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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 19, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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money trial. one juror who was selected was sworn in earlier this week and was excused yesterday after it was revealed the man was once arrested for tearing down right leaning political advertisements, the former president calling out president biden saying he should be in jail. watch this. >> the world is watching this new york scam. the whole thing is a mess. and you have the leading candidate, the leading crooked joe biden by a lot, he's the one that should in rubble. he's a crook. we've -- should be in jail. he's a crook. he's the one had in charge. his top people are here working with the da'ses office to make sure everything goes right. maria: well, this is going to be the scene until election he day, i guess, t todd piro. we've got joe biden campaigning in the swing states, calling donald trump and trump sitting in a courtroom. any time he has a break he'll
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use that time to speak to the people. >> if you don't think this is coordinated, if you don't think this is exactly what the democrats drew up, then i've got a bridge right near the courthouse to sell you. when it comes to the jury, you really want to avoid jurors at all costs because they're wild cards. i ask the question, is this a representative sample of the island of manhattan. really? this to me through every side, both sides trying to find the 12, that this is the most rep sun testify of 12 -- representative of 12 average people in the island of manhattan. i'm looking ahead to the appeal. as every nugget comes out from the news i'm thinking how should trump's people cruise this on a-- use this on appeal, if and when he's convicted. maria: i have to believe
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there's some opportunity for a hung jury, just looking at this. you're right, we'll see. it is manhattan, after all. you don't have a lot of fans there of president trump. but look at a this, a new fox news poll is finding that president biden and former president trump are in a tight race in the battleground states, trump is leading in georgia and michigan but they are tied in wisconsin and pennsylvania right now so rebecca, we're going to go back and forth but so far trump has been leading in the swing states. i'm wondering if the fact that he's stuck in a courtroom and joe biden's got the opportunity to go talk to everybody and go into he's these swing states, giving him an edge and that's whpresidenttrump calls th this n interference. >> the judge is saying he had to be had for jury selection, had to mission baron's graduation, all these things
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indicate they're pulling him off the campaign trail. i think cookie monster should be ahead in the polls against biden. i can't believe it's this close. i feel like civilization is in decline, look at the open border, the sanctuary cities, blue cities, moving funds from sit b scitizens to support whaty call newcomers. i'm shocked the polls don't show the american people are turning away from this administration in droves. maria: you ask the same question, are you feeling better off to than you were four years ago. most people would sigh no, they're not feeling better. they've seen wages go down and costs go up. >> remember, we y talked about this on the program constantly, inflation jumped 19% since joe biden took office. we're going into a summer driving season where again because of the conflict in the middle east we're worried about
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oil prices, that's an inflation store hely. at the end of the day people care about how they feel and their wallets don't feel good and look, only half of america's in the stock market so you take that aside and you also take the fact that the inflationary pressures may get worse before they get better, on the headline story, not just because of energy but we also see the fact we haven't gotten much relief in the rent piece of inflation and you know, janet yellen can say what she wants, jerome powell can say what she wants but they can't do anything about inflation. there's no policy they that president biden can put down that's going to tamp down inflation and that's what you're seeing coming out in the polls over and over. maria: there's one thing he can do. >> what do you think he does? maria: stop the reckless spending. that would be the policy. stop the reckless spending. too many dollars chasing too few goods. $7 trillion in spending. we know all of the spending on joe biden's watch. right? inflation reduction act, fiscal
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responsibility act, chips act, green energy, tax credits, all of it. stop the excess sieve reckless spending. >> he won't do. he could pressure jerome powell. maria: jay powell is facing a tsunami of spending. that's why inflation is elevated. todd, we're watching the polls. i'm surprised as is rebecca the that it's actually this close. >> i'm not surprised when it comes to pennsylvania and wisconsin. i expected to see closeness there. it seems pennsylvania has pockets in the cities they're just not going to vote republican no matter what, despite the fact that their lives under democratic rule have been horrific and wisconsin is a very college town, we've seen donald trump get a lot of the youth vote lately but for some reason that does not seem to transfer over to madison. i want to draw attention to georgia and michigan,
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specifically michigan. i think everything you see with regard to how joe biden is handling israel and will continue to handle israel will be dictated by michigan going forward. i know we reported this morning wall street journal says he wants to give a billion dollars to israel but i think everything you see on the campaign trail is going to be about supporting the palestinian cause and i think we need to recognize that is all in order to win michigan. i don't understand juror s gentleman. georgia, i haven't since polling started, georgia is up, it's down. georgia is a wild card in my estimation. if i'm trump i'm not spiking the football on subcontractor georg. georgia always surprises. he needs to go to georgia and pound the pavement hard because in georgia it's all about getting the republican vote to turn out. if he does that he will win. if not, i worry about georgia. maria: we are just getting started this morning. stay with us for this hour. coming up, he's israel launcheda
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retaliatory strike against iran last night. markets reacted. the word on wall street panel is here with expectations. don't miss it. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back.
