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tv   Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 7, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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have to ceo of mercedes on the show she. rees saw, what's your idea? >> they say a rising tide raises all boat. record bookings in cruise operators and big price increases. unfortunately, carnival's stock has been left out of the party. now, it's certainly not the best cruise operator, but it's made a lot of strides. it's really catching up. and after a recent selloff, i think it's time for investors to get their feet wet. jack: and leisure and hospitality is where it's at. thanks, guys. to read more, check out this week's edition at a barron' don't forget to fog out on x@barron's online, and that's all for us. we'll see you next week on barron's round table. ♪ it. pete: go to church, everybody. enjoy the eclipse. ♪ ♪ maria: good sunday morning, everyone. thanks so much for joining us
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this morning. welcome to "sunday morning futures. "i'd maria bartiromo. today, coming home to trump. this, the call from last night's record-breaking fund raiser in palm beach, florida. >> people are just wanting change. rich people want it e, poor people want it, everybody wants change. our country is really doing poorly. we're a laughingstock all over the world. we're going to get that changed very quickly, and this has been some incredible evening before it even starts because people, they wanted to contribute to a cause of making america great again. maria: the president and the rnc haul in $50 million last night. coming up, chairman michael whateley and co-chair lara trump on their $100 million plus week and their efforts to send donald trump back to the white house. plus, congress returns from easter recess this week and likely the final push before the november elections. coming up, ohio senator j.d.
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vance on the open border, the agenda and the jobs and resources going to the illegal aliens and foreign-born in america. plus, potential terrorists crossing into the country, spiking crime and joe biden's battle with red states as a florida and texas night the flow of so-called newcomers. >> there are three laws on the books that biden is not enforcing. one is to deny illegal entry into the country, the other is to detain anybody who gets here illegally, and the third is to build border barriers. the biden administration is doing none of those. what the texas law authorizes the state of texas to do is to do all three of those things. we believe that the federal courts should allow texas to basically be enforcing federal laws because biden is not enforcing them. maria: coming up, the governor of florida, ron desantis, takes on biden's lawless america, laying down the law in florida on illegal migration with, squatters, transportation and taxes.
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then, he led the investigation into hillary clinton's russia collusion lie and now he's leading president trump's few wily-public company, trump media and technology group ceo geffen none yes, sir answers the critics of djt -- devin nuñes. it's all right here, right now on "sunday morning futures. ". ♪ ♪ maria: and we with begin this sunday morning with president biden's reckless open border and its impact across the country. with new data showing that the white house flew 326,000 illegal migrants from abroad directly to florida in the past year and a half. on top of the 10 million illegals crossing the border into the country on biden's watch. the center for immigration studies reporting the 326,000 illegal migrants from cuba, haiti, nicaragua and venezuela are were flown directly to miami without any warning to state officials. the white house is also playing
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down spiking crime on biden's watch with one illegal immigrant using the chinese communist party's tiktok the app to taunt illegals into overtalking americans' homes. the so-called squatters increasingly apprehended across the country sparking florida governor ron desantis to take action. the governor outlawing squatters in florida, protecting americans' property rights. joining me right now, the man himself fighting biden's lawlessness in this "sunday morning futures" exclusive, florida governor ron desantis. governor, thanks very much for being here this morning. >> good morning. maria: first on the immigrants that were flown directly to your state, did you have any warning at the president was sending 326,000 illegals into miami? >> no. and they don't give us any notification on any of that. now, we are a border or state, we're a maritime border state, and so we've taken a lot of action to beef up maritime assets to help the coast guard
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interdict these vessels hard coming in. and since january of 2023 because of florida state the vessels, we've interdicted and led to the repatriation of 14,000 illegal alienings. and so that's to kind of been our focus. what biden is doing under this program is not constitutional a, but he is legalizing people when they're in foreign countries and then buying them mane tickets and then flying them to the united states. and so you could have a plane that lands in miami with 200 people on it, and there may be 8 or 10 of these folks that he's illegally legalized. so we are suing him on that with other states. we don't think it's lawful are, we don't think it's constitutional. but, you know, we need the congress to step up and defund this program. it's the an illegal program. he does not have the authority to just legalize people in foreign lands. i will tell you this, maria, because those numbers were surprising to us because we didn't have any notice, but we haven't seen on the ground evidence that that many people are actually setting up shop in
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florida, so i think what's happened, miami has served as the gateway to get people in from those countries, and then i think they're going all across the united states of america. you know, of course many florida we're not a sanctuary state, and so you go to new york, you get money. you go to california to get benefits. in florida you don't get a driver's license, an card. we don't even -- an id card. we don't even let ngos issue id cards, and of course, we have everything-verify so you're not eligible for employment -- e-verify. i think it's those policies that have made florida not the destination people want to come. maria: you're actually removing any incentive to stay in florida. you mentioned e-verify and removing incentives. look, on his first day in office, president biden signed executive orders that ended existing programs that limited the immigration and certainly illegal migration. what has been the impact on the streets of florida to all of
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these illegals coming in when it's from the white house, from if haiti? i know you've been dealing with this aggressively in the last year. >> well, fortunately, we've been very successful at preventing a mass amount of flotilla or boats coming from haiti since they've had -- i mean, this as has always been an issue in florida, but definitely over the last month. so we have not seen that, and i think it's because we've deterred it. because anywhere there's a gap with coast guard assets, we're filling it. so i think that's been success. overall, since he became president he initiated what's happened. so we've had examples of people that have been deported multiple times, came in under biden's open border, fine their way to florida and then -- find their way to florida and then commit offenses. we had a sheriff's deputy in the tampa pa bay area that was killed a couple years ago by an illegal recklessly driving a truck. and so we see these the examples.
