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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  April 11, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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lar >> biden's inflation game never seems to end. he is spreading dei mandates like a woke virus. vivek ramaswamy will weigh in on that, and we have jason and brian brenberg, message to wall street no rate cuts and senator kevin kramer, what is he doing for us. and 330 thousand illegal immigrants flown to florida. we have florida house member anna paulina luna and pennsylvania scott perry, will iran retaliate against israel, we ask former israeli ambassador david friedman, but first the edward lawrence is live at white house with latest.
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reporter: white house trying to remessage the economy president trying to turn the saggy poll numbers, but prices remain 19% higher from month president biden took office. this is what president said, about inflation ins regard en yesterday. >> >> we have dramatically reduced inflation from 9% down to close to 3%. we're in a situation where we're better situated than we were when we took office where inflation was skyrocketing, and we have a plan to deal with it. reporter: president is wrong, inflation was under 2% for 11 consecutive months leading up to january 2021. and the month president biden was sworn in inflation was 1.4%, not skyrocketing, here is white house press secretary cleaning up the comments. >> we walked in the
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pandemic, dis disruption of the supply chain. >> he did not say supply chain he side inflation. >> that is what he was referring to, they were happening before us, the pandemic it was taking thousands of lives a day when he took office. reporter: let's look at how this started and where it is going president pushing his force transition to look, electric up 29.5% since day president biden came to office, but in grower grocery store all food up 21% in the time. >> the doing everything wrong, they are i'm implementing taxes and continuing energy, and assault on nempl energy and banks and over regulation,. reporter: president saying his plan is working.
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larry: yeah. his plan is working. you know. >> left you speechless. larry: you know, he is entitled to his opinions 'policy but not to lie about facts, that is the problem i'm having, policies, i get it, he is a liberal, you can't just lie with impunity. edward lawrence thank you. larry: folks. want to hear a great stat, a gallup poll just asked voters about electric vehicles, maybe biggest center piece of joe biden's policies talks about it all of the time. his green bureaucracy spends their days telling americans, how they are supposed to live, what they can and cannot buy, you know the litany, dishwashers, microwaves, and shower heads and gas stoves and gas powered cars, in the name of climate change. our friend bjorn lomborg
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estimates that global government spending to climate change, each year, is now 27 trillion dollars. each year. and has not moved the needle one bit. back to gallup and ev, 1% percentage of people -- 1 year percentage of people who might consider buying an electric vehicle have dropped, and people who are seriously considering buying an electric vehicle has dropped from 12% to 9%, and those over in buying one has gone -- never buying one gone up from 41% to 48%, they are staggering numbers, and car salesman joe biden is out there selling the lemons. biden's electric vehicles, are the modern day ed sill ed sol of our time, ford
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brought it out, it was one of biggest failures, three years later they buried it. i'm betting at some point in presidential campaign mr. biden buries talking about electric vehicles, give it a maybe. david axelrod told biden to drop bidenomics and instead adopt more of a clinton e nesque message of i feel your pain and we're working harder to do better, but instead he is blaming don donald trump, inflation in particular. which not only stubborn but moving higher like an inflation thief stealing middle class wages in the middle of the night. hat tip to "wall street journal." they are not go federate cuts to juice biden's sagging election year economy. real worker wages are going down again, over course of
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his president see, real hourly wages have dropped 2. 5%. real weekly rage -- wages dropped 4.5% biden keeps blaming trump, who was inainaugurated 7 years ago this is the dumbest blame game. look at score board. under biden. the level of cpi has gone up over 19% in 38 months. his average inflation rate per year is 6.1%. the highest in 40 years. under trump, for his entire 4 year term, the cpi level up only 7%. or 1.9% yearly. blame trump? for what? you think that joe biden would try to convince working class folks he will
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brwill -- bring down inflation by for example cutting government spending. that' thought, but he won't say it because he didn't believe it, he is not doing it. we're half way through the fy 24 year and deficit is now a trillion dollars half way true the year on track for two trillion. for the whole year. which is basically what the cbo baseline shows, roughly 2 trillion dollar deficit as far as the eye can see. that is most certainly not reducing anon inflation. come back to joe biden's center piece green new deal policy, misnamed inflation reduction act will probably cost a trillion dollars in the years ahead. for what? for cars people don't want? for federal slush funds? for politically favored
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visitors and producers who love the greatest corporate we'll f -- well fair in history? by the way. have you soon a lot of electric chargers in your insuburban neighborhood, if your electric vehicle battery runs out can you tall a tow truck trait or -- call a tow truck operator who will have a han handy lan electric charger connection. have luke at auto insurance rates, because electric vehicles are more dangerous and harder to prepare biden keeps blaming trump. he keeps spreading untruths about trump's record, and his own. biden's spending and deficit and debt creation, more untruths. that is not a platform, that not a future i have vision, every time biden lies he
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diminishes confidence in his ability to lead the government. people have no confidence that his policies will provide future growth and opportunity. actually, they don't know what his policies are, excepting to blame trump, you know, what that is a political loser if i have ever seen one, okay. that is my riff. now. great fun, joining us vivek ramaswamy. former 2024 presidential candidate, author of nation of victims, identity politics. we love having you, a few moments cost of living inflation has gone up, real wages for worker folks going down biden is blaming donald trump, and knocking out two trillion deficits a year, i have never seen anything so bad, that includes selling this lemon electric vehicle thing, which is ford ed sill of our time.
