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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  May 17, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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kay, we'll still send a code three. -(theme music playing) -(theme music playing) -♪ bad boys -♪ whatcha want, whatcha want ♪ ♪ whatcha gonna do ♪ when the sheriff john brown come for you? ♪
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-no, no, no! -♪ bad boys, bad boys -♪ whatcha gonna do -♪ whatcha gonna do when they come for you? ♪ -hands behind your back! -♪ bad boys, bad boys ♪ whatcha gonna do ♪ whatcha gonna do when they come for you? ♪ -announcer: "cops" is filmed on location with the men and women of law enforcement. all suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. -a lot of times when people come up and say thank you to me, i always tell them that, you know, thanks is not needed. it's just something that i love to do. but it just makes you feel that much better about this job and what you're doing when, you know, someone comes up and just appreciates everything that you do, that you're willing to go out there and put yourself in dangerous situations to keep everybody safe. -(over radio) there he is. come behind 405. i'll call it. -right now, we've got two officers in pursuit of a stolen motorcycle. -(over radio) still continuing eastbound. -he evaded earlier today and the officer just located him. right now they're headed towards slaughter, doing about 90 miles an hour.
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-(siren wailing) -(police radio chatter) -(over radio) traffic. we're doing about 70. (siren wailing) -(over radio) 92 unit, over. -(over radio) who's calling a pursuit? -(over radio) i lost him in traffic. he's still eastbound and approaching 35 somewhere. -(over radio) we are terminating pursuit. -(over radio) terminated. -all right. -(over radio) we're paused in traffic. (motorcycle rumbling) (indistinct police radio chatter) -frank-four-seven. he just, uh... blew past me. four-seven, four-90. if we're clear to continue, i'm behind him. we're still going eastbound on slaughter, past 35. all right, we're coming around that bend near the school, and we should be coming up, it's, uh, vertex. we are now going...
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ah, he's about to-- he almost wrecked out. he's off-road, driving on the sidewalk. we are northbound on vertex. -(over radio) okay, northbound, vertex. -get out of the way. still going around the turnaround. he almost wrecked out. and we're still going around vertex. -(over radio) they are still going around vertex. -all right, we just connected... with nuckols. we should be coming around to... thaxton, with speeds about 65 miles an hour, traffic is light.
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maria: good friday morning everyone thank you for joining us this morning i am maria bartiromo friday may 17 your top stories right now, 603 on the east coast. market momentum with a mixed open at the start of trading anyway you look at it it's gotta be a victory stocks have been on a roll after the dow industrial had a new milestone yesterday passing the 40000 mark for the first time ever the dow industrials were down 38-point said it out of about 39000 and the nasdaq down 44 again after the dow reached 40000 for the first time investors gearing up for the big test for markets next week with nvidia reporting earnings on wednesday after georgia 13% gain on the stock in the last year we are previewing the numbers this morning and
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retail including those, macy's, target all ahead of next week's earnings, we will tell you all about it. european market is lower take a look at the euros on with s&p 100 down 31, cac 4023 and the dax index lower by 60 points. in asia overnight markets finish this way in the asian embassies with the biggest mover overnight in asia is hong kong, the hang seng up 1.08%, the nikkei and the cosby will overcome the shanghai composite lower along with hong kong up 1% as well. back at home shocking border numbers show the true extent of president biden border crisis with a record number of guideways in america on his watch those who invaded apprehension and got away with an unknown growing threat of chinese nationals illegally crossing into america new fox news polls shows immigration as one of the top two dealbreaker issues for voters along with the
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economy. president biden refusing to release the audiotape of his interview with special counsel robert hur the president claiming executive privilege as to why the d.o.j. will not release audio and the house passes a markup of merrick garland and content for his refusal to release the audio. joining the conversation all morning long madison ventures plus managing director mitch rochelle tax expert krysia lenzo and cheryl casone. "mornings with maria" is live right now. former president trump hush money trial entering the final stretch as an offense resumes cross-examination of michael cohen on monday the das office pressing him on his history of lying under oath, his recollection central to the case and turning on his former boss many people say it was a crushing of michael cohen yesterday formal legal advisor
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to cohen robert costello telling the newsroom he believes he should be called to testify he says the grand jury did not get all the information needed from cohen and cohen had nothing on trial, watch this. >> mr. trump directed me to use my own personal funds from the home equity line of credit to avoid any money being traced back to him that could negatively impact his campaign. >> he said over and over 10 - 20 times i swear to god i don't have anything on donald trump. >> he asked me to pay off an adult film star with whom he had an affair. >> he said specifically and i cross-examine him, this was my idea. >> i was extremely proud to be personal attorney to the president of the united states of america i did not want to go to the white house. >> when he was elected he took
