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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  May 8, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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that is it for "kudlow". thanks for watching folks. ♪. maria: good wednesday morning
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everyone. thank you so much for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo it is wednesday the eighth, your top stories 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. breaking news anti-israel protests resume this morning at george washington university last night they turned violent after officers started tearing down the campuses encampment arresting 35 protesters, we have updates this morning as they come in we will report as it's happening. president trump on trial, stormy daniels back on the stand tomorrow for a second day after day of testimony when she detailed the sexual encounters she claims to have had with trump, salacious details meant to embarrass the 45th president as the judge denies trump's request for a mistrial. new polls show american voters continue to support trump come november. all the details coming up. markets are mixed, fractional moves across the board take a look at futures indicated a
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mixed opening as we look ahead to more earnings, the dow industrial six, the nasdaq and 14 we have who were coming out with their needs before the opening bell yesterday markets were mostly higher the dow close enough for a fifth session for the winning streak of 2024 the s&p 500 on the longest winning streak since march but the nasdaq lower than the first decline in four days european markets trading like this take a look at the eurozone as the markets are higher across the board, s&p 145, the cac 40 up 69 in jackson index higher by 92. in asian markets finished like this, south korea the one bright spot a third of 8% the worst performer japan the average are wood into thirds present. joining the conversation poster and president of maslansky and partners the carter bullseye annuity fund portfolio manager adam johnson is here and former
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nypd inspector fox news contributor and lawyer paul mauro is here "mornings with maria" is live right now. >> is time for the hot topic of the hour stormy daniels on the stand tomorrow morning and former president trump hussman a trial after they denied the lawyer's request for a mistrial, daniels contradicting during the testimony yesterday admitting she hates trump the judge warning she gave the relevant details that have nothing to do with his business records he is a former president yesterday after all of that. >> this is a very big day very revealing day the case is totally falling apart and advancing our books and records and something that should be little relationship to the case all for the soros back to you, it's a disaster. maria: quite the testimony, your
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reaction. >> we noticed there is everything coming into this case except stuff that would prove what is charged and furthermore were not clear on what is charged because of the mysterious second charge that bump this to a felony has not been elucidated this looks to me more like donald trump revenge than a criminal case and what we're going to see now are number of procedural things at the end of the prosecution case a motion to dismiss the judge will deny that and were given to other procedural things that you matter the judge if he doesn't hear an actual crime can issue a directed verdict which says jury irrelevant they didn't approve a crime or demonstrated crime but it's also going to be a battle and this is where were going there's going to be a battle over the jury instructions and this is really important because one of the things that the judge
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has said he's going to clean this up later. he literally said a lot of that you probably shouldn't of heard all clean it up later i'll unring the bell both sides get to fight over what direction the judge gives to the jury that will be a crucial moment in the trial. maria: some of the details were salacious is this an opportunity for the prosecution to basically embarrassed trump and paint a picture of a guy who had an encounter with the woman and tried to money him up. i don't see the connection to business records. >> that started with mcdougall she is completely irrelevant with the charges, the entries that are in play happened in 2017, their arguing that he conspired to influence an election regarding an election here early one. if a most egregious aspect despite the salacious stuff, the
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things that mattered is implication that somebody approached her in the parking lot 2011 a body man an attempt to intimidate her and yet no necessity from the prosecution side to tie the person directly to donald trump and talk about a damaging but unsupported allegation the idea that you have an image of the dead of night that should've been in its what are the things that really dirties this case out, not against donald trump of the crop under prosecution. maria: let me get your take the poll finds 44% of registered voters do not believe trump's trial has been fair, to date they see what's going on and that's why he keeps winning in the polls. >> i think it's fascinating to think that 44% of americans don't think this is a fair proceeding and when you look at