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>> first, simple, end the electric vehicle subsidies. this is capitalism, state directed capitalism. prices are up. interest rates are up to fight the inflation, wages in 19 parts have re-- many parts have remained flat. whatever they call it, the numbers speak for themselves for the people in their daily lives, if we can seize on that message to say capitalism is still the best known system known to man to lift us up from poverty, we dean have to apologize for
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our success, whether in middle class or wealthy categories, that is what will lift this country. we should not apologize for it. larry: you know, i don't know we should apollvise for freedom and preconsumer choice. -- i don't think we should apologize for freed emand free consume are choice. the bidens trying to jamming down so many things in the name of climate change, and the misnamed inflation reduction act is about spending a trillion dollars more for climate change on stuff people don't want, you say let them choose, take subsidies away, you could save a trillion dollars, if mr. trump wins his budget people will go after the subsidies right away. top of the list, i have talked with some people in the budget area, people that i worked with. go on after that stuff, right away. and that stuff you know
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canceling that stuff will help you could support continuing mr. trump's tax cuts, and growing the economy at 4 or 5% not 2%. we should not be. -- free consumer choice is part of freedom. that is my point. >> absolutely, the fact that we have to sit here and talk about it, these are basic concepted. you think about those kinds of changes yes trump administration should take on that low hanging fruit. but this is base level stuff, let consumers choose what they want to buy. that is the way our system has worked for 250 year, that is what made america the greatest economic experiment in history of man kind. we don't need to reinvent the socialist models of government control of the economy. that is the alternative left's vision. but the beauty is most
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americans reject it. most people here agree you should be able to achieve maximum of your potential, with your own hard work and commitment and tedcasion without anyone -- and dedication without penalizing with you a tax code, that penalizes success. we're done with it, we need a path to excellent. larry: you will love this one biden government making a big push putting out an executive order that all federal bureaucracy people, everyone, hhs, education, you name it, they want this, sba, the whole list, instead they will get paid add m adminstative leave to go out on an election year that sounds like voter
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har investing, here is more. -- harvesting, and dei orders running through state department, and the defense department. then you have the other business where they are trying to push through the climate corps. the fuzzy woke climate people, trying to mobilize the government to reelect joe biden, i have never seen anything like this, and the emphasis on dei, antis-- what to you think? this is new? >> you think about mobilizing federal bureaucracy. to reelect joe biden don't forget the top of the list.