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the trump inter-circle to washington with one exception michael cohen they left him back in new york. michael cohen was very unhappy about that. maria: costello noted the alvin brexit team did not want to see or hear exculpatory information that he provided it looks like michael cohen was caught in a big lie in the liberal media is talking about it this morning. >> what is the defense going to do with the new information from bob castella who is released from the attorney client privilege with cohen and could speak publicly there are so many things unpacking the first off alvin bragg he had hundreds of e-mails from costello. apparently those did not go to the grand jury now we don't know the full extent of what the grand jury saw or did not see but alvin bragg squashed any information from costello because he wanted to get the indictment against donald trump
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that is issue number one. i thought this interview was riveting he talked about the panic that michael cohen was in when he got raided by the fbi and he realized he had to do anything to save himself because he was terrified and of course he wanted to go to the white house. all of this brings up again the question was michael cohen lying on the stand, costello the new information is fascinating to me. maria: you have to give the weaponization committee credit for calling in robert costello to tell his side of the story in the middle of the testimony from michael cohen. >> you really do like cheryl mentioned his testimony would be incredibly powerful because it shows the serial liar michael cohen is and this is what we saw cross-examination todd blanche called him out saying during the
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phone call you were speaking with donald trump about legal claims with respect to the hush money payment but you were talking to secret service instead about a 14-year-old harassing you that was a complete and total lie that michael cohen told in the jury was shaking the head with good reason because the case is falling apart. maria: it seems that way. >> when you put somebody with 0 credibility like michael cohen who went to jail for lying on the stand as your star witness you should not be surprised upon cross-examination you will knock one or two legs out from underneath him. yesterday's testimony about the phone call that never happened in the first place i think that's what the jury heard in the go to spend the weekend because of no child today starting to reflect on how lock of credibility michael cohen really has. maria: i would've liked to be in
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the courtroom at that moment when they're talking about the phone call that michael cohen had with trump's security guy and all the sudden the defense picks up the defense of the phone call never happened. >> he's going to be back on the stand the defense needs to spend the weekend this is the opportunity to blow the case out and show the alvin bragg brought the case for political motivations only. maria: we will take a short break with a lot more right here, stay with us, we'll be right back. ♪
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maria: will come back let's take a look at futures dow industrials showing the decline of 24, the nasdaq is up one point, yesterday is where the action was the dow top 40000 for the first time a big move then as stocks reversed and closed lower fractionally but this
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morning we're looking at a great performance year to date for stock prices the momentum is in for equities, five and three quarters% so far this year, the s&p and the nasdaq up better than 11% year to date, federated hermes chief equity strategist phil orlando, great to see you do you think the momentum continues the rest of the year. >> good morning thank you very much for having me back, color me skeptical we had a tremendous rally were up about 7% of the s&p 500 over the last month and we completely reversed the march and april correction, the equity is up 30% from the market bottom lost october. i understand the cpi numbers on wednesday were a little tamer in the market was excited and that probably takes the federal reserve interest rate hike off the table. when you look at the totality of the other data april retail sales were very weak economy is
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slowing initial jobless claims are often nine-month high, your business and consumer confidence which seems to be falling sharply across the board over the last couple of months. i think the market runs too hard to hide over the course of the last month and we could see consolidation over the course of the summer. maria: a good point to make a couple of days before nvidia reports earnings it's been one of the really catalyst for this market. it's up better than 200% over the last year and reporting earnings on wednesday, depending on what we see it's going to impact the stock and perhaps the whole big tech base. it's all about interest rates in the macro story look at yields yesterday we had five fed officials speaking that there's no rush to cut interest rates, the yield is uploaded out basis points and sitting on 4.39% of
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the ten year cleveland fed president says incoming economic information indicates it will take longer to gain the confidence holding our restrictive stands for longer is putin at this point as we gain clarity about the path of inflation then fed president john williams agreeing i don't expect to get the greater confidence that we need to see on the inflation progress toward a 2% goal in the very near-term, what is this tell you about the fed and the action and will that be enough to placate investors after i feel like rate cuts and expectations will be just the market with nvidia and a.i. >> equity is whistling past the graveyard they looked at one data point which was essentially in line cpi data and they made the assumption that rate hikes off the table and the go to start cutting again perhaps as early as july after c meeting
