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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  May 1, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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seeing it, but i suspect as the months develop, we'll see the economy getting bumpier. liz: do you see any value investing in treasurys or t-bills? two year is below 4.9%. six month at 5.38, sorry, 5.38? >> it's hard not to have some of your portfolio in that part of the market but at some point we'll wake up, rates will be down and go down fast. i would have more of a barbell in my fixed income portion of the portfolio liz. liz: feels like a balance, hence the barbell term. bob, wonderful to see you, thank you very much. well, guys, at least the russell is still up six points and the dow is holding up to 105 points of gains. we have the s&p and nasdaq giving up all the big jump as the fed says no hike but no cut.
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tomorrow, qualcomm ceo. ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. campus protests and mobs stirring problems nationwide. joe biden lost control, law and order broken, the nypd brilliantly restoring it. retired nypd inspect for paul more row, former fbi special agent nicole parker will weigh in on this shortly. congressman byron daniels and leo terrell on the civil rights laws we have in place that will defund anti-semitic colleges. oh, yeah, federal reserve day. to absolutely no one's surprise, jay powell didn't lift a finger, no rate cut this year. john carney, taylor riggs will weigh in on that. joe biden will fly in palestinian refugees, give them all green cards, really? senator tommy tuberville will
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have a thing or two to say about it. first up we go to madison alworth live at columbia university with the very latest. madison, thanks for coming. what's cooking out this now, what's going on? >> reporter: larry it has been an active day to say the least nothing though compared to last night. overnight the crackdown on columbia that happened, police were able to raid the campus that has been overrun by pro-palestine protesters. they were able to clear out hamilton hall as well as the encampment there. i give you some video. around 9:00 p.m., the nypd went through the windows, they could not go in on the ground floor because they were barricaded. they had to remove makeshift barriers, break open office doors to get to the students illegally occupying the space for almost 20 hours. across columbia, city college here in new york, 300 protesters
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were arrested. nypd confirming some of the protesters arrested were not affiliated with the university. in other words, outsiders. but that did not stop columbia faculty from protesting again today. faculty members led a protest that started at 12 this afternoon with chants like no cops on campus and quote, from the river to the sea palestine will be free. we got to talk to some students who were skeptical about outside involvement. are you a student at columbia. >> yeah. but i don't want to comment. >> reporter: what do you think of your president's actions to bring in the nypd? >> it is horrific. that is all i'm going to say. >> reporter: what about the fact that there were non-students on campus. >> i don't know that is true. >> reporter: that is confirmed by nypd, mayor of new york, and columbia's president. >> that is columbia ace fault because we were in lockdown for two weeks. >> reporter: to be a student at columbia will cost you $90 a
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year. across the entire ivy league the cost to attend $90,000. with that $90,000, you get newspapers like this. at first glance it look the like "the new york times." look closely, new york war crimes. all the consent that is fit to manufacture this is what was handed out during this afternoon's protest to students and faculty who were protesting. those faculty members were the ones who kicked it off this afternoon. they promise to be back tomorrow. larry: well, all right. i can't wait to read that newspaper. madison alworth, i wasn't sure you were finished, i guess you were finished. we'll, we'll buy it out together, madison. thank you for your great reporting. i'm glad you're safe and sound. all right, folks, my riff. the first thing i want to say hat's off to the new york police department. in less than two hours they
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cleared columbia's hamilton hall, getting protesters out with no violence and seemingly no problems. no one will forget the pictures of the emergency services unit going up a ramp, climbing through a window. there are about 100 of them. it was breathtakingly wonderful sight to behold. why? because at that moment, any sane person watching it would breathe a sigh of relief that the police were back in charge, the police were back in charge. the calvary of good guys was back to restore law and order. no one was hurt, apparently. and then the tents were cleared and then the protesters were cuffed, put on a police buses, sent off to jail. the thin blue line in new york city was back. one of the most welcome sites i have seen in many, many years. and, giving us all some hope. the nypd should hold its head