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the polling on how people see the whole system of justice playing out more than seven in ten americans say the system seems rigged and that's playing into the favor of donald trump in the more outrageous again obligations of further away from the actual case and the better it is for truck. it all seems this is so unfair and they're out to get him and ultimately it's going to rally his base even more. >> lee made the points unfair i would add to that and completely unfounded. i generally think of myself as a reasonably intelligent guy i come on with "mornings with maria" but i keep trying to figure out the crime and i'm at a loss the great alan dershowitz friend of the show says there's no there there let's face it cheating on your wife probably not a good idea covering it up
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another bad idea but is it effectively illegal to have a nondisclosure agreement, no i cannot find that there there. >> that's exactly right that's what we hear where is the crime were trying to understand what the prosecution is talking about but we are just getting started will slip in a short break we are watching reddit the stock is soaring at 15% after the company reported strong growth with losses tied to the ipo mahoney asset ceo ken mahoney is there waiting on the you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business
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maria: welcome back. take a look at reddit shares one of the highlights of the morning stock is up 15% despite a $575 million quarterly loss following the march ipo the
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company did report a drop in revenue 48% higher in revenue also reported a jump in users and add revenue mahoney asset managing ken mahoney thank you for being here. the company is citing expenses from the ipo for the loss of $575 million but strong revenue and user increases has a stock up strong, your thoughts. >> i go by supply and demand so the stock is up in the market likes it even though the numbers may have not been there but you think about facebook and other ipos and comparing reddit to facebook or meta but there in that category yet but early on making an investment for the pivoting and trying to find the market coming into the ipo i think they'll be fine but if they accumulate another quarter i don't think it will be so easy going it's fine where they are
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but we're going to have to tweak the numbers ensure wall street delivering. maria: how would you assess earnings overall? >> i like them the big one is an nvidia that's coming up in a couple weeks when you look at everything it was big tech for the most part that pulled it out meta the netflix we had a hit and a mrs. and meta said something interesting there making a huge investment tens of billions of dollars going into increasing infrastructure it and so forth but the investment return is going to be down the road and investors want to think spend 20 billion and we recruit clients wedding entered two months that's a good reality check, a.i. is here as i could be multiple quarters is going to be multiple years but at the same token we were to go with the picks and shovels the end-users was apparent you don't make the money so quickly, it's
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good to lower expectations on $10 million in next month $10 million comes into the bottom line it doesn't work like that. maria: nvidia is the one to watch that's going to be a market mover would you buy nvidia going into the earnings report. >> read a good position if we could own it we would. i hear all the time nvidia being too expensive because a high price tag but you know it's expensive nike a couple of weeks ago they reported the future pe is 35 the same as nvidia is going your 12 back 2% topline revenue for the same forward pe which nvidia has the forward pe of the ten year average i think nvidia has a lot of upside and is priced for perfection but again the ceo said were in the second or third inning of the cycle so we have a lot more runway so were excited about
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nvidia and we hope the numbers come in good and i think they will. maria: i want to get your take our investors looking or paying attention to the trump trial because yesterday i spoke with kevin hassett the former chairman of the economic council the white house and he made a compelling point. he said if we were to see donald trump and handcuffs go to jail because of the gag order watch the market selloff and bond yield surge whose get about a treasury bond from a banana republic here is kevin hassett with me yesterday. >> the big risk for something or never seen if you look at the case in new york the judges being so undemocratic on constitutional and the rulings against president trump it looks like a conspiracy to put them in jail and a president trump is in chains going to rikers island then would you want to buy the u.s. treasury the next day the thing that i worried about
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short-term risk for the economy the democrats are serious and if they succeed imagine we become a banana republic when they take them to rikers and i can imagine what happens to treasury market saturday. maria: do you agree with that? >> were aiming towards a banana republic the headlines of what's happening columbia university and the different colleges there quite frankly i don't know if the market will selloff most investors know pretty sophisticated this is definitely a show to demoralize trump and make them look bad is not about winning the case it's to smear his face and mud because the other side has nothing to offer bidenomics has been a mess one lie after another lie. i understand his point of view i don't think the market can do so sharply if he goes to jail. i don't think it's a market of as a social event to try into.
