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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  October 12, 2011 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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were tolling but that is too good to be true, and, see you tonight, thank you for checking in. >> and $447 billion jobs bill voted down in the senate but today the president not giving up. >> not this time. not with so many americans out of work. not with so many folks in your communities hurting. we will not take "no," for an answer. >> welcome, everyone, i am here for neil cavuto and this is "your world." is president obama about to go around congress to get his jobs plan through? the president saying she ready to act. an arizona republican congressman flake is not happy. we have seen it before.
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i think of health care. the president wants something so badly he goes around congress and pushes it through. what do you think of the $447 billion voted down in the senate, but he says he will take part of it and push it through anyway. >>guest: he introduced it in the house of representatives or on his behalf in the house of representatives and did not have takers and i don't believe there are any democratic consponsors. that may have changed today but this is not great enthusiasm. so if he is doing anything it will be around congress and that is what we all ought to fear. we will see more solyndra and more decisions made on spending money that has already been appropriated that is not appropriate. >> take a listen to president obama today, the department of the interior, yesterday, i believe, okay, yesterday, and listen to what he says about getting portions of the jobs program through. >> scour the report.
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identify all the areas we can act in the administration without additional congressional authorization. and just get it done. >> what do you suppose he means "without additional congressional authorization, just get it done." >>guest: what i hear around the state of arizona is, there could be gridlock in congress but the federal agencies are marching right ahead. and that is not a good thing because what they are marching ahead with are job-killing regulations and in this kiss he is calling for decisions made at the federal agency level to spend money in ways they did with solyndra where you had the department of energy make a decision to loan or loan guarantee worth half a billion for a chosen investment of the obama administration. you will likely see more of that without congressional approval and that is not good for the economy and certainly not good for the taxpayer.
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>> congressman, this is the big jobs plan that we waited for his bus tour to end, we waited for the obama family vacation on martha's vineyard and we waited another month so the $447 billion jobs plan came through and now how many jobs will he create with this thing? >>guest: we have created 143,000 federal jobs, not military, just federal bureaucrats the past couple of years. you could see more federal jobs created that way but they are not permanent. they are not jobs that are going to lead to more economic growth. it simply is representing more spending of jobs. so i wish the president would take the hint here when you have lackluster support, if any support in congress, it means that people across the country are not excited. >> half a minute or so what do
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you tell the president regarding the jobs program? >>guest: we need to give certainty out there, not government that creates job but the private sector and right now there is uncertainty on the tax sighted and certainty on the regulation side. far too many regulations that are simply bottling up jobs. arizona, one example, the president is trying to lock away a million more acres from mining. that could represent about 3,000 jobs over the next couple of years. so, it is not just that we're not creating jobs or allowing the private sector to create jobs but removing the potential for jobs to be created. that is the wrong direction. >> thank you, jeff flake, representative from arizona. is the president's jobs council stacked with supporters? a report finding the members including three of the president's top fundraisers dough natured $4.3 million to democrats compared with
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$962,000, 4-1, democrats over republicans and now, keeping track of it all, chris, it is not surprising that people who are in the obama administration jobs council were heavy donors to democrats. and probably happens on both sides of the aisle. but have you seen it? does it shock you it is so heavily weighted to the democrats almost 5-1. >>guest: what is surprising here is that the president has made an attempt to use the folks to provide coverage for his economic agenda given though are heavily democrat. another member of the council, who is the c.e.o. of boeing, sure, he is predominantly republican donor but he is dependent on the federal government for contracts and
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livelihood, so these are not folks who arism partial observers and the president puts them forward as people who are just like he has done with g.e., the straight shooters on the economy and folks he is listening to but, i think if george bush had an economic counsel so constituted with republican donors, the press would not have been so credulous hearing him say these are folks. >> and on thecreen we have the obama bundlers raising money in 2008 and 2012 for his campaign, robert wolf, mark giangreco allogly, and pritzker raising $2.8 million since 2008 and they are on the jobs council. any vice? >>guest: no surprise. and this is significant. the democratic party is dividing in the energy.
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on one hand they want to show sympathy with the occupy wall street folks and the protest movement and raise money off of it and show solidarity and that stuff but, at the same time, they are saying some millionaires and billionaires are okay, these folks including the bundlers you have identified, they are okay millionaires and billionaires. >> i want to pull up the screen, the facebook chief operating officer threw a party for president obama on his behalf raised $2.5 million at her home and fines her sell on the jobs council. >>guest: again, these are his folks, this is, really, the core of the core, and these are also the kind of millionaires and billionaires that the president wants to highlight, they are the appropriate ones and they should not be occupied but, instead, we should listen to them because they support him.
