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tv   The Real Story With Gretchen Carlson  FOX News  July 9, 2014 11:00am-12:01pm PDT

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>> nice choice. great to have eric with us again today. we'll be back tomorrow. thanks for joining us. "the real story" with gretchen starts now. >> thanks, guys. in just an hour from now, president obama heading to texas where the immigration crisis is coming to a head. hi, everyone. i'm gretchen carlson. hope you're having a great day. welcome to "the real story." the president is going to meet with governor rick perry and faith based leaders for that roundtable discussion over what to do about the tens of thousands of people flooding our southern border. as the u.s. remains divided on how to deal with border security and immigration reform, the senate homeland security committee held a hearing on the crisis today. and the head of fema saying the kids are coming across faster than they can find a place to put them. but critics and lawmakers or the hill today say that no matter how crowded those detention centers get, the gaps in border security create incentive for more to come over. all right. so this is a huge day.
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the president agreed to meet face to face with governor rick perry. wouldn't you love to be a fly on the wall? >> i think we'll get a sense of how that roundtable goes from numerous people including governor perry tonight after all of this is said and done. i do think this is a moment because the white house was forced to have this meeting. it came after governor perry said, listen, i'm not going to show up for a handshake at the airport. we need to talk about this crisis. >> i want you to listen to an interview that happened this morning with a democrat. listen to this exchange about how he says that he was pressured by the white house, well, to shut up. >> a lot of times this administration gets angry when their own party speaks up and speaks out. ask cory booker about that. have you gotten that call? >> yes, i have. but let me just say this.
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i'm more concerned not about who gets angry at me at the white house. i'm more concerned about my constituents. >> who called you? >> we'll just leave it like that. >> what do you make of that? it's not the first time. brian brought up the fact that cory booker, now a senator in new jersey, faced the same kind of so-called penalty after he spoke up. what do you make of this? >> it's the white house saying, you know, enough hammering us. however, to the representative's credit, being a democrat, he has not stopped talking since that call that he talked about this morning. he has gone further and said it really is bizarre to see pictures of president obama playing pool in colorado while he's going to texas and he will be 200 miles from the border and yet won't see the crisis that's developing there. for democrats to say that, obviously it's significant. he probably is getting pushback within his own party but it's significant that going to the
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border is becoming a call from republicans and democrats. >> no doubt. meantime, president obama holding a fund-raiser in colorado just minutes from now for a senator. only problem is the senator is not going to be there deciding to skip his own event. you can see the invite right on the screen there. it had his name on it. the senator says it's because he had to vote at the confirmation hearing for the next hud secretary but castro won that vote. even though cameras aren't allowed at the fundraisers, it seems apparent that udall didn't want to be seen in any capacity next to the president. >> it's definitely true. this will be a tight race in colorado. cory gardner is a tough opponent for mark udall and clearly udall is running away from the white house and this is all part of it. we saw it with mary landrieu in louisiana earlier in the year. it's interesting to see senator udall say a last-minute vote and
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legislative activity. as you pointed out, 71-26 didn't hinge on the colorado senator's vote on that input for castro. he mentioned that he's working on a piece of legislation to try to counter the hobby lobby contraception ruling in the supreme court. clearly the udall campaign believes targeting women on this particular issue is something that will turn their numbers around. numbers that don't look good for them right now. >> all right. bret, we'll be sure to watch you at 6:00 eastern on "special report." thanks much. no wonder we didn't know more about the many disasters at va medical centers across the country before. why? there was apparently a sinister culture of retaliation and retribution against any whistle-blower who dared to speak up. right now there are 67 active complaints by veterans affairs employees being investigated. each claim they were punished for reporting problems at va
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health centers. the special council investigating revealing those cases aren't isolated to one or two problem spots but spread out across 28 states with claims of re retaliation taking place in 45 different facilities. one whistle-blower revealing harassment after binging his concerns to the white house cheap of staff. >> my employment records were illegal i altered. i was illegally placed on permanent work detail by the assistant deputy undersecretary and acting chief business officer. >> florida congressman jeff miller is chair of the veterans affairs committee and he's my guest today. i know you were at this hearing last night. you heard that kind of testimony. how outrageous is this going to become before something is actually done, congressman? >> i tell you, this has been something we've been looking at for a long time. unfortunately you've got whis e