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maria: were watching the fed federal reserve president said yesterday it's likely the central bank will keep rates for an extended period of time until officials are certain it's on track to the 2% target are you expecting any rate cuts? >> were okay with hire for longer, be careful what you wish for they cut rates with economic activity slowing down the probably have is the fiscal side of things a trillion here a trillion there and we know the federal reserve does not have the tools and the arrows to fight this and janet yellen knows that so the real mess that no one wants to address his out-of-control spending half a trillion for canceled debt and half a trillion of immigration we just don't have it. at the end of the day higher rates for longer and if the classic example economics one-on-one two much money chasing too few goods and services and that's what we have right now. maria: that's what we see inflation stay elevated and you
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expect that to continue how you want to allocate capital. >> we like big tech anything around a.i. one of my colleagues hooks up all the computers gpu and he said this is corporations going from the foot flow into the smartphone and my lightbulb what off we did this in the 1990s were part of it in the naked eye we can understand what's happening but the analogy on the flip phone to a smart phone for the company's all the new technology faster into all these type of things it's incredible. maria: it's a good analysis, good to see you. ken mahoney. your morning mover is left take a look at the stock as we await uber earnings, lifted up six inventor present shares of the app climbing after double beat on first-quarter earnings and revenue profit up 28% to
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1.3 billion lift logging 188 million rights during the quarter at 22% from last year the company forecast higher than gross perky and triplicates to the second quarter as well to even by high consumer demand and benefits from new user and driver futures the stock is done well up 105% the last year will get over earnings later this hour and will bring those to you. when we come back judge cannon president trump's classified documents case over potentially the fbi tampering with documents house judiciary jim jordan investigating we have that coming out wisconsin under congressman scott fitzgerald is here after the break back in a moment. what does a good investment opportunity look like? at t. rowe price we let curiosity light the way. asking smart questions about opportunities like clean water. and what promising new treatment advances
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maria: welcome back judge aileen cannon posted the classified documents case. this child was supposed to begin on may 20 now it's unclear when it will start and the decision comes after special counsel jack smith and federal prosecutors at the fbi admitted in a court filing that documents were tampered with lacey's documents dinner mar-a-lago grade and no longer in their original order and secrets trumps legal team says smith team failed to preserve critical evidence of the case house judiciary committee jim jordan
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investigating whether evidence was altered or manipulated accuracies by the fbi i talked with the subject or national intelligence john ratcliffe on "sunday morning futures". watch. >> to the fbi tamper with the. >> the famous photograph that we learned in the government with jack smith and his prosecutors have had to admit, that was staged in the top-secret classified sheets listed on my god look at the top-secret documents those replaced by the fbi and what jack smith admitted in court in his words they mishandled the classified documents and misrepresented those to the court that the kind way of saying we tampered with evidence of this reeks of crossfire hurricane when bob beau biden fabricated evidence before the fisa court and lied to the court about it to pursue donald trump.
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maria: joining me now wisconsin congressman scott fitzgerald member of the hos house judicia. >> when we arrived in d.c. monday afternoon chairman jordan briefed the committee on basically as it was laid out by ratcliffe it is evidence tampering and certainly has prompted a letter that came directly from the chairman to once again lay out the case of this entire thing has really been compromised. what you're looking at is the entire thing being delayed beyond the election which is a huge victory for president trump at this point. maria: i don't understand, they laid everything out the way they wanted to lay it out and took
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the pictures leak them and send them over the internet and then tampered with it. >> if you talk to staff who have been digging deeper into this right now a lot of what was presented was obviously staged and it's unbelievable they would go to that length and if you think about the full radon mar-a-lago it's unbelievable what is happened now that we understand the facts. maria: it really is a house judiciary plated to markup of resolution to hold attorney general merrick garland and contempt of congress for refusing to hand over audio of the special counsel robert hur's interview with president biden, you and your colleagues have said these recordings are crucial for the impeachment inquiry but the d.o.j. says is not relevant can you tell us why it's relevant. >> we have special counsel her in front of the committee as you reported in many other news outlets reported in the other
