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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  April 4, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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♪ me and my friends ♪ ♪ life is better with the credit gods are on your side. rewards once available to the few are now accessible to the many. credit one bank. get cash back rewards, and live large. housing president biden relationship with israel is a disgrace. absolute disgrace. policies should be so clear, unconditional hamas surrender, hamas should be annihilated, the commodification throughout gaza and the middle east. so simple and what biden's
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policy up to be in next up to s. breaking news coming in is liz mcdonald who probably has ae studio lot on the same topic agreed, and, outrage. the national secuy council at the defense intelligence agency, combat veteran of the u.s. army special forces, robert, thank you for helping us out tonight. stocks have been dropping and oil prices are rising. israel put all of its embassies worldwide on high alert. breaking news, iran make attack israel within 48 hours reportedly via icbms, cruise missiles or suicide drones. this is retaliation for israel air strike on iran's consulate in syria which took up to iranian generals. what is your reaction to this news? >> it's no surprise iran is looking to respond to the death of one of the most important military commanders according efforts against israel from lebanon and syria and it's no
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surprise there likely to conduct attacks and reciprocity on it but unlikely this will result in escalation. israel and conflict receiving indirect fire for missiles and drones from iran's axis of persistence already. doubtful we are likely to see will be radical escalation. what we are seeing is radical pressure being applied by the united states against our partner in israel and that is the real dynamic which i think puts our ally israel and the toughest position to withstand iranian pressure. >> lawmakers warned president biden for the first time forcing america to effectively negotiate on behalf of paris and appeasing, terrace. he's doing it to appease the far left, that's what they are saying. israeli israeli lives at risk, a vote against biden expanding to more state. biden threatening netanyahu reportedly saying get an immediate cease-fire for the first time, it looks like he did
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not strongly link that cease-fire to release of u.s. hostages when hamas says rejecting every cease-fire author over the past six months so biden's policy is, does not need to compromise, just israel? >> it is remarkable what we are watching his foreign policy but domestic calling it divination, or the president has tried to extract political benefit by applying pressure to closest ally and in the end what we have done, this administration managed to only lose lose, it's not going to deter, it will encourage escalation and israel in a difficult position that it cannot comply with that and allow hamas to continue to present constant threat to them so it's impossible to see the logic what the administration is attempting to achieve but likely to see increased escalation in the region and white energy prices are climbing. >> biden said the u.s. may condition future u.s. literary aid to israel over gaza but how
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can the biden white house seriously same support for israel as unwavering? he is wavering, peter doocy pointed that out. hamas gets to fight another day, cease-fire the bike was in place on ten -- seven-point hamas slaughtered 1200 innocents including children and infants. hamas doesn't care about cease-fire, they will keep going. watch these analysts cite a clear correlation over how gaza is costing biden with voters in the latest little pulling. >> you see it drop to 65%, 60% us-mexico border. 58%, not quick numbers for democrat amongst his own party but look here, israel hamas war, look at that, less than 50% of democrats approving on joe biden on israel, war. >> that's what's driving it so how can voters trust biden went he's boston?
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president trump reportedly spoke on the phone with saudi arabia's prince, this is the trump legendary abraham accords striving for peace in the middle east. three biden state department officials testified to house investigators president biden had no evacuation plan for afghanistan, nothing. he created this afghanistan withdrawal they said from scratch, the evacuation out of afghanistan was done on the fly. there was no working evacuation plan for afghanistan, that's president biden at work, 13 soldiers killed, up to 9000 american stranded. how can we trust him on israel? >> we can't. it's worse than that because not only did americans die on the attack on october 7, they are still held hostage and ought to be one of our priority objectives to apply pressure to get them out. the reality is worse because we
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provide unlimited access to resources a vibrant behind all this and responsible to the death of three americans from our syrian garrison an individual responsible for the one killed in damascus over the weekend and we ought to be celebrating that's right with israel, our partner. instead, this administration decided to support adversaries at the expense of our partners and allies. >> critics call it weakness in full force. we are going to thank you, who will stay on this throughout the hour. former home depot ceo of ge executive, former treasury official, what you make of what's going on with the white house treating israel this way? israel put embassies worldwide on high alert, iran make attack israel within 48 hours, what do you think? >> i think you covered it quite well, it is shocking. they been strong partners over the years, it is is appointing and you have oil prices up, it's
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no surprise on the first day of this administration, they surrendered energy independent and then drew oil out of the emergency reserve, they shot drilling down. recently the mandate about not being able to export lng is one of the biggest geopolitical things we could have done so it's one continuous debacle after another. we talk about this before, reckless bending, we talk about immigration adding to inflation, lawlessness and society's, there isn't a household in the country today that could have reckless bending this administration is doing versus internal budget. >> what bob said, let's get your take, biden's former white house chief of staff ron klain joining axelrod and james telling voters biden is losing with voters with bidenomics.
