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tv   The Kelly File  FOX News  August 28, 2015 1:00am-2:01am PDT

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103 that's me. >> miles per hour? >> yes. hillary clinton compares her republican opponents to terrorists. while voters say the best word to describe her is "liar." this is "special report." good evening. welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. we begin tonight with word association. but it's no game. hillary clinton is incurring the wrath of republicans everywhere by comparing gop presidential candidates to terrorists. while registered voters in a new national poll say the word that comes to mind for clinton is not very flattering, either. we have fox team coverage. carl cameron with the seemingly unstoppable trump machine despite the one-word adjective he most inspires. but we begin with ed henry in
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cleveland, ohio, covering a clinton campaign trying to deal with trust issues. hi, ed. >> reporter: good evening, bret. clinton came here to ohio because democrats delivered a mainly victory for her in 2008. she said today they lifted her when she was down. well, she's falling down again. so tonight she's lashing out. >> dealing with an e-mail flap she can't shake, hillary clinton today tried to revive talk of a republican war on women by attacking marco rubio on abortion and jeb bush on planned parenthood. comparing the gop candidates to terrorists. >> extreme views about women, we expect that from some of the terrorist groups. we expect that from people who don't want to live in the modern world. but it's a little hard to take coming from republicans who want to be the president of the united states. >> reporter: the republican national committee charged that attack was quote a new low for
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her flailing campaign. she should apologize immediately for her inflammatory rhetoric." clinton is on offense to deal with an enthusiasm gap that was on fill display in cleveland. she drew an extremely small crowd of roughly 2500 people at the campus of case western reserve university. a far cry from the rallies of over 20,000 people democratic socialist senator bernie sanders has drawn or the largest crowd of 29,000 this cycle for republican donald trump. a new national poll from quinnipiac university shows while clinton still leads the democratic horse race, 61% said she is not honest and trustworthy. 34% say she is. and when asked the first word that comes to mind when they think of hillary clinton, 178 of those surveyed said "liar." 123 said "dishonest." 93 said "untrustworthy." 82 said "experience." 59 said "strong". 56 said "bill." clinton did not want to discuss
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the fbi investigation when fox caught up with her today. >> mrs. clinton, have you been contacted by the fbi yet? are you willing to talk to the fbi? >> reporter: clinton's troubles have opened the door for vice president joe biden. at a former obama-biden fundraiser today expressed the alarm among democrats. fundraiser douglas gouldman telling the "wall street journal" "at this point i don't think hillary clinton is electable in a general election." the quinnipiac poll shows biden doing better in matchups with republicans. biden beats trump 48% to 40% and tops bush 45% to 39%. biden could make a strong play for the obama coalition, which may be why clinton is keeping a close eye on the african-american vote. >> black lives matter. >> reporter: late today the vice president met with the afl-cio president richard trumka. the labor union has not endorsed anyone yet. that could be a difficult sign for clinton. meanwhile the "washington post" has just posted a long
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investigative piece about close clinton aide huma abadin that allowed her to do conflicting work. republican charles grassley fired off a letter tonight demanding answers about what he sees as a major conflict of interest. >> about what "washington post" report, it centers on details about clinton's final trip as secretary of state. so what are we learning about that tonight? >> reporter: right. in part it focuses on a dinner in dublin that ohuma abadin set up. executives of a consulting firm she was also being paid by. she was setting all this up on her state department official e-mail account. all of this reporting by the "washington post" based on previously unreported documents obtained by conservative activist david bossy in a lawsuit. fox tonight has just obtained some of these e-mails from huma
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abadin. we'll be bringing you more details tonight. >> ed, thanks. participants in that national survey said arrogant was the best word for donald trump. but right now he seems to have a lot to be arrogant about. chief political correspondent carl cameron tonight as the trump phenomenon intensifies. >> reporter: billionaire front running republican presidential candidate donald trump has led the polls for more than two months. addressing a chamber of commerce lunch crowd in south carolina today proclaimed his candidacy bigger than himself. >> what we've done is amazing. it's not me. this is a movement going on. when you see bush at 300 people and they're happy and we have 17 or 1800 people and it's just -- there's something happening. there's something happening. >> reporter: a nun quinnipiac poll shows trump surging 8 points in the last month to 28% nationally. more than double ben carson at 12 and the rest of the pack in single digits. trump says he's tapped into the quote silent majority.
