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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 19, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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-dispatcher: okay, we'll still send a code three. -(theme music playing) ♪ ♪.
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maria: good friday morning. thank you for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo. it is friday april 19. we have breaking news 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. israel strikes back at iran in retaliation for last week's attack, the limited strike targeting a nuclear facility in airbase, stocks are taking on the news across the world, take a look, stocks down in the u.s. with the dow industrial poise to open the word by 132, the nasdaq and 112 and the s&p 500 lower by 20 points, commodities or spiking including oil, take a look at oil and gold pulling back from the highs of earlier, gold at 2395, that is not a fraction, brett at 8682 and crude oil at 8257 down a fraction, all this carving is house speaker mike johnson is pushing for saturday vote on
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five bills which include foreign aid for ukraine, israel and taiwan were tracking a fast breaking news is morning plus watching earnings moving stocks, we will recap netflix in procter & gamble and american express. quarterly earnings at this morning. european markets are lower, take a look at stocks in the eurozone with s&p 143, the cat crowned on 29th and jackson decks lower by 118. in asia red across the board, the worst performer overnight in the asian embassies was japan, the average down to into thirds percent, back in new york president trump's trial begins after all 12 jurors are seated who said they can be impartial in the new york city courtroom, fox news new poll showing the former president is gaining the edge over president biden and locked in a tie into key swing states. joining the conversation will wealth management president rebecca walser, todd piro and fox business cheryl casone,
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"mornings with maria" is live right now. the breaking news israel striking iran overnight in retaliation for tehran's unprecedented drone and missile attack last weekend the international energy agency saying there is no damage to iran's nuclear sites no official statement has been sent out from the biden administration but sources say u.s. officials were notified before the strike in the u.s. is not involved, joining robert greenbank the former senior director for the national security council under trump principal architect of the abraham accord and heritage foundation director for the center of national security. also a former army special combat veteran, thank you very much for your expertise in joining us this morning. your reaction to the retal retaliation. >> good morning and thank you for having me on. what were seeing the escalation between iran and israel has been deferred but it's not done.
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both climbed a lot of from indirect conflict with one another for open conflict for the first time and neither side of climbed back down. what that means ultimately that we seen an increase in commodity individual prices and it's like they continue. what we seem tehran sent a message to the united states and israel but the rest of the region that knows that they cannot defend from an attack and they don't have the u.s. support to do so. for the first time tehran, moscow and beijing and the gulf states came together manage global energy markets and that's a really resulting in a pricing commodity and energy cost direct to americans at the grocery store and gas pump and that will likely continue that's a strategic interest of the united states. maria: there is breaking news from the wall street journal reporting that president biden is now weighing more than $1 billion in new arms for israel. the deal being considered it
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would include transfers of $700 million and take ammunition, 500 million in tactical vehicles and 100 million mortar rounds, which will require approval from congressional leaders and could take months or years to be delivered, what is your reaction to biden weighing the billion dollars in new arms for israel. >> i think it's a sound investment but the time it takes to deliver may be far too great. in the end israel is great again stability in the region and our interest to support them. hopefully we can accelerate the process and provide the resources they need because the conflict has changed radically and israel will neither support and assistance to do it. unlike complex in other parts of the world israel's only support assistance comes from the united states there are not a lot of donors and supporters lined up behind us, were pretty much it. maria: what is your take on the strike from israel. it was narrow and obviously
