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tv   Hannity  FOX News  October 11, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT

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this is "the kelly file." welcome to this special handy. we were promised that al qaeda was on the run. we were told america was more secure because osama bin laden was dead and we were led to believe that isis was nothing more than a jv team of terrorists. as we come under attack, it's time to come together and unite. make no mistake about it, radical islam has reached the shores of the united states of america.
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terror attack at the boston marathon. the explosions are clearly an act of terror. >> this is a fox news alert. the u.s. military says 12 people were killed this afternoon and 31 wounded when at least one soldier opened fire at ft. hood army base in texas. [ sirens ] >> this is a fox news alert. a beheading here in america in oklahoma. >> yeah, sounds like he's running around out there. >> and that, that's a gunshot. >> a woman decapitated. now fears the suspect is linked to islamic extremism. >> the tragic events at boston,
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ft. hood, oklahoma and elsewhere prove the threat of radical iz ram is real. we are going to confront this head on. before i bring in the star studded vip panel, let's take a look at a poll that revuls 19% of americans are confident the government can minimize a threat posed by a terrorist attack. let's be honest, who can blame them? for years president obama down played the threat. he dismissed them as a jv team. here is what i mean. >> osama bin laden is no longer a threat to our country. we put al qaeda on the path to defeat. we ended the war in iraq and focused on those who actually killed us on 9/11. as a consequence, al qaeda's core leadership has been decimated. if we are joined by the international community, we can
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continue to shrink isil's influence and effectiveness, its financing, its military capabilities to the point where it is a manageable problem. >> scary from the man who is responsible for keeping americans safe. on that note, let's start on radical islam in america. tonight, my panel for the hour, co-host for "the five, bob beckel dr. zuhdi jasser is with us. muhammad sideeq and david hunt. was ft. hood an act of terrorism? was boston an act of terrorism? was oklahoma, the beheading an act of terrorism?
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>> absolutely. it's called different in politics. the violence in ft. hood, ridiculous. >> 13 dead, 13 injured. >> clearly an act of terrorism as is the boston marathon. >> i can't say what it is. i can say what it isn't. it has nothing to do with islam. it is a terroristic act. it is a horrific act. >> how can you say -- radical islamists, those who believe in jihad, against the infan dells, those who want holy wars, having to be killed. are they not radical islamists? >> i keep trying to tell you, you cannot put islam and radicalism together. >> why not? >> no. once you -- islam -- you cannot take god's word and take something from it. >> people use islam and the ra
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ran to justify kelling and they are promised 72 virgins in heaven. >> their understanding of islam to do what they want. >> zuhdi. >> it's important to take the opposite words. you can't treat the problem unless you diagnose it. the diagnosis is political islam. won an election in e egypt. the political ideology has won elections. this is what drives. this is why it's important to call ft. hood terrorism. >> and oklahoma. >> terrorism. it's violence that seek as political end, whether it's a beheading, ft. hood, the boston bombing.
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they have a virus that didn't come out of thin air. it's political islamism. the virus gets into their mind, antiliberty and anti-american. >> this is your religion. >> it's not my islam. >> muslim. >> i'm adult enough to say it's a version of islam if we don't start targeting as far as ideology, we are going to continue. >> it's not just this country. it's the entire world. bob beckel, we don't agree on a lot. you have said i want to open up my show, "the five" and provide a forum for moderate muslims to confront and condemn radical islam. >> you know, i'm not overstating the case. i was the first one on this network to come out strongly on this issue. my point was that if you look at boston and look at 9/11, those two, particularly, there was not
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a single head of a muslim state, not a single cleric, not a single person of standing in the community in the middle east. whoever said they thought this was wrong, it was not the following, was not approved of it. i said something that got me in trouble, but i'm going to repeat it. if you don't speak out, you either agree with these people or you are cowards. >> those that are watching the hijacking of their religion that don't have the more radical interpretation of the koran, you can interpret anyway you want. those that take jihad seriously, the holy war seriously, we'll get into it in more detail. are they afraid? it could be one of two things, dr. jasser.