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but he also tops the q poll as no way survey with 26% of republicans saying they'll never vote for him. jeb bush has lost ground as trump has gained. 18% of republicans say there's no way they'll vote for bush. more than any other candidate including clinton, bush gets hammered the most by trump. >> there's a reason he doesn't use his last nature. it's not going to work too well. he had a lot of problems with that last name. a lot of problems. there was an article that jeb's funding is drying up. it's drying up. you know why? because he's losing so badly to me. >> reporter: trump recently touted his new national campaign chairman iowa social conservative sam clovis who quit as rick perry's week. six weeks ago, clovis in a leaked memo to the perry campaign published in the des moines register today "trump left me with questions about his moral center and his foundational beliefs. his comments reveal no foundation in christ. which is a big deal." trump shrugged it off. >> i haven't heard about it. but he was on the other side. the fact that he joined says so
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much. >> reporter: in promoting his 20-year-old book" the art of the deal" he routinely jokes the only book he likes more was the bible. when bloomberg asked for his favorite verses yesterday he balked. >> i wouldn't want to get into it. to me that's very personal. the bible means a lot to me. i don't want to get into specifics. >> reporter: trump leads the polls in new hampshire where ohio governor john kasich has knocked bush out of second place in recent polls. the pac supporting him plans to put out a $5 million ad blitz in october, far more than any other campaign insofar. the coziest candidate with trump was ted cruz who's invited the billionaire to a capitol hill demonstration a week and a half from now on the iran nuclear deal. cruz makes no bones about courting what trump today called the silent majority. that goes back that richard nicaragua on in '69. earlier this year in our presidential contenders piece on trump, i asked him about his faith. >> are you religious? >> i'm pretty religious. went to church on easter.
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people don't realize i'm presbyterian, protestant, presbyterian. and i went to sunday school for years in queens. and yeah, i'm a believer. am i religious like some people? probably not. but i am religious. what is happening to christians and jews. but for some reason the focus now is on christians. i'll tell you what. that wouldn't happen if i'm at the hill. when they kill 350 people because they're christians, and we have a president that won't even say that. he calls them terrorists. he doesn't talk about where they're coming from, what their thought. they killed people because they're christians. i will tell you, christians and jews are going to be protected if i run and if i win. they will be protected like never ever before. >> as you know, and some of those early states evangelical christians make up a pretty significant block of voters.
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how do you think you would do with them? >> i think i'd do great with them. i think i'd do great. i have a very good marriage. but i had two marriages. but i think i'd do great with them. i think that i am protestant, which helps, i guess. i am presbyterian, which really helps. i have -- i've been confirmed. i have my confirmation picture all ready to go. i was actually much cuter than i am right now. i think i'd do very well. look, they want to see the country be great again. and i'm the one to make the country great again. otherwise they're not going to have a country. they're not going to have a country. >> you can see all of our contenders series stories on our home page, up next, new orleans, ten years after katrina. first here's what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. fox 40 in jackson, mississippi with the report of a shooter on the campus of mississippi state university. authorities say they arrested a man but no injuries were reported. and no shots fired.
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a campus spokesperson says charges are pending. fox 10 in phoenix says an arizona man is charged with providing material support to isis and helping a college student travel to syria for military training. what makes the case against ahmed mohammed el gamal stand out there was no in person contact to establish and solidify the relationships. it was all done online. and this is a live look at miami from our affiliate wsvn down there. the big story there tonight, bracing for what could be hurricane erika monday in florida. erika is still a tropical storm and has already dumped 15 inches of rain across domenica, killing at least four people. next in its path, puerto rico, the virgin islands and the dominican republic. that's tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back.
