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tv   Shepard Smith Reporting  FOX News  July 22, 2014 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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exercise. when you are 73, vacuuming, moving furniture gives you plenty of exercise. you go, girl. tony says, does working in a 2 million square foot building count if i'm on beck and call all day? if so, seven day as week. thanks for being part of the show. i'm gretchen. clues from the wreckage. ahead this hour, the photos our team took at the plane crash site that could help to determine what happened to malaysian airlines flight 17. major u.s. airlines suspend pilots to israel because of rocket fire risks. what we know about the danger. shootings in chicago. how one of america's most dangerous cities on paper at least is giving navy medical professionals some incredible on-the-job training. we will take you inside the emergency room. plus, different sidewalk lanes for people on cell phones. oh, my god. think that's a good idea? well, it is happening and we
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will show you where. let's get to it. good afternoon. stop pilots to israel. the feds have just laid down the law. the united states airlines are now completely forbidden to fly to or fromaviv. home of israel's main international airport. the reason? it is too dangerous. the federal aviation administration put a 24-hour ban in place after a rocket exploded near the airport. but even before the announcement went out delta airlines and u.s. airways and unitehood already canceled their pilots to tel aviv. now we are learning air france, air canada and several other airlines have also canceled their flights to tel aviv. the european air safety agency is issuing a strong recommendation to avoyid this airport until further notice.
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s in it is the height of the tourist summer season and we are expecting an impact on the israeli economy. important to mention here israel's major air carrier has no flight interruptions at all. remember, israeli forces have been battling militants in gaza for two weeks now. last week, israel launched its major ground offensive in gaza. hamas militants firing more rockets and mortars into israel. so far, more than 550 palestinians confirmed dead and two dozen israelis confirmed dead since the fighting broke out. let's get to laura ingal was more live from new york's jfk airport. about the delta flights. >> about 12:26 a.m. this morning, 200 people boarded that flight and heading to tel aviv having no idea they were going to be making a different landing. we want to show you a map of what happened earlier today
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before all of these cancelations started. the delta 747 on its way to tel aviv from new york's jfk international airport. made a u-turn and diverted to paris. the pilot turned the aircraft around somewhere over greece. nerves understandably are rattled and many airlines are focusing on flight safety after the missile shot down the malaysian pilots air jet over ukraine last week. as you noted israeli forces have been battling gaza militants for two weeks now and all the folks now are in paris as opposed to where they were supposed to be. >> from the united states' perspective, a 24-hour ban, right? >> reporter: that's right. we wouldn't play you a clip from today's state department briefing. deputy spokesperson marie harp said it is the faa's responsibility to keep u.s. citizens safe. >> the faa makes these decisions when they feel it is warranted for the safety of the united states sit sense and in response to the attacks at the air part
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and the vicinity of the airport, after done sultation with u.s. operators, feld today it was important to issue this notice which is in effect for up to 24 hours and they will provide additional guidance to the instructions to the aircraft air operators no less 247b hours from when interest went into effect. >> reporter: we will con to monitor what the faa has to say. >> great. thanks very much. important to moat here in previous conflicts israel has had, the israeli military has already said we were perfectly capable of protecting tel aviv's airport. rockets don't get here and hadn't million this conflict. also important to mention, el al is still flying. they seem not concerned. they have anti-missile or at least the word has always been that they have anti-missile capabilities that might make it a lot safer than the rest of it. at any rate, these are significant developments. many airlines are take extra steps to protect their flights a