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they are afraid they would be targeted and labeled. the penalty of which is death. or are they silently supportive of that interpretation of islam? >> it's all of the above. there are components of those trying to reform and people like me that have been targeted. i can't tell you the number of times islamists targeted me as not being a muslim or a tool to avoid the message, that we need reform. i do it from a position of love within my faith. with all respect to bob, why aren't you waking up your friends on the left. they have prevented us from having the conversation. the feminists, the gay rights, and all the others that the left value. >> women don't have rights. >> islamists found a home -- >> it was -- i put it up against anybody. it was a liberal who spoke out
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first. not a single conservative -- >> do it on the left. >> what we have to do here is recognize this is not a liberal conservative issue. it requires us to say, in unison, that we are a country that is under attack by individuals, by organizations, by others. >> can i take the round for a second? the one thing i will say to defend the justice department, if you declare an act of terror, it falls under the patriot act. it is more difficult to have this guy convicted. if it's workplace violence -- >> let me stop you. the president -- the official line of the administration is that ft. hood is workplace violence and oklahoma, they refused to say an act of terrorism. you are at odds. >> i want to hear -- you know -- >> stick with that. you are at odds with the
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president you generally support. >> i believe it's easier to prosecute if you call it workplace violence. >> the first report didn't use islam, jihad. his name wasn't in it. then the william webster report, two and a half years later did address some of the ideologies. i think it's absurd and insanity we are not addressing the ideology of jihad. >> it's not difficult, bob. the problem is the justice department drug its feet on prosecuting this guy. i don't care if you call it stealing cats and dogs. he should be in jail and executed a long time ago for what he did. the definition, my problem is it's so obvious not to call it an act of terror. the problem with the definition is the government has not prosecuted this guy. >> why can't we start -- we are at the and they lived happily ever after. what happened to once upon a
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time? where did the story start. we are all americans. i'm an american. we are all in agreement, i believe, that we don't want any harm to come to any innocent person, especially american citizens. >> i have had you on this program and i asked you, is hamas to obliterate and you say they are not terrorists. that's a big deal. if you can't admit the obvious, they kill jews and obliterate them. >> not only does hamas have to be revised -- i don't want -- >> their charter or the fascists that run the organization. it's not the charter, it's the fascists. >> let's run off topic a bit here. >> you are killing me. >> i know. we are going to leave here in
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brothers. >> you are saying they are not a terror organization? >> i'm saying, if we start there and don't start with where all this stuff started, we don't look at the clues, what they say. i don't want to get into it. i don't want to get into hamas. i want to come together, first on the idea, let's save our country and save innocent people. >> the only way to start is people, good people to challenge a charter that calls for the destruction of a state and innocent people. >> maybe if we start at the beginning -- >> if you don't do it, you are in the mob. >> i'm not apologetic. there are steps we must take to get to that. they will cut the cake fairly and not just -- >> more to come. we have to stay there. coming up here on hannity -- >> is not and will never be at war with islamists. islam teaches peace.
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>> here is president obama saying islam is a religion of peace. some say recent word events may prove otherwise. we'll debate that next as we continue a hannity conversation, radical islam in america, straight ahead. i make a lot of purchases for my business. and i get a lot in return with ink plus from chase. like 70,000 bonus points when i spent $5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. and i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at office supply stores. with ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points.
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the united states is not and will never be at war with islam. i'm proud to carry with me the good will of the american people, a greeting of peace for muslim communities in my country. islam is not part of the problem in combatting violent extremism, it is an important part of promoting peace. our enemies expect no peace. al qaeda is not islam. it's a distortion of islam.
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the future must not belong to those who belong to islam. isil is not islamic. the vast majority of isil's victims have been muslim. the united states is not and never will be at war with islam. islam teaches peace. >> since his first year in office, president obama has been proclaiming islam is a religion of peace. however this man beheaded one of his co-workers after trying to convert her to islam. in a convert or die, that fueled by isis, is very much on the march, which is why tonight we put together a distinguished panel to answer the question, is islam truly a religion of peace. all right. this is where we get into -- i'm going to start with you dr. jasser.
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very controversial territory. we are raising an important question. i look at b-- they all are terrorist organizations that base their belief system on radical islam or one might argue the strict interpretation of the koran. if you read the koran, christians and jews are your friends, talk about infan dells and jihad. if you read it, is it a religion of peace? >> families like mine that came here and felt we could practice our religion feel we have an interpretation of islam. we would be fooling ourselves. we need an intervention as a faith to realize that these byproducts are not coming out of
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thin air. there's a fascist interpretation that dominates it media from al jazeera. >> it's growing. >> the interpretations you gave are english interpretations of arabic script. every faith, the catholic church has 300 years before christians could read their own script. islam has the same reformation to interpret the script and passages. that word doesn't mean friends. >> let me ask you this, as westerners, americans, we look at life for women under shariah. i don't care if it's saudi arabia. women can't drive. they can't be seen in public without men they are related to. bob beckel, in iran, gays are stoned to death. women stoned to death for adultery. four males needed for adultery. women must cover themselves
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under shariah. >> the answer to all those is yes. let's look at isis. they are the most clear and present danger. the isis religious interpretation goes back to 1720s when the most radical islamists. >> don't they go back earlier than that? >> when they went to war and ousted the saudi family, and they had been an always will be terrorists. if you associate yourself with that brand of islam and i think it's right, it's a branding issue here. if you take christianity and assume, pick out in revelations as many people do, who attack christianity and say look what it says in revelations, you can say it's terrorist. >> we don't have a problem with christians persecuting women and gays, such rigid radical interpretation that they justify
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killing. >> because historically, we cleaned that up. >> whoa, whoa, whoa -- >> we did, sean. >> i'm talking about today. modern day today. >> it happened in the catholic church and it's happening in the muslim world now. you can't pass over history. >> i'm suggesting with the modern day threat and life -- all these groups are under one heading, radical islamists. they all believe in using their faith to justify their actions to be at war with the infidels or non-believers. that's the difference. they are willing to care for it. their system of justice is oppressive. >> in history, we have other religions doing the same thing. you can define it anyway you want. the problem is how we do it on my side of the street is bombing. 25 years in iraq, hasn't worked.
