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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  May 13, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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avel with credit one bank, and live large. larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm lar ry kudlow.
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all right michael cohen testifying in new york. get the alvin bragg trial, most folks trying to figure out what donald trump about wrong, senator tommy tuberville was there, he will be our coreporter, senator bill hagerty will be here to tell us why the bidens continue to embargo israeli weapons, and even withholding sensitive intel. and tammy bruce and alec lace will tell us where voters witness wild in wildwood for donald trump, day 16 of trump hush money trial in new york city, grady trimble with all of the latest. what you got? reporter: the former lawyer of the former president michael cohen is the prosecution's star witness they think their best bet to tie the former president to the alleged hush money payment to stormy daniels, codescribing process wiring
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130 thousand to stormy daniels before that cohen and trump organization cfo at the time, spoke with president trump to let hem know cohen was going to front the money, cohen said that weisselberg promised him he would be paid back using a home equity line of credit, cohen said that trump was worried if story got out it would hurt his campaign at the time when was dealing with aftermath of the leak of access hollywood tape, cohen admitted high tries to delay -- he tried to delay the payment to daniels. for his part, former president trump denies every having an affair with daniels and reiterated today that trial is keeping him off of the trail. >> i should be out campaining now, instead of sitting in a cold courthouse. all day long.
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this is a biden prosecution. this is election interference at level no one has seen before. reporter: lawyers for former president have yet to cross ch examine cohen, he has been disbar as an attorney and admitted to lying under oath. >> all right. thank you very much grady trimble. time for the riff. wildwood was known as lovely summer vacation beach resort in south new jersey. no more. it will be forever known as a place where donald trump drew 100 thousand people at a rally this past saturday. which is a record rally in the history of the state of new york. the state political record for rallies was 11 people. -- no a joke. just a joke, kidding. certisort of, president trump carrying new
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jersey this november 5 is joke in 2021 governor race against incumbent phil murphy he lost by 3 percentage points, he was an obscure former state assembly man. basically it was a protest vote against governor murphy. but the point is, 100 thousands trump supporters in a beach rally in wild wood, should be a warning to joe biden, that donald trump could conceivably carry red new jersey. trump wowed the folks with his issues, stop invasion in sanctuary cities like newark and philadelphia, drill, baby, drill. tax cuts stop inflation, be red tape deregulation, law and order. biden democrats assembly, -- anti-semitism and strong america first around the
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world. could trump carry new jersey. he could, wildwood rally put new jersey in place, listen to president trump in the wildwood rally. >> as you can see today we're expanding the electoral map we're going to officially play in the state of new jersey, we'll win this state of new jersey. we're also looking really great in the state of minnesota. which has not been won since 1952, and we're leading in the polls, the state of virginia. larry: all right, updated "new york times" sienna poll shows trump leading biden in 5 of swing states, they are polls not votes, it is interesting former president maintaining his lead and appears to be expanding his election rally map base, next thing we will hut new york state in play, after
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successful business to harlem bodega, and the rally in yankee stadium. maybe 25 thousand people in m madison square garden, it will drive oka aoc and her followers crazy. what is so interesting is, monot only is biden projecting weakness everywhere. but the biden lawfare jihad against trump has not moved the needle, one bit. and it may have undoubtedly backfired. just like bidenomics, and the rest of his policies. even latest rumor mill, off the charts, now the dems are thinking about a virtual dnc convention in chicago. just like the covid convention in 2020. i know it is only may, about
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6 months before the election. but democrats look like they are running scared from just about everybody and everything. that is the riff. all right, great fun, joining me now alabama senator tommy tuberville. welcome on set. >> thank you. larry: you have the wonderful opportunity of being downtown for the trial today, you sat through it for many hours, give us an impression or two. >> first, i was not invited, i vod up -- i just showed up, we didn't go as former -- we went as a friend. and here is the guy he handled it better than i did, he has been doing it for 5 weeks, i can't imagine going to cold dreary court courtroom of day, they are in that courtroom. and trying to prosecute president trump. but he handle its well.
