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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 3, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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maria: good wednesday
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morning thanks very much for joining us. i'm maria bartiromo. i hope you are having a good wednesday morning, wednesday, april 3, 8:00 a.m. on east hot topic of the however fox news poll find 64% voters say taxes are too high that is up nine points from 2019, presidential biden 7. 3 trillion-dollar budget comes to 5 1/2 trillion dollars new higher taxes, a list increase corporate minimum tax to 21% quadruple buyback tax raise corporate income tax to 28% implement a 25% billionaire
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tax add higher fuel taxes for private jets what do you make. >> when you spend money you have to find it we are spending a record amount of money, maria, during covid government stepped in because we let's face it all needed somebody to step in. government spending went to the highest since world war ii the problem covid end we had kept spending, and that is irresponsible we know a doomsday out there we know entitlement social security, medicare medicaid will erupt off the money win seven to 10 years didn't seem willing to draefrz it biden says no problem tax more we have a government spending problem. >> we've been waiting for money to dry up, and that is was supposed to be an issue for the economy but there is stimulus out there right? has what is definition of inflation in will too many dollars chasing too few goods exactly what spending did
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sending us to 40-year high inflation. >> politicians some republicans as well realizes isn't this interesting when we spend money, and give people, stuff, and pork, income, and -- forgive rent payments student loan payments they like it we get reelected isn't this wonderful? no, it is not wonderful. maria: it is not wonderful starring down at 35 -- 2 debt u.s. survey, finds u.s. adults believe they need to save nearly a million half dollars just to retire comfortably, that is up from 1.27 million a year ago, krysia big numbers, imagine number writes "the wall street journal" for retirement 1.46 million. >> i think people feel uneasy this economy like they have to have a larger retirement case they don't know where this world is headed at this point in time not to mention joe biden telling everyone they need to pay fair share, yet he is not.
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also, were certainly hunter biden is evading taxes, resulting in terrible poll numbers incoherence over two-thirds are living paycheck to paycheck, taxes are really resulting in no sort of policy that are protecting us they are protecting illegal migrants squatting in our backyards running rampant in our streets. >> unbelievably how do you see it. >> i agree query paying 18% more for goods and services that is tie, what is going to happen tomorrow? our economy is not secure, we are on a financial break a crisis occurring look at mortgage rates our bank rates our southern border all of this starting to just trickle down to average americans, what biden wants to do tax wealthy corporate america helping save that guy giving little guy that job, is to if you continue to tax corporate america going to is not be able to share is that burden going to start cutting people, going to start seeing more people commit crimes on
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streets, there is an infiltration on our streets today because people don't want to get back to work government handouts not working a double stated economy in state living in like krysia said giving illegals, food biden continues to girlfriend handouts. >> have pressure on cities, states, the mayors saying i need help mayor adams in new york needs a billion dollars they can't afford to pay all of these extra outlays, to new people. >> "new york times" i don't usually give "new york times" credit for anything because of viewpoints they did research found you make 300,000 dollars a year to get benefits these illegal migrants are releasing from government you get to that by, housing costs, food, prepaid credit cards, iphones
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on and on. healthcare, unlimited healthcare. we can't even take care of our vets shocking 300,000 dollars per migrant. maria: president biden showed where personable another four years would look like on this is watch the 7 and a third trillion dollar budget includes 5.5 trillion dollars new taxes, you have been a too soon to this economy for decades what do you think, if an economy is sort ofing hovering, and struggling because of weakness in because of inflation the impact there what is higher taxes do to that. >> makes it worse. >> your i stifling the economy taking money out of people's pockets, now going to tax them more? i mean that doesn't nay make any sense. maria: this is the budget. >> how much more can businesses take, because people are already leaving,
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major cities like new york, san francisco because seeing are the jurisdictional hypocrisy here the fact that a americans in general really just can't afford basic goods inflation another tax on top of all taxes because real wages are not increasing, a major problem. >> by the way,, adding fuel to the fire going to restrict we have been restricting drilling on federal land, because that gas stuff just so bad, right? so now forcing people to pay more for gasoline, the public policy coming out of the white house, is shockingly bad the only consistency with white house is how bad their policy is. maria: at this point, we've got an economy that is creating jobs, we're going to see what jay powell has to say today chairman of the federal reserve will speak 12 pm as this newfound worry is rippling through wall street inflation spiking, markets reversed course dow industrials up 18 right now, we're talking about a couple days so far to kick off new
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quarter, that has been ripe with worries over higher inflation there is the worries over foreign policy, michael waltz tweeted out isis exploding onstage in biden's reckless withdrawal from afghanistan read about their planned attacks why we need to take this seriously, part of the open border. >> doesn't surprise me we don't know who is coming into borders border patrol serving as day care allow illegal in our country judges asking two to three years in terms of even i immigration process we've seen time after time, 40 or 50 terrorists known terrorists infiltrated we don't know who these people are where they are coming,i isis a threat going to be too late before we say, what are we doing about our border. >> have you did we get here gosh how did we get here.