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president obama says ten years after hurricane katrina, new orleans stands as a symbol of the extraordinary resilience of the american people. nearly 2,000 people died in what turned out to be the costliest natural disaster in u.s. history. a million people were displaced. and katrina came to symbolize government failure at every level. today, the president marked the anniversary with an appearance in the devastated lower ninth ward. >> if katrina was initially an example of what happens when government fails, the recovery's been an example of what's possible when government works together. state, local, community. [ applause ] >> everybody working together as true partners. >> tonight, correspondent casey stiegel in new orleans looks at what the city, state and federal leadership have done to keep another katrina from happening. >> reporter: we call new orleans now the new new orleans, which is a little bit different from
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what it was before. >> reporter: nowhere is that more apparent than by air from up above you see the new, massive walls of concrete that now protect the city from future storms. >> it is the largest domestic project the corps has ever undertaken. it is 133 mile perimeter. levies have either been raised or strengthened. >> reporter: the u.s. army corps of engineers says katrina's highest storm surge in new orleans was about 15 feet high. these newly constructed walls are 32 feet in crucial places. lake born feed into the gulf of mexico. its surge barrier alone has the same amount of concrete as the hoover dam and eight eiffel towers worth of steel to reinforce it. >> during a hurricane event there are vertical lift gates over here that can be lowered and will close the canal off from the storm surge.
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>> reporter: another key improvement is here in the city's three major canals. it allows giant gates to seal off waterways and contain purpose powerful enough to fill an olympic-sized swimming pool in four seconds. but even with the $14.5 billion worth of improvements, the tragedy of ten years ago is still very raw for those who live here. and many have take their own precautions. >> my house is four foot off the ground. i got a hatchet up in my attic and a life preserver. when i leave here god's going to come get me. >> reporter: the new storm protection system here in the big easy is designed to withstand a so-called 100-year storm. in other words, a 1% chance of happening each year. bres? >> casey steegal, thank you. the host of a roanoake, virginia tv station's morning
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show went on the air today and talked about the horrific happenings of yesterday. when reporter alison parker and photographer adam ward were murdered during a live remote broadcast. >> it's hurt all of us so much as you can see. but we will over time and the blessings of our many friends out there, all of you, we will heal from this. thank you. >> outside the station, a memorial to the victims has been growing. flowers, balloons, candles and other momentos have been left. this weekend, chief legal correspondent shannon bream will take a special look at the abortion industry. tonight, results of a new fox poll in the wake of the release of several videos concerning planned parenthood's use of fetal tissue remains. >> reporter: a brand-new fox news poll shows americans evenly divided on the issue of abortion. with 47% calling themselves pro-choice versus 46% who say they're pro-life. the topic has reignited in the wake of numerous undercover videos from the center for
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medical progress, or cmp, which alleging planned parenthood is illegally selling organs and remains from aborted fetuses. a claim planned parenthood unequivocally denies. an outside group hired by planned parenthood said the videos lack credibility as journalistic products "cmp fired back today "planned parenthood's desperate 11th hour attempt to pay their hand-picked experts to distract from the crimes documented on the video is a complete future. citing hours of dialogue with top level planned parenthood executives eager to manipulate abortion procedures to get high quality baby parts for financially profitable sale." 49% who say they are familiar with the videos find them disturbing and say the harvesting of aborted fetal remains should be stopped. 48% say while they find them disturbing fetal tissue research should continue. the partisan divide is stark.