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thing we were looking for is we wanted to get a feel for the way the president handled a lot of the questions that he was asked and it was brought up that day when the special counsel was before the committee and every since then we've been trying to get our hands on what the d.o.j. has which is an unredacted full interview. they have been stonewalling all along. again i go back to chairman jordan who has his hands full but certainly i think the committee is going to move forward with contempt. we'll see what happens, will they give us some unredacted portions were not sure but i think were serious about it right now. maria: i know you're serious but with all due respect what is contempt mean what would that mean for ag garland a lot of the stuff going back and forth i feel like the republicans can't get it over the finish line where is the accountability the
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fbi tampering with evidence, trump and trial all of these indictments is an election year people what is the accountability what is contempt of congress mean. >> so for the pattern we have to take it to the limit before were able to secure the materials. to be quite honest i think if we move in this direction it'll be the final play that will result in them giving the tape. if they don't it raises a whole other level of questions that need to be answered but i think they will comply that is my take on it. maria: fair enough. voters are noticing all of this the law fair, the d.o.j. two separate approaches to governance president biden will be back in wisconsin campaigning talking about his so-called investing in america agenda the trip comes one week after former president trump campaign there
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wisconsin, biden will also be in chicago, your thoughts on the selection and campaigning as president trump spends most days in the courtroom in joe biden and swing states attacking tr trump. >> it hits home in the fifth congressional district. i'm in the west suburbs which are absolutely going to be a target for the entire presidential election we have the convention coming to milwaukee the summer. it does not surprise me the president biden will be in receipt today, i think you said president trump was in waukesha last week, i think that's going to continue through november because it's critical. if you piece together pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, i really think president trump is in a position to win the states and ultimately win the presidency again. maria: will be watching all of that, good to see you. we will see you soon. a quick break then sees firewood
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negotiations resuming in cairo, the biden of initiation believes hamas israel should be able to close the remaining gaps, strategic analyst general jack keane is here he will give us his opinion on where we stand. stay with us. ♪ we're talking about cashbackin. not a game! we're talking about cashbacking. w no... cashbacking. word. we're talking about cashbacking. cashbacking. cashbacking. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback?
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one welcome back to the middle east is really defense forces seizing control of the gaza rafah boarding yesterday axios is reported the white house does not think israel crossed the red line with the current rafah operation cease-fire negotiations are resuming the biden administration says it believes hamas and israel should close the remaining gaps but hamas official is warning if israel's military aggression continues and there will be no deal strategic analyst chairman of the institute for the study
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of war general jack keane, thank you very much for weighing in give us your assessment of where we are after they rolled in yesterday. >> addictive rafah operation is tied to the fact that negotiations broke down last sunday and they broke down for the same reason ever since we had successful negotiation back in november and the reason for that principally hamas stated position as a permanent cease-fire with israel under withdrawal of israeli troops those of the major conditions that are huge stumbling blocks for the israelis. in the negotiations on sunday a permanent cease-fire was a part of what they were addressing i think the israelis conducted this right on the heels of that for two reasons one is a military objective take control of the rafah crossing point where hamas moves into weapons
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this is above the surface now through the smuggling tunnels and make certain the tactically what they're doing this is a limited operation they taken the city of rafah and divide into 270 land blocks in the number them so won this one to give our viewers an example from blocks 10 - 16 this is where the operation and rafah taking control of the rafah crossing point will be conducted and they asked the people to move out of their. they establish 40000 tons that have medical supplies, food and water in near jan nunes the major city in southern gaza that's where they want the people to move to is in operation not complicated and
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doesn't involve tunnel complexes city unfit structure on top of but the second goal is largely political. and that is to make sure hamas understands clearly that israel is going to conduct this operation in gaza and why does hamas have the hostages to begin with. a couple of reasons, they always recognize they can pause operations like they did in northern gaza using the hostages as leverage and that was a six-week pause and enable them to regroup and reorganize and israel got 105 hostages back. and what the leadership of gaza wants wants his own survival and the survival of his other leaders into slowly wants the 405 that are in gaza to survive because he could wants to rebuild his organization with
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his leadership with the foundation to regroup and reorganize. that's what the motivations are about and they want the hostages back and he wants to clean up gaza in terms of enemy effectiveness. >> locale specific the israelis are being entrance. what really strikes me as the white house the biden administration paused shipments of two precision bombs to israel that might've been used in rafah u.s. official telling fox news that one shipment of weapons was passed last week and the administration is not made a final determination on how to proceed with the shipment fox news jackie hundred growth administration on this yesterday the wall street journal is calling this the first formal rebuke to israel's campaign against hamas in gaza by positing the weapons. here's the exchange yesterday. >> on the messaging around the
