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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 22, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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good monday morning. thanks very much for joining us this morning i hope you are having a good monday i am maria bartiromo. it is monday, april 22, just before 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, the house passing a 95-billion-dollar foreign aid package over the weekend, approving 60 billion dollars, for ukraine, 26 billion for israel, 8 billion for indo-pacific region including
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gaza the house advancing a national security bill aimed to crack down on tiktok, the bill leads to the senate for a vote this week texas senator ted cruz reacting yesterday with me on "sunday morning futures". >> i think there is a lot of support for the bill in the senate i think quite likely to pass in the senate when it comes over on tuesday. there are elements that are good there are elements of the bill that are not so good, best parts much-needed military aid for israel. >> house democrats celebrating ukraine bill waiving the national flag of the ukraine, on house floor in responses, kat cammack says she is working on legislation that bans foreign flags in the chairman, also took to microphone said put down damn flags joining me florida senator rick scott member homeland security budget economies how will you vote
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when this package four billed mushd into one comes to the senate. >> frustrating, the house passes individual bills they put it together so we have to vote together. chuck schumer not allowing us to have amendments think about this, do i support israel aid yes, by the way, every democrat voted against israel aid in the past do i support giving money that potentially biden can gich to gazans, absolutely not. this we've got to get this out of there i've got a bill the democrats will not allow plea to have a vote on a stop taxpayer funding for hamas. we know money goes into gaza it is going to hamas still will holding american hostages american bodies hamas is i am looking at bill see if we can separate it if i can get my amendment on the bills but we will see israel aid i am all
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in giving money to hamas is stupidest yooed ever. maria: mike lee said yesterday nine billion going to hamas i scratch my head said how possible that nine billion dollars is going to hamas? here is the senator from utah with me yesterday watch this. >> how will you vote when this ukraine bill, and foreign aid mill 95 billion dollars comes to the senate this week. under no circumstances, could i, would i vote for the bill as massive by house of representatives yesterday usuals they passed four different bills used this weird procedure whereby all four wills merge into one bill, if they reach the senate this is a really good deal for ukraine, and zelenskyy, a really good deal for hamas, stands fo to receive up to nine billion dollars, of this -- 95-billion-dollar aid package, this is not good for hardworking americans, finding more and more taxpayer dollars going to people other than
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americans. , u.s. border -- other than. >> you are saying nine billion dollars allocated towards quote/unquote gaza, will make it to hamas. >> we know everything that everything that goes in gaza, you know pushed -- guess into hamas they took all these dollars we put in other countries put in to help gaza in the past built tunnels, why are we focused on -- before we spend a dime in gaza why adopt we get hostages back israel get hostages back the house passed nothing to secure southern border there is nothing in the bill nothing. if biggest issue in the country, is we have terrorists drugs, criminals flocking across our southern border there is nothing in this bill but we're going to help ukraine protect our border i want ukraine to win i want
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russia to lose. but i want a secure southern border, this is -- we've got to focus on our issues first. maria: um-hmm. i know, the border is something that you all just have been unable to move the needle on you don't have a willing partner on the other side i get that, this is serious stuff what we're seeing at the widespread, biden administration deporting 50 haitian migrants first flight since that capital was taken to ever by gangs a report from immigration citizens to finds most presidential biden's migrant flights landing in florida, they arrived between october 2022 feb of this year we see the brordzwide open ten million having crossed on joe biden's watch in addition to that flying people on flights into florida and other states.