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week after the malaysian air flight crashed in ukraine. we have already been informed by every source that an active missile shot the plane down. our produce could back up claims from the officials that said the rebel blew it up likely with russia's help. we have pictures. i want to show you this is part of the jet's fuselage. notice the hole in the aluminum here. aluminum, analysts say they look like shrapnel holes and it is pieces from a missile's warhead apparently just ripped right through there. other pieces that -- again, these are pictures our producers took. other pieces showed dents and scrapes in the plane's experimeexterior. this is a picture of the cockpit now. international observers say that it appears that the rebels sawed off parts of the plane with
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chain saws. hide evidence? we don't have any way to know. and to demonstrate just how unsecured this scene is, here is a picture of a woman taking her goat for a walk. right through the crash site where 298 people died. the investigators say that lack of security is an enormous problem. president obama and other western leaders say the rebels are tampering with evidence, even scaring people away by firing guns in the air. for their part, the separatists deny shooting down the jet and the russian president, vladimir putin, blames ukraine, of course. the u.s. officials are trying to prove the missile came from the rebel-held territory. state department officials say they will release more evidence today but they have already released the missiles -- missile's alleged path. we have a map on the wall over here that this yellow line you are going to see. the yellow shrine the malaysia airlines flight path and you can see where it was headed there. the green line showed the
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missile's path. you can see the missile came from right here. this is the town that everybody talks about. the missile goes up and indicates the missile launched from the rebel-held city in ukraine and not far from the crash site. steve, what are the experts at the crash site now finding? >> for the first time now, five days in, we sought international experts in malaysia. they were at the nose of the plane where the pilot sat and first-class passengers. really what they seem to be finding was what is missing will from the crash site. what's been looted, removed or cut away with saws. their entire visit lasted just about 15 minutes. it seems odd had were led around and guarded by russia-backed rebels. the very people who are accused of taking part in the downing of this plane. no word from them on what they did find. a few pictures and really just got out of there. in the background sometimes will
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was shelling. the very idea you are bogey to be able to carry out what politicians are calling for, a full forensic sweep of the area, ten-square miles and during an active war zone seems unrealistic if you are there on the ground seeing it. >> as the fighting continues is the government of ukraine trying to take this area back? what's happening? >> ukraine military from the government is definitely making a push. they are trying really to seal off the border with russia. they hope that they can isolate the rebels in cities like here to cut off the manpower and hardware. it is very unusual to sort of watch this war. usually when you watch a rebellion the rebels have rifles. they have aks. these are no ordinary rebels. besides the surpass-to-air missiles when they go into battle they have their own tanks and armored personnel carriers. getting them out of here is defeating from the young government and it is going to be a challenge. >> thanks very much.
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much more coming on the ukraine plane crash. including the specific moves that washington could mike to put more pressure on vladimir putin. plus, there is an ultimatum to christians in iraq. you have to convert to islam and pay a tax or die. the it mate up to the christians. that's coming up. ever dream of being the hero? hey, you guys mind warming this fella up for me? i'm gonna go back down, i saw some recyclables. be him with verizon xlte. find a car service. we've doubled our 4g lte bandwidth thanks! in cities coast to coast. hey, don't worry, i got this... so save the day with verizon xlte. on the largest, most reliable network. get the new lg g3 with a quad hd display
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president obama today visited the dutch empassy in d.c. in order to pay respect to nation that had the most victims on that attacked airliner. the president told the dutch people the united states will help investigators find answers. >> we will work with them to make sure that loved ones are recovered and that a proper investigation is conducted and that hopefully justice is done. >> the europeans are making moves but not huge ones. nothing game changing. european leaders threatened to go even further as had almost always do. in this case if the russian president putin does not rein in the rebels but we will see. judging from the wild propaganda playing in russia media it does not appear put swrin ready to back down.