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inflation is too high, american families are getting hit. listen. >> i think people live their lives and want to know how to fix them and their family budget and crisis although inflation is moderate, prices are still high in price of gas is still high. other prices are still high and people feel the pinch. >> by the way, former president trump edged out biden in another new poll from emerson college leading biden 46 to 45%, two thirds of swing state voters to pull say biden economy is not working for them, trump is leading to six battleground states, those states have not more economic pain than the rest of the u.s. what you think? >> absolutely another group earning under this administration is what has typically been democrat constituency, young people but they are the ones that have disproportionate of their income
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going to things like food and energy, the ones really struggling to buy houses and cars due to high interest rate environment we are seeing you see for young people, those in the 30s are pointing to the economy is one of the biggest issues in the other ones suffering under bidenomics. as bob said, at the core is an energy strategy. i know we often talk about energy primarily as an economic issue but it's such an important national security issue. imagine what the world would look like at $40 oil instead of $86 the debt today if we pursued an aggressive energy dominant strategy like under president trump the gallup, only average 538 have the biden white house : the worst in the modern era of the united states of america. under the trump white house, typical families increased income by about $6000.
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so far hunter biden, typical families lost over 2000, that's a big swing of 8000. watch president trump there and listen to parents and grandparents worry about their kids not getting the american dream. >> when i went, you are all getting tax cuts and a brand-new economic and that's the way we will have. [cheering] >> you can't afford the american dream, what we wanted when we were young, i saw something our kids can afford. >> it's too expensive. have our kids and grandkids, they can't afford to do the things you would like to do. >> lost our way, it's impossible for the younger generation to afford housing. a car cost one my ears bought a house and stuff like that. wages remain stagnant. >> it is unbelievable the analysts showing you the report,
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80% of the democrats about the economy was great. it's not what i experience every day for sure. you go to the grocery store and watch people checking out. how often do you see people putting stuff back in the basket because a party talk down on the limit for grocery store for their family? you talk about oil costs going up, businesses, i deal with them every day. middle to lower middle market businesses today are being crushed any interest rates, interest rates they play on a flexible debt : two to 12 billion, $12 million. we see it in every part of our life. the american dream, you can't afford a home today. the hypocrisy of shutting everything down and pushing electric cars, shutting down energy, it crazy what's going on. >> this is again pulling up the worst in modern history. final word --
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>> the other thing i would say is the jobs report tomorrow, keep looking at how many of the jobs are part-time is that full-time so it's not just wages haven't kept up with inflation but weekly earnings happened because the average worker has gone down. we stopped focusing on just a number of jobs and look at jobs they are. >> 60000 jobs a month. i think real average weekly earnings down 4%. you guys are terrific, we appreciate you so much. we'll have you back on we hope very soon. coming up, congressman temperature, sam dewey, retired nypd officer and "wall street journal" columnist, bill mcgurn. this double standard and jack smith attacks the judge and president trump classified docs case the democrats upon gag orders on jumped over what gop lawmakers call biased judges and
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gop lawmakers in the white ho house, he sent a letter saying why are you being silent for letting known terrace into the u.s. at the time of war? biden's justice department just ahead of the election destroying more of your tax money and he was crime. police say enforcing existing laws and senior citizens are furious. president biden cut medicare advantage for 33 million sen seniors, biden is attacking trump. plus jeff van drew and pete buttigieg, he's getting really mocked on twitter for his off-the-wall comparison trying to push americans to buy only electric cars. we got hot show on the evening edit. stay there. ♪
