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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 5, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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maria: good friday morning, thanks for joining us this morning, it's friday, april 5, 7 am on the east coast. good friday morning. donald trump reiterating what he told me in february about the threat of chinese nationals who illegally entered the country. watch. there are 8 to 10 million illegals in the country right now. what do you do and that? are you going to deport them all? >> it's not sustainable and not just south americans, africa,
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asia, all over the world, all over the world from china 28,000 people in the last few month, 28,000, building an army had mostly men, almost all men from the age of 18 to 25. maria: i'm told the chinese are paying $35,000 ahead to come to the southern border. are they being directed by the communist party to come here? >> i believe so and i believe we are going to have a terrorist attack 100%. maria: now trump is doubling down on that warning on the hugh hewitt radio show accusing the chinese, is party of using chinese nationals to build an army from within the united states. in just one day this week nearly 200 chinese nationals across the san diego border on top of the 22,000 that crossed since october and 24,000 the year earlier. joined me now for the hours the host of tomi lahren's fearless,
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tomi lahren is with us. and national security adviser american conservative union board member and author of revolution, trump, washington and we the people, k t mcfarlane. let's get your reaction first. >> the world has been put on notice, if you want to come to the united states for any purpose, nefarious or for the american dream now is the time to come because we have a president who's on the serious about protecting and defending this nation but i also can't help but think about these other border states like california and arizona who do not have a governor like greg abbott who is working night and day to secure his state and our country by way of texas so that is why you are seeing a lot of chinese nationals coming through san diego, california, they know gavin newsom is not serious about protecting and defending the border and president biden is not serious about protecting and defending the border, when you have this
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number of chinese nationals coming over. it's impossible to imagine a world where the chinese communist party is not involved in that. people don't just come from china, people don't just make their way across because they wanted to go on a little vacation and thought crossing the border illegally would be a way to do it, they are coming here because they sense of vulnerability of the weakness and they know they have at least another half a year to capitalize on that and we've got governors and at least two border states are completely unserious about confronting the threat on their border and that makes all of our country, all of our cities border cities and border states. maria: the soon army of soft attacks from communist china is beyond, whether it's the surveillance balloon, police stations, fentanyl, it just doesn't stop and chinese nationals, president biden is
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not doing anything about it and if he had little of that upset he showed benjamin netanyahu, a little of that upset when talking to xi jinping maybe we could believe he recognizes what's going on. >> recognizes what's going on at the southern border, 10 million new voters going to give them voting rights at the end of the day and the democrats give them a permanent democrat majority in several key states and probably a lot for the next generation but regard to the chinese you've got to remember three things, number one, nobody leaves china without china directing it and knowing it. china is a total surveillance state, 30,000 chinese are leaving coming across the southern border, donald trump is right, they are not coming here for the second reason,
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they are not coming for economic opportunity because they want to be yard workers or want a job at mcdonald's, they are coming here for specific purposes and you are right about the third point. we've seen the chinese come in and do a lot of things, there's a whole spy network of chinese students, the confucius institutes set up at universities, the spying going on in land next to military installations or nuclear installations, this is a carefully crafted plan by the chinese government to get their people in here. what they are going to do next, china will figure that out as time goes on but there's one thing to remember, china has a law that is punishable by death, national security law saying any chinese wherever they are in the world has to do what the chinese government and intelligence services ask or they are guilty of treason and the consequence is execution. maria: that is what i am