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specific but no serious damage. it seems symbolic. how would you assess the strike. >> i think it was designed and achieve the goal which was to delay escalation between the two parties that doesn't require iranian escalation previous and the message israel can and fact reach out and touch them at the time and place of their choosing but at the same time the message sent to the v rest of the region are unable to defend themselves and that gives them sufficient advantage. is not just about iran and israel is about the region and global markets and that's really what was impacted and unfortunately the advantages not to the united states. maria: i'm wondering if you see this as a potential for a trigger for broader war throughout the middle east perhaps entangling the united states at some point as well. >> i do i think it might've delayed a greater escalation but not for long and ultimately what
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we will see is a potential of southern lebanon. hezbollah strikes that of displaced 80000 israelis. i don't see a way out of that unless the united states changes policy toward iran and absent denial of resources that could continue to escalate him were closer to direct conflict and we've ever been before and closer to iranian nuclear weapon than we've ever been before because of the administration policies. maria: and irani and foreign minister speaking ahead of the strikes saying israel will be regretful if they retaliate. watch this. >> if israel commits the same mistake our response will be regretful for them immediate and decisive and definitive. we will not target american bases and installation in the region other than if we come across a condition in which the united states of america puts itself besides is really
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government in order to expand the workfare and tension. it is not within the interest of america to do that. maria: your reaction. we should say were getting reports that iran has no immediate plans to retaliate as of this morning. >> i think that's right, for the moment the degree to not go any higher. but is patently false because iranians through the houthi are directly attacking u.s. shipping vessels as we speak, that is nonstop deposit iraq and syria because of getting what they want the ability to launder billions of dollars through the sale of electricity and concealing oil exports. the getting what they want ultimately and that's why they will not choose to escalate. it's only delayed, deferred, but it is not done. maria: as one of the key architects of the abraham accords, what is your view of this news yesterday that the white house is making a fresh
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push for a deal to forge ties between israel and saudi arabia. >> i think it's a bright goal and the goal that the trump administration pursued but i think is problematic. again saudi arabia cannot defend itself in the u.s. will not do it for them it appears that the divided administration and israelis are unable to do it and that leaves tehran's control and influence at a greater degree. unless we can square that and provide the necessary assurance that we will not be able to see a normalization. the vital interest is the ability of the united states and our partners in the region that manage global energy markets, we don't need to worry about everybody else in the world does and as long as we buy and sell you know your viewers better than anyone that it's in our interest to do so. maria: you've got an incredible job with abraham accords, we appreciate your time. enke. >> my pleasure, thank you spirit robert greenway joining us. jeff paul on the ground in tel
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aviv with the very latest on this conflict. >> there has been a lot of waiting and watching and israel throughout the middle east region to see how israel would respond to the past we can attack by iran. we did not know what would happen with it would look like and someone saying it's going to happen after the passover holiday the start on monday. according to our fox news military source that israel has responded to iran with a retaliatory strike in the region that is 200 miles away from the capital of tehran. this is significant, not only is the outside of the capital but it is also near the nuclear facility. we should point out the site was not hit. it appeared to target the nearby iranian airbase but it clearly shows israel not only has the capabilities to hit iran but it can do it when it chooses so. we've not heard any reports from
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the iranian state media of any direct impacts from the strike, the only comments that we've heard from iran as they were explosions and caused by the iranian air defense system. iran claims the intercepted three drones in and identified a potential source of the strike. images from state media show it resuming an iran with traffic following in the airport has not reopened after flights were briefly canceled or suspended. we should also point out we're waiting for a war cabinet meeting tonight this will be a big topic of discussion as well as ongoing war in gaza and the growing tensions in the north with hezbollah. maria: we will check back with you and all of that. stay safe. jeff paul in tel aviv. were checking markets after this. we'll be right back. ♪ 70 degrees and sunny today. amelia, unlock the door. i'm afraid i can't do that, jen. why not? did you forget something?