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79% of democrats believe the organization should get taxpayer dollars. while 72% of republicans disagree. there's also disagreement over the placement of a bust of one of planned parenthood's founders, margaret sanger. in the smithsonian's national portrait gallery. >> the woman was a racist. she was a genocidal figure in america and in human history. and to honor her and to be complicit in her evil and her racism. that's right. if you are honoring margaret sanger, you are joining together with her in her racist ideology. >> reporter: the gallery's director says it quote respectfully declines to remove the bust of sanger, saying it is highlighting her advocacy on behalf of women's health care but also acknowledging her quote sometimes deplorable beliefs. bret? >> shannon, thank you. what is happening to senator rand paul's presidential bid? a look at his efforts out west a bit later. first, is president obama trying to keep congress from
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having a vote on his nuclear deal with iran?
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there is another prominent democratic defection tonight from president obama's nuclear deal with iran. the announcement from new york congresswoman carolyn maloney comes as the white house reportedly intensifies its effort to keep an actual up or down vote in the u.s. senate from ever happening. correspondent kevin corke tells us how from the white house. >> reporter: behind the white house veneer, one brimming with confidence that it has the votes to secure the iran nuclear deal, there's high anxiety about whether the president gets there by filibuster or sustained veto. >> congress is now weighing in on it. we've just got to make sure that
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congress supports it. >> reporter: what that support looks like could mean the difference between sidestepping congressional drama or settling in for a potentially embarrassing and bruising veto override fight. call it a race to 41. the white house has 29 votes in the senate but it needs 12 of the remaining 15 undecided democrats to reach the necessary 41 votes to allow for a filibuster. having to save the deal by veto which would be just the fifth of his presidency could affect america's diplomatic standing according to u.n. ambassador samantha power, who told politico "if the united states rejects this deal, we would instantly isolate ourselves from the countries that spent nearly two years working with american negotiators to hammer out its toughest provisions." >> what weave been able to do is organize the entire world community to force iran to the negotiating table and now have a deal that ensures that they don't get a nuclear weapon. >> reporter: but the devil is in the american negotiators haven't seen all the so-called side agreements between iran and the
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iaea. that's the nuclear watchdog group that would carry out inspections. and there are still questions about whether they'd even get access to suspected nuclear sites like the disputed military facility at parchin. congresswoman carolyn maloney now opposes the agreement. saying in a statement "what we wanted out of this agreement was peace. but before the ink was dry, the mullahs were declaring death to america." meanwhile a group of nearly 200 bipartisan retired generals and admirals sent a letter to congress urging lawmakers to reject the deal which they say threatens national security. of the signatories of that deal, just about all worked for the white house in one capacity or another for both democrats and republicans. and for those of you who are calendar watchers, keep in mind the date september 17th. barring a filibuster, by that date congressional lawmakers have to weigh in. bret? >> kevin corke live on the north lawn, thank you.
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wall street continues its recovery from a severe six-day slump. the dow gained 369 today, the s&p 500 was up 47, the nasdaq finished ahead 115. no grapevine tonight. when we come back, the lone woman in the gop presidential field just wants a little respect. ♪ all i'm asking for a little respect when you come home ♪ when you come home, mister ♪
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we are coming up on another republican presidential candidate debate soon. and picking the field can be dangerous business. carly fiorina, despite a strong showing in one of our fox debates earlier this month, and in recent polls, could find herself excluded from the next main event hosted by our colleagues on cnn. fox news media analyst and host of fox's media buzz, howard kertz, tells us how. >> reporter: carly fiorina was stuck at just over 1% or 14th place in the polling average that fox news used for the primetime cleveland debate on august 6th. but that was before her breakout performance in the early evening debate, which included this shot at donald trump. >> i didn't get a phone call from bill clinton before i jumped in the race. did any of you get a phone call from bill clinton? i didn't.
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maybe it's because i hadn't given money to the foundation or donated to his wife's senate campaign. >> reporter: the former hewlett-packard ceo has surged to 5% of eighth place in this week's quinnipiac poll. but cnn's polling criteria are almost certain to exclude her from the main debate on september 16th. >> wherever you were before august 6th has more of an impact on your standing on september 16th than where you were after august 6th. which seems a little backwards, doesn't it? >> she's in the top ten in every state poll. she's in the top ten in every national poll that's come out since the first debay. cnn and the rnc want to keep her off the next debate stage again. >> reporter: cnn is including numerous polls from three weeks before the debate when fiorina was barely on the radar and their weight is dragging her out of the top ten. there have been only two national polls since the fox debate. a cnn spokeswoman told me fec guidelines make it clear these criteria cannot be changed after they have been published.
