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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 9, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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maria: welcome back. good tuesday morning. thanks very much for joining us this morning. hope you're having a good morning i'm maria bartiromo. it is tuesday, april 9, 7:00 a.m. on the east coast many time for the hot topic of the hour. the doj refusing to he release
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the audio recordings of president biden's interview with former special counsel robert hurr. the department of justice did hand over biden's ghost writer transcript, trying to appease house republican as they investigate biden mishandling of classified documents. jonathan, your reaction? >> how much more obvious can you be that there's something to hide, than turning over the transcripts and not handing over the recording? i just think it's ironic, the didndepartment of justice, the department tasked the handing down justice at the behest of the american people is committing one of the greatest forms of injustice as far as i'm concerned by not being trans berndt the american people, not being transparent with congress. the bigger issue is a lot of people overlook the meaning of misdemeanor as pertains to garland, misdemeanor is actually a crime punishable by up to a year in prison, it's not to
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snuff at. this is a big deal. maria: well, it's a big deal but the doj is biden's doj. they're going to do what they want to do about it. i don't know if republicans are going to be able to change this. do you think they will affect change? >> you know, i certainly hope so. i mean, the ball is in their court. they have the ability to enforce the law. everything is in their hands at this point. i don't think you just look at this and say oh, well it's the department of justice doing its thing again. i think you have to be straight and narrow here and y need to gt to the bottom line before the white house tries to change up the store h story once it again. maria: we'll see if contempt of congress has any weight and if that threat is enough. i want to ask about this, the podcast, the joe rogan experience, joe rogan revealed when he thinks the democrats will replace president biden on their ticket. mark tepper, watch this. >> i think he's got until may. >> no way.
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>> i feel like right around may they're going to pull i'm. i think he has health problems and the country understands and newsom is going to have his support fully and kamala is going to be i don't want to be president, i'm cool with being vice president. maria: miranda devine is out with a new post in the post, titled dr. jill biden's main priority, putting herself first as firstas country flown deers r joe. she writes the biden brain off trust decided the first lady is the secret weapon to win over suburban women on the campaign trail. what do you say, mark? >> i think jill biden has to get involved because joe biden is a complete no-show. look at the fundraiser they had a couple weeks ago and he needed bill clinton and barack obama there just to be able to carry y
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an hour long conversation with big donors. joe biden is not cognitively there, not mentally fit to be leading the country right now. when talking about leading the country, talk about all the things that are going on with regards to the house oversight committee and things like that, it's very surprising that -- the american voters deserve an opportunity to -- aside from the legalities, the american voters deserve an opportunity to see whether or not president biden can hold a conversation, whether or not he can think straight and whether or not he's going to be honest and forthright with regard to what is happening. with regard to joe rogan saying he thinks he's going to be replaced in may, i thought for a long time joe biden was not going to be the nominee and they were going to replace him. i've got to tell you, when you look at what a they're doing by going back to the student loan well one more time, once again, i don't know that they are ready
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to throw in the towel on joe biden just yet. maria: we'll see about that. jonathan, how do you see it? >> it's late in the game, you know, to switch up a candidate now and by the way, in my home state, the state of california, i can tell you governor newsom is doing a terrible job, you look at the issues of homelessness, look a at the issues of crime, we were talking about how crime has gone to a sky high level. you can't leave your car unattended. it's gotham city in san francisco. newsom as rogan referenced, it's a terrible decision. maybe a good decision for people in california, people are thinking about it in california, the rest of the country not on board at this point you've got an investigation into potential influence peddling. there's that. what happens with the next doj? do they stretch this out as long as possible that there's no accountability again for all that money the house republicans say the biden family has taken
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in from from adversaries. >> well, the longer you delay the sorry, if you're the doj, the longer the pressure is going to build and the more it's going to be very transparent to the american people and congress that they're hiding something. the way you get in front of a sorry, you say here it is, everything is disclosed so there's no more questions to ask. the more you delay, the more questions the american people will have. maria: quick break and then north carolina congressman greg murphy is here to discuss the president's recent stance on abortion and how voters feel about it. don't miss to day's power panel, mike huckabee and kayleigh mcgee white are here in the 8:00 a.m. hour. don't miss it. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay wi with us. ♪
