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tv   The Kelly File  FOX News  October 23, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT

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lightning. but out of caution, they have to look into it. that doesn't mean out of abundance of caution you need to panic. thanks for being with us tonight. this is "the kelly file." >> and our continuing coverage of these two major breaking news continues now. first, what may have been a lone wolf terrorist attack in new york city. this is surveillance video of the suspect just moments before he ambushed two police officers with an axe. those two police officers have been hospitalized with arm and head injuries the most severe is listed as critical but stage the suspect shot and killed by police and tonight the authorities are not ruling out lone wolf terrorism. more on this developing story in just moments. also breaking tonight another confirmed case of ebola in america the first-ever case in new york city. the 34-year-old patient five
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days ago and a popular bowling ally. today, including a 103 degree fever. hazmat teams transporting him to bellevue hospital he remains in isolation and a short time ago, new york state governor cuomo sought to calm fears >> we're hoping it didn't happen but this is new york people come to new york ñ new york airports. so we kpt say this is unexpected. >> trace ghallager is live with the latest. trace? >> and megyn we have learned doctor spencer got to guinea in mid september working in guinea treating ebola patients. he says hecuvs# does not believ protective gear had been breeched he left guinea october 14th,
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arriving at jfk airport october 17th. new york authorities say he came in direct contact with very few people, but that could be largely unknown. here is why. dr. spencer says he began feeling sluggish tuesday of this week. he says he did not have a fever but yesterday, went for a three-mile jog. later took the subway. three different trains to brooklyn. he went to a bowling alley he says at the time he felt fine except for some fatigue. he took uber back home, uber says the cdc and new york health department told them that neither the driver or subsequent passengers were at risk. it's important to note he may not have come into contact with many people, but on dry surfaces ebola can live several hours. in body fluids can live several days and the disease can be transmitted by sweat. the cdc said that people being
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monitored for ebola should not be on airplanes well, what about subways? and taxi cabs? dr. spencer says it wasn't until 10:00 or 11:00 this morning until he experienced fever. >> emf brought him in with proper protective gear. he was brought to the isolation area that bellevue hospital established for patients who could have ebola. >> dr. spencer has acknowledged being in close contact with his fiancee and two close friends, those people are being quarantined but so far showing no symptoms. >> trace, thank you the first case in new york city is confirmed from a doctor that treated patients in west africa. the kelly file on what the cdc recommends one should do if one has been treating ebola patients in west africa, then returning to the united states. first, quote, if you have been
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exposed to ebola but are not sick you'll have to arrange a charter flight home orh]™ stay westto6rñ africa for 21 days un authorities assure it's safe to travel once you're home, monitor your health, 21 days if you were in an area with an ebola outbreak. during the time, you can continue yournn including work. continue your normal activities. but here is the last word. latest word from the cdc. according to the public health authorities, guidelines do not go into affect until this coming monday, the 27th of october. what? are you as confused as i am? dr. manyr,c phone. good of you to be here. here is the bottom line. self monitor is the protocol even if you're a doctor treating
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ebola patients. tonight we heard congratulationses from the new york state governor that this system apparently works. well, the system may;m picking the guy up in hazmat outfits, but did it work when you have a guy who has 103 degree fever, diarrhea and vom knitting this.3saz morning at 1 a.m bowling and on subways and using an uber cab 12 hours earlier in manhattan in new york city? >> i prays-÷ he gets better bu highly irresponsible the word is irresponsible. he should have known as a doctor that if he was in west africa, taking care of patients with ebola, how contagious ebola is. upon registering with the health department if he chose to, he should have stayed home, and self quarantined in the highest level. as a doctor, i'm sorry,
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irresponsible. also is the guidelines of the cdc when it comes to all of this self kwauren teevenlt who is going to monitor? listen. 21 days, doesn't seem like a long many days but people get cabin fever. of course, you know human spirit takes over you want to do whatever you want to do. you're going to do things like go out, bowling and go out maybe to dinner. and? n.a city like new york this is very problematic. people travel in subways streets are very crowded a lot of intimacy between people in new york city i call this doctor and i pray for his health but he was irresponsible. >> now? to what extent are the people in new york city in need of concern tonight? he authorities are telling
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us -- here is dr. seigel telling us not to worry. there he is. hey, doc. they're telling us if situation has been contained and he wasn't symptom mattic while running around doing a bowling alley. yet, you hear though symptoms and fever is a tell sale symptom you might be contagious ifuj2kd don't have a fever. >> one of the -- that is true. you know? listen, i hope, i pray symptoms were within 24 hours and he realized he was not heading in the right direction'#j' that h self quarantined again. he went out wednesday afternoon or wednesday night. whatever the casewxu may be. look. right now, those people thatrxe came into contact with will need to be quarantined. you know? health inspectors will be monitoring their conditions and we'll go through the same tri e triaging dozens of people,