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“price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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jeff van drew. let's get your reaction to this, pete buttigieg the roast on twitter and social media workbook critics call remarkably absurd off-the-wall comparison. let's listen to this. >> is the early 2000's and i'm talking to some people who think we can just have landline phones forever. >> what is he talking about? as good a judge think they are
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in fact landline to get cell phones? is in there a phone on his desk? did his mandate in place to course consumers away from landline phones and mandating everyone to buy ones like they do with electric cars? >> the deal is this number one pete buttigieg and his inferiority and americans are sick and tired of this administration and can't keep up with them he thinks they are much smarter, he knows what is good for us even though we don't know and that is what he's saying. here's the bottom line. in america, he went by competition so cell phones are more convenient, they allow to do things they couldn't do before so they competed with landslides. nobody will outdo land lines and they are still land lines in existence. what they are doing with electric cars is the opposite,
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they are doing what they always do, forcing stuff we don't want and taking things away from us we do want. america is sick and tired of it. >> inflation is about to go up even more, truckers are morning, biden wants them to only buy electric trucks. they don't exist in mass production yet, they can only go many miles before they need to be recharged and spend like three hours, that will drink the power grid, put the entire nation in a state of anxiety about electricity, by the way, your reaction to this. gas prices up 45% hunter biden, he spent the last four years training strategic reserves to its lowest level in 40 years. there's only like 18 days of supply left but cancel plant to refill reserves because oil is too expensive at 85 a barrel, it will go to 90 with what's going on with israel and iran.
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>> he's responsible for this is his bad foreign policy, bad domestic policy. what he did and energy, the ability to expand more to export energy under president trump four years ago and now he's shutting everything down including lng. of course it's going to go up but they don't care because they think they know better than the american people and american public and for their socialist vision of the future, they are going to sacrifice the american people, willing to hurt the american people. what he did to the reserves is wrong, we have full energy in this country, we should be the number one exporter in the world that would help our economy, our gas and energy prices, everything is costing people more and they feel it. he's right, i call it bidenomics to so feel bidenomics, that's what it is. when you pay for more your gas and energy in your home,
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everything you can't even afford to buy the house and rent an apartment. >> he's putting it on russia and venezuela u.s. adversaries call bank of america warning voters expect to buy gas, oil could hit $100 a barrel, 95 a barrel and that means $5 gas. opec plus, they are not increasing production. there's expensive driving, tight supply, escalating demand and intensifying geopolitical tensions in the middle east. watch peter doocy asked white house press secretary about it, watch the dodge here. >> you started draining teacher petroleum reserve to help with the putin price hike a few years ago. you said you were going to repeal it and out it doesn't seemed like the topping. >> i believe the department of energy is responsible for that particular component, refilling that so i would refer you to the department of energy.
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>> kayleigh mcenany, dana perino and jen psaki all had answers. but we shared of of the white house, is a broker into, gas lighting or make a phone call to another agency. can you ever get a straight answer out of the white house? matthew cannot the bottom line is our energy crisis prices will go up, biden is a great friend to iran because he took off all sanctions hurting america, helping a lot of enemies around the world, it's unfortunate. >> thank you for joining us, we hope to have you back on soon. we are taking on this story, jampacked hour. legal pros slamming special counsel jack smith for attacking the judge former president trump classified documents case. the judges are telling the jury, follow the law and gop lawmakers house homeland security sent a letter asking the biden white house, why are you staying silent on letting known terrace into the u.s. during a time of war? all of this on "the evening
