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tv   The Real Story With Gretchen Carlson  FOX News  July 8, 2014 11:00am-12:01pm PDT

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"harry potter" is 34 years old watching the world cup with his family and old school buddies. according to a tabloid column, he even has a cut on his face that no one knows about. >> he can't be 34 years old. say it ain't so. >> we have to tell the truth. thanks for joining us. "the real story" with gretchen starts now. the big question today is will he or won't he? president obama will be in texas tomorrow but will he go visit the border where the humanitarian crisis continues to grow? hi, everyone. hope you're having a great day. i'm gretchen carlson. welcome to "the real story." the president and his team agreeing agreeing to a roundtable discussion but no real border visit. he's asking congress for billions to solve the crisis. more protests like this are planned like this today in murrieta, california, where
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illegal immigrants were being shipped by the bus load for processing. protesters force feds to use planes to ship them to places like san diego instead. we go live to murrieta, california, for the latest. where are they going after processing? >> reporter: several catholic communities nearby are opening their doors for some immigrants who have been processed and released. i can tell you more about that in a second. first, i want show you video from yesterday when a plane landed in san diego. that plane was carrying 140 immigrants bussed to a nearby processing facility. there are reports that some immigrants transferred to that same area last week from texas have already been released. you could call this a win of sorts for the residents of murrieta. protesters have been out since last week doing everything they can to keep buseses from
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dropping the immigrants off in their community. yesterday the protestors showed up again. we're expecting more to come later on today. the buses did not. city leaders say murrieta is still on the list of cities to be used for processing even though this facility isn't equipped to hold immigrants for a lengthy period of time. >> this facility is basically designed with jail cells, large jail cells. you have toilets in there with a very short, small wall. a sink and metal benches. that's just about it. there's no beds. there's no cots. this is not a place to have long-term housing. >> reporter: the fear for protesters here in murrieta is if immigrants are dropped at this facility, they'll quickly be processed and released into this community like we've seen in san diego. i can tell you that city leaders tell me that as of right now they have no idea if or when anymore buses may be headed this way. >> at the top of your report you were talking about the catholic
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communities helping the immigrants right now. what are they doing? >> reporter: that's right. one of these communities is in riverside, california. that's about an hour east of los angeles. we spoke to one member of the congregation who says that last night there was a meeting of about 150 members of the congregation and it was a very heated meeting. it mirrored what we've been seeing out here in murrieta between protesters and supporters. in the end we're told the priest decided they would take 25 of these immigrants in. they're going to help house them for at least a month, gretchen. >> all right. will carr reporting live for us in california. thanks much. before president obama heads to texas tomorrow, he's writing congress asking for 3.7 billion bucks in immigration aid. a majority of those funds, nearly 2 billion, would go to the department of health and human services for medical care for the thousands of unaccompanied children currently at our border. 1.1 billion would go toward actually deporting adults and
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kids. our next guest has toured these overcrowded detention centers just recently and says the only way to stop the flood of people coming across the border is to secure the border. texas congressman joins me now. great to see you. before we get to that, there's breaking news right now that governor rick perry of texas has decided to meet with president obama tomorrow when he goes to dallas. what do you make of that? >> i think it's a step in the right direction. governor perry has been on the border numerous times. he's got a plan. he knows how to secure the border and deal with this problem. >> what are we to make the president so far not agreeing to actually go to the border though? >> optics of that are bad. this is president obama's katrina. if he's down there with pictures of thousands of children in jail cells designed for 400 people and you've got 2,000 there, it's not a good image. >> all right. aside from the optics, what is the president going to do?