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>> what if i want to be on the jobs council how much do i have to raise? >>guest: i don't know what kind of stroke you are getting up there, i'm not sure, hopefully you are being paid handsomely and you have the kind of deep pockets to get the attention of the administration. i know "the five," is doing well so i hope you have that kind of scratch. >> we are making a joke of it but if you are a bundler and you raise money for a campaign and you have some pretty interesting jobs in the administration and it goes on and on. the department of energy. in the state department. it goes on all the time. >>guest: that is where you get concern. it is a serious concern that people have expressed, republicans particularly expressed, talking about solyndra and other enterprises, where the administration directs funds to individuals and when you see the intersection with donors that is when you see concern. >> we will talk about that in a little bit. thank you. if the bulk of these guys is
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behind the president, is there anyway they will buck the president's plan? the former c.e.o. of verizon wireless, sir, look, you are a big time c.e.o., you raise a lot of money for the and the he puts you on the job council and he says i want to go around congress. >>guest: he will get around congress. listen, here is the disturbing issue here. if the people on this jobs council remain appointed to this jobs council on the merits, wouldn't they be with companies that, in fact, have created jobs of the top ten corporations on the council, 91,000 jobs have been last over the last 24 months. >> can you throw up the screen of these. immelt is interesting, we know what going on at g.e. paying no
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corporate income tax and number two over the course of his ten or 11 years as c.e.o. he has outsourced and 20,000 american jobs to foreign countries but he finds himself heading the jobs council. >>guest: and citibank also on the council, lost almost 63,000 jobs in the last couple of years. now, wouldn't you think people would be chosen on merits? that the president would want people such as the 11 c.e.o.'s who three weeks ago wrote the president a letter and said, mr. president, cut taxes and reform the corporate tax structure. wouldn't they be on this panel? >> why are so many names of the people on the council, they are all with big corporations, big unions, big groups. what about the small business guy, the job creation engine in america? >>guest: right. isn't it the small businesses that credit jobs in the united
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states? of course. this is the first place where johns will get back on track with the entrepreneurs. and what is happening the congressman said it, chris said it, people are afraid to act and don't know what is coming next. >> how do you take it? you watch the senate vote down the $447 billion jobs proposal and, yet, the very same caylee is -- same day, he is saying we will get this through. ings so the job council is for appearance. they talked yesterday in the way of interim solutions was, almost, exactly what they presented last june. if the president and the administration were serious about creating jobs in this country, they would listen to what people have been telling them over and over and over again: cut corporate taxes, eliminate the regulatory moross we have in this country, and, by the way, repeal obamacare. how many times do people have to
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say it? >> a 27-member jobs council and i guess this would be 27 votes against that. but that is just a guess. the attorney general slapped with subpoenas over "fast and fewer otherwise," a day after the iran terror plot is revealed and someone questions the timing. ford fusion has now been named the most dependable midsize car by jd power and associates. we go to kimberly. any thoughts on this news? i have no idea what's goin on. we are out. what was that? they told me it's the most dependable midsize sedan and they ran back into their little box.
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>> the subpoenas coming fast and furious in the gun smuggling operation, and attorney general holder getting slapped with a subpoena. and now the latest. william? >> the new subpoena is broad but wants specific information on specific dates from people in the white house and justice on what they did or did not share with other agencies. today's subpoena asked for all communications sent and received from 16 top justice officials including the attorney general.
