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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  April 12, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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ty. the all new godaddy airo. put your business online in minutes with the power of ai. student loan costs, energy and electricity costs, inflation and mortgage rate costs. middle class is getting creamed in this country. they can't afford the biden economy and that is the big problem but solving all of these
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problems, david asman and for lizzie mcdonald. >> you give me important orders but i'll do my best. have a great weekend. thank you very much. i am david asman and for elizabeth macdonald, "the evening edit" starts right now. ♪ is not a good day to look at your 4o1k, the dow nasdaq and s&p all ending deep in the road today, the dow it's worth over a year ending today for 70 points down. our voters fearing fears about the economy finally catching up with investors? with me, former investment banker and author of you own nothing, carol roth and congressman fox news contributor, bill mcgurn, good to see you both. carol, just because i love the title of your book, i'm going to start with you. i want to play a soundbite of chicago that president often from an old friend of ours, we
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rarely agreed on anything i like him, a straight shooter, the market was already down about 300 points but he sent the market further south with what he said. i'm going to get your reaction. rotate. >> we must get inflation back down to target. the law says we need to maximize employment, stabilize prices. thus the dual mandate and if we are not getting the job done, we have to get the job done. >> so that didn't sound like politics to me but what do you think? >> the law says what he does, the law also says anytime somebody from the fed opens their mouth, the market goes down. [laughter] i think there are three things really going on here with what's happening in the market. one, friday going into we can you have geopolitical tensions escalating like we do with iran.
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obviously there will be a risk into a weekend i think that was backed up by gold big move earlier today even though it backed up into the close. the second has he said he was talking about, the cpi data was not particularly encouraging if you work for an or june and continue to cut so there's a little bit more of a reality check about that and the third thing you had is j.p. morgan and jamie diamond who has his pulse on the economy as well and he did not give guidance for the rest of the year i think everybody was expecting so with all of those notes about the economy and geopolitics, i think you have the perfect storm. >> the bottom line for jamie diamond is you can't be spending all this money without having an inflationary effect. it's got to have an effect with joint of dollars, deficit spending in the first place that caused the problems we have with
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inflation and that was caused by drilling dollar spending plans. >> the biden administration's political problem and an economic problem is they first denied and then set it's transitory and then he said is going away. the american people feel they've been gas lit. they don't trust what they are saying, clearly. >> the inflation was much higher and biden came into office which is not true. >> he said he thinks of the rate cut very different. two different ways of looking at the data. i know which i would be inclined to end -- >> the congress is not even involved, the student debt program which is costing
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billions of dollars, donald trump spoke to that on the date the supreme court decided they were going to let biden get away with it because that's the spending that has to be done by congress in a way executive order. i want to get your reaction. rotate. >> today the supreme court, this is today. today the supreme court ruled president biden is not allowed to wipe out hundreds of billions of perhaps trillions of student loan debt which would happen very unfair to the millions and millions of people who paid their debt through hard work, it's very unfair. >> i went back into twitter, it was called twitter backbench 2019. you said exactly the same thing. think of all those people, one of whom the way virtually through elizabeth warren down on the floor when she was talking about debt forgiveness i say i paid off my kids student loan debts, are you going to give me a refund? >> this is such a frustrating
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part from the biden penetration because the government is the largest predatory around the planet, these kids have been lured into bad decisions and there's a ton of money transferred and enabled by the government from very young people to colleges and administrators. however, just like transferring debt from these students to other taxpayers, that does not solve the problem. if you want to get the government out of the way, if you want colleges to have you in the game, bring back options for bankruptcy, they actually address this issue, i think we would all agree this is a good and important thing everybody should be on board with but unfortunately president biden doesn't want to fix the problem, he just wants to buy vote. >> 84 billion is the most recent cost, according to an important much higher than what the president will admit to but bill mcgurn, the cost could be up to $600 billion already if you include this most recent debt forgiveness. this is according to mcginnis for the committee responsible
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government she's at the president has always spent more than 600 billion on debt cancellation which is as much as federal government is slated to spend on k-12 education for the next decade. that something a president should be doing. >> i think the supreme court will intervene because nothing has changed. he says he's rely on another law to do it but it's the same. i agree it's just a vote buy buying -- it alienate folks because again, my brothers and sisters and i all took out loans and paid for it. some of our children took out loans and paying for it. people pay for college. what does it say to them? i think they are paying attention and -. david: the audacity to continue to break the law. our legal system depends on the supreme court to make the final decision. they make the final decision a