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the totality of the members of the board of governors in the fed president, the fed is in no rush to be cutting interest rates, they understand it is sticky and persistent. we think there may be one or two cuts from the fed but the back end of the year and it will cut pre-election in july the market is too optimistic and i think the enthusiasm that we've seen in stocks over the last month up 7% rally and the potential for the rally to pull back and consolidate over the next couple of months that the federal reserve don't materialize i think it is high. maria: exactly. somebody people are expecting, mitch rochelle jumping. >> yesterday walmart signaled that the earnings were up
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because consumers are going down the value chain and looking to find the cheapest place to buy basic goods. when you look at the retail earnings and combine that with the retail sales figure that came out what does that tell you about the strength of the consumer to push the economy forward for the rest of the year. >> good morning mitch, that's a good question and while there's no question that marches retail sales were strong it was largely because of the early easter that put the retail strength into the month of march and april was weak we see consumer under distress and largely what drove the march numbers up was consumers have taken the personal savings rate down from 4.1% in january all the way down to 3.2% in the month of march that's roughly a 17 year low off of the 17 year low in our view
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is not sustainable the consumer is in distress particularly at the low-end but one of the things that walmart mentioned they say hi and consumers that are trading down walmart to pick up some of the basics. i think the consumer is it? and we have to be very cognizant that back-to-school and christmas may not be particularly strong. maria: you're talking to clients about the business community as well not just the consumer because you know that you have the nf i and the small business optimism index poverty the confidence board and the consumer sentiment index, the housing market index you look at all the indexes not just as it relates to the consumer but small business. >> absolutely, there down materially over the last couple of months some multiyear lows, it is terrific that the market hit an all-time record high
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yesterday. again i'm skeptical i don't think that sustainable and i think we will see consolidation over the course of the next couple of months. maria: we will leave it there keep talking to you, thank you for your insight this morning, good to see you phil orlando joining us, to jordanian nationals are in custody advice today after trying to breach the gates at quantico we continue to see the effort to get into the military installation. mike garcia is here on the outcome of the fox news poll showing where voter confidences on which candidate can do a better job on immigration. that is coming out, stay with us.
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maria: welcome back the house passing the israel assistant support act this blocks the biden administration from withholding weapons to israel it condemns biden's approach to the israel hamas war all of this after biden held back a shipment of weapons to israel and threatened to cut it off if israel launched a full-scale invasion of rafah the bill passed the 224 - 187 vote 16 democrats joined to educate republicans to advance the legislation ended now heads to the senate senate majority leader chuck schumer is refusing to take up the bill he told reporters is not going anywhere
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because biden will veto it there collated a misguided reaction while insisting their support for israel is ironclad joining me california congressman mike garcia the house intelligence appropriation and sciences space technology committees, i'm happy you're here given your role on the appropriation committee, this weapon shipment that biden held back was already congressionally approved, wasn't it? >> they continue to be and have a disregard for congress and are appropriation, more ironically and even worse for the israeli partners these weapons were actually joint direct attack munitions these are gps guided very high precision weapon systems that take dumb bombs and turn them into smart bombs if you're looking to conduct a word in a high density population urban area and minimize collateral damage these are the
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weapons that you want to use, the fact that biden is putting his arms embargo and choosing this labor of weapon as the tool to do so is achieving opposite of what i think is trying to achieve and is putting more civilian lives at risk by seizing and preventing the smart bombs from going into countries. absolutely fragrant no worry for the appeasement it's his fear of a far left progressive mentality that is effectively anti-israel and zionist indies doing this for political purposes rather than national security interest. maria: is quite extraordinary we keep focusing on all the national security issues that they are more than 29000 microscopic california border since october of last year according about custom reporter under border patrol they are reporting charger migrants on
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the terrorist watchlist across the border ends october, these numbers are getting worse, peter doocy girl the white house on the jordanian nationals, right now they own immigration enforcement custody because they breached the quantico marine corps base in virginia, watch this. >> the deputy director of ice is telling us to jordanian rm mobile proceedings now after amazon delivery drivers crash the gate at quantico they think this might be a failed terrorist attack. >> and me to be mindful of the two jordanians that remain a nice custody and giving it is an active law enforcement matter so i would have to refer to ice i cannot dive into this because this is a law enforcement matter. maria: congressman, your reaction. >> first of all how tough to condemn this action and recognize this is a problem in a weakness, kudos to the young marines who acted quickly not