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it also wanted any communication from his department and the president. related to operation "fast and furious," and the white house could invoke executive privilege protecting what the president knew when he told reporters in march this year that neither he or holder authorized fast andurous. the investigators believe that the white house knew and they met secretly and the man in charge of "fast and furious," had a back channel meeting in december of 2009 and the committee wants it know why no one told the state department or the embassy in mexico that we were flooding mexico with weapons. this information later could substantiate claims of a coverup or peoplery. now, the subpoena also demands documents related to appear explosive allegation: that the f.b.i. and d.e.a. had informants that helped provide money to buy the guns on behalf of the cartels. finallies, it wants f.b.i. lab and field reports in the murders
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of border patrol agent terry and ice agent murdered. >> the subpoenas coming the day after the u.s. attorney general charged two alleged terrorists with trying to assassinate the saudi ambassador to the united states. holder says they tied to the iranian government and the mexican drug cartel and my guest is questioning the timing of this, an arizona state senator. so, the subpoenas come down, today, but, yesterday, mysteriously the department of justice and the fbi and homeland security bust up this big plot. any question on the timing? >>guest: well, you can question the timing, it could be coincidence or it could be a way to change the headline and get attention off of what i believe in arizona is the biggest scandals that ever faced this country, bigger than watergate, and there is obviously as you mention if your lead in, that
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there is a coverup to try to coat a lot of information out of the hands of the congressman's committee and cover up what was, i believe, a political ploy using arizona for the purpose of scoring political points by claiming that the lax drug laws lead to the violence in mexico and the administration tried to embarrass the state and to justify limiting the second amendment rights of americans. >> and now the timing of the bust, they have had, the department of justice, has had their eyes on these guys since june of this year, almost five months and yesterday they decided to pull the trigger and blow up the alleged terror plot on u.s. soil, knowing very well that issa on sunday told chris
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wallace that the subpoenas were coming to week. it seems like they are trying to change the focus of the investigation over to success rather than questionable dealings with the mexicans. >>guest: let me put a little perspective on what the indictment that the director of the f.b.i. said was involved. he claimed that iranian agents were trying to hire the cartel members to do a "hit," on the saudi ambassador in the united states on american soil and if you look at the indictment there is no ensure of any cartel members in the indictment but was brought down because a federal intelligence officer was able to get the iranian agents to give him $100,000, keep that in mind, $100,000, we are dealing with the mexican zeta cartel, a $20 billion industry, smuggling drugs, do you believe
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for $100,000, they would put their $30 billion industry at risk by putting their necessary in the middle eastern affairs and doing a hit of a foreign dignitary. >> i don't know, i don't know. what i find hard to believe is that yesterday was the day they needed to bust the guys. why not four months ago? >>guest: that is my point. my point is it was a federal intelligence officer that led the iranian agent down the road to provide the $100,000 to do the hilt and there were no cartel members involved. i think the whole ruse of this being a coordinated iran cartel thing is shifting the attention off of "fast and furious." >> thank you, frank. house republicans refusing to back away from solyndra, this time, putting treasury officials in the hot seat. a congressman ready to turn under the heat is here. next
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>> house republicans not satisfied with 9 lack of answers on solyndra, so, on friday they are holding another hearing about the bankrupt company. lawmakers hope treasury officials will go on record about what they knew about solyndra, and when. a republican joins me now and he will be at the hearing on friday. now, there is a lot of other breaking news, but solyndra. you want to know more. what did you hope to find on friday? >>guest: well, it is clear to us from the e-mails that we have so far received that the department of treasury gave the wisdom not to restructure this loan, not to put the taxpayers behind private investors who were friends of this administration. and --. >> to whom?
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>>guest: they talked internally in the administration, and folks at the doe say we ought not to do this. >> so, you are talking about the additional loan that came after the original $535 million loan? >>guest: exactly, and especiallier, the evidence when they did the credit analysis, it was clear solyndra was in trouble and you can watch doe officials struggle between what they know when they look at data and the political pressure they are seeing when investors come into the white house talking to white house officials and asking them to hurry and make this loan. now, we need to know more and the president said there is more like this and this is just one. someone needs to take accountability for half a billion lost. >> the last day of september, september 30, at 6:00 p.m. the department of energy announced
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$4.7 billion additionaly energy loans and one went to sun power which immediately upon receiving the loan or prior to the loan being secured, they sold itself to another company which now is holding $1.2 billion of taxpayer money. is that, did the department of energy know that deal would go down when they approved that loan? >>guest: i don't know the answer to that. but your question is exactly the right question. this is where we end up when we start getting the federal government involved in programs like this, you will end up with capitalism cronism, and this is what i came to congress to stop. the framers and tea party recognize the federal government cannot be involved in transactions like this. the losers are the federal taxpayer. >> you are on the committee and i hope the first question is solyndra and the second question, is there is question
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as to whether a relative of the house minority pelosi was involved in one of the other solar power deals and the $4.7 billion in loans going out the last day of september, are they doing due diligence of the companies? , i'll convinced the diligence the government does is nothing like what a private investor would do before they risk their money and when we get more documents and more information we find the administration is not taking care of the taxpayer money the way they ought to. >> i would ask, were these bets and if they say "no," then ask why the president of the united states said solyndra was a bad bet. >>guest: i am happy to explore that, there are a lot of unanswered questions. >> we would love to have you back and hear how that towns out. love to hear some of the answers to that. thank you, congressman.