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we believe our approach is a fair and effective way to deal with the highest number of candidates we have ever encountered. rnc spokesman shawn spicer is pushing back again fiorina's criticism saying the party is legally barred from interfering with the media's rules. but fiorina sees a built in bias. >> so if you're a professional politician and been in the game a long time or you're a celebrity, you're advantaged in national polls. if you're an outsider who literally most people have never even heard of before i launched my campaign on may 4th, you're disadvantaged. >> reporter: fiorina obviously generates publicity by attacking cnn. but there's no question being pushed off the big stage would hurt the gop's only female candidate. bret? >> howie, thank you. rand paul is another candidate seemingly on that debate bubble. he is taking his anti-washington bid out west this week. correspondent dan springer shows us how that's going. >> reporter: kentucky senator rand paul is in the middle of a west coast swing that he hopes will ignite his campaign for the
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republican presidential nomination. dropping to 10th place according to the latest real clear politics average, paul is taking his message of more liberty and less government to a region where party loyalty can be surpassed by an independent streak. >> a lot of people came west to get away from big government. that fits in with my message. >> reporter: dr. paul drew 500 in anchorage then several more in seattle and another good crowd in spokane, washington. he's running hard in states that hold caucuses instead of primaries, places where his father ron paul did well in 2012. the eye surgeon is trying to thread a needle with his views on national defense. while saying he's not an isolationist, paul rails against the wars in the middle east along with interventions in libya and syria. >> if you're eager for war, there will always be a bush or a clinton for you. >> reporter: in what is shaping up to be the year of the outsider, rand paul continues to go after members of both parties for what he calls its unholy alliance that is both pro war
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and pro spending. he says the way to grow the republican party is to fight for the whole bill of rights, not just the second amendment. paul is also not shy about going after current gop frontrunner donald trump, who he likes to call a fake conservative. >> ultimately as republicans we're going to have to decide do we want a candidate who can actually win. the guy with orange hair that's leading right now, he actually does very poorly against hillary clinton. >> reporter: senator paul will finish out west with stops in idaho, wyoming and utah. campaign officials say he'll be back in the region after the next republican debate. in seattle, dan springer, fox news. hillary clinton likens her republican critics to terrorists. while the public likens her to something unflattering as well. we'll talk 2016 politics when the panel joins me after a quick break.
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extreme views about women, we expect that from some of the terrorist groups. we expect that from people who don't want to live in the modern world. but it's a little hard to take coming from republicans who want to be the president of the united states. >> hillary clinton campaigning in ohio. that prompted a quick response from the republicans. the rnc statement saying for hillary clinton to equate her political opponents to terrorists is a new low for her flailing campaign. she should apologize immediately for her inflammatory rhetoric. jeb bush tweeted out and hillary clinton compares pro-life americans to terrorists but defense despicable planned parenthood treatment of the unborn. her priorities are totally wrong. meanwhile, quinnipiac, along with its new national poll, came up with a new way to ask people what they think of all these candidates. they asked what is the first word that comes to mind when you
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think of -- and let's put up these word clouds. first for hillary clinton, the first word that was most came to mind was liar. and then you can see the other words there untrustworthy, dishonest. you see experience and strong. jeb bush, his word cloud looks like this. the biggest word, bush. and you see the other words there. a different way to kind of poll people. and donald trump. we had to blur a couple of these words out. but arrogant is the biggest word in this word cloud. when asked about the first word on donald trump. with that, let's bring in our panel. syndicated columnist george will, amy walter, national editor for the cook political report, and syndicated columnist charles krauthammer. all right, charles, no word cloud here. but let's talk about hillary clinton and this campaign and this statement. >> you won't have to censor any of the words i'm going to use. i think hillary's strategy is clear and i think it's a smart one tactically. she wants to make news.