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only saving the lives but the lives of others but it's hard to not characterize anything but a dry run in the numbers that you show hundreds of folks caught coming across the border on the known terrorist watchlist you could add to 0 at the end of the numbers and those of the folks that we didn't catch an unaccounted for in the two individuals who had to storm quantico in order to be deployed in or investigated by ice demonstrates how vulnerable we are as a nation, the invasions of a million people coming across the border over the last three years with no accountability is probably the weakest we have been domestically but on the global stage and close to 100 years, for the white house pretend like this problem does not exist and continue the open border policy. this will be why they lose in november but why ultimately hundreds of not thousands of
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american lives are lost in a future 9/11 event and will look back as a reason for this vulnerable era of our nation this president is putting us in harm's way which is the opposite of what elected officials are supposed to be doing. maria: are you suggesting a 9/11 attack on this country sooner rather than later. >> there is no other explanation for the migrant flows that were seen across the southern border. 7000% increase of chinese nationals, fighting age nail on treadmills. 18 between 25 and were seen isis fighters coming across the southern border and military watched here is coming across their coming for a reason they're not just coming for the social welfare programs that were giving them for free. maria: do you believe this is because joe biden's nod to the
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extreme left and to people who want the wide open border or do you believe it is biden's weakened mental capacity why would he allow a wide open border and would-be terrorists coming into america? >> i hate to be rosetta stone for an incompetent politician who slowly losing his mind while in office but he ran on the policies in the open border policy and the opposite of trump was his campaign's motto, securing the border is a bad thing and also as a political implication from the senses perspective of every human being coming across the border and lands in a blue state they are still counted in the senses and they also t nature ultimately of the local levels as well. they may not get to vote but they do change the makeup and the blue versus red ratios and the house of representatives, 7 million people is equivalent
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of 12 - 15 members in congress if you do the math and that's a huge number but he ran on this issue and surrounded by people that understand the national security of an open border and this is why we need a new president. >> is an incredible statement [it's about boats and the senses for him and look at the fox news polls that they trust president trump more to do better on immigration, foreign policy, crime, they trust trump more than biden he is up eight points on crime national police week, the son of a los angeles police department officer and thank you to your father how do you think biden is handling crime and treating our police? >> those numbers are self-evident at the end of the day he is on the criminal law enforcement and at the end of the day the criminals should go to prison and the cops should come home and i want to honor sheriff ryan he was assassinated
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in broad daylight a few months ago, his family was here 50 cops have been killed 138 killed last year this is result of the far left progressive pro-criminal anti-cop policies that permeated the entire nation and trying to prevent them turning into california but unfortunately we have loose crime laws in the nation, it's sad to see but the numbers that you showed speak for themselves and this is why the president will lose in november. maria: thank you we will watch all that, we appreciate you. mike garcia, stay with us, we'll be right back. daughter: hey, dad. dad: hey, sweetheart. daughter: what are you doing? dad: i'm gonna clean the fence. daughter: it's a lot of fence. dad: you wanna help me? dad: aim at the wall, but get closer. daughter: (gasps) what the?! daughter: alright. dad: side to side. when you work with someone who knows a lot and cares even more... you can do this.'re unstoppable. (♪)
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>> i saw something today worse than anything president xi of china i know him well and president putin of russia i know him well, they are right now together working on plans where
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they combine and get together and do damage, that's ultimately what they're thinking about doing, doing damage. if you take a look at what president xi said, he fully expects to take taiwan he made that statement today, that's a big statement. maria: that was former president trump yesterday on russian president vladimir putin two days visit to china he had meetings with xi jinping, she and president putin with the new era to deepen the partnership between the nations. today he's talking about trade and cultural exchanges once known as little moscow for a china, russia trade fair joining the hudson institute senior fellow alice organization and the author of china's vision of victory, jonathan dt ward back with me, great to see you, thank you for weighing in on this what you make of xi jinping and vladimir putin strengthening
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their partnership and talking now about trade and cultural things that are shared between the nations, your thoughts. >> this is the real thing, forget about the trade and cultural they're building a military partnership russia has initiated a war with the full force of china's economy behind it china has kept them afloat and rebuilt the military-industrial and what's going on in china is a russian government in china it's not just putin it's a defense banister, foreign minister and central bank head and they brought the heads of russia's major banks and energy corporation so you basically brought a very significant delegation and on one hand the 75th data for three of russia china ties. bottom line these are the real the series and i think it's time
