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tv   Huckabee  FOX News  October 13, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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two-ship operation formed by the continental congress during the war of independence. today the navy deploys hundreds of ships all over the world, deterring aggression, maintaining the freedom of the seas. happy anniversary, navy. 238 years of service. i'm jamie colby. that's "fox reports tonight." good night. tonight on "huckabee," denying military death benefits. >> putting military families war widows in the cross hairs of a political shutdown, someone should be fired. >> national park rangers using scare tactics to deny paying customers access. >> you could feel the element of fear. >> as washington plays political games, real americans are left to deal with the real consequences. and his health insurance went up to $10,000. she says obama care has raped her future. real americans on how the affordable care act is making life unaffordable.
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ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee. [ applause ] >> thank you. thank you. thank you so much. we have a great audience here. and a great show. welcome to huckabee from the fox news studios in new york city. all right. the politics of washington is great theater, but the script being played out, well, it's a tragedy. it's a story of egos, money, power, and pride. on the last episode of "as the hill turns," they were worlds apart. >> you do not hold people hostage or engage in ransom taking to get 100% of your way. >> i was disappointed that the president refuses to negotiate. >> while america suffers -- >> nancy! did you visit the vet memorial
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today? >> not yet. >> are you going? >> i go all the time. >> washington plays the blame game. >> if congress fails to meet its responsibility, it could deeply damage financial markets. >> it would be magnitudes worse than the damage they've already caused our great country. >> will the president work with the speaker? can the speaker work with harry? will the shutdown ever end? tune in next weekend for the next episode of "as the hill turns." >> i mean, isn't it like a soap opera? while the actors on the stage of washington consider their importance, across the great land of these uned states are the stories of people who don't have the luxury of enjoying politics as a blood sport for spectators. their the ones whose lives are impacted away from the cameras and lights. they're supposed to be the beneficiaries of the policies of
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the politicians but who are often crushed by them i often say the practitioners of politics tend to see things it horizontally. left and right, liberal, conservative, democrat, republican. most americans, they view life vertically. up and down, better or worse. they care far less about the horizontal leanings of their elected officials as they do about the vertical direction of their own lives. their concerns are more pragmat pragmatic, like, will my child's school provide a quality education? will the trash get picked up on time? will our streets be safe? will the potholes get fixed? far too much of the political ruling class is focused on advancing horizontal purity. that matters little to someone without a job. or someone who has a family member with alzheimer's. if elected officials truly want to serve, let them first
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understand it is not about them. >> i learned early on in my political career as kind of a rare republican in a state dominated by 90% elected democrats that people cared most that i party. i learned that good policy is good politics. when the policies of the officials truly lift people up, the party they belong to gets carried along in the updraft. i longed for a time when people from all over the who zont all spectrum will care more about the vertical spectrum. it would be refreshing if the criteria for determining a good public servant is not how conservative or liberal he or she might portend to be. but rather how effective he or she is in solving problems and serving the people who aren't even big money contributors. but who are getting kicked in the teeth by the hardships of life, and they don't need government putting a boot in their backside. i don't think it's the job of
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government to be our collective nanny. but neither should it be a bully. people shouldn't go to washington for a career. they ought to go as a brief respite to serve. term limits would ensure that they govern for a while and then they went home. and they saw how those laws that they passed actually work. by the way, there should be no congressional perks or pensions other than social security and an option to contribute to a 401(k) plan. a person holding office shouldn't be allowed to seek another office other than the one he or she holds unless one is willing to resign so as not to use the taxpayers' money to campaign for another job. and then require full disclosure of all political contributions. stop the cowardly anonymous giving that allows very wealthy donors to determine elections without ever being held accountable for their contributions. oh, and here's what. any ad that mentions a candidate
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by name ought to be subject to libel and slander laws if proven to be misleading or false. that would be a game changer. well, we don't need to just change the game. folks, we need to change the country. and we need to do it now. so ton a little different. you're not going to hear from any politicians, pundits, strategists, columnists, known. because what's happening in washington has some serious consequences for a lot of americans. and we're going to talk to a few of them. how have the actions of our lawmakers affected their lives, their families and their future. my first guest says that the government betrayed the families of american fallen heroes. even as the president signed a bill to provide death benefits to military families on
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thursday, the outrage over the suspended payments for the first ten days of the shutdown remains. and there's an increasing chorus of calls for defense secretary chuck hagel to step down. jane horton's husband, army sniper christopher horton, was killed in action in afghanistan in september of 2011. as a war widow, she knows firsthand not only how important the immediate death benefits are to the families of the fallen, but that all who died defending our freedom are able to be given the dignified transfer they deserve. and jane horton joins me now. jane, thank you so much for being here. it's a pleasure to see you again. thanks for joining us. >> thank you, governor, for having me. >> first of all, jane, tell us what happens when you get that knock on the door and they tell you that your husband has been killed in action. >> when i got the knock at the door by the two uniformed