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we getting word that all 100 senators have just been called into a meeting with intelligence officials about iran. here is a look at the stake out camera and president obama is headed into a closed door meeting with defense secretary we panetta. the latest on the alleged iran the latest on the alleged iran terror ploton: td ameritrade mobile. i can enter trades. on the run. even futures and forex. complex options? done. the market shifts... i get an alert. thank you. live streaming audio. advanced charts. look at that. all right here. wherever "here" happens to be. mobile trading from td ameritrade. number one in online equity trades. trade commission-free for 30 days, plus get up to $500 when you open an account.
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>> right now president obama is meeting with the defense secretary behind closed doors
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and send are -- senators are meeting with intelligence officials about iran after the white house accused iran of trying to assassinate the saudi ambassador. my guest is fresh from a classified briefing, chairwoman of the house foreign affairs committee. you left the meeting, very important meeting, and is there any brand new breaking news from the meeting? >>guest: well, there is no way that you can pry that out of me but what it tells you this plot, against the united states, because this is a national security threat and it knows the totality of the we iranian winter that we are facing. we have the arab spring and we are confronting a nightmare scenario with the iranian winner and they want to destroy us, and destroy israel, and, what we need to do, i think, is expel their diplomats, that send as
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strong message and pass strong sanctions, and we have over 300 cosponsors to the bill and i am proud to announce it on your show, a veto-proof majority and we need to tell the other countries it is time for them to decide, are they going to help iran build up the nuclear power and the energy sector? or cooperate with the united states? so, there is a lot that we can do and we ned to start there. >> how close were those extremists to pulling off the bomb plot in washington, dc? >>guest: we will know a lot about it as it unfolds and it will be reported in the resolution so what it tells you is, and this is already written about these are high officials in the iranian regime. this was not, can you not do a rogue operation in a totalitarian government like
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iran, there are no rogue agents doing cash transfers and putting together a murder-for-hire plot but have the finger prints of the iranian regime over the murder-for-hire assassination plot so it is not someone on their own, it is not a mcveigh operation but an iranian murder-for-hire, illegalment, on u.s. soil, and it is time for us to wake up to the total threat iran poses. >> congresswoman, did you discuss the proper response in the meeting? >>guest: well, i don't know what ... certainly the administration has many options and what we have seen is that it is not taking any of the openings. we should, for example, sanction ahmadinejad. we should sanction the supreme leader of iran as we sanctioned assad in syria. why don't we go after these guys? why are we afraid to point the
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fingers and say they should be sanctioned? we were not afraid on syria. also, we need to say to the diplomats, look, this is a price to be paid if your country is doing this kind of murder-for-hire plot in the united states, we're going to expel you. there is in reason for us to have to keep the diplomats in the united states. >> that is diplomatic and i get it and you want to sanction the diplomats, but my concern is, iran wants to have nuclear capability. now they say it is a power generator and i don't believe that, but, is it time to take the next step and make sure, ensure that they don't have nuclear capability? >>guest: absolutely. for example, we are getting a lot of pressure from countries such as china and russia. the treasury department has been doing a good job in saning some of the entities and russian companies and chinese companies?