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high today. you know, folks, if politicians would support the cops, fund the cops, let them do their job, we would have peaceful and safe streets, schools, stores, businesses, and neighborhoods. if you're anything like me, you went to bed last night feeling safer. unfortunately that feeling has been in very short supply in recent years. that brings me to my second point. i want to invite everyone to read today's "new york post" editorial. it is entitled, whether it's biden or shafik, de-escalation keeps on failing. regrettably joe biden's feckless foreign policy is all too similar to columbia president minutia shafik's toothless warning. initially bringing in the nypd
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suspending students. then columbia reversed most of the suspensions, let protesters build an even larger second encam pentment told students wouldn't evict them or call in the cops. that is my word, appeasement. when you deal with adversaries, in this case anti-semitic, anti-american student mob, you cannot appease ever. the toothless warnings, the weak dialogue, postponed deadlines, none of it worked. then, the "new york post" moves on to joe biden, and i quote, biden has spent more than three years de-escalating with iran, dropping trump era sanctions, paying huge bribes for hostage release, begging tehran to reenter the obama nuclear deal, end quote. the "new york post" points out that biden's escalation phobia emboldened russia to go into
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ukraine, emboldened iraq to the terror attacks in israel, emboldened hezbollah and houthis and emboldened the attack on israel. strong policies must be backed up by tough actions. words are cheap. it's actions that matter. joe biden's appeasement has fail. shafik's appeasement failed. by the way contrast her weakness and collapse of columbia university with the strong, tough actions, taken by the universities of florida and texas and the strong governors ron desantis and greg abbott, backing up tough college administrators s there a generic message here? i think there is. america's adversaries at home and abroad can only be defeated by tough, strong, steady and
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firm actions that back up strong policy messaging. if you're not going to take action, then don't say it. if you say it, then you must back it up with strong action. reagan and trump understood this. carter, obama, and biden did not. i think that's a lesson worth learning. and that's the riff tonight. all right. joining me paul more row, retired new york police department inspector, attorney, fox news contributor and nicole parker, former fbi special agent and fox news contributor. thank you both of you. i watched both of you last night on the fnc coverage and you were both fabulous and i'm thrilled to have you back here. nicole, i'm giving big, big credit to the new york police department. i think the cops performed splendidly, for the first time in a long time i saw professionals doing it right,
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saving the situation from the amateurs and weakness and appeasement that i saw. how did you see it last evening and what are you thinking about it today, the day after? >> larry i echo every single thing you said in your opening monologue. you nailed it. nypd are the best. they are the bravest, they are the finest, and they executed perfectly last evening. students on campus, oh, no, we don't want the cops here. of course not. they don't believe in law and order. they are causing all chaos in our country. i appreciate the fact you draw attention to states like florida, where i reside, states like texas where i am from. they don't have these kinds of issues there. you know why? because their leadership backs the blue, starting from the governor all the way down to local leadership, city council, mayors, et cetera. that can't be tolerated this is not first amendment right to free speech. the moment you cross the line, go to scene of violence, taking await rights of other students,
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that is wrong. that is actually criminal activity. it must be stopped. as long as these woke universities with woke leadership, presidents who refuse to take a stand and allow them to run the campus, you can continue to expect chaos. you don't see that chaos in texas or in florida. you certainly see it in new york, in california. you noticed the common denominator? texas and florida are red. new york and california are blue. thank goodness mayor adams stepped in. it's about time. nypd, they are the best and they deserve our respect. larry: that's it for one shining moment we had what could be the future, pal moreaux. you have a history with the new york police department the way they performed. we could talk about a lot of things, foreign policy, i want to get funding of protesters. new york cops are still as good as they always were. i was kind of thinking that last night.