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saying, they are being directed here even after arnold schwarzenegger on the kelsey brothers podcast said he's against illegal migrants taking advantage of the system. >> me coming to america was the key to my success. it is just a place where foreigners welcomed, this is the key thing, if you're willing to contribute to america. a lot of people didn't want to come to america to take advantage of america. i'm very vividly against that. maria: meanwhile in seattle officials are scrambling to raise money to pay $5000 a day to pay for the hotels to house 240 illegal migrants, they've taken over a school play area, they put their tents down, farm flags are up, they were in a
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hotel funded by city, county and private donors but the money ran out and they were forced outside so here they are in the play area for kids, they took over that and another $50,000 donation was given so they can return to the hotel but bet that cash is expected to run out next week, you've got two situations, the chinese, is party sending chinese officials into america, maybe they are putting an army together so when i go into taiwan and the us react they can be saboteurs and the overall issue of the open border, two major national security issues. >> 15 million new people into the united states, they are going to be a real burden on the social welfare system of all those states particularly sanctuary state and sanctuary cities but it is also unsustainable for a couple reasons, we are seeing illnesses and diseases coming across the southern border we
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haven't seen in america in generations and when you think about where this goes going forward it changes the united states's political environment permanently because we give 10 million new people voting rights, who are they going to vote for, the people handing them out, the benefits. it's a permanent socialist state run by the democrats, they are not confused about the southern border, they know exactly what they are doing. a serious intention for the future of the united states. maria: do you agree this whole thing is about keeping the democrats grip on power? they just want these people to ultimately become voters? >> a million% and that is why the democrats are not changing course on this and president biden is not changing course on this. he talks about the failed bipartisan a ration bill in the senate and on day one he would shut down the border if we had a migrant crisis, we have a migrant crisis now but word is he's not talking about shutting
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down the border so the fact that he is using the talking point of this bipartisan bill as his get out of jail free card is laughable and a lot of these illegal immigrants are going to underserved communities, they are not coming in to nancy pelosi's neighborhood or beverly hills, they are going into neighborhoods that are already underserved with low resources when it comes to education, homeless veterans and setting up privileges where people have no legal right to be here, that should outrage every american. maria: the march jobs report is out at 8:30 eastern. 2,000 jobs added to the economy, unemployment rate is expected to hold steady at 3. 9%. expectations coming up, don't miss that, you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business, we will be right back. ♪
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maria: it is time for the word on wall street. joining me is university of akron's dennis gartman. thanks for joining the conversation, dennis. >> honor to be asked. maria: we are waiting on the march jobs report. economists are expect into hun in 200,000 jobs in the month of march, the employment rate holding steady at 3. 9%. january jobs revision at one hundred 6,000 jobs local in the initial report. we are expecting february's revision later this morning, what about these revisions? my team looked at all revisions
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over the last year and we react to the report at a month later get a revision on the report. >> and the revisions are always down, very rarely have they been up, always negative, it's astonishing so you can be a thousand miles off the line when you talk about expectation for the current number and a month later you find out you were quite right. today's number would be 215,000 but the big question, what will be the revision from the previous month and pinning the average of 60,000 negative month after month after month so to me the direction of revision is more important than the number itself. maria: what did you make of neil cashcarry saying the quiet part out loud, maybe we won't have any reflux this year, that was a big disappointment for this market. as soon as he said at the market sold off, what do you make of it?