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>> intentional biden left border open to ensure america continues to be last. maria: we are getting started market on the move ahead of the march adp report out in about five minutes' time we will talk being with ershares ceo joel shulman his expectations don't miss it you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. . ♪ ♪ . ♪ limu emu ♪ ♪ and doug ♪ hello, ghostbusters. it's doug... ... of doug and limu. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. anyway, we got a bit of a situation here. ♪ uh-huh. uh-huh. ♪ [ metal groans]
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talk to your agent about workers's comp insurance from pie, or visit safety first, then pie insurance. maria: welcome back.
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take a look at furlts it is a mixed showing dow industrials turning positive up 9 points, 10 points nasdaq lower by 20, the s&p lower by a fraction, this after two days of selling, the dow done 396
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points yesterday, 1% nasdaq down 156 also 1% lower s&p down 37 two, straight days of losses, after the ism report hotter than expected, the inflation numbers spiked because of higher oil prices, take a look at interest rates spiking 10-year yield this morning, right now at 4.37%, highest level since november, up 2 1/4 basis points federal reserve officials dayly loretta pointing to three more rate cuts in 2024 say a reasonable expectation, we will hear from jay powell jay powell today at 12 people eastern his economic outlook for the rest of the year closely watched ershares ceo joel shulman great to see you. thank you so much for being here what are you expecting from jay powell today i think going to indicate, rate cuts later in the year the market is priced, 52% likelihood of a
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rate cut by june, i don't see that happening, i think fewer rate cuts maybe two or one later this year, okay. later this year, i think we're going to see that we're going to have -- a less likely i think he is going to indicate today going to have, push it out no incentive, to cut rates now. certainly certain no incentive to cut by june i think going to see, fewer later in the year. maria: adams what you said earlier everything revealing he involving. adam: what a maintaining, people were talking about three by june another three for a total six now one and one a total of two probably appropriate i will give you credit maria because you and i kind of disagreed about it for awhile you side how can they possibly contract rates, inflation went to 9%, now 3 only logical should start cutting you said well, i think the market got ahead of itself i think you were probably right.
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maria: thank you. i feel looking at all stimulus out there, you are looking at oil prices where they are you also looking at fact an election year six rate cuts, we've got data to cheryl casone for adp number. cheryl: adp private appleroll data came out hotter than expected 184,000, estimate was only 148,000 even that read last month was lower than expected, they revised the february number from 140 up to 155. so, definitely a shift here what we're seeing as far as job numbers go again 184,000 jobs' report march on friday 200,000 expected, for the payrolls 3.9% unemployment rate again this data has been a little interesting. to put it mildly. maria: 184,000 ensue jobs created according to adp
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better than expected does this indicate a bubbling up. >> exceed expectations 80 million baby boomer retiring started few years ago 4.3 million retiring per year not going anywhere, your note earlier talked about how, individuals have to have 1.5 million dollars to retire, taking more to retire keeping labor force in check as a result going to see the numbers rising, so we're going to see continuing heating up of economy seeing that again interest rates going to rise as a result fewer rate cuts. >> the first quarter was to make money markets way up, up 15% indices up 25% big quarter largely due to the a.i. we know nvidia super microtaking money off the table q3 the zhopo choppy period markets coming back q4 we see one or
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possibly two rate cuts they say three i don't see that happening i think, q1, q4 going to be strong q2 choppy already started off rough i think one of those things to hang on to whatever profits in q1. maria: if he doesn't cut rates in june i don't think it happens until after election, if he cuts in september, going to get highly criticized, trying to make biden look good the white house, so, if we don't get one in june i think off the tabling for until after november potentially 2025. >>. adam: let me throw this out there trump said if he is elected powell is out. maria: told me that said not reappointing jay powell, really have it up in have in the air. adam: maybe powell actually will try to, you know,, help biden, although i sort of say tongue-in-cheek i do think mr. powell has shown i will