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techno, i just want to change -- >> the loans themselves inflate college prices where it's an industrial policy for the colleges. they get all of this money, no skin in the game at the price of kids getting way into debt over the head with a degree that will never pay off, a disaster. david: thank you very much, have a great weekend. former president trump and house speaker mike johnson joining a press conference to unveil a new bill to prevent noncitizens from voting in federal elections but there's a lot more to this meeting for just that announcement. could be the future of the next presidency. with me now to break it down, political commentator kaylee mcghee white ford o'connell. good to see you both. kaylee, we have to say upfront, speaker johnson wants to make sure donald trump will help him remain speaker. a couple of phone calls like donald trump could do that maybe
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to marjorie taylor greene, just throwing that out there. do you think donald trump will have speaker johnson stay speaker johnson? >> the i think so because heading into the november election, a stable gop. when you have petty squabbles over house leadership, every few months, it throws the entire thing into a ruckus that undermines republican party's ability to win voters moving forward. if mike johnson is the chitin republicans need to decide that, stick with him and keep moving forward white frankly, it would be better for mike johnson to have donald trump stay in the speakership and it would be for hakeem jeffries are these other democrats who suggested they might save mike johnson if he gives what they want ukraine funding so it's the best case for him right now. david: and trumps interest speaker johnson remain speaker. >> i agree with kaylee on that. it's about stability because
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remember what the democrats want, they can't run on the economy, they can't run on the border, they are basically saying republicans are nothing but chaos and that's how they will take the house of representatives and give them what we are right now in terms of the electoral. we have a great chance to not only when the white house and win back the senate but also hold the house of representatives and right now it will have to be done through stability. david: we also have this controversial about pfizer bill, reauthorizing part of the pfizer bill. former president trump him out with a statement that he said just kill pfizer. speaker johnson wants to compromise on that somewhat, he had apparently in person meeting with folks telling them it's important to get the back as and we know there are a lot of bad guys because of the open border that pfizer courts can help capture particularly if there's a trump administration coming up where does it end? you think trump will press him on that as well?
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>> i would imagine so. it's not that with publicans deny the importance of pfizer as a national security prerogative but as trump has mentioned, it has been abused repeatedly by the same intelligence agencies that for example, targeted his campaign in 2016 so if you have a lot right for abuse, at the very least it should be revised to make that abuse more difficult in the long run. i think that's what mike johnson is trying to do, there is some division into republican party over this issue but republicans would be smart to adopt sensible reforms democrats could also agree to while still maintaining the integrity of pfizer as a national security tool. david: one think they would both agree on one 100% is this bill to prevent noncitizens from voting even if democrats kill it in the senate, at least they would have to go on the record saying they are in favor of noncitizens voting if they vote against that.
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it's an important thing for the republicans to put out right now before the election, no? >> you are absolutely right. the biden migrant invasion is a willful attempt to basically import a new set of voters and what president trump is basically saying, we need to have election safeguards chief among the safeguards should be proof of citizenship u.s. citizenship that is, to vote in federal elections and biden a penetration and democrats are completely against this. arizona is the only state in the country i believe requires proof of citizenship to vote in both state and federal elections and get for the last two years, the biden administration has been suing the state of arizona over this. david: thank you both, appreciate it. have a great weekend. coming up to mock the u.s. closely monitoring what it deems to be credible threats of iranian attack on israel. response to israel's strike on iran's damascus consulate. back at home, fbi director chris different rate describes a fear of tornadoes attack on the u.s. congressman kevin from the house foreign affairs committee break this down for us next on "the
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publicly tried to retaliate following airstrikes in damascus syria two weeks ago. on these escalating tensions, let's welcome congress and kevin from the house foreign affairs committee. good to see you. it's very strange around what continue to telegraph over the past two weeks they've been doing it but there is going to be retaliation strike. you think it's more bluster than reality or are we preparing for something really big? >> we will seek. but we do israel on a regular basis, they walk through their proxies, thematically fund hezbollah and yemen and certainly hamas and these groups are attacking israel, violating on at the daily basis behind the horror of october 7 so thus the weight iran prefers to do things, they like to find using money they got from the last administration is proxies that e