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texas again not backing down, it's at the fifth circuit appeals court demanding the court greenlight its new state law on arresting and deporting illegal migrants, texas putting up even more barriers to stop biden's intensifying border crisis. fox news met in el paso, texas with exclusive look at what texas is doing. >> we are a few steps away from the border wall here in el paso and the past couple days we've had exclusive access with texas military department as they would rather rapidly install this added wire fence here. what they have been doing this hearing the wire to fencing panels and lifting them up installing come into the ground. the fence now exists as far as the eye can see from this perspective and what it does is create an added layer of
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deterrence so migrant who wants to approach our seven wall clock we first have to consider trying to get through razor wire barrier. what we haven't seen is the bear working in real time, migrant reconsidering crossing the wire, directed to the legal points of entry and that is the whole thing of directing migrants to the area where they are supposed to surrender to the united states instead of illegally crossing and there is new drone footage we have to show you, ariel video is the scope of governor abbott's projects here and here in el paso, they are replicating what we see and eagle pass and that is a deterrent there and now the same amount of wire barrier here in el paso and the governor says active for five grand to the airspace is also a concern because cartels have started a drone for student the capability of cartel getting things across the border through drones already is extraordinary in their weekly more aggressive and sophisticated, we could sustain
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a drone attack anytime. >> texas military department says it's installed more than 120 miles of wire across this state and imagine there will be much more in the coming days. >> thank you so much for great recording as always. joining us now house fornicators, temperature, it's good to see you again. this historical republicans on house, security led by mark green sent a letter to homeland security secretary mayorkas demanding what he and the white house cannot explain why they are silent letting terrorists on the u.s. watchlist into cash into america with little to no oversight. a symbolic terrorists able to operate freely for almost a year before detection it he talked about trying to make a bomb, what do you think? >> i think it is two things. they are completely inept and
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then you can find that with numbers cabinet that are complete anarchist there's no other reason. they are allowing someone whose sole mission in life is willing to give their lives, that's what the terrorists are, you know it and i know it, they want to destroy this country and i feel that the root is it is in their leadership, they hate our country, they hate everything we stand for, they hate our flag and our god, they hate everything about it. then like our values and they want to tear it down and start over. >> we have a new associated press north pole, seven out of ten, 60% disapprove of biden's mishandling of the u.s. border. the biden campaign dilemma, it border bombs, safety bombs, they are the new soccer moms angry, biden is making america less
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safe, both economically and because of crime putting in acute criminals recidivists let's listen to sheriff richard jones slammed the biden white house after an illegal alien was arrested for murder in ohio and watch former president trump. >> i've spoken a lot, this is killing us in destroying our country. everybody, it's affecting all of us, 3300 counties in the united states. these people aren't doing anything and they are causing it, it don't matter who elected them, what they've done. we've elected these people and they are not responsible is what they are telling us. >> under crooked joe biden every state is a border state, every town is a border town is joe biden carnage and chaos killings from all over the world dumped it straight into our backyard. >> polls show the border mobs,
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americans are against massive number of unfettered people flooding into america, any rational butter or country would be against that and therefore legal immigration, that's what immigrants are telling us, legal immigration but biden created lawlessness. >> absolutely. legal immigrants trusted is anybody else, they jump through the hoops, some took as many as ten years but the real pull, they are on every front to trump. there's no question, he is dominating the polls with minorities, black folds and braunfels, everyone so clearly all biden is doing right now is trying to appease and please his liberal marxist base, small percentage, that is the only reason for this activity and of this political perpetuation. they know trump will dominate him of the polls on all these issues because he is strong on these issues, he's been wrong.