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probably get hate i really but i argue integrity trying to address from logical driven standpoint. >> after tell us for months it was transitory. >> i know he was right it was just transitory wasn't as fast as we thought. maria: what is transitory when i asked about jay powell here is what he said. >> jay powell fed chairman is talking about a soft landing you do you believe we will see a soft landing. >> i think he is going to do something, to probably help the democrats, i think if he lowers interest rates but you have potential massive inflation again, because the middle east could drive up precise of energy he is not able to do anything but looks to me like trying to lower interest rates for the sake of maybe getting people elected i don't know. maria: you think political going to cut rates. >> i think he is political yeah. maria: would you reappoint jay powell? >> this no, i wouldn't do
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that. >> you wouldn't. >> no. maria: because? he missed inflation. >> he did miss but i wouldn't be -- >> that was february 4, joel, when president trump said inflation will reignite because of oil how this is playing out. adam: called it right then not many in february earning inflation would pick up. maria: president trump was. >> he called it right at that point, now i think you are seeing a lot more people on the bandwagon. maria: you said choppy rest of the year does that mean put money in stocks or take to sidelines. >> q2 is a period to be conservative, i think q2 right now start off q2 started off the way going to end q2, i this choppy we are going to see movement in have money conservative stocks i would be cash flow shorter duration for equities sure companies with cash flow expanding margins there are some picks pickers
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market i would not fic big risk q1 paid off risk q4 not q2 maybe not q3. >> thank you so much joel shulman from ershares. >> markwayne mullin is here to tell us all about it you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. . . starting a business is never easy, but starting it 8 months pregnant... that's a different story. with the chase ink card, we got up and running in no time. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back
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house speaker mike johnson promising to push for more ukraine aid when congress is in session, drawing a divided response from lawmakers at a moment when his leadership is being questioned by a few. joining me now oklahoma senator markwayne mullin member senate armed services environment public works committee, in our thoughts. >> you know mike johnson is doing what we need to do as leader keep in mind a lot of idea started with president trump a truth social post
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should give ukraine, money through a loan process called land lease act from 1941. so my job he is not just bringing ukraine aid working a package a deal that we can support ukraine we have a federal obligations to from 1994 also looking at simple things we can do on border, and also looking at aid for israel, taiwan this is a package that not one thing will be able to positives pass congress but all four you can mike has been tough speaker johnson very tough situation it isn't easy with slim margin in the house. maria: i understand that, and, unfortunately, you are hanging on by a thread in terms of the majority, built there is one thing that is not being discussed that is border security. how longs have republicans been saying we need to secure the border?
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we've got continuing resolution after continuing resolution spending conversations about ukraine, about israel all all of a southland -- you can have as many packages as you want first priority according to the republicans was to secure the border, you are unable to do it. >> well, what this package speaker johnson trying to put tored border security simple things, we can't ought matter tick -- deport only claim asylum not walking through desert on wall at the same time have to climb asylum first entry means 300,000 people in a manipulative come across the border illegally claim asylum only 18,000 are able to claim asylum that means first country you come to mexico, united states or canada to have you claim asylum we only have 18,000 mexican citizens that crossed the border in february we had
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21,000 chinese nationalists they have to remain in mexico not united states >> you have to get mexican government agreement on that, you can't just -- >> what -- >> no there is only the a already a north american pact between canada mexico united states united states only one that doesn't enforce it mexico and canada enforces it one leaving united states can claim asylum in their country only claim it in -- in the united states so we already have it for the pact already there mart of "remain in mexico" part, that was what president trump put in place. maria: why is joe biden blowing that off? >> who knows? why did he reverse, 100 executive orders on border first 100 days in office i have no idea you can't explain crazy, what is happening in the white house president biden could immediately take executive orders reinstate