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and here's the thing, we're a law and order state. we work very hard to crack down on crime of all types, but when you have illegal aliens committing crimes, the victims -- the families, victims, they look and say if the government had just enforced the law, we mow this crime would not have happened if biden had just closed the border or at least not done what he's done, the chances of this happening would have been very zero. so i say every state is a border state under joe biden. s it is not just texas and arizona. you're seeing this affect far and wide, and that includes states in the northern part of this country. maria: this is just outrageous, the lawlessness that we're talking about. i want to get to squatters in a moment and talk about what you did there, but do you feel that the administration is against you, again, constantly fighting with you, red states? that's what governor abbott as has mentioned to me recently, that he's constantly battling with this who is. do you feel the same -- with this white house. do you feel the same?
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>> we definitely see that. i mean, for example, we were one of the first states to sign legislation to protect women's sports. this was many years ago. they responded by threatening to take away school lunch money for poor if kids -- poor kids because we protected women's sports. and i'm just thinking to myself, you know, that is an attack on the policies of the state of florida that the people overwhelmingly support. they also went after i think all a states when biden imposed the covid vax mandates. so particularly for the health care workers, we had a lot of nurses that didn't want to take it. their jobs hung in the balance. we basically told the federal government to fly a kite on that, we would not survey our hospitals. they ended up fining us a couple many million dollars, but we saved the jobs of a lot of folks. so they do do that, we fight back, and i think we've had a lot of success in doing so. maria: well, your economic policies, no state income tax
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the among them, have sparked an incredible move of people off the high-tax states into places like florida, into places like texas. but you've made e the point before that you were afraid that people coming from new york would start voting the way they vote in new york. but you've actually been able to register the more republicans than you expected. tell me about that. >> when i became governor, florida a had never had more registered republicans than democrats in state history. we were close to 300,000 fewer republicans than democrats, this was 2018. today we have chose to 900,000 more registered republicans than democrats. so you're talking about a million plus voter registration shift. and, yes, part of that, i think, is a response locally where people are more likely to switch from democrat to republican in florida, non-party to republican than vice versa. and that's been an important component of it.
