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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  April 19, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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stuart: welcome to new york indeed. is that brand-new? >> at something brand-new that's coming. stuart: stop laughing at me. it is 10:00 eastern on this friday april 19th was happy birthday, my son. let's get to the money, up 170 points on the dow, up one deck on the s&p, down 66 on the nasdaq. the 10 year treasury yield around 460, actually 462. oil, when the news broke from the middle east overnight oil went to $89 a barrel, it's back to 8292. bitcoin recovered from the early selloff, 64-9 is the price. now this. president biden's middle east policy is a failure, that is my opinion. when he took office he reversed
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donald trump's policies and it is been downhill ever since, trump had iran in a box, all revenue cut, the iran indian people in revolt, then biden tried to open up the nuclear deal trump had stopped, made concessions to the mullahs to keep them at the negotiating table, let them ignore sanctions and the money rolled in. used that money to develop their nuclear capabilities, used it to buy rockets for hamas and hezbollah. we know how those weapons were used on october 7th. the biden team seems blind to what's going on. before the hamas attack national security adviser jake sullivan said the middle east had been quieter than it had been in two decades. how wrong can you be? right after october 7th, our president assured israel of america's. or, that did not last long, biden ran into trouble with muslim arab voters in michigan and that support faded. he is bending to the cease-fire brigade and earning america the
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reputation of being a fickle friend. biden placed new sanctions on iran but didn't touch there oil which goes to china. they have a lot of money to buy those rockets for terrorist proxy parties. where are we now after israel's attack on iran last night? a watchdog group says their nuclear capabilities are more dangerous than they have ever been. biden is pursued by hamas supporters splitting the democratic party. our elite universities have become safe havens for anti-semites. hamas has not been fully defeated and iran, the morality police are putting women in prison, that's the sorry state of biden's middle east policy. what a contrast with the days of donald trump. second hour of varney just getting started.
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neil: tell me what is america's image on the world stage? >> an image of a weak man. president biden, kind of the dynamic of beware what you wish for, he wanted to be president, always wanted to be president and he is a weak man who has caused such destruction in this country, wars around the world and that is what he will be remembered for. this is the nature of his legacy, this is what people will remember and it's the democrat party is the problem, whoever is handling him but he has allowed it, he's conscious enough to wander around and give his speeches and walk into a gas station and talk about donald trump and pound his fist, he knows what he's doing and he doesn't care but in the meantime we have funded the uranian nuclear program as we still scream at israel to stop at not send weapons to you. who are we? what have we become?
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this moves through the nature of what the world will be like for the next hundred years and this is not something you can do. it requires someone in the white house who already the world knows will take care of business, one turn for donald trump but talk about the right man at the right time, this is our legacy, the american voters doing. neil: stuart: let me discuss a headline from the new york times that calls out biden's challenge for genevieve voters, one college graduate went on cnn to say she regrets voting for biden. watch this. >> what surprises me is the degree that he's disregarding public opinion. first time i could vote in the president election. neil: stuart: what will young voters say? all wall street journal report
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this morning suggests biden is considering a billion dollars of new weapons for israel. what will young voters say about that? liz: this is not about direct democracy where you lick your finger and see what certain groups are thinking, you have to have a vision about what's best for the country, but what is best for humanity that is a unique position for the united states and the president of the united states. if that young woman because she has a cloistered little group public opinion is her opinion. that's not necessarily the case. it's the nature of what humanity requires and doing the decent thing, it's not a high bar for the president, it is pretty standard and they see it with those polls, for whatever reason every single demographic is saying this was a mistake and this tells you, my new book in july about the impact of
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fear, how fear is used to get people to do things that normally you should not do because you are not thinking rationally and that is what is happening and everyone is worrying about it now but it is not like you don't get to get the new car or see the movie you want to see, it's about an existential issue for the future for you, talk about our children and grandchildren, it is all of us now. americans realize that. stuart: tammy bruce brings the fire on a friday morning. thanks very much. donald trump telling candidates if you use my name to fund raise i want to cut of the money. lauren: a 5% cut or more. it is strange to me. the campaign says they want to protect small donors from misleading messages that could
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come in campaigns using his likeness, name, image, the campaign needs cash because biden has more. stuart: to the markets, jonathan hoehn egg joins us with all lies on iran and israel. >> open warfare between iran and israel and what worries me is a meager response. iran kept mass murder in israel, and responded with military strength against military target, that is good but ensures another response from iran and this is warfare against israel continues. stuart: what do you think is the stock? >> the short-term is down. they lit the market for so long.