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no, they go after the low hanging fruit so we commend treasury for what it has been doing, and state department needs to step up their game, and they need to get tough on iran and i don't thing we have done it. we have, this administration has a cafeteria of openings they can put into play and they can strongly sanction the financial or energy sector and go after our allies on the security council who always weaken any resolution this we try to pass. we need to get tougher. it is a wake-up call. let's get to work. >> the united states is reaching out to the united nations over the iranian terror plot, a wait of time if you ask my next guest from "act for america." you listen to the congresswoman and she said sanction the diplomats, sanction, i don't, sanction whoever, but, now, the thought is, go to the u.n. what in the world can the fundament
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do? >>guest: well, exactly. it is a joke our president think he can go to the u.n. for anything, and, again, it shows this administration's lack of understanding of foreign policy and foreign appeals and their weakness. look, the u.n. had a tribunal of iran being involved with hezbollah in lebanon and the prime minister of lebanon, so, what happened since then? nothing, the u.n. has not enforced anything regarding iran. it is a waste of our tomorrow. it is about time 9 administration develops the backbone to make the right decisions and going after our enemy. >> what is it? what is the right decision? >>guest: well, for once, like you said, let's get rid of the charade. iranian diplomats are here, and ahmadinejad comes and speaks and we give him a platform covered by our mainstream media and we are the laughingstock of the world and we gay for their
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protection by our own tax dollars. we cannot any more afford to be doing that. we need to send a done message to our enemy that we mean business and we will not stand by and allow a foreign country to plot or assassinate foreign diplomats. >> is this strong enough for you? >> we are actively engaged in a concerted diplomatic outreach to many capitals to the u.n. and new york, to explain what happen sod we can preempt any efforts by iran to be successful to their efforts to deflect responsibility and we can enlist more countries working together against this escalation. >> does not sound like a swift and strong response to me. to you? >>guest: i don't, it is not. irrap has already sent a letter to the u.n. before he opened his mouth. iran is very smart. and any are calculated in the way they approach, the way
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though do strategy. they invented the class -- chess game. israel has been trying to wake up the governments of the world to the threat of the iranian nuclear bomb not only to israel but to the world. no one listened. no one is listening. we need a stronger wording from the white house. >> any question that iran, clearly they have said ahmadinejad has said it from the u.n. platform that israel doesn't have the right to exist, so they would use obama, any question, given what we found out yesterday, they would use a bomb here in america if they could? >>guest: if they had the ability they would use the bomb in america. this regime is giving by a vision of bringing in the islamic messiah and ahmadinejad believes he is the anointed one in his return and they are driven by this belief and we are talking negotiations and diplomacy a waste of our breath against these people. we need to act to protect our
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country and israel but the world from an evil regime that is developing nuclear bombs. >> thank you very much. next, john stossel talking to the protesters why they are there but not everyone thrilled to see him there. host: could swo really save you 15% or more on car insurance? host: do people use smartphones to do dumb things? man 1: send, that is the weekend. app grapgic: yeah dawg! man 2: allow me to crack...the bubbly! man 1: don't mind if i doozy. man 3: is a gentleman with a brostache invited over to this party? man 1: only if he's ready to rock! ♪ sfx: guitar and trumpet jam vo: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance.
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>> you lie, stossel. >> the 4 the week and they are not going away, and although many of them are annoying. >> i know you lie. >> some make a good point.
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>> you should not have bailed out the guys over here. make them pay for what they did. >> they are right. why should taxpayers bail out banks? >> led bad banks fail. >> however when it comes to most everything else they say, they are ridiculous. government should take care of you? >> yeah. >> okay, thank you. >> or childish. this woman is against money. >> it would be so much better with no money whatever. >> some act entitled. >> corporations give you minimum wage. no pension. no retirement. no vacation. no sick pay. >> very upset about corporate power. but what power do corporations really have? >> the fox business network john stossel on his trip to wall street. you lie? >> i don't think i lie.
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i wanted to have conversations with these people, the people who hate capitalism so much that right in my area because i was late to learning how wonderful capitalism is but because of the yelling and all that stuff, we could not do it so i will bring some of them in. >> some of the protesters in? >> a few, yes. >> so, what are they protesting, i have heard down with capitalism. if not capitalisms then what? >> from what i can tell look, at the people we could talk to it is all over the place. bankers should be punished. the ones who caused the problem should be in jail. it is not government but business that causes the problem. one guy wants a solar panel pipeline from canada. i want government to take care of us. naiveness about being a rich company so we should be taken
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care of. >> punish capitalism, and have government take care of me. that is socialism. >>guest: they do not specifically say they want government to own the means of production. >> from those with the ability to those to the need, they do not specifically outline marxism socialism but their theory is socialistic? >> and if you do not understand economics, it is intuitive, the wealth desparity is very upsetting to most. how could some people be so rich when i don't have a job, or my mother is struggling. and it takes economic education to see this freedom that causes the disparity is what creates the wealth in the first place and the alternative is everyone is poor together. >> does anyone have iphones? >> all had fancy sneakers and innono-- many had iphones.
