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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  November 30, 2011 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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this wednesday, novemberhe 30th, 2011. i'm shepard smith. thanks for having us in. mr. bill is next. ♪ >> bill: "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight. >> bret, i don't know how many hundred times i have said this too. this is an unusual interview. all right? let's do it again. >> bill: mitt romney getting a little teed off at our pal bret baier. let's show you what happened and our pal bret will be here. >> we have a president who doesn't give a damn about inconvenience yensing people. >> bill: donald trump teed off with president obama over christmas. we will tell you what happened there. >> talking about let them eat cake. barney frank makes marie antwon net look like a lawyer doing pro bono work. dennis miller wants to wish barney frank happy retirement kind of. >> a tough guy with sharp
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elbows. >> bill: caution. you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. captions by closed captioning services >> bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. less than five weeks until the iowa vote. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. as the republic party consolidates and absorb as new frontrunner newt gingrich, it is worth looking back four years ago from tonight. on november 30th, 2007, rudy giuliani was leading the republic pac, fred thompson second, john mccain third and mitt romney fourth. obviously john mccain scored the nomination. here are the latest polls. in a rasmussen poll today gingrich beats barack obama.
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49% to 43%. legitimate contender for the republic nomination. that means mr. romney will have to go after newt gingrich as did he on "special report" when he called the speaker a career politician. >> i think to get president obama out of office you have to bring something to the race than what he brings. he is a lifelong politician. you have to have the credibility of understanding how the economy works, and i do. that's one reason i'm in this race. >> bill: it is clear governor romney is running as america's ceo as a washington outsider who will clean up the federal mess. but romney still has to deal with conservative republicans, some of whom are suspicious of him. so last night bret baier went back to romney care. >> do you believe that that was the right thing for massachusetts. do you think mandating people to buy insurance is the right tool? >> bret, i don't know how many hundred times i have said this, too. this is an unusual interview. [ laughter ] all right. let's do it again. absolutely what we did in
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massachusetts was right for massachusetts. i have said that time and time again. the people of the state continue to support it by about 3 to 1. but it's also designed for massachusetts, not for the nation. >> bill: all right. it's obvious governor romney doesn't want to keep revisiting that question. also obvious that his question romney care right nor massachusetts but not right for the nation is not going to change. talking points believes there is another seismic event the race will come down to newt gingrich against mitt romney. the difference there have been 12 republic debates. reporters and voters have gotten a good look at the contenders and the primaries are coming on fast. it's always a possibility that someone might surprise in
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iowa, even in new hampshire. so nothing is settled. the trend line is in. that's the memo. now for the top story tonight. let's bring in the anchor of "special report" bret baier from washington. so, do you understand romney getting a little teed off romney answering the question for the 800th time? he is not going to change his answer so i'm wondering why you asked him. >> it led to some of the statements used in ads both by the dnc and jon huntsman and others that are current and which he says in his clips that it's a model for the nation. he has been clear that health care in massachusetts was in his mind for the state. i wanted him to clear up some of these clips that are out there. that's why i went down that road. he clearly got upset with the question. he was irritated by the interview after we were done. what was interesting to me is the response in that i received thousands of emails saying that substantively he did very well in the interview. others said that i was overly aggressive. >> bill: they always say that. don't worry about that. >> that's what they said about
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president obama before the health care law as well. >> bill: how do you know he was irritated? did he slap you. >> he made it clear at the end of the interview. >> bill: tell me how he made it clear? >> he said he thought it was overly aggressive. >> bill: he said that to you? he he said it was overly aggressive. >> he did. as we were walking in the walk and talk and then after he finished he went to his holding room and then came back and said he didn't like the interview and thought it was uncalled for. >> bill: what was his beef, generally speaking? i mean, look, i sympathize with romney on romney care thing, all right? let's face it, here is the deal on this so everybody will understand it romney supported the mandate that you all have to buy health care in massachusetts. he did. stands by it now he says i don't want it for the country, i don't think it works for the country, basically not fiscal. can't afford it i accept that if i were him, i would say the same thing over and over.