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but i do think the migration has skewed amongst people who come to florida not because they want to change the policies to reflect an illinois or a california or new york, but because they appreciate how florida's done it different from where they're coming to, and so i think that's contributed to this really record thing. maria, florida is off the board. it is a republican state. you cover politics. we used to be a one-point state. every election hung on how would florida go. maria: yeah. >> that is not true anymore, and i think that's a good thing for the party. maria: well, good for you. the other issue that we want to tackle is squatters. it's unbelievable to me how many people are getting apprehended right now for going in and just trying to take people's homes over and then you see the person, the owner of the home having to go through passive legal obstacles just to get their home back. tell us what you've done in terms of protecting property rights in florida. >> well, when we started seeing
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some of this in places like california and new york where someone will just common deer someone's home -- commandeer someone's home, then the home e other than goes to try and get their property back, and sometimes they're the one getting arrested or they have to go through all this stuff? we said that is not happening in the state of florida. so if you try to squat in florida, the homeowner will get rid of you immediately. we have legal rights in place. you call up the sheriff, and the sheriff is mandated to evict the folks who are illegally congressman if deering the residence. and the state of florida, we've got a lot of sheriffs who are very strong on law and order. i can tell you this, you go down to places like polk county with sheriff grady judd who's a friend of mine, i would not want to try to squat in that county because he's going to throw you out very quickly. but it's important for our state to lay down the law because we have a lot of seasonal residentings. and it's not just wealthy people. we've got a lot of middle income retirees, they spend most of the
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year if florida but maybe they'll go to michigan or wisconsin or new york or even canada for the summer. how could it be possible or acceptable for them to come back from summer and have, find out that somebody's moved into their home and that there's very little they can do about it immediately and they've got to wait seven or eight months to go through a process? that's unacceptable. property rights. if you don't have property rights that are enforceable, you will not have a free society. so i think it's the foundation of everything we're trying to do in florida, and i'm glad we were able to take the lead on this issue. maria: it's unbelievable, governor. great work there. real quick before you go on this 2024 election, you have gotten behind donald trump. how do you feel about the 2024 election, and what are your plans? are you planning to run again in '28, governor? >> i don't have any plans for the future. i think we're focused a lot on all the great things we're doing in future. i am very, very confident that florida is going to be a strong
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performance for republicans up and down the ticket. and we've worked very hard to bring it to this point, and i'm excited about that. and, look, i look around the country, i can't speak for what's happening in these other states, but you have a president who has caused all these problems, maria. he has caused the immigration problem with his policies. he has exacerbated inflation if with his big spending policies. he caused the afghanistan fiasco. and i think people want to see a change. and so that's what this country needs. and for biden to get reelected with this record, i think it would just be a disaster for this country. maria: governor, it's great to have you this morning. we so appreciate your time, sir. thank you. >> thank you. maria: all right. governor ron desantis this morning in florida. quick break, and we are learning that bidenomics means a lot more jobs going to the undocumented illegals in the country instead of americans. watch this. >> over the last year, that table reports that there were
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615,000 jobs created only, and of those 615,000, 1.3 million were people who almost surely will are illegal aliens. they're aliens, for sure. and, in fact, about a 650,000 of them have lost their jobs this year. so what's going if on is the there's an employment boom that's coming from these people who are streaming across the border. maria: coming up next, ohio senator j.d. vance on jobs, the border and the gop if priorities ahead of congress' return from easter recess this upcoming week. that's next. ♪ ♪
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americans are unhappy with the biden agenda. last week's fox news poll shows 611% of voters -- 61% of voters and citizens are disappointed with biden's handling of the economy. president donald trump is favored by 15 points on who would do a better job on the economy. and while the administration was celebrating what appeared to be a blockbuster jobs report on friday showing 303,000 jobs created in theth month of march and the unemployment rate down to 3.8, the bad news in this report is that most of the jobs over the last year have gone to illegal or foreign-born workers. here's former council of economic advisers' head kevin hassett with me this weekend on fox business. watch. >> over the last year, that table reports that there were 615,000 jobs created only, and of those 615,000, 1.3 million were people who almost surely are illegal aliens. they're a aliens, for sure. and, in fact, people who are u.s. residents a year ago, or
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about a 650,000 of them is have lost their jobs this year. so what's going on is that there's an employment boom that's coming from these people who are streaming across the border. maria: wow. joining me right now in a a "sunday morning futures" exclusive is ohio senator j.d. vance. senator, it's great to see you, thanks very much for being here. your reaction to the jobs report on friday. >> well, i think, unfortunately, kevin hassett is exactly right. if you look not just over the a last year, maria, but over the last three or four years, much of the job growth has gone to the foreign-born, many of those, of course, illegal aliens. you contrast that with the trump economy, maria, which was about productivity enhancements, higher wages for american workers, more manufacturing and, ultimately, better good-paying jobs for american workers with the biden economy where so much of the economic growth has gone to the foreign-born, has gone to illegal immigrants while american workers struggle to feed their families and struggle to buy home, struggle to actually live the american dream, it's a really, really sad
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state of affairs. and while president biden wants to flanneling late about how well the economy's doing, people just don't buy it. people recognize it's getting harder to live your dreamses under the biden economy, and it's unfortunately because a lot of that net job growth has gone to the foreign-born what a disgraceful commentary for the president to be dragging -- bragging about an economy that's benefiting illegal immigrants more than american citizens. maria: that is just astound thing, senator. and all day friday we heard all this celebrating about this jobs number. you've been home for two weeks talking with constituents. tell me what's most important to the people you've spoken with in ohio. >> the two things i hear most about is that it's still really, really hard to afford a good life in this country, maria. from car payments, home payments, a lot of the major indexes of inflation undercount the ways in which people are struggling day-to-day. larry summers, the obama administration economist, has talked about this. if you actually look at what
