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tv   Studio B With Shepard Smith  FOX News  September 10, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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out to one of our favorite viewers. scott from minnesota is 23 years old. while he struggled with a muscle disorder he never misses a show. here he is at his birthday party last month. we appreciate all of your support. we wish you and your family speegsly your grandma -- speegs your grandma. the news begins a new on studio b. mitt romney promised to repeal and replace the bt's new healthcare law if he wins the white house. he still says that. now it is the affordable care act policies. which one? we will get into that just ahead. first time responders rush to the burning wreckage of the world trade center the feds may acknowledge a link between the docks toxic dust at the site and cancer. what that means for some of the victims coming up.
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the nascar post season is officially here. the five time sprint cup champion jimmy johnson will be in studio that's ahead unless breaking news changes everything on studio b. >> first from fox at 3:00 early polling from the democratic national convention the campaign karl cameron has the case. gallup's daily tracking poll gives the president a 4 point advantage. rasmussen puts him within 5 points which is within the margin of error. the biggest lead in four months. the convention numbers are often short lived and the romney campaign poster calls it a sugar high. the president has the fundraising edge last month pulling in more money than the republican rival for the first time since april. governor romney maz mohas more
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overall. we are on the road with the romney campaign. democrats are still way behind in terms of overall cash but it was a good month last month for the president. >> it was. a looks like the president got more than just a bump in the polls since the selection of paul ryan and the republican national convention at the end of august. the democrats used ryan's budget to target romney with a threat of medicare and student loans. the fundraising advantage wasn't much. 14 million for the president verses 111 million for romney. it was the first time in months the president out raised romney. but romney has more carbon hand. it is the park of a close race. >> we have als believe -- always believed it will be a close race. that continues to be the president's belief as well as
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the belief of those around him. so if that helps in terms of our assessment of things that's how we view it. i think you have heard that stated by not just the president but members of his team. >> the president has consistently predicted republicans will have a money advantage. that is likely to be the case if you consider republican super pac spending. >> on the fundraising romney campaign said earlier today we will continue the hard work of raising the resources so mitt romney and paul ryan can win in november put in place their plan for a stronger middle class and get the country back on the right track. some analysts think the romney campaign is packing more toward the center. governor romney told nbc's meet the press yesterday he wouldn't get rid of all of healthcare reform. he had been saying his first action as president would be to repeal obama care. democrats accuse romney of not being specific about his plans
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to rebuild the economy. the romney camp says his budget solutions and bold solutions are the reason it is getting so much support. >> wendell, thank you very much. today governor romney is rallying voters to the state of ohio. analysts say he must win there to take the white house. mansfield in northern ohio with t where the republican nominee just wrapped up speaking. president obama is now widening his lead in the buckeye state. but it's not all bad news for the romney camp. the same poll shows a slight edge among ohio's independents. how about this finding among thosers who call themselves conservative 1 percent say governor romney should get more credit than obama. 36 percent say they are not sure who deserves the credit.
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what's the strategy on the romney camp farm to get the edge back? >> they have lost the edge entirely they deny. they don't deny obama campaign got a bigger bump from their convention than the republicans did. but as you mentioned it's sort of a sugar high. kneel new house romney's pollster says it hasn't really changed. when you look at the numbers the crowds are concerned. the strategy and survey group of the policy shows mr. obama is up 5-35 here in ohio. but the real clear policy average polls in ohio recently shows the president leads by 2 points. that's well within striking distance in a state so saturated with ads and campaigning. romney xendz a tremendoplans to lot of time in ohio. there appears to be a bit of a
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jump for the president, too although quite small. the gallup polls show 49 to 45 percent. if you look at the gallup polls tracked as well as the last year and a half there has never been more than 7 points between the two men. it shows the president was up just two points. the romney campaign says that should be expected as far as the democratic campaign came second. having said that the gop are pounding last friday's job numbers. they are hitting the numbers hard they will add in wisconsin paul ryan's native state. that may make an indication of their ability to expand the swing states contestants toups where they can pick up one or two more they can get to the necessary 270 electoral college votes to win the presidency now 55-56 days from now. the long answer is what you
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have. the short answer is work hard. spend a lot of money and never, never give the obama the opportunity to get control of the daily narrative. >> a rowdy get together. mitt romney and paul ryan are trying to define what they stand for on the hot button issues that are healthcare. he wants to keep parts of the healthcare overhaul saying i am not getting rid of healthcare reform. >> there are a number of things that i like in healthcare reform that i am going to put in place. one is to make sure those with preexisting conditions get coverage. two ensure the marketplace allows for individuals that get policies who cover their family. >> it may be part of the traditional outreach to the political middle ahead of the general election. politics reporter a real clear good to see you, how are you?