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there are fewer cops, resignations, academy money is taken away. things that break your heart. i go back to rudy giuliani to use the police force to restore law and order and mike bloomberg. what do you make of this? will it last? will people get up this morning look how amazing they were. let's do more of this, let's help them more? just on this brief point? >> no. larry: politicians won't respond? >> politicians won't. you have to remember it is baked into the cake legislatively. it takes a lot of option that you're talking about there to support the police and look on the good side of things away from them because legislatively it has been into the system. the city council and legislature in albany who hide 400 miles north of new york city you never hear about, put in a regime so adversarial -- the new york police department does what it
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does every day miraculously because they are, as nicole was saying, they are really well-trained, institutional knowledge there goes back 150 years. it is in the dna of the organization. so no matter what you do, you're going to get very good cops. they still have a good espirit day corps. larry: nobody was hurt. no injuries. >> against people who hate them, including faculty. you know the president doesn't want them there. larry: of course not. >> they still got it done and got out of there cleanly. larry: amazing thing. on the other hand, nicole, let me come back to you, i don't know, we don't have any information as of this reporting on the students and whoever non-students that were arrested and in jail. i think they're still in jail but i don't even know that. on the other hand, even with new york's crazy laws, i was just going through, you can both chime in, they're guilty of breaking and entering.
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they're guilty of trespassing. they're guilty of destroying private property because of the hamilton hall, business. they're guilty of obstructing college activities. a lot of these kids are not going to be able to take final exams. they are certainly guilty of the civil rights act of 1964 and title vi. they're guilty of hate crimes and hate actions. i mean, nicole, i'd like to see them in jail for a good long time and at very minimum, if columbia, columbia shouldn't suspend them. columbia should throw them out. evict them all together. they are not going going to come back, get rid of them. >> i absolutely agree. i think half of them are not even college students. i think a lot of agitatetores are not students at these university campuses. i think there are many individuals that are taking this as an opportunity to join in. they support marginalized groups. they perceive these marginalized groups v been discriminated against. they want to be a part of
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something bigger. they are coming. >> the campuses. i do believe some are students but i don't believe all of them are. let's go back to title vi of the civil rights act of 1964. that is straight from, doj website describes it very clear detail, i read it, i will read it for you right now, so the audience has clear napping straight from the website. you tell me if this fits what happened to the jewish students at columbia university. quote, no person on in the united states shall on the ground of race, color, national origin, be denied the benefit, be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance, close quote. this university is receiving federal financial assistance, what i admin issue viewers do, you call 1-800-call fbi, you see what the fbi does with this they
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claim they are hate crimes are out the top much their list of the civil rights division, this is what they care about. my experience at the fbi they care about politics. they have been politically weaponized. they care about pleasing one-half of this country. you call 1-800-call-fbi, report the complaint if you believe you're victim of a crime. we'll see what the fbi and doj do on this. larry: i run that full screen every night, title vi. we put it up every night, that is how important it is. paul mauro, in the last minute or so, who is financing this? who put up the green tents, for example? who financing the newspaper madison alworth is talking about? hoe are the financiers here? >> that is the money question. april 15th, there were events sparked off globally, not nationwide. that argues there is a lot of international coordination. that makes -- larry: international. >> international. i wonder if there is not some foreign influence here. it is in the playbook much a
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number of our adversaries. as is widely reported you have the labyrinth web of progressive dark money comes from the rockefellers, soroses, some of the other people in silicon valley. there is cutouts, very hard to follow the money. that is one of the reasons why. we don't seem to get much action from doj. one of the reasons you and i spoke about previous live is so important. you're a student the victim of this sort of stuff, especially the jewish students, make sure you document it, log it, find out all the information you can, because the lawsuits, class actions that there has been four filed already. there is more coming in. alan dershowitz was talking about it. larry: professor dershowitz. >> that will be the sunlight that will peel this stuff back. why? doj will not touch it for political reasons as nicole says. number one, they're worried about michigan. number two, they don't want to see where the dark money going to dem candidates which you know what it is. that is a rock nobody wants to turn over. it will be upon us to go through
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the civil system, peel back layers of that onion. it is going on too long with the american people. we should know. larry: on top of all that, shafik should be fired as president of columbia, should be fired months ago. then again when you look at trustees of columbia, they're predominantly left liberal. >> as most of the ivys. very entrenched. very tough to get them out. larry: they might fire this one. you have to root out dei, restore the merit system. that is what alan dershowitz taught us, i don't see any of that happening. that's a problem. i just don't see it happening. i got to get out. you two are wonderful. nicole parker, i hope you come back. you're terrific stuff. paul mauro, ditto, hope you come back and join us as this story unfolds. all right, folks, coming up, jay powell, remember him, federal reserve chairman? he didn't lift a finger today. i don't know if there will be another rate cut in my lifetime. we'll talk about it with "breitbart"'s john carney and our own taylor riggs next up on
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and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly.