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what is -- any comments from the white house. >> there is no common sense, maria for those off they are flying people into this country allowing people completely unvetted, makes no sense. we know we have murders around the country saw what happened to laken riley act of noncan pass unless republican votes if we stand together, if everyone of us says we will not support a bill unless we secure our southern border if we say that, this cannot pass, i think it is very important we let's do our job first to take care of americans. we've got to secure the southern border stop flights into this country, we've got to if a bill improve it say not a dime going to hamas, making sure there is no money going to hamas, republicans could all do this if we just stand together. maria: well, i mean look. we also see the world on fire,
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and this antisemitism running in america right now breaking news, police at yale university after what took place at columbia rabbi at columbia university recommending jewish students leave campus he immediately go home anti-israel agitators remain camped outside the school the president made classes virtual now breaking news at yale police at yale amid i anti-israel protesters as we speak police in riot gear stormed campus hundreds are staging anti-israel protest you are elected what can you do about this massive anti-israel protesting, and anti-israel rhetoric in america i have ever never thought would i see this again in america. >> every donor every border member everybody, columbia university should ashamed
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students needed to be expelled arrested, held accountable, but in new york city, this is -- this is happening. we have a bill with tim scott not going to be any federal money for any university in this country that supports antisemitism hatred of any kind this has to stop, in america, we support jews don't believe in hatred anti-- don't believe in antisemitism creatingiest thing allowing in united states of america we acknowledge the right to freely participate in religion not columbia university. this is -- this is crazy has got to stop today. maria: i mean the police at yale are right now trying to stop these anti-israel protesters but looking at live pictures not stopping senator. is there anything that you can do as an elected official to
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stop this anti-israel sentiment? >> well i have a bill to pass the bill tomorrow democrats don't care think about it they will not do any bill, that supports jews don't do any bills that support israel any bill now because it has ukraine aid only reason individually every democrat voted against israel aid twice on the floor four times blocked basically by democrats. maria: what is the reasoning for blocking -- why? what is the reason for blocking it? >> i have -- i mean -- i don't know, they wk the anti-israel crowd democrats anti-israel crowd okay with antisemitism if not would not vote the way they vote, look rhetoric is great you know what is i important how do you vote? >> that is what matters. >> accrue it is interesting,
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because they did not want to vote for israel aid and that is why president biden forced they going to include aid to ukraine, if in fact you were going to accepted money to israel. >> and by the way, you got to make sure money goes to gaza goes to hamas they got to make sure nothing on southern border they would not do anything to protect our southern border, so, every family out there worried about terrorism every family out there has someone died of fentanyl democrats okay with that how they vote they are okay with drugs from coastline okay with criminals terrorists coming across our border they are okay in a your community is less safe. . maria: this is so horrible, this is after a jewish yale student was jabbed in the eye with a flagpole by anti-israel protesters we are watching this play out in front of our eyes, it is a sad day in america sure is senator thank you for weighing in on all.
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>> biden's america. maria: we appreciate your time senator rick scott in florida we'll be right back. .
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maria: welcome back. iflt is time for hot topic of the hour a federal judge will holding a hearing on president trump 1275-million-dollar bond. -- 175-million-dollar bond will creatively froud case from so-called hush money trial fox business lydia hu in downtown manhattan with more. good morning to you. good morning there maria that is right lawyers for attorney general's office state of new york will ask the court to invalidate, void, 175-million-dollar bond trump posted in civil fraud case lawyers questioning -- whether insurance company that is under written the bond can actually pay it, if they had to lawyers writing in court filing, specialty insurance
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company not authorized to write business in new york not regulated by the state insurance department, had never before written a surety bond in new york or in prior two years in any other jurisdictions, and have a total policyholder surplus just 138 million dollars. of course, less than 175 million dollars needed another issue raised by attorney general's office is who has access to the he collateral posted to secure bonded executives with knight specialty say former president put up cash in form of a schwab brorj account but points out trump has access to the account they argue that means bond is not sufficiently secure. maria, i have spoken with ceo of knight insurance company about the ag challenges he tells me he is sure he has collateral for the bond pale court reduced amount to 175
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million dollars, frou roughly 464 million dollars full amount of the fine against trump and co-defendant legal experts say suggests appellate judges may be sympathetic to trump's appeal on merits but deciding today's issue whether to void this bond is judge engo ron if attorney general get what they want the bond is totally voided only seven days to find a new bond assets become vulnerable once he again. maria: incredible lydia, thanks very much lydia mu, liz they want him stripped of all money assets they wanto him in jail. liz: yeah, i am honestly just so appalled, letitia james will not say enough as joe biden said, to israel, take the win she won this case it was a horrible case, i don't
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know anyone who thought this case was reasonable on the merits. okay. she won that, in obviously, legitimize 400 plus million dollars so he agreesly too large krout by by counters unfortunately this judge may real, rule in her favor because she made good points about actual size of the bond company. but, the reality is, she should take the win because she is so eager to starts seizing trump assets we know ready to go, on basically seizing hold of trump tower or country clubs in westchester whatever i got to tell you would further inflame trump supporters, he has been winning on this, in the public opinion, and this would drive that further, but my gosh. what a horrible situation. >> just incredible.