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[ragtime piano plays] the adversaries are back! [gasps] ugh. sheriff, i got this. protecting your business from cyber attacks can be unrelenting. today's adversaries move fast. crowdstrike moves faster. crowdstrike. we stop breaches. maria: take a look at futures. the dow industrial done 121, nasdaq that will 100 and the ten
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year treasury yield this morning is trading lower by six basis point city data level of 4.57% on the tenure. commodities we have been watching for any spike take a look at golden oil after israel strikes back at iran in retaliation for the last weakens attack. the limited strike targeting a nuclear facility ended airbase the price of gold at 2396 and change down a fraction in the price of oil at 8239, that is down as well. joining the lpl financial chief technical strategist adam turnquist, good to see you, your reaction. >> good morning thank you for having me on. at least it looks like some of the overnight tension have simmered out a little bit, oil back enough, wti $386, gold also hit a new intraday all-time highs backing off a little bit. right now the reaction initially was sell now ask questions later
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now that we are more news coming out and a limited reaction this far some of the risk safety havens are backing off from their highs. iat least a good sign going into the market. >> to you think your suggested an idea that actually at the end of the day did not have much of an impact it was more symbolic it is signal that we could go here in your country, very specified, we could do this but we won't because there are limited impacts here, do you think that is why markets have backed off the highs when you look at the spike in oil earlier? >> at least for now but i don't think it completely mitigates the geopolitical tension right now especially on a friday it feels like groundhog day waiting for the volley between iran and israel and how that plays out over the weekend. clearly that was a big factor into monday and a very weak market on monday and i played
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for the rest of the week and set the tone. i don't think were out of the woods by any means coming into today's session. maria: it's oil that is underlying the strength and inflation and elevated stance that we talk about everyday. cheryl casone jump in, i know you're looking oil and cargo traffic and the impact on inflation given that were entering the summer driving season as well. domestic gasoline. >> we saw spike in the national average for gasoline this morning we jumped to 3.68 and that's been a steady increase but here we go. my question is about the inflationary impact on the u.s. from all of this. we saw after october 7 that the houthi had no problem going after ships in the red sea, we saw a lot of cargo traffic having diverse around the horn of africa. if that scenario plays out, iran doesn't have to necessary strike israel with a retaliatory strike they have other means to go after israel and i think this could be a possible way with their proxies if that starts to
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play out again what does that mean for inflationary story in this country with gas and goods obviously with the cpi number 3.5% we've seen that jump for three months. that could get even worse. >> it certainly complicates inflation story. we think technically oil could go to $95 a barrel that is what is the trend is headed with or without any type of attack the trend has been higher coming off of the lows and you out in china potentially having a bit of a rebound in the oil demand coming back online that can be another factor driving oil and how does that play to inflation. a clearly big inflation driver and the driver adventure streets in the u.s. maria: if i'm talking about $95 a barrel oil i don't want to be invested in stocks, is that right. >> unless they are energy stocks which we like energy names have been out performers an area that we like in the market a beneficiary of not only higher
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oil but inflation hedge in the portfolio. maria: how would you assess the earnings. , netflix this morning is down on a cautious outlook for the platform subscriber growth. netflix did beat on earnings and revenue expectation in subscribers jumping 16% from last year as the company's new password sharing crackdown no longer allows you to share your password with multiple people so it's caused an increase in subscribers. your reaction, the stock down 6% right now. >> i had a pretty high bar. i think it's up over 70% off the october lows and the other big news headline that came out with a report there no longer reporting their membership which is the key metric for wall street that creates uncertainty in the analyst community doesn't like that because that's a big factor in how they viewed the company so there no longer reporting the metrics starting first quarter 2025. that is weighing on the stock
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and giving the overall conditions probably due for a pullback considering the rally. maria: we've seen when they change the way that they reported and obviously investors did not like that they want more clarity and information. good to see you. thank you, sir. >> thank you. adam turnquist readiness, the discord in the house more conservatives confronting house speaker mike johnson about the $95 billion foreign aid as american voters say no more money without security on the homeland first. south carolina congressman russell fry is here with where the house stands on the saturday vote. back in a minute. ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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maria: tomorrow the house will vote on the 60 billion-dollar ukraine bill $26 billion israel aid bill in a billion-dollar for the indo pacific region, lawmakers will consider a fourth national security related bill the border bill as well. the new daily signal poll finds 47% of voters are against the ukraine bill. only 17% of republican voters reported 50% are against israel aid bill and only 32% of republican voters support that joining the south carolina congressman russell fry a member of the house oversight judiciary government committees, congressman what is with all the