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military officers, they immediately sat me down and told me that i would get death gratuity to pay for all the immediate expenses of my husband's funeral. this money was used for -- to pay my mortgage. to pay my car payment. to put food on the table. and also my family flew in the next day from ohio. that money came to cover that as well as the month and a half that it took to bury my husband and the several dignified transfers that followed. >> i know that that's an important part of the process of recovering from the death of a spouse. my guess is that's money you wish you never had to receive because it represented the death of your husband and a change of your life that meant things would never be the same. >> it was very horrifying to get. it made me sick to my stomach. it took me a very long time to accept that money. but it was something that was essential for me to give my husband the very best i could give him. he gave his life for me. and it was the biggest honor and responsibility of my life to give him the best funeral that i
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could give, fitting of a valiant warrior. >> jane, 29 soldiers have been killed in action since the partial government shutdown. these families, when they got the knock on the door, they didn't get the assurance that they would receive that same benefit that you received. how did you feel for them when you found out that these military benefits for the families of those killed in action weren't going to be paid right away? >> governor, i was sickened. i felt betrayed. i was hurt. and to be honest, it wasn't even about the money. it was that our country went there. they crossed the line that you don't cross. they inflicted pain upon one of our most vulnerable and sacred populations in america. and, honestly, they disrespected the warriors that gave their life for our nation. >> you know, when i hear the stories of these families, i just wonder, do you think this happened on purpose?
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was this it sha-- could this han avoided? >> i do not think it happened on purpose. i have some pretty good sources on that. i've talked to a lot of people to try to figure out what went wrong. but i honestly think that our nation is in such disarray right now and so many people are bickering that they forgot. they forgot us. they forgot one of. >> mark:'s most vulnerable populations. it's something that's absolutely unacceptable and should never, ever, ever happen. when your country's priorities are so messed up that we overlook a population of those that have given up everything for our freedom, i think we really need to look at ourselves and look at our priorities of the country. >> jane, i thank you very much for being here. i'm so sorry for what you and your family have had to go through. i'm especially -- i'm embarrassed that other families had to go through it without even getting those benefits until finally after ten days, congress woke up and decided they would get this fixed and the president would take care of it. it should never have happened. we thank you and for your
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continued service to the other families. i know you've been out there traveling and meeting them. god bless you, jane, for doing them. >> thank you very much. coming up later in the show, we have country music stars lori morgan and pam tillis. first, remember when the president said this? >> if you like your private health insurance plan, you can keep your plan. period. >> well, period, maybe, maybe not, exclamation mark. coming up is a man who just signed up for obama care. and he says that promise from the president is not being kept. you'll meet him, next. >> i'd like to hear from you. go to my website, tell me what you think from the feedback section. or sign up for my facebook page and follow me on twitter. you can find the link to that and more at ♪
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many americans have lost many americans have lost their patience after being unable to get on to the various government websites to sign up for obama care. for the few who have been able to get through, there's a tim t different kind of frustration. my next guest is a self-employed engineer who voted for president obama and was actually looking forward to the implementation of obama care. he thought it was a good idea. it all changed when he got his bill last week and found out health insurance for his family of four is now going to cost him almost $10,000 more per year. tom washour joins me now. thanks very much for being here and telling me your story. you were originally fine with obama care. thought it was going to be a good idea. i think many americans thought let's give this thing a chance and let it have some air. what happened when you saw what it was going to cost you and your family? >> well, to be fair, what --
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what we found already isn't even the cost of obama care. what we found already is just the risk pool sharing, the way they are not allowed to ask about precondition -- you know, conditions that you may already have or how healthy you are to begin with, that cost increased because my family was healthy has caused my insurance rates to go up $10,000. just short of $10,000. i think we're still yet to find out what the cost of obama care will be. that's going to be shared by everyone in the tax pool. but just the way that insurance has shifted has caused a huge upset in the cost for me. what i'm finding is that i'm not unique in this situation. there's lots of people in my condition or my situation that have gotten some really surprising letters recently. >> tom, i mean, what you're
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saying is it's going up. you're a healthy family. your insurance actually ought to be going down, not up, because of the likelihood of fewer claims. but you're paying for all the sick people who are going to be coming into the system, so you've got to chip in. here's the question. when you're going to be paying extra, some would argue, well, tom, you're going to get a lot of extra things with this new policy. what are some of the things that you're going to get that maybe you didn't have before? >> well, you know, i'm an engineer. so i carefully went through and tallied up what were the differences between the plans. the best -- the worst plan i can get obama care or cheapest plan is what they call a bronze plan. it has a $5,000 deductible and allows me to go to the doctor three times a year for $60 each. the alternative plan i had with health net allowed us two visits a year for $40 each. it was what we wanted. what we liked. we didn't even use those visits fully for our family.