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administrations ironclad commitment to israel how can the u.s. have ironclad on one hand and on another hand slow walk arms sales. >> are marketed speak to your question about arms sales when i tell you our commitment to israel's ironclad and we improve that many times over and over since october 7. why won't she address the positive the shipment this is a huge deal ironclad that doesn't sound ironclad. >> absolutely right you have every right to question the statement because the actions don't support the statement obviously for holding back weapons and are not providing any reasons we can speculate the 2000-pound bombs it's what's being held back and i think of the 500 pounds as well but the 2000-pound bombs are what we effort to as down balance the
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gravity weapons of the doha precision guidance in the system on them to get them to a specific target and therefore avoid collateral damage. dave uses bombs in the past and use them very early in the campaign in gaza because they are trying to penetrate and get to the tunnels underneath infrastructure and the penetration came to that kind of a bomb and enabled them to do that. i think the israelis learn from the operation and i think they will use the 2000 bombs with the degree of measurement only on a specific target and avoiding as much collateral damage is much as they possibly can. i think clearly the biden administration recited a message to israelis for sure they're not telling us the reasons but i believe it's behind the reason it's a bomb that these are let's face it this administration is
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meddling in israelis military operational tactic that are taking place in rafah and they have been doing this for some time in a matter of fact the president publicly disagreeing when israel's war aims as it pertains to gaza and disagree with israel putting military pressure on hamas for the purpose of releasing the hostages, disagreed with both of those that is absolutely serious meddling in israel's operation. >> do you really agree that hamas will release hostages i would like to see evidence that hamas is going to release hostages before we holdback shipments to israel during the fight of his life. >> you're absolutely right, the point when you make the statements that i may because the president is disagreeing and holding ammunitions back how to
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send more reactive at night strengthens his hand and hardens his negotiation points and he's been steadfast and permanent cease-fire withdrawal of troops he has not budged in biden is not helping israel in the negotiation by strengthening said mars hand and pushing back on the israelis that is protracted the word itself but they don't see it for what it really is talking about the administration. >> is not ironclad at the end of the day that's the bottom line i would get on to china because xi jinping is going to be with serbian officials in belgrade he arrived in the country on a symbolic date the 25th anniversary of the bombing of the embassy during nato's air were, president xi writing an op-ed that china will never forget the attack, your rea
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reaction. >> serbia is a major trading partner with china and certainly they are aligned and they're both supporting russia very strongly and the fact is there the recipients of china's belton road initiative and mining and infrastructure are a scale that exceeds many other countries in the 20th anniversary for our viewers to understand and back in 1999 conducting their campaign dealing with co-civil and we conducted bombing campaigns into belgrade the chinese embassy was mistakenly bombed china has always believed its intentional i was involved at the joint headquarters and we help the european command that was doing the bombing to battle damage assessment and i tell you that was a mistake made mistakes get made and there is no
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intentional targeting of the chinese embassy but china has felt that and been waving the flag for 25 years over the incident this is a relationship between these two countries that are very close and pro-russia. maria: we don't hear any pushback in terms of the support that china has given russia, what can this administration do to change that it looks like their partners here in the worst is left is stable at this point. >> the fact is the support that china is providing to russia exceeds anything the united states thought was happening and that's to quote the intel services is comprehensive they're not providing the weapon and state which is prohibited but there providing all of the components to put that together and a bunch of other things to keep an army on the battlefield
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it's not just about the weapons that sustain the army and there providing significant support to russia's defense industrial base and we have to get after this in terms of secondary sanctions on the companies that are involved in this and have a comprehensive program to enforce sanctions. we know russia has skirted around a lot of the sanctions of the united states and the europeans and others have placed on them some of them not enforcing and some that russia is very clever and used to sanctions not the least bit intimidated and works hard to get around them. china is one of the major reasons why russia's economy is as strong as it is and has not been punished significantly for participating in the invasion of ukraine. >> all great points is good to see you.