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and these are leaders, they are lacquers and looking off the radar screen, the exotic name in a difficult environment. they want to make money no matter what the market is doing, bull market somewhere. not innotech stocks. stuart: you brought with you base metals. tell me more. >> rising tide lifts all boats. you can talk about gold at an all-time high, silver is breaking out, coffee and orange juice doing well. looking at base metals. copper is on the list from its all-time high. base metals can do well for the market, i think an environment where all commodities do well this is an author radar screen that can prosper. stuart: tell me what base metals are in atf? >> copper, aluminum, zinc, all
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involved in green energy plays in one way or another. there's a fundamental argument more than anything idea of a rising tide. you see assets doing well all at once, stocks doing well, you see the same with commodities right now. it is copper, silver, platinum, veering towards the high end of their range. you don't want to bet the farm but asset-allocation is the place to be. stuart: you got us into a fight. capitalist i have been called a capitalist pig in my time. >> i consider that a complement. stuart: thank you very much. good to see you. i want to know about apple, $165 a share. lauren: last time was may of 23 a long time ago, down 5% in four days, slowing growth in
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china and its problems got worse. the reason you have meta-on your screen is china has asked apple to remove some meta apps from its apps store because of national security concerns. stuart: paramount global. lauren: there's a report that sony and apollo are trying to take the joint venture. is complicated because paramount is in merger talks, paramount is not making any money and is not expected to on streaming until 2,000 wife. stuart: a thousand lawyers making $1 million a year. you lta beauty. lauren: it is down 2. 5%, down 13% this year, they got a downgrade from jeffries to hold.
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they are worried about sales growing much more slowly this year because there's more competition and they said an aging brand. and aging brand. they are an aging brand. i keep telling you about it. skin care for young girls is big. stuart: i am moving on. shares of trump media storing, dj's he close up 25% and up again this morning. we are digging in to what is behind the surge. the former prime minister liz truss on a morning for donald trump, she says the deep state will go after him if he is elected for a second term. trusts is on the show in new york. dangerous gang members pouring over the border into our cities, border patrol warning about venezuelan gang known for murder, drug trafficking, sex
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crimes. the report from the border next. ou turn. do you charge forward? freeze in your tracks? (♪) or, let curiosity light the way. at t. rowe price, we're asking smart questions about opportunities like clean water. and how clean water advances can help transform our tomorrows. better questions. better outcomes. t. rowe price everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit...
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unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. the stock market does. in fact, most people don't find them all that exciting. but, if you're looking for the potential for consistent income that's federally tax-free. now is an excellent time to consider municipal bonds from hennion & walsh. if you have at least $10,000 to invest, call and talk with one of our bond specialists at 1-800-217-3217. we'll send you our exclusive bond guide, free with details about how bonds can be an important part of your portfolio. hennion & walsh has specialized in fixed income and growth solutions for 30 years, and offers high-quality municipal bonds
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are popping up in? >> reporter: law enforcement has seen especially in cities like chicago and new york city, we are getting a stark warning from the chief of border patrol who said to look out for that specific gang. they are known for murder, sex crimes and extortion and agents made 270 gang apprehensions, venezuelan was arrested with tattoos associated with the gang. according to us border patrol. police, other than chicago and new york city, texas and florida. in new york city we saw men involved in high-profile assault on nypd officers and in georgia where federal prosecutors say the brother of
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the suspected georgia of nursing student laken how riley has ties to the gang. >> they have also invented themselves as well to continue to take advantage, with criminal economic opportunities. >> reporter: it is unlikely they will take over territory and compete with well-established gangs in new york or chicago, to perform petty crimes. the majority of these venezuelan migrants are fleeing violent circumstances trying to start a new life. dinero population continuing that, like to very, sending a letter to the biden administration asking get to make this a transnational criminal organization, making it possible to restrict the
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travel. stuart: now this. three house republicans derailed a meeting to advance mike johnson's later border security bill. they are outraged the speaker did not link border security to the $95 billion foreign aid plan. national border patrol council vice president joins me now. what is your message for these lawmakers who brought that border bill? >> it is our mess that needs to be made and the other static bill. republicans that are suffering the american public, just spoke about that and border patrol and the leader talk about that. stuart: the sound quality is just not broadcast quality. i've got to interrupt that and get back to you and fix it.