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larry: jay powell didn't lift a finger. interest rates stayed unchanged. i think they will for the rest of the year. let's talk about this.
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john carney, "breitbart" economics editor, coauthor of the "breitbart business digest, and our own taylor riggs, co-host of "the big money show," my favorite. thank you to both of you. on the market, taylor, the market was up almost 500 points at one point. then it closed i think, the dow plus 97 or something like that. that is pretty big swing down at the close. do you have any idea why? >> john and i like to joke about this the first move is usually always wrong. don't believe what you see the first move. >> i powell, get through the statement, the conference, market digest it. why the s&p and nasdaq rolled over into the red. dow in the green slightly. this is great hikes totally off the table. he thinks policy is restrictive and rate hikes are unlikely but for the most part they will hold. it is higher for longer.
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if rates are higher for longer, we're not getting cuts anytime soon, i think that's sort of that other hawkishness that came into play today. larry: higher for longer, i like that. that's a complete change. >> yes. larry: a complete fed change from the forecasts in the fourth quarter of last year and the beginning of this year. why, john? did the fed get something wrong? >> the fed thought inflation was going to keep coming down. in fact they were ignoring the evidence it has not been coming down since last july. we've been talking about this for months and months. inflation wasn't coming down, which created the risk. once it is not going down, it will go back up which is exactly what happened. what the fed did was very important in the statement, forget about powell's press conference in the statement they said inflation is going the wrong way. larry: that is a very big deal. >> it's a big deal. they put in the statement there has been a lack of progress on
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inflation over the last few months. basically that is fed speak for saying we got it totally wrong. it's going the wrong way. we're not going to cut. powell also added it will take longer to convince them. if you thought it would take them five month a couple months ago, it is now going to take them a year. i don't think you are looking at -- you said not this year. i don't think rate cuts until at least midway until next year if inflation goes down. larry: they might hike the rate before the election. they won't hike it before. maybe hike the rate after the election. could be november, december. if you're running, for argument sake if you're running 4%, take the cpi and meld it into the pce and all the rest of these indicators, maybe have a look at commodities which have been rising and gold's been rising, blah, blah, if you're running a 4% inflation rate, they are going to have to be at some point more rye strict tiff. now as a technical matter, viewers hold on, their balance sheet --
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>> oak, yeah. larry: which they had been shrinking, means selling treasurys, he said, no more today, or less, or something. hell after assignment. [laughter] >> qt is the balance sheet. it is the pace at which we let bonds roll off. larry: qt, quantitative tightening. >> correct. it is way to tighten up -- larry: the money supply. >> traditionally in the past we're letting bonds go off at $60 billion a month. the market thought we would slow down on that, do less tightening, ease up a little bit, only let $30 billion of bonds roll off the balance sheet. they came out today, said we'll only let 25 billion roll off the balance sheet. that means they're not being as restrictive. they're keeping it -- larry: easier. >> easier balance sheet which helps sort of the liquidity and money markets. i would just also note, tell me if you disagree -- larry: why did they do that?