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the state television broadcast a meeting of the comealders and use charts to suggest that ukraine and the united states teamed up to shoot down the jets on purpose. ukraine and the united states did it. that is what the russian people and the people in the east of eye crane are hearing. not the truth but that. p same network is pushing another theory. ukrainians were trying to shoot down president putin's plane that was in the area at the time. they floated this in the very early hours and still floating it. they are floating it on a sea of nothing must because it is hogwash. one russian news website publish ad claim the bodies are from the malaysian air flight that vanished in march and suggests the west dumps the corpses to make russia look bad. they are pretty much pushing any theory that this does not put the -- point the finger on vladimir putin. the former ambassador to
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ukraine. worse than the russians hearing all of this, p nemo the east of ukraine are subject to nothing but russian propaganda television and mode yeah outlets. they don't get anything out of kiev anymore, do they? >> that's absolutely right. it is also true that those people now are thoroughly disillusioned with president putin. they realize that it is his irregular war in their neighborhood which is destroying their lives. >> do you think that's the case? the people in the ground in the east of ukraine, people of russian dissent, they are not saying that to our people at all? >> i can't speak for individuals that your reporters are talking to. but polls have demonstrated that people in the east who are -- give their opinion in a safe manner are now disillusioned with the russian connection. >> i don't know what you do with vladimir putin at this point. the european union and economically and energy-wise tied in with them, they tiptoe around all of this and now a jet
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has come out of the sky and killed 298 people and they are still tiptoeing over there. what's your message to them? >> well, if they want continued disorder and instability in their neighborhood they will continue to pussyfoot around the kremlin's aggression. if sanction were held down by the european union on russia there is a good chance mr. putin would turn back from this irregular war he is leading in ukraine. >> we have been hearing that from the beginning. we heard it back in georgia. we heard this when -- with his last incursion months ago and kept hearing and it hearing it. the europeans sit on their hands. >> that's precisely the problem. after the g-7 met in early june, russia was threatened with name or sanctions and did not stop their aggression in ukraine. after a month passed that disappeared. those threats disappeared. we need action. now is the time for action. the united states has the ability to do this on its own if it choose.
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>> what's the united states to do? is what are we supposed to do? >> well, if we were to criminalize dollar transactions with russian financial institutions, european financial institution was have to go along. otherwise they would be subject to american fines. that's what we did with iran and sudan. that's why bmp, french bank, has to pay $9 billion. this a trump card we could play. it would be better if we didn't have to play it. if europe continues to dither, this is something the obama administration should seriously look at. hundreds of christians have made their way out of iraq's second city because the isis militants warned christians convert to islam or you are dead. red lines on the map here show you how much land is extremists have captured. look at all of that. it includes mosul in northern iraq, many of the christians living there left last month.
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had went further north over kurdish board mother the areas shaded in green here. isis says given the remaining christians in that city now, mosul -- they are giving them until saturday to convert to islam and pay a tax or you face death. a woman decided to rent out her condo through the popular website and you can rent out your home while you are away, short-term, medium-term. make money and it is all very nice. a guy signed up to stay will for a few weeks. now that owner says that the guy is still will and will not leave. he's warning the landlord, i'll sue you. believe it or not, he can do exactly that. why there is a squatter in this lady's place? she can't get rid of him. or daie helps you be ready anytime the moment is right. cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently.
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. have a picture of a condominium for you. a lady rents out her place. pictures of the pool wrought side. basic house rules, simple. no smoking, no pets. no illegal drug use. respect the neighbors. she forgot to add -- you can't stay forever. this woman in california says a guest staying in that condo refuses to leave and is threatening to sue her. the owner says she rents out her condo through a website that pare pairs homeowners with people. take look at her listing. i showed you some of it. clean, quiet. people gave the condo five stars. a gated community. few minutes wrought side palm springs. 65 buck as might. not bad. now the owner says the latest guest checked in at the end of may and was supposed to leave on the 8th of july but she says the
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tenant started complain being the cloudy tap water and gate in front of her complex so he didn't pay for the last two weeks of the stay. when it came time for him to move out, he said no, that's it, just not moving. owner threatened to turn off the electricity and then he threatened to take her to court. you see, under california law he earned renter's protection because he lived there more than 30 days. same sort of thing happens in new york city. the land lord can't kick you out. in order to get him out she has to go through a very long and quite expensive eviction process. the owner says she notified b and b but workers were slow to action. a spokesman for the company said they paid her the full amount for his stay and will help get her legal support. which is not quite enough. it is going inform take two. these renters rules are great
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for people that will get screwed over by landlords. they can't just kick you out on the streets but that's not what this was supposed to be. >> that's true. yes. this is supposed to be a temporary stay but, unfortunately, under california law, because this stay was scheduled for more than 30 days, the unlawful detainer law kick medical. -- kicked in. inned to remove somebody lawfully from your house who is protected under the law you have to give them notice and it has to be properly served notice and then if that notice was properly served and the person does not move out, you then have to file an action in unlawful detainer court. that person -- rentter would have five days to respond if they don't respond, then you can start default judgment proceedings. if they respond, then you would go to trial. that could take months. it could take would months to get a trial date. tall while this person is not paying rent or utilities. you as a landlord are
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responsible for providing things like plumbing and electricity and making sure the premises are safe or you could be sued. >> wow. is the moral here i shouldn't rent out anyplace for more than 30 days? that's when this kicks in. >> the moral is you have to be careful who you are renting to. in this particular situation, if they had kept the tenancy to 30u7bd days then it would not be subject to the unlawful detainer laws. but because it was a lengthier process, i think there needs to be more vetting involved. there needs to be more of an investigation into who is this person, how long are they going to stay, have they had a history of filing these type of actions before. this is -- pretty sophisticated squaw tore that understands his rights under the law and knows she has to paw for him to have a place to live while they fight this out. >> of course that law was put into place long before there ever was this airbnb.