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he's asked congress for billions of dollars right now to help this whole situation. if you were going to vote on that, would you say yes? >> listen, we have to include with that border security and changing the current law where children from the central american countries are treated like children from mexico and we're able to return them in a much more timely fashion. we wouldn't need almost $2 billion for hhs if we're able to turn them around and deport them in a much shorter amount of time. >> so where do you stand exactly on this? i know you believe number one most important thing, secure the borders. what about deportation? >> well, we've got to come up with a system. what happens is these kids come. they lawyer up and ask for asylum and right now it's a three-year wait with a couple thousand children. imagine how long the wait is going to be with 60,000 children. so basically once they ask for
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asylum, they're here indefinitely with a promise to appear in court which they may or may not show up for and at best that's a couple years down the road. we've got to change the law to get them out quickly just like we did with influx of brazil i s years ago. >> i want to take you back to 2011 and something president obama said about republicans and immigration back then. listen to this. >> they said we needed to triple the border patrol. now they'll say we need to quadruple the border patrol or they want a higher fence. maybe they need a mote. maybe they want alligators in the mote. they'll never be satisfied. >> congressman, what do you make of those comments now? >> listen, the republicans have said all along border security comes first before immigration reform. the president once again was
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misleading the american people making it look like the border was secure when obviously it is not and was not then. >> congressman, thanks much for your thoughts. this is happening in your state as we speak. talk to you again sometime soon. >> absolutely. bye-bye. just moments ago the first trial connected to the boston marathon bombing adjourning for the day. attorneys will resume questioning him tomorrow. today the defense is spending most of its time asking why the fbi never recorded any of the more than four-hour long interview with the defendant. at the time the feds relied on their memories to write their reports. crews in western montana removing the second of three commercial airplane bodies that fell off that derailed train. did you see this video? check it out. a group of people rafting caught this unexpected sight on the
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riverbank. 19 train cars derailed. each weigh 70 tons each. luckily the rafters steered clear of them. the cause of the derailment is being investigated. disturbing new allegations in the va health care scandal including evidence of stonewa stonewalling and threats to punish whistle blowers. a recent e-mail reads this, "please immediately standdown on communications with stake holders and delegation members and others regarding the access audit, wait lists and accelerating care initiative." let me clarify. communication with stake holders including veterans, veteran service organizations, media, congress and state and local officials remains a top priority. which one is it? we have a staff writer for "the washington times."
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which one is it? were they trying to keep people quiet? >> i'm sure they were. after having gotten burned on that, wait. that looks worse if we issue a new gag order. this whole va scandal started with whistle blowers who came out and said there's bad treatment at the phoenix va facility. they were ignored and in some cases apparently they were put on administrative leave and transferred to other jobs. all of this started with whistle blowers and to have va tell potential whistle-blowers no communication with anybody, let's keep this in official channels looks like they were trying to cover up so they had to reverse. >> don't they understand that people get access to e-mails? this just makes this whole situation look even more ridiculous than it did originally. >> you know, what we're learning, whistle blowing is fundamental. what we're going to hear tonight from this congressional hearing is that people who had blown whistles who had raised concerns within the chain of command, not
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only were concerns not addressed, but they often times were punished. they were transferred to administrative duties. my paper last week had a story about a woman who raised issues about a veteran who was shackled because she had some mental issues and she was shackled for longer than she needed to be. when a nse raised this issue, she was first of all ignored and transferred to a desk job and all of her fellow nurse colleagues seeing this were, like, wow, we won't raise these issues again. whistle-blowers are key to getting past that culture in the va but the culture is to punish them rather than to deal with the problems and we learn more and more of those allegations. >> the big question tonight will be when we hear these whistle-blowers come forward at this hearing, if they're going to detail retribution they apparently faced, the big question is will anything be done for them? will they get their jobs back? >> that and is the culture --
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can that change the culture? the va right now really is -- there are so many problems that have lined up there, the department doesn't appear they can solve this because of that culture. congress' answer to this is to spend tens of billions a year basically to shift the patients, veterans, from the va to private care to try to kick the va into gear but second of all to get them out of the va so they can get care somewhere else. that tells you how difficult it is for the va to solve their own problems whether it's giving folks job back or transferring them back to regular jobs, va needs to undergo a major shift here. >> that hearing will take place tonight. thank you so much. did you know there's a huge oil boom right here in the united states of america? two states now make up nearly half of all of the u.s. oil and would be the fifth largest producer in the world. what states are we talking about? will america be the top oil
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producing nation in the world in the near future? that answer coming up next. plus, a ride and rescue they'll forget. what causeded a roller coaster to come to a sudden halt with two dozen lives hanging in the balance. i would have passed out. right back. when it comes to good nutrition...i'm no expert.