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liz: it is. maria: people watching this see unfairness, as relates to trump it is only going to make him more particular with his base, for sure. and get people angry, because chris they see this happening to him they say this can happen to him all politics can happen to me . chris: absolutely. i think so true, letitia james some kind of underwriting expert? surety bonds absurd. maria: exactly. chris: where does it stop? i think there is easiance for from, anybody would say have a collateral sign, can't access, finance 101 idea i think elizabeth is right trouble with this judge find new bonding move on more powerful, he is fed by this i think is going to be, more powerful more , believe it or not, sympathetic by the end of the week. maria: we will see about that coming up looking to a major week of earnings we've got big tech on deck economic data on
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deck march durable goods out wednesday first quarter gdp thursday, march pce number friday, all in the middle of big tech earnings u.s. bank asset management eric freedman here with expectations you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. . ♪ ♪ ♪ .
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maria: welcome back futures this morning kwoor watching a rally underway the dow industrials right now up 188 steady with rally the nasdaq up 76 s&p 500 up 212 and a half look at interest rates this morning, also higher by the way, ahead of key economic data this week. the yield on 10-year treasury right now sitting at 4.65%, that is up almost 3 basis points we are getting first read quarter gdp out this week on thursday economists expecting 2.4% growth we get fed preferred reading on inflation that is march pce index on friday u.s. bank
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asset management group chief investment officer eric freedman your expectations for data particularly as it relates to inflation. >> a huge to your point we do think inflation hanging around still a decent economy we have what we call late cycle inflation kicking in, we expect that number to probably be in the called 2 1/2 to 3% range. that is still above the fed stated target 2% so a little hotter than fed stated they want to see but expect fed to probably come off 2% anchoring just because tough to get inflation to come down pce friday, really important per your earlier segment earnings huge focus as well. maria: earnings, but on inflation, look the fed obviously, was expecting inflation to be lower than where it is right now. but it is also facing this tsunami of constant spending, not where it said it would be,
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so that eliminates the opportunity to cut interest rates. or certainly to the extent markets were expecting if we don't get three cuts markets are expecting does this market sell off later in the year? >> we think there is probably still some value in the market even if fed doesn't cut by 3, i think a couple things to keep in mind number one, is it earnings, expectations, are still strong but not out of the ordinary in order exorbitant from the market called a plus nine, 10% growth rate from last year we think that is achievable, two we do think this is a global economy that is starting to get some level of underpin, favorability someing expectations coming through from other countries good we do think fed unfortunately late to raise rates donate want to be late cutting rates but will probably err
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on side of cautions if they don't manage fed meetings correctly this markets probably has a little downside but we are buyers on weekness if we see sell-off on back of tech earnings would step in buying. >> it do you attribute strength to expectations of good big tech earnings? would you be buying stocks ahead of the earnings this week? >> yeah, we would be this is probably environment where we would bepieceing in technology if you look at not so much consumer what consumer is doing but whether really focused on businesses, business spending a lot of money on things like cyber ai software spots we think okay weakness you can pick up strategy seems all or known but use this opportunity on the weakness durable stories
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a.i. is probable overhyped in the very, very short term but really underappreciated meeting long term we think on weakness this is place to piece in as opposed to all in or all out. maria: we saw that around dot-com a lot of euphoria on dot-com anything with dot-com up in price back in early 1900s sure over hyped but at the end of the day dot-com matters a similar situation as a.i. chris mcmahon. chris: i think you are rightly on time of a.i. similarly, eric we're seeing interesting things going on international shipping coming down in cost a glut of shipping containers unusual, in first quarter consumer staples up 2% kind of subseconder mega val retrialers up 12, 13% seeking value joint, do you see mega retailers costcos walmarts