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sfx: bubblewrap bubble popped sound. >> the states will determine by vote or legislation or perhaps both and whatever they decide must be the law of the land in this case, the law of the state. the republican party should always be on the side of the miracle of life and the side of mothers, father, their beautiful babies. ibf is an important part of that. maria: and that was former president trump laying out his position on abortion yesterday, saying that it should be up to each state to determine their own laws as long as there are exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother. fox news poll finds 65% of voters favor legalizing abortion nationwide, 32% are against it. 41% say it's extremely important to their 2024 vote. trump's plan received criticism from former vice president mike pence, pence called it a slap in
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the face to millions of pro-life americans. joining me now is north carolina congressman, greg murphy, member of the house veterans you affairs and ways and means committee. congressman, thank you for being here this morning. what is your reaction to president trump's stance there yesterday? >> you know, it's very interesting, maria. when i was in the chamber and they announced the change of roe versus wade, the supreme court, the things were going to go back to the states, the democrats were the ones most in arms. republicans said had this is what the constitution said. this should never have been a federally decided issue. it should have been a state issue. so you just don't get to pick and choose when you believe in the constitution and when you don't. i firmly believe what happened with roe versus wade it went back to the states was the correct decision. i'm as pro-life as it gets. i don't see why we change that stance. i don't understand the mechanics of all of a sudden we're for being in the states and again we're going to be in for it
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nationally. abortion is the most emotionally charged issue you we deal with. we'll have everyone on the spectrum. we have to pick what we have and that's the constitution. maria: is this going to be do you think a big issue in the 2024 election? >> it's going to be a big issue every time because you have folks on really on both sides, probably more democrat that wants y abortion literally when the child is coming out of the birth canal, always to force the issue. it's emotionally charged issue. that's what elections are, they're em emotionally charged events. maria: mike johnson is under pressure as congress returns from easter recess. republican lawmakers are split on another ukraine funding bill which provide money to kyiv in the form of a loan. what are you expecting here? and what about the open border, does this play into this at all? >> absolutely. it all plays into it. you look at one crisis after
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another that joe biden has created. i firmly believe -- this is what military folks all said, ukraine would have never happened had we not had the debacle of what happened in afghanistan. so we're left with what to deal with ukraine and you know, the funding that the speaker is asking for now i fully support. 90% of that is actually going towards our own military, recouping our supplies and doing those types of restocking kind of things. it's not going all for ukraine. but i think it's important for the voters and for the listeners to understand that we're in a pinnacle moment right now, we're in late 1930s germany right now where russia and china are closest as ever. kind of like when nazi germany and russia were colluding against poland. it's absolutely critical that we stand on the side of the -- of justice on the allies and stand firm in pushing back russia and then in essence also pushing back china.
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it's critical that we support ukraine at this time. and support ourselves by restocking our supplies. maria: but can you get anything out of that support with regard to the border, congress s.n.a.p. that's the issue, right? yes, you want to support ukraine, you don't want a mad man running around the world, vladimir putin, trying to take over more territory. but you also have a wide open border where terrorists are coming in so what's the give here? what's the give and the push? you've got semantics being one, taking a page out of the trump playbook, the government relief to ukraine could be structured as a loan. you have the idea you could seize sovereign russian assets and then you've got this idea that you could help negotiate with biden by forcing him to lift the moratorium on new lng export projects or something about the border. >> yeah. and you know, maria, the thing
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is, we're trying to lump every specific issue into one big bill and you will not get the support, you'll not get the full support in the house and you surely won't get it passed in the senate or signed by the president. if you go back to the -- i firmly believe we're not going to have a legislative fix for the border in this session. period. we don't have the votes on either side. we don't have the senate. we don't have the white house. joe biden created this border problem literally in his first day by removing all of what trump had done. this has to be a white house fix. maria: so that tells me nothing gets done on the border, you guys -- this is your final push before the election, right? this couple of next several weeks until memorial day and then you're done and then we're up against the election, nothing gets done on the border this year. congressman, i want to move on and ask about the american college of emergency physicians because you're going to be speaking at this leadership meeting later this month.