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now, it's true that, you know, i guess now i'm allowed to have a baby. which -- >> if you do, would you be sure -- tom, if that happens. be sure and come on this show. we would love to see the first male having a baby on this show. that would be remarkable. here's a question. are you eligible for one of the subsidies? >> no. i'm not. and that, in fact, was one of the big shocks for me. not that i wasn't. i work in silicon valley. you know, i earn over the $94,000 figure that is four times the poverty level for a family. so that meant my insurance every month was now going to cost me $1,470. the big surprising point that i found out was that if i earned under $94,000, say $93,000, you would expect that now a subsidy would kick in.
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the big surprise was that my new rate would have been $270. even less than what i pay today. there's a hockey stick curve that's in the implementation. you know, as you said going in, i am a big fan and, you know, actively would support providing health insurance for everyone who needs it. you know, i feel a responsibility if my neighbor's kids come down sick with things or my kids come down sick with things. that's a whole purpose of insurance. but the fact that such a hockey stick at $94,000, there's a lot of people who will appreciate this plan because they're going to get subsidies. but in the end, those have to be paid by someone. >> i think that's a harsh reality that we all are beginning to realize. there is no free lunch. there's no free health care, either. tom, i appreciate your story. thanks so much for coming and telling us about your experience. great to have you here. >> thank you, governor.
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>> if tom's story is not enough to convince you that obama care is maybe a cure even worse than the disease, oh, wait. there's more. coming up, a young woman whose monthly cost for insurance more than quadrupled under obama care. you'll meet her, next. i'm tony siragusa and i'm training guys who leak a little, to guard their manhood with new depend shields and guards. the discreet protection that's just for guys. now, it's your turn. get my training tips at ienjoy plum amazins, dicedprune, you haven't tprunes.nsweet, the amazing prune. i'd put these on a salad. these would be perfect for cookies. delicious and nutritious sunsweet, the amazing prune.
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my next guest is a my next guest is a 26-year-old woman with two college degrees. despite both diplomas, she's not been able to land a well paying job at least that's full time and she's struggling to get by. that was before obama care even took effect. now she says things are worse under the affordable care act. her monthly insurance cost has risen from $75 a month to $319 a
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month. she vented her frustration on the facebook page. a conservative syndicated radio talk show host of dennis prager. here's what she wrote. liberals claimed this law would help the poor. i am the poor. the working poor. and i can't afford to support myself let alone older generations and people not willing to work at all. this law has raped my future. it's going to keep me and kids my age from having a future at all. joining me now, ashley dionne who wrote that very facebook page post. ashley, when you went to college, you thought, okay. i'm going to work hard, get a degree, get out, get a nice yob. support what's happened instead? >> unfortunately, it's just been a struggle. and i think that i'm not unique in that regard. that all of the kids that i went to school with and friends from other colleges are experiencing the same thing.
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they don't have work in their field. they are taking whatever they can get. we're really competing with kids who've just had college -- or just g.e.d.s and high school diplomas for really low paying jobs. >> you said in the facebook post that obama care had raped your future. what do you mean by that? >> basically, i actually was given a hard time for my use of the word. i mean it in a simple definition as far as to plunder or to steal. i feel like our future has been stolen in that we don't have a choice in this. they're saying you have to buy this whether you want it or not. and whether you can afford it or not. i'm someone who's always worked hard. and i'm being told, you have to get on medicaid. i don't want to get on medicaid. i want to work.