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where do you see them ending the year. i that i great observation if you look what we're starting to see this notion of differentiation across what we're seeing across financial data as swell as consumer spending trends per your thoughtful point lowering -- consumers starting to seal some pinch makes sense given longevity higher interest rates taking effect, now clients if you have a treadmill that is represented with higher interest rates ramp on that treadmill eventually the russian economy is slowing down we're starting to see that especially low end consumer slowdown consumers looking for more value trading down stuff important to gauge in terms of health of this economy oil surprises remain despite a little bit of weakness a real headwind if
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you will for that runner that speaks to some shalls particularly lower end consumers. maria: how do you want to allocate capital here. >> i think first and foremost, buying american stocks we think large-cap where we want to emphasize the other point we emphasize, would be energy energy companies have been very disciplined used to have pavlovian response to higher, spending too much on drilling they have been slipped so that is a spot we like i think if to piracy large-cap technology focused on u.s. secondly large a couple energy two shots we think make a lot of sense for investors in this environment. >> thank you eric. thanks, maria. >> eric freedman, a quick break house passed a bill could potentially ban tiktok in the u.s. headed to the senate, for a floor vote on tuesday, gordon chang here to weigh in you are watching "mornings with maria" live on
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fox business. we'll be right back. . ♪ . . harlem has everything. but i couldn't find pilates anywhere. so i started my own studio. and with the right help, i can make this place i love even better. earn up to 5% cash back on business essentials with the chase ink business cash card from chase for business. trika fishing rods are the rebirth of the fishing rod industry. our carbon fiber reel seat, grips and ekkochamber technology, makes our rods twice as sensitive as high-end competitors. for more details, go to
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near his home with several gunshot wounds, taken to nearby hospital where he was pronounced dead a short time later, police say officer's car was stolen investigating whether a carjacking could have led to shootings, tomorrow would have been his 31st birthday, good news here look at this group of people in minnesota jumping into save a driver trapped inside a burning car, the car crashed into a light pole before bursting into flames, the group says they heard driver screaming for help rushed to save him eventual fee a worker was able to be able shatter window nobody was seriously hurt talks between salesforce, data management software company reportedly fizzling out "the wall street journal" saying both
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struggling to agree to terms, salesforce wanted to acquire info matika for mid 30 dollar price it could have valued the company 10 billion dollars. the stock this morning salesforce in green. informatica falling. >> caitlin clark has a lot to smile about this morning, basket baller set to sign 8-year deal with nike could net 28 million dollars said and done. >> drafted by, and kourtdz adidas under armour puma everybody had money out. back to you. >> the house this weekend passing legislation, that would force bytedance chinese owned parent company tiktok to sell app within a year or risk u.s. ban of tiktok bill now heads to the senate, where it could pass as soon as
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tomorrow. ted cruz joined me on "sunday morning futures" yesterday to talk about the bill. there's very important in this bill tiktok prohibition that is major, major legislation. you and i talked before about tiktok i had deep, deep concerns about tiktok, controlled by chinese communist chinese party government can use that for espionage of american citizens number two use it right now aggressively, to push propaganda antiamerica propaganda to our young people this is a major step forward it forces china to divestiktokt both of those are good. maria: joining me gatestone institute sr., fellow author of collapse of china gordon chang thank you for being here your reaction to this bill to put in context, these were four bills passed house when
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it gets to senate going to be one combined gigantic bill no amendments, so the way it is the way it is not going to change, this is the bill that will be voted on in the senate tomorrow tuesday. your thoughts? >> well good that u.s. is going to ban tiktok. the bad thing though a is that this bill gives bytedance additional six or so months to students means won't happen until after the election this year. clearly, we know that the biden election campaign, in a democrat national committee use tiktok on it real giving them a reprieve, we have to get rid of tiktok, by the way, china, biden for the most part does not plow u.s. apps in but we allow chinese apps in our country as a matter of reciprocity should ban tiktok right away, we know the chinese regime used tiktok to commit crimes in the u.s., that gives federal