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thousands of dollars of cost over again. but listen. not keep repeating these issues of people not realizing that they're infectious. protocols need to be ?- if the president is not going to call for a travel ban, fine. if people are going to come from that part of the world, going to come to cities like new york or any other metropolitan city, better accountability has to be made people who are at risk for those 21 days, someone, something has to monitor their quarantine they have to be kept m a place they know where they are. >> we realize there ain't no quarantine. thank you. >> you got it. >> officials say dr. k4kwspenced everything he was supposed to do, house oversight subcommittee chairman tim murphy tonight is urging the cdc and the president
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to follow his recommendation. for a mandatory 21 day quarantine period for health workers when those doctors come home. congressman thank you for being with us here today. does that >> yes. i think it might need to be closer to 42 days. people who are already infected  into a quarantine. i'm not buying this self quarantine. it isn't working. the smartest of the professionals are making these and putting others in harm's way. and it's just self monitoring. that is it. just take a temperature twice per day. and the officials in new york tonight were saying took his
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temperature twice per day he didn't have a fever last night. this wasn't until this morning he was symptom mattic he called officials and went n they had to have medicine. they think this system works. >> no. it didn't we heard testimony in dallas who told us if you have a suspect that might have ebola, you're to get tested. then, get tested 72 hours later. so there are many mixed hages. we're going to hear testimony morning saying we're woe fully unprotected for protective gear. hand sanitizer in greater washington, d.c. area for dealing with a pandemic. about 80% of it is expired they had 5,000 units. >> yes. >> you're going to hear more. was taken out of commission. but what about the subways?
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i mean, i realize this is like one in a million chance. that is what they seem to be suggesting but he rode a train, l train, number one rain, in an uber cab and visited the high line here. he sat in a restaurant and ate. and who knows whether he used bathroomll places? these are things people are concerned about. >> we've got to be calm, cool, collective. odds are nobody is -- you're not going get it but this person went running, went on a jog is one of the reports. it is transferred by sweat that can be left and actually could be contanlus several hours in that sweat. again this is a doctor with the biggest heart in the world. don't you love a person who goes to africa to fight ebola? but for the public good you're
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going to have to get more stringe stringent. there should be a travel ban. iñ you've come into contact you're going to have to go through mandatory quarantine. >> what is wrong with that? is it price you pay for doing such a good deed? there are financial issues as well. perhaps medical facilities in order to encourage this work. you can see the scares the people he was in quarantine with are in danger, and the average person doesn't understand the nuances. thank you. good to see you. >> thank you. >> we're going to follow that hearing tomorrow, we'll have breaking news on that as it
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comes in tomorrow during the day, then, full coverage tomorrow night on "kelly file". and also, a different threat here in new york city we learn a man took a hashit to a group of nypd officers today has been expressing seriously radical views on social media sometime. wait until you hear what we have now uncovered. plus, more breaking developments > diagnosed with eeb yoela. up next a report from outside of the bowling alley where the doctor was just 12 hours before reporting his symptoms. >> every hospital in the city is prepared in the event other prepared in the event other patttttt ♪
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the doctor went to two separate bowling alleys. fox reporter joey walledon filed this report. >> this is the bowling alley just a stone's throw from mid town manhattan. this was a concert scheduled here but manager came down and said it was being cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances now, those circumstances are clearer the department of health in new york city saying dr. craig spencer bowled here last night and because of that, the bowling alley is closed dr. spencer used an on demand car service, uber. to get around the city this, is not the only place he stopped he stopped at avenue here in new york city. there are concert goers going to
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see a show there the department of health says out of caution, they're send sending a team of health care professionals here to the area to make sure things in fact okay. >> joining me now with more is dr. mark seigel. following the city for us all night. dr. seigel, as we have seen here moments ago, we just got a statement from doctor was out borders releasing it's protocol. this dr. spencer appears to have followed them to the letter, check temperatures two times per day. finish your regular course of certain drugs. be within symptoms of fever. contact us if there is any symptom that's develop. but it begs a question whether
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those are adequate. >> i don't think they are. because when you stay in contact with an ebola patient who is very sick, you're in contact with a lot ofzy?ñ secretions, i don't see any reasons why health care workers won'ts6cdñ quarant themselves for 21 days. that is number one. and there is nowhere in evidence making statements. what about the head of health and human services? the cdc made excuse after excuse. but i'll tell you one thing. this doctor may have put a lot of people at risk though remote risk byxúu traveling around th city on taxi cabs and bowling, jogging. but for new york city, the
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response has been extraordinary. new york city has a hazardous materials tactical unit. they picked him up, brought him to bellevue hospital he's being isolated at bellevue hospital which has more experience than any other hospital in the country at treating contagious diseases and he's being isolated. let's hope health care workers taking care of him are safe. >> sure. >> so it's safe forn=1ñ new yor city so far. >> people are going to be freaked out. now, you know we're going to have people that don't want to get on the l train or a train. people aren't going to want to go and is this overreaction? is it not?