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maria: welcome back. time for the word on wall street, top investors watchingeg your money. joining me now, dennis gartman. also with us is rebecca walser this morning. dennis, thanks for joining the conversation. on a very important morning. take a look at futures which are indicating a decline at the start of trading this morning after israel struck back at iran overnight. the dow industrials are down 93, nasdaq down 107. gold and oil initially spiked
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after israel struck iran in retaliation for last weekend's attack. this is a limited strike, targeted a nuclear facility and air base but no casualties. things have come can off of their highs and now gold is actually lower at 23, 90. crude oil is lower at 81, 85. your reaction. >> we've had a month's worth of activity in the course of the past five hours since the news hit the world markets about what has gone on in iran. gold is down about -- it's down about $40 off its high, crude oil is down $4 a barrel from its high, stocks are up 400 points% from the lows. it's extraordinary what we've seen in the past several hours. i'm bearish of stocks for a while. i'm less bearish now. if we had a chance to the buy stocks closer to last night's lows i would probably be a buy for the first time in some while. i've been bullish of gold for a long period of time. i continue to be bullish of
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gold, dismayed it's come off as sharply as it has. the trend is from lower left to upper right. we've had a month's worth of work. astonishing what's happened in the past several hours. strap on your seat belts. it could be n a amazing day. maria: are you surprised we're not seeing a larger more negative reaction to this strike from israel into iran? >> well, actually we've had a huge reaction overnight. maria: right. >> the dow is up almost 400 points from its low. the s&p s&p is up 35 points fros low. the fact we had a very sharp rally in gold, up $30 at one time, stocks were down 600 points at one time. we've had a huge reaction. so i think what's surprising to me is how moderate has been the reaction thus far as we get closer to the opening in morning later this morning. maria: secretary of state antony blinken is speaking now in itly. he says the u.s. is committed to
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israel's security and committed to deescalating the situation. rebecca, the market's focused on earnings, american express first quarter earnings crossing moments ago. the company reported a double beat on earnings and revenue and strong consumer spending. netflix we've been reporting this morning, reported a double beat as well, subscribers at netflix jumping 16% from last year on the streaming company's password sharing crackdown. it delivered millions of new customers as they cracked down on people sharing passwords. the stock is down 6% due to a cautious outlook to subscriber growth. your reaction to the earnings story. >> there's two problems with netflix. they you announced they're not going to report quarterly subscribers anymore, they said hey when we didn't have profits subscriber growth was what our metric was. now we don't need to report any more. the analysts want to see what the growth trajectory is. that's a problem. the other thing, if you look at -- they had the best first quarter since the pandemic, but
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they are down even though they had a double beat, revenue is down. the runway, i think the analysts are saying is the runway for netflix with the lack of data coming going to continue to be there for us to estimate and to have really growth. maria: so would you buy stocks here going into this uncertain environment, rebecca, given the geopolitical backdrop? >> no. i think stocks are over of valued right now. there's always some winners, always some things we can find opportunities with. as a general rule i think we're over valued right now and with geopolitical risks and the central banks buying up gold because of the brics nations and what they're doing i think this is a tell that there's severe economic pain ahead. maria: would you as an equity investor, would you buy gold given that backdrop. >> yes, i'm a gold bug. i have been since 2020, since we
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started purchase putting too much money too fast into the economy because of the pandemic, gold was the way to go. maria: dennis, what do you want to say about that? >> i couldn't agree more. i think she absolutely right. i've been bullish on gold for quite some period of time. i bought a huge chunk of two and-a-half years ago and i wish i bought more. maria: we don't know where the geopolitical backdrop is going and whether or not we'll see retaliation from iran. we're hearing from sources that iran is not expected to retaliate immediately but the future is uncertain. as is the future of the economic backdrop. so rebecca, i guess the next question is the fed. where does the fed go in terms of these rate cut expectations? >> th.>> they are more and more
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hawkish every day, when you look at the beige book, outs negative all the way around. the white house is saying the economy is doing great. the beige book looks at manufacturing, flat or down, employment, part-time job growth, it's all negative. there's hardly anything i can pull out that's positive. so we are going to see some problems and that means brace and really do go to defensive positions. maria: dennis, your thoughts? >> i thought her comments about the beige book were spot on. you took at look at every one of the regions, every one of them said things were not strong, they were modest at best. demonstrably different than what we had been led to believe. for a long period of time i said the fed at most would cut the overnight fed funds rate one or two times in the year. people laughed at that three months ago. now they're not laughing. now it's become the majority concern, that the fed will cut maybe once this years is now now
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incumbent in the market. maria: do you still avoid stocks here with the jay owe political environment -- geopolitical environment getting hotter. >> i've been bearish. the best i can turn is neutral, given the fact that we had a sharp decline overnight. if we got down to the lows we were at earlier this morning, i'll cover some of my shorts. maria: great to see you both. thank you so much. dennis. rebecca, you're with us for the rest of the hour. we appreciate that. we've got news breaking right now. secretary of state antony blinken speaking in italy. he says the u.s. is committed to israel's security and committed to deescalation. the secretary of state is live in capri, italy right now, making these comments. he also says that if china wants good relations with europe, it can not be helping russia. it is clear that china has been supportive of russia. we are waiting to see what the u.s. had to say about this.