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there is a 3 word answer to this. i stand by it shut it down. we should not have millions of federal power -- bureaucrats crawling around washington d.c., there are three branches of government in u.s. government, executive, legislative and judicial there is no fourth administrative branch, one thing that we've seen in biden administration which is frightening, that we've seen, is weaponnization of that administrative state to do political bidding of the administration, getting done through the back during of the administrative states what they could not get done through the front door of law making that is a danger to the constitution of our republic. we have seen it in doj and fbi. that has never happened before, it happening now, 'is not just at level of doj, it is ram rampant
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across 3 litter agencies across -- letter agencies across the board, the threat to our -- are people, across americans and businesses across this country, and right answer is get in there, you can't reform that beast, you have to slay it, shut it town, a second trump term will be poised to go further than the first trump term in getting the job done, if there is one thing this save this republic is shut down that fourth branch of government. larry: amen to that. vivek, the executive orders, by the way are challenged and with the supreme court, but thetic ons executive order to use current bureaucracy to go out and i'll say win the election or steal the election for joe biden, he is trying to mobilize bureaucracies like we've never seen before, his throw out the hat and
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politicize everything, give me your last word. >> my last word, i don't mean to be foreboding but i believe this is just the tip of the iceberg, they have made clear they will stop at nothing to keep donald j. trump from retaking the white house, i fire next 7 months we'll -- i f fear the next 7 months we'll see unprecedented things that we've not seen, wenoid to stand up and deliver a landslide of historic pro poge. larry: terrific, always energizing. we'll see you soon. >> coming up on kudlow, jason trennert and brian brenberg, a message to wall street no rate cuts. hang with kudlow, you know we shoot them straighter than the master's golf tournament, much more fun, i'll be right back.
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larry: a message from wall street, no rate cuts, joining us to talk about it, jason trennert. and our own brian brenberg. welcome to you. let us play a clip from joe
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biden. react to this. >> i do stand by my prediction that before the year is out there will be a rate cut, we're in a situation where we're better situated than we were when we took office where inflation was sky-rocketing and we have blaine plan to deal with it. larry: 3 things go othere will berate cuts and there is skyrocketing inflation and what the third, they have a plan. i had it in my riff. deficit first half of fiscal -- already a trillion you will hit 2 trillion, cbo baseline, all right, go ahead jason you start. you have 3 options, wonderful biden quotes. >> first, i may agree with him on fact that fed is easing, because i think they -- they are hell be b
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bent on seizing. larry: oh. >> they to not -- they want biden to win. they do not want president trump to win. i would say idea they inher ited inflation crisis is factually untrue. if you look at the data, inflation on inauguration day, we did our common man cpi, people's standard of living has deteriorated by 7 or 8%. it is the opposite. reverse core, it is food, it is you know food and energy and shelter, clothing,. larry: insurance? >> insurance. >> there you go. larry: this is exploding, electric -- stupid ev insurance up 20%. in first quarter according to la larry lindsey.
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>> all things you have to buy. larry: how much is that. >> up 22%. since 2001. -- wages up last year up 3. 90%, it is outpacing cpi . larry: brian, you think that fed will cut? >> i don't think so, i don't think so, i hear what you say on politics of it, but the data does not support it. and i think they will have a very hard time saying we'll go ahead with this biden will hate it. this is going to happen biden said we will get a cut, watch what e elizabeth warren and bernie sanders are doing, they are the mo on mouth piece, they will call for the cuts
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so hard. >> that will make it so hard to make the cuts. they would be woke wienie dummies. >> powell will say we're not cutting. larry: taylor riggs said this. j. powell new favorite thing, core services, x-rents. up 8. 2%. the other measures up 4 1/2%. market price indicators, remember that, gold up, crb . you goldman sachs, that stuff is booming bond rates are rising. a savvy investor? >> look at financial assets, bitcoin, gold, stocks, credit spreads are tight at
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a drum, everything telling that you financial conditions are easy, the case is getting worse for the fed to ease not better. larry: are you kidding, back to reading you read larry lindsay. old friend. he is not only changed his mind, i don't care what forward future people think they have been young for 300 years, they are moving it to september. sure. he reminded us, larry lindsay, that janet yellen, a poor treasury secretary, but a good me fed chair, she tightened raised fed funds rate after the election in 2016, the fed meeting was in december she raised fed funds target, i think a couple more times in 2017, because inflation -- i
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am suggesting brian brenberg, that j. powell is reading that playbook, that there is -- not only will there be no rate cuts, but they may have to raise rates after the election. >> let me say. >> long shot maybe. >> this is watershed moment, you go one of two ways, if you do that, that tells you that fed may be reestablishing real independence. you make a good case if he cuts, no mistake right now given the data, you have a hopelessly politicized fed. one is a great move. and one is terrible. larry: and potential well -- worse and worse inflation story. that would be a repeat of the 1970s. then you would see will do are crashing, gold is up -- dollar crashing and you can't do it, how could a
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smart investor like you suggest they will cut rates, i don't understand. >> i am being realistic. itelling you what i think is likely, not what should happen. larry: what should happen. >> you are now running treasury department. >> they should stop spending money they don't have. larry: oh,. >> you can't run budget deficit 7% of gdp . you can't do that with unemployment rate below 7. >> below 4. >> no coordination. that is why this is impossible in my opinion to put the tooth paste back in the to tube. getting -- >> the inflation resuscitation plan biden spending will make fed's work impossible. >> that is something, and
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biden is out there with a straight face. >> and sunglasses on. >> you are pretty damn good, thank you, you can catch brian with taylor riggs and jackie deangelis weekdays 1 p.m. it is a fabulous the big money show. and coming up on kudlow biden flying 333 thousand illegals to florida in the dead of night. we'll talk about it with florida congresswoman anna paulina luna, and congressman scott perry. >> senator ke kevin -- -- kevin cramer, he scored a win on gas powered cars, i am kudlow, stick around.