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>> it's overreaction, megyn. when you see something isn't being taken care of, you worry you're at risk. but that the fear component it's normal. it's not really scientific in the sense that people are not going to catch this from having ridden on the same subway train any more than they would have caught it from flying on the same plane as that nurse we need better protocols. >> that is the thing. to prevent natural fear coming out of such a deadly disease. doctor, thank you. we're also following another major breaking story tonight a possible lone wolf, what may be a terrorist attack. be a terrorist attack. they're saying he has a link to ♪ decay. be a terrorist attack. they're saying he has a link to it's the opposite of evolution. the absence of improvement. and the enemy of perfection. which is why you can never stop moving forward.
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breaking tonight, what could be a terrorist attack in new york city today he launches a hatchett attack on four new york city police officers. >> we have the suspect's name but fox news confirmed he does have a felony record in california. it's unclear what for we know police are looking at his record and social media fooy print to see if there is any connection to terrorism or terror groups. the attack happened in a busy commercial district of queens a photographer asked four rookie police officers to position for a picture, a man pulled a hatchet and attacked the officers hitting one in the arm and another in the back of the head the officer is listed
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inconsiderate dal but stable condition other two officers shot and killed. one bullet hit a woman walking by. her injury not life threatening. the suspect's facebook page has been concerning content, including a statement that seems to support home grown terrorist attack reads quoting america's military is strong abroad but have never faced an internal mass revolt.
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saying what the newly confirmed case of ebola. this one in new york city. we've been preparing for the threat posed by ebola. we have clear, strong protocols followed and were followed in this instance. and bellevue hospital is especially designed for isolation and identification, treat
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what is the suggestion? >> good evening to you. anyone that remembers hurricane katrina there in new orleans in 2005 should be well familiar with the name general russell honorary. people believe he was thev> saviour that picked up humpty dumpty and started to put pieces back together again people thought he would have been the best choice to be the president's ebola czar given the fact he's written books on emergency preparedness. he told me today in a conversation he believes the government should have activated a fema plan for emergency support functions number eight this puts full force of the federal government behind a biological disease emergency. if there is a pandemic or a bio terrorist attack. secretary of health and human services takes the lead on all
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of this with everything flows from the federal government down he believes that would have been the appropriate response the problem, the general told me is that the government reserves this function for what he believes should be a large scale response a large scale disaster, but general saying he believes that this is in effect a type of disaster that the government needs to take a top-down approach to. so not a piece-meal approach which is what we've been seeing. thomas eric duncan was sent home. are some of these in new york working yet? the patient was picked up from home, brought by ambulance to a hospital well prepared to take him. but the big question is, why was he on a subway last night? why was he in one, maybe two bowling alleys? in a restaurant? there are many things falling through the cracks here
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as you pointed out it's been going out during what should have been a 21 day quarantine period because you've been in contact with someone who had ebola and you're followed by the cdc for taking a flight before showing symptoms. this gentleman, at the same time amber vinzon was taking that flight. he's out there in public places and i believe that if you're going to see some adjustment here. saying over the next couple days they're going to issue new guide lines as to who can go out on what, when, depending on what exposure has been. can they travel on public transportation? >> no time like the present. cdc. john roberts, thank you. >> well president obama just
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briefed on this case here in new york city. our chief white house correspondent is live in washington. ed? >> good to see you. john talking about ebola czar. he only started work yesterday, just trying to get, hit the ground running. i'm told he was not the run that reached the president. it was one of his homeland security officials there is a meeting yesterday with some of the other officials the president said he's cautiously optimistic we're starting to turn the corner here. i they he's refer together fact nigeria and senegal have been deemed ebola-free. dozens of people tied to mr. duncan in texas, turns out they do not have ebola. but this case, a senior administration official telling me after the president was briefed that they had a conversation about this and they're saying look. this is a significant challenge