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>> good. thanks for having me. >> this really isn't new. he is still saying he wants to do away with obama care and put in some parts that he liked and he liked from the beginning, right? >> right. it soujdz not li sounds not lik candidate who replaces obama care you would have to replace obama. you have the program from the root and branch. but it's interesting a lot of congressional candidates congressional candidates have similar things they like parts of the bill parts of the law but they want to repeal parts of it. this isn't extraordinary for a republican to say but it puts romney in paa different positio. he's trying to appeal toward the center with his support of some
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of the conservatives who have a hard time. the candidates also had a similar healthcare bill in massachusetts. it highlights the bill that he put in place in massachusetts that he has been trying to distance himself from. >> katelyn, specifically how much specifics do we have regards which parts of the healthcare overhaul he would like to keep in place? >> he said he would like to keep the coverage for preexisting conditions. he said he likes the part about young adults up to 26 keeping on their parent's health insurance. how does he propose to pay for it? there's a reason that insurance companies don't often take people with people with preconditions. that is something he will have to layout firmly especially since he is an advocate for repeal based on how much this law would cost. >> isn't it true katelyn big
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picture speaking that before the convention the candidates normally keep their basis and after the conventions after labor day in the home stretch they go for the important voters right there in the middle. >> exactly. especially after the conventions both rile up their bases. it seems like this when they are shifting to the middle here. but the other thing is romney has to keep his base and keep it really excited. he needs them to turn out in large numbers so that he can go from the center and have both of those there. >> katelyn, good to see you again. thank you. >> thank you for having me. >> western leaders have said all along that they could use military force to stop the iran nuclear program if the country gets too close to developing a nuclear program. how far is too far. apparently the united states and israel don't seem to agree. the details on that next.
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>> secretary of state hillary clinton says the united states is not setting deadlines for the nuclear programs. they are here to convict with netanyahu's campaign. net how hue talks about clear limits could stop iran's alleged race to get nuclear weapons. according to secretary clinton every option is on the table but the united states beliefs negotiations that economic negotiations are the best option at this time. iran claims the nuclear program is for peaceful performances
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only. chief correspondent hunter is with us. this is an outright disagreement between the united states and how to deal with iran. >> israeli leaders clearly believes that it is the most a matter of months possibly only a matter of weeks before they will need to strike at those iranian nuclear sites where as the u.s. wants to take more time to see pressure and diplomacy can work. netanyahu comments aren't necessarily mutually exclusive. she can say there are currently no actual headlines without the two being knmutually exclusive. even if you do have red lines you don't save them outright publicly because the iranians would be there. >> the united nations inspectors
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are on the nuclear side. >> the leader of the international atomic energy expresses deep frustration that the delays of the deep forcing them not allowing them in particular on the military site. it is believed to be one of the most important of all of iran's facilities. the iaea chief inspector will have to stop going around in circles we need to get in there. diplomacy is working. little scene facts but today for the second day in a row the iran currency fell sharply against the u.s. dollar. it is now at a record low. and that does add some evidence to what the us says is beginning to fight. >> jonathan hunt thank you. more reports of possible corruption, fraud, lying,
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cheating and stealing in afghanistan. u.s. officials are again warning billions of tax payer dollars are in jeopardy of being wasted. the watch dog for u.s. spending released a new report today. they are looking into reports of record spreading by nato officials training the afghan army. records of fuel purchases are gone paperwork from march 2011 to march 2012 missing. this is the latest round details in washington this afternoon. how bad is this? >> it has a hefty potential price tag. $1.1 billion. they are inspector general for afghanistan. that report says fuel provided by the u.s. is totally unaccounted for. george little tells us today we are taking a look at it.