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some members of that group have tried to have you canceled for speaking at the event over a building you proposed which would ban federal funding for medical schools with diversity initiatives. are you going to speak at this leadership event? >> i sure am. i had a great discussion with the president. you know, the issue is, people always want to make it just about race. i'm talking about merit. i'm talking about competence. we're looking at what happened with dei in the country and it's destroying everything. what's happened with leadership of our medical colleges and universities is they're throwing dei in the admissions process, in the curriculum, you ought to see what ucla is doing and then the hiring and firing of professors. this is ridiculous. we're talking about somebody's life here. we're talking about physicians and surgeons, not talking about art school, not talking about english school, we're talking about somebody's life. i want to say, look, i want a diverse force but i don't want us to sacrifice competency or
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merit and that's what some of these dei initiatives are proposing. so you know, look, if you want to go to medical school, study. get ready. do the work. and come up to the bar, let us not lower the bar. yeah. got it. congressman, good to see you this morning. thanks very much. we'll be watching your work. >> all right. take care, thank you. maria: greg murphy in d.c. this morning. quick break and then former u.s. border patrol chief rodney scott will join me on you new report that biden expanded amnesty for over a million foreign nationals. we'll get into it. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪
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patrol chief, rodney scott. thank you very much for being here. what is your reaction to this and what does this mean in terms of the u.s. population? >> yes, thank you for having me on again this morning. my reaction honestly, i'm not really surprised anymore, it's very consistent with the biden administration's policies, making it easier to get into the united states. the word temporary is very misleading. there's nothing temporary about these programs. they're supposed to be short-term. but historically once they're here, they're here and it's another draw. so this is -- this message goes worldwide if you just get here, come illegally you will not be deported. this will continue to increase the number of illegal aliens crossing the border overwhelming border patrol and giving the cartel the control of the borders instead of us. maria: you can understand the economic issue this represents because it's taking resources from american citizens. but the issue that i'm really
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even more concerned with is the national security issue. but we were all talking about this recent jobs report that we had 303,000 jobs created in the month of march, talking about the economic effect here on the u.s. economy. i spoke with senator jd vance from ohio who outlined the quiet part out loud as relates to the border. watch this. >> look not just over the last year but over the last three or four years, much of the job growth from the biden administration has gone to the foreign born, many of those are illegal aliens. you contrast that with the trump economy which was about productivity enhancements, higher wages for american workers, more manufacturing, and ultimately better good paying jobs for american workers with the biden econom economy where h of the economic growth as gone to illegal immigrants while american workers struggle to feed their families, buy homes, struggle to live the american dream. maria: rodney, this is really
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affecting so much in our country. let's take on the economic issue first. >> yes. so i think that highlights there's no part of our society that's really not touched. so from the economic standpoint, it goes well beyond just the tax burden or the jobs that are being taken away. it literally goes down to can you get into your emergency room at your local hospital because now you have this entire population using it. it goes into child care issues, goes into the schoolnd now we have all these individuals trying to learn english from the first time taking away from your children's ability to learn math and science and get ahead. none of that even touches on the fact that the massive illegal immigration is giving the cartel a distraction at the border to over well many law n forcement -- overwhelm law enforcement so every fentanyl death and the narcotics that are devastating america is related to this threat as it crosses the southwest border. maria: that's unbelievable.