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most people are spending their wage withs on, prices are not coming down. inflation is still a very serious problem for american workers. on the other hand, of course, you have a crime, public safety and illegal immigration problem that's making people feel less safe in their own communities. so on the one hand, they can't afford to get by in this economy and with this administration, on the other hand, they don't feel safe in their own communities. we just had 15 miles from where i grew up, maria, here in southwestern ohio, we had an illegal immigrant who was arrested who murdered somebody in hamilton, ohio. so when people say hamilton, ohio, has about 50,000 the people, by the way. when people say ohio's not a border state, we're certainly dealing with the problems caused by joe biden's open border. this has got to stop. and unless you stop it, i don't think you're going to give people any sense of real safety in their communities. maria: senator, you just relayed one of the horrible stories that we hear over and over again as a result of the unknown attached to the wide open border. you've been to the border plenty
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of times. why is it that the republicans cannot really move the need on securing the border? you're coming back to work next week, this upcoming week, after your easter recess and it sounds like the priority is money to ukraine. there's a $995 -- 95 a million military aid package. maybe it comes to the floor this week, next week, regardless. when can you secure the border and how? >> this illustrates the need for a president trump round two. we know that the biden administration has thrown open the floodgates here, they have undone a lot of trump era immigration policy, and we've seen the effects. i don't want to let congressional are republicans off the hook because we actually do have leveraging, we just have to be willing to actually use it. i think speaker johnson is a good guy, but if he brings up a foreign aid package sending billions of dollars to ukraine without with doing anything on the southern border, it will be a disgrace and a massive betrayal not just to republican voters, but of the entire
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country. why would people elect republicans if republicans are more focused on the border of another country than the border of our own country? so i hope speaker johnson really shows some steely resolve here, pushes back against the craziness and tells the biden administration you don't get a dime for your foreign priorities until you do your job and secure the border. and in the meantime, we've got to do everything we can to reelect donald trump because if we add had him, we wouldn't be dealing with a president who wants an open border. maria: so can you affect change in the senate? you just heard marjorie taylor greene talking about exactly what you just said, mike johnson. good guy but really need him to be more serious and more aggressive in terms of securing the border. what can be done in the senate, and who do you want to see in terms of the replacement for mitch mcconnell come november? >> well, we'll see who actually runs, maria. what i want is somebody, first of all, who can work with a future republican president hawaii tease very important --
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that's very important. we also need someone who's willing to use the leverage that we have. the way the framer s set this up is congress has the power of the purse. we cannot force joe biden to do anything, we can't order the military around. that power is with the president of the united states. what we have is the ability to say you don't get money for your priorities unless you do what the american people need you to do. and unfortunately, whether it's mitch mcconnell or, unfortunately, too many house republicans there's been an unwillingness from our leadership to use that leverage. if we put our foot down, maria, if we said to joe biden, you don't get another dime until you secure the border, he would do it because he would have to. unfortunately, you have way too many republicans who want to accommodate the president's policies instead of actually push him to fight for the american people. maria: by the way, increasingly i'm hearing the issue about the census. is the wide open border helping democrats get more congressional seats? >> this is a huge issue, maria,
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and something we need to talk about more. ohio is -- [inaudible] lost a congressional seat. california has between 3-5 congressional seats it shouldn't have. why? because the census counts illegal aliens when it hands out congressional a representatives. so when you import millions of people into this country illegally, or you're actually destroying the american people's power and their own democracy. you're taking away congressional representation from if american citizens and giving it to illegal aliens. my colleague, senator hagerty, great guy from tennessee, actually had an amendment to try to force the change on this issue just before we broke for the easter recess. every single democrat voted against it. so there are things that we can do, we just have to fight for the more than people. maria: so, in other words, today want it that a way, your colleagues. they have no problem with the fact that the wide open border, even if it has these national security threats, they're okay with it because it's giving them more congressional seats. >> that's exactly right, maria. this is the secret to why
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democrats love an open border. we see it in rising fentanyl rate, in rising crime rates. we're dealing, of course, with the consequences of it. but democrats see an opportunity to massively transform who votes in american elections and who gets congressional representation. they are using it to subvert american democracy by changing out the people who currently live in this country with other people. it's a disgraceful attack on american sovereignty. it's, unfortunately, what the democratic party is committed to. st the most important issue confronting our country, because if american citizens don't control who represents us and who actually makes the laws for us, then we've been effectively, we've ended our national sovereignty as a people and as a country. it's one of the reasons why the democrats' open border is such a disgraceful assault on american sovereignty. maria: unbelievable. senator, it's great to have you this morning. very important conversation and we appreciate your time. >> thanks, maria. see ya. maria: ohio senator j.d. vance. up next, fresh off a $50
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million night for the trump campaign9 and the republican national committee, rnc chairman michael whateley and co-chair lara trump join me on the fund raising blitz and trump's republican [alarm beeping] amelia, turn off alarm. amelia, weather. 70 degrees and sunny today. amelia, unlock the door. i'm afraid i can't do that, jen. why not? did you forget something? my protein shake. the future isn't scary, not investing in it is. you're so dramatic amelia. bye jen. 100 innovative companies, one etf. before investing, carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges expenses and more prospectus at morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water.