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why did he think you were out of line once you get by that annoyance? what else didn't he like? >> i started with the union leader endorsement of speaker gingrich. >> bill: that's a fact. >> right. the fact that they said in not so many words that mitt romney lacked conviction, not naming him. >> bill: that's the beef on him though. he is going to have to deal with that throughout the whole campaign if he wants to be president. >> that was the first line of questioning that went into these statements that he made in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 that are being used against him now. >> look. he thinks that you played a gotcha game. that's what i'm getting out of this. you said this in 2006. it was kind of a gotcha. can i get him. >> that's not what i was trying to do. i was trying to address the questions happening now. under attack. any analyst will say his biggest vulnerability is what
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he said back then and what he is saying now. i was giving him the opportunity to address that head on. i thought the questions were fair and, you know, i think governor romney didn't like the way the interview went and he thought it was overly aggressive. >> bill: i of give you some advice and him some advice. he should deal with this with humor. he should acknowledge that he has flip flopped in the past and say look, that was then. now we have got $15 trillion debt. obviously i'm going to change my opinion. anyone would. that diffuses that i'm not rooting for romney. i'm saying if he is going -- it's not just you going to ask him these questions. everybody is going to ask him these questions. got to bring humor and perspective to it look, i have got perspective here in 2011. i'm going to bring it to 2012. this is what i'm going to do. you want to condemn me for what i said six years ago, go ahead. on your end, baier, and i can do this because i'm much older
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than you are. when you find yourself in a prickly situation. you just flat out ask him. are you annoyed by these questionings, governor? why are you annoyed? i'm trying to ask questions everybody wants to hear on my program. give him a chance to state his beef during the interview. >> and we had those exchanges. we had a couple of them. you know, i think it was evident how he was reacting to the questions. i also asked him a series of questions. this whole thing was generated by an invitation to be on center seat, the segment on "special report." we asked every republic candidate. we had seven answer questions from the panel and myself on the program and governor romney's campaign didn't like the format. so we went to him. i brought some of the panelist questions in the series of questions. >> bill: so they had a beef with that? >> well, they just didn't like the format of being in the studio. and that's why we went out
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there. that was the premise. >> bill: pinheads in every campaign they are trying to control it. remember when i interviewed barack obama on super bowl sunday and i had to interrupt him because i had a very small period of time to get a lot of big questions in. when he was starting to wander or bloviate i brought him back. at the end of the interview i said do you think you were treated fairly? do you think this is fair? because i want these guys if they think they are treated unfairly to say it say it up top. this behind the scenes b.s. i don't think that does anybody any good. i liked the interview, baier. i think you did a good job. >> we tried. >> bill: romney has got to get more of a sense of humor about this thing because it's not going to stop. >> we would love to have him back on the show. >> bill: do i sympathize with the governor how many times am i going to answer the question? i thought it was right for massachusetts i don't think it's right for the nation at this point in time. >> bill, one thing real quickly. he made a point if i was all about political expediency why wouldn't i jetson the
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massachusetts health care point i thought that was a good point that he made. >> bill: was a good point. dick more morris on how president obama might attack romney and gingrich depending on who would run against him. later, donald trump lashes into president obama over christmas. coming right back. we know a place where tossing and turning have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling,
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>> bill: and in the impact segment tonight, president obama, an excellent campaigner, as everybody know, and his staff is work okay strategy either against mitt romney or newt gingrich the likely candidate for president. with us now the big new author of the children's book "dubs goeso washington" great new children's gift you can get on dick do you think bret baier' handled that badly with mitt romney. >> he laughed at the end and answered the question. next time interviewer gets him they will hesitate to ask that question. >> bill: i don't think they will hesitate the interviewer probably won't like romney. romney has to expect this and bring it with humor and stuff like that because they are not going to stop. >> sure. >> bill: they being the media. bret said he was behind the scenes disturbed. it wasn't -- that interview wasn't at that level, you know. >> it wouldn't be. romney needs to answer barack obama's attack ad that he is running in five states now, a democratic attack ad.