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>> great talking to you, thank you. >> general jack keane d.c. police arresting 35 protesters at george washington university this morning the very latest on the campus chaos that has resumed your watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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maria: anti-israel protests raged across the country cheryl casone with details. >> these protest on college campuses continue d.c. police arresting 35 people at george washington university as they cleared the encampment with pepper spray this is 13 federal judges appointed by donald trump vowed not to hire students from columbia university over the anti-israel demonstration these right a joint letter and call the institution and incubator of bigotry, unc chapel hill some professors threatening to withhold final grades in students of the anti-israel protests the university graduate school dean pending a letter to teachers and students depend on the timely submission of their grades for graduation, jobs and athletic eligibility all faculty and graduate by the registrar
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deadline. former president trump capturing indiana republican nomination voters going to the polls to cast their ballots in the states presidential and state primaries, trump secured 58 gop delegates, nikki haley 122% of the vote despite dropping out in march and at the state level mike braun what the gop nomination for governor he will face democrat jennifer mccormick this fall indiana republican congresswoman victoria sparkz who joined "mornings with maria" on monday winning her gop primary to represent the fisk adjustable district she is currently the only ukrainian house member, after 114 years the boy scouts are no more, in an effort to boost inclusion, the boy scouts is scouting america, the change goes into effect next year the scouts president says our name will be new in our mission remains unchanged were committed to teaching to be prepared for life
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is simple but evolution and to feel everyone welcome. right now 176,000 girls are members of the scouts the group is attempting to avoid bankruptcy after several claims of sexual abuse they paid almost would have billion dollars in settlement/year. finally this new classified documents reviewed by the house subcommittee that covid originated from a leak in the wuhan lab in china committee chair brad wenstrup set a letter to secretary of state anthony blinken and we got the f fox news digital the letter states classified materials contain highly important information that suggests covid-19 originated from a lab related accident and wuhan, china in the ccp acted to prevent an obstructed of fulsome investigation into the matters, winship says the american people deserve to see this information he wants this made public.
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his been on the program saying just that we all know that covid leaks from the lab and wuhan brad wenstrup has done a great job coming up with facts this administration refuses to hold china accountable, thank you so cheryl casone, i want to get your take care we get to see any accountability for covid whether it was a mistake is another point but we know that it leaked from a lab, windstream has done the work and no pushback whatsoever. >> it's kind of crazy that this is not out in the public and i feel like everybody knows it and why can't we get the information tweet us like adults. >> china will allow it and the administration is allowing them to pushback and not give us any information then there was a covid cover-up after the leak we
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know that as well. >> there was a limited number single digits of gain-of-function around the world lo and behold one ends up being a wuhan, what are the chances, at the end of the day you have to save yourself why, why is it so hard for the administration to be willing to say our primary global adversary was behind this even if it wasn't purposeful, what is the reason why they can't just cut to it that something that intrigues me it seems to be an easy lift and they simply won't do it that's where the investigation needs to go. >> the investigation is largely republicans wired the democrats as a set about china's cover-up of covid in the leak out of the lab as republicans are i don't understand this on to things that we all agree on. >> allow me to clarify it's because democrats in the man in the white house joe biden is having to catch-up to the chinese and they clearly have something on them because he
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keeps giving them everything that they want and sending are members of the cabinet to kiss president xi's reading. it's repulsive. working to take a quick quick break were keeping tabs on the next steps on the campaign trail trying to win over minority voters at the hot topic of the morning right after the break your watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us.
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maria: welcome back. good wednesday morning, everybody. thanks very much for joining us this morni morning.
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i'm maria bartiromo. it is wednesday, may 8 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. president biden is back on the campaign trail today, he's going to chicago in an a effort to gain minority voters and push his bidenomics message. a new poll finds biden support among black voters dropping, it was 87% in 2020, now at 64% in 2024. new york governor kathy hochul commenting on the black community. watch this bombshell. >> right now, we have young black kids growing up in the bronx who don't know what the word -- what a computer is, they don't know, they don't know these things. maria: they don't know what the word computer is? paul, your reaction. >> every kid in the bronx has a smartphone that is more powerful than the computers were five years ago. hochul is an accidental governor. thshe proves it every time


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