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story." are you a thrill seeker or happy to sit those rides out? some people not getting the thrill they paid for. this coaster gets stuck in magic mountain in california. 22 people left dangling more than 20 feet up in the air. a tree branch apparently fell causing the ride to come to a sudden halt. whole incident lasted three long hours. four people injured. two of them needed medical attention. six flags shut down the right and is investigating what caused the branch to fall. u.s. oil production has doubled in the last few years because of texas and north dakota. the u.s. now ranks third in global production behind russia and saudi arabia. if you break out just those two states, their combined output would make them the world's fifth largest oil nation. it's all because of new technology making it possible to tap into the oceans of shale oil held by deep rock formation.
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along with all that new oil and gas comes thousands of new jobs. wow. so texas and north dakota together would be the fifth largest so-called country? >> who would have thought? >> this is an amazing headline to me. >> this is a huge american success story. it's american technology which created this energy revolution. if we go on like this with this fracking and this who are accide horizontal drilling, we're energy independent a few years from now. within two or three years we'll be the largest oil producing nation in the world beating russians and beating the saudia arabians. >> that's fascinating to me to hear you say that. i believe that our generation and even the generation below us just believes that the u.s. is way down on the list of oil
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production because we feel like we're being held captive by saudi arabia and other nations. >> you have to catch up with the latest numbers. big-time fracking arrived in north dakota and parts of texas in 2010. in 2011, those two states were producing about 2 million barrels of oil a day. within two years, it was 4 million barrels of oil a day. that's a doubling just in those two states. keep on going like this, keep on employing all of these people and energy independence within shouting distance and you'll be the top producing oil nation in the world. >> we have a graphic to show that. in texas and north dakota alone, it's almost the same amount as the entire country. >> they are about half of the total production of oil in the united states of america. >> what does this do for jobs? i heard people say in north dakota you can't get a hotel room. business is just booming. car sales are just over the top, right? it's all because of this?
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>> it's all because of fracking and the shale rock deep underground. with who ahorizontal drilling, don't go straight down. you go down and then you go sideways this lots of different directions so your area is bigger so your oil production is much bigger. >> what about critics? a lot of people say fracking is dangerous. we just don't know yet. even the new york governor has stayed out of it for new york because it's probably a political reason but are there any dangers? >> yes, there is an intense local opposition to fracking. it's becoming more of a problem in pennsylvania, which has been fracking for years but local opposition is growing. they say it messes up the ground water and there's a lot of noise from the trucks and fracking itself. new york state has a moratorium on fracking even though it sits on top of billions of dollars of oil oil and president obama is
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not onboard with maximizing fossil fuel production in the united states of america. he sides with the environmentalists who say cut this fossil production because we've got a global warming problem and this adds to it. >> one thing we won't cut is stu joining me on "the real story." check him out on fox business network tomorrow. thanks much. the president calling this a humanitarian crisis but what is the white house going to do about the flood of illegal immigrant kids streaming into our country happening right now. new reaction just in from the white house. check your cell phone bill carefully. there could be some pretty hefty charges that you don't even know about. how the feds are cracking down on this new thing and what you can do to protect yourself. and self-serve beer on tap at at least one major league stadium and that's going to bring us to our facebook question of the day. is self-serve beer at stadiums a good idea?
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whe why or why not? we'll read your comments at the end of the show.