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attacking him for flip flopping on abortion. he has that ad that i think you have played. two member in one body. mitt romney, mitt on mitt on abortion. what romney needs to say like president reagan, like bush 41 i started off as pro-choice and i became pro-life as i thought about it and learned more about abortion and what it entails and denigration of human life. >> bill: do you believe that every flip flop that mitt romney is accused of he has to do that. >> no. abortion. >> bill: just abortion? >> no. because everything else he can say the facts changed. >> bill: as i said. >> 15 trillion. >> bill: sure. >> i think it's fascinating. fascinating that barack obama is having the democrats attack romney and not gingrich. you couple that with bill clinton. >> bill: he wants to run against gingrich. >> couple that with bill clinton saying nice things abou gingrich. >> bill: everybody knows that barack obama would rather run against gingrich than romney because of the independent
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vote. >> the world doesn't know it. >> bill: yes they do. the factor viewers know it. >> if the independent voters in the republic primary understood that it would help romney. and i think that if three pieces. you have that piece of evidence. you have clinton's comments that i think are orchestrated pro-gingrich comment. thirdly you have that romney every chance he gets oh and there is romney care in massachusetts that i have patterned my bill after. >> bill: obama. you said romney. >> obama. >> bill: you certainly want to run against newt gingrich because you can demonize the speaker as a door -- >> romney crosses over gets republic and independent votes and even conservative democratic votes. it's all about the economy. >> first it is the economy and he does a very god job on that. when you talk to him about foreclosure policy and everything else, he has learned the trade. when you are talking about
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economics and jobs, that's his forte. but, the other thing, the things that make it a hard sell in the republic primary make it easier in the general. the fact that he was once pro-choice, which means he is not, you know -- >> bill: i think what the folks watching this program know that the republic primaries are basically targeted toward conservative americans. whereas the general election is much more open to everybody. >> yes. this year, unlike 2008, there is not a democratic primary. and in a number of the states, including new hampshire, independents can vote in either primary. and since there will be no reason for them to vote in the democratic primary, there won't be one. they will all be in the republic primary. and, therefore, being able to get the independent vote gives romney a very significant advantage. >> bill: in iowa it's just republicans. >> that's right. >> bill: in new hampshire it's everybody. >> everybody. >> bill: south carolina? >> just republicans. i think. i'm not sure.
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there isn't anything other than republicans so i never looked. >> bill: all right morris. buy his book for the kids "dubs goes to washington." directly ahead, there could be a civil war between washington and the state of california over marijuana. we'll have a special report on that. later, dennis miller on barney frank retiring and the big changes in the republic presidential field. those reports after these messages as the factor continues all across the u.s.a. and all around the world. congratulations.
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>> bill: factor follow up segment tonight, you may remember that the factor is one of the first national news agencies to expose the medical marijuana reuse in california. hundreds are opened selling pot to just about anybody over 18 who has just about any ailment at all. that has caused major problems in cities like san francisco
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and los angeles. now the federal government is threatening to prosecute medical marijuana dealers because the feds do not recognize the california state law. two of the men deeply involved in this brawl are steve and andrew deanglo who run the harbor side health center in oakland, california. all right. steve, let's begin with you. successful entrepreneur making a lot of money off the medical marijuana i understand from my research $20 million. that's a big industry, right? just you? >> well, actually, that was our gross, bill. i'm not making a lot of money. harbor side is a nonprofit organization. i make a salary there just like everybody else. >> bill: what's your salary. >> we don't release individual salaries but we do submit our books to the city of oakland every year and certify we are operating unprofit way. >> bill: just your center grosses $20 million a year. >> that's true. >> bill: that's pretty good. are you a pot user. >> i'm a medical can business president. degenerative disk disease. i have a hard time saying it
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quickly too. >> bill: marijuana helps that how. >> it helps me deal with the chronic pain that i suffer. i have had two spinal surgeries. neither one of them were successful entirely. >> bill: this is a pain killer for you. how often do you use the marijuana? >> when i need to. generally at the end of the day before i want to go to sleep. >> bill: all right. do you, andrew, use marijuana. >> yes. unfortunately i have glawk which is a -- glaucoma. many people in california submit on their medical sheets and i'm sure you have seen that that they use marijuana for anxiety. right? anxiety? >> yeah. that's true. common use, sure. >> bill: forgive me for being cynical but all human beings have anxiety so that means every person on earth could get a medical marijuana card? >> well, actually, millions of prescriptions are written every year for drugs like valium and well buoy trim and sleep aids that have much more
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side effects than marijuana. >> bill: any human being on the planet could get a medical card saying i'm anxious, this helps my anxiety. >> only if their doctor felt that their anxiety felt to the level of medical. >> bill: we did this investigation at fox. you can find a doctor to say you are anxious here is a medical card. >> we saw your investigation. we were just as shocked and outraged. that's we we started it. >> bill: this is legalization of marijuana. that's what it is. because anybody who is anxious can get a card by some doctor. you have got to pay the doctor, and walk in and buy from you guys. you look at the card and give them the pot. >> we don't have the medical training to make that determination. we do check with the medical board of california to make sure the doctor is licensed and in good standing bill bull you don't want your license pulled for 20 million a year. you know i'm right.
