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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  April 4, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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gee my kids do that . the first lady shouldn't. >> look at what happened when anybody had the hypothesis of it being a theory or hypothesis. they were scrutinized and canceled and put down. >> ai rollout hasn't been ideal. it's a show me story. they have a show us they can get this right. i think they will. >> there's no shame in wear ago c-pap machine. there's no shame in aging and no shame in the later years of your life, but you shouldn't be president. that's just the thing here. it's like acknowledging that the sunrises every day. stuart: blue collar boys, luke combs. never heard of this. anyone else? >> biggest country star out there. lauren: i don't know this song,
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but i know luke combs. split the difference. stuart: 11:00 eastern on this thursday, april what? the fifth, i think. yes, it is. the fourth u sorry. april 4. meta, microsoft, amazon and apple are all up. 10-year treasury yield going up and it's down a traction today but you're at 434, way above 4.25%. now this, given a presentation about drug pricing, the president was supposed to kick things off at 11:00 yesterday morning. he was late. very late. so senator bernie sanders got things started on his own. after an hour, the president suddenly appeared and awkwardly interrupting another speaker. the president was use ago c pap
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machine, that's a machine that delivers "continuous positive airway pressure". it's usually used by people who have been having sleep disorders. it keeps your airways open while you sleep so you receive the oxygen you need. with an 81-year-old president plagued by physical and mental deterioration, this is significant. it seems the c-pap did not save the president from his own confusion. watch this. >> and the mechanisms attached from the inhaler. now, this thing is here, seasons and allergies are upon us and on the rise even more. but the republicans are able to cut back on the fact that it only -- they only were not able -- only they couldn't defeat was seniors. i'm proud of my administration taking on big pharma in most significant ways ever and wouldn't have done it without bernie and [inaudible] look.
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welcome back senator bernie sanders. stuart: i make no apoll >> is for pointing out the -- apologies for pointing out the president's cognitive state, it's in decline and voters should know how bad it is and then they can make a judgment on the availability of it and he's running for reelection and can't show up on time for campaign event in the white house. this is the president that held a meeting with china's president xi jinping. less than robust and a public service message and voter haves a right and need to know about the extent of the president's cognitive decline. the third hour of varney starts now.
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stuart: ben domenech is joining me now. how can this president do another four year s? what say you? >> stuart, this is very important. i think it's the president clearly showed in this event someone out of sorts and not able to not given as a self-incriminate for have -- script and minor and straightforward president in the past history should be able to make this type of event, something they do when they're rolling out of bed and just capable of form ago sentence and he's not capable of doing that and he shows the wear opportunistic his age in a way that not all politicians do.
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there's politicians older than him still serving in the senate who are perfectly capable of putting two words together. but unfortunately we really do have to reckon with this as a significant problem for the united states. it's not just something that's going to be something going away with further age, it's going to get worse. it's unfortunate but something we're left with because the democratic party saw in their own wisdom the belief that this was going to be a candidate they could put back up against the former president donald trump and have success with. i think that it's just something that puts us in the worst possible position, both in dealing with foreign leaders and dealing with the challenges here at home. stuart: former msnbc host wants supreme court justice to step down now, roll tape. >> i have ptsd from 2020 and democrat didn't learn lessons
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and we're talking about abortion rights and happened by dobbs and decdesantis appointed five of te seven judges and stacking them strategically about filling courts and democrats aren't good at seeing power of the supreme court and i worry. i worry why would you want to repeat history and take the risk? there's a democratic president and senate and justice who's about to turn 70. stuart: he's spelling it out and wants wants sotteau mayor to re. >> yeah, they're saying sotomayor needs to step down to avoid a repeat of the past. my real concern about this, stuart, is that if she resists this, which i think she will and has every right to, then i think the democratic party will turn around and if they are, if joe
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biden is reelected and if the democrats return to power in the senate, they will do everything they can to pack this court. to do something weave not seen in between the history and going to syndergaard the message to do and was reif you haved from and they're going to do that and they do not have control over their own justices and they do not have any ability to get them to step down when they want them to step down and because they believe in a politics and get any wins and any body in any institution of the government. stuart: got it. ben domenech, good stuff and thank you for joining us. appreciate it. >> good to be with you. stuart: check the markets and lot of green on left hand side and nasdaq up 140 and dow up 143. lou basenese is with me. i want to talk to you about tesla. first quarter sales down 8% and is this a sign that consumers are rejecting all evs? >> yes, i think so. this is not just a tesla problem.