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bills? >> the unfortunate reality israel was attacked if you look at the schedule of what we were supposed to do this we could change dramatically because of what iran is doing directly, not to their proxies but directly against the state of israel. the purpose of this week is to confront that and the concern that i have that you have all the other theaters involved in particularly as you mentioned ukraine which i have real reservations about. the set up this week that we will be voted on each of these separately and we have to stand with our strongest ally in the middle east, israel but i have tremendous concerns about the ukrainian theater. each of these are part of a larger package but each of these will be separate votes for every member. maria: that's really what i'm referring to. it seems that you and your colleagues have been talking about securing the border now for a long time and you've yet to do so, that is a priority, i get that in israel as a priority
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but to jam all these other bills it's getting confusing and it appears scattered. >> you are correct, that is a problem. i've been here in congress for a year end a half and if you take a bill like this and there are things that you and your constituents like that they appreciate and they want support for israel, certainly one of those and then you add in things that they don't like and that's a problem with washington, d.c. today that you lump all these things together. i'm somewhat appreciative about that there is going to be separate votes there's not an up or down on the entire package you have the opportunity to vote for or against israel or ukraine but it is frustrating that these things happen and were not paying attention to what voters really want, they do want a secure border and i wish the president could do this without a bill today but i wish he would actually secure the border he took 52 actions against securing the border right when he took
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office let's put those back without a bill. maria: because of this we know that there is a fight underway in the house certainly marjorie taylor greene has raised the issue of vacating the speaker, now house speaker mike johnson posted this on next he will not hold a vote on raising the threshold for motion to vacate, currently it takes only one lawmaker to introduce a motion, marjorie taylor greene is threatening to do and johnson writes this in the rule change requires a majority of the full house which we do not have we will continue to govern under the existing rules, bob good who voted to out for a speaker kevin mccarthy is distancing himself from the push to remove johnson saying a vote on a new speaker should be held in november, where are you on this issue. >> i think it was incredibly reckless to get rid of kevin mccarthy and i would be the same thing about speaker johnson. there's never been a committee
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chairman or majority leader, speaker that i've ever served under in the statehouse or in congress that i agreed with 100% of the time but that is not the issue the issue is governance. if we want to replace speaker johnson that would be done in november and any move to do that now is incredibly reckless and a time where we need leadership in the house, even when you disagree with them. maria: let me go back to ukraine. i spoke with the president of poland, he's my special guest on sunday and he is urging lawmakers to send aid to ukraine. he does believe that russia imperialism is taking shape once again and vladimir putin has his sights set on poland and its neighbors. here is the president with me yesterday. >> what is your reaction to something that president trump has been talking about in terms of aid to ukraine being alone. the president has said many times that yes he agrees money should go to ukraine but it
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should be alone to be paid back. >> of course to a large extent this is an issue of domestic policy which is being implemented by the united states. i'm convinced for any help and repay any kind of loan if there is such a long granted but this support is indispensable for ukraine. maria: , the problem is the loan can be forgiven can't it? >> yes under the current bill right now that it would be forgivable loan within a short amount of time that president biden or president trump could do that. maria: the wall street journal is reporting that now president biden is considering sending a billion dollars in new arms to israel. i know you just returned from israel, you sent a letter to biden urging the white house to unilaterally support israel into everything in its power to bring the hostages home safely. biden has been calling for the cease-fire and gaza claiming it all help bring home the hostages
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but we have not heard any word from the other side in terms of hostages release. >> the reality is we need strong leadership on the world stage we have american citizens dual citizens with israel that are currently held hostage in gaza. we presume that they are still alive and it's really important to the families that we get the individuals back in the concern that i have after being there and watching it, you have an administration with an identity crisis within itself, do they support israel or don't say. all hamas sees is daylight that separates israel and the united states it is not good for the hostage families. we need to stand unilaterally with them and make sure that we get the hostages back and any daylight that exists between the state of israel in the united states is a problem in getting