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consequently says the report unless funding legals bavels ba national army fuel requirements by controls instituted prior to transition dates fuel and african support funds will be available. inspector general for afghanistan is responsible for tracking the nearly $90 billion in u.s. construction money that has gone to afghanistan. in another matter officials are turning over control of the controversial prison in bagram which is home to a lot of high priority folks. >> absolutely. the infamous prison of bagram was handed over to the afghan government today as part of the transition. this was done with lots of ceremony but behind the scenes a business tut is growing between the u.s. and kabul with scores of prisoners the u.s. is not
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wanting to hand over worried they will put them back on the battlefield to cause further trouble for the 68,000 of u.s. troops still in the country. >> we have 3,000 afghan detainees in an expedient rate and ensured those who threatened the partnership would not return to the battlefield. >> u.s. military personnel and commanders have campaigned for years the afghan have a revolving door policy when it comes to prisoners. many of the workers go to ground zero after the attacks of ground 11 later contracted cancer. some of them died. but the government fund set up to help first responders never paid for canningscer victims. now with a new development that could soon change. the new details coming up. >> [ male announcer ] it's simple physics...
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>> almost 11 years after the attacks of 9-11 there's word the government may acknowledge those who worked at 9-11 at ground zero may have cancer as a result. three breathing tocks iks dust for weeks many are now sick or dying. some have already died. as it stands it is meant to cover 9-11 related health problems includes only a short list of illnesses. cancer does not qualify. now all these years later there are reports that may change. martha caplin joins us with medical ethics of langley medical certainty. specifically what changes? >> what changes is the list of diseases eligible for reimbursement gets longer. but the bad thing is, if you ran
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into the debris and the aftermath of 9-11 and then you got sick, i think you ought to be on the list to get your campaign without this list. in other words i am sick, i was at 9-11 i tried to rescue people. i think we are going to cover that everything. >> well there was a time when they were unsure what was caused by what. isn't that right? >> they did and it probably is true. it is one thing to say i slipped and fell, i want disability, we can argue that really happened who caused that what's the connection. if you were a hero and you went into that site and you got sick later and you can prove you were at the site my attitude is why don't we cover everybody? >> how long is this process going to be? >> you can take time even though you add diseases to the list.
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you have the soldier you go out there and prove it it takes you years to prove it. many might die before they saw a nickel. >> some of these people might not have insurance and as a result may not get the very treatment they need. >> exactly. the reason these funds become important is because there are a lot of folks down there who have no insurance. people down there have limited insurance and even the policy might say you are not covered if you are in a cat caastrophe. don't we as a country owe it to you? >> one they are asking is in this day of difficult budget when you want to make sure the money you are spending is going for what you think it is, things take more time maybe than the body during a medical condition. >> it is all true but i am going to say it again from the ethics point of view help in 9-11 let's
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treat you the right way. >> doesn't seem as much of a community with or without. >> thank you. >> my pleasure. >> more americans are paying their mortgages on time. the report shows the housing sector still has a long way to go. today how the presidential candidates plan to help homeowners. a car bomb blast reportedly killed dozens of people in parts of the city as the civil war there are growing humanitarian crisis. that's as we approach the bottom of the hour and top of the news on studio b. [ kimi ] atti d i had always called oregon home.