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it seems like they need a law tweak. >> yes. there definitely needs to be some sort of provision in the law that protects companies like airbnb from this type of action. basically clarifies that it is not a tenancy. it is not meant to be a long-term rental and it does not create a month-to-month landlord-tenant-type relationship that you would have in a regular apartment. unfortunately that does not exist in the law and as of right now and it is unclear if that's in the works. >> diana aizman. thank you. next time you are walking down the sidewalk in a big city and a bunch of people are blocking the way, yammering on their phones or looking for something on a map, listen to this. folks in d.c. tried to split up a sidewalk. one lane for cell phone talkers and another lane for everybody else. how do you think that went? how about we just have the right to anyone that's busy texting, anyone that's busy texting, we
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should be able to run them over? physically run them over and leave their there in the street. >> this may be help trying to prevent that. this is in washington, d.c. last week had stencil flood the sidewalk clearly one lane for no cell phones and the other lane for people on their phones. walk in this lane at your own risk. it was an experiment for a show they are launching. it was looking at behavior of the masses. they even tried to help people out in the cell phone lane by giving them arrows over here. when you are all glazed over and texting and not paying attention you know where to walk. this guy clearly on his phone is not even on the right side of the sidewalk. a lot of people standing around watching this noted that not a ton of people caught on right away. it could be a while before something like this would really catch on with the masses. >> i always thought maybe there should be lane for tourists and a lane for new yorkers in midtown. >> like that one. it is like dodging people left and right trying to get
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anywhere. >> they move so slowly, these tourists. we are in a hurry to do nothing. >> all the time. >> thank you. what do you think about putting cell phone lanes on sidewalks? wasted time? good idea? send us your tweets. we may read some of them later p mala . malaysian air flight offering money to victims' families. who could end up paying? those who shot down the plane? ha! the airline for flaying in dangerous area? i don't kno factors like diet cn negatively impact good bacteria? even if you're healthy and active.
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phillips digestive health support is a duo-probiotic that helps supplement good bacteria found in two parts of your digestive tract. i'm doubly impressed! phillips' digestive health. a daily probiotic.