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>> i was surprised by his comment. i expected him to say we would have one or 2 cuts in the course of the year, mainly have no cuts, quite astonishing and cut the market completely off guard. when the market was expecting 5 to 6 cuts in the overnight fed funds rate, i said that would be one or 2, now the market is come to what i thought would be the proper amount of fed funds alleviation over the course of the year. i was a little surprised by his comment and it caught the market off guard. maria: he said he has two cuts penciled in but could be no cuts at all and we should point out he is not of voting members so that will not be heard in the boardroom but still worth noting because a lot of people on this program are not expecting any rate cuts, like mark tepper and i were talking about yesterday, we are lucky if we get one but i want your take on the ev story because ford is announcing will delay
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production of its all electric suv and the pickup truck until 2,027. the focus on offering hybrid vehicles across the line up by 2,030 has been do you laid. grady trimble pressed karen jean-pierre about this deal and the biden administration's ev push. >> do these types of developments make the administration rethink their ev policy? >> when it comes to ev sales they are reaching record highs. eveys are more affordable than ever because of the work this administration has done. last year ev sales surpassed one million for the first time ever. that's a 50% increase under president biden, ev sales have quadrupled. >> is it realistic to go from 7% to 8% of sales to 50% of sales if the automakers themselves are cutting back on production? >> us manufacturing jobs have increased, jobs have increased and when you see a boom like
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this you need autoworkers. it can't happen on its own. maria: i don't know what she's talking about with record sales of evs, nobody is buying them. your reaction? >> the biden administration has to learn something about supply and demand and right now demand for evs is declining, it's falling and here we have a great example of the dangers you run into when you have the government trying to control the economy, trying to tell consumers or businesses what to buy, what to produce. it's not working, this is the wrong way to go. i would not be surprised if billions and billions of dollars are going to be lost, wasted because of these ev efforts. if you want to reduce carbon emissions the most efficient way of doing so is to be honest
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with the people and impose a carbon tax and let the market decide how to respond, how many evs you will produce, there's a possibility that if trump does become elected president a lot of these government mandates from the federal level regarding evs get thrown out the window and then automakers have to scramble and cut back on planned development development of electric vehicles. maria: this whole agenda is all about climate change and what has it done? it sent oil prices soaring, oil prices are kissing up to $90 a barrel. look at crude, it'd $86 a barrel. so much for president biden's plans to call fossil fuels, we see demand rising in supplies wiggling, only sending prices up.
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>> less drilling going on because of government restrictions on fossil fuels, higher prices and let's not forget the only reason inflation slowed last year was because of a deep drop in oil prices. oil prices are headed higher again and that tells me if anything inflation is going to begin to rise again. maria: higher inflation which is what trump predicted in my interview in february as well as the fact that people are worried about this economy has people buying gold. did you see the story in the journal this morning, the costco shoppers putting $2000 gold bars in their cards, they are buying gold bars at costco. >> it's disconcerting to find the public buying gold at this point. i am dismayed when the public is buying it because that's usually a sign of a big -- i
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don't think gold has peaked but that's a disconcerting assignment to say the least. maria: they are buying what they want to buy, they are buying gold bars and costco sells it. we appreciate your time. are sticking with us for the march jobs report and we are grateful, have a great weekend. the white house is threatening it will change its policy of there's no resolution between the hamas/israeli war in the coming days. they claim they maintain support for israel it is unwavering even as hamas is making no promises to release the hostages, biden wants a cease-fire. arkansas conklin frank hill is here with more on that. you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we will be right back.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit...
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unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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- it's polite to thank someone when they do something nice for you, isn't it? well, how about when they do something brave for you? let's show veterans our gratitude. ask your local veterans affairs office how you can help. the more you know. >> building a healthy economic relationship requires a level playing field and in direct communication of areas where we disagree and this includes the issue of china's industrial overcapacity which the united states and other companies are concerned could cause global spillovers.
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maria: the us is concerned with china's industrial overcapacity. later yellen will speak at a roundtable followed by a meeting with government officials. tennessee senator bill haggerty joined us earlier in the weekend laid it all out, he warned about the danger china's electric vehicle push. >> new product has been introduced looking much like a porsche for a price for price point of $30,000. it looks like a porsche, to compete against tesla and tesla's price dropped 8. 5% of the markets, there's a deeper concern, these evs have tremendous amount of information gathering equipment that that information could be gathered and sent back to china. maria: serious threat to your. showing me is arkansas cars in french ill of the house financial services committee and member of the house foreign affairs and intelligence committees.