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we have no understanding of shia and sunni and what's eating. >> do we care women have no rights? >> of course we should. in every country, starting with our own. >> you can't say they have no rights. >> fair enough. fair enough. >> the point, we want to solve it. we have to march to it systematically. we can't start way down the line and not understand congress. >> you have to understand it. >> here, we cannot fight it now. >> i don't mind that. if they look at respect, respect. there are causes. >> the cause is what? the mixture of state and religion. >> maybe that is the cause but i'm not going to allow you to use that term with me. you can say -- you can say, you cannot put an islamic state with a bunch of crazy people. >> there's no version of the islamic state i would ever
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support, especially as an american but a muslim. >> a state is a radical, crazy, desperate people. >> i'm not endorsing it. >> beheadings in saudi arabia. >> i mention all the groups, they are under a different heading, al qaeda, the muslim brotherhood, hamas. are they all, in your view, radical islamic terrorists? >> no, no, no. >> they're not? >> no. because sean you have to -- >> you can't acknowledge a simple truth like that, i don't think this conversation is going to get far. >> you don't start off in quantum mathematics. >> is bow ka ha ram a terrorist group? >> i would agree with that. >> is al qaeda a terrorist group? >> i would agree with that. >> morsi referred to the israelis -- >> he wants -- >> is hamas a terrorist group? >> i would not agree with that.
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>> is the islamic jihad a terrorist group? >> i don't know much -- >> is shariah often used to suppress women and minorities? in the practical world. >> shariah has to stay where it was created. let me say this. if we go back and take a look, don't feed your horse downtown new york city. if we take some of that kind of thinking, that's the same thing you are thinking with sharia law. >> we have to take break. >> real quick, we have to be careful here about trying to change other religions and what they believe in. the fact is, that religion, your religion, a part of it has declared war on us. we have a responsibility as a free nation to eradicate that threat. we are not a war against islam or you. it's those who use that religion
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to kill people. >> is it the religion? are we talking the religion or some crazy people? i'm saying, let me finish this point. radical people come and put one fo keep in mind, one foot in the door, keeping the insanity they had before they came to islam, then, because they can't find people -- >> we have to take a break. when we come back, this is a straight ahead. >> at least ten isis fighters caught coming across the mexican border in texas. >> our southern border is not secure. if congressman hunter is right, we are in deep trouble. stay with us as we continue this discussion on radical islam in america, straight ahead. [ female announcer ] we help make secure financial tomorrows a reality
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it's the smart choice for me. try sunsweet amazin prune juice. also available in light. welcome back to this special edition of hannity, a
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conversation about radical islam in america. it's no secret president obama wants to defeat isis overseas. what about the threat it poses to this homeland. republican congressman, hunter sounded the alarm about terror in the u.s. >> i know at least ten isis fighters were caught coming across the border in texas. >> how do you know that? >> because i asked border patrol. >> they let them come across the border? >> no, they caught them at the border. we know isis is coming across the border. if they catch five or ten of them, there's going to be dozens more that did not get caught. >> still with us to discuss how to prevent them from entering the country, bob, you are sitting there rolling your eyes. >> this is a chairman of a committee. >> i went to the border and i was briefed by border officials.