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this comment is important on whether or not the is u.g to put more pressure on china to stop supporting russia and its war on ukraine. quick break and then my next guest is accusing secretary mayorkas of being complicit in the deaths of americans due to the administration's open border policy. wisconsin senator ron johnson is here with more on that. don't miss it. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. harlem has everything. but i couldn't find pilates anywhere.
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>> why did you open up the border? why did you create this catastrophe. people loved lost loved ones bee of this open border catastrophe. >> all of our hearts break for the victims of these heinous crimes and their loved ones. secondly, the criminals who committed those crimes are responsible for their criminal conduct. >> do you ever call up the families of the crime victims? do you ever talk to laken riley's family. >> all of our hearts break for the loved ones of those who have been lost at the hands of criminal conduct. maria: and that was wisconsin senator ron johnson grilling the department of homeland security
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second alejandro mayorkas during the senate homeland security hearing yesterday. mayorkas was tenning on capitol -- testifying on capitol hill a day after senate democrats dismissed the impeachment trial all together before it could begin. your reaction. >> i want to know what comes next. the border situation is not getting better. we are now at the point where he's not going to be impeached, mayorkas that is, so what comes next? in two contexts, maria. whether what comes next with regard to enforcing the border? joe biden has the authority to shut it down but we know he's not going to do that. but also what comes next when it comes to how republicans message his on the campaign trail. how do republicans message this on the campaign trail? do they allow democrats to gain control of this issue saying oh, look, republicans had a useless exercise, or do they grab it and say republicans are trying to hold democrats accountable for what we've seen on the border and democrats refuse to take accountability. i think that's going to be one of the keys ifed a digs to
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everything -- in addition to everything we talked about with the economy and messaging come november. we talked about the trump trial. the border was helping republicans big time. republicans need to make sure if it continues down this path and continues to be this bad, republicans need to keep pressure on democrats and make sure american people know the reason our cities are flown deering is because of democratic policies and the open border. maria: it's you a amazing to me there's zero accountableity whatever. we have a wide open border, deadly fentanyl flowing through, people on the terrorist watch list coming through, we have 2 million got aways we have no idea what their inten intention, where they're going, where they're coming from, chinese nationals coming in creating a mini army in america. consider?