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segue to what is going on in the market this morning. right now we have the dow up one hundred 30 are points, the nasdaq down. there we go. up 130 on the dow, down one hundred 30 on the nasdaq and that is a mixed picture, is it not? catherine cortez maskoh's staff or was killed in a car accident involving illegal migrants. earlier this month that happened earlier this month. didn't that senator downplay the migrant crisis in the past? ashley: she certainly has. in 2,020 one the senator from nevada told msnbc no problem with the southern border. watch this. >> there is no open border. someone who was a trained general freight years in my state, worked closely on the border with mexico, there are no open borders.
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ashley: just days after that tv appearance, and illegal immigrant entered the united states and would go on to be connected to the arrest and death of one of the senator's senior advisers, kurt angle heart was killed in a car crash on april 6th. the one who was driving the other vehicle was arrested and charged with failing to stop at the scene of the accident. spokesperson told fox news digital, quote, senator cortez maskoh has pushed for additional border security funding under the trump and biden administration's. indicate otherwise is a distortion of her record. we saw that she said there's no problem at the border. in 2020, cortez mastoh signed a letter the demand the reversal of trump era border policies
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claiming they had harmed and dismantled the us asylum system. stuart: don't forget it's not too late to sending your friday feedback. we like short and pithy messages, opening arguments in trump's trial begin next week. i will ask a former prosecutor who worked in the new york office. that is after this. ♪
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morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... -alligator. are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business. during my entire life i have been somewhat of an outdoors person. golf, gardening around here. how can i stay out of the sun?
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his coat was so soft, he had amazing energy. he was a completely different dog. it's a no-brainer that (remi) should have the most nutritious and delicious food possible. i'm investing in my dog's health and happiness.
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stuart: on the markets after an hour of business the nasdaq is down 160 points, the dow is up 100. check out the 10 year treasury. that is always a concern to investors, 4.63%. gold went above $2400 an ounce when the news of the fight in israel attacking iran broke, 24-40, now we are back to 2402. bitcoin dropped to 59,000 when
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the news broke in the middle east, now it is up to 64. oil reached $89 a barrel, down to $83. natural gas, no idea, it is still below $2, gasoline no change in price, $3.67 in the same for diesel, no change, $4.05 is your average, look at netflix. they reported after the bell, the stock has gone straight down since then but the company did benefit a lot from password sharing. lauren: they added 9.3 million new subscribers, they have 270 million worldwide meaning their audiences half a billion people strong considering two people per account. half a billion people. netflix is going to stop telling us how big their audience is, shifting to engagement and profitability. stuart: that's what investors didn't like.