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probable just about every night. but in some way, no matter how extreme it is. and the content does not really matter. she wants to talk about -- she wants people to talk about her without using the word e-mail. so yesterday was an attack on trump. today it's absurd and really wild comparison of republicans who are pro-life and who are appalled by the planned parenthood stuff to terrorists. it's not going to hurt her with democrats. nobody -- i don't think it's going to hurt her even in the general election assuming she is the candidate. but it gets her the attention she wants. and it gets off the e-mail. the more she can do that, the more days the news about her is about something else, the better it is. >> the news about her is not about something else as you turn to this e-mail investigation and also her aide huma abadin, the
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fact she had different jobs, amy, with the clinton foundation, with a private company, and with the state department at the same time setting up all these dinners and interactions. and it's pretty detailed. it seems like another shoe in this investigation. >> the shoes that will continue to drop over and over again. i don't know how many shoes there are. >> kardashian -- >> kardashian level of shoes. look, this is the problem. we've said this before of not having a serious primary opponent or at least a campaign in which it looks like she's worried about losing the nomination at this point. her greatest primary opponent is hillary clinton. that is a problem. the other issue with this latest batch of ee-mails -- >> the sanders campaign. >> she's still seen as a frontrunner and not seen as having a chance of losing in the same way that some of the other republican candidates do. the second piece of this with the huma story and server goes back to the bigger problem for
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hillary clinton, which is is she doing and her husband doing stuff simply to ultimately help themselves? yes, they're setting up a foundation. yes, they're doing x, y and z and trying to help other people. ultimately does it come down what does it mean for them? how are they going to profit from this? that's going to be a challenging story i think going forward. >> george. >> well, huma abedin i think she had four jobs, didn't she? and she could have them legally if people treated the law like a pretzel. infinitely elastic as the laws tend to be in the clinton orbit. none of this helps mrs. clinton at all. because people can't follow it. we all have better things to do with our lives than track the latest nuance of the clintons' questionable legality. a cloud hangs over them -- >> not a word cloud.
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>> a puffer cloud dark and rainy saying wherever these people come they bring trouble. >> let's turn to the gop side now. andement tonight for jeb bush. interesting in that it was out of virginia, the former house majority leader eric cantor endorsing jeb bush. and quickly there was this tweet from donald trump who came out and said, who wants the endorsement of a guy, eric cantor, who lost in perhaps the greatest upset in the history of congress. amy, if you're looking for endorsements at this stage -- >> is that the one that you want? >> this is clearly not one you want to tout, is it? >> no. virginia is in that s.e.c. primary. it's going to be a very important state when we get forward. i don't know eric cantor is going to be delivering votes for even in his home state. again, he lost his primary. >> to a relative unknown. >> absolutely. and to the kind of person that donald trump is also portraying himself, which is an outsider, somebody who's going to shake up the system.