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it's truly stunning. meanwhile, the national security risks are obvious as well. san diego county supervisor told the new york post a minimum of 125,000 migrants have you arrived in san diego without proper vetting, since september 2023. he says walking across the border, no one is stopping them due you to the lack of he resources, he warned the u.s. could be in for a rude awakening as a result. >> there's no end in sight. we absolutely don't see any change. this is a new norm. unfortunately some day we'll get a rude awakening, some catastrophe, something is going to happen that involves people coming across the border that mean us harm. maria: rodney, i spoke with president trump about this back in january and he was convinced that this is going to end badly. here's the president, former president with me in january. watch this, rodney.
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there are 8 to 10 million illegals in the country right now on joe biden's watch. what do you you do with them? are you going to he deport them all? >> you have to deport a lot of them. it's not sustainable. it's from africa, asia, all over the world. from all over the world. from china they have 28,000 people on the last few months. 28,000. what's he doing, building an army? they're mostly men, almost all men interest the age of 18 to 25. maria: i'm told that the chinese are paying $35,000 a head, $50,000 a head to come to the southern border. are they being directed by the communist party to come here? >> i believe so. i believe so. and i believe we're going to have a terrorist attack 100%. 100%. maria: rodney, is that the way you see it, 100% terrorist attack? >> you know, i honestly do the more i look at this, whether it's the individuals on the terrorist watch list that border patrol is catching crossing the border, 350 under the biden
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administration, the total of 14 -- 14 under the trump administration or some of the issues that the president -- former president highlighted, china specifically san diego is getting overwhelmed. they can walk across the border and surrender but unfortunately we also have covert smuggling of i chinese going on at the same time which means they're doing everything they can to you avoid law enforcement. i believe the number is up to 36,000 now chinese just crossing the southwest border. but here's the other thing. there were maybe 100 a month or so prior administrations, multiple administrations. now it's thousands a month and about two-thirds is coming through southern california. this is a national security threat whether it's terrorism, whether it's nation states or whether it's the fentanyl that are killing our kids. maria: yeah. and that's why fentanyl is obviously a poisoning. they're poisoning our young people and the underlying components are in china. so rodney, lay out -- assess for
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us what's going on. we're looking at pictures of the chinese nationals that we apprehended. so many of them are military aged men, young men. what are they doing here? who is directing them and assess the border for us, where you see the biggest risks right now. >> so really the biggest risks are probably right on that screen but you don't know who they are. because this administration talks about vetting the migrants as they cross the border. that means their picture is taken, their fingerprints are taken and we run them against u.s. databases. if we don't have any information on these individuals, that's like literally writing a check off an empty database. we don't know why they're coming. you don't have this many people leaving china and coming to the united states without china allowing it or sponsoring it. who and why? and then again, why are they hiding so many of them hiding
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from law enforcement when if they simply surrendered they would get a notice to appear, get released for court years down the road and they have a free pass to move about america. but yet so many pay so much more to avoid law enforcement because they fear we have information on them. the threats are in there. maria: so i mean, what are they doing then? i mean, we could speculate all day long, you know, who directed them and why they're here but if -- you're saying 36,000 you just said since october on top of 20,000 the year before on top of another 20,000 the year before that, these numbers are getting higher. are they actually building a mini army in the u.s. in case the u.s. gets involved in a taiwan acquisition or gets involved in china's plans? >> you know, that's the big what if or i would be speculating but i believe our intelligence agencies know but i believe that our intelligence agencies like
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dhs and doj are basically forced to look away but i'll tell you exactly what they're doing the meantime, why they're waiting for whatever the ultimate attack might be, they're actually buying property all over the united states. they are manning domestic marijuana grows, h they're manng homes and the network to get fentanyl across the united states because the fentanyl coordination is with mexican cartels. the chemicals come from china and they're working hand in hand to basically undermine america whether it's by killing our youth or spying on america or just sitting in place waiting for their orders. maria: i'll tell you, rodney, i don't know who i'm more worried about the chinese nationals who may be directed by the chinese communist party to come here and be saboteurs later or the 2 million got aways who may very well include terrorist want to bees or people on the terrorist watch list. they only needed 19 to take down the trade center. >> i 100% you agree. 100% agre.