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authorities, the right to exproppate, we should consider. >> important points that you make. have you seen all propaganda, antony blinken traveling to china this week got three-day trip planned includes meetings with chinese officials shanghai beijing not clear if meeting with xi jinping unlyme but expected to say u.s. is prepared to act, if china does not end its support for russia's mill, word gotton i am not sure what he means by "we're prepared to act" do you? what is the act? because i have a high likelihood china is not going to stop supporter of russia what do you think. >> they have got alliance really is close to the heart of the foreign policies moscow
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and became talking about chinese companies invitationed aide to russia but remember, these companies acting at direction of the communist party, at the direction of the jooek we should not -- companies -- but you the should the be swinging regime itself that is the party that is directing bad acts we are trying to stop, you know, right now whole trip is i think a disaster, we trends propaganda already before bl got on plane saying the americans need us so there are they are spending secretary of state to our magnificent capital, this is just making the chinese much more arrogant making them behavior even worse. maria: um-hmm gordon you are out this morning with gatestone institute, titled thanks to biden, china could start world war iii you writes china is swarming the waters of the philippines hoping to intimidate manila into
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surrendering territory joe biden state department keep issuing warnings but chinese president xi jinping continues to ignore them, suggesting deterrence is failing what are you worried about tell us. >> i'm wider deterrents fail state department issued in nine warnings u.s. is prepared to use force against china two last month on 5th, 23rd, president biden himself issued oral warnings, the most recent on 11th last month, china continues to ignore them we see some very dangerous activities, a week ago today, the philippine navy spotted 55 chinese ships, in this watters in south china see few hours ago chinese vessels where slows to main mill pooen islands within 35 nautical miles before they did a you turn that i think god what is
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happening here, xi jinping looks at biden says we don't have to worry about the americans their word no good we are going to sever philippines, philippines extremely concerned no help other than united states. >> accrue liz peek jump in. liz: seems relationship with china beholden like many others to joe biden's completely par livesing fear of rising gasoline prices, if as you say he moves in any way, to sanction china, and sanction relationship with economic relationship with russia, that would impair the oil supply this is where most russian oil is going, if they really cut off that spigot china will have to buy i will elsewhere prices rise basically gasoline prices for american tourists, drivers go up very bad news for biden.
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how does he square that? >> he doesn't square it that is the reason why completely failed to enforce american sanctions on the sale of iranian oil, last year china purchased 90% of iran's exports of crude, and, of course, we know that the china purchases of russia's minerals crude, increased last year so, essentially beige financing not only war in ukraine but against israel for varies reasons doesn't want to drill in our country, therefor buying and paying for the wars that moscow beijing are waging guns juice how much more of can communist china do to america to spark some response, in the way of sanctions or tariffs from the united states? i mean even, biden saying going to put tariffs on steel companies not believable, gordon yet we've got the
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administration, threatening, to put sanctions on israel for human rights abuses. >> i mean that is hideous, and to go to your first question, i know, china deliberately sells fentanyl to the united states this is a project of the communist party to weaken the american republic, and you know there are killing tens of thousands like 70 to 80,000 americans a year from doses of illegal chinese fentanyl, biden knows what is going on, he knows what chinese are dock he has the power to stop it, he has chosen not to stop it the reason why deaths are increasing, this is -- i don't know what to say. maria: it is stunning, all incredible -- incredible narratives, negotiated owner chang with the latest on communist china communist party also working with drug cartels moving into america, migrants not only waking jobs
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and money from american taxpayers, they are now taking away soccer fields from new york city kids we've got all details wait till you see this one with you are watching "mornings with maria" live fox business. stay with us. . . >> i've not the eye on this ♪ ♪ ♪ . you're going to hear ♪ ♪
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welcome back the swell of illegal migrants in new york city causing more problems a local home depot hiring guards with dogs to, keep thieves aggressive migrants from con frontsing shoppers across the the city children importants soccer game canceled after a group of migrants refused to leave the field parents revealing children were scareded to pay i spoke with senator mike lee from utah "sunday morning futures" yesterday he about the open border. >> we've had a seismic shift in terms of who is coming into this country theub in of people, coming in. the number coming in we have an administration executive branch with sole responsibility to enforce