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for china to pay for the relationship with russia for the support for putin in the invasion of ukraine all of that never would've happened without china support and i think we can open up an entire front of economic action on china and basically any chinese corporation or economic entity that touched these meetings with russia should be targeted by u.s. and allied sanctions and it's important the europeans to realize is are starting to do in china is back in the war in europe and is time to operate as alliance system and start to strike deep into the chinese economy. i think you start with the banking sector it would be russian banks like vt be in the over there meeting with the chinese and i think we should go after a couple of the big chinese banks and furthermore on the visit the joint statement
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which is the most significant one since the no limit declaration to 2022 before the invasion of ukraine they talked about defeating the partnership and saying we intend to increase interaction and tighten coordination in order to counter the destruction in dual containment of our countries and containment is the right strategy and we need to do it. they have been provided with all kinds of hardware to wages were and coordinating together. i think it's time to strike b back. >> when you say strike back is that what the strike would be sanctions, would you make a positive biden coming out with the tariffs in the last week talking about tariffs on things like steel and tvs, is that enough or what else should be
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done. >> overhead tommy. >> those sanctions are significant i think it's important if they've gone after strategic industries and most important labor having sanctions are tariffs that are being phased in can indicate american boards in the direction of the u.s. china trading relationship and cause businesses to make new decisions, here when you're talking about the direct geopolitical support for putin's were in ukraine and was given china a free pass on that by the way the trade statistics are showing what china has gone down substantially 550 billion in year 5 575 billion down from higher levels of trade in the past few years we have to put downward pressure on the trading relationship and do it across the alliance system and if you cut down the balance of trade with the free world that does a lot to slow the economy down and
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take the wind out of the sails of the geopolitical project, what i mean principally his consequences for their support for putin they've had a lot of warnings but i think you taken the entire delegation which is an economic and trading delegation and the cultural stuff and military activity and economic integration of the two foremost adversaries and they replaced it with experience economist who had all kinds of economic portfolios in his time serving in the russian government i think it makes clear that the good work on integrating for a long conflict with the united states and furthermore in these statements they talk about china support for russia in europe and russia support for china in the pacific in taiwan that's where this is going and i think we need to demonstrate economic force on some of the chinese entities that are working with the
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russians is closely. maria: xi jinping's government announced a forceful attempt to rescue its economy in the property market relaxing mortgage rules and urging local governments to buy unsold homes authorities are concerned about the impact on economic growth in china and the property crisis but i think some corporations are actually getting it the wall street journal is reported that microsoft is asking hundreds of a.i. staff to consider relocating out of china because of the u.s. china tensions staff, mostly engineers with chinese nationality were offered the opportunity to transfer to countries including the u.s., ireland, australia and new zealand 700 - 800 people were given the offer your reaction to what microsoft is saying you see pockets of corporate america getting it understated the threat of communist china in moving their people out or
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looking for an alternative in terms of supply change were basically saying the great brown from motor more under motorola they can run but they can't hide i'm not going to rollover for the chinese communist party the steeles intellectual property. >> it is pockets, there's plenty of ceos that are not making these moves but the move for microsoft is important because it shows one of the key features of what is going to take for companies to reposition it's not just going to be about living supply chains were moving staff and business units trying to get things out of harms way any ceo or business leader watching what's going on between russia and china, that should be enough to understand what geopolitics is really going this will not be solved by more meetings between the u.s. cavity and xi jinping, what they're doing is very clear
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we need to have companies moving out of harm's way and shareholders holding companies that are accepting better corporate strategy and realizing companies are to be in the center of the situation in the wall street journal article hinted that very strongly say there to be collateral damage in the u.s. china relationship and we've been talking about that for very long time, the real concern is we have a market event we have a lot of american businesses that do not understand what geopolitics is really headed in the businesses do not come back if you think about how many business units lost in russia after the invasion of ukraine and what would happen in china they can't get themselves out of harm's way would be far more significant than the u.s. economy they need to act now and get the supply chain moving and get the staff moving. maria: a long time coming we
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were talking about this, we will see if others follow suit, good to see you, jonathan dt ward, we'll be right back. ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials.