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know that us the way iran prefers to operate and we also know they are adverse to doing anything that threatens stability of their own regime so i think it is hard to say exactly what might come next year but any assessments should bear those things in mind israel prefers it to their proxies and they don't want the proxies. david: quick practice they are, they're getting a good deal from the biden administration under the trump administration, maximum pressure and all of these sanctions causing them not to have enough money to fund these terrace organizations. maybe october 7 wouldn't have happened if they had been as flat broke as a work during the trump administration so they don't want to lose that kind of cozy relationship which they have for some reason, i think because the u.s. still wants iranian nuclear deal they have with the u.s. right now. >> that's right and this goes back to the obama administration's extremely
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misguided deal with iran and the results of billions, massive funding in the money goes to purchase weapons to arm hamas, hezbollah and go and attack israel and strongest allies in the middle east. one of the most misguided policy decisions of modern history of our country and israelis are literally surrounded by iranian proxies that threaten them every day. >> we are going to talk with the former fbi director chris recker coming up but the dispute and congress today between some members of congress who thought there should be a provision to change surveillance warrant issue, how did you vote on that? are you in favor of the amendment about the surveillance or against it? i do vote in favor back, i think it's a typo at the end of the day so extreme the close
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democrats voted yes and democrats. what i think is clear is number one the fisa program is extremely important to u.s. national security and the threats but number two, this authority has a massively abuse in recent years so we have been working on the judiciary committee all your trying to reform fisa and allow it to continue to serve as a national security purpose while not threatening the privacy and civil liberties of americans and notwithstanding the fact that the amendment didn't pass, there are a number from dozens of reforms of reauthorization bill designed to provide accountability. david: i certainly shouldn't threaten democracy, it did during the trump administration. finally, got asked about california, you are a state legislator before you became u.s. congressman. it's in bad shape, 5.3% unemployment rate. you have 74 -- by the way, you
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are leading the nation and on appointment, $74 billion deficit right now and they can't account for 24 billing dollars they've spent on the homeless crisis which obviously didn't do a lot of good because you still have a homeless crisis. who is in charge here? >> that's a great question. we just got that, i had requested over almost four years ago when i was in state legislature, audit all of this that's coming in the administration will kill the audit so finally if approved, we just get the report this week that shows as you say, 24 billing dollars increased homelessness spending and where has the money gone? it's done no good at all and the problem has gotten worse, over half unsheltered homeless in the whole country in california right now. david: unbelievable. thank you very much for being here, appreciate it. coming up, former acting dhs secretary chad wolf on afghan migrant, terror watch list able
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to roam free in the u.s. after being released by border patrol and immigration judge. he's now set to be in federal custody plus deputy assistant attorney general john you and look at the head, former president trump hush money trials at the kickoff. all of this next on "the evening edit". ♪ (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪)
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former president trump new york hush money trial set to begin next week. breaking news on that, fox news eric john live with what we can expect. >> the defendant has he will testify. former president trump at his monologue news conference a few moments ago thank you will testify at this trial, the trial set to start monday with jury selection 10:00 a.m. here in the criminal court. former president facing 34 separate counts of falsifying
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business records for hiding one 30,000 dollars in payoffs during the 2016 presidential race. all the corrupt and hide alleged affair with porn star stormy daniels. he denies that. former president accused of funneling the money through his lawyer, michael cohen. the funds used to reimburse were really listed by the trump administration as legal exp expenses. cohen is expected to testify here. the checks were signed by the former president and one signed by donald junior. the charges pumped up from misdemeanor to felony prosecutors because of the manhattan das office said the payments were campaign violations during the campaign. trump is required to attend the trial which will keep him off the campaign trail potentially through mid june. he accused the judge of wrongdoing and conflict of interest because his daughter works for a political consulting firm whose clients have been prominent democrat including president biden.
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>> this judge should be recused and the case should be thrown out. he's totally conflicted. there's never been a judge more conflicted than this one. the has virtually never been anything like it. >> the state judicial ethics commission from the judge has no conflict of interest jurors will be asked if they support trump. do they support the qanon movement? the of keepers, three pres presenters, google boys and the group antifa. potential jurors will not be asked about the political affiliation or from whom they intend to vote for president in november. if the former president is convicted, he could be sentenced to anything from probation to four years in prison and no matter what, he could still run for president but the big news headline right now is he does intend to testify at this trial monday. david: thank you very much for that, let's welcome to the show former deputy assistant attorney general john yoo, your reaction?