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thanks for being with us. what your reaction from what you just heard from senator haggerty. it corresponds exactly with john ratcliffe, rob, replicate your place. that's it. rob intellectual property, replicate that intellectual property the way they are doing with this new car and replace american companies with chinese company. your reaction. >> i agree with that philosophy. we've seen intellectual property theft going back to the 1990s, going back to videotapes so it doesn't surprise me they are doing that in the electric vehicle area. secretary yellen's agenda should be stop dumping goods in europe and the united states. we don't want to buy anymore things made with weaker labor or subsidies, the biden administration has made this
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worse by their insistence in mandates in and around ev, battery, solar issues without letting the free market work, you are empowering the chinese, policies that are climate-related and web senator haggerty mentions is the reason we band tiktok, it's the gathering of data through the apps in the case of tiktok rather than an electric vehicle and that's the concern because china is using that data to gather the way americans live and work and use that for disinformation anytime in the future or have information and methodologies to disable american systems. microsoft said they discovered mass amounts of a i use for disinformation in taiwan they picked up through the system and this is another example of china trying to gather data on
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americans. maria: now we have seen what the ccp is trying to do overtaking the united states. president biden fails to get tough with xi xinping at all, 20,000 plus chinese nationals coming through the open border, 201 days last week. why? they can't pick up and leave china. no evidence president biden brought that up when they were on the phone. the white house went nuts telling us how tough he was on benjamin netanyahu. >> secretary yellen in addition to this dumping comment, reassuring is real, they -- their export economy is not going to drive the numbers anymore. they have tremendous unemployment, large percentage of their youth not employed,
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they don't have a social safety net, they have a real estate market collapse and financial collapse. xi xinping is putting entrepreneurs in prison, shutting down the press. this is no way to build a domestic economy. i think he's putting his own country at risk with terrible economic policies while he threatens the world and it is going to backfire on the chinese economy. maria: may be, but right now our vulnerable businesses because of all this and if he would get little tough at xi xinping maybe he would show as he cares about this stuff but he ignores china while hammering israel. the president spoke with benjamin netanyahu yesterday and according to the white house was real tough warning us policy toward israel could change if the idf doesn't do more to prove the humanitarian situation in gaza. white house read out of the cost of those biden showed netanyahu strike fund manager and workers at overall humanitarian situation are
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unacceptable. biden called for an immediate cease-fire and no comment on the fact that it is hamas who started this and hamas is still refusing to release any hostages. no wonder in the new york primary election almost 40,000 democrats voted blank to protest biden's stance on israel's war. your comments on that. >> biden has got it wrong. the reason people are celebrating gaza is because of hamas, the reason there's a war in the region is because of hamas backed by iran and bill burns, our cia director is headed back there this week. if we want a resolution here, hamas needs to free the hostages and surrender so that we can move on. nothing is more dangerous than urban warfare. israel is being as careful as they can but hamas uses public buildings, hospitals, their
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tunnel system as a malicious way to continue the attacks on israel while impoverishing and endangering the people of gaza. just like from their 20 years of leadership everyone knows this. that is why burns and biden must in my view make hamas terrorists understand, give us the hostages, let as have humanitarian aid and surrender, we want to end this. maria: legislation competing with regulation. when you all get back, the biden regulatory agencies have a soft deadline of memorial day to codify regulations before getting into clawback scenarios from the congressional review act that could come into play. he is trying to ensure no government officials can be fired if trump wins the election. you want to say anything about green ideas and climate change agenda rules that have been put into business from the biden administration?
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>> every house committee run by solid republican conservative chairman is coming up with their strategy to defeat this strategy of biden both on proposing new rules, we are going to use the congressional review act to jam employees and without advice and consent of the senate, the senate will be ready to push back, we will expand our majority in the house, take the senate back and put a end to the regulatory agenda that's been so destructive of economic growth in this congress. maria: we will be watching your work, thanks very much. thank you. we will be right back.
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maria: more spring storms on the way for the northern us. lauren: preparing for long-term flooding following heavy rainfall across the valley was the ohio river in pittsburgh cresting at 28 feet, that is considered just shy of major flood stage, they are closing parks and trails along riverbanks and in west virginia cities are bracing for a wet weekend. floodgates are being installed and they are closing some school districts. political group no labels are banded its plans to nominate a third-party presidential candidate for november after spending months and millions of dollars trying to secure a strong candidate. the group ceo says, quote, no labels always said we would only offer our ballot line to a ticket if we could identify candidates with a critical path to winning the white house, no such candidates emerged so the
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responsible course of action is for us to stand down. no need to get a later, the biden administration getting ready to finalize a ban on menthol cigarettes, the decision sparking criticism for and against a ban. the american cancer society said the continued inaction is a shocking deference to the tobacco industry which has demonstrated its willingness to profit from products that result in death. civil rights groups warning the ban could punish minorities who largely consumed menthol cigarettes. you may have heard of no crying in baseball, now it is no solar eclipse in baseball, pushing back the start time of the yankees and miami marlins game. and then pause a couple minutes later to watch the eclipse.