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lauren: they want the internet to be less transparent, more numbers, frequent updates. stuart: they took the stock down a lot. lauren: an overreaction but consider it this way. if you look at netflix's top two competitors, apple and amazon, neither of them offer so specific subscriber numbers. of netflix's, what about discovery or disney plus making the streaming profitable. disney will crackdown on passwords in june. look at next week's shares again. down 7. 5%. if you ask me they own the streaming space and are looking more like traditional television. did you hear what the ceo said, there's something incredibly magic about folks gathering around the tv in the living room to watch something all at the same time. we believe these cultural moments like the jake paul mike
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tyson fight are just that kind of television. we went is there any such thing as family television all viewing the same show? everybody has their own tv. lauren: people will get together to watch it and i did this for you. there hot original shows, the gentlemen, 61 million. a british show, 98 million. huge numbers. they have got the content and deep pockets to keep providing a, 2.3 billion free cash flow. stuart: netflix goes back to $640 a share. lauren: the ai they were using which will benefit. stuart: we got through that. trump media facing another day of strong gains, not strong gains, $0.28.
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lauren: you have 4 million in revenue against 58 million in losses, those are the fundamentals but they are on social media, and 10 people to buy and the opposite. now the ceo of the company, the nasdaq, to look at suspected shortselling. that is volatility. stuart: is a meme stocks, in my opinion. 12 jurors have been seated in donald trump's hush money trial. the trial being rushed, roll it. >> we had this case for 7 or 8 years and they rushed to bring it before november of 2,024. it's like every other jack smith case we have seen, the da in georgia. everything is rushed. explained to me how judicial resources are not an issue in new york for donald trump, its political election interference.
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stuart: a former prosecutor in the district attorney's office joins me now. my interest here, will trump testify? should trump testify? >> if i were donald trump's lawyer i would advise him not to testify. i don't know he has a practice of listening to his lawyers. when a defendant testifies, it changes the dynamic of the trial and potentially deliberations. what happens is the jury shifts its focus from asking the key question they are supposed to ask which is did the prosecution reach its high burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt and instead look at the defendant's testimony and do a kind of weighing and the a big personality, don't think there's a bigger one, real risk that in deliberations if he testifies, it will switch, is the evidence sufficient to a referendum on donald trump in a
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jurisdiction where 85% of the voters selected joe biden, he can't win that referendum. stuart: do you believe you can get an unbiased impartial jury? >> i can't imagine or politicized environment, there's never been a bigger politically implied trial, trial with more at stake politically in the history of this country than this one when you combine that with the fact that it is a jurisdiction that voted 85% for president biden i don't know it's possible to get 12 jurors to approach the evidence with an open mind and to be fair about this, i would say the same thing if in the midst of the campaign, joe biden went on trial in a county in west virginia or wyoming that voted 85% for trump. stuart: if trump were to testify, who would question him? >> only the defendant can make the choice, he can't be forced.
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he would testify at the beginning of the defense case. after the prosecution rests, his lawyer would ask questions on direct examination first and then he would be subject to cross-examination and the judge hasn't indicated how far he would let the prosecution going cross-examination to the judge's discretion. it opens up a plethora of vulnerabilities because you don't know how far the prosecution will go. stuart: i don't know the process but i know alvin bragg wants to question donald trump. could he do that? >> the prosecutor bringing the case with this timeline, it would be risky because the judge would say a lot of stuff that otherwise isn't relevant that becomes relevant because now he is testifying in his credible it is a question for the jury and all these other issues are fair game. stuart: 30 seconds. two lawyers on the scene. >> very unusual but make sense
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because the prosecution is approaching this in a way of saying to the jury at the end even if the facts presented are true these facts don't make a crime. that's a technical defense so it might make sense. it's risky to have lawyers who would bind to the argument during deliberations. stuart: your very precise in what you have to say. thanks for joining us, see you again soon. let's get to politics, new polls show president biden trailing donald trump on the economy by double-digit margins and four key states, edward lawrence has the report from the white house coming up. said news from the music world, tiki bets, one of the founding numbers of the allman brothers band has died, the legendary guitarist had been battling cancer and pulmonary disease. rambling man. ♪
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stuart: we've got the market split, dollars up 130, nasdaq down 170. unitedhealth and american express adding 100 points to the dow. we were not done much of again at all. president biden hit the campaign trail are trying to rally support for his economic agenda. the latest fox poll shows him trailing trump on the economy and key battleground states. edward lawrence, what is the white house saying about their economic policies? >> reporter: the and all the spending is working, the president finishing that three city sweep of pennsylvania. the images could not be more of them, president biden going for a wawa meandering looking for
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someone to talk with. donald trump left court and went to a bodega in new york city, there were people outside waiting for the former president. new polling shows georgia, michigan, pennsylvania, and wisconsin president biden is trailing donald trump on the economy by double digits, the current president holds a smaller edge with election integrity and healthcare. here's the pull from georgia, donald trump up 22 points on the economy, president biden is up two points. >> bidenomics is not working and the imf knows in and tells us about it. record deficits caused by record spending, bad tax policy, raising taxes, bad regulatory policy and bad energy policy and you wonder why we have record inflation and why eggs and milk and everything else cost more than it did under donald trump.