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this is quasi legalization. >> there is a lot. not reserved for people just on death's doorway. >> bill: anxiety covers everything. quasilegalization, correct? >> no. we will say here on this show, bill, that we do not support the legalization of can can any cannabis. to promote weed wars. you can witness dozens of patients up there right now with serious medical conditions. >> bill: i'm not saying you don't have serious reasons to use it i'm saying the whole blanket is a legalization deal. the feds say no, you are not going to do it. i don't care what california says. do you understand that federal law overrides state law? do you understand that? >> we understand that federal law is still enforceable in the state of california. not by california law enforcement. no the federal agents would
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have to come. you guys could go to jail if they fine you you and you are not doing the right thing. are you worried about it. >> of course we are terrified. we know this is good medicine and it's not acceptable to us to not help people just because we are afraid. >> bill: okay. i'm sorry you have glaw coma. opium helps patients, heroin, morphine. all of that does. it's just a matter of what the damage is. >> our staff and our safety personnel is trained to make sure nobody who is strung out on hard drugs get in the facility. no one who is drunk can even get into the facility. we have no on site consumption. >> bill: no onsite consumption. can't eat the brownies. >> and they can't go drive their car afterwards. >> bill: thanks for coming in. we hope you don't get arrested. we hope you feel better. thank you. plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. donald trump going after president obama over christmas. wait until you hear this.
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dennis miller wants to send barney frank a retirement valentine or something. we hope you stay tuned to those reports. plus check out for amazing daily deals and free shipping. is all the wrapping a gift needs. wait a minute...i... [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] the lexus december to remember sales event is here, but only for a limited time. see your lexus dealer.
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>> bill: in the did you see that segment tonight, donald trump very angry with president obama today, this evening the christmas tree lighting in rockefeller center is underway and also a big fundraiser for the president causing mass chaos in gotham. mr. trump doesn't like it. >> we have a president that doesn't give a damn about inconveniencing people. he is having a fundraiser right near rockefeller center where thousands of people are coming to see the tree light up. isn't that a shame? the streets are going to be closed. he is a very inconsiderate guy. stop with the fundraisers and start running the country because you are doing one hell of a lousy job. >> bill: here now fox news correspondent juliet huddy. why is trump so angry about this, do you think? >> because he lives in new
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york like all of us. we are annoyed by. this. >> bill: it's gridlock. >> gridlock alert day. actual term here. it's the matinee day for broadway as you know. it's the tree lighting ceremony. all of this stuff is happening in midtown. the president's people knew this was the tree lighting day. >> bill: he wants money. >> he can have money tomorrow night. i'm sure donors will show up tomorrow night. >> bill: he is here right now as we speak. >> gridlock as we speak. see the cops out there? >> bill: people know this, when the president comes they have to block certain streets off. the motorcade goes through and little kids will get run over because they are going to the tree. >> bedlam and children being thrown about. >> bill: trump is really angry up there. >> the president is the president. he can decide when he wants these fundraisers to happen. he has three fundraisers. >> bill: should have done it on another day. >> i'm glad you agree with mr. trump. >> bill: parents television council do you know where that
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is? >> washington, d.c. >> bill: watchdog group, conservative group, right? >> no it's nonpartisan group. >> bill: so they have ranked the best and the worst commercials. this is interesting. not on content, on something else that huddy will explain in a moment. let's roll the best one. go. >> to increase fuel efficiency, its profile is sculpted for ultimate aerodynamics. wind resistant in an irresistible sort of way. the all new ford focus. >> bill: that is just your standard call with water on it. >> it's not about the actual commercial that you just saw. it's about the commercial airing in a certain show that the placement that the ptc deems inappropriate for children. essentially, every year the parents tell -- >> bill: ford put that commercial on shows that this group likes. >> that they liked. they thought were okay like, oh, for instance, let me tell you like an extreme makeover
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home edition type show. nbc sunday night football. >> bill: sunday night football. >> i don't quite get that one. >> bill: are they on the factor. >> i'm not quite sure about that. >> bill: it's a placement deal. >> yeah. >> bill: with all due respect to ford not the most exciting commercial i have seen. >> no, not at all. >> bill: here is the worst commercial that they picked. go. ♪ >> it feels like the experience of a lifetime. that's what it feels like to be a member. >> bill: so american express platinum card, right? >> according to the ptc they tried on shows inappropriate for children. they encourage you to start up the shopping season, the ptc released a list. encouraging people to vote with their wallets and support companies. >> bill: what shows are they on. >> house, grey's anatomy.