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>> so, steve jobs he creates hundreds of billions. but is he evil? >> is president obama evil? or is he a hero? >> i would say most would support obama but some complains he did not keep the promise. >> do they realize a lot of, in fact, it is estimated up to a third of the $billion 2012 re-election campaign money would come from the evil corporations? >>guest: he got more from wall street than any candidate before him or, so far, since, and he has done all the capitalism deals that the people are supposedly complaining about. >> they did not think you were cool. >>guest: they just viewed me ... not all of them ... the loud ones. >> i thought you would be a
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hero. >> i ought to be, i am for the little guy, free markets help the little guy. >> john stossel more tomorrow night. >> we will devote the whole show to 9 wall street protesters and what they mean and what they ought to protest. >> tomorrow night at 10:00 p.m. eastern on the fox business network which if you don't get, demand it! from blaming wall street to blaming the tea party, democrat schumer says the tea party is holding up the economy and amie guest says "dead wrong." it's good for the entire community. at bank of america, we know the impact that local businesses have on communities. that's why we extended $7.8 billion to small businesses across the country so far this year. because the more we help them,
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the more we help make opportunity possible. yeah, maybe not. v8 v-fusion juice gives them a full serving of vegetables plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. v8. what's your number?
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>> is the tea party the new boogie man, schumer says it is a
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tea party gridlock, tea party economics, and tea party fringe and my guest says the tea party is not to blame. g.o.p. senator joins me now, thank you for joining us, senator. the left is saying the protesters are well-intentioned, their version of the tea party. are the wall street protesters the left, far last wing of the equivalent of the tea party? >>guest: it is hard for me to speak with credibility because i have not attended their rallies but i attended countless tea party gatherings and they are about one thing: the folk federal government is too big and too expensive. that is all. so, it is interesting to me to hear people compare the two but i have in frame of reference because i have not attended the gatherings. >> the gatherings, how many were arrested? >>guest: usually hundreds or thousands, sometimes tens of thousands. >> how many were arrested at the tea party gatherings you have
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attended? >>guest: not one to my knowledge. ever. >> so, nor mine, so, tea party, and there have been several hundred arrested in new york, and 100 arrested yesterday, i believe in boston, and, yet, pelosi calls, at one point said god bless the wall street protesters, what do you think when you hear the house minority leader saying this about the protesters? >>guest: well, look, she has the right to express whatever she wants to express, and, maybe, there is some kind of message here in the wall street protests that i'm not hearing. and to this point i'm not aware of what their message is. the tea party by comparison has a distinct message: federal government is too big and too expensive because congress has been trying to do too many things. >> let's talk about the tea party. this are some this say it is not grandson roots but astroturf funded by big special interests. is it? >>guest.
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well, absolutely not. we are talking about tens of millions of americans what have come to the same conclusion that there is a problem. and i have never met any tea party groups or grass roots activists who are receiving corporate funding. so, i don't understand that charge. it doesn't make sense or hold water. >> senator, we got word that president obama now may be looking to go around congress and give portions of the jobs bill which failed the senate yesterday, to get portions of that enacted. what do you say to the president when he goes around your vote? >>guest: wealth, look, if all he is saying is he will have it taken piecemeal, i'm fine with that, happy to cast individual votes on individual components of that, although it is originally not what he asked pore and he told us this was not the idea, if he wants to go about it that way, okay, but i do not see a lot i can support. if we are talking about corporate tax relief and the
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fact the president acknowledged twice this year that we should not have the highest corporate tax rate in the world. i agree with him. if he wants to do something like that he has my vote. >> i am not sure he said that. the sound i leaders and what i heard was him saying, we going to get this done, with or without congressional approval. >>guest: if that is what he means i have a problem with that. my copy of article one, section 1, clause one of the discussion says the legislative power of the constitution is vested in congress which shall consist of a senate and a house of representatives. he cannot just make the law on his own. so if that is what he is saying that is very disturbing. >> so, where does it goes great here, the $447 billion plan voted down, and now, does it go to the house? broken into pieces in the house? come back to the senate? what is the process? >>guest: my understanding is we will have a series of votes on some of the provisions in the senate and they may have some in
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the house, as well, but the democrats in the senate are planning to offer up parts of the president's jobs plan in the senate and we with will see where it goes. >> are there parts you are okay with? >>guest: well, there are parts that in some ways i could be okay with. there is a provision that deals with depreciation offering depreciation based incentives for corporations to invest in capital equipment, i could support something like that. >> could you support anything with a tax increase attached to it? >>guest: well, no, look, as the president himself has acknowledged, the down economy is the worst time to raise taxes and i don't think anyone is credibly maintaining in this town we need a tax rate increase. i think we need to lower the top rates and eliminate loopholes. >> senator mike lee, republican from utah, thank you very much. and neil cavuto is back tomorrow
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and rick santorum will be with him and he says married couples can do one thing to prevent poverty in america. and now, see you in "the five," in three minutes. [ male announcer ] it's simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day
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