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and i feel were it not for obama care, i could get 40 hours, support myself. >> you paid $75 a month for a health policy. that was a very reasonable cost. now it's $319. >> yes. >> why has it gone up so much? what do they tell you? >> i actually called my insurance company. and i said, you know, i need prescription coverage. and what do i have to pay to keep this plan? because this is the plan that i want. they said, you're going to have to get this preferred bronze pl plan. with your deductible it's going to be $319. it just -- it bothers me so much that we heard over and over, if you like your plan, you can keep it. and that turned out to be completely false. >> you like ed your plan, didn' you? >> yeah. very much. >> you don't get to keep it. >> i don't get to keep it. >> if you were to get a new plan with your existing coverage, it's going to cost you about $6,000 deductible. now, can you afford that? >> absolutely not. >> what do you do?
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>> i know that it goes against my beliefs to get on medicaid. and i really am just leaning towards paying the penalty. and just not having that coverage that i need just because i can't see myself taking aid that i know other people are much more deserving of. >> ashley, the penalty is a lot less expensive than the cost of the health care. right? >> absolutely. >> so how much -- how much is the penalty going to cost you versus the $319 a month. >> it's 1% of my income. which is not a lot of income. >> so right now that's a real low figure, huh? >> exactly. >> that's what's frustrating. you want to work. you want to provide for yourself. the government has created a policy that almost punishes and penalizes you because you want to do it for yourself. how does that make you feel about the government right now? >> i feel awful. i feel like we're being set up for failure. because so many of us who have
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worked so hard don't have the opportunity for success anymore. and at the same time, they're punishing people who are already successful. >> ashley, i'm afraid your story is going to be told just like that all over america. but i appreciate you coming to tell it here. great to visit with you. thank you very much. coming up, we have some more stories about the government shut down's direct impact on american people. we're going to hear from a tour director who compares the treatment that he received to the gastoppo. that's next. dy that looked at the long term health benefits of taking multivitamins. they used centrum silver for the study... so i guess my wife was right. [ male announcer ] centrum. always your most complete.
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on america's most reliable network. live from america's news headquarters. i'm robert gray. a large crowd pushing their way past barriers at the world war ii almost memorial in washington today. many veterans in the crowd upset that access to the memorial has been blocked amid the government shutdown. park police later closed the memorial again. there was a protest at the lincoln memorial.
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the park police have been guarding the landmarks are not being paid with the government shutdown. a foot of rain falling in just 12 hours, triggering flash flooding in the austin, texas, area today. the heavy rain washing out roads. a number of people reportedly had to be rescued. so far, there's been no word of any injuries. the weather, though, may get worse before it gets better. forecasters are expecting even more rain over the next few days. raising the possibility of more flooding. i'm robert gray. now back to "huckabee." stories from the government shutdown affecting real americans making headlines all over the country. in north carolina's blue ridge parkway, park rangers blocked the entrance to the pisga inn. that's a privately owned business on leased government land. that caused the restaurant to throw out thousands of dollars worth of food in what usually
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would be a very busy fall season. in massachusetts, the nasset nol motor lodge, a private business leasing property in the cape cod national seashore, they had to cancel and refund an entire month of reservations. so instead of welcoming visitors, the lodge's owner is spending his time sending out some reimbursement checks. in wyoming, park rangers barricaded paths and denied access to visitors who planned their vacations and spent thousands of dollars to tour yellowstone national park. bus tour director gordon hodgens says some park rangers used tactics that were better suited for the gestapo. he joins us now. gordon, thanks for being here. i want you to tell us about the experience that you and your tour group had at yellowstone. >> yes, sir. well, it's a pleasure to be here. i've been working as a tour guide for about eight years. best job in the world taking people into our national parks.