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this is the meeting obama was supposed to go to when i went with rick perry. agents including former navy s.e.a.l.s were telling me they were catching people from yemen, syria, afghanistan and pakistan. >> it's been going on for years. >> my point is, don't you think it would be in our best interest, if we don't want to get hit again, to secure the border. >> i don't think that's the place to worry about. >> you don't want to secure the border? >> you are talking about republicans and the right wing is talking about barbing the border. i'll buy the 13 foot ladder. silly. >> go ahead. >> i just want to say, when you listen to hunter and start spreading this fear about isis coming through the border of mexico, it is absurd. there is no organized -- >> i put a fence there, too. >> that makes news now. >> colonel, i fear that what's
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happening with the spread of isis, all the territory they are gaining, what they are gaining in syria and ark, libya, north africa and see this rise of radicalism. it seems to me there's such a hatred toward the west and israel, it's not a matter of if. it's when they attack. it may be sooner rather than later. i hope i'm wrong. >> they have already been attacked. we have american soldiers dying all over the world. we've got guys being beheaded and 9/11. we have been attacked by terrorists. >> the next big attack on the homeland. >> could come from a lot of places. honestly, i think ebola is more of a danger than isis. let's get back to the border thing. hunter is a veteran. greta pinned him down. it is inexcusable to say what he
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said about isis. it's not true. they have caught yemens and pakistans. nobody -- you can't prove it. >> colonel, i sat in a briefing -- >> they didn't say isis. >> why would they be crossing the southern border? let me put it in perspective. >> you can't be quoting -- you can't be quoting border guards. >> i'm talking the guys doing the arresting. >> did they tell you isis? >> they didn't tell me. >> put it in perspective. 9/11 was 19 guys. ft. one guy. boston, two guys. in isis, we have the fbi confirmed last week, 12 guys. we have talked 100. there are thousands from europe fighting with isis. it's easier to do an attack in
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the united states. >> "60 minutes" claimed they had 100. >> exactly right. >> didn't have those names. >> that border, the people should lose their jobs. they are lousy border patrol. they don't know what they are talking about. >> i can't believe you are so naive. >> show me what they have done. >> hey, bob? i sat there -- >> you sat there with a bunch of special agents. >> i have been to the border ten times. what i'm telling you is when you see a family from el salve dor walking across the border, we are vulnerable. there's a vulnerability. the enemies are coming. they are committed to their cause. they are willing to die for the sake of allah. >> isis is not coming across
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there to attack. >> call it what you want. >> there will be a major attack. >> there's no certainly. >> there will be a major attack. >> you say the president lacks a serious strategy. the president has the best strategy in these intelligence statements saying this is not islam. you know how many people he puts in check? >> are you kidding me? are you kidding me? they are laughing. they are laughing at those statements. >> there's a -- they walk on the acknowledgement they are not a part of this insanity. >> the monarchies, allies calling them islamists. >> how many would be coming across the border? >> we have to take a break. christians all over the world being persecuted and killed. we'll tell you where that's happening as this special edition of hannity continues. ah!
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welcome back to this special edition of hannity, a conversation about radical islam in america a. rise of extremist groups around the globe, non-muslims, especially christians being persecuted for their beliefs and facing dire threats to convert or die. >> the cost of doing nothing is written on the faces of these christians. isis forced them to convert to islam and treating them as slaves. >> convert, pay tax, leave or be killed. right now, at this moment, iraq is not the only country where christians are facing prosecution. >> from 2012 to 2013, the number of christians martyred doubled.
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of those martyred in 2013, more than half of them were in syria alone. >> look at the map locating where christians are being persecuted around the world. the question is, how should america respond. our panel is still with us. let's start with you. they were kicked out of their homes. they were tolt, convert or die. should we kill those people that are forcing christians outs of their homes, raping christian women, taking their homes away or do you think we could sit down at a table and have a kumbaya moment? should we kill them? >> first, we need to identify them. >> isis. >> it could be isis. just don't put the name islam to them. >> they call themselves islam. >> i don't care what they call themselves.