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more headlines. forecasters say cooler temperatures and rain could help firefighters who are battling that massive wildfire in seattle. they say they are worried about lightning now. officials say that the flames
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torched an area about the size of indianapolis. it is the biggest fire in the history of that state. california's governor signed a bill putting new limits on mid and high school football practices to cut down on concussions. under the new rules coaches can not run drills using game speed tackling during offseason. only two weekly sessions are allowed during the season. the law takes effect next year. future king of england, principle george, turned 1 today. his parents, prince william and his wife kate, released these photos to mark the occasion. prince george ape sly fascinated by that butter fly. he's also apparently walking on his own now. óqoqúúñ@
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we at pox news learned u.s. officials do plan to release new intelligence on the jet attacked in eastern ukraine. that new intelligence is coming out later today. of course this area is incredibly dangerous. in fact just about 40 miles from
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the site, new video is reported to show a pro-russian fighter today next to what he claims are the bodies of dead ukrainian soldiers and destroyed ukrainian tank. we can't independently confirm that. but there is no question this is a chaotic and unstable region. getting to the bought bottom crash is dangerous job even for investigators. the author of "the world's most dangerous planes" joining us. >> they are shot down about ten aircraft, helicopters and transport. it looks like a lot of people involved skilled. looks like they have sophisticated but run by unskilled people. >> pet troll judgment driving the power they have to avert disaster because of their actions, isn't it? >> yes. russia is taking an aggressive stance since 1999 since putin came into power and part of his goal is to create dissent and
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insurgency where they have ethnic russians and then she supposed to come in like the white knight to save the people and i think he overstepped himself in eastern ukraine. >> how big of a problem for putin is his reality that his population keeps shrinking? i read in some places that you suggest that is the reason he needs more territory because he needs more people. >> the russian view of what they should control goes back to the soviet days and back of the kingdom but bottom line is that russians -- according to their own statistics they only have about 2,000 new citizens last year and some say they lost half a million. just by grabbing these areas where they are ethnic russians he is picking up 2 million new russian citizens. it is part after survival mode as well. >> is he working from a soviet playbook? >> yes. soviets are famous for telling one thing while they are doing another thing and then saying no, that's not what we meant. if you watch what's going to transpire, you are going to see a lot of information, very
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conflicting, come out from a number of russian sources to create the sense of doubt that there's so much other stuff out will. but the sad truth is that this is an incident that can be traced directly back to vladimir putin and the russian army supplying the rebels with this type of equipment. >> back it up like two weeks and come forward and tell me, so, putin's russians are going to shoot an international jetliner out of the sky and really so far at least nothing is going to happen. i don't even think i would have believed it. but nothing has happened. >> yeah. something is going to happen. believe me. they are having the -- gathering the information now. i think you will see in the next couple of days very serious charges being made. >> i know there will be charges. i gist wonder how you enforce anything against that guy. >> you won't. that's the problem. you have germany and you have most of europe on the lifeline of russia's gas supply. all putin has to do is say okay, you don't like me anymore, you can complain in the dark. >> brilliant move in hindsight to be so tied up with that bunch, isn't it?
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>> yeah. >> robert young pelton. thanks. analysts say that the plane has an enormous problem for insurance companies and that the victims and their government will likely seek millions of dollars in payout. who wouldn't? let's take a look at the wall. malaysia airlines is already reporting that it will give the victims' families $5,000 piece for immediate financial assistance. $5,000 apiece. officials say that they are also providing hotel rooms, meals, transportation, caregivers, offer emotional support, all of that sort of thing. in addition, the company is calling the payments, quote, you can stay on the wall. i'm walking away so the viewers can see. i should have walked over there in first place. that's my mistake. calling the payment, quote, good will and claiming the money will not affect future settlement. legal analysts say that it could be tough just to figure out who should pay for the crash. gerri willis is here.
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who pays? >> well, i have to tell you, it could be malaysian air. they have a $2.5 billion insurance policy that they are set to tap. reporting today that there is month real cap on that policy for the insurance company standing behind it. it is anybody's guess. what about russia? russia, who has said to have supplied the missiles that ultimately took down the airline. anybody can get sued. let's face it. you can go to a court of law and sue just about anybody you want to. let's talk about the money. let's talk about the dollars and cents. $5,000 is not going to cut it. minimum is going to be $150,000. people are saying it could be tens of millions of dollars and i just mentioned the ca the insurance policy is in the billions. >> not just families who can sue you. if you are a wronged party -- >> you are a wronged party. what happen it is the country sues? the u.s. is well known for suing
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in these kinds of situations. we typically get top dollar. this could go and on. remember, lockerbie? it took families 20 years to get payment. so this could go on for a while. the malaysian air flight from the summer 370, those folks already started getting money. could it take a while for all of this to settle out. >> gerri willis, we will see you this afternoon. >> thank you. the president of nigeria today met with the families of the kidnapped school girls for the first time since the -- extremists abducted them months ago. tomorrow marks 100 days since terrorists from boca haram took the girls. he had not met with the relatives of the girls. not until now. this comes as assault is continued taking control of a town outside the village where they took those girls. analysts say there is a strong
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credit in borno. officials say the latest raid left dozens of people dead and some 15,000 people have escaped the area. more from our newsroom here in new york. what did the president say there to the families? >> his message was that his administration is doing everything possible not just to rescue the girls but also to root out boca haram from nige a nigeria. more 507b girls escaped and attended too much. the nigerian president posed for photographs with them. the top pry sort to safely return the kidnapped girls to their parents. some of the escapees spoke as well. >> spoke in great detail about the experience and what they went through. yes. open and upfront. everybody was encouraged. >> the president has not visited the town where the girls were kidnapped. boko haram has been attacking surrounding villages and there are shortages of food, money and
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fuel there. >> they haven't found these girls. it is unbelievable to outsiders. >> i spoke with a spokesman for the military and he tells me he knows where the girls are being held but says his country is not willing to risk a rescue that would endanger them. last week boko haram released a new vidindividuavideo. there will be month negotiations. >> a government channel has been opened to dialogue. dialogue but not negotiation. and all of this put together with our own efforts, we are optimistic that we'll soon achieve the ultimate of having the girls back alive and well. >> according to the associated press, the nearly 100 days since the girls went missing, 11 of their parents died. some in the attack and other in the conditions the community blaims blame from trauma.