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i always had a good experience with the national park service, rangers, the concessionares. to have our group treated the way we were our last trip in was just really amazing. we were prevented from accessing any of the wonderful sites and yellowstone national park. all of the geyser basins, roads, accesses all were blockaded. i took my group out to try and see some of the sights they'd been promised they would see when they signed up for their tour. we saw a group of bison alongside the road and stopped to take some pictures of them. but immediately a ranger pulled up and asked who was in charge. i responded that would be me. she said, you need to get back on your bus, sir. there's no recreating in the park. i said we want to take pictures of the bison. she said, sir, there's no recreating in the park. get back on your bus now. are you traveling through the park or staying in the park? i said we have rooms a t the old
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faithful inn. we're staying tonight. she said get back on your bus, get back to the hotel and stay there. >> some of the people you had with you were people from other countries. how did they feel? were they a little frightened by the treatment they were receiving at a national park? >> i don't know if they were frightened. they were very amazed and disappointed. i had people from canada and australia in my group that had paid large sums of money to come here and tour national parks. to them it was a very discouraging, you know, a chance of a lifetime to visit these national parks. they were very upset about it. as well as others on the bus also. >> you know, i only could imagine if you'd had tourists from north korea, they'd have said we're getting out of here, getting back to north korea where they know how to take care of tourists. you said they were almost like gestapo tactics. what are some of the things they did that made you say, wow, what happened to america? >> to be threatened with arrest, to me, for visiting a national park. now, i've been in the national parks many, many times. had a good relationship with the
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national park service, the rangers, the concessionares. this was just a complete about-face. it really took me by surprise. to be threatened with arrest, then as we went back to our hotel, as we were ordered to do, we could not access even the boardwalks to go watch old faithful geyser go off. >> they wouldn't let you walk on the sidewalks or the boardwalks? >> that's true. they said, well, we don't have money to maintain the boardwalks. i confronted one ranger. i says, we have money to have rangers riding around on four-wheelers to keep us from taking photographs. you know, can't we go out and watch old faithful geyser go off? he said, sir, you step across that line you could be arrested for trespassing. on the signs, it said, you know, entry punishable by law. >> gordon, it's just a shocking thing you've been through. this is the story we're hearing all over america. i'm sorry it happened to you. i hope it doesn't happen again. now having been on the show, they may not be that nice to you next time you show up either. i thank you anyway for coming.
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i appreciate it. gordon, great to have you here. >> thank you. thank you very much. a high school senior and an avid fisherman had something in his tackle box, locked away in his car. it was on school property. he got charged with a felony and faced a ten-year prison sentence. we're going to find out what happened to him. we're going to ask what happened to common sense? that's next. happened to common sense. that's next. up in alaska, we find the best, sweetest crab for red lobster
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this school adopted zero tolerance policies when it comes to having weapons on school property. they purpose, they say, to keep children safe. when these zero tolerance policies are put into effect, it seems like it's causing some school administrators to lose their common sense. >> you may remember back in may when 8-year-old josh welsh was suspended when he accidentally nibbled his pop-tart into the shape of a gun. or the 5-year-old girl suspended after using her hello kitty bubble gun. in fact, it was initially listed on her record as a terroristic threat. then there were the stories of jared markham from west virginia and hayley bowinkle from california both taken to the principal's office for simply wearing nra t-shirts that
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depicted guns. just in the past month there have been several more incidents. like a seventh grader in rhode island who was suspended for three days for carrying his keychain in the shape of a gun. it was about the size of a quarter. or 8-year-old jordan bennett who was suspended for a day simply for using his thumb and finger in the shape of a gun. in virginia, three students were playing with this air soft pel let gun on one of the student's own front yards. despite the fact the game took place on private property, the school suspended all three boys for the entire school year. claiming the property was too close to the bus stop 70 yards away. that's hard to believe, isn't it? can you believe this? well, on september 17th, fwa ga high schooler cody chitwood was arrested. he was charged with a felony. why? fishing knives were discovered in his car on the school parking lot. despite the fact that the knives were locked away in a tackle box among some otherequipment. the school had no choice but to
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arrest him and charge him under the school's zero tolerance policy. joining me now is cody chitwood's lawyer, joel pugh. this is shocking stuff. we read about these kids getting suspended from school. their futures up ended. i do understand there has been a positive development in the case for cody. tell us what's the latest. >> yes, sir. i appreciate the opportunity to speak. cody -- i have had an opportunity to meet with the district attorney, vic reynolds in todd county. he has agreed we will dismiss the charges. after they're dismissed, cody's record will actually be expunged so he will not have a record, even an arrest record for this incident. his ultimate goal was to go in the air force. looks like we're going to be able to achieve that upon his graduation from high school. >> that's good news, joel. here's the problem. what if he hadn't have been able to obtain an attorney who could have represented him? what if cody has just been charged with this, and these charges had stuck with him?