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and and a solar eclipse t-shirt. and it won't happen for another two decades. maria: people all over the country focused on it monday as well. i can't wait to see it. lauren: i am excited but i think you are more than me. maria: i love the moon and sun shot so i will be snapping away with my camera. politico reporting the biden campaign is beefing up its polling operation bringing on a group of veteran pollsters and advocates to lead to new election efforts after wall street journal survey found donald trump is leading president biden in 6 of 7 swing states. questions arise on who is running the show in the white house as president biden seems to be shifting his stance on
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israel. yesterday he warned benjamin netanyahu that us policy could change if the israeli military does not do more to improve the humanitarian situation in gaza. a report showing that jill biden has privately urged president biden to stop the war in gaza. there was a report that she was heard telling the president stop it now. is this coming from her? >> reporter: probably her in the pollsters because president biden needs the muslim american vote in michigan to win michigan to win the white house. that is the reason for this new position on israel. it has nothing to do with israel and israel's right to exist. iran which is calling the shots, has wanted to have israel and the united states, a wedge between israel and the
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united states, to drop israel, drop support of israel, stop cooperation with intelligence sharing, stop giving israel weapons because then israel is alone and that is when all all the irani and proxies, hezbollah, hamas, the houthis, everyone surrounds his real, that will be the next step if the united states abandons israel which president biden in the pollsters and mrs. biden seem to be urging when they say a permanent cease-fire, no mention of hostages or american hostages, permanent cease-fire plays into the hands of hamas leader. take it from me, take it from him. these are our women and children, they are not human shields, they are human sacrifices. maria: the president is setting the tone. you have chuck schumer on the floor of the senate ask -- attacking benjamin netanyahu
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saying we want a new election, he no longer serves the people of israel, this is happening in plain sight in the middle of the war where israel is fighting for survival. >> democrats talk a lot about safeguarding democracy and preventing election interference but they have no problem when they are the ones orchestrating it. this is a big problem when it comes to president biden and who controls it. it is the z and millennial's on college campuses that are controlling his foreign policy. this has to do with his votes and voters in michigan. he desperately needs to win the state. he has to win the state so he is kowtowing to the most extreme and giving deference to college campuses. he is not grounded.
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is not grounded, he is whatever the way the wind blows or whatever get some votes in this area or that area and he prioritizes that above everything else. as far as ending the conflict in gaza if we could end the conflict in gaza he would and if donald trump was the president is likely would never have started in the first place, a week administration is now betraying our closest ally in israel to win votes in michigan and not take a firm policy stance on this issue shows he's not pulling his own strings but i would like to know who is. maria: peter doocy grilled the administration on this issue saying biden shifting israeli stance, why he hasn't made a public comment on it. watch this. >> support is unwavering but you are also reconsidering policy choices. >> both can be true. >> it cannot be true. he wants to talk about how
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angry and frustrated he is about the high cost of insulin. >> he has been talking about this and issued statements on this. the statement is public. >> why isn't he here now? >> we will hear from the president on this and many national security issues. maria: he is threatening to change policy in the white house facing questions on the location of next week's state dinner was chosen to avoid protesters over this issue outside. watch this. >> the dinner will be held in the east room and i'm curious, the last state dinner was held on the south lawn. was this chose out of concern that protesters have been coming and the president might be shouting out? >> not the first state dinner held in the east room. i wouldn't read that much into
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it. maria: voters are noticing everything you do. >> protesters will be a big problem for president biden and democrats in general because they have learned that they can get press, they can get attention, spotlight if they show up and they are not going to stop showing up because they are influencing his policy decisions. protesters that are out there, many of them have said despicable things about israel are shaping american foreign policy. looks bad for the president and other democrats. that goes to show you my recent point who is really in charge here? queers for palestine? that's troubling to say the least. maria: wasn't there tiktok influencer, and to tell young people not to vote for you.