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moving forward but they're confident they've learned from other mistakes in the previous cases to try to stop this outbreak. one of the questions is going to be the president has repeatedly refused to move forward on a travel ban the administration is making plans to have state a >> we didn't have to worry about that. then, on top of that. the controversy, where is the travel ban is answered by the health care worker from going over there, and voe proe vieding asi asift -- assistance. there is an unasked question. speaking of health care workers, we're going to quarantine them,
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right? when they come back, just sort of assume that is happening. it's not happening and legislatures have been pushing since we saw what we saw in texas to make sure that happens and nothing has been done. there is no voluntary or mandato mandatory. >> yes. there is now calling for a mandatory quarantine for any returning health care worker. another interesting as you laid that out in refusing a travel ban, officials have said we don't need a travel ban because the current flight restrictions we've had, we have a good handle, we're very strong, they say. a good handle on who is coming in. this is one case. >> other thing is that cdc said amber vinzon should not have traveled because she was wrong to get on that very first flight from dallas to cleveland.
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they said she shouldn't have done it. why does this doctor get to ride on the a train, l train and 1 train, going out to eat? and run around and take uber cars. why is that allowed? by someone not only exposed to one ebola patient but many ebola patients. he had protective covering on. it didn't work. >> right. senior official exposed to went right to the point said we've got to do two things figure out if there is another crack in the system. this doctor did get in. two, saying about the subway this official is that who else did he have to contact with? >> did they say anything about the hatchet attack?
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>> this might be isolated, or could be terror. we don't know yet. the administration has not responded >> thank you. >> general tom mcenernie is with us now. >> reported there, they're there. if they are considering this is a terror group. >> well, i don't know why it won't be, megyn. it clearly is terror. i rank it with boston and oklahoma. and what happened in canada this week. it's a radical islamist terrorist attack by a lone wolf, but acting in accordance with what andy mccarthy described on the 9:00 show as the koran, slay the infidels.
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isis put out attacks with police globally between america. so that is whang. we should expect it. >> time after time, so far we have seen officials just dismiss acts that are by lone actors as something other than terror i mean from fort hood to the murder of a man guned down in his car. that has nothing to do with terrorism. the oklahoma man who beheaded his victim? they said well that is more of a another thing he wanted to behead someone and had become radicalizeed and loved osama bin laden and the list goes on and on. it seemed to want to find a way out of december nating it as radical islamist terrorism. every time. >> every time. look. it's simple. until we stop this political
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correctness, we're going to be suffering defeats. until we put the responsibility on the muslim communities, moderate muslim communities to out these people and go after them, then we're going to have a problem. this administration has been worse than the bush administration. this administration wasn't the greatest but the fact is that this administration has deliberately by saying that it's not radical islam, a term the president doesn't use, he calls it radical extremists. >> that is what we heard from john kerry about what happened yesterday the canadian prime minister calling it terror. he was calling it terror. his country. our secretary of state saying violent extremism. >> i rest my case, counsel. >> on the moderate muslim call you just made, we don't know much about him yet other than his web site on facebook and
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other social media suggesting suggests he wasn't radicalizeed and believed and he is talking about the plans and i don't think it is anything other than one guy to identify with this cra crazy and there is no evidence yet but i think you're going to find it's going to go towards a specific mosque and start to see a web of people that have these inclinations it's too early to come out with conclusions but i think that is what the fbi and those
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investigators. >> that man stuck a hatchet in a 25-year-old police officers's head. he is said to be a father. >> is this it? you never know where the enemy will be. former cia officer and former nypd intelligence officer is next. sked people a simple question: in retirement, will you outlive your money? uhhh. no, that can't happen. that's the thing, you don't know how long it has to last. everyone has retirement questions. so ameriprise created the exclusive.. confident retirement approach. now you and your ameripise advisor can get the real answers you need. well, knowing gives you confidence. start building your confident retirement today.