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>> well, that's -- i will tell you as a result of this incident, at least in cobb county we have taken positive steps to install good old fashioned horse sense back into these decisions. our legislators, i believe through well intended laws that probably weren't completely well thought out, they were designed to protect school children. they took all the discretion away from the arresting authorities. thank goodness once the district attorney's office has a chance to look at this, they can establish the facts and do the correct thing. in cody's situation he was fortunate. what would happen in another situation in another county, i can't say. i hope that the same result after cooler heads prevail and people can actually look at the facts and review them, i hope it would -- the same result would occur anywhere. >> joel, this would have ruined cody's life.
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he would never have been able to go to the air force. he would never have been able to take a lot of jobs that required a background check. you know, this is something only because he had representation. yet had he not had it, his life effectively would have been ruined, wouldn't it? >> it could have been. yes, sir, it could have been. that's the negative impact of these zero tolerance laws. there's no question about it. they need to be reviewed. they need to be -- they need to be corrected. >> joel, appreciate your being here. it's great to see you. i'm glad cody had you as a lawyer. i'm glad he was able to get out from under this ridiculous kind of charge. thanks for being here. >> thank you very much. >> you know, it's truly unbelievable to think that a kid would be in trouble because he liked to go fishing. i don't know. it's hard to go fishing without being able to have a knife to fillet the fish. somebody needs to be filleting some of these laws and cutting them up and bringing some common sense back to america or we're
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going to be criminalizing a lot of kids for blowing bubbles and using their fingers and eating pop-tarts. look, america had better wake up. and get its act together. i hope it's very, very soon. all right. well, coming up, both their fathers are country music legends. but these two beautiful ladies have blazed their own trails into the annals of country music. lori morgan and pam tillis. they joined forces. they're going to rock your world. that's next. to treat my low te, my doctor and i went with axiron, the only underarm low t treatment. axiron can restore t levels to normal in about 2 weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur.
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they are both daughters of they're both daughters of hall of fame country singers who grew up in the music industry. while they're fathers were making great music in matnashvi,
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our guests didn't know each other. they've been very good friends. even have teamed up to make music and tour together. now they've got a brand-new album called dos divas. morgan and pam tillis.s divas. morgan >> you have been on the show before. this is your first time. to get the two of you together it's really a remarkable thrill for us to have you. how did you meet and start working together? you are both in the business and you didn't really do this before. >> no, we didn't. pam and i worked together in 94, 96, something like that. we did a craft store with carlene carter another generation of country music. and we didn't get to know each other then at all because we all had our own buses and we just kind of pass in the middle of the night and just go do our show, and about two and a half years ago i ran into pam at the
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opry and she is like we need to go to lunch to talk about touring acoustically, just us two. we went to lunch and her genius came up with the idea and here we are. >> pam, you still speak to each other off stage? >> we still get along after -- it is going on three years. it is like the rolling slumber party. like she said, the last time we toured together we only sang together at the end of the night. we did the big finnal lae. but this time we do the whole show together and it's very much like a musical dialogue and the audience is eavesdropping on two old friends talking about life, love, money and kids and everything in between. and then our hit songs that we have we sing together with harmony and play on each other's songs. we get along better than we ever have -- >> because she learned to do
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what i tell her to do. >> that's exactly right. >> it's like marriage. >> not quite. >> what song are you doing today? >> it was written by ms. mary sue england and john sheprd. mary sow recorded this song a couple years ago. pam and i both heard the song and we wanted to record it. rather than fighting about it who was going to record it we did the duet together on the song and we are glad we did. it is a beautiful, beautiful song that i think touches every woman's life, and it's a great song for men to listen to as well. but -- >> that is what we are going to do right now. let's do the song. song. ♪
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♪ ♪ >> i love the song. i love these two wonderful ladies. pam tillis and lorrie morgan. thank you so much for >> thank you so much for joining us. that song was fantastic. that's it for us tonight. we have to say good-bye. from new york this is mike
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huckabee, good night and god bless. tea corn mu
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>> a outrage. they stormed the castle. but will obama meet their demands. monday on "the kelly files." >> they come here to kill us and we worry about what they think of us. why would you give criminal advancement? get the hell out of jiri leetest egg head power, put on your


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