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>> i think they're worried about something going on in the banking system. larry: really? >> they are reversing on rate cuts. they remembered what happened last april when we had silicon valley bank collapse. i think they're worried about another run on the banks. they're wanting to provide more liquidity. larry: the balance sheet, which is the basis of the money supply and liquidity, that thing was four trillion dollars pre-pandemic. it ran up to nine trillion dollars, okay? we got a lot of inflation from that. they brought it down to about 7 1/2 trillion dollars, but that's still very liquid position. i mean how tight -- >> yes. larry: if inflation is going up, how tight can they be? >> remember it used to be zero. they used to have no balance sheet at all after they started doing quantity quantitative easing. this is acknowledgement they can't do it. locked themselves into permanently expanded balance sheet. larry: like woke monetary
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policy. they're not tight enough. interest rate hikes, probability? seriously? >> it is a non-zero probability like you said. you said this as well, i wouldn't rule it out. i think jay powell said today, january inflation was higher, february inflation was higher. those are one-off data point. now we had a full quarter of inflation higher than expected. i don't think they want to come out to admit rate hikes but not one hundred% off the table. larry: john, last moment what is joe biden, joe biden forecasted rate cuts. he did it at least twice, maybe three times. he is going to be very disappointed. do you think he will attack the fed? >> he is very disappointed. it will take a lot of restraint. fortunately he has a lot of campus chaos to worry about. will take attention away from the fed. i think the fed will have to start to prepare the market for a hike. they have said, powell just began it today by saying, fed hikes aren't off the table,
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they're just unlikely. that's a big change. i think they're moving starting to prepare the markets for a fed hike. they better start doing that very soon. if donald trump gets elected and the day afterwards there is fed meeting, day after election day, the day after they say, we're moving to hikes, that is going to cause a political explosion. better not do that. larry: he won't mind that in december. he won't mind it december. he will mind it a lot in january, when he gets inaugurated. >> when march comes around do a hike -- larry: he will have something to say about that as he has in the past. john carney, taylor riggs. you must catch taylor along with her co-hosts brian brenberg, jackie deangelis on weekdays 1:00 p.m. eastern on "the big money show" fox business. coming up on "kudlow," we already have civil rights laws in place to put an end to anti-semitic pro-hamas nonsense. we'll talk about that with
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florida congressman byron donalds and leo terrell. we have alabama senator tommy tuberville still ahead. he will have something to say about that. palestinian refugees coming into the usa. all that when "kudlow" returns. interest rates could be going higher,, watch out.
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♪. larry: all right, we've got some breaking news. new york d.a. al very much brag just speaking moments ago, essentially announcing the release of all of the campus protesters. i don't know that's a shock but it is breaking news. he just held a press conference. we're trying to get some sound on it. if we do, we'll run the tape for you. joining me now, we have got florida congressman byron donalds, leo terrell, civil rights attorney and fox news contributor. gentlemen, thank you, very, very much. byron, here these protesters completely disrupting everything. new york police are heroes for
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what they did last night. so they locked up all these people, nearly 300 i think. they're letting them all out today, byron. what do you make of that? do you have a thought on that? >> oh, i got a big thought, larry. alvin bragg is not serious about doing his job. he wants to play politics, twist the legal system in knots trying to get donald trump. a lot of these people are not students at universities. astroturf like nancy pelosi caught it. they take over buildings and they're lit go? this is a joke. travesty for the city of new york. this is marine why crazy liberal democrat policy is damaging america through and through. that's my statement. larry: heck of a good statement. leo terrell, the new york police department was magnificent last night, at least that is my, absolutely magnificent, i did my opening riff on that point. here we go, everyone of these
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kids going to be released. by the by, i was looking at stuff, i don't know what the charges were. whether they took over hamilton hall, breaking and entering, trespassing, destruction of poverty. they are guesting off scot-free. bench warrants, little tickets, released on future summons what are you making of this, leo? >> i'm crazy upset about this why let me tell you about why. federal government has constitutional right to protect everyone. i have news for you, joe biden has thrown the jewish american community under the bus for michigan. this is 1950 and 1960 all over again. the kids were not jewish. they were black kids being denied an education. i will tell you this right now. title vi, 1964, we stopped the federal funding of these
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colleges and universities. we investigate the hate crimes that are going on. this is not happening on the federal level. i will tell you right now, under the trump administration i guarranty you there will be fbi investigations, there will be a cutting off of all funding. i have to make an apology. i want to law school at ucla. ucla is a national embarassment. where was the mayor? where was the governor? for two hours there was no law enforcement, larry. why? this is democratic city, they are voting to want to win michigan. the federal government abandoned its obligation to project jewish american citizens and it is embarrassing. larry: listen, we have talked, i have talked endlessly about the importance of the civil rights act of 1964 and in particular, in particular title vi. byron donalds i will ask you, because congress, house is coming back, the senate is coming back into session i think, can you all focus on