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>> i am shepherd smith. this is studio b. it's the bottom of the hour. time for the top of the news. the crippled housing market reportedly showing some signs of new life. according to the real estate data firm called lending processing services, the numbe pay their mortgage bills has dropped some 30 percent from the peak in january of 2010. but the report also indicates there are still some major problems out there. 18 percent of borrowers across the country owe more on their mortgages than their homes are actually worth. 3 of five states with the heist under water rates are the crucial swing states of nevada, florida and michigan. the reason this is important housing is one indicator of how the overall economy is actually
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doing. the market is far from normal saying a recovery looks a ways off. jerry willis is here at the bottom of the hour. it's the kind of thing that ought to grab the attention of the campaign for a couple of guys named obama and romney. >> you bet ya. you haven't heard a lot. millions of americans are under water. they owe more than the house is worth. look at the homeowners in swing states that are under water in nevada are 55 percent florida 33 percent michigan 30 percent ohio 13 percent. that doesn't sound like much cleveland you see big pore portions of homeowners having trouble. peter barns spoke to the fellas who did the study. here's what he had to say. >> as we consider the relative stability that you see in home crisis now perhaps certainly the risk is there that if home prices go lower we could see new
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defaults coming into the system. these states that have large diskress distressed inventories could be expressed for that. we see candidates struggling to get the right answer to the question here. >> how are the two campaigns handling this? >> romney is going to be to nevada and florida. the white house urging the senate to pass along legislation that would expand a mortgage refinance program. as you know we have many, many programs for people in trouble over the past four years. they haven't worked very well. that's been the problem with that. not a lot of answers for people out there who are under water right now. >> 55 percent in nevada. that is a lot. >> a lot of homes that are empty. >> thank you. >> hundreds of thousands of families in chicago are trying to figure out what to do with the kids now that the children's
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teachers are picketing in the streets. >> thousands and thousands of teachers are on strike in this the nation's third largest school district. many parents scramblitrambl scr child care. looking for ways to keep teenagers out of trouble when they are not in class. last night the teachers union announced it could not reach the deal before the deadline. sticking point teacher evaluations. the agency is looking at scores. they take other factors including poverty can lower kid's scores. mayor rahm emanuel says he wants a quick end to the strike calling the situation avoidable and wrong. steve brown his live in chicago. my understanding the city is offering 16 percent pay raise over 4 years. what are the teachers wanting? >> well, even the head says the
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financial office is pretty close. this strike is not about financial issues, but the strike is about several other things including those evaluations that we were talking about still in the mayor's view the teacher strike was avoidable and therefore they shouldn't shut the city schools down. >> we were down to only two issues our request was to postpone the strike and work -- continue to work through the night if not tomorrow morning to deal with the two remaining issues. and i said i want to repeat, this is a strike of choice and it's the wrong choice for our children and it's not necessary. >> the cities scramble churches also jumped in in offering their houses, if you will, for places
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for kids to go to while the school is on strike. >> do teachers have a reason not to trust mayor emanuel on this or what's the story? >> there are significant reasons. when -- (inaudible) (chanting) flush that laid the groundwork for the teacher's union and the mayor. >> steve brown on the streets with the strikers. thanks very much. the death tole from the civil war stands at 23,000 people as the humane tearian crisis grows by the day.
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>> the syrian government media a car bomb blast in the section under military control killed more than 2 dozen people and hurt at least 60 others. syrian authorities claim islamic militants whose car bombing skills from iraq and elsewhere have slipped into syria and have joined in the fight against syrian government. we can't independently confirm any of this. the number of people needing assistance has doubled since july since 2 and a half million. the office of secretary of state -- i should sadie fence. the consulting firm had the innovation. sounds like this is getting worse. >> it is getting worse. we have been talking about this for months now. it is going to get worse. at what point is this wrong? we are talking about this if
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chemical weapons are used nuclear weapons or things like that come to play. if there's an open use of terrorist groups with al qaeda something like that. frankly shy of that what we see here is between two branchs of islam and we see a civil war. i don't see the reason for the united states to come to the ground and intervene. >> i think the big picture question we are trying to answer is were we or others to intervene would that outcome be better than what they would get without our input? >> that's exactly right. as a close friend of mine who is in the military said only difference is if we start to intervene some of the coffers that are coming out of this crisis will have american flags draped on the coffins. it is the 11th year since 9-11. we have been at war for 11 years. you have iran and israel and issues there we may be back in war in an aggressive way in this
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region. we have been in afghanistan for 11 years in iraq 8, 9. we have a lot of political problems in this region but we have other things we need to worry about economic issues, jobs economy right here at home. as a foreign policy realist you have to say if they cross some particular deadline there is not a reason for us to get involved it's not something that rises to the level that we should be getting involved. >> we talk about red lines as it relates to iran and that crisis. you wonder where the red line involves here. the president said even if they move chemical weapons others said if they use chemical weapons. where is it? >> the use of chemical weapons. on the other side the rebels if you see an allegiance to al qaeda we have seen a hint to that. remember the up rising is sunni led and al qaeda is on the sunni side of things.