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fox news alert to tell you about. a deadly shooting at a cancer center? washingt he walked into a cancer center in spokane and shot and killed his wife who workeded there before turning the gun on himself. the alleged shooter was taken to the e.r. by police where he succumbed to his wounds. no word on the shooter's motive. in the wake of a big cell phone scandal, the feds now launching a new crackdown on the
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scheme known as cramming. that's where misleading or unauthorized charges suddenly appear on your cell phone bill in the form of premium text subscriptions. the overcharges add up costing customers hundreds of millions of dollars. how can you protect yourself. all right. i got to be honest with you. i have never heard of cramming before. what is it? >> it's been happening for years and the they have actively been pursuing companies that allows cramming to happen to consumers. you see this resolving $9.99 charge on your cell phone bill every day. you pay it. you don't realize that could be cramming charges added to your bill. there are different ways that these scammers get you. one of the biggest ones is you get a text message and you'll get $1,000 prize and you enter your phone number into a website through your phone, through your smartphone, and that actually was authorizing the cramming
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charges. all kinds of ways they can do this. >> first and foremost, you don't want to ever enter your phone number into any of these sites. >> i really would say just don't do it. do you really think you're going to get $1,000 prize out of the blue. it's not going to happen. don't do it. >> is it the actual phone company that's cramming? >> we had big news with t-mobile because there was an investigation and fcc said they would start investigating t-mobile for cramming charges and they are accusing t-mobile of taking some of those charges for themselves and then on the other side taking charges scamming people. that's an ongoing -- they have actually just charged another couple guys yesterday. new charges against these "scammers." they are starting to go after this because it's a big problem for consumers. >> another tip you say is to ask for a blocking service. what does that mean? >> you can ask your cell phone
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provider, at&t, verizon, t-mobile for a blocking service. if you sign up and say that my favorite restaurant, i think i get text messages from them, i signed up for that at the restaurant. that i want. everything else you can have it blocked completely if you ask your phone company. >> you say check small charges. 1.99, 2.99. >> that's where they get you. i know you don't want to go through your phone bill. it's the most annoying thing to go through a credit card statement and a phone bill. you have to look and it's itemized charges. only 1 in 20 people the victim of cramming know that they have been crammed. that's why this has become a hot button issue for the government. >> people pay the bill. it's the same every month and people think it went up a tiny bit. it's a dollar what's the big difference.
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that adds up to millions of dollars. thank you for trying to help people out. >> you bet. it's a big problem right now. >> thanks. prominent congressman making a prediction about the presidency in 2016. which republican does he say will run for the white house and win? plus, she's the brave cop called to the scene to get rid of a poisonous snake and you won't leave where the reptile was hanging out before she got there. we'll give you the lowdown coming up next.
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half past the hour. the death toll rising in chicago after a violent holiday weekend. 15 people were killed around july 4th. 50 others injured in shootings. latest victim just 19 years old killed by a gunman on a bike. more unrest in the middle east. protests breaking out over the candidate who lost in afghanistan's presidential election. a call from president obama and secretary of state john kerry after saying he's not going to accept the election results. secretary kerry heads to kabul on friday to try to ease those tensions. and across the pacific in japan, a typhoon slams the island of okinawa. hundreds of people forced to seek higher ground. one of the strongest storms in decades packing 50-foot waves, heavy rain and severe wind. a fox news alert. the white house tackling the surge of illegal immigrant kids streaming into our country with
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the president asking congress today for $3.7 billion to deal with what he's calling a humanitarian crisis. chief white house correspondent ed henry live with this story. it seems like an abrupt about-face for the president. >> reporter: let the back pedalling begin. we heard the white house for days say they're not concerned about the optics of president going to texas without going to the border to get a look at the crisis. late yesterday you remember rick perry, republican governor down in texas, invited the president to the border and now sent a letter late yesterday saying let's at least have a meeting. one of the president's top aides responded and said they would be willing to do that. it sounds like this is going to move forward on wednesday in dallas. interesting in her letter she did not use the word crisis. she used the word situation that's developed down in texas along the border. i pressed josh earnest on that.