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larry: all right. let's head to capitol hill, joining us now florida congresswoman anna paulina luna, pennsylvania congressman scott perry welcome to you both. thank you.
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>> thank you. >> anna, you have got a problem. this according to numbers that i found, the illegal immigrants flying over to the united states, bypasses go and borders and by passing tsa, 387 thousand. an athe numbers are came up with 327,000 have gone to into florida. you are as they say league leader, major league leader, how is this possible, how is that policy possible? and what if anything can either of you do about it. >> well, this administration has been doing everything they can to not only lie to american people about true numbers. to be clear there upward over 22 million illegals here, but references florida, our government set forward some of the strongest immigration laws in country, illegal immigration laws, if we come
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across them, we deport them, whether or not biden wants anything to do with it not in the state of florida. larry: what do you do. if they are flying them in from venezuela or someplace. what can you do about it. i know governor desantis is very tough on this to his great credit, what can you do? >> well, i can tell you we already did your job as congress, we passed h.r. 2 last year. our bar for border security, senate has been sitting on this and lying to american people on what is happening with immigration, my colleague representative scott perry has been on for multiple times and say are we honestly allowing senate to sit on this or get tough at negotiating table. >> other thing we could do, anna and i tried our best, take away funding that the this administration biden administration, has been using to fly those people into america illegally, we
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could take away funding they use to bring them across border illegally other thing coming in november, you know what that is. larry: yes. i get that scott, let me stay with you on this to anna's point, you have hr2, a very good bill. i guess the senate will not look at this. can you stick to your guns on this? i know you have a ukraine funding bill, ukraine israel and so forth. people are focused on the border. the border is the border, so important. is there a way is there a strategy as we move into this second of congress -- section of congress, to move hr2 to press it, threaten no action on other bills, and et cetera. i don't want to put up the options, i want to hear what you say. >> i agree. i think that my colleague, from florida, agrees with the same, any bill a must
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pass, including this supplemental they are envisioning whatever it is, anna and i do not know what is in it assuming they come up with something, wild insist like -- wild we'll insist on passing hr2, but also metrics associated with that, just passing a bill, as you know, is not forcing the biden administration to follow the law. there is already hundreds of laws they are not following now, that is not enough, it will have to be tied to metrics, if they want that money for ukraine or whatever else, they must perform first, we want cash on the barrel head, see numbers, come down to level that is described this is a concept we need to see put meat on bones of that and see the technologies, that is how -- t the
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particular, that is how it can be done. larry: to a different subject, you talk about defunding air flights and we're getting hot inflation numbers, budget deficit for first half of fits call '24 is already a trillion. year is half over, you will hit 2 trillion or above, there is so much spending that causes inflation that causes working folks to lose their wages, you know stealing their of money in dead of night, any plans up your sleeve to once again go after spending, joe biden won't do it. he just tells untruths about it, is there something you could do or make noise at least? >> right now we're making that noise, i am proud to report i never reported for a increase in -- voted for a increase in spending or a cr, i believe we'll have a different president that
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understands how to run a country and a budget, hopeful we can balance a budget and get back to single subject apatro aproi apatr a--appro-- >> i think that president -- a president biden will seek executive budget impoundment authority, last president was nixon, they took it away if watergate congress for last 200 plus years presidents could impound bi'm budget that were inefficient will you back him on that scott perry there may be a constitutional issue, i am sorry, will you back trump on that budget impound
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ment authority. >> i was boy to going to say i don't see president biden doing that, but i will back president trump on that. anyone in congress, the first place that starts we could work on it right now sitting top line. but, chuck schumer and president biden have no interest in actually setting a top line that is lower than poll top line now. you know every hundred days or so a trillion dollars is clipped off from this administration, you will not see rate cuts, if you do it will be end of summer. larry: no rate cuts they pulled that, fed will destroy itself, you are great. congresswoman anna paulina luna thank you and scott perry congressman thank you so much. >> all right shifting gears, senator kevin kev --