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trump policies secure the border tomorrow. maria: but not doing it. >> he is not doing it you are talking about some fringe items at the border the house passed h.r. 2 why can't senate pick up h.r. 2 use that? you are talking about already in place, why is president obrador presidential of mexico threatening united states saying unless you send 20 billion dollars every year to latin america 10 billion to mexico coalone the flow is going to continue. >> well, he knows that he can bully president biden because he has a very weak president in the united states zero chance that conversation would have if we had a strong president like president trump in office. why not doing it not bringing up h.r. 2 i don't know schumer should bring up h.r. 2 gold standard of what has happened on border unfortunately biden said he will veto it won't bring it up schumer said it days dead on arrival this happens in divided government we hear this i know maria, you
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know as good as anybody, but this is why, elections have series consequences looking forward to november to kick guys out of office. >> let me get your take on foreign policy we know where economic policy is, to implement 5 1/2 trillion dollars new taxes the world is on fire iran's president vowing revenge against israel after deadly idf airstrike in syria they say israel will be punished but u.s. department of defense distancing itself from the in a strike being. >> i mentioned, states reached out to iranians can you explain why. >> i understand circumstances what is rationale. >> to make clear u.s. had nothing to do with those strikes. maria: a there you go, u.s. doesn't want to be anywhere near it. >> piece through strength is where power comes from, the middle east respects strength they do not respect this
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president, we know -- funded from -- in for israel to -- they have to go to head of the snake that is -- that is iran right now unfortunately, you have a president that is not even backing israel like they should, illed our strongest ally in the middle east been there for us will fight with us, unfortunately you have a president trying to appease middle east hamas started the war funded by iran they started october 7 we should support what there are doing no one came out to us said you should limit what you do after 9/11 we went straight after the head of the snake what israel has to do here what they did in syria. maria: let me get your take on this current state of affairs former president trump is leading, joe biden, in six out of seven swing states, president trump spoke at campaign rally in michigan yesterday warning voters of the fate of the world if president biden reelected
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watch this. >> if you don't want illegal alien criminals through your windows ransackings your drawers then you mus vote for the fact we have to throw crooked joe biden out can't put two sentences together dealing with putin, account xi, kim jong-un all people i know very well we were under no threat from anybody until this guy got in office now talking nuclear all the time you are not safe i can tell you we could end up in world war iii with this lunatic. >> are we save. >> no. he is absolutely correct what happens when we have a weak ladder in the united states a weak president in the united states you create a vacuum dictators putin president ze trying to go after weaker countries that may have not have ability to defend themselves when we are strong people fear us starts request which i when strong through economy the economy begins with energy because energy is backbone of the economy we can control a lot of what happens
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around the world through the economy, because, people want to do bigs with us then a stro strong military strong president, not by appeasement, people fear respect it estimating it creates stabilization we don't have stabilization through united states or through the world because we have biden in office. >> do you think a chance republicans can gain control ho he do you want to see leading if senate right now. >> absolutely, we want one hundred percent can control it with -- with -- west virginia, with governor justice, bernie winning ohio in primary. sam brown in nevada, feel very strong there i think john thune is probably leader of the senate has the relationships working hard at it, he is he has led even when mitch mcconnell was having medical issues so, i believe
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thune will probably be next ladder. >> good to see you. thanks very much. >> thank you. >> markwayne mullin joining us this morning. we'll be right back.. . at ameriprise financial our advice is personalized based on your goals, whatever they may be. all that planning has paid off. looks like you can make this work. we can make this work. and the feeling of confidence that comes from our advice... i can make this work. that seems to be universal. i can make this work. i can make this work. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 clients are likely to recommend us. because advice worth listening to is advice worth talking about. ameriprise financial. business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. it's the go-tos that keep us going.