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the ev euphoria is over and there's a lot of new technologies and get to the certain market share and can't cross the you can't force it higher by legislating the use of evs and consumers aren't doing it. mainstream is too expensive and mainstream buyers are not buying it and whole industry is suffering in a decline and growing sales at 47% this time what's year and last quartier was 2.7%. stuart: fed chair powell still sees rate cuts this year. what do you say in >> powell is playing nice and keeping hopes a i live we'll get rate cuts. i've been on the record and go on there again saying i think the cuts come november or december after the election. he does not get in the way and teasing people saying they're coming, they're coming, just wait for it. watching the movers and conagra.
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lauren: it's up 5% and resilient demand for the pantry staples they sell, slim jim, frozen food, bird's eye and lowering prices where they can because their know the consumer is p tafanelyed out and eating meals at home. lauren: frozen potatoes and sell to restaurants and mcdonalds. that demand is down because people are eating at home and stuart: dell. lauren: it's an ai company now and shares tripled in the past year and they're enjoying a resurgence and record shares and it's being led by the ai credentials and partnership with names like nvidia. stuart: magic word, two of them, ai and nvidia. lauren: there you go.
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helix is what they have with nvidia. stuart: coming up, chicago health officials and and migrant facilities and that's at marty makary on that coming up. president biden cabbing out $8 billion to pay for perks to pay for people in the climate core. some republicans want to ban the president entirely, so do i. we'll bring you the full report. ukraine's president zelensky lowered the draft age to 25. there are concerns that ukraine's military could collapse if russia launches a new assault. is ukraine losing? christian white will take that on. christian is next.
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stuart: the president of ukraine lowered the draft age. there are fears in ukraine's front lines to collapse and a front line offensive and jennifer griffin at the pentagon. are we going to send aid, more aid to ukraine? >> stuart, we heard from speaker johnson he plans to bring it to the floor when congress comes back from break, but that could still be two weeks away and every day jew crayon forces pushed russia out of capitol kyiv and came against predictions that the capitol would fall to moscow within weeks of the original invasion. today also marks 75 years since the north atlantic treaty alliance nato was formed in the wake of world war ii. and military alliance was for
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the purpose to counter rise of soviet union under joseph stallen and harriet true man was president and secretary of state dean appen son explained importance of the alliance. >> we've learned our history lesson from two world wars in less than half a century. they taught us the control of europe by a single aggressive unfriendly power would constitute an intolerable threat to the united states. >> nato's newest members finland and sweden bring to 15 of the former solve i can't tell block and they've warned repeatedly about russia's authoritarian turn. president the ukrainian soldiers from 27-25 adding as many as 50,000 soldiers to the battlefield and both ukraine and
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russia face tough demographics among fighting aged men. meanwhile ukraine has taken the fight deep into russian territory with a series of drone strikes on russian oil refineries and ukrainian drones struck russia's third largest retine reigns leading on tuesday and -- refinery on tuesday and hitting them about 155,000 barrels of crude per day and ukrainian intelligence source said ukraine hit the primary refining unit at oil refinery in russia's highly industrialized region and caused a fire. such attacks are intended to reduce the oil revenue, the sort said. something western sanctions failed to do. what's new in the ukraine conflict as republicans and weapons to ukraine is that they're manufacturing its own drones that can fly over 600 miles and strike deep mind the front lines and russia is feeling emboldened right now by
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the delay in u.s. weapons and hoping the west and u.s. loses interest in the conflict and russian missiles are targeting the energy infrastructure lately to break ukraine's will. stuart. stuart: is that a sign of desperation? is ukraine using? jot vietnam era and wonder why it's taken this long and frankly why the draft opportunity doesn't apply to 1 year-olds and by the time you're 25 and started your career and a family. this is the been a lot of reports that ewe yanisen army getting older and people in the 40s, high 40s with people with medical conditions are being fight on the front line and whether they're winning or losing ukraine is losing and russia is making small gains
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throughout winter and we're now coming into a season where the battlefield typically becomes more fluid so if you're fighting a war of attrition death sentence russia, fewer guys than you need and you're losing ground already and looks bad going entothe summer. stuart: are we letting the ukrainian front line collapse? >> i don't think s. i think we'll do everything we can within reason and the republican congress will pass aid but maybe not the $30 billion biden wants and maybe a grant or loan and they don't want to be blamed by the white house for causing a collapse in ukraine so i think ukraine will get aid out there and nato is helping out with intelligence, with munitions and everything short of sending actual nato troops in and total collapse is unlikely and you're not going to see ukraine push russia out and certainly not take crimea back.