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key witness was there today. and they had to get him out of i guess either home lock up or a jail somewhere, he has been convicted of a felony of lying in another jury case. and he said today he lied while working for former president trump. larry: he said that today. >> he said that today, and also said that they showed transcripts of this. he tape president trump, he took his phone in and taped himself rally time -- several time it was amazing, you can imagine, you are a president of united states lawyer, you are in there taping a voice of the president and getting him on tape, i don't know why he did it for, there wasn't really anything incriminating on it. larry: the thing is best lawyer we know, no one can figure out what trump did wrong here. >> even the fbi. larry: most remarkable
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thing. the justice department looked at it federal election commission, and prior district attorney in new york. only alvin bragg has gone after it with a bunch of biden former doj associates whes, what has he didn't wrong that is baffling. >> the testimony was ospatted -- orchestrated you could tell they rehearsed it he sat there gave his statement after a read the lawyer read the question out. and wasn't impressive, but he did admit he has lied before, and again, taping the president's conversations. doing things that normally lawyers wouldn't do. you know, it is what happened to lawyer and client privilege. larry: a good point. let's go back to the wildwood rally, most
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extraordinary, 100 thousand people. the prior -- prior record in new jersey was 11, that say joke. mr. trump at that wildwood rally. >> i have great respect for the office of the presidency. i never used to talk about biden this way. until he did something that you can't do, he indicted a very popular president. not -- it is really backfired. , i heard they would do a couple of other things, they said from washington down do it we're indicting him into the white house. larry: quite remarkable, key point is, you mentioned, i think that needle has not moved and probably backfired against joe biden. people see this for what it is. and it may be true senator tuberville from the other cases as well. >> and you could tell this assault or orchestrated,
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president trump said this, this is from president biden, the indictments from white house. but as you said it is backfiring, he could not afford all this advertising he is getting no matter good or bad. it is unbelievable. president trump, he is doing -- i can't believe it he sits there all day in good spirits, we knows he will have an opportunity to get through this. hopefully he does not have to fight any more of these, the di indictments look to start unraveling, his numbers are way up. and he read those today. i think he is ahead of every poll but for one in swing states. larry: he may be expanding the base. pepeople saying, polls are closing minnesota, virginia, i'll bet you new jersey
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polls close. is he expanding his base. >> yes, he will give a run in new york, he will do a big rally. larry: i'm hoping for yankee stadium, 75 thousand people, then we will have to expand health care facilities because aoc and her crowd will need more mental health, another joke. >> he is making progress to two ways his pe pe personality and being a leader, and joe biden and his team are ruining our country, we're in bad trouble, there is on not one good thing happening right now, we are looking down the barrel of 3 wars overseas. we could not fight one right now with our military we're so woke. that said, president trump is a guy that can wake us up and get us back on the right track. larry: roll tape on trump in wild wood about
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immigration. illegal immigration invasion. >> on day one of my new administration, i will seal the border, stop the invasions of people pouring through the border, and send joe biden's illegal aliens back home where they belong, i will shift massive portions of law enforcement to i immigration. larry: i want to flag that largest domestic deportation, this is something that mr. trump said in a number of times, and others have said, going back to the i eisenhower years when illegals were deported. the liberal republican governor of california, warren pushed ike to go through operation wet back and deport the mexican
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illegals. who came into california and were bankrupting the state. in a trump presidency is it your expectation he will follow through, and he could get a at this is republican, he -- they -- a senate that is republican, they could get a large group to deport. >> he told me for a year he will do this he says we have no choice, this is costing us a fortune to take care of. veterans are suffering they are now using our v.a.'s in healthcare, you know the millions of dollars that taxpayers have to pay daily, for taking c taking care of these people is dead wrong. he will load them up by the help of i.c.e., border patrol, local police, county police, state police, they have to go home. we and -- we need people here. we do need people here. we can't take everyone.
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american people can't afford it, we have places for them to live but we can't afford to have them here at one time, we need immigrants in we're all immigrants, but president trump -- >> we need it. ♪(voya)♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing. across all your benefits and savings options. so you can feel confident in your financial choices. they really know how to put two and two together. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. but you can repair it with pronamel repair. it penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair.
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larry: consumer collapse in the cards more inflation alongside it chairman and ceo strategic security, ej antoni. jason. headlines from friday night, i saw it, we talked about on the radio saturday of course ford motor company, bless its little heart losing 100 thousand dollars per electric vehicle. do you have a comment. >> comment is -- >> don't own ford stock. >> i -- we own toyota. but that is because they had a better approach to this they have not forced it they focused on hybrids than electric vehicle. the thing is prices set what supply and demand are. government should not be in
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the business of telling people what they should own and why with some sort of artificial time frame, on electric vehicles which happened to be perhaps least green product you become you were with, they were developed with extractive materials, whole thing is crazy. larry: it is wonderful they put tariffs on china batteries. nobody wants stuff anyway. they can put something to china. for buying the oil of iran and russia and financing two wars against the united states that the bidens will nnever do. ej antoni a poor michigan consumer confidence sentiment survey plunged from 79.5 .5 to 67.5, you could see by the way, at roughly 67ish, where it was under the trump years, it was about 100.