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>> reporter: in pennsylvania polling shows donald trump up 12 points on the economy with president biden up 6 points on healthcare, this is a close race in battleground states. >> i'm still bind biden 100% so i never turn my back on biden. biden always had my vote since he came into office. biden 100% from 100%. >> reporter: the election will come down to issues voters care about and who they believe would be best to handle those issues. stuart: look who is here. monica crowley joins us in new york city. if the economy is the top issue in the election can biden win? >> i don't think he can, the top issues fluctuate between the economy and the border benefit is the economy going into november i don't think so. president biden and the team keep going out there trying to
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sell bidenomics and keep trying to put lipstick on the pig but the pig is still a pig and it flies in the face of the american people's lived experience, sky high prices deeply entrenched inflation and now rising gas prices, we could have $7 a gallon by summer. stuart: $7 a gallon. >> if current trends continue. stuart: that is if the middle east blows up. >> depends where you are in the country. stuart: you are telling me it is going to double? >> going to double. it could very well. stuart: are you seriously telling me we will have $7 a gallon gasoline? the world would have to go to $120 a barrel. >> your point about the middle east is important because we have heightened tensions putting pressure on the market. stuart: the middle east has to explode to get 120, $1,002,030 a barrel oil or gasoline.
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is that your forecast? >> it could happen. it is on top of the other inflationary pressures the american people are suffering through thanks to biden's out-of-control spending of the last couple years. blue on the top issue is the economy, biden cannot win but biden is playing strongly into income inequality. he is railing against what's popular. people are looking around saying they don't need this money, biden is going to take it and give it to us. that is popular like it or not. >> i'm not so sure. that argument worked when obama and biden were in the white house but now i think it is a tiresome argument for the american people because it flies in the face of what america is about. america is an aspirational society. we don't hate the rich, we aspire to be the rich. so i think that line of argument won't work this time. stuart: president biden goes to tampa, florida next week. he claims florida is a winnable
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state. the latest average shows trump leads biden in florida by more than ten points. is florida really a swing state these days? >> no. governor desantis won reelection by 20 points in red florida. over the last couple years we've seen a shaking out in the country so red states of gotten redder because people have moved from the northeast, from places like illinois, california into red states like florida and texas so red states have become redder, blue states have become bluer so biden can talk all who wants about florida, it's donald trump's home state, he will win florida. that's a big reach. on the flipside donald trump and his campaign want to put new york in play and nothing is impossible. it's a big uphill battle but he is going to put a number of resources into new york and president biden and his campaign to defend deeper
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areas. stuart: should do a rally. stuart: i will think about that. tell me the two most important must win states for trump in the election. >> a number of swing states but i would say pennsylvania and wisconsin of the two states where it is the closest, they are essentially tied if not biden leading by a point but you can lose one or both of those states if you can put a coalition of other swing states together like georgia, michigan, arizona, and nevada, donald trump is putting them in play and the fact the race is so close in a number of these states tells us the momentum is with donald trump. stuart: fascinating stuff. bread and butter of this program, thanks for being with us. rfk junior facing more calls to drop his presidential bid, who is telling him to stop now?