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maria: and that was president trump last night after a record fund raise -- fund raiser where the with the rnc -- where are the rnc and the president hauled in a record $50 million at a palm beach event as the rnc prioritizes fund raising and securing -- assuring a secure and transparent election. joining me now is chairman michael whatley and co-chair, lara trump. thanks very much to you both for being here this morning. >> thank you, maria. great to be with you. >> great to be on with you, maria. maria: congratulations, a big night last night. michael, let me kick off with you, what does that kind of a haul get you? where will you allocate this money? >> we are going to spend every single or dollar that we raise on two key, critical, core missions for the rnc which are getting out the vote and protecting the ballot. and we're going to make sure that were focusing on the battleground states and districts where we need to be
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competitive and making sure that every dollar that we raise is going to be put on target. maria: get out the vote is important, but insuring a secure election is what a lot of people want to know what you doing about, lara. tell me about that. you've said this is a priority, you said that the republican national committee has been revamped and is now a bonded entity with the trump the campaign. tell us about it. >> yeah, that's exactly right. look, i've been through two previous if elections, of course, as my father-in-law has run, and and, look, we have always seen the support of the rnc, but we've never if been one cohesive unit. and the beauty of things is that right now we are. thatten means we don't need two people to do the same job. as michael just laid out, every penny of every dollar will go to its highest and best use. we have combed through contracts and vendors, we are making sure we are getting the best deal on everything. but when you talk about election integrity, it is vital. it is the number one thing that
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we are focused on aside from getting out the vote which, of course, donald trump himself will do for us. people are excited. and if they could go vote for him today, they would do it. we are insuring that this election we are leaving nothing to chance. i talked about it previously on this show with you before, maria. we never before at the rnc have is had an election integrity division. all of our resources we can put into this division as needed. and with a haul like we got last night, with a march like we had, we have the funding now to insure we can train poll workers, not just have poll watchers, that we can have lawyers in every voting precinct necessary across this country. we are making sure that we leave nothing to chance because we have to understand the importance of this election, and i think what you saw last night -- let me just clarify how big this was. prior to last night, the largest single event fundraiser in politics ever was the one that joe biden had, and he needed three presidents, to be haul in
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$or 26 million. he needed celebrities like lizzo, stephen colbert, anna wintour. we needed one man, donald j. trump, one president, to double that. it was misery made last night. some of -- history e made last night. some of the people who came to this event had not contributed at a level like this ever before. people are not sitting on the sidelines anymore. they understand what's at stake. it's a must-win election. and from the election integrity perspective, we're focused on it like a laser at the rnc. maria: tell me more about that, mike. are you getting out and getting local support to defend the election? you've talked about increasing number of observers as lara just walked us through. what can you give us in terms of specifics that you're doing to that end? >> sure. two critical as aspects to election integrity. first, we've got to make sure that a we have the rules of the road in place in every state to insure a fair election. so we are working with state legislatures, we're working with
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boards of elections, we're working with secretaries of state to make sure that we get the rules of the road right. and if they're not, we're going to go file lawsuits. we've already filed over 80 different lawsuits in 24 states to make sure that we have the ground ready to go for safe elections. secondly, we are recruiting and training tens of thousands of observers, and we're recruiting and training thousands of attorneys to make sure that we are in the rom whenever a vote -- in the room whenever a vote is being cast and counted. maria: is it too late at this point to make the rules right? i mean, i was reading a story earlier that virginia is, virginia democrats are trying to ban election audits after the fact. i mean, what can you do now hill you have the time, michael? and is it too late to make some of the changes you're efforting? >> it's absolutely not too late at all, and that's why we are so aggressively working in all of these states. we have set up election
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integrity program, as lara just mentioned. we are hiring election integrity directors and and election integrity councils in all of our battleground states to make sure a that we're working with the state governments and the local governments all across the board to get the rules of the road right. what we want are fair, accurate, secure and transparent elections, and when we have it, then we're going to protect the sanctity of that a ballot. we're going to make it easy to vote and hard to cheat. maria: lara, tell me about the states you're zeroing in on. i saw a piece today that in pennsylvania the fracking boom is weighing on biden's re-election. people are feeling the impact of bad policy. are there states that you're zeroing in on either to underline bad policy or to insure that you're policing the rules of the road? >> yeah. well, learning every state matters, obviously. -- listen, every state matters, obviously. but there are the key battle ground states, as michael