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he was right on these issues all along and they are wrong and they know it but small minuscule vice you saw in those states, they does not devote or they voted no one present in these are far left people in michigan and california and other places so you know they are sweating reelection day. >> we got border bombs joining school board parents, these are new soccer moms, safety moms thing this is enough. canada cannot absorb its levels of illegal immigration, forces. >> however, over the past two years, we seen a massive like contemporary immigration whether it temporary foreign workers or international students in particular have grown at a rate far beyond what canada has been able to absorb, to give an
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example, 2017, 2% of canada's population was made up of temporary immigrants. now we are at seven and a half% of our population comprised of temporary immigrants. something we need to get back under control. >> even justin trudeau says enough is enough. >> justin trudeau changed his hairstyle and his tune. he's on board on immigration but it's too late. the cow has already left the barn. we need to show up at the polls and clarify and clean up the situation. we need trump the white house. >> thanks for joining us. let's get right to this news, welcome to the show former attorney, sam dewey. it's good to see you again. eileen cannon denied truck president trump's motion to dismiss classified documents case based on the presidential records act separately she
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indicated she will see on the case despite attacks and threats against her from special counsel jack smith, what you think? >> i think it's another retrial, i think the cases moving along and the rhetoric against her bizarre and overblown. i don't understand why carefully proceeding to the case because for so much outrage and alarm by the legacy echo chamber, it makes no sense. >> jack smith is outraged, jury instructions and the trump classified docs case saying you got to abide by the president joe records act, the president has sole authority under the act to categorize records with presidential during his presidency and that's what the judge told the jury. she said neither court nor jury can make or review such a category decision they have to abide by the law but jack smith
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says it's fundamentally flawed. how is it fundamentally flawed follow the law? >> i don't understand what jack this theory is and i think that's part of what judge can was trying to get articulate, tell me what your theory is, tell me so i can understand how it goes forward and it seems schizophrenic because you have jack smith's theory and wait a second, isn't president biden is white house counsel. the opposite? don't we know that it's okay to keep this? if you designate it as your own, isn't that what bill clinton did with classified tapes? he kept in his sock drawer. reagan kept his diaries so it's a very bizarre ahistorical approach by jack smith. >> it's also reasonable doubt. he's going to have to surpass jack smith reasonable doubt standard, a big federal law
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traversing i'm following, the judge said the jury has to abide by the law and all of presidential records act. what you make of the double standard jack smith attacks judge cannon as judges put gag orders on trump in three cases including trump cosmic trial set to start april 5, gop lawmaker elise saying it abuse of power that this judge's thing on the case when his daughter has been democrat fundraiser, consultant making big bucks fundraising for biden now adam schiff? >> there's no question he should recuse because of the issue his daughter appears to be profiting from the case. you have to recuse and that scenario, she will stand the prophet's if trump is convicted and i don't understand why he hasn't done so. >> that's interesting, who will stay on it. more stuff for sam dewey to it tackle to take on, thanks for
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joining us. coming up, retired nypd officer bill stanton joins us. bill stanton is terrific. but polls show americans are sick of lawlessness so biden's d.o.j., what did they do? they will throw more money a quarter billion dollars at crime the head of the election. cops nationwide say just enforce the laws already on the books. more polls show black voters in key swing states demand a stop to crime. first, we will hear from dagen and sean, what's coming up on the bottom line bucks. >> welcome back, good to see you. a great show coming up. 182 chinese illegally entering the country last tuesday. the invasion is on. the brick may your to discuss. >> infiltrating military bases. john carney is here. the stock market goes boom, layoffs are going up but joe biden wants to spend billions on building a green climate court
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nationwide we see old photos from all walks of life might they've had it, they are done with the lawlessness. the update on this story in new york, eight illegal migrants mars arrested a home with drugs and guns, apprehended before the texas border. then released into the u.s. many had previous criminal charges but now this, many released this time without bail. the boys will break it down with this story. >> good evening, we spoke with the homeowner in the bronx sitting in wants to remain nameless because he's fearful for his life. he mentioned criminal history some of these migrants squatters had, he's still concerned he will heal hear more about the threats momentarily but finally out of the home but not before leaving behind damage. we got an exclusive look inside he showed us damage, says migrants never had a key so they
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broke into his basement through a window boarding up windows today. close scan of the floor, looks like it hasn't been cleaned in months. the landlord says migrants disabled his security cameras in trenton so he was there to install new ones. >> did they ever threaten you? >> yes, they threaten me. of course. last time even the office was there and they were sitting down against us and they were showing me something like this. >> during stuff. he avoided this property because of a federalization three of the eight migrants squatters into custody yesterday while abiding by new york city entering status. i told fox due to state and local law, er zero nyc, enforcement and removal operations have to investigate these individuals independently and conduct targeted enforcement operation on its own critically
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received no assistance from n nypd. one of the migrants released by a bronze but without bail is this guy. hector easton youngest arrested him seven months ago for attempted murder. ice is joe looking for this guy, the bronx da requested $45000 bond but the judge let him walk free. two of the migrants released without fail have already been arrested again that happened monday for shoplifting. they are being held in nassau county. >> incredible reporting. thank you for giving us that update, appreciate you. joining us now, retired nypd officer bill stanton. your reaction to that report? >> thank you for having me. i was born and raised in the bronx and a cop in the south bronx. this goes against anything any new yorker, especially anything of bronx side would expect from new york city not protecting its own.