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ej, does this bode a downturn in consumer spending and retail sales? does can is bode upturn of inflation. >> i think in real terms, you are right. this does signal a down strend-- trend but not nominal terms, consumers are still flush with cash but the cash is not worth as much any more, we see nom nominal wages rising and inflation expectations take off, not just in the consumer sentiment report from university of michigan but today we got a report from cleveland fed and another one from the new york fed, they both showed that inflation expectations are back on the rise. larry: cleveland fed is expecting about a 5% annualized rise in the cpi on wednesday. that does not mean they are right, but that is what inflation now cast or whatever it is called are suggesting. do you think they will be
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bad. >> i think it will be a hot report, because to cause of inflation government in still spending, borrowing and creating way too much money that is driving this devaluation of the dollar. larry: devaluation of the dollar, not against other currencies. what is the stock market? good? correction came right back as of close of last week. almost back to the all-time highs. >> you are within 1% of all-time high. larry: off a smidge today, your outlook. you have a a lot of risk, things look great until they don't. >> ej and i were talking before. there is so much manipulations of what i think is most important price in world 10-year treasury yield, it is levitating stocks we found is that if 10-year
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treasury wi yield could stay below 5 still risk on for stock market, but, saying that, it will interest will overwhelm the system, you are increasing debt as you know. by a trillion every hundred days based on interest. larry: easy. >> 7% -- >> with less than 4% inflation rate and inflation number -- it is up 20%. right. but the inflation number near-term 3 month changes accelerating. >> this is why i think for all talk about inflation as an election issue, my own opinion, it is already settled, president biden has lost. on this issue. they will not change enough between now and election day. the people don't feel what they see. the fact their standard of living has declined. dollar has hedge in there versus other -- hung in there versus other currency.
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>> it was a may consumer confidence number. ej antoni. why doesn't treasury sell 100 year bonds, they have a huge amount of debt. interest expense blown by the budget. why not sell hundred year bonds instead of monday treasury bills and pumping in liquidity for people to buy it why not just send -- you know gen-zers are paying down this debt for next 100 years, just issue a long bond. >> because to jason a point you know underestimate how much manipulation is going on in treasury markets right now, fed and treasury are conspiring to bend of y yield curve. >> it since verted.
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-- it is inverted. >> that makes less sense. >> it makes it dumber, they sell to most expensive costliest part of yield curve, the curve since verted. japan -- they sold 100 years or 50. larry: mexico. >> mexico. >> china talking about issuing 50 year paper. larry: are they smarter than we are. >> pretty good. >> you should be short. >> 100 years, look at it do your homework, jason and ej antoni, thank you. >> coming up bidens are telling israel to leave gaza, most remarkable secretary of state blinken yesterday on sunday talk show we have senator bill hagerty.
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>> in this country and we have a lot of them, they want to come. jd vance, what is going on in that courtroom is threat to democracy. a.j., highly respected from iowa, let the american people decide who the next leader of the free world will be, politics is no place in this courtroom t is all politics, andy mccarthy a great legal analyst said none of this is illegal, there is nothing illegal. it is all politics. a lot of people say it, they are all saying it. only person who won't say it is the judge, this is a rigged deal, he is conflicted. check that out.
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everyone says that there is no crime. leo terrell, up until right now, there is not a single thread of evidence that president trump participated in a crime of th either falsifying records none of it been nothing, look. they are doing great. they kept me m here for 4 weeks instead of campaigning, we still have the best poll numbers they came out of "new york times," as we discussed before. mark levin, there is no crime, state or federal. with which to link donald trump or anyone else, this is a case looking for a legal basis, there is none. there is no crime. mark levin. again, jd vance, to american voters, who are watching this, the one opportunity
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you get to speak up against this sham prosecution, and to say american people should elect a president not use corrupt d.a. prosecutors to help them get elected. andy mccarthy, again. has no authority to enforce federal law, not -- under federal law. that is why the ftc and doj, took no action against trump, they said it is fine. only ones that were george soros backed da br bragg, he turned down the case, they could have brought it 8 years ago, they brought it right in the middle of my presidential campaign. if you go back look at earlier records, he came into office, he turned it down, he was angry.