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zahedi. >> welcome back update on devastating deadly quick hating taiwan cheryl casone. cheryl: maria, at this point at least in my opinion people dead at least 934 hurt. after a powerful 7.4 earthquake rocked taiwan, that is according to to the national fire aggregation strongest to hit the i'med in 25 years could even be felt in china a possible tsunami warning in japan, has been lifted authorities say at least 26 billions collapsed
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firefighter working to rescue people in did he agree 131 people trapped including 50 employees of a hotel taiwan recorded 76 aftershocks in less than five hours do expect aftershocks to continue next three to four days. former president trump filing 175-million-dollar bond with the court in, no, new york civil fraud case after appeals court decided to reduce amount to 175 down from 454 that bond underwritten by don hankie his dpaen knight specialty insurance speaking about his decision. >> a big bond, you know donald trump came up with all cash at the end there was easy decision --, almost no risk i gu you call it a win-win, win-win-win, helps our
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business. >> bond trekts seats from being seized by new york attorney general letitia james while he appeals the decision. >> this is going to come as price to no one this morning, taylor swift officially part of fourth annual billionaires list a 1.1 billion according to forbes in large part earnings from music concert eras tour brought in 159 million after taxes another source of weelt real estate go taylor welcome into the club. >> earned it did it herself. maria: economic indicator now. cheryl: here to citying the taylor swift effect. maria: concerts, stocks lots of spending. adam: if you can afford to go economy must be doing better than many of us thought; right? maria: thank you, cheryl
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former president trump hitting a trail yesterday request rallies in beetle grounded states michigan, wisconsin highlighting violent crimes sweeping u.s. as a result of what he said was president biden's open border policies called it biden's border bloodbath. >> i stand before you see today to declare that joe biden's border bloodbath that is what it is a border bloodbath destroying our country very lad thing happening will end the today take office january 20. >> i will seal the border stop invasion end carnage crush the human being traffickers. >> many agree as leading six out of seven swing states according to the "the wall street journal" this morning joining us forecastesh act the dhs secretary chad wolf thank you so much for being here. if trump retakes white house
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going to a check change this his policies in place we are seeing 10 million plus illegals in the country then what -- >> you got to seal the border you got to bring order back to the chaos there so you got to get your hands around the number of individual illegally coming into the country then you need to deal with the folks that have come over during biden administration not only the ones that have come across the border have fraudulently asylum claims going through system but gotaways a big task force, but just because difficult to do didn't mean we shouldn't try i think a lot of ways that you can get about this start to bring accountability, enforcement, deterrence in system one primary reason you continue to see millions of folks come across that border there is no consequence thorough that that illegal behavior president trump talks a lot about that as well. maria: no consequences, agent rust the way we see no consequences with triem krysia
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jump? krysia: has also said that he has none of the tools at disposal can you talk about that commentary, also what republicans are doing right now, to push forward a bill to potentially stop what is occurring, sclis much a bloodbath. >> look just not accurate, i mean a lie to say he does not have president or secretary dhs does not have tools at o o disposal to stem address the crisis, i dealt with this served four years question homeland security, the last 14 months acting secretary a lot of tools authorities you got to be willing to use them creative how you use them within the law we did that in trump administration you saw illegal apprehension numbers start to go down, control
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"remain in mexico" was part of that the administration is shifting blame to, you know, the trump administration, to whether appearances mass migration patterns they don't look at policy last three years the lack of new policies encouraging more of this they have the ability they have the authority, they just need to use it. maria: yeah, bad policy equals bad outcomes republican lawmaker demanding information from dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas on unknown come ali an terrorist watch list allowed in the country and able to operate freely for almost a year before rearrested, this keeps happening no consequences, fox news pete buttigieg on whether president biden is concerned about potential terrorist tleet in america through open border. >> if we don't know who is coming into our country we don't know what their intent is that is a threat 37 does
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president biden agree. >> we do have significant national security concerns have to be met not anything more. >> as person in charge of preventing terrorist act in the homeland president biden saying some border crossers could be are in united states right now plotting a terrorist attack. president is confident that -- uh, throughout hearings, just intelligence community, that we're doing everything we can to be as vigilant as we can, to ensure, safety and security of american people here at home. maria: all right. so they say doing everything they can to secure our security. what do you think? >> just unbelievable maria there are things they could do today the fact they have picked up over 350 terrorist watch list individuals on u.s. watch lists itself concerning. contrast with 16 during four years of the trump administration what that tells me is that individuals that want to come into the country illegally, that are bad actors, see an opportunity to do it now because of the