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stuart: after xi jinping spoke on the phone with biden is doing this right after the call with biden? seems provocative. >> it it is and showing he's in charge and doesn't cache what we have to say. it's unclear what president biden emphasized in the call, which the white house down played as pro forma. it's a situation where biden is now going to send janet yellen the treasury secretary back to china and extended spring vacation and manufacturing and beijing and the secretary of state will go back over and last summer was the summer ovlove and all the outreach to culminating with xi jinping outside of san francisco and what are they showing for it and doesn't produce any change in chinese behavior and missing is any real significant change and biden's
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defense budget, no particularly big shift of forces to the pacific, which is something xi would notice and respond to. stuart: i have 30 seconds. do you think within the next cade, will china invade taiwan. >> i don't think s.xi puts his rule in the ccp rule on the line and he does that and different flash point and south china sea and fighting a low intensity conflict against the philippines over territories in the south china sea so mistakes could lead to war and d-day style invasion of taiwan and too high risk for china. stuart: got it, christian whiten, thanks for being with us. see you son. >> thank. come on in, ashley. how do we want palestinians to go about it. it.ashley: well, u.s. palestinen
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state should happen between direct negotiations of the parties and not united nations and they're asking to become a full member of the un as it stands and currently has de facto recognition of the sovereign state of palestine after the un granted it the status of nonmember observer state in 2012. now, state department spokesperson matthew miller said the establishment of the independent palestinian state with security guarantees for israel don through district negotiations between the parties and little progress was made in achieving palestinian state hood since the signing of the oslo o cords between israel and palestinian authority in the early 1990s. stu. stuart: thanks, ash. coming up, nearly 4 million new foreign born workers in america since january of 2020. fed chair powell says that will help boost the economy. we have a full report that takes on that claim.
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a new lawsuit looking to force the white house to follow through on its ban of menthol cigarettes, but would a ban be political suicide? could be and we have the story for you, next. ♪
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stuart: markets still green on junior screen. dow up 150 and nasdaq up 28 and s&p up nicely too. lou basenese with me and brought his stock picks. start with nxp semiconductors. >> it's a $62 billion market cap company. it's based in the netherlands and exposed to all the major tech trends. you said the two magic words, ex-pore use to ai and 70% cheaper than nvidia and it's levered to whole $600 billion industry and conservative strong growth play on semiconductors and doesn't matter the trend. smart home, wireless and mobile networks. you got it. stuart: european company? >> yes and trading on american exchange. it's one of the most under the
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radar semiconductor companies that no one knows about and it's a behemoth. >> every three to four years apple gets thrown out and it's not gonna recover and it's hogwash. they come back every single time and it's one of america's best and most profitable companies. time to buy on the dips. lauren: home personal robot that bloomburg is reporting about. >> we're going to see robots in industry more than at home. not the jet sons but in the manufacturing plants. but, look, apple is one of those companies -- personally i own it. not telling you to buy based on my decision but it's a company that should be in everyone's portfolio because of their dominance, and they make a lot of money.