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esurance, backed by allstate. click or call. breaking tonight, in just the last 24 hours there is a growing concern that this disturbing trend may be revealing the new face of terrorism. how do we tell whether this guy in new york and next one and prior to that are radical jihadists are nut cases? >> it's important to state these things are not mutually exclusive. someone can be a raving lunatic as well as a jihadist. they go together well.
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you have a lot of very disturbed mentally disturbed people out there. he probably is both. definitely crazy. i think writings we've seen on facebook what we've seen is probably more and we'll see that. he's not referring to islamic text or leadership. or jihad but saying some crazy stuff about waging war against the united states. and you don't have to have a connection. people will be looking but someone can act on behalf of. that is what the islamic state is doing. don't wait for us to tell you.
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>> it's something to do bad stuff. and they're listening but here is the question. we know they say they looked at facebook, and i looked. i see it's covered in arabic. it's an arabic prayer he's got a few radical sounding mandates on there. trace told the audience about earlier. there is talk about black, white, sort of blacks against america. so how do they figure out what the true motive is? does it matter? whahat the true threat is? >> no. it won't change then if he's
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just a guy who is a lunatic. there is a copy cat aspect, seeing what happened in canada. and all of the attention they get. so until they dig into these thi things if someone asked me is he a jihadist, yes. that doesn't matter in terms of what to expect going forward. as i said i still can't explain why we don't have mum buy-style attacks on u.s. soil. unfortunately it's just a matter
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of time. >> good to see you. >> thank you. >> another stop story after new york city gets a confirmed case of ebola. our local fox reporter is outside of the man's apartment in neeeeee
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concern a patient here in new york city tested positive for ebola. the patient is here now in bellevue hospital. we want to state there is no reason for new yorkers to be alarmed ebola is a hard disease to contract. it's transmitted only through contact with an infected person's blood not through
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casual contract. >> that is the new york city mayor on a news conference on breaking news about this patient in new york city. he arrived and started coming down with symptoms including 103 degree temperatures. matt king. >> he lived with his fiancee in hamilton heights. inside the apartment is sealed up and neighbors are willing to speak with us said they're not willing and there are accounts but not they're own. they didn't know the doctor personally, just getting mail and said he was a very nice, friendly guy. a few of them did know he was practicing in africa,
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volunteering to help people with ebola. city health workers were passing out the ebola cards. now, given off camera who knows what they're thinking. most residents hear if this disease is airborne they're not disease is airborne they're not going to worry. ♪
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decay. disease is airborne they're not going to worry. it's the opposite of evolution. the absence of improvement. and the enemy of perfection. which is why you can never stop moving forward. never stop inventing. introducing the mercedes-benz gla. a breakthrough in design, aerodynamics and engineering. because the only way to triumph over decay... is to leave it in its own dust. ♪
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we're hoping it won't happen we can't say this is unexpected circumstances. >> this doctor is in isolation tonight being treated for ebola. now, they'll run down with those
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with whom he was in close contact. three of those people are said to be in quarantine now. there will be questions about the protocol that's are in place to try to prevent this from happening. we've been telling you all night. some have been pushing to insist upon a mandatory quarantine for those coming back from these three west african countries who have been handling ebola patients should there be a mandatory quarantine? let me know what you think. follow me on twitter, on facebook and weigh in. tomorrow night we're going to have continuing coverage on this first ebola case there is a hearing on capitol hill on ebola. don't forget. the medical authority who's know what they're talking about say you do not need to worry you don't need to panic. odds of you getting ebola from any of these means we've discussed, subway, bowling alley, etc. are probably less than odds of getting hit by
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lightning. but out of caution, they have to look into it. that doesn't mean out of abundance of caution you need to panic. thanks for beingsources between. in the meantime, here's sean havd-;ver @r(t&háhp &hc% welcome to "hannity." this is a fox news alert. a doctor who recently traveled to west africa tested positive for ebola just a few hours ago right here in new york city.otì% case of the disease here in the u.s. now, a press conference is underway right now at the hospital. this is with new york cityj=aç r de blasio, new york city governor andrew cuomo and other officials. let's go back to that right now. >> -- the governor mentioned an additional person. this person was a driver of an l uber car with whom the patient had no direct physical contact and is considered not to be at risk.