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allowing illegal immigrants who are criminals coming in to compound committee or crimes to be let out of jail to commit more crimes. no one, not of any color, race, or religion think this makes sense except certain political parties connect independent voters, swing voters, black voters upset about crime coming out of illegal immigrants crossing the border. a poll on behalf of former u.s. say eight out of ten black voters in swing states, georgia, pennsylvania and michigan, they want criminal justice reform like tougher laws to stop crime including nine out of ten democrats, 82% of independents, 75% of mass incarceration causing many problems that led to unsafe committees that they say you got to crackdown on crime. >> people of color, people of diversity have children, they want to go home and be safe and
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secure like anybody. this just politicians where they think the political wind will blow, they will double down and put us all at risk while they go to their towers in gated communities have their bodies but they are wrong. >> latino and hispanic voters seeking out against crime, two. political reporting rfk junior is an independent candidate, he will be a serious drag on support in arizona and nevada, previously but democrat research group called equus research show kennedys reporting this reporting well among tena voters in a dozen battleground states splintering hispanic coalition in 2020. >> they made their own calculus though my emerge, religious family oriented in the want to be safe and secure.
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white people think allowing illegal immigrants without letting them for americans is insane. >> will have you back on again soon. good to see you. this story, senior citizens, millions and angry nationwide. outraged, president biden cut medicare advantage. that will cause a rise in costs for 33 million senior citizens. "wall street journal" columnist, bill mcgurn will break it down next on "the evening edit". ♪
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5:56 pm
elizabeth: okay let's get right at this story, welcome to show bill mcgurn. good to see you, what doe
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you make of this -- president biden has been going after republican lawmakers on medicare, but biden white house cut medicare advantage benefits for a second year in a row. >> it make morse sense than you -- makes more sense than you think, democrats always hated medicare advantage, which has private sector companies administers benefits. they have different pay structure, one that keeps costs down and allows companies to offer more benefits to retiree, not surprising that a part of medicare they would go after. look, medicare and social security are huge problems, no one wants to touch them, but they have to be touched to be saved. just spending more than we take it. elizabeth: understood. what is happening now will hurt 33 million seniors with nearly 400 a year rate
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increase. senior citizens largely live on fixed incomes, senator rick scott, leading a team of lawmakers going after biden on this. half of seniors choose medicare advantage. and they are happy with it. but this is a private sector/government sector combination. >> i think you nailed it. the people are happy with it. so, when the biden administration looks for a target. looks for a private sector program, that people are happy with, and make it more costly, this is ridiculous. elizabeth: what happens is biden white house is attacking g.o.p. lawmakers from republican study group saying, you have to reform and fix social security now, if you do it later, the cuts will be more dramatic and drastic, but biden white house top spins it as oh, republicans want to take
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away your social security, they are not saying, that they are saying fix it now because it is getting drained. >> every year you wait, the cost to fix it goes up, the crunch won't come, assuming biden is reelected until after he leaves office, do you believe this is important as joe biden says, we should be doing things now to fix it. and make it a real program that is sustainable. right now we're just putting our heads in the ground. elizabeth: you know, remember when president biden as senator sponsored a bill, i think in 1975, he was a senator, that would have sunset and require review and reauthorization of federal programs like social security and medicare, that is what you know -- republicans talked about, but when biden takes that and flips it w when he had endorsed that. >> one of many faces of joe
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biden, you can find them on both sides of many issues, to him, the programs are morammore -- to beat the republicans. elizabeth: they are expected to keep working. that is -- the retirement crisis final word. >> i think it is a shame, we should look for ways to make medicare more like medicare advantage if we come we have funding crisis, that will be bigger than simply raising the retirement age, right now no one wants to talk about it because, as you point out, their tact for wanting to kill medicare. elizabeth: thank you bill mcgurn for joining us. >> thanks liz. elizabeth: time for dagen and sean take it away.


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