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the got aways cover 180 different countries. this administration won't talk about the threats, won't take a single step to secure the border. that wor worries me more. maria: thank you for all of your work. rodney scott joining us this morning, thank you, sir. >> thank you, maria. maria: fed rate cut expectations are falling to new low as we see people question inflation and then there's jp morgan ceo jamie dimon throwing doubt on a soft landing and continuing to do so. how will this impact the fed's rate decision in june? the word on wall street is coming up with expectations. stay with us. ♪
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maria: welcome back. much of north america taking a pause yesterday to watch the total solar eclipse. lauren simonetti with details. lauren. >> it was cool. millions across the country gathering to witness a total solar eclipse where the moon passes over the sun. take a look here. this crowd went completely dark at the moment of totality, cheering and clapping while they were witnessing the very rare event. there it is, just darkness. and satellites from space captured this video of the moon's shadow passing over the united states. i mean, all of it was so cool. i was waiting for the temperature to drop. that didn't happen where i was. anyway, in chicago, lorifoot
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lorilightfoot will be paid $400 an hour to investigate a mayor that is dubbed the worst mayor in america for using taxpayer funds on traveling. here's l lori lightfoot on the planned investigation. >> i bring expertise of leading investigations of this kind and understand the complex challenges of governing. i will commit to you that i will follow the facts where they lead without bias and reserve comments from this night forward until the work is complete. >> she got a standing ovation. among the accusations leveled against tenure, having city officers dance in her music
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videos. if you want to attend one of the nation's most prestigious universities expect to pay over $90,000 a year, ivy league tuition is going up next year, meaning one student's four year degree could cost more $350,000, despite the price surge school applications to places yale and penn are up more than 9% yearly. harvard applications, however, seeing 5% decline. that following the recent anti-semitism controversy. 350k for four years of college. or maybe 350k to start a business, maria. maria: there you go. that's why we're seeing more of that, for sure. thank you, lauren. all right, time for the word on wall street, top investors watching your you money. joining me right now is ubs wealth management senior vice president, bren brenda o'conner wanis. also with us mark ten earn.
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tepper. there's 51% chance of a cut in the june policy meeting, the lowest level in terms of people expecting a rate cut since october. you heard the story this morning and yesterday, jp morgan chairman and ceo jamie dimon warning high deficit spending could send interest rates soaring. ywrites it's important to note the economy is fueled by government spending and stimulus, may lead to st stickir inflation and higher rates. he said inflation will be bouncing around but the spending is what the issue is. watch this. where does the fed fit in, jamie? right now it's pretty much priced in we're going to get three rate cuts this year, possibly two or three rate cuts in 2025. do you agree with that? >> i'm a skeptic. i look at a lot of things and forget just economic models for a second. $2 trillion of fiscal deficit,
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the infrastructure and ira act, the green economy, the remilitaryization of the year, restructuring of trade are all inflationary. that looks a little more like 1970s to me so i think there's a chance people should be prepared for that inflation comes down but then bounced around 3, bounces up a bit and those implied curves will change. maria: brenda, we're waiting on the cpi, comes out tomorrow morning. obviously oil prices are not going to be helpful, around $85 a barrel, 86. your reaction? >> so maria, look, i think all cpi data matters but tomorrow is going to matter more than ever. why? because as you mentioned, we have seen an increase in inflation in january and in february. two months do not make a trend but if we see a big number tomorrow, i can guarantee the fed is going to get a little nervous. in saying that, unless we see a big outlier, i don't think that the trajectory of what powell does in june actually changes.