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whistle-blowers out there retaliated against and what va has done is start a whisper campaign on anybody and everybody basically that has tried to draw attention to the serious culture of corruption that exists within the department of veterans affairs. >> i think a lot of people are wondering, 67 claims of retaliation thus far. that number is going to go up, right? >> i'm sure it will. last night we had four whistle-blowers, three physicians and one general service employee. all of which gave very compassionate testimony. very believable testimony. and in fact the va when they stepped forward to the table afterwards in the second panel very clearly had to apologize for what they had heard. this is not isolated in one or two places. this unfortunately i think is systemic throughout the entire agency. >> you know, when i speak to veterans or i hear from them on facebook or twitter, one of the major concerns that they have is
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that this will be another crisis that we pay attention to for a short time and then it will all go away. is that what's going to happen? >> not in this congress. i can tell you that we finally have got the republicans and democrats working together to try to solve the crisis that exists out there. i don't know what drew the media's attention to this crisis but thankfully many folks have in fact brought it to america's attention. we cannot afford to miss this opportunity to change the way va delivers healthcare and the benefits to the veterans of this country who have earned them. >> we have been dedicated to showcasing this story here on "the real story." my final question to you, congressman, what will happen to these people that testified last night and those who continue to come forward? are they going to get their jobs back? >> most of them are still employed at the va. one physician no longer works there. he was actually hired as chief of staff of psychiatry and when
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he tried to blow the whistle, he was demoted to another position. the other three are still working at the va. we made it clear to the department and we'll make it clear to the acting secretary as well, if anything happens to these individuals, any type of reprisal brought upon them because of the whistle-blower thing that they brought forward, there will be consequences to the department. it is illegal in fact to beat down a whistle-blower who is trying to bring bad news out of an agency that has a culture of corruption. >> it's illegal. there was that e-mail exchange in the last week where the department of veterans affairs tried to still get people to stop talking. it's an amazing development. we'll continue to follow it. congressman miller, thanks for your time. >> thanks, gretchen. fox news alert to tell you about because ten years behind bars is what's going to happen for new orleans former mayor ray
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nagin. a federal judge handing down the sentence on the conviction of money laundering and other charges. he denies any wrongdoing. prosecutors say he accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars from businessmen seeking city contracts while he was in office. he's scheduled to report to federal prison this september. breaking developments in what started out as a very bizarre case where a teenage girl reportedly wrote a chilling entry in our journal before she vanished. it said "if you're reading this i'm either missing or dead." dan springer is live in seattle with the update on this disturbing story. what do you know now? >> we got some pretty good news. we just spoke with police and they are now saying 17-year-old angie dean is definitely alive and moving from house to house still in the portland area. they are treating her as a runaway. she are probably a day or two behind her. i just got off the phone with angie's mother and she's afraid her daughter has been lured into
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prostitution. she disappeared june 23rd. that's when her parents found a notebook hidden under her bed. two weeks earlier she wrote "if you're reading this i'm either missing or dead." she texted a boy she's been dating for a month that she's in danger because people she's involved with threatened to kill her boyfriend and the family. they have arranged for angie's parents to be interviewed by local and national media. police tell me that they are confident they will find angie soon. they spoked to people who housed her in recent days. there was information about a guy that dropped angie off at her house the day she went missing. they are not pursuing that driver or car as leads anymore. this sounds like a troubled girl that got in with the wrong crowd and hopefully they'll find her soon. >> good news to report. thank you. the irs commissioner john
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koskinen is on the hot seat right now. live pictures out of capitol hill. what he says about a new report about the irs claims that his agency made billions of dollars in payments to the wrong people. and new hope for a u.s. marine jailed in mexico as he gets a chance minutes from now to tell his side of the story to a judge about how he made that wrong turn and crossed the border with three registered guns in his truck. >> one pilot doing the right thing for passengers. stuck on a plane. pizza anyone? you got to love that guy. don't miss red lobster's new! lobster toppers event. four entrées, starting at just $15.99. like our new lobster-topped wood-grilled shrimp... or the new! lobster-topped lobster. and now for lunch,