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what you think about the president testifying? is a wise choice by the defense? >> that's an earth shattering choice for the trial itself because this is primarily case about documents, prosecution claiming president trump tried to hide this payoff which should have been accounted for as a campaign contribution even though the federal government which is in charge of the campaign chose not to prosecute. president trump would be completely within his constitutional rights not to testify. that said, we in the business of second-guessing choices president trump makes with how to deal with the public because that's what this really is, he's not trying to do this to win the trial, he's trying to appeal . david: is not going to be televised, we should say that so we will have to wait for those moments when he comes out of the trial to speak as long as he's not under any gag order during
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the trial itself so how will the message get out of what happens inside the courtroom? >> i think he wants to show he's been persecuted -- i agree with this trial legally is very weak and the facts are week and not even sure constitutional can be prosecuted and got nothing to hide. i'm waving my 50 minute rights and it gives them freedom to talk in front of the court. maybe that's the right political choice, i would say legally that's not the smartest move, waive your right like that. >> self-incrimination. david: this is the case that was turned down by federal prosecutors, they look at it, they didn't think the case was there and they were thinking of it as a misdemeanor, the fact that the da, the local da alvin bragg had a terrible track record handling the situation, time situation but he is a very
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political da, he's come out against donald trump. he upgraded to a felony. you just can't do those, a week case to begin with, where are you going to go with that if you are the persecution? >> with got to step back from the trial and realize how significant this is. not only are we putting on trial for the first time in history, former president, also one of two major candidates for the presidency in the upcoming election, are we going to allow politically elected das to interfere with who we are allowed to vote for trying to disrupt the way elections are working at the national level x i think it's a big mistake and also what's on trial monday whether we should allow da to use these, i hate to use the term trumped up charges to interfere with our elections. david: isn't that what's happening with letitia james, brought by the attorney general
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of new york or the judge take this huge fine out of the air and supposedly fraud case where there was no victim so you have this have a billion-dollar find which was turned down, brought down about two thirds by the appellate court but still, a huge fine for something that has no victim. she of course campaigned on the issue of getting trump. >> you put your finger on it because what you are seeing, the new york attorney general case, the case imploding and georgia, you see all these elected state and local officials rushing to judgment trying to influence the elections, they are sloppy in putting together cases that are collapsing, it shows how poorly this was done and as someone who's a former justice department official, i worry they are sacrificing public faith in our justice system and
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courts in constitutional system which in the long run is more important than trying to get president trump or anybody. david: we have begun to talk about the list, talk about somebody who makes people disparage our legal justice, another whole deal and jack smith. great to see you, thank you so much, appreciate it. switching now to this horrendous story about afghan migrant on the terror watch list apparently who was released twice after coming in to the country illegally. home and security claims he's in custody but how many more suspected terrorists are roaming loose after just walking through open borders? let's welcome to the show former acting dhs secretary chad wolf. as we are seeing iran and hezbollah ratchet up threats against israel and the west, would you be surprised to find hezbollah cells have just walked into the u.s. right now? we come anymore terrorists here already. >> unfortunately, the answer is no, we have historic prices
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along the border so we have millions of folks coming across the border that are being properly vetted checked and being released into american communities so this isn't the first time over the last three years, we seen individuals like them a terrace watchlist be released only to be picked up by law enforcement and released again so it is disconcerting on a variety of different fronts but sort of like the copper can't shoot straight, the individual who can't get their stuff together to make sure we protect american communities because you have an overwhelming crisis along the border, it is concerning. >> this guy was afghan but i mentioned has a lot because they are funded by iran, iran has hundreds of billions of dollars that they didn't have during the trump administration because they waived a lot of sanctions on iran and they been able to sell oil for tens of millions, now over 100 billion extra they have but this guy who was released twice, once by the
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security guards at the border, the second time by a judge, he was able to post 12,000 dollars bond, an immigrant walking across the border usually doesn't have 12,000 dollars in his pocket and leaves suspicion hezbollah and iranian money and there is money behind these better coming in right now. >> no doubt there's money behind it but all of the individuals coming across the southern border are not poor, they are not being persecuted. there's a lot of individuals, chinese nationals coming across the border have funding and money and resources so that's not unique to what we've experienced the last three years but absolutely, there are individuals national security threats and public safety threats coming across the border almost on a daily basis now and there's organizations behind them and that's what's concerning, most concerning for border patrol agents and others, national security threat facing the united states and it doesn't necessarily manifest itself 24,