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how many apple devices to we all have? stuart: several, and i pay them every month for that . thank you, lou. stay this. more to come. more than 150 cancer cases could be linked to a single classroom building in north carolina state. jonathan is with us and how many cancers are in that building and what do we think is the cause? >> i are trying to investigate and if they're naturally occurring cancer cases or linked to building materials since banned after this building was constructed. it's called ports po hall and n 1971 and closed since november and p credit carder bs were found and chemicals commonly used in construction materials and electrical systems in buildings of that era and local tv station, wral said it's received 152 reports of cancer cases in people who worked or
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studied in po hall. in an online forrum, university officials said they're investigating. >> at this time, the university is not offering health testing or reimbursement for health testing related to poe hall because we're in the evaluation phase of the building's environment. >> the institute for occupational health and environmental health and conducting a health evaluation at north carolina state's poe hall and they they do not provide details about ongoing evaluations. public health officials have yet to declare any cancer clusters associated with this building and while studies have shown the toxic effects of pcbs on animals, less is known about the risk to humans exposed to these cheap criminals at levels you'd find -- chemocriminals in levels you'd find in older buildings like this one. >> frankly it's pretty fuzzy even after all these years in
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terms of how much is takes to -- would take to cause cancer in people if this ever really happens. >> stuart, experts say proving a cancer cluster exists is also difficult because cancer is so common in the general population, a little more than 40% of americans are expected to develop cancer at some point in their lifetime, stuart. stuart: got it. jonathan serri right this. thank you, jonathon. a small tuberculosis outbreak at migrant shelters in chicago. marty makary joining me now. obvious question, with all the people packed in pretty close in the shelters, how contagious is tb? >> well, it, b is highly contagious. it's a -- tb is highly contagious and spreads in crowded conditions and reports of overcrowding in shelters is that it's the worst it's ever been in u.s. history and children there are worse than it's ever been in u.s. history
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and cameras are not allowed and press is not allowed and we don't have the vivid images people have seen in the past and that's new and a change. stuart: we've got a measles outbreak as well in the shelters. is there a serious risk of, i don't know how to put it but enormous outbreak of contagious disease that cannot be contained and brings the shelters down and out? is that possible? >> for children within the shelters, measles is a significant risk. mortality late is low for measles and anyone not immunized is exposed and those immunize redirect examination protected and american kids receive their immunization have a greater than 95% protection level and very few are fatal cases. stuart: what do we do with people with tuberculosis and measles? we have to treat them but it'll be a vast cause.
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>> it's a small percentage of the cases. stuart: i'll change the subject and there's a new study and claims that working an irregular schedule as young adult may harm your health later in life. this is about people that may change their shift for example. does that really affect you later in life? >> i think so. this was an interesting study out of nyu. it shows that rotating the shifts that you work is associated with less sleep in general. in other words the quality of the sleep goes down and there's something there to the circadian rhythms and in my own field of medicine, we see it with specialists that do rotating shifts and ob and emergency medicine doctors and that's suggesting it's a broader
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phenomena. stuart: seems like we're urging people not to try hard, don't compete, don't try to move up the food chain by changing your shift or working extra hours. it seems like we're being told not to try hard, that we shouldn't even start doing it hawaii do you say? >> some people find a very good rhythm working late night shifts or overnight shifts, and the general suggestion from this study and other sleep expepertss that those shifts should not rotate frequently. if they're in a groove and like working evenings or overnight, it's good to keep regularity to those shifts. stuart: okay, doctor. you're determined to be a diplomat, i can see. get off my lawn. thanks very much, dr. makary. always a pleasure and come see us again soon, please. >> thanks, stu. stuart: now this, the government being sued over its plan to ban menthol cigarettes. ashley, what's the problem? ashley: well, it's not to stop them from doing it, the suit is being filed by antismoking