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mentioned, that we do have to focus on. pennsylvania is absolutely one of those states. we also have to focus on states like arizona, or wisconsin, michigan, a state that was a huge win for donald trump in 2016. i think we can get back under our belt. georgia, a state that donald trump also wants to focus highly on. you're going to see another huge fund raising haul out of that state next week as a well from president trump. listen, all the battleground states, we're highly focused on. there are 19 key counties around the country we must win in order to insure donald trump becomes the 47th president. we are incredibly focused on doing all that. and, by the way, just to pig by theback on the election integrity component, anyone out there who wan withs to volunteer to do any job whatsoever whether you're a lawyer, you want to volunteer, a person who wants to insure that a we have free and fair elections which, by the way, every person republican, democrat or independent should want in this country, protect the come join us. come insure we have free and fair elections because, maria,
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quite frankly, if we do not, nothing else ultimately matters. we are not able to call ourselves the united states of america anymore. maria: what about the meddling that we could see from outside, you know, outside people like, for example, the chinese communist party meddling or there's a piece in the "wall street journal" this week by holman jenkins that says a disinformation october surprise is coming, saying that will the press be ready if for the third election in a row our national security state meddles, michael? >> look, i think that we are seeing right now that this election truly, truly matters on national security, on every one of these issues. when america is weak, the world is a far more dangerous place. and right now joe biden's feckless leadership has shown china, has shown ukraine, has shown iran that they can feel free to be much more aggressive on the world front to the point where even they will try and meddle with our elections here. what we need to do is make sure
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that a we are getting our message out to every family all across the country because when the american voters see the dramatic difference between four years under joe biden and four years under donald trump, they are going to vote for change, they are going to vote to have us return to donald trump and his presidency. to help make america strong and make sure that you are our leadership in the world is unquestioned. maria: lara, i saw a lot of business people at that fundraiser last night. do you think that business is coming back? if i know that there are a few that president trump has been unable to get like a steve schwarzman or a mrs. edelson is. what are you doing in that regard in terms of luring business back to president trump? >> well, listen, the people we had last night at this fundraiser or are the titans of industry. and some of these people, maria, did not initially support donald trump in this election, but they understand now this is the only way we save our country, to get
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behind this one man. he truly is the person who they know can do it, and i think we're going to be targeting all of those people out there. and i don't even think we need to ask them. i think they will come back in the fold. because when the choice is between going as we have been with joe biden on a destructive path for our country and the world or saving america under donald trump, every person in this country wants to save america. that's why i believe they will come over to the team, and we're going to get donald dump back in there. maria: all right -- donald trump back in there. thanks very much for laying it out, michaeling what thely and lara trump. thank you. we will see you soon. >> thanks, maria. maria: all right. quick break and then president trump's media business takes a wild ride in its first two weeks as a publicly-traded company. trump media and technology ceo devin nuñes responds to critics of djt with his plans for growth. he's next. ♪ ♪ harlem has everything. but i couldn't find pilates anywhere. so i started my own studio. and with the right help, i can make this place
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maria: welcome back. president trump's media company has had a volatile two weeks. the stock finished down about 30% this week. the company, which operates trump's truth social platform, lost $4 billion in market value after gaining $6 billion in value during its debut on the nasdaq two weeks ago. for 2023 trump media posted a loss of $58 million on revenue of $4.1 million in a regulatory filing. the company also disclosed that its auditor the had raised concerns about its ability to continue operating before its recent merger with and ipo. joining me right now is the head of trump media and technology group, he is the ceo, devin nuñes. devin, it's great to have you this morning, thanks very much for being here. >> always a pleasure, maria. maria: i was looking at the filing to the securities and exchange commission and the loss. when would you expect this company to turn profitable in. >> well, look, it's important to remember, maria, that those numbers are based on what was the longest ipo in history.