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you have challenges about who is going to come out ahead of it. the u.s. doesn't want to have fingerprints on a situation where we have empowered and emboldened people with an iron fist. look at iraq over the weekend. we had another car bomb there where 100 people died. the one in syria is a tragedy. 27 people died that's horrible. but in iraq there's 100 people who died from a car bomb. good thing we are out of iraq but maybe we should run and get into syria. >> thank you, sir, good to see you. the parents of a u.s. navy sele died they say the president and the campaign are using the seal for political purposes. we will hear from him next. the teen who lost an arm to an alligator. he got a new high-tech arm. and he's making good use of the thing. we will check in with him coming up.
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>> for the first time bin laden's dying moment from someone who is there. cbs's 60 mints. the wounded and bloody terror leader did not die right away. >> when you say a nation what do you mean. >> fire. >> you shot him. >> he is still moving. >> a little bit. but you couldn't see his arms couldn't see his hands so he could have had something. could have had a hand grenade or something underneath his chest. >> after osama bin laden is wounded he's still moving you shot him twice? >> a handful of times. >> a handful of times. and the seal in behind you also shot osama bin laden and at that point his body was still. >> yes. >> cbs reports that the man who you are looking at is not really what he looks like. they disguised his voice and hired makeup artists to change his look completely to protect
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his family from retaliation. the compound in pakistan that the same description he gives in his new book no easy day. pentagon officials are upset over some of the secret information aboin that book. the family of a different member of seal team 6 says it is angry at the white house for information it released. the seal you see died here along with 16 ears when insurgents shot down the chopper last year. that happened after the osama raid. they made the son by outing its unit as the one behind that operation. >> hello, katherine. >> their son aaron rin after joe biden revealed the navy seals. >> aaron called me and said, mom, you need to watch your social media claims of any reference to me or any of my buddies. he actually said to me, mom,
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there's chatter. and all of our lives could be in danger including yours. >> so how do you feel as a father who have your son identified? >> we expect better out of the highest in our government. i believe what the administration did then i believe it was criminal. >> the military they are publicly to share their experience with other military families. we asked if it was possible that the vice president identify the seal simply because add membershipstration and the entire country were so grateful. >> i can tell you one thing seal team 6 did not want to be identified. it wasn't that they were trying to be proud of them. those men do not need a pat on the back. they don't work for that. >> the team 6 was angry. everybody knew. yes. absolutely. they were very angry. it was like the rug got pulled out from under them.
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>> you know it was a special off right. >> national spokesman we asked them to respond to the concerns and if there is a response we will update our report chat. >> katherine, thank you. >> a 17-year-old boy has a new arm after an alligator bit it off. back in july he sacrificed his arm fighting off the gator in the river in southwest, florida. wildlife officials later found the limb inside that animal but it was too mangled to reattach. trace gallagher has more for us live. >> all i can think of liis thiss steve austin all over again. >> it is fred lang dale is one of the first in the world to get
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it. though he is not really the $6 million man the technology itself the arm is 80,000 dollars donated the hangar clinic which specializes in prosthetic limbs. they use sensors to control movement. lang dale uses the type of computer game to train himself on things like how hard to grip and how to increase mobility. he says he feels very fortunate. listen. >> i am able to multi task. close car doors. i am able to grab stuff while holding something. >> the technology is all good and fine but he still has to be able to move it and that means he has to retrain his arm muscle to be able to control that thing in the end. >> through all of that he seems mighty up beat from the very beginning. >> remember this is a kid who said he got attacked not his friend because he is not sure his friends would have survived. he's glad the gator tore off his right arm because he drives his air boat with his left arm.