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them back. we have to have a clear leadership on the world stage right now and unfortunately i don't think that we have that. maria: not to mentor president biden and the democrats have been trashing benjamin netanyahu and public leaking phone calls that they had with him which is obviously very bad forum. todd piro jumping. >> of the $1 billion that biden wants to give is given throughout the end of last year when iran attack earlier this week or would they even intimidated and say obviously the united states is 100% aligned with israel we do want to mess with the united states so we will sit this one out what do you think. >> what i'm really concerned with we allowed $6 billion in frozen iranian assets to be given back to the state of iran. we know that the fund has collected $2 billion a year and i'm happy that israel is getting aid and they need to replenish the iron dome so they can protect themselves. the concern were allowing iran to function as a country which
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directly weapon isis hamas and hezbollah against the state of israel that launched attacks all the time and that is the concern that i have right now. maria: is a real concern. good to see you. thank you very much. russell fry in d.c. we'll be right back. (qb) this is it. one play. this is when we find out... (luke) hey, quick question. student body math proficiency,
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would we say it's good? fair? satisfactory? (player 1) what? (luke) like a percentage, if you had to guess. (players) hey, get out of here man. get off the field. (luke) understood. (players) security! grab him! (marci) great student-teacher ratio... (luke) marci! we've got to go! marci! we have got to go! we bring you the real, in-depth school info. (marci) what were you thinking? (luke) i don't know. i. don't know. (vo) ding dong! morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... -alligator. are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business.
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all it takes is an idea, and now becomes the future where you grew a dream into a reality. the all new godaddy airo. put your business online in minutes with the power of ai. maria: all 12 jurors and one alternate are seated in president trump so-called new york hush money trial. cheryl casone with the details. >> former president donald trump hush money trial resumes a few hours from now a 12 person jury and one alternate was sworn in yesterday the five more are still needed here's what the former president is saying. >> i'm supposed to be in a lot
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of different places to campaign but i've been here all day on a trial that is an unfair trial. legal experts say how this is not a case, the case is ridiculous. >> opening statements could begin as soon as monday. china ordering apple to remove several popular messaging apps in the country signal, telegram, whatsapp and threads on china's target list and apple spokesperson responded saying we are obligated to follow the laws in the countries where we operate even when we disagree, those apps combined with 3 billion users globally, take a look at the stock in the premarket slightly higher. columbia university campus once again a hotbed of protest and arrest one notable protester, congresswoman ilhan omar's daughter who is facing trespassing charges after being one of the more than 100 anti-israel protesters arrested. she is now suspended from the
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college for refusing to leave campus. her response to all of this, those of us in gaza solidarity encampment will stand resolute until our demands are met. protesters set up a makeshift encampment for more than 30 hours. eventually the school's president turned to the nypd for help saying they were interfering with school operations. watch. [shouting] maria: as you could see they were handcuffed in the corrections process which were blocked by even more protesters on the streets of new york city. those are some of your head headlines. maria: thank you. the house is expected to vote tomorrow on foreign aid bills that include money for israel, ukraine and a crackdown on tiktok, the revised tiktok legislation would give bytedance a year to find new ownership instead of six months. if they pass the bill the senate could vote next week, politico
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is reporting that the chinese embassy has been held in meetings with congressional staff to lobby against the legislation that would force a sale of tiktok, joining the hudson institute senior fellow atlas organization founder and author of the decisive decade, jonathan dt ward back with me. good to see you, your reaction to the vote on tiktok. >> i think we just have to get this done. this is probably the biggest test of american seriousness on the china issue that we are facing this far as the battle in the longer-term contest against china in the new cold war and everything that were going through this is a primary battle whether or not we can get the app owned by an adversary state out of the hands of the adversary state when you have half of america on the app and just to see the new scoop from politico where the chinese embassy is out there lobbying the hill and the talking points are pretty rich. one it would harm american investors who helped to build
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bike dance and tiktok. so sequoia capital and the international group. the idea that this was ever a good investment, to go and build a technology company in the people's republic of china to nurture and watch it participate in the human rights abuses like i wanted that country and then to be concerned about losing your capital. i think we have to get serious about this and it's okay and appropriate for some of the bad investments and a new state to go down very significantly. that is part of making mistakes with american capital. maria: talking about investors let's talk about the subject that i have raised umpteen times on this program that is how individual investors are inadvertently funded the expansion of our number one adversary and that is china was so many chinese stocks trading on our u.s. exchanges, now house select committee on china investigation finds american