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why? we have no idea. this guy is sitting there telling us the border is secure, that he's doing everything he can to secure the border. no, he's not. 10 million people crossed into the country illegally. >> he opened the border when he took office. the message was loud and clear to everyone in central and south america, come on over. he's dealing with that unfortunate issue. the president could -- could use exacuseexecutive orders to shutn the border, have border patrol agents able to do their jobs versus having to baby-sit. with respect to the chinese, put maximum pressure on the chinese, instead of sending officials there to wine and dine, and in janet yellen's case eat a few mushrooms. they know the immigration story will hurt them in november. you have you of to think they're going to make some moves this
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summer because the swing states a as the polls are showing us a are incredibly tight between trump and biden. maria: we're covering breaking news and ramifications after israel launched limited retaliatory strikes against iran last night. fox news' jeff paul is live in tel aviv with more. jeff, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, maria. we're expecting the israeli war cabinet to meet at some point today as they have over the last couple of days, this strike will obviously be a topic of discussion. but it is important to point out that no israeli official or mill military spokesperson has made a single comment about the strike. and we likely will not hear anything today with thes israeli side of things because that goes in the line with their military strategy to not confirm these particular operations. regardless of what is said or isn't said, it's important to also stress it doz does send a
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message overall to iran that they can hit when what they wan, when they want. they focused on a region 200 miles away from tehran, near a nuclear facility. that site was not hit but it yoa nearby air base was the t targe. media reported explosions were heard from the country's air defense system knocking out three drones. iran not putting any blame on any particular country for these particular drones that they say they shot down. now, as far as things here in in tel aviv, in israel, things seem to be getting back to normal. there's lots of traffic out here, people running last minute errands ahead of the upcoming passover holiday which starts on
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monday. maria: jeff, thanks very much. stay save. we'll be right back with wisconsin senator ron johnson, live. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. things will go wrong for your customers.
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whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. >> why did you open up the border? why did you create this catastrophe? people lost their loved ones because of this catastrophe, open border policy. do you have any remorse? >> all of our hearts break for the victims of these heinous crimes and their loved ones. secondly, the criminals who committed those crimes are responsible for their criminal conduct. >> do you ever call up the families of the crime victims? do you ever talk to laken riley's family? >> all of our hearts break for the loved ones of those who have been lost at the hands of
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criminal conduct. maria: that was wisconsin senator ron johnson, grillings detective of homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas yesterday. mayorkas was testifying on capitol hill a day after senate democrats completely dismissed the impeachment trial before it would begin. joining us now, wisconsin senator ron johnson. senator, why wasn't alejandro mayorkas impeached for dereliction of duty? >> good morning, maria. because democrats want to sweep the open border policy and the consequences of it under the rug. they don't want to talk about it. i'm surer they're dismayed ther lap dogs in the mainstream media are covering it to a certain extent so it's somewhat of a political liable, not enough to make them want to secure the border. it was infuriating to have mayorkas testify before the
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committee. he might as well have been an automaton or trained parrot. it's clear that they caused the problem. i asked him why did you do it? consider do you want an open border? do you have any regrets, do you feel any remorse. he's obviously complicit. he aided and you abetted these hundreds of crimes, horrific murders and rapes that occurred under his watch. he shows no remorse, no regrets whatsoever. maria: so why did he do it then, senator? why do you think? is it because of the census. why is the open border continuing three years later after murder, robbery, attacks, you name it, migrant crime across the country. why is the border still open? why? >> that's the only explanation, democrats want people coming into the country that will support them in the future, whether just getting counted in the senses sus so they get more
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-- census so they get more democrat members of congress in the blue states or eventually able to state. you have ng os giving immigrants before they come into the country a piece of i paper r saying remember to vote for joe biden when you come to the u.s. they're telling these people they are human trafficking in the country to vote for joe biden. maria: i just saw that myself on the -- on paraphernalia i was looking at, at the immigration website and papers they're giving to immigrants coming in, don't forget to vote for joe biden. i thought illegals are not allowed to vote. >> that's why democrats support mail-in ballots, why they want absentee balloting, relaxing all the controls. the bipartisan commission said absentee balloting represents
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the greatest threat for potential fraud. democrats want absentee balloting, even worse is mail-in balloting. maria: i want to get your a take on the issue of the morning because i'm wondering how you feel about the safety of america right now and the homeland. israel fired a retaliatory strike against iran. this happened last night. of course, tomorrow the house will consider foreign aid bills et voting on $60 billion for ukraine, 26 billion for israel, 8 billion for the indo-pacific region. a new poll finds 47% of voters are against the ukraine bill, 17% of republicans support it, 50% of voters are against the israel bill, 32% of republicans support that. a what does it look like when it gets to the senate and does the money to israel become that much more critical after this strike last night? >> i think the support for
