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tv   Maria Bartiromos Wall Street  FOX Business  May 10, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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(ella) fashion moves fast. (jen) so we partner with verizon to take our operations to the next level. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network. (ella) we get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. (jen) that's enterprise intelligence. (vo) it's your vision, it's your verizon. >> from the fox studio in new york city, this is "maria
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bartiromo wall street". maria: happy we can do all welcome to the program that analyzes the week that was in position you for the week ahead i am maria bartiromo president biden trailing president trump in the rcp pooling was less than six months to the election he seems desperate to shore up his base to voters concerned about rising inflation gasoline prices interest-rate and unaffordable housing the present had this to say about the economy this week. >> we already turned it around the data has been wrong all along we had the strongest economy in the world no president has had the run in terms of creating jobs and bringing down inflation, it was 9% when i came to office. maria: it was 1.4% when he came to office but when biden refuses to listen to polling he is listening to far left protesters who have cheered his paws a weapon shipments to israel breaking the deck into policies supporting the jewish state biden finally taken action on the border may be under pressure
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from a majority of voters in a dozen of his party members you administration planning to roll out a proposal to change a process for asylum-seekers crossing the border it would allow officers to deny asylum to criminals or national security threats earlier in the process now, why hasn't this been done before and will and he stopped the surge of migrants coming into america that is costing $150 billion a year using taxpayer dollars for education law enforcement and healthcare for illegal migrants, join amino texas congressman and chairman of the house budget committee mr. chairman always a pleasure thank you for being here this weekend. >> and to be with you. maria: give us a sense of the cost of the border crisis is not something we ordinarily talk about because were always focused on the security and the impact of national security. the fact that we see a change to the asylum process now we are supposed to send people back who
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are threats to national security, yeah it is three years later. >> everybody by now knows the most imminent threat to the safety of american people is the wide-open border brought to you by president biden this is a self-inflicted crisis in the multitude of adverse effects on our society but one of the things you don't talk enough about is the hit to taxpayers at the state, local and federal level combined $150 billion she talked about but 100 is by the state and local government and they're not like the federal government of ours where they can. and borrow to pay for they have to balance their budgets which means they will take more money out of the pockets of their citizens were cut very important citizens. another thing the $150 billion
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equates to $9000 per illegal immigrant in this country, that is more than we spend on the most vulnerable american in the way of medicaid benefits and that's more than we spend our veterans for the military retirement this is not just unsustainable in terms of the financial costs but it's unconscionable that were doing this when we cannot even afford the safety net that exists of social services to our own citizens. maria: that is discouraging and shameful the fact that we spend more on foreigners illegal migrants who broke the law to get here then we do our own veterans who fought and put their lives at risk for freedom. >> that is correct the list is long and turns of entitlement cost to people here illegally uncompensated hospitals, $70 billion across the united states in the way of public
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education. we are crowding out the ability to educate our children, folks cannot get into the hospital, are citizens to get care, we have $3 billion for head start for people here illegally and texas alone but my home state is spending 13 billion which is $4500 per illegal immigrant we are overrun, overwhelmed and while were borrowing at a hundred thousand dollars the second $8 billion a day 2 trillion a year and we have this unprecedented and unsustainable national debt we have to cut the waste out and we need to start with the unnecessary spending on account of biden's border crisis. maria: i don't understand why have a wide-open border take on the national security risk as well as the cost and in the face of all of this is foreign policy which is also disappointing
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israeli forces bombarding rafah on friday dismissing president biden's threats that he is going to withhold weapons if they move forward into rafah. the administration claims the u.s. is committed to israel's defense and they use the word ironclad lawmakers on both sides of the aisle disagree watch the. >> the president is a tool folks hamas is using him and he is allowing it. >> i did not agree with her i don't think we should have any kind of conditions in a haven't seen anything with israel's conduct that would ever justify conditions. >> you either for israel courier for iran in their desire to exterminate israel and jews around the world. maria: noticeably we have not seen chuck schumer on this issue but there are reports from the associated press that the white house kept biden's decision to
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halt the weapons to israel quiet until after he made the holocaust remembrance speech on tuesday your colleague cory mills is drafting articles of impeachment against biden for what's being called the quid pro quo against israel can you explain this to us? >> i don't have any jewish-american with all due respect to both parties could vote for this president with how he's emboldened the greatest enemy of israel in the root of the evil which is iran the state sponsor of hamas and hezbollah he has emboldened him with his weakness and now is playing games with the munitions in support of israel so they will project weakness we know how that turned out with respect to russia, respect to iran it's a dangerous game but it shows you the links that he will go to placate the left, that is what is so sinister about all of