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so we were overregulated. so if you actually look at the cost that we've built truth social is, our beachhead against big tech, an impenetrable beachhead that everybody cede couldn't be done, that was built for a fraction of what many of these big tech dinosaur companies were built for. so even if you take the ridiculous cost that it took us to get to this point, we are well positioned. why are we well positioned? because we have no debt. we're coming out of this with no debt, a platform that works really, really well that communicates to millions of people, and then we have $20 million in the -- 200 million in the bank. as you move forward here, we're looking at the entire ecosystem is. what does it take to make sure that we protect people in the united states and around the globe from these tyrants of big tech who want to silence them? so we're rooging at the whole ecosystem. whether that's through acquiring technology, whether that's through building technology, those are all the issues that
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we're focused on and including, you know, making sure that a we're dealing with, like, a 3-year plan here where we can go out and put this whole company together where we're not reliant on big tech. there's never been a company like this, and is we're really the only game in town that can accomplish this. and, maria, you know, you talk about something that's amazing, i think this is the most amazing part about our company. the retail investors. so when we went out to get this merger, we had -- it took a while. one of the reasons not just the regulation, but we had almost 400,000 people, retail shareholders, who had invested in this company. guess what's happened over the last couple weeks? we think we've added over 200,000 new retail investors. i would say there's not another company out there -- maria: okay. >> -- that has retail investors like this. maria: okay. i want to take a short break. i want to ask you if your audience is growing and what the business model is, is it
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advertising or, as you say is, building out the ecosystem? stay with us, we've got more with trump media ceo devin nuñes when we come right personalized financial advice from ameriprise can do more than help you reach your goals. -you can make this work. -we can make this work. it can help you reach them with confidence. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. ameriprise financial. advice worth talking about. ♪ today, my friend you did it, you did it, you did it... ♪ centrum silver is now clinically shown to support cognitive health in older adults. it's one more step towards taking charge of your health. so every day, you can say, ♪ youuu did it! ♪ with centrum silver.
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maria: welcome back. i am back with former claim of the house intelligence committee, congressman devin nuñes with, now the ceo of trump
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media with. you were just talking about the activity on the platform, truth social. tell us more about that activity. is it just about elections, the conversation, or is it broader e than that? what can you tell us about the users of truth social right now and how they compare to your competition on instagram and facebook? twitter? if. >> well, you know, look, it's -- we're the only game in town. obviously, those company have been around for, you know, a decade, two decades, sometimes longer. and, you know, after that, we're the next big game in town. we're the only one that's going to be able to compete with them. as you'll remember, one of the things we set out to do when we built truth social was we looked at what's the west of facebook, what's the best of tiktok, what's the best of twitter, how do we put it into one app. now we've been testing something that no one's done, and that is how do you give a home to canceled channel, to canceled documentaries? how do you put streaming into our app? that's something that a we're testing. we have tens of thousands of
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people their actually the -- that are actually using it. and people are cutting the cord, so you have these legacy, big companies, cable companies, satellite companies, etc., so how do we take the best of, say, a netflix, an xfinity, a sling, and how do you integrate it into our app where, ultimately, it can also be used to cut the cord as people want to get to more family-friendly, pro-american type of content? that''s what we're going to provide. look, we're a home for everybody which is why it's not just president trump, one of the most iconic brands in the last hundred years. that's a big reason why, you know, we know that we're popular. but at the same time, we're building quality technology that works, that is unbreakable. maria: devin, before you go, real quick with on china, how worried are you about tiktok, the misinformation campaign as the ccp tries to infiltrate and get involved in our election in november? >> well, look, it's about a 100%
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chance and it always happens. it happens forever. russia a's done it. remember the whole rub shah thing? okay -- russia. yeah, the russians and chinese are going to do something. don't forget probably the worst the democrats who control the censoring of conservative thought. maria: trump
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