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because of what took place, he saw they were using it scam, he was angry. even michael of cnn. a person 4 or 5 weeks into a trial told that which there be prosecuted for, and that has not happened, you know why. it didn't happen for one reason, because there is no crime, here and i a and i don't think things are going well for the prosecution in court of law. and in the court of public opinion, they are doing worse. matt whitaker, another day of trial, they are keeping the president off of the campaign trail. by byron work on hush money trial, majority voters in georgia, pennsylvania, michigan say trump cannot get a fair trial, that is too bad, andy mccarthy
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again, bragg knows what he is doing is i'm p improper case. maybe judge merchan is having second thoughts, they have not come close to proving fraud or that any fraud has taken place, there is no fraud there is no crime, this is 4 weeks of keeping me from not campaigning jonathan turley, can't imagine any competent lawyer would not be embarrassed by what has happened in this courtroom, this day is going to go down in as day of infamy for the new york legal team which is true, whole world is laughing at new york weaponized legal system. watching this unfolded in the courtroom is a lawyer's disturbing, they keep referring to documents, they don't move the ball, they show that payment that is
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not in dispute, this is a total -- this is john t turley, they are not unlawful. there is no problem. there is no problem, you know ftc wrote it up. election commission. -- fec, wrote it up, they looctd looked years ago they took a pass, tim scott, objective is to keep trump off of the campaign trail, here is "new york times," just came out. where we're leaving in every state. we're leading. i might add. it is all really a very sad day for the country, sad for new york, new york, a judge that is highly conflicted at a level nobody has seen before could possibly, just
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think of it you could check him out. we have a corrupt judge and we have a judge who is highly conflicted. he is keeping me from campaigning. he is an appointed new york judge. appointed. you know who appointed him? democrat politicians, he is appointed, a corrupted judge, he is a conflicted judge. and he ought to let us go out and campaign and get rid of this scam, every single legal analyst, even cnn, even msnbc saying. there is no case here. thank you very much. >> what -- >> there you have it. former president trump teeing off on this story he must and should, joining us now on set, welcome back to senator bill hagerty from tennessee. just, for a quickie, what did trump do wrong? what was illegal?
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>> they have not proved anything that is illegal. this is just another slam they are using to deflect the public attention. they have done here, they are making president trump even stronger in the polls, he gets stronger, you heard him mention poll results, but american public is losing confidence in the system, this destroys average citizen a confidence in the system which is a shame. larry: not working for biden either. it is taking its toll on the system, senator hagerty, foreign policy expert among other things, yesterday on the sunday talk shows, secretary of state blink en said that biden administration will go no weapons to israel until they essentially have a plan to protect civilians and no weapons to israel, they want israel to leave gaza altogether, third, weapons are in violation of
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international humanitarian law. and national security ad adviser sullivan said they are withholding sensitive intelligence on hamas from israel. now, this is like -- who is the enemy here? >> it is shocking. to see the both sidisms coming out of the biden administration. at very outset joe biden said the right things with defending israel then they look at their domestic polls they see i believe a disinformation campaign taking fre great affect, you have kids on college campuses they don't even know what sea and -- they are talking about, they reward hamas everyone time they do this to have your secretary of state step into from fray and try to micromanage a situation he cannot fully understand, there is a shock and dismaying for me, we would never be here if former president trump were in
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office. larry: trump makes it a point now, every campaign stop. to repeat his support for israel. and to repeat it was manufacture trump moved embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem and negotiating abraham accords and isolated iran we bankrupt them but stopped them from giving money to hamas and hezbollah, there would never have been a war, trump says this, does he have the ground to stan on. >> absolutely, the maximum pressure campaign on iran. let's not call it anything than what it is, what shaping -- is happening with hamas is funded by iran. it was the not happening under trump administration. he put in place maximum pressure campaign. that happened in world, we
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brought iran's foreign reserves to below 8 billion, they were broke. is hamas and hezbollah were widely reported as being out of, as soon as joe biden comes in he looks the other way, enriches iran. he is encouraging iran to pump rat record levels. -- pump at record levels. that is facilitating it. larry: why doesn't biden tee off on china, not about electric vehicles, americans don't want them. ford motor company losing 100 thousand per car on the craze ev's. but china is broken the sanction, importing 1.5 million barrels a day from iran that takes that money estimated to be as much as 100 billion in last 3 years, and throws it at hamas, and hamas attacks israel.