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irs chief john koskinen back in the hot seat again taking questions about poor record keeping this time at the irs. after a new report showing widespread fiscal mismanagement. by its own estimate, the government made $1 billion in improper payments last year alone on tax credits to unqualified families and medical payments for possibly unnecessary treatments. another live look at the hearing under way. lawmakers haven't gotten to the meat of the matter yet. here's koskinen and darrell issa having a lengthy discussion
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before the start of today's hearing. no word on what they said to each other. issa did send the irs chief a letter asking him if he wanted to revise his recent testimony concerning thousands of lost e-mails belonging to lois lerner. a lot to talk about here. great to see the two of you. i don't know if you see that video. you have issa and koskinen who are going to have a fiery exchange any moment from now. they're huddling together for about seven minutes before the start of this thing. what the heck is going on? >> i think what's going on here is similar to a court of law where you have the defense attorney and the prosecution going at it and then after they go out for a beer. with this they kind of were having a verbal beer if you will. cocktail seven minute hour beforehand. i think this is good so the american people can get a
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glimpse of the fact that there is a -- although there is interrogation and questioning, there is a certain amount of grandstanding, theatrics and certainly politics at play here. i think this exchange with great smiles between the two is proof of that. >> how do you know when you see those smiles that they're not just saying something totally different behind the smiles. >> this is more like pro wrestling. this is washington equivalent of a cage match. it's expected to get ugly before it gets any prettier. of course there's a bit of civility and darrell issa is painted in the media as a bad guy and he's going up there acting like a normal guy and greeting mr. koskinen as chairman. committee. standard pleasantries being exchanged. >> they have a lot of business
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to discuss because now we find out that aside from these missing e-mails which they'll probably get to, now we find out that the irs waste a bunch of our taxpayer money. >> honor leftestlyhonestly, yes. this is not new. when i started to look at this, i went back one year and i kept going back and i went back through the bush administration, clinton administration. this is unfortunately been going on for decades. i hate the irs. i'm sure i'm not the only american that does. this past year the problem is that you have too many people who don't pay taxes, not enough people in the irs to go after them. too many people who are getting refunds who are deceased or unemployment benefits, social security, that don't have to have those. we also have to look that there are billions of dollars intercepted this past april, 75
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of that went towards some of these debts that are over ten years old. >> i think the american people are sitting home going really? the idea that the irs can make these mistakes but certainly if the three of us did, we would be audited in a heartbeat. before i let you go, talk to me about what you think could happen with regard to being questioned about these lois lerner e-mails. issa wanted koskinen back in front of him because he's giving him a chance to retestify because there are facts that didn't add up between lois lerner's attorney and what koskinen said about printing out hard copies of those e-mails. >> and darrell issa has been very polite and courteous on this offering koskinen the opportunity to revise and extend his remarks which were obviously untrue in many instances and that ought to be a problem. you know, this is as far as april concerned is the rosemary
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woods, richard nixon missing tape. e-mails don't disappear. mr. koskinen has been less than truthful. i like quoting the liberal george washington law professor who says that barack obama is the president that richard nixon always wanted to be. i think that's a little insulting to richard nixon. hopefully we'll get to the bottom of the e-mail debacle and we'll find out what was said by the senior irs officials and get to the bottom of this truly all of awful scandal. >> got to wrap it there. have a great day. a line of powerful storms spawning some very dangerous weather with folks caught right in the thick of it all. >> i saw it come by. it looked like a big white cloud coming by. you couldn't see. it was that heavy. >> what exactly was it? and is more severe weather on the way? we're live with that story. a new reality show where
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real life couples get married but here's the hook. they've never seen each other. a team of experts use extreme scientific match making to make sure they are compatible in every possible way and then they get hitched. that brings us to our facebook question of the day. what do you think about this extreme scientific match making and getting married having never met your partner before? would you ever consider doing that with the high rate of divorce do you think there could be something to it? tweet me at gretchen carlson. we'll read your comments at the end of show. you can tell me how you met your mate, too.
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if you suffer from constipation, you will likely also suffer from gas. introducing new dulcogas, which starts working to eliminate gas bubbles in minutes for effective relief. dulcogas, from the makers of dulcolax- nothing relieves gas faster.