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listen. why is it called a humanitarian situation, is this an attempt to dial it back? >> we've been candid about the urgency with which we are approaching this situation. and i think that's reflective of the efforts that we have undertaken to try to address it. we've certainly called it a crisis as you point out. it's also an emerging situation. >> reporter: the administration calls it an emergency supplemental request. they need this money urgently because it's a crisis and not just a situation. >> interesting choice of words there. the political pressure growing on the president. is that why he unveiled new money today to try to deal with it? >> reporter: you mentioned $3.7 billion. not all of that is immigration related. most of it is. they say here at the white house they want to hire more immigration lawyers, get more immigration judges, process these cases. they say they're doing that but let's not forget political pressure. you have a lawmaker this hour
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saying this is turning into the president's katrina. guess what? a democrat said much the same. listen. >> i hope this doesn't become the katrina moment for president obama saying he doesn't need to come to the border. he should come down. >> reporter: when a democrat says that about the president, it gives you an idea of how the stakes are growing for this president. katrina, hurricane katrina and the federal response ended up becoming a very paralyzing moment for then president bush. obviously there's great fear at the white house about how all this is playing out as well. >> maybe that's why they're not calling it a crisis. instead it's a situation. ed henry, thank you so much. >> good to see you. >> for more on the president's trip to texas tomorrow, time for real talk with president and founder of ndn and also larry o'connor. great to see you, gentlemen. >> welcome back. >> so earlier in the show the
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congressman from texas did in fact call this president obama's katrina. and to that you would say what, simon? >> i think the president is now very focused on solving the problem. we want to see the situation with the kids that are here be dealt with in a humane manner and we also want to bring an end to the flow and have this crisis come to an end. what they did today was aggressive and ambitious and asked congress, both chambers, to join them in this effort to bring it to an end. >> some would say this is from political pressure. we've known about this situation for months. political pressure to ask congress for money and why won't the president actually go to the border? >> it's a good question, gretchen. they are reacting politically. you'll get a memo from the white house. this is a situation not a crisis. i don't know. if there's a tragic school shooting, the president is chasing the roadrunner and you can't stop him from going to a
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memorial to blame nra for the shooting. he won't go and see for himself what's going on at the border here. he was fine going to the jersey shore during the presidential election after superstorm sandy. he's not doing that. to me it's politics. >> photo speaks 1,000 words. look at what president bush -- remember this photo from hurricane katrina. he was flying over what was happening at the time. there's the photo right there. >> he wasn't heading to a big high priced fund-raiser like the president is this time. >> that's why the president is going to texas. is it kind of a lose-lose situation for president obama because there may be a photo like that as he's flying over texas tomorrow. is that worse than actually going to the border and then so-called owning the situation or crisis? >> i think what matters more is whether or not this thing gets fixed. where we are two months from now will determine whether or not this was a mistake. i don't think anyone will talk about this border trip. what the american people want is
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this crisis fixed. administration stepped up today. they made it clear that congress has to do their part. let's be hopeful that both sides can work together to bring this crisis to an end. >> we'll see. speaker boehner has not committed to signing off on those funds. all right. want to switch gears to this. strong prediction about the 2016 presidential race and comes from lawmaker close to mitt romney. listen to this. >> i think he actually is going to run for president. he probably doesn't want me to say that. a hundred times he's said he's not. mitt romney has accomplished what he set out to do always. he's proven right on a lot of stuff. i happen to be in the camp that thinks he will run and i think he'll be the next president of the united states. >> what do you think about that? >> mitt romney is great guy. i love him. great american. let me put it this way. i'm more in favor of sarah palin joining the cast of "the view" than i am mitt romney coming
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back in 2016. the democrats are putting up a bunch of old retreads. hillary clinton has been around for decades. joe biden has been a senator since bell-bottoms were in fashion. it's time for republicans to put forth a new face and not have a rerun of "father knows best." >> i don't know where to begin. >> i agree with larry. i think that ted cruz, rand paul, a new generation coming for the republicans. mitt had a shot. he didn't get it done. i think you have a strong field coming you for the republicans that will be an exciting race. >> maybe the reason he says that is because a lot of people look back at the comments mitt romney made when he was on the campaign trail and a lot of them have proven to be true. simon and larry, have a fantastic rest of the week. great to see you. some exciting economic news out today. new report shows u.s. companies posted more jobs in may than in the last seven years.