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kevin kramer, he got a win in stopping gas powers cars. you are a great friend on wall street they say you are as good add your last trade what happens now. everyone fears you, you stop this end to gas powered cars and tre crazy tail pipe emissions. >> i think this is -- we want to stay with transportation, with energy and with environmental policy, let's get permitting reform that will allow us to build out type of infrastructure we need for gas powers cars and electric generatetion and moving this to market. but, i think we'll have more of these types of fights where federalism is actually on the floor, where the over reach of federal government to power of state and elected officials is stymied, both by congress
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and by courts, remember that success i had yesterday overturning the biden rule on you know gas powered cars and greenhouse gas emission measurements that court developed by donald trump and mitch mcconnell, over last few years, not just supreme court but others have been very clear, using major questions doctrine, a lack of a prohibition is not license for it to whatever they want, return power to state, this is slowly turning the ship of the constitution back in line with what founders had in mind. larry: important. you are right. you know, stopping lng permits is crazy,
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opporstupid. we were talking budget cuts with prominent house members. the latest gallup poll no one wants electric vehicles, and inflation reduction act, misnamed, spends about a trillion dollars on subsidies and corporate welfare hand outs that nobody wants. and it should be repealed. or, a president trump should empoundment. >> we need to look at this tax policy that provides subsidies and credits to everyone's favorite type of energy. the production tax credit for wind has been around for over 30 years, and that -- i understand that, i am not completely against early technology, emerges technologies that need a boost in early stages, but the early and you invest am are permanenti investment
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they become pigging at tough and they compete with -- where everyone has to invest twice, the subsidies, when i was a energy regulator winds companies paid utility to take the wind from them, they got the subsidy if they produced something, you can imagine, upside down. let's make it file feel neutral. larry: senator thank you. >> we'll take a quick break on other side, will iran retaliate gai against israel. we'll ask former israeli ambassador mr. david friedman, i am kudlow, a lot more to do.
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larry: one of the big questions in middle east is will iran retaliate against the israel for killing some quds commanders. joining us now david friedman. number one, what do you hear about iranian retaliation. and today, in white house press room.
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basically press secretary, says with respect to iranian attack on israel, that the u.s. is saying it's not our fight, like they are in a m m neutral party that blows my mind. >> i think that, it is good to be with you, i hope i'm right, i think that response will be under whelming, symbolic there will be a response but symbolic, we were in government when president, l eliminated soleimani. there was a response it was underwhelming. i don't think that iran wants to fight with israel, i think that iran -- has the best of both worlds right now, they are acting through the houthis through iraqi hezbollah and through lebanese hus hezbollah and hamas.
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they have a great relationship with america, america has given them 26 billion world of cash trans fore, sanction we lease in last 6 months why would they want to p blow that iran has it pretty good, they are hitting israel, they are not getting hit back, they have a lot of money, they are selling oil to russia, i don't think that -- i think they are r rational players, is it america's fight? , it is, america empowered iran in the first place, because they are not enforcing sanctions that are on the books that are required to be enforced, they are not enforcing them in iran is such a wealthy nation now. compared to what it was in 2020, that is america's problem, they caused this problem. larry: if -- >> to walk away from it. larry: right. you can't walk away from your best ally if, the biden
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still think that israel is our best ally. not as though iran, the united states is neutral or should be. with respect to iranian terrorism, whether hamas or h hezbollah or the houthis that blows my mind, it is not our fight, it should be our fight, all bidens do attack israel now, they are betraying israel and the hostages in all of these deals, we should talk about more about return of hostages. tell me what you think. >> i think that, american has made us less of a player. we should be double do you think to help israel, we're doing the opposite. larry: that is it david friedman good to s see
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7:59 pm
8:00 pm
larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks. -(theme music playing) -♪ bad boys


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