6:51 am
“the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. maria: president biden using his executive power to keep the
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audio of his interview with special counsel robert hur under wraps, cheryl casone with the details. >> president biden is turning executive privilege despite the subpoena for the two day interview conducted in president biden's classified documents case. at the time the documents were discovered in the president's possession, why is karine jean-pierre dodging questions about it. >> speaker mike johnson said they're afraid for citizens to hear his interview with special counsel robert hur. >> their transcripts are out there they have been out there and they have been released to the public, the public is it opportunity to hear from the president and what exactly the president said the attorney general made it clear that law enforcement like these need to be protected. >> the house judiciary and oversight to hold attorney general merrick garland in contempt of congress over his refers refusal to handover the audio republicans are holding their majority, a georgia
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appeals court is moving forward to hear arguments of fulton county fani willis should be removed from the election interference case she's been embroiled in controversy after it was revealed she had a romantic relationship with special prosecutor nathan wade she hung on while the judge wrote she could stay on if wade quit. now chop may have a chance of getting her disqualified, august was the earliest day it could be heard in it could take until the spring of 2025, high-tech changes to the vacated payment options american customers can use a single card to make payments for multiple accounts were bride now pay later using the flexible credential card company expanding tap features that lets them confirm the identities or make person-to-person payments into new payment pass key services coming that would allow customers to make online purchases using a facial or
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fingerprint scan the executive say the industry is a pivotal point with the rise of a.i. in new tax a that aimed at a more convenient and secure future finally this former president trump and president biden have agreed to two debates leaving out independent presidential rfk junior. that led choctaw to make the bizarre comment on how kitty's presidents could actually help biden. watch. >> if you ever spent a lot of time watching robert kennedy junior speak, if you joe biden you're going to want him on the debate stage. >> i think there will be a point that they see that as an asset i'm in the minority on this but i think. >> he is a vocal issue is an element. >> i think you'll help biden look less with any of his issues come across less. i don't think a lot of people realize this about robert f kennedy junior. it'll be interesting.
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>> rfk junior has a neurological condition that affects his voice and contrasting with biden's age and mental capacities is somehow but the comments raise a lot of eyebrows. maria: because he is an issue with his voice that will help biden look better? >> that was the assertion. that's what he was saying. maria: that is something, what do you think of that. i'm in shock it's mean-spirited his comments were off-color and completely tone deaf and rfk is another candidate if he were on the debate stage it would prove he has better ideas if you agree with them on everything he certainly incredibly capable and pointing out the hypocrisy with big tech and censorship, just office it he would make joe biden look worse. >> you don't see rfk shaking hands if they're not there or
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rfk falling down steps going up to the plane and you don't see rfk forgetting people's names and forgetting where he is. >> you don't see the easter bunny help rfk move around crowds. the reality if anyone of us made a comment to the insensitive we would be blown out and makes a comment like that if it's completely valid and nobody on the set rolled their eyes. the fact that the matter is if you had rfk on the stage and some of the left-wing ideology biden would pick up on it and more progressive than he is i would love to have them on the stage because i think you would have to far lefties and one person who has her head screwed on stair and church street in the debate as far as i'm concerned like the plague. >> are hoping lincoln say one is a convicted felon that's a whole storyline of all of this in these indictments.
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we'll take a break, there is no court for president trump as he heads to his son behrens graduation, yesterday's testimony from michael cohen showed how frail the prosecution case really is. it's a hot topic of the hour. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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maria: welcome back. good friday morning, everybody. thanks very much for joini u


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