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because we pass as congress refuses to enforce the law this administration doing the opposite, where they say "yes", uh, they are supposed to say no where supposed to close the door they open the door doing the on as the what is required every single time, look approximately alejandro mayorkas is not a restaurateur job to invite as many as possible his job to serve as get a keeper he is not keeping the gate. maria: elizabeth the democrats aren't hearing it stopped that impeachment trial sf mayorkas before it stardz. liz: clearly should have been impeached lied will consistently to congress we've a terrible confluence of events taking place in this country interpret open border releasing into the united states, millions of people
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many whom come from terrible places and to quote donald trump are criminals not best brightest moving into neighborhoods around the country at the same time that we have all woke da's refusing to prosecute crimes, migrant have attitude they are owed something if accommodations aren't angry they are enjoyed who are these people should not be here if here should be obeying the law they've not. maria: that i've seen what has taken place, prepaid credit cards infectiousing is issuing they want it chris your thoughts. chris: this nature is overwhelming the narrative, letting folks in at the end of the day the fentanyl crisis
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hundreds of thousands deaths dark overwhelming human trafficking, manipulation we talk women's rights in this country seems like blind to the fact women are being exploited brought here exploited live horrific lives because we choose to send money to gaza. right? to hamas. going to use it for their gains, rather than take care of people i don't think you can make this up seems so -- so dark, are i think people awake to this i think a change. >> all of this as president trump arrived at so-called hush money trial in new york city in the face of all things that are working against the american people. the attacks on trump, spiking, elizabeth. liz: look this is what democrats have they don't have policies that worked don't have a country that is safe don't have prices, reasonable, what they have is their ability to abuse and bludgeon
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donald trump they are take full advantage of it story that makes my head exploded is that letitia james is going after the bond that was posted, i mean, you know you can't make this up. really as chris said. it gets worse and worse they are enjoying every minute of it. maria: a absolutely, he is already posted the bond got an insurance company backs it up she is questioning viability of that company she wants assets wants to. liz: wants to take him down a personal visceral fight from letitia james frankl i think she is annoyed as heck another trump trial getting all the attention right now like ub lab me? i was in the spotlight put me back in the spotlight. maria: are i really do feel people see through all of this saying this is so unfair, we don't know how they came up with 475 million dollars
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flish. >> that came out of thin air. liz: chris saying is there has never before been a judgment that high i think a bond that high i am sure that true what is so special about that case here is what is special there were no victims, probably wasn't a crime. maria: we will take a break come back on that you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business stay with us. we'll be right back.. . like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts
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maria: welcome back. we want to get to the breaking news of the morning. listen to this. >> free palestine. >> free free free palestine. maria: police arresting 16 anti-israel protesters this morning at yale university. more than 250 protesters blocked streets and entrances to the campus, apparently the police showed up wearing riot gear responding to the protest. >> they should respond to the
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protest the protesters are keeping kids from school and intimidating jewish students not only at yale but other schools in new york including columbia this is unconscionable but also where was the whole concept of hate speech, you are not allowed to be anti-semitic and not allowed to issue these things, thankfully now some people in the administration, not only in new york but in d.c. are calling this out as anti-semitic. maria: a jewish el student was stabbed in the eye with the palestinian flag during the protest. mob behavior. >> is the tierney a minority, frankly i think it's been fabricated by tiktok, i'm so happy were getting this away from the chinese hands there and stealing the ideology. maria: tiktok is definitely part of this with all the propaganda, liz peek, we will see everybody tomorrow morning. "varney & company" picks it up now. stuart: good morning, everyone. over the weekend that signs between iran and israel may be quieting dow


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