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i think the best opponent right now to donald trump is somebody who's not actually an insider of any sort. it's somebody who is not establishment. it's somebody who, sorry, but doesn't sit on these panels. it's people who will be believable in the minds of folks who say they don't trust establishment figures. >> charles, just like hillary clinton saying republicans are like terrorists, doesn't this say something about the jeb bush campaign and the fact they're touting this perhaps that some establishment leakage to a john kasich or a marco rubio. the fact that you have to put this out there now when it doesn't really help your battle against donald trump. in fact, it hurts it. >> it's not only the ideological statement and the fact it's an insider, it's a demonstration of clumsiness of a cosmic proportion. i mean, the minute anybody heard about this, they would raise their eyebrows and say, why would you do this? this makes no sense. and this is supposed to be the
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most accomplished, highly staffed strategized political campaign. i mean, it shows -- it's like sort of the mirror image of the hillary campaign when it took off with the book tour or at least began unofficially with the book tour. where every step was a misstep. you have to ask yourself, these highly touted machines we're supposed to be unbeatable, they make mistakes that an amateur wouldn't make. >> you have other outsiders doing well. ben carson doing well and carly fiorina although she is now fighting to get on this next debate stage. george. >> trump, carson and fiorina get 45% combined in this latest poll. that means 45% of those polled believe the president should be an entry level elective office. we've had five presidents in american history who are elected to the presidency as their first elective office. three of them generals, zachary taylor, grant and eisenhower. two others were taft and hoover, both vastly experienced at the upper reaches of american
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government. but people don't care about that anymore. it is now considered a positive virtue to be innocent of any exposure to actual governing. >> as howie laid out, amy, cnn's criteria goes back to polls that are actually before our debate. >> right. >> at least part of the polls. >> right. >> so carly fiorina is making the case, hey, listen, i've done better since then. >> right. she got a little bit of a bump since then. it's true if you look at this week's averages she would make it into the debate. the fact of the matter is, these were rules that had been out there for quite some time. everybody knew what they were. they're still polling up until september 10th. if she cease a big bump between now and september 10th, that could get her over the line. >> look, it's a dumb rule that's going to have a dumb result. she should be on that stage. but it's not a conspiracy. i think it was done rather innocently. they were looking for an easy way to do this. and they stretched it having no idea that the first debate was going to have the effect it did. and it did. >> where is the republican party in this? i mean, reince priebus has
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thrown his weight around properly and emphatically to produce compressed schedule to try to produce certain results, yet they allow the rules of a broadcast entity to in a sense hijack the purpose of what they're doing. >> they don't want to have to make those decisions themselves. they say we have to be hands off. we can't do that. this isn't our -- >> why should the republican national committee take hands off approach to the republican party's internal workings? i don't get it. >> paraphrase, how many divisions does rheince command? zero. >> not true. >> he could order them off the stage? >> he could say we're going to cancel that debate. we'll have eight others. >> i'm not sure any of the republican candidates would leave that. >> it wouldn't work august 6th. let's put thought way, george. next up, the president pushes a filibuster on iran. ooñóokñ.??????ó
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mornings. wonderful, crazy mornings. we figure you probably don't have time to wait on hold. that's why at xfinity we're hard at work, building new apps like this one that lets you choose a time for us to call you. so instead of waiting on hold, we'll call you when things are just as wonderful... [phone ringing] but a little less crazy. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life.
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not the other way around. this is as important a decision as congress is going to make during my presidency. what we have been able to do is organize the entire world community to force iran to the negotiating table and now have a deal that ensures that they don't get a nuclear weapon. and, you know, congress is now weighing in on it, and we have just got it make sure that congress supports it. >> the appropriate congressional role here as described and codified by congress is not to sign off on the agreement, but congress does have a role in evaluating the agreement and, essentially, the role that congress would play at this point is spoiler. >> well, there is word that the white house may be pushing for the u.s. senate to filibuster the disapproval vote. if that's the case, then there wouldn't actually be a vote up or down on this iran
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deal. we're back with the panel. george, what about this? >> well, what we know for sure already is this. if this agreement were not an agreement but were a treaty as all precedent in american history says it should be, something of this magnitude, it would not have a prayer of coming close to passage. so, they are looking for ways around this. and they have probably got one. senator lieberman, strong supporter of israel, strong opponent of the agreement, democratic vice presidential nominee not so long ago, believes it's very important to have a vote to get it to the president's desk to be vetoed, the veto won't be overridden but it will send a message to the iranians of just how tenuous and minority the support for it is in this country. i'm not sure it's that important. i don't think the world or the country is going to follow the distinction between a vito and -- veto.