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israel does. i mean, the war in the middle east right now is completely different from the war in ukraine. i think it's just bizarre these two exchanges. iran telegraphs they're going to send relatively low tech, low cost drones and missiles at israel, tips everybody off so we can be responding with very expensive iron dome missiles and those type of missile defense systems so i guess they accomplished their goal, showing israel what they could do and of course a few hundred of these drones and missiles are minor in terms of what hezbollah and iran has. it's kind of a shot across the bow of israel, making them expend extrem extremely expensie weapons. israel is showing iran what it can do, how it can penetrate its
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air defense towards sell death e sites without causing much damage. shift over to ukraine. my problem for the last year in ukraine is that we're not recognizing reality that vladimir putin will not lose this war. he has four times the population. at least four times the ability to produce the 155 million shells at a tenth of the price, losing is existential to vladimir putin. they also have nuclear weapons. we need to be very careful with ukraine. our strategy with ukraine should be doing everything we can to brputin to the negotiating table and end this. the biden administration scuttled istanbul negotiations shortly after the start of the war. i'm concerned for the ukraine people. maria: i spoke yesterday with
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the president of poland and president duta is in town trying to make the case for aid to ukraine. here is the president with me yesterday on the idea that this should be a loan and not an out and out more money, free money for ukraine. watch. what is your reaction to something that president trump has been talking pout in terms talk about in terms ofaid to uk? the president has said many times that, yes, he agrees money should go to ukraine but it should be a loan to be paid back? >> of course to a large extent this is an issue of domestic policy which is being implemented by the united states. states.i'm convinced that ukraid repay any kind of loan if this is granted but this support is
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independenceable for ukraine. maria: is that the thinking, a loan? >> a loan could be forgiven almost overnight. maria: that's right. >> the european partners of course would like to have american taxpayers foot the bill in ukraine. every dollar we send is a dollar they don't have to send to defend their own territory. the fact of the matter is, i don't feel much support here in the u.s., certainly not from my consistconstituents. as concerned as they are about the ukrainian people, i am as well, i don't want to see their country destroyed any further, i want this war to end. but europe's got to understand that the support from american citizens for spending more and more dollars, tens of billions of dollars more in ukraine is waning and they better pick up the slack from that but also do everything they can to bring the war to an end. maria: yeah. that's not happening. and now we're worried that this actually could spill into the united states. how worried are you about a
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terrorist attack on u.s. soil right now? >> that's what i've been saying that a the open borders is a clear and present danger to this nation for -- ever since biden got in office and opened up the border. we've averaged over 7800 people per day encountered at the border since biden took i.c.e. office. this is obviously a concern. it's certainly been the back of my mind. maybe that is why president biden has been coddling iran to the extent he has. hhe's concernedabout sleeper cer iran surrogates. we have to be concerned about that. the fbi director certainly is. we are at the highest threat level since 9/11 because of joe biden and the democrats. the democrats in congress. their open border poll. maria: let me just say that we're getting propaganda from iran. iran's state media is reporting that the attempted israeli drone
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attack, quote, unquote, failed. so this propaganda coming from iran right now this morning. we've got new fox news polls as well, they show trump and biden are tied in a head to head matchup in wisconsin, senator. what's your feeling about your constituents here in terms of how they're feeling about the upcoming election with all a of this in the backdrop? >> well, again, it always amazes me that anybody could support joe biden, when you take a look at the path joe biden put this nation on, the open borders, the war on fossil fuels, the the ama emboldening of enemies. whwisconsin is a divided state. we've got pockets of very liberal individuals in madison, milwaukee. it's a lot easier for democrats to extract votes out of those limited geographic regions.
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republicans have to get votes from all over the state, it's a much more difficult state. pretends on the out games. i hope t the candidates get the ground game up and running. i'm doing everything i can to make sure we get the electoral votes for president trump, not for biden. maria: leadership in the republican party is being questioned. you've got fights over mike johnson in the house and of course we know mitch mcconnell is stepping down as the leader in november. who do you want to see in that role in the senate? >> i'm trying to lead the process for us to develop a mission statement so we understand republicans in the u.s. senate, what do we stand for, what are we willing to fight for, what's at stake. my primary mission needs to counter the ideology policies that a destroyed the country. i don't think we've done an effective job. the negotiations on the border with a debacle.
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it was monumental political malpractice. it's coming home to roost. you saw chuck schumer saying they're in better shape on the border than they were three weeks ago once the disastrous negotiations ended so that just signals the democrats they weren't looking to secure the border, they were looking for political cover. they got it. that's why he's saying once the border negotiations failed, he was happy as a clam. he was politically better off without that deal so he could blame republicans for the open border when they're the ones that want it and they're the ones that caused it. maria: yeah. all politics while our national security is in question. unbelievable. senator, thank you. we'll be watching your work. >> have a good day. maria: senator ron johnson in wisconsin. we're following the developing story all morning long. coming up, new york city police storming columbia university yesterday, arresting more than a
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100 protesters. nicole parker is here weighing in on that. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back.