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more than 4.6 million to be exact. big sign that this year's strong hiring is likely to continue. also, another reassuring sign more americans are quitting their jobs. that's a sign that they are leaving for higher paying new jobs and opening up more positions for those out of work. so what would be your greatest nightmare? a bat in your bedroom? a mouse in the kitchen? a snake on a plane. how about a giant snake in the office bathroom? yep. this one right here poisonous snake hanging out under the lid of a toilet in alabama scaring the heck out of one kwguy. this officer seemingly unafraid grabs the reptile and poses for a photo and hops in the back of her partner's control car and sets the snake free somewhere down the road. time to check in with shepard smith. i don't know about you. i'm not picking up that snake. >> not that one. >> maybe garden snake.
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>> maybe a black snake. not that one. >> me neither. both you and i out. >> cotton in its mouth, we don't need it. >> what do you have coming up? >> serious stuff as you know. the situation in the middle east is escalating and quickly. air raid sirens echoing in tel aviv. israel has called up 40,000 additional troops. they are talking about the possibility of a ground war. our president is urging israel and the militant group hamas to calm down. israeli army officials releasing a video of what they say is a strike against hamas training camps and this is video. you can see the explosion in the middle. palestinian officials claim at least 12 people have died from israeli attacks. could a ground invasion be next? all the signs are there. and what would that mean for u.s. interests in that region? did you hear that they exploded a rocket over tel aviv today? it's the beginning of our reporting top of the hour.
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we'll see you then. >> thanks much. the prime suspect in the benghazi terror attack back in court today. what federal prosecutors just revealed that raises serious new questions about what the white house knew and when about the attacks that claimed the lives of four brave americans. plus, one popular cupcake chain crumbling like day old bread. they are calling it quits. really? i love those cupcakes. [ male announcer ] away...
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making potato salad is hitting the jackpot. it shot up to 15 grand and now more than $40,000 for potato salad. world cup fever reaches new highs today as three-time winner germany gets set to take on brazil. the first of two semifinals coming up in just a few hours from now. brazil still grieving over the loss of its super striker neymar who broke his back and tomorrow netherlands battle argentina for the other spot in the finals. we are learning new details about the benghazi terror attack and the strength of the government's case as a prime suspect returns to federal court in washington d.c. federal prosecutors claiming the deadly assault was a well organized conspiracy and guess what? no mention of any video. chief intelligence correspondent is live for us at the courthouse. what happened in court today?
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>> just a short time ago the benghazi suspect ahmed abu khattala left the federal courthouse amid a heavy security presence with armed u.s. marshals on the nearby streets wearing a green jump suit, khattala sat silently l lly in ten-minute session. it's the first time that the u.s. prosecutor conceded in open court that there may be novel legal issues in this particular case a terrorist attack took place in libya and that's also where the witnesses and also the forensic evidence will come from. just a side note really. it's worth reporting. the judge in this case is relatively new to the d.c. bench and has very little, if any experience, handling a high profile national security prosecution. >> very interesting. what are we actually learning
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about what happened that night? >> reporter: based on the court documents so far, the government is not alleging that khattala was there at the scene directing the men, if you will, or lighting the fire that killed ambassador chris stevens and sean smith but rather he supported those actions. >> unless there's other evidence out there that we don't know about that the government hasn't disclosed, it looks right now like he wasn't the trigger puller. he wasn't the person who committed the act, committed the homicides himself. >> reporter: the other key element is that none of the court documents talk about the attack first at the consulate and then at the annex as spontaneous. it talks about an organized c s conspiracy that began in the days leading up to 9/11 and that benghazi suspect khattala was driven by hatred of the united states and not by anti-islam video. what's key to look at here is how the administration is going
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to reconcile what's filed here in the federal courthouse behind me that it was a coordinated conspiracy with these public political statements that it was somehow opportunistic and it was driven by this anti-islam video. >> very interesting as well. all right. thanks much. a group of motorists turning the tables on a suspected road rage driver. watch what happens. >> we're running the red light. we're running the red light. >> he is running from us. >> why police now say despite their intention, those drivers may have crossed the line. plus, investigators stepping up the search for this woman. she's a pregnant wife of a u.s. marine missing for more than a week now in one of the nation's biggest national parks. new reaction from her mom about the pregnant woman's husband. ugh. heartburn.