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financial institution facilitated the investment of more than six and a half billion dollars to 63 chinese companies that are actually blacklisted by the united states last year the committee finding the index provider ms ci facilitated three and a half, $3.7 billion into the company's alone blackrock invested $2 billion into those companies, the story is important it's a congressional investigation in its finding wall street is using billions of dollars of american retirement money and other investments to buy the index funds that are invested in chinese companies. your thoughts on this investigation, how it plays out and do investors understand what they are buying into when they by the chinese stocks in the msi index. >> a few thoughts, one this is the tip of the iceberg with a congressional committee did was cross reference the blackrock index with companies that are
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actually on the u.s. back blacklists from dod in the department of homeland security. i did the same thing in the decisive decade and pointed out some of the companies on the ms ci index and i look to actual cross reference from testimonies from the chinese concentration camp were some of those who have been in the camps were aware of the technology that was being used. so the technology, these sort of things in the on the ms ci index. it's incredible what we've been doing on the one hand the large companies like blackrock are simply involved in any investable asset on planet earth but on the other hand the fact that we have had policy action to line up identification of chinese human rights atrocities in military related companies with actual investment by the u.s. and her allies. it's time to get that done this has to turn into policy action but the good news the congress i would emphasize this, they're
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starting to see the battle space and as you know for your audience for almost five years we have been talking about the fact that the real battle spaces chinese corporations. that is how the communist party of china executes its global strategy and their military strategies in the belton road and made in china 2025. there is a hole deep rich state of chinese companies and that's what we ultimately have to be targeting and we have to pull out investment in technology and we can go after these things and degrade and destroy the companies that are worth the worst parts of the chinese state. i think we got a do that we have a lot of tools in which to do that, the list on ms ci blackrock is just the start he's only talking about $6 billion when in fact we are funneling hundreds of billions of dollars every year into the people's republic of china if you look at the broader index the actual ms ci emerging markets, those sorts
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of things, most of which is aligned with the chinese state in a whole lot of which the corporation so you're talking 97 state owned enterprises that span every key strategic industry, $4 trillion in revenue and 30 trillion in assets there is a large cluster of targetable entities and then congress also just released an act called the no limits act which is about sanctioning chinese companies that are helping to rebuild russia's defense industrial base. i talked about on the decisive decade to help make the point of the target list that we could use. here you start to get more interesting companies because you're talking about china national offshore energy companies in the major petroleum companies, the real companies some of the big as always on the second list of the no limits act, these are the economic
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strike packages which i've talked about over the years, you've got to put something together that includes entities lists, export controls, all of this and then you start taking these things out, we have many good reasons and we need to start executing. maria: that's why roger robinson speaks about this so often on the program, he sent policy on this during the reagan administration and has been very vocal about the fact that investor should not be funding the expansion of our number one adversary was funding things like iran and russia. this committee has no legislative power but is urging the lawmakers in this report to restrict capital flows as u.s. china competition intensifies. why are leaders in this country so afraid to pull back capital market lever. we have the deepest most liquid capital markets in the world and china wants to be in those markets so it can attract investment dollars and were allowing even as china continues to show that it wants to roll
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over america from surveillance to fentanyl to covid and beyond. >> if you take this within the context of fentanyl that was one of the most important hearings that the china commission did sense its inception on fentanyl last week on the hill and they pointed out is the leading cause of the drop in life expectancy in america in the leading cause of death from americans age 18 y of china is directly subsidizing the manufacturing export of illicit fentanyl materials including giving grants to the companies that are trafficking this period is probably one of the most hostile acts that is ever been undertaken against the united states in our modern history, the context of going after the companies and being ruthless about doing what needs to be done, the context is there in the committee can lead the way in terms of educating and as
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they do propose actionable work that can be done. i think they should be broad-minded, think big and i think we need to look at the chinese banking sector that's where the real vulnerability is some of the banks the chinese ambassador after putin's invasion set our companies need to step in as the west steps out and includes the major banks. i think it's time to look at that to. maria: investor should look at their holdings right now and get out of these companies, were talking about ms ci and blackrock, don't forget vanguard they are the same if not worse with all of the companies that it is invested in china. we have a spotlight on and we will continue that, thank you. jonathan dt were joining us on china. we'll be right back.