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police officers arresting more than 100 anti-israel protesters at columbia university yesterday, one day after the school's president testified before congress about anti-semitism on campus. columbia's president send a letter to the new york city police department asking that they remove students who were camped out in the middle of campus. she writes this, all university students participating in enp encampment have been informed they're suspended, saying participants were trespassing. here's some of the protests this week. watch. >> we are hamas. >> you're hamas? wow. you're what? you're hamas. >> yes, we're all hamas. [bleep] >> get the [bleep] out of here.
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[chanting] prase. maria: a absolutely stunning. joining us now, former fbi special agent, nicole parker. thank you for being here. your reaction. >> maria, it sends chills up my spine to listen to university students in the united states of america saying we are all a ham. hamas is a designated foreign terrorist organization. how did we get to this point in our nation, maria? i was a witness to the 9/11 terrorist attacks in new york city, this never would have been spoken back around 2001, absolutely now. we're at a point in this nation where this is encouraged, it is celebrated. as i watched the protest the there is a clear distinction between your first amendment
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rights to protest, that's your american right. you do not have a right for hate speech, violence, hatred, and these jewish students at columbia are now living in fear. i watched a these -- some of these individuals speak up. one girl doesn't even want to attend her own graduation from columbia university. this has been going on for far too long. this is columbia where dei, diversity, equity and inclusion, we need to love each other, embrace each other and our differences. where is that now? isn't that interesting? that's nowhere to be found. i can tell you those students who are in fear for their lives do not feel included, they do not feel safe. this is reprehensible and good for new york police department for stepping in. those individuals deserve to be arrested. you're breaking the law and it will not be tolerated. maria: do they not understand what hamas has done here, that video of october 7th where they they were taking girls, taking everybody, purchase putting them on their bikes and
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you running away. we've got hostages in captivity and we're not talking about the fact that hamas has yet to say whether or not they're going to release any hostages. >> maria, i hate to tell you this i think it's all common sense at this point. we've seen the open border, the threats facing our nation. director wray says nation pa nnationalsecurity threats are al time high. these people similar pa a thighs sympathize with theterrorist or. there are professors at columbia praising terrorist organization groups. is anyone shocked by this? america has reached a tipping point. for those who say hate to america, you don't need to be here, you can leave. you hate this country so much, you can leave. my for is there are individuals who hate america so much and they're living comfortably within the borders of our
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country and they're planning things that could desperately harm us and that is absolutely terrifying. maria: what can the fbi do at this point? you left the fbi because you had a bad taste in your mouth in terms of politics taking over the agency. where is the fbi in the middle of all of this? >> yeah, i mean, quite frankly bad taste in my mouth would be an understatement. it was completely out of control. i saw you what they were doing at the fbi and how they got involved in politics and political persecution for those who stood on one side of the spectrum and turned a blind eye for the other. where are they not. christopher wray, you're acknowledging terrorist threats are at an all time high. what are you doing. americans do not feel safe. individuals on the campus do not feel safe. they better be treating this with the same amount of vigor as they did the january 6 investigation. maria: yeah. unfortunately, what they are doing is focused on donald
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trump. former president trump is going to be back in court later this morning. it is day four of the so-called hush money case. the 12 person jury has been finalized. the search for the five additional jurors will continue today. man.the judge suggesting opening statements could begin on monday. waiting for that sound bite. >> maria, i'll jumping in here. i think we look a all this and say wow, monday. we were told the jury selection ross he'sprocess was going to th longer. that begs the question, have we been thorough enough. there are some questions as to whether or not the process even though the judge promised it is the most thorough he's ever gone through,s is it thorough enough? we will see. maria: well, so you're saying that they're speeding this along which makes perfect sense, of course. >> in a certain way that is concerning. it also helps trump if we can get him on the trail as a
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republican sooner rather than later. the republican party wants that. what happens if it's not the result that donald trump wants. what happens then we'll leave it there. we'll get t nicole parker back soon. we appreciate you joining us. we'll take a short break and come right back we'll be back with our power panel. i want to thank this panel right now and we will talk soon. stay with us. awkward question... is there going to be anything left... —left over? —yeah. oh, absolutely. (inner monologue) my kids don't know what they want. you know who knows what she wants? me! i want a massage, in amalfi, from someone named giancarlo. and i didn't live in that shoebox for years. not just— with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so you don't have to worry. i guess i'll get the caviar... just kidding. join 18 million americans and take control of your financial future with a real time dashboard and real live conversations. empower. what's next.
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