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we still think three rate cuts. and look, he is unphased by the big payroll numbers, he is undeterred because of the stronger gdp. if and only if we see inflation move thing the right direction, this can be he slowly but this is why tomorrow is going to be very, very important. maria: i mean, look, thomas lee from fund strat writes that march cpi is the first clean cpi reading of 2024 because january and february are lots of seasonality, residual seasonality issues. so he's expecting it to be below expectations. regard also, you've got oil prices elevated once again. when you've got oil like that and you've got the federal reserve potentially questioning what the rate cut pa path is, it there markets rife with potential disappointment? would you be buying stocks here knowing that the fed could disappoint us and then that would cause a market selloff,
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brenda? >> but maria, look, markets are already ripe with a little bit of volatility. we've had 20 all time highs by the s&p in the first three months. the pullback we saw of 2, 2 and-a-half percent, that's i've been talking to my clients about, it was unsustainable. i would not be allocating cash into equities at these levels. i think there's more volatility. i'd be looking at doing rebalancing within equity allocation and looking at the fixed income because yields are back, as you know, at 4.3, 4.4%. i still think that's an interesting entry point. maria: yeah. i mean, mark, from the moment jay powell signaled we're going to get all these rate cuts you and i questioned it. you in particular, said this is just not happening. and when we spoke with grant interest rate investment founder jim grant and chief equity market strategist phil orlando they basically both underlined
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this skepticism. watch this. you're not expecting a cut in rates any time soon? >> no. they might decide that three-ish is fine. maria: 3% inflation. >> yes. this concern over inflation. and to focus on financial stability as they had would would defineit. i think there's a chance this year that the fed raises if they are confronted with an accelerating rate of inflation. i feel they have no choice. who is to say that the 3.2% thing couldn't go up. we have an $80 oil price, no longer 70. >> there's two chances of a june rate cut, slim and none and slim just died. the earliest we would expect to see the fed cut rates would be in july. maria: mark, wouldn't that be a huge blow to the stock market if in fact we saw what jim grant just said? an interest rate hike. oh, my god. >> that's certainly not being priced in right now, any sort of
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hike. but look, i mean, when it comes to the fed cutting rates, obviously investors are really hinging on that, they're hoping that the fed cuts rates. it just doesn't make sense for the fed to cut rates right now or in the immediate few you churr when y -- future when you look at, number one, economic data has been strong. now, i could also make the argument that the economic data's not telling the whole story because you look at q4 gdp, economy grew by roughly 350 billion but it cost us over $800 billion in new debt to finance that little bit of growth so i could make that argument. i could also look at the fact that in march we lost 6,000 full-time jobs while adding 691,000 part-time jobs so the economic data while strong when you look at the headline data, it's maybe a little uglier under the surface and then when you look at inflation, inflation's reaccelerated. everywhere we look we are seeing inflation start to tick back up. if we get another month over
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month cpi print of 0.4% just like we did last month, kind of to brenda's recall yesterday point, i think you do see the fed change their tone and this pivot that everyone's been waiting for, that might be the be pivot where the fed changes their tone, they suddenly get more hawkish and the possibility of those rate hikes that all investors are depending on may start to go out the window. maria: consensus is core cpi month over month up 2-point -- 0.29% and core cpi year over year up 3.7%. (da,brenda, close us out with yr expectations in terms of allocating capital right now. how do you want to allocate capital in this environment, brenda? >> so i think look at high qualificationed income. i think there's also a lot to do within with your equity allocation. if you don't want to sell those tech stocks that were up 100% last year, at least write calls on them and look to other sectors that have room for -- scope for cash-up, market
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widening, i look to industrials, that's the sector we're interested in. maria: we'll leave it there. brenda, good to see you. mark, you're with us all morning. we're grateful. let's take a short break. when we come back, vehicle theft across america hitting new highs, fox business' madison alworth with those details. >> reporter: we have the shocking new numbers of just how many vehicles were stolen last year in an exclusive report, you won't believe how many were stolen. we're going to bring you that after this. ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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maria: welcome back. time for the morning buzz, vehicle thefts are on the rise across the country in soft on crime states. fox business' madison alworth is here with more. madison. >> good morning, maria. yes, we have hit an all new brand-new all-time high, but it's not a record to celebrate. vehicle thefts in the u.s. hit a record high in 2023 with more than 1 million vehicles stolen last year. now, according to a new report released exclusively to fox business by the national