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welcome back to the real story. what would you do in this case? some drivers in utah, they decided to take the law into their own hands. and it could now get them actually in trouble. after reporting that the driver of a truck was weaving in and out of traffic, several other motorists boxed him in, forced him to stop. but it didn't end there. >> he just ran over a guy! >> it didn't look good. so, yeah, you better -- better get an ambulance here quick. >> troopers finally caught up with that driver. police identify him as john mitchell. while cops say they appreciate the help, they're looking into damage into mitchell's truck and the intent of the group as they chased him. meantime, police in california are stepping up the search for the wife of a u.s. marine. she disappeared last week. with police locating her car a few days later, no sign of the woman who's three months
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pregnant. trace gallagher is live with more on the story. what do you know? >> reporter: one of the big things they're concerned about, gretchen, is the fact it's 110 degrees out there in the national park where 19-year-old aaron corryn was when she disappeared. erin's mother was about to visit from tennessee and the mom says erin was going out looking for places to take pictures because she was about to tell her mom she was pregnant. despite the heat out there, dozens of volunteers and police continue searching the desert, and homicide investigators are now taking the lead because they believe there are suspicious circumstances around the disappearance. but they won't say exactly what. and they won't say if the husband in this case marine corporal jonathan corwin was a suspect. erin's mom told greta that her son-in-law is cooperating. listen to her. >> absolutely. he loves her.
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in his eyes she has hung the moon in the stars. i don't know what could be done to make anything easier. this is just not something you would expect to deal with. this happens to somebody else, not you. >> reporter: very rough. police found erin corwin's toyota two days after she disappeared. it was a short distance from the marine base where she and her husband live. police acknowledge now they do have more information than they're letting on. but right now they're just not prepared to release it. but gretchen, you've covered these cases many times. you know when homicide investigators get involved in this, it often turns out to be very bad news. >> we feel for that family right now and hope they get some good news in this story. thanks so much. well, it's being called the largest bird in history. no, we're not talking about this guy. the new fowl find that will impress even big bird himself.
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plus self-serve beer at the ballpark. what could possibly go wrong with that? well, i decided to get the real story so i went outside and asked some real folks about all that. and i'll tell you what they said. coming up next.
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a connecticut scientist possibly identifying the earth's largest ever flying bird. researchers say this dragonlike creature lived about 25 million years ago, had a huge beak full of sneneedle-shaped spikes for teeth. turns out its bones were unearthed but they ended up hidden in a drawer at the museum until recently being found. well, who cares about t-shirt cannons. here's another great gimmick to get you to a ball game. target field, home of the minnesota twins, yes. installing these new puppies. it's a self-serve beer machine. customers can pour as much or as little as they want, but they can go all the way up to 48
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ounces. so i wanted to find out what real people think about the park's new high-tech device. so i hit the streets earlier today. >> people just stand there and eat a beer every 15 minutes, that doesn't cause a lot of traffic jobs, can it? >> i feel like they would remove the liquor license easily. >> there is an art to it. >> how do you know how much there is to pour a beer? >> by drinking copious amounts of beer. >> another will be installed before the all-star game next tuesday night. so we want to know what you think about this. is self-serve beer a good idea at stadiums? jan says, nope. she says that although the majority of fans are responsible drinkers, there are some who need a middle man. mike says it sounds good to him as long as prices are reasonable and they offer good brands. in fact, he always thought a beer wagon with home deliveries
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was good too. four brands, four ounces would cost 20 bucks. and erin says it's an awful idea. who's going to police it? they say they're going to monitor it. thanks for watching. here's shep. >> thanks. there is breaking news out of jerusalem. we have just gotten word that an explosion has just happened. our crews there just heard it and now air raid sirens are going off. all of this as our crews listen and just hours after a rocket reached tel aviv and israel put hamas on notice. rallying troops for possible deployment. both sides closer to the breaking point, closer to ground war than we've seen in years. just hours ago air raid sirens sounded across israel's commercial capital of tel aviav. a rocket was blown up over the city. that is the deepest that the palestinia


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