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why don't bidens go after china on that point. >> larry, you hit nail on head, kle china is indirectly all of this. we should do it right away, china needs to understand we mean business, there somebody real consequences for them breaking sanctions, this administration will not do anything. with respect to china, they are walking all over us, look at what is happening in south china sea. larry: bring in tammy bruce. and alec lace. put that american flag out there. thank you. alec, he could win new jersey. he could win minnesota and sh virginia, he may put new york in play, i am concerned about new york, he
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will put 75 thousand people in yankee stadium and aoc and her friends will have a mental break down, we'll have to spend more on healthcare. is it true, is he expanding the electoral map. >> i think that any place they have a grocery storeo a gas station is in play. you have seen turn out that happened in wildwood, the congresswoman down in jersey, she had a stand up to trump rally, you had more people down stars at hot dog stand than her rami,. larry: prior broader are record for new jersey rally is 11. that so i can't get a laugh out of it tammy bruce, do you agree or disagree? they are polls not votes. and i know there is a certain over exuberance about wildwood. >> new jersey wildwood people say, 100 thousand that is extraordinary.
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this is a statement in this particular city, not -- i love florida, not florida. it is new jersey. it is a remarkable dynamic. i love this country, you all do. but we're still revolutionaries at heart, we're a young country. joe biden has expand the map, joe biden has and the squad and bernie sanders, the people who treat american people like we're worth less and speed bumps like wire something that is a shadow on the wall. this is goi w going to be a statement election. we thought 2016 was, this is the statement election, i think that president trump is once again, just being himself. , i said he is handling it beautifully, he is handling it at himself that is his i think greatest strength, this [music] a man who is worried about what he should say or do, he
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is trusting in the dynamic, i think this support, and like that rally, 100 thousands people, tens of millions of people. larry: authentic. >> he knows we have his back that helps. larry: alec, latest rumor. off breitbart, they are good news information gathering, the democrats are looking at a virtual dnc convention in chicago. like the covid thing. in 2020. they would have a blend, have speakers, rest would be run on tape. and you have to zoom in on it, so they will avoid all of the pikits and violence and protests. virtual dnc, there san old saying, you can run but you can't hide. >> people that will be most disappointed are those who sell bulletproof vests, fr. 13 days to may, 20 people shot 13 murdered in
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chicago, you have have no one show up, and biden will show up babbling like an idiot, a better play. larry: they would lock terrible. >> like a basement campaign efficient everyone -- for ern, they are running they cannot hide. >> tammy bruce, and alec lace, sorry short mr. trump came out of courtroom. up next jonathan turley, why bragg's case may blow up. where is the illegality. if any knows jonathan turley will let us know, i'm kudlow and we'll be right back.
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to help people live happier healthier and longer lives by making it easier to cut out sugar. from our factory to our stevia farm, splenda's team of over 2000 individuals are dedicated to helping people live their best lives. taking pride that everyday millions say “i use splenda.” and now sweeten drinks wherever you are with splenda zero-calorie liquid sweeteners. try all three. available in the baking aisle. larry: joining us now the great johnston turley, george washington university law professor. fox news contributor, it a busy day for you, we appreciate you coming on. i want to ask you, the prosecution played a tape with michael cohen talking to mr. trump. and supposedly this will prove that president trump was micromanaging on the tape, i didn't hear it, you tell me. someone told me i'll ask
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you. there you seemed not to know what the details of this transaction were. did not know them at all, what can you tell us about it. >> well most important thing about the audiotape is there was an audiotape for most lawyers, watching or listening to this tape, is really an appalling moment. very idea that an attorney would take a client without their knowledge or consent. just shatters every aspect for professional conduct, the tape does not offer much like much else in cohen's testimony he gives details about h he said i fixed problem, i arranged for payments, you know this is not -- story will go away. at least before the election. and trump says good, good. well. that is sounds like a client following directions of his lawyer. but now, lawyer telling
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jury, i think you should send my client to prison for doing what i suggested for him to do. larry: so there no clear evidence that trump knew every detail or quote, unquote micro managing that leads to my other question, i read all your columns, what was illegal here? i am still trying to figure it out. as a nonlawyer. what was illegal? >> that is why this is such an embarrassment for new york bar, there is nothing illegal, cohen described is not a crime, prosecutors are making great fanfare over proving noncriminal actions and noncontested allegations. yeah there is an nda, yes money of paid that happens all of the time. and so, we're st still left with this bizarre situation of the -- a trial over something that none of us have yet been hold what the crime is -- told what
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the crime it, funny thing, i was watching a clip on fox, they played from one of other networks, all of these experts were praising cohen saying, he is not lost his cool, he has remained in control. and buttoned down, this is his lawyer, this is his lawyer. this -- these are prosecutors that prepped him, did they think he would lose it with lawyers that brought him to the party? so, the real test will come tomorrow, when he has an attorney, will go through a litany of lies. larry: they will wee cuisinart him, jonathan turley thank you. >> i am kudlow we'll be back with the last word. car, this isn't the way home. that's right james, it isn't.
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