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that tiktok influencer is apparently influencing policy. >> so many things, tiktok being a tool for the chinese communist party, tiktok errors being invited to the white house shaping foreign policy, this is what your president is bringing to the american people. if you want to know the way the country is going, watch a few tiktok videos. maria: you were in the white house walking the walls. all this conversation about tiktok and china undermining america, what's going on? >> it speaks to the biden administration. they are not grounded in any sense of principle, the only principle is getting democrats elected and getting all lock on the white house, if jen z doesn't like it, if wall street, band the wall street,
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as a result you have foreign policy our adversaries can take advantage of and allies can't count on and once the adversary sees weakness whether it is over israel or china, and the european ukraine situation, that's where they all go in. we are entering a period of maximum vulnerability. xi xinping and vladimir putin and the ayatollahs look at biden and say we've been able to push him around for months, years. we need to seize the moment, a window of opportunity might be narrowing. adversaries don't come after country when it is strong but only when perceived to be week. than they jump in. maria: this was crystallized with these phone calls, president biden has a phone call with xi xinping on wednesday. thursday he has a phone call
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with benjamin netanyahu, please can militaries talk again since the walk in the park they had in november and with benjamin netanyahu, we will change policy unless this is over. >> can you imagine donald trump being president and going to china and american secretary of the treasury begging the chinese please don't flood our markets with electric vehicles, it's going to be bad -- donald trump would say you try that i'm going to slap a tariff on you and you won't have anything. maria: we know that because that is what trump did, he had sanctions, tariffs on china come to them contained. >> kept the world contained and in relation to mexico making demands of the united states where donald trump threatened a
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tariff and it works, the solution is we need to get better leaders, strength on the world stage and president biden who wakes up at noon not cutting it. maria: obrador from mexico saying we better spend $20 billion a month to the latin american countries or the flow will keep coming into america. thank you for joining us for this power panel our. thank you for your time this morning, we will take a short break and take you to the sunshine state on how the retirement community is viewing the state of the economy. ashley: we are reporting from the villages, a retirement community which is the fastest growing metro area in the united states but retiring these days no guarantee especially when social security and savings don't cover your expenses. coming up we will talk to some new folks at the flying biscuit campaign.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage?
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we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okathe future is here.for. we've been creating it for more than 100 years, putting the most advanced technology into people's hands. generation after generation. tool after tool. again and again. bringing you the most reliable network of authorized sales and service dealers. always moving forward. we lead. others follow. maria: it is time for the morning buzz. how the sunshine state feeling about the state of the economy? ashley webster is at the flying biscuit café with villages in
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florida with what they are saying about the retirement community and how they are experiencing today's biden economy. ashley: good morning. older americans working number and numbers back that up. the biggest problem is too many people haven't been able to save to enjoy their golden years. according to a fed survey, 43% have no savings, talking people between 55 and 64. a big part of that is inflation, things getting more expensive. when social security and savings don't cover your expenses, you said we can't retire. some want to, some canned. that's the problem these days. i want to bring in lisa. you have been here in this retirement community, you personally are you hoping to retire anytime soon or do you see yourself working and working? >> working and working. ashley: why is that?
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>> everything is expensive. you have to work harder, longer hours, more shifts to cover everything. we 5 and no ability to save. okay. thank you very much. why don't people save? a variety of things from student debt to not earning enough money to medical expenses, it's difficult indeed. one in five people 65 and older were working full time and that number is rising. back to you. maria: thank you. ashley webster. stay with us. we will be right back. ♪ this work. -we can make this work. it can help you reach them with confidence. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. ameriprise financial. advice worth talking about.
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