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implementing title vi because that would undermine the funding for these rogue universities. i will call them rogue universities because they are tolerating hate crimes, anti-semitic hate crimes and hate actions and they also deprived these kid of finishing their exams. i was talking to a young woman, a columbia student, she is a senior in the green room, you know, she might not get her diploma because of these disruptions. so the question i ask, byron, is, can the house, i mean i don't know, do we need new legislation, i am saying implement that great civil rights act which is one of the most amazing achievements in this country, essentially implementing 100 years of, of, black segregation and black discrimination. title vi would do it. what do you think, byron? >> i totally agree with you, larry, we need to look into that
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and we can. some of my colleagues and myself just left george washington university at the encampment over there, where you have the mayor of d.c. is refusing to support the campus of george w. providing police to clear the encampment. they are trespassing. muriel bowser does nothing. the same message in california, all throughout the country but the tip of the spear is joe biden because congress can bring these actions, the house can definitely go into them. we'll do a lot of those investigations but if the president refuses to act to protect jewish-americans, frankly all americans, whole there are free speech actions and protests going on, but if you don't protect people then there is little the house can do without the white house actually, without the white house acting which is why america, we need a new leader in the white house. we have no leadership right now and it is destroying our country. larry: leo, you know, professor alan dershowitz is conjuring up a good number of lawsuits.
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i think that is very healthy. apparently lawyers, he said on fox news last night, lawyers are volunteering pro bono to help him out. he will work pro bono to help him out, in fact, leo, the civil rights act says the federal government has an obligation to cut off the federal funding like columbia. we hooked at that they get i believe nearly six billion, six billion dollars of funding from uncle sam and the taxpayers. what the heck? >> larry, alan dershowitz, god bless him, civil lawsuits but the power of the federal government, the power of the federal government to come down and change everything and resources, it would be lights out for these hamas-loving universities. under the strum administration, if i was in that, if i was in that administration for one month, every one of these universities would be shut down as far as funding. there would be federal marshals escorting the jewish american
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community to the schools, just like they did in the '50s and '60s. larry: great point. >> we need federal involvement. we need president trump. larry: you know what? exactly right. go back what they did with black students in those days, they should be doing with jewish students. always running out of time. leo terrell, thanks a million. byron donalds always great to see you. we'll have both of you back as soon as we can. more on the cam puts protests let's bring in alabama senator tommy tuberville. senator tuberville, great to see you, thank you for your time. quick thought, you probably heard this conversation about title vi of the civil right act, federal government can take action to shut down federal funding of these universities that are wrung out by antisemitism and dei, jewish students are not safe, what do you make of it, mr. tuberville? >> well i spent 40 years larry on college campuses and the northern part of our country, in
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the blue states. the animals are running the zoo. they have no control. there is no leadership. you know we're not running day-care centers on our college campuses. these kids need to be accountable. now you can protest all you want, do it the right way but don't do harm to other people, don't get in other peoples way. talking about some young lady might possibly not get her degree because they canceled school. tom cot tone and i have a bill, if you get arrested in a protest, you don't have the opportunity to get your tuition waived by president biden which is illegal by the way. these are not kids. they are obviously grown-ups. we're not having this in the south. we're telling them, you can't do this, can't interrupt business on a day-to-day basis. larry: i think the behavior at the university of texas and the university of florida was very good. they stepped in fast. administrators stepped in fast. the governors desantis and greg,
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i'm sorry, can't remember his last name. >> greg abbott. larry: greg abbott. sorry, he is a good man. desantis and abbott backed up the school presidents. so the disturbance was minimal. senator, just another thing. there is talk now that the biden administration is going to have palestinian refugees coming into the united states and i wondered, you're going to be confronted with that, in some ways. what do you think of that? >> well i heard about this about a month ago, larry. this is really not new news. it is really starting to get out there. i said it on a couple of stations. even some of my colleagues said you're crazy that will not happen. it will happen. joe biden riding the fence. he wants to get votes from both sides. he is pushing the narrative a little too much here. he brings people from gaza into the united states of america, where, saudi arabia, egypt, none of their countries, that the people that really a simulate
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with -- assimilate with the gazans, they don't want anything to do with them. joe biden will bring them in. he doesn't care what happens to the american people or what happens to our country. he wants power. he wants to get reelected. he is taking a lot of heat what is going on right now. he thinks this will get him votes in areas like detroit or minneapolis. larry: the break down of these college campuses, ruckuses, some cases violence will be very damaging. i think the root of this, just as a last thought, dershowitz has said this other people said this, dei, which the bidens push, i mean joe biden is practically the progenitor of dei in the federal government, in the colleges, in the universities, in the schools, that has bred antisemitism. people see jews as the oppressors for whatever reason.