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you don't hear this story
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all the time. there was a special delivery to win back some frustrated passengers when a frontier airlines pilot bought pizza for those on a denver bound flight that boarded in washington, d.c. and were stranded for hours in wyoming. what do we know about this pilot that everyone loves today? >> first of all, they were told to circle nebraska for about 35, 40 minutes until the weather cleared in denver. finally they were diverted to cheyenne, wyoming. the passengers were very hungry. at 10:00 at night, the frontier pilot calls domino's and says i need to feed 160 people fast. the pizza place was just about to close up but the manager called back all of the employees and said we need to get back to work and 35 pizzas later they were delivered to the airport where the flight attendants took the piezzas and handed them out
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to passengers. frontier airlines confirms the pizza party happened but the airline has yet to give us a comment. the pilot did give us a comment. listen to him. >> we take care of each other and i figured it's time to take care of my passengers here and i called domino's and ordered pizza. i'm known for whoever is with me, they're not going to go hungry. >> about 400 bucks for the tab. we think the pilot picked up the tab. we can't confirm this but we're told the 35 pizzas were delivered in 30 minutes or less. and the passengers finally made their way onto denver. a pretty good pilot. >> you hear horror stories on planes, the idea this is a good story and he paid for it on his own is fantastic. thanks so much. see you soon.
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president obama not getting a great reception in colorado and isn't expected to have one in texas either as thousands of illegal immigrants crossing the border without parents being warehoused in those giant detention centers. whistle-blowers say the government is covering up serious health threats as well. we're going to talk to a congressman who just came back from one of those camps in san antonio. plus, ceiling fans can get dusty. what does it take to deep clean that giant whale hanging from the ceiling in a new york city museum. right back. ugh. heartburn.
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fox news alert. because we're about to tell you about the president's road trip right now. he's in denver attending a fund-raiser for a democratic senator who didn't even show up for it. next hour he'll head to dallas, texas, where governor rick perry won't greet him on the tarmac. chief white house correspondent ed henry is traveling with the president today. hi, ed. does the president have a plan to combat this crisis on the border? >> reporter: it depends on who you talk to. the democrats say the president has been pushing for years to get comprehensive immigration reform. you listen to texas republicans on the senate loor ripping into the president. what he's saying is let's stop talking about this broader reform when we have a crisis on
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the border right now and even though the president agreed to meet with governor rick perry, they say it's not enough. >> i doubt the governor will get in a word because the president will deliver another lecture. he's pretty good at that. that's 500 miles from where the problem is is how can you have a humanitarian crisis as the white house calls this and not want to go see it for yourself. maybe you will actually learn something. >> democrats say this is not about a porous border and the kids from central america are not trying to sneak in and they are willing to be apprehended because they want to try to stay in this country. democrats say that they just have to find -- what the white house is trying to do is find a humane way to process all of these people. listen. >> the process is the bottleneck. the administration is enforcing the law. this is not a case of a lack of enforcement. >> reporter: the president
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pushing for $3.7 billion in emergency funds to deal with this crisis. speaker boehner is mad the president didn't include sending the national guard to the border to secure the border once and for all. we're getting late word that governor perry may join me here at the airport at love field and may greet the president when he gets here. he had initially said he wouldn't do that. now that they'll have a meeting later on, some reports suggest the governor might greet him here. >> very interesting. i want to acquaint our viewers to the map of where the president is going to be here. this right here is the rio grande district area where most illegals are coming through to the state of texas. we have dallas up here. the president will be there in an hour 500 miles down to the border. now tomorrow he's going to be in austin, texas, which is less than that. 300 miles down to the border. and yet no planned visit. the question for you now is he's facing heat from both sides of the fence, right?