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48 hours or months after it crosses the border. it is here in the united states, open society able to move around and able to do certain activities and blending and it's only later, perhaps years later it becomes a bigger issue. david: we have seen hezbollah cells in the u.s. before, busted in 2001, september 2001 overshadowed by the events of 9/11 but a huge operation they had, smuggling tobacco around the united states to make money and then there's something called project cassandra, a plan cooked up in 20082 crackdown on the use of drugs in the united states being used to make money for hezbollah operations. that operation was shut down by the obama administration and john brennan right before he was cia director was working with president obama, many people say it was because they were trying to get hezbollah, trying to get
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hezbollah to be nice guys. john brennan said the next president has the opportunity speaking of obama, to set a new course for relationship between the two countries, iran and the u.s. not only direct dialogue but greater assimilation of hezbollah and lebanon's political system. that's pie-in-the-sky stuff that's led to dangerous empowering of hezbollah in the middle east but could not still be going on? could be still be coddling iran to the extent that it is to the benefit of has a lot and they may be able to get ubuntu the united states who will do mischief here? >> i think so and under this administration because this is another version of the obama administration, a lot of the same officials at a different level are serving in the biden administration in a similar view when it comes to iran. likely a similar feel when it comes to hezbollah think it is very possible the same things going on director brennan and others are advertising for the
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obama administration taking behind the scenes in the biden administration so i think it is possible, history has proven not only obama administration wrong when it comes to iran but certainly biden administration as well. you see this weather iran, afghanistan, these decisions making foreign policy perspectives can have repercussions here at home and in the homeland and i hold my breath and hope we can get past this, we are not going to see something devastating here at home. david: we haven't even begun to talk about tied up with 44000, now on top to have 4000 chinese nationals in this country in this fiscal year. you very much, appreciate you being here. the house passing a bill to renew keep federal government surveillance tool a week before it set to expire but not without hiccups along the way. former assistant fbi director chris record to break that down next but first, let's check in
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with dagen and sean and see what they have. >> we have a show that's going to razzle and dazzle reauthorizing fisa, is going to be more complicated but we have congressman from texas who will join us as well as trump alleged hush money case going to trial monday facing 136 years in prison. what? alan dershowitz to discuss. >> former member of kari lake arizona, senate candidate in that state, joe and kamala keep talking about abortion because that is all they have got. they got nothing on the economy, steve forbes and stephen moore on that, student loan bailout hurting to rescue the few the top of the hour. ♪ your clients rely on you for all that?
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raised a measure to reconsider the boat. blocking the bill to head to the summit of these for now. bring us now, former fbi assistant director, chris swagger, great to see you. former president trump to spoke about isaac work came out with true social hosting a couple of days ago think kill fisa, he's amended that little bit, perhaps talking with speaker johnson, i want to play that and get your reaction. >> i'm not a big fan of fisa, i looked at it and studied and know it probably better than anybody they spider my campaign and a lot of bad things, not a
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fan of fisa but i told everybody, i said do what you want. david: it is true they spider on his campaign at it's also true fbi lawyer lied about evidence in front of fisa court in order to spy on an american affi affiliated, carter page, with president trump so it's amazing he's pulled back a little bit from saying kill fisa, what is your opinion? >> is not -- this justice department can't be trusted and we need isa, let's put it that way. we need the tools to stop terrorists, foreign intelligence services. this is a necessary tool but those that abuse it need to be held accountable and it never happened in that case for those cases so i get it, you can't kill fisa though. what you can do is modify 702, scary provisions and you are talking about hard-core law enforcement officer here and intelligence officer and 702 has
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some backdoors to it, american citizens and make pretty broad runs at communications of american citizens that are incidental to contact with foreign nationals so a little scary there. that's really attention used to go. david: that's precisely where jim jordan was on fox earlier spoke to and he's one of those who sponsor this amendment. alta played out because i think he explains exactly what you are saying very clearly about why he wanted to put an amendment in there. >> the part that is up for reauthorization is the 702 program for our government on foreigners but in the process, they pick up all kinds of information about americans and what we are saying is if you are going to search that database, 702 database, the stack of information, giant haystack, he will search american citizens, you got to go get a warrant if you will search their data.