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groups trying to force the government to hurry up and take action and finalize what has been called a long awaited ban on menthol cigarettes. there are concerns that the ban being discussed could be derailed by election year politics suggesting that menthol could suppress biden's turnout among black voters. white house officials have dealt dozens of meetings that oppose the menthol ban including civil rights, business owners and law enforcement officials. the fda has spent years developing the plan to eliminate menthol cigarettes estimating it could prevent 300,000 to 650,000 smoking deaths over several decades. most of those preventable deaths would be among black americans. the white house not commenting on this latest lawsuit. stu. stuart: thanks, ash. coming up, california now has a $20 minimum wage for chain restaurants. but one restaurant owner,
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gavin -- two restaurants owned by gavin newsom, the governor, only offers $16 an hour. okay. we'll take on what might be hypocrisy there. and a new study is warning that mining for the materials needed for ev backers could put already endangered species at greater risk. we'll tell you which species, next. ♪ moving forward with node-positive breast cancer is overwhelming. but i never just found my way; i made it. and did all i could to prevent recurrence. verzenio reduces the risk of recurrence of hr-positive, her2-negative, node-positive,
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stuart: climate work herbs being promised great paying jobs and benefits. hillary vaughn on capitol hill. what are the republicans saying about this climate core? reporter: stuart, they think it's a waste of money and
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president biden asking for $8 billion more from congress as part of his budget request. the idea is that it would expand the climate core by 50,000 people. the climate core trains students for clean energy jobs but likely congress is not going to give him. but lighting $8 billion on fire would be a better use of money and time and some want to kill biden's climate core all together and there's a bill called canceling climate crusaders act that would effectively shut down the program and $8 billion boost is getting cheers from climate activists and the sunrise movement saying "boosting funding would let the program employ an additional 50,000 people per year. that's the scale of action needed to create good jobs for our generation and stop climate crisis and aimed at training
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young people and veteran in the industry sound track and coal miner out of a job, it's unlikely that any of this money will help you get a green new job. stuart. stuart: i can see that one coming, hillary. thank you very a great report. lou basenese is with me. can't you just see it. we've got a climate core of 50,000 youngsters that knock on your door and say mr. varney, we'd like to energy inspect your house and you say no, you're not coming in and they say yes, we are. >> it's the ten most terrying english language. i'm from the climate core and i'm here to help. no, you're not. you're here to audit. why spend $8 billion giving people money and jobs to audit when we should spend $8 billion on innovating. i have no problem with green agenda to conserve precious resources and to legislate and mandate you do certain things that aren't even proven to be environmental productive, that doesn't make sense. stuart: i knew i liked you, what's your opinion, lauren? lauren: i would agree and if we move onto my next story, i'll
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put the cherry on top for you. stuart: i'll move on. ready? lauren: ready. stuart: there's a new warning that mining for renewable energy materials could threaten more. lauren: that's ashley. i'm the next one. ashley: that's okay. we're all in this together. listen, we're talking about, stu, gorillas and chimpanzees among others, the great apes as they're known. the shift away from toes silicon-based sill fuels has led to massive demand for minerals like copper, nickel, cobalt and those can be found in abundance in africa with the world's largest reserves and that the expression on the gorilla's face says it all. mining boom threatening the habitat of apes and researchers say not enough is being done to measure the impact on wildlife and preserve the environment. there's estimated 180 apes that are considered under threat as these mining operations expand and especially in butts wanna
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and democratic republic of congo and in an effort to rid the world of toes sit fuels, they're de--- fossil fuels, they're destroying the world of the endangered species. stuart: thanks, ash. it's your turn. lauren: my story. come to maine stuart: let me read the intro. a bill that would require ev chargers to use electricity from ewe knewable sources has been -- renewable sources is not there. lauren: this is in louisiana and i read this story a couple times and said oh, a republican lawmaker introduced a bill to mandate all ev chargers in the state use electricity that comes from green energy. i was like, that's a little odd. okay. so if you want to save the environment, you have to really try to save it. the problem is the ev chargers are wired to the electric grid, which is powered by fossil fuels so the republican lawmaker introduced this bill to prove a