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>> reporter: your right. you have some democrats, a texas congressman on fox this morning out there for several days saying this may be the president's katrina in terms of a slow response. you go to the border and talk to border patrol guards and then you have republican ted cruz with sarcasm taking a google map and tweeting it out saying mr. president, there's plenty of routes for you to go from dallas or austin to get to the border. the president will go through a series of fundraisers and remarks on the economy. a texas barbecue fund-raiser. 10,000 bucks a person. the barbecue better be good if it's 10,000 bucks a person. >> with extra sauce. thank you, ed. my next guest saw the immigration crisis up close and personal. he was among a congressional delegation that just toured a facility that houses the growing surge of undocumented children
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who have crossed our southern border illegally. a republican from texas joins me now. good to see you, congressman. >> good to see you, gretchen. thanks for having me on. >> what did you see when you went to this visit? >> well, it was heartbreaking. i saw 1,200 teenagers that were homeless and i was frustrated that our president and this administration refuses to secure our border. >> i understand you were not allowed to take photos, right? >> that's correct. >> why was that? >> i'm sure they don't want american people to see optics of what's going on when you have to deal with 1,200 kids that don't speak english that endured a long trip that are consuming services provided by the american taxpayers. they are being clothed and fed and given medical treatment and educational courses and basically they are being completely taken care of. i think that's one of the
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reasons that you probably don't see the president on the border. i think optics of that is not good for the president. >> i know that you've been critical of the president's immigration policies. what would you do, what would be a solution from you, congressman, about the dire situation, the crisis that we have on the border right now? >> you're going to have to deter people from doing this. right now the president said if you can get here, you can stay here. we have to change that around. i think what we're going to have to do is start turning kids around very quickly and sending them right back to the countries that they came from. we can't process them and wait months and months because the numbers are increasing on a daily basis. >> would you recommend that we deport all of these kids now? >> yes. >> you know that you're against other people within your own party who believe that some of them should stay here? >> well, gretchen, i think the problem is that we set a precedent here and if we don't change that precedent, this problem is not going away.
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when people talk about immigration reform, you cannot have new laws until you start enforcing the laws that you have today and what we have is administration that's not enforcing the laws and not securing the border. >> before you go, congressman, will you support the bill that the president has put in front of congress at least the request for billions of dollars? >> we're going to have to take a look at that. what the american people want is to secure the border and accountability here. the president will have to show plan on how he intends to do that before people throw more money at a problem he doesn't seem to think of as much of a problem. >> congressman, thank you very much for your time. extreme weather across a broad section of the country. let's go out to ohio. a line of severe thunderstorms producing three twisters, damaging homes and other buildings across three counties near akron. luckily no reports of any injuries there. meantime, upstate new york, a tornado leaving a path of destruction killing five people including a 4-month-old baby.
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and those same storms also being blamed for the death of a child in maryland when a tree fell at a summer camp. chief meteorologist is live in the fox extreme weather center. it's summertime. we expect this weather. a horrible storm up in new york yesterday. >> over 400 reports of severe wind causing damages across a lot of the northeast yesterday. you see this here on radar here. more storms beginning to fire. storms firing through ohio last night. you see storms racing through and across much of the northeast. an incredible line of storms moved on through. you see that there. behind it now starting to see more storms fire. it's still hot and still humid and take a look at a broad part of the country seeing spotty severe weather. thunderstorms likely not getting to severe limits. a couple areas where we'll see that and it will be winds that are in the 60-mile-an-hour range across the high plains, kansas, nebraska, colorado and across parts of the northeast again this afternoon as the day heats up we'll continue to see the
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storms firing all of the way through here. possibly tomorrow again across parts of mid-atlantic and some heavy rain falling there could cause localized flooding. one spot temperaturewise where we don't see any of that is here. look at these temperatures. marquette, michigan, only 62 degrees. some very nice, cool air here to the south of it is where it's hot and humid and that's where those thunderstorms fire. >> thanks for the update, rick. workers doing a whale of a job cleaning a famous blue whale. millions of people have seen her. have you? life sized model hanging from the ceiling in the american museum of natural history here in new york city. so once a year workers get out there long handed brushes and vacuums to wipe away the dust and dirt. now that it's all clean, you can actually sleep with the fishes so to speak including that whale. the museum now offering for the first time a sleepover for grown-ups. something kids have been doing for years. a night at the museum even if you're an adult.
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time to check in with shepard smith reporting live from the fox news deck. i never knew they have to clean that guy. >> they have to clean everything from time to time or it just stays dirty. >> what do you have coming up? >> chaos in the middle east is out of control. heaviest fighting we've seen between israel and hamas in years. and israel's defense minister is warning this conflict will expand in the coming days. yesterday we heard sirens and saw missiles over jerusalem. israel has 40,000 troops on standby for possibility of a ground invasion of gaza. today we'll talk with the chief spokesman for the prime minister of israel about whether there's any chance to keep this crisis from further escalating or whether we're in for a ground war. that's the news at the top of the hour on shepard smith. i'll see you then. >> thank you. the jailed u.s. marine in mexico getting a chance to speak before a judge for the first time when could he get out?
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we'll ask our legal panel. that court hearing is happening right now. that's not an oil slick. so what is that exactly in the water? find out when we return.