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policies, because of the fact we don't have border patrol agents on the line securing the border, that now is their time to do that, for the white house spokesperson or john kirby to say "yes" we have great confidence, what measures have they put in place? because what we know there are not stemming the flow of individuals coming in being released into the country, so if you are going to allow upwards to nine million individuals over the course of three years kobe come into country what are other measures putting in place this answer very little to none no new measures to vet individuals, to ins, who they are where they are going, it is the same system that they used during obama administration, called "catch and release" we know well it is dpailg american people. >> analysis from center for immigration sfoiz reveals administration is flying 30,000 undocumented immigrants every month to u.s. cities, florida, new york, texas,
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california among top florida reporting over 326,000 migrants since program started in january 2023. so i ask you chad, if they were worried about a wide-open border why are there flying in 30,000 illegals every month? >> well a great question, this is their parole authority they've announced last year idea that administration was trying to tell american people that if they gave parole to individuals from haiti cuba nicaragua venezuela flew into the united states somehow nushz numbers southwest would decrease we have teen the opposite not only millions coming across the land border now seeing hearing, in seeing documentation from administration flying over 300,000 three months in calendar year closer now to 400,000, they continue to do it very proud of this parole
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program they issue press releases talking about it i don't think ending soon. >> a report said crime down 67% in venezuela, and president trump say there you are emptying prisons sending krldz here down in venezuela? do you believe that is what venezuela is doing we see a lot of cases venezuelans, creating crime migrant crime to having happening to be from venezuela. >> obviously, we know about a you know a gang system here in the united states very similar to 134s el salvador from venezuela, venezuela going to colombia, all parts including united states reasonable to say bad actors criminals coming into the united states as well as elsewhere around the country venezuela not thoroughly vetting individuals in fact flying them in as we
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just talked about. >> this is stunning chad thank you chad wolf joining us morning. we'll be right back. with kelly o'grady stay with us. . a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪
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by activist investor nelson peltz, kelly o'grady live good morning. >> a bitter fight to be decided for sending off a attack being two investor groups big challenge from necessarilion peltz speaking two board seats arguing disney dropped ball from studio performance woke focus to share price the plan lacks specification that is a potential reason why so many high precisely shareholders are everything into denies's board almost political campaign iger wage, george lucas, jamie dimon both have huge sums of money upwards of 40 million dollars to ensure the vote goes their way. major distractions from activity investors are exactly with a we don't need. i am urging you vote for
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deputies bode recommended slate of nominees. >> time to understand big board fees management with huge compensation, owe something to us. >> based on vote disney expected to win likely large part due to major turnaround stock has seen up 35% year-to-date one of the best in the dow in fact, worth 30% more than when he announced that activist, the road ahead riders significant improvement will need to make good on promised 5-billion-dollar cost-cutting push for profitability in streaming return to equality content brand known for the success as youion shareholders need to know a future beyond iger. maria: i think kelly one big issue for nelson peltz the way
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they kept pushing bob iger in new contracts. that is correct to 2026 i worked for company back in 2013 he was to be gone 2014 here he is. maria: what do you make of it. adam: i am long disney maria i support bob iger i am glad nelson peltz stirred the pot that is good exposed fault lines actually been it has been positive. maria: skra elon musk is everything into the nelson peltz writes he should definitely be on the board musk said would buy shares if nelson were elected o to the border track record excellent. >> it is when you get an activist investor in the company generally speaking not justice they want to make money they have ideas they think will make company money as shareholder you want to
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8:58 am
8:59 am
maria: welcome back. time for the big buzz of the morning. florida police officers go above and beyond their typical duties. after making a bust moments before. watch this. >> hello, you ordered groceries in. >> yes. >> your driver got arrested, so we're delivering your groceries, but we didn't want them to to to waste. >> oh, what service. >> where would you like them? martha:
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maria: those officers arresting the delivery driver, he was wanted on felony charges in texas and florida, but the officers made sure to complete the delivery. how do you like that? [laughter] >> those officers are are great. they are definitely going above and beyond their duty, but it does raise questions about some of the delivery people who are coming to our doorstep whether it's uber eats, any of these. i don't want to a call out a specific company, but really you have to be careful now with people delivering your food. maria: that's true. he was wanted for charges elsewhere. 40 knows what could have happened. >> serious charges. >> thank god for law enforcement. again i back the blue. these are the reasons why the good guy, you've pot to continue to show this, maria are. maria: back the blue. >> it's the also a reason to move to florida. [laughter] they support their police officers, and police officers lock out for us. maria: and people are doing just that. adam, great to have you this morning. thank you so much. great show. have a great day, everybody. "varney & company" begins now. stu, take it away. stuart: good morning, maria, and good morning, everyone.


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