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david: is not just a couple one or two or even a dozen cases where americans were swept into this surveillance, surveillance of foreigners, it happened to 78000 times according to -- according to jim jordan, that's the washington post and you know the details, but haven't quite a bit. >> please political appointees come and go and the security area at high levels and apparently they couldn't resist the temptation of doing some political enemies and political opponents if they can't be trusted so something has to be built in 2702 and there ought to be stiff criminal penalties flying to of fisa court for any type of fisa abuse. this is our civil liberties, this is an our livelihoods, you could be terribly stigmatized by this type of information getting
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out and people thinking you are under investigation, trump how to deal with, nobody should have to deal with. david: final, we have to make it quick but you hear about the deep state and we saw it in action during the trump of administration, clearly out to get him, both the cia and members of the fbi, both organizations, was a cartel in their that had that, could they continue to use fisa during another trump administration? is there anyway by tweaking it you could prevent that from happening? >> exactly what one of the proposals does, it kicks the can down the road, the trump administration so it can be cured but there needs to be thoughtful targeted cares. david: thank you so much for coming in, appreciate it. we have "wall street journal" investigative reporter brody mullins on his latest about millions of ordinary americans becoming unwitting foot soldiers
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david: the recent debate in congress over whether or not to ban tiktok spark ising fierce backlash from tiktok-addicted
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americans particularly after the app urged the users to call their representatives and tell them to vote against the ban. now a piece in the "wall street journal" highlights how big tech influencers vote to indirectly lobby for them. joining me now is investigative reporter and the author of the upcoming book "the wolves of k street," brody mullins. thank you for being here. by the way, k street, for those outside the beltway, means those lobbyists inside the beltway. let me focus on tiktok for a second. how much time and money have they put into their a lobbying here? >> great question. before coming on, i looked into these numbers for you of. in to 19 tiktok spent $150,000 lobbying washingtonings which is not peanuts, but it's a little more than the peanut industry spend lobbying that year. last year tiktok spent $8 million. $8 million doesn't make it one of the biggest players, but it's a huge growth rate, and it starts to rival some of the biggest lobbying operations in all of washington. david: and how to do their,
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lobbying activities differ from those of the regular k street people, the petroleum industry, for example? if. >> well, tiktok has a huge advantage in that it has 100 million users around the country that the company can contact at any moment to try to get a lobby message out. what we saw about a month ago is that they sent a message to the a few hundred thousand of their users and said, hey, congress is trying to ban tiktok, and many of those users turned around and called their e members of congress or texted them or messaged them in some way which really helps tiktok show the lobbying muscle and the popularity it has around the country. a. david: by the way, are its lobbyists, do they have to register as foreign agents in and if so is, to which government? >> they don't have to register. foreign companies don't have to register. foreign governments do. so in this case, tiktok does not have to register with fara. today do have to register the as lobbyists -- david: can yeah. but a lot of people say it works at the behest of what the ccp
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wants, so isn't that skirting the issue a bit. >> you know, that's the concern that everyone has, is tiktok being used as a tool of the chinese government, and if so, that's a huge problem. i don't think that's exact will hi prune if yet, but it's a big concern. david: i don't think there's anything going to happen to tiktok before the election, because i think both sides are desperate to get the demo vote of young people. the biden administration's lost a lot of young people. the trump administration -- the trump campaign wants to get those people on its side, and both of them realize how valuable tiktok would be to that purpose. is that true? >> i think you're 100% right. mine, i don't know how things are in your house, but my girl are not yet on tiktok, but they're on youtube constantly. and if you try to take it away from them, which i have tried to, it's a miserable failure. and i think with tiktok, it's the same way. 100 million people who with love this app and don't want to give it up, i think a guaranteed way of losing an election would be
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to piss off 100 million americans. [laughter] david: and we remember, by the way, in 2016 facebook played a huge role in trump's success. jared kushner, his son-in-law, used it very effectively. and perhaps they think they can do the same with tiktok this time. >> that's a great point. other than just simply taking it away, which would upset people, it can be used as a tool to help the biden or trump campaigns get to those very voters they want to get to the polls. david: right. i know they've got millions of dollars, but this is free advertising. you use it properly, it can make or break a campaign. boldty, what's the name of your book again, quickly? >> the wolves of k street, on sale preorder anywhere. david: brody, thanks a million. ing have a great weekend. i'm david asman in for elizabeth macdonald. thanks for watching "the evening edit" on fox business, and now it is time for "the bottom line" with dagen and sean. take it away, gang. deag taig thank you, david. ♪


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