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>> they call themselves islamic state. >> allow me to finish. allow me to finish. allow me to finish, please. >> should we kill them? i'm waiting. >> i want to be clear who we are killing. the point is all this persecution against christians is the greatest testimony that this is not islam. if you go to the koran there's no -- >> excuse me. take neither christians or jews. >> dr. jesser, we cleared that up. it's not saying friend in the context you are. >> it talks about jihad, christians, jews. >> stick with that idea. the point i want to make is what is going on, this persecution -- >> kill them? kill them? >> if they break the law, kill
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them. >> they are the islamic state. >> they can say that. >> this is going to continue to cause us not to have a strategy. somebody who loves my face, i love it in a manner i want to reform the twisted interpretation of the scripture. >> people want to kill you because of your position. >> hold on. if you look at most of these countries, minority christians are being persecuted. triple and quadruple are moderate muslims like myself in prison. >> wait a second. this is drawing a line with me. i have been speaking out about this for -- i am an evangelical christian. under the banner of islam, not isis or anything, they have shown christians and leaders of your religion, moderates have never had the guts to say a word. you may have. you are wrong. it indicates to me, where are
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they, that ridiculous crowd you have out there. it's a bunch of apoll gists. where are you? beckel spoke about islam. the death and mutilation of christians. >> put that fire in your belly for the democratic party. >> i have. >> excuse me, david cameron is the first with the courage to say it. obama should have said it. a lot of people should have said but good god, you should have said it. >> i was at the tip of the sphere in this. >> let me stick up for dr. jesser, he had a spot on his head for speaking out. >> that's fine. how many doctors are there out there? >> not enough. >> if you mislabel it, you will cause a classic civilization --
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>> hold on. >> american islamic leader coalition, we have 20 leaders. you pay attention to the -- >> you guys spoken out? >> he agrees with you. >> i know. what i'm saying is, when you say this, that's fine, except your religion has condoned this. >> hang on. let me see if i can -- if i can settle this. you agree that muslims are too quiet about radicalism. >> absolutely. >> you agree they have not spoken out. tell bob. >> it's not radical, it's moderates have not spoken out. they are cowards. >> the reason they continue to be cowards -- >> the saudi family paid for. anyone who is a leader of a muslim country who proports to be -- >> will you join me in
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preventing them in giving them a pass. you are giving them a pass. >> what moderates. i want them fighting with me. >> we need to light a fire under every moderate muslim. >> i admire what you have done. nobody has done -- >> is this a result of the interpretation of the koran? muhammad is a controversial figure. if i would have mentioned certain things about his life, a lot of people would want to kill me. if we talk about his wives, the age of his wives, right? am i wrong in. >> islam needs to go through what america went through. you have the jefferson, the thomas paynes and others who took back from our creator. >> is there anything about muhammad that troubles you? >> not in the way i tell the story. the narrative can be modernized so if it's fit for the seventh
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century, it can be modernized. if you take what we believe as the word of god, it doesn't work. >> let me give you reality on this. >> sean, christians can be prosecuted. the problem i have with it is that u.s. soldiers going how many places in the world? we don't have a lot. so, we are going to be activists to this criminality. that soldier is going into combat. >> a war of ideas. >> no, more than war of ideas, much more. >> he said there was a battle for the master race. this is now, i think on the same level of evil as naziism. convert or die is about a religion. >> it's not islam. it's not islam. >> we have to take a break. >> the war on iraq was wrong?
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>> no. >> more hannity after the break.
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are islamist groups. they teach their followers about jihad about holy war. >> let me judgmemp back to one thing. >> you want to stay away from my answer and answer your question. >> first of all i want to give credit to fox news because coming back to what bob was saying about speaking out. one thing fox news has done has given us a form where we can at least have this discussion whether we agree on everything or not. >> i appreciate you for coming on. >> i appreciate you making it possible not only for me but on behalf of all of the muslims who would like to have a voice. when the 911 came, he hired a studio and hired a professional
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telephone person to do tapes and send them around to all of the channels to let them know how outrages we were about this and how supportive. >> i didn't see people speak out, i can still send you those tapes. >> you can't get around bob's point. >> there needs to be more but -- >> the moderates have been quiet. >> what about the legacy be for our country. >> part of hamas is political of hezbollah are also terrorists. you cannot say that. >> you're giving the broad brush back. you're too smart to do that. the fundamental question is is it really the job and responsibility of the united states of america to eradicate radical islam. >> we don't have the ability by
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ourselves. do we have a responsibility to protect our citizens and israel but beyond that -- >> you made the point to night that they are at war with us. we didn't declare this war. the 9/11 commission report says they are at war with us. right now they are beheading us, they are killing americans and they are going to raise their islamic flag. >> as you two argue this understand the war will have to come out of somebody's mouth. it's called draft. >> if you want to do what you want to do but it's draft. i'm talking draft. >> this is the 21st century cold war. yes, you need military to defeat isis and hamas, the radical groups but it's an ideological war. >> quick answer. is radical islam the next modern nazis that the world is going to have to night. is it becoming that big a
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threat. bob. >> if the world were willing to join with us -- >> yes or no. >> the answer is it's too simplistic we do not have the military to do what you're asking us to do. >> radical islam is the tip of the iceberg. political eyes laislam, it's th war of the 21st century. >> radical people who will do the terrible things that they are doing, yes. but you can't attack -- >> we're already at war. absolutely. >> i agree with you. good to see you all. >> thank you for having us. >> as always we have more hannity coming up right after the break. stay with us. "hannity" coming up right after the break. stay with us. e. his long day of doing it himself starts with back pain... and a choice. take 4 advil in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. honey, you did it! baby laughs!
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