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point. this cannot be done. he authored the bill and pulled the bill and made his point in the process and at the same time the legislate passed a bill to prohibit a bill and gas stuart: it's that time, 11:45 eastern and dow 30 almost all in the green and means people are buying and you see six losers and 24 winners and dow up half a percentage point and 39.3 is the level. california's $20 minimum wage is in effect. we know that means fewer people will be working and more tech will be put in place in these restaurants. but how badly would it hit consumers as in inflation? we'll take it on, next. ♪
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reporter: stu, about 0% of the work force in u.s. is foreign born and looking at numbers since the start of pandemic or a bit before january 2020, u.s.-born workers, a the number has fallen by about 600,000 and the number of foreign-born workers has increased by almost 4 million in the same time period. fed chair jerome powell propped up the work force. >> labor supply increased significantly among 25-54 year-olds and work r years and strong pace of immigration. >> it could help explain how the fed could keep rates higher without doing too much damage to employment and the head of congressional budget office asked about immigration and impact on the economy, he said overall it helps economic output
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and i >> low productivity and the level of productivity after the country's whole and lead to lower wages. >> it's not autoing of discussion as often and the worker shortage is still a problem for employers all across the country. americans are sitting on the sidelines and they're getting older but they're taking early retirement and in other cases can't find child care, stu. those are contributing to the lack of work for me to say stuart: we take your point, i'm moving on want thank you. looker at this op ed. i'm quoting it. $18 big macs and $20 minimum
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wage, gavin om ics here we come. ted jenkins wrote that and joins me on the sensorineural of new york. that $20 an hour for fast food chains and going to use less workers and bring in more technology. how about inflation in will it raise prices? >> stuart, there's no doubt. inflation going up 31% in the last decade and fast food chains in general and way outpaced inflation and mcdonalds up 100% of inflation and corporations have insatiable appetite for profits and publicly traded company and running at 5-15% margins and labor force spikes up 25% in cost and do two things. you're going to raise prices, which is where the inflation comes and cut jobs and cut ai will come and more. stuart: getting $18 burgers in california? >> well, an $118 big mac combo.
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it's on door dash right now and in los angeles almost $14 for big mac combo and it'll get to $18 for sure. stuart: it's now $20 for minimum pay. one restaurant partly owned by gavin newsom, the governor, offering only $16 an hour for one of its positions. i'm not going to use the word hypocrisy, but i will. is it hypocrisy? >> absolutely is. i mean, they were saying you had to have 60 chains across the united states to go to $20 an hour but found a loophole to essentially get his chains down to $16 an hour. this is a 25% increase in wages. what is a business owner supposed to do, small or large, with those number of chains? of course they're going to raise prices. stuart: i think oregon newsom wants to be the president in the united states and are they going to buy gavin omics and make
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america look like california? >> i sure hope not. they have the highest income tax isn't the country and 13.3% and second highest unemployment in the united states that's the policy to vote for and he's your guy but not me, i'm a small business owner. stuart: ted jenkins, welcome to the show, come any time you like. it's 11:55, almost. it's time for thursday trivia question and it's a good one. we've been counting on our figgers to come up with the right answer. how many state haves a shoreline on the atlantic ocean? 11, 14, 17, or 20? good luck counting and we'll have the answer after this. ♪
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call now for this free awning idea kit packed with great awning solutions. plus, get this $200 discount certificate to get your sunsetter for as little as $799. there are so many incredible styles to choose from. get a custom-built awning, without the custom-built price! turn your patio into an instant oasis. add led lighting for evening enjoyment. call now for your free awning idea kit, local dealer info and $200 discount certificate. “life is better under a sunsetter!” 5 how many states have a shoreline on the atlantic ocean. we were all feverishly counting it up. ashley, what's your number? ashley: i counted 13. i will go, bound to miss one, going with 14.
12:00 pm
stuart: i'm going with 11. lauren: the answer is 14. she says confidently. stuart: did you cheat? >> i wouldn't call it cheating but i may have pulled up a map. stuart: new york, connecticut, new jersey, maryland, delaware, virginia, south carolina, north carolina, florida, georgia. lauren: we missed delaware too. stuart: i missed virginia. okay, sports hands, don't forget to send in your friday feedback, keep your messages short, pithy is the word we prefer, send to ashley, you're all right, lauren, you cheated, i know you did. time is up for us. coast-to-coast starts now.


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