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fox news alert now because the jailed u.s. marine in mexico entering a courthouse in tijuana just moments ago. this is new video right now for the hearing on weapons charges. that's his mother right there. his family and lawyer just entering the courthouse moments ago. sergeant andrew tahrooressi said he accidentally crossed the border with guns in his truck. this is the first time he's going to be able to tell a judge his side of the story. his family is hoping he'll be set free after the three-hour hearing just getting under way
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right now. for more on what would be next for the sergeant and when he could be set free, let's turn to our legal panel. both are former defense attorneys and prosecutor. his mother and lawyer going into the courtroom. the first time that this marine is going to be able to tell a judge his side of the story. what do we expect? >> a couple of things. since this is the first time he's going to present his facts, you have to remember in mexico unlike in the united states, you're not innocent until proven guilty. you are guilty until proven innocent. this guy has been locked up for 101 days and if he can show this judge today that he truly lacked the intent to enter into mexico, then he might be able to walk out of that prison today. >> what he has in his favor is his defense team did surveillance on their own of that area where he had the problem where he got lost and they luckily found an ambulance
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that made the wrong turn going into the mexican border and there's a u-turn that says go back to america this way and an ambulance driver, professional emts making the same mistake that this marine made and that goes to intent. did he intend to take guns to mexico to sell them or did he make a wrong turn? >> we have video of that taken during the night that shows how easy it is to make that miscalculation. here it is. the difference is that he had guns. legally. he had guns and went into this foreign nation. the judge, how do you think the judge will look at this? lack of intent is what needs to be proven. >> here's the thing. he did nothing wrong in the united states. but if the shoe were on the other foot and someone were trying to come to this country saying they lacked knowledge of the law, that's not a defense to anything. this marine has to say, listen, i really didn't intend to get
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into your country whether or not he had guns because not knowing it was unlawful to bring his lawful guns into another country will not absolve him of liability. >> the judge needs to be convinced of the credibility of the individual, of the marine, that he had no intent to enter that country. his only intent was to stay in america and he made a mistake. for this mistake he's put in jail for 3 1/2 months. >> here's the question. do you think he'll be released? >> it's going to be up to a judge. >> there's been subtle and informal pressure put on this judge. the united states hasn't done anything but certain congress people have. they have written letters to this judge. they are putting pressure on this judge. so maybe the judge will do the right thing. if roles were reversed and mexican citizens came into america, is this how they would want to be treated? >> just two weeks ago we had mexican military shooting at our border patrol agents and nothing happened to them.
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in the meantime this guy sits in jail. we'll have to see if his case is dismissed. >> we'll have to see. >> lawyers, thanks much. >> now we're lawyers? >> okay, pals. it's all about arthur. see you later. it was known as the western white house and now we get a rare look inside president bush's crawford ranch. we're going to take you on the tour inside. plus, forget being engaged or even dating. how much marrying someone sight unseen. it's a new reality show. can it work? >> they set you up with a scientific match and the ultimate goal is if that match is found, i'm going to get married. >> without seeing the person? >> without seeing the person.
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switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business. built for business. welcome back. former residents of the white house, george and laura bush granting rare access to "architectural digest," giving the rest of us a peek inside. the study features two of the former president's pet portraits, there they are, and the views are fantastic with big picture windows to admire the scenery. the property has a secluded pool surrounded by trees. and the former western white house has a few creature comforts. the prairie chapel ranch in crawford, texas, a peaceful retreat for the couple and a nice place to spend time with their family. some beautiful photos. well, you've heard of love at first sight, right? well, a new reality show seems to take the concept to the extreme. it's called "married at first sight" with couples who were
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scientifically matched up by a group of experts meeting for the first time on their wedding day. >> i couldn't have been happier seeing someone that was just absolutely gorgeous pop out of the door. >> walking down the aisle, i am so scared. this is the worst feeling. >> obviously, i wasn't, like, what a knockout, you know? i just -- >> i'm doug. >> wow! weird, right? joining me now to discuss lisa d daftari, jenna, fox news contributor and the host of "outnumbered," "and founder of i don't know about you guys, but that almost gave me heart failure. i am married so i have gone down the aisle and actually knew the guy before it happened. >> what a concept. >> i know. i knew him. since you're piping up, is this a good idea or bad idea?
