execs to be the rowdy drunkards when you were the ones providing the free booze. and now you have the audacity to say they should go to jail because they did your bidding? like i said -- these bankers love to make money, but that doesn't mean they were the only ones -- spreading the sheet. let's just say they had a hand so may i offer you guys a -- a
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finger. for trying to deflect attention from a crisis you yourself helped create and now have the nerve to say others should go to jail. because i don't hear a peep now and i didn't then. any of you, when the party was roaring, only when the music stopped. then you started worrying about our assets. when you just seem to be covering your pathetic asses, really, really? you know the good thing about being the residential nerd here at fox and fox business? is i covered that. i remember that. day by day, i remembered what it was like to play russian roulette until the game stopped. and someone got shot. and now you guys have the audacity to say you warned us all along. like i said, i was there, you didn't, you lied.
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shut up. good night. hello, i'm dr. greg forbes, along with kimberly guilfoyle, juan williams and dana perino, "the five." there are two things you can count on in life. a lapdog media that will do anything to cover up a democrat scandal and a republican screw-up that will help a lap dog media do anything to cover up a scandal. hillary has a new ad. >> republicans kevin mccarthy, saying the committee investigating benghazi and clintons emails was created to destroy they are candidacy. >> everyone thought hillary clinton was unbeatable. we put together a benghazi special


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