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lauren: former colleagues and activists at a nonprofit taking out full-page ads in newspapers on sunday in six swing states. they say kennedy is a spoiler, vote for him, that means trump wins and they fear trump will dismantle environmental protections. they are doing this first sunday. stuart: i had forgotten. that's a reminder. more than one hundred people arrested during anti-israel protests at columbia university. i don't think these demonstrators know who or what they are supporting, that's "my take" coming up at the top of the our. of the hour. voters in chicago furious the city is prioritizing migrants over residents. watch this. >> we need that money in my neighborhood. we need that on my block. i'm asking you to use our tax money for our people. we need it. stuart: we will speak to the lady in the red hat, the red
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trump had after this. ♪ ♪ nefits and retirement savings. voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices. so you can reach today's financial goals and look forward to a more confident future. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. with dexcom g7, the most accurate cgm, you can achieve diabetes results without fingersticks. see how exercise affects your glucose, making it easier to spend time in range and lower your a1c. ♪ ♪
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stuart: first the markets. dow up 200, nasdaq 120, it wasn't like this this morning when the news broke out of his real, market went straight down and recovered significantly. chicago police just you should a warning to several neighborhoods over a surge in armed robberies. tell me more. ashley: they are telling people to be on alert and aware of their surroundings was remarkably there have been 17 armed robberies over a three day span in the chicago suburbs. authorities say the robberies follow a similar pattern, several men wearing masks jump out of the car, and simply drive away. police say the robberies occurred in morning hours but in broad daylight. so keep that in mind and
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robberies are up in chicago. stuart: thanks very much. black residents in chicago outrage at mayor brandon johnson over his proposal for an additional $70 million for migrants. one of the chicago residents joined me now. a petition to recall the mayor is gaining steam. i take it this is all about migrants, right? >> the mayor has decided to put taxpayers and voters on the back burners to give money and resources to people who have not paid a dime into our tax base and for that reason he has to go. stuart: you once interned for barack obama for his presidency. now you are a pro trump conservative. what changed? >> i moved out of the country in 2016 to go into self-imposed political exile to protest him because i could not get full-time work with obamacare. the employer mandate claimant
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people, employers had to give health insurance if they had employers who worked 30 hours prevented me from getting a full-time schedule so i said forget this, grabbed my 4-year-old and we moved to senegal. stuart: you were in senegal for a couple years. >> i was there in 2010 and moved back in 2016 so i could get around that process. stuart: and you came back and saw trump in operation and liked what you saw? >> i loved it. i had an opportunity to go to the white house with the younger black leadership summit and my goal for going there was to have a conversation with doctor ben carson about federal housing mismanagement in chicago and that turned into an invitation to the white house and the president of the united states brought the message back to my people and my city. stuart: how to your family and friends feel about this? not many black folks are gung ho trump supporters?
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>> now they are. when i started doing this in 2019 they were not happy at all. people were abuing began throwing tomatoes and throwing their backs on me, we were doing black chicago for trump during the 2,020 campaign, slapping black for trump bumper stickers on biden signs around the city but now that people can see how our relationship with jim crow joe has settled they are starting to say you were trying to save us, we are sorry, we should've listened to you, we are ready to go as well because i affectionately call donald trump my donnie. we want him to be our donnie too and it's more than enough to share. stuart: in 2020 trump got 8% of the black vote. what do you think he will get this year? >> 60, 65, 70. we are done with the last having dixiecrack, named joseph robinette biden.
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they've been disrespectful to us and we deserve better as american citizens. stuart: i predict within two years you will be running for office. thank you very much for joining us. come see us again. still ahead on this program, steve hilton on california considering a new covid tax to deal with the deficit. and taking on trump after jury selection and why he thinks the trial looks like a bunch of clowns. british prime minister lose trust on her warning to donald trump. the king of collectibles will join us, showing off his sports memorabilia, the 11:00 hour is next. ♪ ♪
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>> that american policy, weak american leadership creates a world ablaze. >> iran is extremely vulnerable


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