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insurance crime bureau, washington, d.c. and maryland saw the highest percentage increase in vehicle thefts. over 60% increase in one year for those two areas. the nation's capital seeing 1,149 thefts per 100k people. that's more than three times the national average. the national insurance crime bureau saying a big part of that problem, lack ofe enforcement. take a look across the dmv, since the pandemic d.c. has seen 170% increase in car thefts, maryland, 108, virginia, a fraction, an increase of 32%. the first two have loosened bail laws and they say the changes are seen in the numbers. >> there's a disparity between the enforcement, the prosecutions and the deterrent effect. you can see some differences depend being on where an individual is prosecuted. >> now, there have been bail reform efforts around the country making this a nationwide
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problem. that plus market opportunity makes this a big industry. used car prices, they're up around 30% since pre-pandemic times. that is why some cities have gotten creative with solutions. handing out free wheel locks to try to deter criminals. we're seeing cities like baltimore, scranton, richmond, memphis and philadelphia, those are some of the cities exploring this approach. when it comes to the models targeted the most frequently, the cars that we're seeing are the hyuandi elantr and sonata at the top of the list. there were online videos that taught people how to steal those cars. maria: that's what i was going to ask you. which cars are being stolen the most. some cars it's so easy to just start them up, you just are press a button. >> that's why you see the hyuandis and kias at the top of the list because there were videos online that showed people how to steal them. maria: madison, thank you.
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jonathan, your reaction? >> sounds like people are stealing gas efficient vehicles. that wha-- that was a joke. coming from san francisco, california, maria, i mean, i think i mentioned earlier we live in like a gotham city so-to-speak, without mad men. you feel it on a daily basis. this is a day in the life for left wing cities. i was surprised to not see california on the list quite frankly, maybe that's because they remain at a steady high for some time. maria: what do you think, march? >> there are no consequences for criminals when you look at these blue cities, these blue states. and when that's the case, you have inmates running the ayou sigh limb and -- asylum. probably the most bothersome part about the story is that we would rather i rather investigad hyuandi for not having anti-theft protection than not
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prosecuting the criminals. even the thieves aren't stealing evs recall there's no demand evs in the criminal world right now. maria: the newer cars, you just press a button, you don't need a key. that's an issue. >> without a doubt. you're supposed to have the key fob inside the car, obviously. but yeah, and maria, look, when it comes to car technology, my personal opinion on this is car technology has advanced faster than it probably should have. i mean, look, i can tell you, i've got navigation systems that will go black on me mid-commute so i think in an effort to pack as much technology into these cars as quickly as possible, had there are certain issues which have arisen which makes it easier for thieves to steal. there's how-to videos on tiktok, instructing everyday people on how to steal cars, that's
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another issue. maria: mark, jonathan, i want to thank you for being here these last couple hours. we so appreciate it. great show. thank you. we'll see you soon. we're going to take a break and then come back with our power panel former arkansas governor mike huckabee along with steamboat institute fellow, kayleigh mcgee white, we'll talk about the issues of the day from their standpoint. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ hello, ghostbusters. it's doug. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. we got a bit of a situation. [ metal groans] sure, i can hold. ♪ liberty liberty liberty liberty ♪ in theaters now.
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8:00 am
maria: welcome back. good tuesday morning. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo. it i hope you are having a good tuesday morningtize april 9 just before 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, time for hot topic of the hour president biden announcing more student loan handouts for up to 30 million people debt has grown because of unpaid interest this new plan would give borrowers 20,000 dollars loan forgiveness regardless of income while no price tag on


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