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medical professionals in the navy are getting really incredible on-the-job training. thanks to a new military training program and that program takes place inside of a hospital in one of our nation's deadliest cities. mike tobin takes us inside the emergency room in chicago.
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incredible on-the-job training.
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incredible on-the-job training. . . . incredible on-the-job training.
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headlines from aamerica. first stop in monday machine. rape victim looked, quote, older than her chronological age and got a public reprimand. the judge did, from the state supreme court. the former teachder 30 days in prison for raping his 14-year-old student. the girl killed herself before the case went on rile. the judge later apologized for his comment. the state supreme court has also suspended him for one month and a different judge is said to give the teach area brand-new sentence in september. texas at least three people
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ended up with severe burns when a house exploded this morning north of houston. that's according to the sheriff there. investigators say it could take weeks before they figure out what caused this thing. in kentucky, surveillance video captured the moment a train slam flood a tractor trailer hauling fluid. lighter fluid that is. this all happened friday. south of lexington. remarkably everybody survived and the semi driver recovering in the hospital. investigators say he missed a turn and department of transportation not notice the train was coming until it was way too late. fox news getting a look inside after brand-new military training program. a major hospital in chicago. the city is struggling with gun violence. navy officials say that the program is designed to help military doctors and nurses and other medical specialists prepare for intense combat situations. our mike tobin was in chicago this afternoon. how has this partnership come
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about? >> nothing can really simulate a war zone as effectively as the mean streets of chicago. the navy has partnered with cook county stroger hospital. they are treating victims of the unreelementarying gang violence on chicago's south and west side. >> here in the states there are only three or four hospitals where we see a lot of penetrating trauma of which cook county is one of the major places so it is -- this is a perfect place for our guys to be taking care of wounds and taking care of critically old people that have been stabbed and shot, et cetera. >> not only do the -- mop only do the medics take information they get from the doctors in the combat, but they can teach doctors about the way wounds manifest out in the field. >> what do the doctors say about the difference between treating wounds from gang violence and combat wounds? >> for starters, in -- down range, i should say, they shoot the ak-47. high-velocity 762 round that
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tears up everything when it hits a person. by contrast, gang land shoot are primarily involving handgun, lower velocity and lower caliber bullets that produces somewhat of a relatively meet and tidy wound. oftentimes people that are caught in a cross fire in the city are not that healthy. they have bad blood pressure and things of that nature. out in the field your soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines are generally fit before they get injured but the big difference is that in the hospital there is a doctor present. in combat that's a medic. that's the only person stopping the bleeding and keeping that warrior breathing. getting beaten in the head with a pistol turned out to be lifesaver for one guy. wait million you hear what doctors found when they went to treat a store clerk's wound from a robbery. it turns out eight hours of sleep may not be the best at all. we will tell you what scientists are say being how long you really should sleep. something like three hours? that sounds right to me. not to doctors, though.