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>> i think great idea for television. i love reality tv. i think a lot of people will be watching the show, but why? to watch them for four weeks live together and then go crazy on each other because they don't know each other. the good part of dating is getting to know someone, their likes, dislikes, all of their quirks. you're removing all of this from the equation and basically saying hey, stranger, let's make it work. not realistic. >> by the way, the quirks are what you remember most of the time. >> lisa, do you agree with that concept or not? >> do i agree? i don't think it's -- look, blind dates are bad enough. this is a blind marriage. you're literally walking down the aisle and seeing the guy for the first time. you have to understand, dating services are now like a billion-dollar industry. it's obviously a problem and epidemic if you will and dating and marriage in america. so there's obviously an appetite for this type of entertainment and an appetite for this type of industry. you know, and the other thing, i think it's really -- look, when someone sets you up even in our day, right? if it's a family member or a good friend, you're more likely
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to take that person seriously than you are from a swipe-on tinder or a mess aage on facebo. >> let me ask you this. you've been married. and then you were divorced. >> right. >> they started with 625 matches here. >> right. >> these experts, she's psychologists, et cetera, they boiled it down to three ideal couples. >> right. >> are you buying it? >> no, i don't buy it at all. i think the next season will be called "divorced at first sight." you know, look, i am divorced. i'm happily divorced. it was a choice i made. it's not easy to get divorced. it's not cheap to get divorced. i think putting them in this situation is setting them up for failure. i want to know what they're coaching on in terms of getting divorced because that can't be a good thing for somebody. >> apparently they are giving them that as an option. >> but that shouldn't be an ochin option. >> i that the reality side out of it. what troubles me is that they were making light of the marriage aspect. >> yeah, if you're going to get
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married to someone, you should at least go in thinking this is going to last forever. why? because you know them and you feel like you've made a bond with someone. this is essentially saying try it out like you try on an outfit for four weeks. >> lisa, you're both single. my phone just rang. the show wants you guys to be hooked up for the next season. >> got it. >> all three of you. >> this to me is like the bachelor getting smart. you know what i mean? why do they have to get married? i like the concept of the whole background and matching people that might work together. but why do they have to get married? >> they're getting married because it's called reality tv. >> exactly. >> ladies, thank you so much. have you ever seen an elephant cry? what one group did that apparently made that guy do just that.
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(dad) i wanted a car that could handle anything. i fixed it! (dad) that's why i got a subaru legacy. (vo) symmetrical all-wheel drive plus 36 mpg. i gotta break more toys. (vo) introducing the all-new subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru. that's keeping you from the healthcare you deserve. at humana, we believe if healthcare changes, if it becomes simpler... if frustration and paperwork decrease... if grandparents get to live at home instead of in a home... the gap begins to close. so let's simplify things. let's close the gap between people and care. ♪ well, nope, this is not an oil slick. it's actually a massive school of anchovies migrating off of southern california. so a few graduate students from
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uc-san diego caught the incredible view. the swarm of finger-sized fish baffling scientists who say they haven't seen anything like this in more than 30 years. well, this is a great story. his freedom came on independence day as a nonprofit group rescued a working elephant from the streets of india on july 4th. raju as he's known spent almost 50 years in chains, volunteers saying after he was freed, he cried. raju had to beg for food all those years but now a very different story as he enjoys tons of bananas. we were just telling you about this new show where couples are getting hitched even though they've never met before. what did you have to say? ralph says meeting a woman for the first time when she's in a wedding dress would have made him run for the hills. i'm with you. eric thinks if you work at your marriage, there's a good chance it could work, although he thinks it's insane for people to bother getting married anymore anyway. and she thinks this is
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totally for two people who are too picky to pick for themselves. thanks for your thoughts. thanks for being part of "the real story" today. i'm gretchen carlson. now over to shepard smith reporting now live from the fox news deck. >> gretchen, thanks. we're monitoring the hearing of the u.s. marine jailed in mexico. it's under way at this hour. and we'll have a report in moments. plus, glen greenwold on his new bombshell as he put it about how the nsa monitored americans. and he's naming names. he'll join us live. and the father of that toddler who cooked to death in a hot car in georgia gets a jailhouse visit from his wife. that and what we've learned about a tweet he apparently sent to a friend complaining about babies. those are our headlines. let's get to it. now shepard smith reporting live from the fox news deck. >> and good wednesday afternoon there the deck. a


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