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what it is people don't like this agreement. >> why go through the trouble of going through a filibuster to block the actual vote? >> it also seems very difficult. if you are one of these 15 or 10 democrats that say i haven't made a decision yet, i'm working through you this. this is a very important decision. it's really hard then to come and say well, i made my decision, but i don't want to actually tell what you it is because we are not going it take a volt on it. if it's important enough for you to have spent so much time thinking about you how you are going to vote on it, it becomes very difficult to say then we shouldn't take a vote. >> the thing that's puzzling for a lot of people, not just critics, is that the vote on congress is scheduled to happen september 17th. this is before iran is scheduled to come clean on its past nuclear work. that report iaea deadline of october. the report is not really scheduled to come out until december. so, the vote is happening before we know what iran has done.
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>> and we will never know because the iaea is allowing iran, we are allowing iran to send the agreement and the side agreement to investigators itself to deliver its own soil samples to allow you no outside agency facility. we know about the other farcical elements of inspection, the 24-day delay. i you think it was jackie mason who said that new york restaurants have more strict inspection regimes than the iranians on their nukes. so this is an agreement -- the reason it's important that we have a vote, even though it will not effect what's happening on the ground, obama already gone to the u.n. and, in fact, suspended all -- i mean, sanctions are done internationally sanction also never be revived are because of the fact that obama already had at the u.n. it is important because the agreement is going to outlive obama. he is out of office in 17 months. this is an agreement that will last 15 years.
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the next president is going to have to have the moral authority to act in a ray if iran cheats or heads to a breakout and have the support of americans as expressed in the congress and that's why the vote is important. it will determine the legitimacy of this agreement in the eyes of americans, which is what counts. i don't care if the chinese or the russians will look at it as illegitimate. it counts in our system and what the next president will be able to do. >> there is a lot of pressure on all sides. a group of about 200 bipartisan retired generals and admirals has sent a letter to congress urging lawmakers to reject the deal. meanwhile, the white house, george, is making their final push. >> hey. i think they are pushing on an open door in almost all cases. it's very hard to take siriusly the charade of agonizing on the part of senators. those who are needed are going to vote for this. it will be interesting to see how mr. cardin, senator from maryland votes. he is the ranking democrat on the foreign relations committee. but beyond that mild curiosity, i think this
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drama lacks drama. >> that is it for the panel, stay tuned to find out who may be teaching your dog an old trick.
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finally tonight all eyes and ears have been on donald trump lawsuitly. one late night she noticed even man's best friend is listening to the republican alpha dog. >> whose next? >> yes, please. >> mr. trump, i have a a question. >> excuse me, you weren't called. sit down.
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sit down. sit down. >> we thought it might be interesting if we showed that clip to dogs to see what they do. will they listen to donald trump and sit? let's find out. >> excuse me, sit down. you weren't called. sit down. sit down. sit down. [ laughter ] >> excuse me, sit down. you weren't called. sit down. sit down. >> only the white dog sat down, by the way. >> oh, yes. it wasn't us, thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report." fair, balanced and unafraid. greta goes "on the record" right now. ♪ ♪ >> it's friday august 28th. he thought he would get away with it. brand new details about the tv killer, what he was hiding in his car when the police caught
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up with him. a children's hospital with a chilling warning for parents. your kids could be at risk for aids and hepatitis. what went wrong there? >> hillary clinton comes out swinging comparing gop rivals to terrorists? >> we expect that from some of the terrorist groups but it's a little hard to take coming from republicans who want to be the president of the united states. >> she is calling them out by name. a response live from washington p. "fox & friends first" starts right now. >> i am ainsley earhardt. >> i am heather childers. thank you for starting your day with us.
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we begin with brand new details about the killing of two television journalists and his elaborate escape plan. anna kooiman is live at the hospital with the latest for us. >> good morning heather and ainsley. good morning to you. the reporter and gunman flanagan was carrying wigs more than a dozen letters, a hat, sunglasses and some sort of to do list. he talked about the disgruntled angry worker. we heard from the station manager jeff marks he said he made nasty comments when he was dragged police upon his firing. >> he reacted ang illy telling him he would have to call