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i'm just getting word of a really bad scene in washington state. a helicopter has gone down. the word has just come in. live pictures. we will go straight there with the help of our station komo coming up next. ♪ ♪ ♪here i am. rock you like a hurricane♪ fiber one now makes cookies. find them in the cookie aisle.
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helicopter. we just have not seen it, and we don't have more information, and when we get more information, we'll bring it to you right away. a robber saved the life of a convenience owner after he severely beat a guy in the head with his gun. that's according to the victim's doctors. while they treated the man for an injuries, they discovered a massive brain tumor. how long before the brain tumor might have killed him? >> not long, shep. if they had not found it when they did, this 30 -year-old jeremy william would have gone to sleep one night and not woke up. when they stitched up his head, they did a cat scan and found a golf ball sized tumor on his ear near the left ear. listen now to jeremy willie. >> they said that there was a lot of activity around it because it was pretty big. everyone wanted to see it.
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nervous when that came in, have you seen the picture, how big it is, yeah, we've seen it. >> needs two more surgeries to get the rest of the tumor, suffering partial paralysis and hearing loss. the doctors hope those get better with time. shep? >> he knew he was about to get robbed? >> he's been robbed before, and as soon as the guy walked in the store and covered his face, he knew he was going to be robbed again so his idea was just to cooperate, and it didn't matter because the guy beat him over the head with the gun anyway. also beat one of his fellow employees. jere jeremy's wife was asked about that whole blessing in disguise thing. here's what she says. >> we hear that a lot, and i'm sure we'll look back and think that's exactly what it is, hard to always feel blessed by what's
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happened, but we're just thankful they found it. >> even though they have a very good picture, surveillance picture of the suspect, he's still at large. shep? >> trace, thanks. you've heard eight hours of sleep, that's what you need, eight hours of sleep, get eight hours of sleep, right? it could be too much. that's according to several new studies. doctors typically recommend seven to nine hours, but scientists say new research shows folks function at the best when they get an average of seven hours. researchers say getting too much sleep is bad for your health. it's linked to a obesity, diabetes, and even heart disease. we asked what do you think about putting cell phone lanes on sidewalks? sarah has your responses. i don't know. d.c., what do you think? >> well, a lot of people sent in responses to this. steven on facebook says, no, let them walk in the street and let them get hit by drivers who are
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on their cell phones. >> okay. >> jennifer on facebook says only if there's random poles in the lane. that would be entertaining. and another says, are there fines for passing on the cell phone? this is silly, get off the phone and watch where you are going. >> they won't. >> not any time soon. on twitter, people don't follow lanes on the interstate, what makes you think they'll do so on the sidewalk? this tweeter says we'll need a license to walk and talk, a pnd for pedestrians. >> not a bad idea, actually. >> this tweeter says -- oh, that's what i just read. >> same one. bottom one? >> there we go. put speed bumps in. >> that's not a bad idea, they would trip and fall all themselves, hilarious. have a camera there. >> yes, indeed. >> thank you. we'll be right back.
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that's flying by the beetles, and now in memory of the late star, george harrison died because of a beetle infestation. apparently, the bugs ate the thing. folks planted the pine tree in the early 2000s. park officials say the tree grew more than 10 feet, but that the beetle onslaught was too much for it to take. well, on this day in 1987, the soviet leader announced that he was ready to negotiate a ban on interimmediate range nuclear missiles with no conditions. for two years, they debated against the ban which ronald reagan put in place, and at one point, signs indicated both nations were close to the agreement, and it fell through. in summer of '87, there was a change of heart, and they signed a treaty banning an entire class
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of nuclear weapons, but he agreed to talk about the nukes 27 years ago. today. when news breaks out, we break in because breaking news changes everything on fox news channel." your world" with neil cavuto starts now. >> airlines to tel-aviv are scarce. all u.s. flights banned to the region. a week ago, that was unthinkable, but now half flight 17, it's undenialble. stay out. i'm neil cavuto. carriers flying in and out of israel, delta, american, united, u.s. air are not risking it, and the former 9/11 commission chair says we don't know the half of it, why tom caine is worried about something bigger, and why


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