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because he will not stay out of the water the prosthetic is designed with a camouflage water proficiency or proofing system so he can actually learn to swim at some point in time. right now he is trying to learn the little things. listen. >> i have been able to with my new hand open water bottles, pull stuff out of a backpack, use a knife to cut bread. >> and shoot a gun which by the way now when he goes on that air boat he carries a gun with him in case he comes across a gator or something else. >> trace gallagher live this thank you very much. >> jimmy johnson preparing for nascar's biggest stage. he's joining us live to talk about it next at studio b. bayer? this isn't just a headache. trust me, this is new bayer migraine. [ male announcer ] it's the power of aspirin plus more in a triple action formula to relieve your tough migraines.
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>> # mints 9 minutes to cavuto. a football injury and he is stabilized his broken spine. it is too early to know if devon walker will be paralyzed. he got injured during a tackle in tulsa. several coaches and peers boughed their heads in prayer. it was a teammate to teammate hit and tulane is a mess the whole community over it. we will have an update on walker's condition as they come in. >> nascar's version of the sprint is underway right now. 6 days at chicago land speedway in chicago, illinois. 12 of nascar's big drivers combine for the biggest prize among those drivers the five time nascar sprint cup champ jimmy johnson is live with us.
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the first driver to become the mail athlete of the year. >> also the author of a new book on the road and you told me on the commercial break the family photographer fee has been taking pictures for a while. >> a photographer that was with us over last year's championship battle. we were going for 6 in a row which didn't turnout. we knew either way once we had the photos it would make a compelling story and powerful awesome images. we have the book and it comes out this week. jimmy pick it aund we hope to have it here soon. >> good luck. >> thank you. >> everybody knows you make it into the playoffs. you make it into the playoffs those who didn't make it are out those who didn't you start over with a new season. you look at the top of the board jimmy johnson tony stewart brard koslows koslowski. >> you got it. >> one thing to see it here it's another to say it.
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>> each team as you mentioned got into a hot streak it lasts a few weeks and goes away. he was probably the most competitive guy. everything shuffles up and we go into chicago with a tight reset they put in place. we will have to see. tony stewart he and carly will tied in points. it came to who won more races in the year which was tony stewart and he was the champion. i am not sure we will have that tight of a championship battle but we will see. >> for your family this must go on and on and on. seems like the season lasts forever. >> you are right it does. 38 of these things. 36 for points. we have 10 to go. so it is a long year, but i have really enjoyed driving the race car and it's fun. >> when you look ahead to the playoffs as it were what do you see as the big challenges as the guy to watch? >> right now everybody is
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dangerous. hendricks has four. you can work up michael walsh strahan has two-cars in there as well. everybody will be strong. the one track i worry about is if you come back and finish the race or not. there are 9 good tracks for the team. >> they have a solid fan base for the south. it is really expanding. >> i had a guy parked his car in the middle of the road ran out shook my hand people were honking got in his car and drove off. it is growing like crazy. >> many wrecks on that road. good luck with the book "on the road with jim me johnson.
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survivors of a plane crash struggle to go keep their heads over water. coast guard comes up in time to pull up one heck of a dramatic rescue. srxz$jxhxp
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>> they are safe after their plane crashed off the california coast. that plane was sinking. two people on board the flight tried to keep that thing afloat. the cessna ran into trouble as the crew flew about 40 miles off central california's coastline. the rescuers lowered a rope to survivors and brought them both to safety. said they were fine and didn't want any medical help. that's it for studio b this monday afternoon. the dow is off today. you can see it was an


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