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maria: meta unveiling the latest a.i. model called llama three, will be used to upgrade the social media company a.i. tools for all the major platforms as arrival to chat gpt, elon musk and j.p. morgan jamie dimon are warning a.i. will be smarter than humans and transform society. this is something that i heard throughout tech investors years ago on our special documentary
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on artificial intelligence, joining me vice president and general counsel and george mason university professor of internet law, carl's a bow. thank you so much for being here. i know you have a new fox news op-ed and you said that we need to incorporate a.i. in our schools to compete with china, what is your outlook of a.i. and the u.s. in your reaction to what were hearing this morning. >> thank you for having me on, they're absolutely right about one thing a.i. is going to be transformative it's here to stay in making lives better today but as i point out on the fact that the u.s. has a huge skills gap going on you cai listings up 41% for job openings and we don't have the people to fill the jobs, that's for education comes necessary today almost 50% of the a.i. researchers around the world, from china while only 18 come from the united states of america. what we need to do in america,
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we need to begin training the next generation of the workforce for the next generation of technology and that starts with our schools and our education systems and that starts with a heavy focus on a.i. integration into education because at the end of the day a.i. is here to stay and the question is not weather is going to go away tomorrow but whether the united states is going to be in a.i. maker or is the u.s. going to be a technology taker from the rest of the world. we have to catch up to china and educator next-generation. maria: it certainly feels like china is taking these issues much more seriously than the u.s. looking to target or social media you have our kids swallowing tide detergent doing these crazy games and then you have the equivalent to tiktok in china talking about educational things, engineering and not games. clearly china is making this a priority in the u.s. has yet to
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do so. >> absolutely. right now we have microsoft developing a.i. technology in beijing which is a huge security risk, simultaneously china has developed something called an a.i. program which is literally scanning the research and work of thousands of developers and scientists across the world to create the best a.i. system. we need to innovate and outcompete and we need to out develop china so the united states can continue to be the world leader, one of the greatest threats is actually government intervention, receive the latest effort to create an fda certification for a.i. innovation. what's that mean, the u.s. will be way behind everyone else. maria: let's not forget china has been stealing intellectual property from the united states for decades and there's no accountability we don't hold that to account for doing so. rebecca walser jumping. >> china has a lot of things that they do they take education
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more seriously when they tell their students that they cannot play video games during the week. we can take a lot of lessons how they make their children focus on education in this country. maria: real quick before you go, your company ac to supreme court cases against texas attorney general ken paxton and ashley moody on determining the future free speech on the internet, waiting these cases stand, tell us about it. >> this is actually one of the most cases that were seen this and a case by the attorney general from the enter missouri and louisiana against a by demonstration. the biden administration leaned heavily on social media to remove covid information, leaned on them to remove hunter biden laptop information and whatnot choices fighting for across-the-board is that no government no state government and federal government nobody can tell us what we can read, see, say or speak on the internet. the free speech the first amendment holds true on social
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media just as it does for newspapers and tv broadcasters. maria: we will leave it there, thank you very much. karl joining us this morning. we'll be right back.
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