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this, that is what is behind this just like the open border i can tell you it is a president that is desperate to placate the radical left and his party and this is another manifestation except now were not just imperiling citizens of this country we are imperiling our greatest ally in the middle east and weaker into elevate this to a regional conflict where americans will be involved with more than a treasure but our sons and daughters. maria: really discouraging another big headline which i would love you to talk there is a social security funding social security funds barreling toward a disaster a new treasury report warning the program will run out of money in 2035 that's one year later than previously predicted but the white house is taking this as a win to raise taxes to extend the funding even further
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telling high income americans to pay their fair share, your reaction. >> a couple of things as americans we have to deal with important and serious problems with the solvency of our senior social security and medicare both are within the ten year window of insolvency and social security the average family of two will take a 17000 automatic cut in 2033 when the trust fund goes and solve it this is a serious matter and will require bipartisan leadership but were not seen that right now under my chairman schiff or budget committee has to bipartisan like the greenspan commission that preceded ronald reagan and tip o'neill doing the right thing putting the country first and
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addressing the insolvency and the sustainability of these programs. when you hear president biden say were not going to touch it were only going to help medicare recipients and our seniors but in the inflation reduction act they took a savings of $300 billion out of medicare to subsidize their tax giveaways to green energy corporation to expand the bureaucracy of the irs don't believe that leadership over require getting both parties at the table to deal with this and put their country in the seniors of interest first. maria: the climate change agenda is expensive he's looking under every rock to pay for his agenda. working to keep a spotlight on it and we appreciate you talking through it this weekend, thank you. >> always good to be with you. >> budget committee chairman jodey arrington. inflation data expected to come in hot next week, lou basenese eases here on what it means for rate cuts this year end where he's putting his money now.
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maria: welcome back with take a look at markets as investors look ahead to key inflation data coming out next week on wednesday the cleveland federal reserve predicting that consumer prices in april will jump a half 8% from march and three and a half from april from last year public ventures president and chief market strategist lou bethany's, great to see you thank you for being here. i want to get your take from what everyone i've spoken with says a big event for the week ahead is the consumer price index coming out on wednesday what you expect. >> i'm expecting aforethought cpi. ivan early saying we shouldn't expect any rate cuts whatsoever the sheer and we need a hike last on the contrary in and ridiculous a couple months ago but all the inflation data for the last three months is hotter than expected in one hot. is an anomaly three is a pattern
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for the trend, for would be a crisis and i think it destroys the narrative that inflation is under control and the fed's next move is a cut i don't believe that is possible. maria: you were spot on now we see potentially four months of hot inflation card of the issue is rent. why is inflation so hard to rain and. >> if you date under dig into the data its real estate rent prices are increasing and services prices are increasing and you cannot wrestle down the housing prices is a colleague and friend has been urging on this too is a supply issue and we have a shortage of housing no matter what you do and whether interest rates are high or low that will not solve the supply issue that is driving right real estate higher and entered a big component in the inflation numbers we accelerated inflation
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this is the late 1970s were it look like the fed had inflation under control it massively re-accelerated that is the danger in the precipice that we stared out of president biden doesn't get serious and real about what's unfolding. maria: you rent, also food, fuel, oil but despite the numbers president biden is adamant the economy is thriving preset inflation at 9% when he took office in inflation was actually 1.4% and we know this we've been tracking it when he walked into the oval office the cpi was 1.4% it did not take up until 9% until 2022 after six or $7 trillion in spending overall inflation is up 19% under biden credit card about 46% while hourly wages are down better than 2.5%, your reaction and
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assessment. >> it's amazing to see the pools don't agree with me so let's dismiss and give you a bunch of other facts that are not facts they are lies or incompetence i don't know which it is is a combination of the both but inflation is not under control is started at 1.4 and ramped up to nine and were well above where we started when he took office and there's no end in sight all concede and try to be pragmatic closing the last mile of the inflation gap for the feds target is really hard it doesn't happen easily and that's part of the market to get inflation to target but for the president to come out and say the economy is thriving it's clearly not with the last gdp at 1.6% in the u.s. has the best gdp growth in the world, excuse me what about china putting up 5%, 50 other countries that are better than us in terms of gdp most are obscure and small but
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you cannot believe that the american public does not actually have access to the same data you're looking you cannot deceive us. maria: how is 1.6% growth the best growth of the world, real quick you said this upcoming week the cpi real important in the following week the bigot that will be nvidia we will hear from nvidia report earnings on how to allocate capital. >> i think big tech lead the market in nvidia sets the tone they are priced to perfection and growing tremendously using the a.i. trend take over the results for alphabet, microsoft and it destroyed meta because no one believes a good cover into actual profits and is key in the coming weeks when you looked at the results the a.i. is intact it's good to lead the market up or down based upon that because we have a shortage of other things a couple months of the next earnings reporting season and the next couple of months for inflation data so i think
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tech will set the tone once the fed sets the tone based upon cpi data. maria: lou basenese is joining us. a new investigation cracking open the books of universities amid the campus chaos. why some colleges may have financial motivation to allow anti-israel protests to continue. were following the money next (psst! psst!) ahhh!