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this will not help joe biden, will isn't. >> what i tell people all along, democrats, what i see them in congress, i see them trying to divide our country. they want us to hate each other. they think that is a way for them to keep power. we can't allow that to happen. we can't allow hate, he specially on our college campuses, it goes everywhere from there. we've got to regain control of our presidencies across the country, our governors, our mayors in some of these blue states. people don't care. we're a third world country now. but they have to get some intelligence in terms of what our country is about, what it will be about 248 years from now, that is how long we've been a country. larry: time is always short, senator. i got to jump out. senator tommy tuberville we always enjoy. coming up joe concha, president biden is crying fake news left and right. you would think he is donald trump. trump doesn't do that anymore. he join us with mark simone. we'll be right back
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larry: joe concha, had a fabulous column in the "new york post," joe biden is crying fake news left and right. so he joins us here, joe concha, fox news contributor, mark simone, wor hall of fame radio host.
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joe, fake news, biden, no? >> saying he is not getting favorable press coverage. they're not giving him all the credit he should have. he also warned at white house correspondents' dinner about disinformation. who better to be the person who will battle disinformation than joe biden. you know the guy who said he inherited skyrocketing inflation. he didn't. he said that his withdrawal from afghanistan was a success. it wasn't. says he cut the deficit. he did not. i could go on. says he got arrested during the civil rights movement on multiple occasions. did not. said his uncle was eaten by cannibals. i'm pretty sure that didn't happen. larry: i love that, eaten by cannibals. was that delaware? >> in new guinea. larry: i thought it was rehobeth or something. i don't mean to but it. >> that he inherited a god awful mess on the border.
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it is trump's fault. watch out for disinformation from the trump campaign, that dog don't hunt, larry. larry: mark simone, this is stunning revelations from joe con chan. you must be completely shocked. >> trump told people to drink bleach. never happened. trump said there were fine people on both sides. that never happened. he put can you h kids in cages, that was biden and obama. he would be dictator. he never said that. hannity asked him, he made a joke about it. boxes of classified documents, they have never corrected that. jack smith only found 105 documents, in a box one inch of one box, if you put 100 documents in it. all those boxes had no classified documents in them. larry: can i ask you one more thing before i get to fake news, you told me on set, alvin bragg just released all 300 of these kids, whoever they are, outside agitators i think mostly students, he just released them. now you just told me, i didn't
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know this, andrew cuomo is the guy who signed the legislation. >> crazy legislature passed this no bail no jail. but andrew cuomo was so proud to sign it -- larry: no bail, no jail. >> he had a press conference. the cops knew they would all get released because of that they wanted to do this, photograph, fingerprint, every one of them. to start to track down who they are. larry: that's a good thing. at least something comes out of this. >> something comes out of this. larry: on the fake news, what's joe biden saying, joe concha? i have not heard him talk about the college campus break down. he made it, what is the statement from the white house about antisemitism but they are not using the civil rights act of 1964. they're not using title vi. they certainly aren't defunding ivy league schools. got a few seconds left. >> press secretary says he is monitoring the situation. he should be in fronted of a microphone, making a clear and bold statement supporting these students, particularly jewish student who are living in terror, instead joe biden is hiding once again and his press
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secretary can't even get give a good answer as to why. that's it. joe concha, mark simone. we'll go much longer the next time, i promise. i'm larry kudlow
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