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csi. >> bill: i like those shows. >> you are an adult. they don't want children watching these shows. >> bill: their parents should knock the tv off at 9:00. >> i shouldn't buy mcdonald's because it advertises some of the top shows on television happen to be inappropriate for children. i don't understand, this bill. >> bill: nothing wrong with the spot, right? >> fine. >> bill: they just want you to use their card. those shows that you mentioned, "house" they are good shows. >> not shows for children to be watching. isn't that for the parents to decide? >> bill: yes. ptc is located in los angeles. just to be accurate. we appreciate you coming in. come right back, dennis miller on barney frank retiring and big changes in the republic presidential field. miller is next. we all have internal plumbing. but for some of us with overactive bladder, our pipes just don't work as well as they should. sometimes, i worry my pipes might leak. but i learned there's something more i can do.
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>> bill: thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly in the
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miller time segment tonight. he has deep and personal thoughts about barney frank not running for re-election. before we get to the congressman. you have been listening to the programs. do you have some thoughts on it tonight? >> first off if morris is still there, tell him i got the advanced copy dubbs. tell him i will get around it-to-it when i can. that's an intrepid money-making pooch he has there. secondly where was tonight -- tonto's weed. >> oakland. >> bill: center of a lot of things these days. >> i hadn't seen silver heels for a long time. good to know he is making a buck. >> bill: got to make a living. >> of course.
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>> bill: jay silver heels by the way. remember that? that's who played tonto. >> i'm all over it. >> bill: you sent him a lovely parting gift or car what do you do? >> time any kid of a certain age in this country will tell you when a decrepit old varicose purple dinosaur barney has extinction card flipped on him he has got to go. doesn't hurt me. i don't think he is a good man. i don't think is he a good human being. he is nancy pelosi with a spittle problem. is he a karma compromiser. if you don't decry guys like that consistently you put yourself in harm's way with the fewery. i think of barney frank of an empathy theorytician how can he save the unwashed masses from themselves. if he accidently has one of them cross his path he will probably light them up. forget being a savior, forget parting the red sea. how about saying nice, how are you? how are you today? yes i disagree but i still think you are a valid human being. what should he do as he amiables off into the night? he should shape up a little. join a gym for god's sake
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because eventually that freddie mac and cheese makes your fannie mae drop and i think he has got some problems here. he and rangle ought to go down to the caribbean two old war horses they are and test the we've durability on low grade competition fabrics they used to make cheap knockoff chase lounges. adios, barney. >> bill: there is a lot there. sounds to me you are not sad he is leaving. >> no. he is a great guy, billy. i will miss him just because i love you two locking antlers twice a year. >> bill: by the way, stick around after your segment the democratic party is actually saying that barney frank is saving the economy and karl rove is going to handle that after you. now the g.o.p. field obviously narrowing five weeks until iowa and, you know, in those weeks you have got christmas, hanukkah, new year's eve. a lot of people diverted. it looks like gingrich against romney right now. >> yeah. i think you got a good call.