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maria: welcome back we're following the money behind the chaos on campuses new investigation revealing why some colleges may have been slow to break up into israel protests government watchdog open the books reporting elite universities including brown harvard and a small public research school indiana university of pennsylvania have
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received $10 million total from groups located being called the state of palestine a place the united states, state department and united nations do not recognize as a country joining and open the books founder and ceo adam great to have you, thank you very much for being here. can you tell us more about the money that the schools took in? >> it was 10 million from the state of palestine's and institutions from the two ivy league of brown and harvard in the small state university in pennsylvania and here's what it funded first-ever palestinian professorship when the middle east study center they said they picked a moderate but in radical ties simultaneously when they appointed him to the chair position it allowed him to go back to the west bank to the university which is a radicalism for example at this university
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will number one largest student group is actually home off and harvard $1.6 million flowed from the state of palestine and harvard won't disclose what it funded we asked and they are not telling but they also of a partnership with the university and here's one of the projects that they teach d colonialization with identify power structures in the global north and global south to reverse the power structures. for example if you don't like the civil unrest on college campuses get ready for the revolution. maria: obviously there is not a state of palestine so the donors are from somewhere, who is actually paying for it in the donor behind the state of palestine. >> this is an area that does not reflect our values, any money that's a key question that you ask the any money coming from the area of the world that is dominated by terrorist invites
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more questions there's a nonprofit located in the west bank that provided the money to brown but the values in the area are not our values for example the palestinian authority are moderates but within palestinian law they codified a gruesome practice of patent sleigh with a fund pensions of family members of the terrorist that killed jews. maria: how are they able to do all of this on somebody different universities across the country just on friday the university of pennsylvania had arrest, this is ongoing as we speak. >> the university fermenting the pro-palestinian to interactive is only campuses and make no mistake open the we've shown the elite universities are more federal contractor today than educator and here's what we mean taxpayers provide more federal contracts and grants to
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the universities than what the universities collect from students and parents on tuition so congress needs to crack down on the foreign funding when taxpayer paid subsidies, bibi we should tax the universities that have the massive endowment. maria: we will keep a spotlight on it. adam andrzejewski. i have one point think ahead of next week, stay with us. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body
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maria: welcome back one thing you need to know ahead of next week americans are showing moms a little extra love this mother's day weekend spending is expected to hit 33 and a half billion dollars that is the second highest amount on record behind last year's $36 billion spent on mom more than 80% of adults plan to spend gifts in
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celebration some of the most popular gifts, jewelry special outings, electronics, flowers and cards i'll be spending money and time, there's a look at my mom with my husband and i send you my josephine darling happy mother's day love you so much. join me over the weekend on fox news channel on "sunday morning futures" also you live 10:00 a.m. eastern i got exclusive interviews with utah senator markley, marjorie taylor greene, former house speaker kevin mccarthy and arizona senate candidate kari lake also you on "fox news sunday" morning on 10:00 a.m. eastern lives. that will do it on fox business, thank you for joining us have a very special and happy mother's day i'll see you again next time


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