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if i had to say anybody could come from weirdness because everybody seems to be coming way far from left field, i don't think santorum has done anything to hurt himself at this point. it reminds you of the gut theory of politics. i trusted my gut on herman cain. now, i still trust my gut on herman cain as being a pretty decent guy. i don't trust my gut as much as i used to because he is not presidential at this point. i had a perfect call from a guy today on my radio show. i want to get it his name is martin boston. he said the problem with the cain train there is too much steam on the windows and not enough in the engine. [ laughter ] that, not mine. markin boston. perfect description of what's happening here. >> bill: you and i did a couple shows in richmond and atlantic city we both agreed because we do talk politics on stage that it wasn't so much all of this other
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extracurricular stuff that sunk mr. cain, it was his inarticulation on libya and on china and other things combined with that. if he had been -- that's why newt gingrich, despite the baggage that he has, is over -- seems to be overcoming all of that. is because newt seems to be right on the policy area when asked about it. >> listen, like i said, you can't take an 11 second pause on libya. you have got to say something even if it says libya, libya, libya, on the label, label, label. >> bill: anything. >> gingrich, i think people are longing for that gingrich, barack obama debate like they are longing for floyd may weather, manny they want to see that put that on pay per view. we could solve the deficit right there. >> bill: do you think though as we were talking about that independent voters are more likely to support gingrich over romney? i think romney might have an advantage in those precincts. >> listen, as barack obama continues to ostracize himself
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and estrange himself from otherwise moderate people, yeah, i think gingrich has a better chance of getting in there. i think if it was tight, moderates would be maybe i can't go to gingrich. they are actively getting angry at him. guess what? the president's approach to these first three years has -- it's horrible, bill. it couldn't be much worse. have you -- we were just out. is the country not depressed? >> bill: absolutely. people are hurting and scared. they are toughing it out but nobody is confident. that's for sure. >> yeah. well, listen, he he has forced a lot of moderates that might be predisposed to particular stick with him to go after gingrich because they want to see this cat pancake. they think he is not dealing square with him. >> bill: chris christie moderate. little bit conservative. socially a little progressive. so i would call him a moderate. he is very angry with barack obama as well. roll the tape. >> i was angry this weekend.
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listening to the spin coming out of the administration about the failure of the super committee president knew it was doomed for failure so he didn't get involved. then what the hell are we paying you for? it's doomed for failure so i'm not getting involved? well, what have you been doing exactly? >> bill: well, hes coming into new york to raise money as donald trump put it. >> i wish mr. smith and woe len ski would go to washington. that guy is right on top of it. by the way, billy, i don't know if i told you the family and i for thanksgiving this you're had the temperature -- turducky. yams. here is my problem with barack. it's christie's problem with barack. they drop the race card on him when they disagree. has nothing to do with him being a minority. it has to do with him being a minor character. he is not doing enough. he is not leading.
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a guy like christie gets that guess what? those moderates that you are talking about, those moderates that might be emblematic in christie. yeah, they might slide over to newt town. believe it or not, who would have thought that come back and it could still happen a guy named newton has to know what comes up could come down. people want that pay per view fight between the two. put that in vegas. that debate. i'm flying in. >> bill: dennis miller, everybody. karl rove is mentioned up next. democrats saying barney frank saved the economy. mr. rove in a fewup minutes. cold symptoms, plus it relieves your stuffy nose. [ deep breath ] thank you! that's the cold truth!
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>> bill: back of the book segment tonight. of course, this is the ultimate no spin zone. so when we see spin, it makes us squeezy. yesterday on the radio a top
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democrat was lauding barney frank on the committee. >> he was chairing committee that worked with senator dodd to set up these. which republicans are fighting. for some reason republicans think protecting consumers from the type of greed that went on during the financial collapse, the type of tricky trades and risky business that led to many people losing their livelihoods they want to block the consumer financial protection bureau. >> bill: here now fox news analyst karl rove in town for the obama fundraiser tonight, right? >> i bought a $5 ticket. so, the guy who failed to provide oversight on fannie mae and freddie mac causing -- he didn't cause it but he didn't stop it all kinds of economic pain for all kinds of people is now saving america. >> well the dodd frank bill, ironically enough written by
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the two guys who stood in the gates against reform of fannie and freddie for years and years chris dodd and barney frank. look, they have a nice title for this consumer protection bill. first of all, it's costly. already they have already promulgated 26 of the 140 rules that have to be promulgated under this 120 page bill. already those 26 rules are estimated to cost $1.26 billion. >> bill: why do they cost so much money? >> because they add new rules and regulations regarding banks. >> bill: so then the banks pass those fees to the consumers. >> or do things like it is going to cost more for your services from the bank and you are going to have fewer services. bank of america announced it will let go 30,000 people in order to reduce its costs. >> bill: doesn't somebody have to watch the banks? >> sure they do. look, you know, it wasn't the banks that did this. it was fannie and freddie selling them paper of
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mortgages that shouldn't have been issued. and barney frank opposed that bill. finally voted for it in october of 2008. you know, six years, seven years after he had started opposing the bill. so, and, look, have you got to look at the totality of this thing. it's going to do a bunch of things that are going to be bad for the economy. community banks are going to be very difficult to start and difficult to operate. in fact, the community bankers are worried that they are going to be wiped out under this bill because there are lots of rules and regulations that make small and medium size banks. the kind of people who know who you are when you walk in the door. the kind of people who invest in people in their local communities because they know the character of the individual they are dealing. they are going to be largely wiped out and become increasingly smaller share of the financial institution. more difficult to get a mortgage. number of product that are available is reduced. even if you have a great job and a good credit score it's going to be more difficult to get a mortgage. look, it's also going to farmers and small businesses are going to be -- are going to find it difficult to buy insurance protection called derivatives.
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big companies, they have got the wherewithal to go ahead and do it, but the farmers and small businesses are going to find it more difficult because it's become more expensive and costly. >> bill: all in the name to protect the consumer it hurts the consumer because it drives prices up and options down. >> will not stop the bank bailouts. this bill enshrine shah ryans the bailout too big to fail. financial stability oversight connection which literally says you are a big bank, you can't fail. therore, we we we will more heavily regulate you not just in a way where the rules are known and everybody can operate, but you are going to have special oversight from us, which means the big banks are now going to be in bed with washington and that's exactly what we don't need in america. because that's means political pressure can be put on the banks just like it was under fannie and freddie when they said the community reinvestment act. >> bill: don't lend to people who can't pay it back. when you were in the white house did you deal with frank a lot. >> we had to deal with him
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some. >> bill: is he nasty? >> we used to send the number two guy treasury department would go up to capitol hill in 2002-2003, 2004 and he would organize a greeting party for them. the poor guys would get knocked around. there was barney orchestrating it all. is he a smart liberal but also a very nasty person. >> bill: is he nativitiy. i have known him for many many years. i have never ever seen him nice. not one time. a lot of people are that way to me. but bobman was a nice guy. >> beating him up. karl rove, everybody, thanks for coming. in pinheads and patriots on deck, brian williams on fire. p and p moments away. that's 8 hours while you wear it, plus an additional 8 hours of relief after you take it off. can your patch say that? for up to 16 hours of relief... try thermacare.
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>> thanks. sandra, quincy, massachusetts. >> so how has barney frank helped the poor? the mortgage agencies are belly up. is that helpful? the country owes 15 trillion. is that helpful. benches, from new york. >> from texas. he has a verse. [laughter] >> like it, steve. signed killing lincoln on the
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way to you. from new jersey. >> well, the polls say mr. cain is pretty much done, barbara. my job is to report what is going on. we've been very fair to mr. cain on the factor. from texas. >> that's why i wrote about lincoln and beck wrote about washington, elizabeth, to show people what it takes to truly lead during hard times. >> i love terrain , go it is a great place. you are lucky to live out there. from california. >> you are doing them a great service because they need, all the kids need to know about their country. twelve years old and up should
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enjoy killing lincoln if you can get them away from the video games. you might have to hit them with the book to have them read it. and finally tonight, pinhead or patriots. as you know the anchor of the abc news, and this is what happened yesterday. >> for all the bankruptcies we've covered in this grim u.s. economy, this one gets your attention. you will forgive us. we have a fire alarm announcement going on here in the studio. tom, we should advise our viewers there's no danger to us. we would love to make this stop. why don't you take it from the washington bureau. dr. conrad murray was given the maximum sentence. and mexican drug traffickers have crossed deeply -- we are still dealing with the fire alarm warning. thank you for being and us and those who stayed with us. we hope to get the all-quiet and see you back here tomorrow
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night. good night. >> i didn't do it. i had nothing to do with it. they are right across the street over there. in this case he's a patriot. that's it for us tonight. please check out the fox news website. it is different from o' if you wish to opine a word today, do not be pelulant when writing to the factor. we have the poster signed by the five u.s. presidents. go to and we have a link. it's for the wounded warriors. for a $25 donation you get a faction facsimile of the poster that makes a terrific gift and helps out the wounded warriors. that's what we all should be doing, right? we will give you the


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