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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 3, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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maria: welcome back. thanks for joining us. i am maria bartiroma on wednesday, april 3rd, just before 7:00 on the east coast, top topic of the hour, president biden and xi jinping speaking for the first time since november the white house saying biden pushed xi on tiktok. hillary vaughan has more on the call. >> reporter: president biden and xi jinping had a phone call catch up. the foreign minister spokesman said biden requested the call and he had two big tech items he wanted to address. artificial intelligence and
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tiktok. >> tiktok did come up and was raised on the call. there is a real threat posed by these technology services. operating in the united states put at risk americans personal information, they've been clear about that including manipulation. >> reporter: not just tiktok worrying washington. a new report shows chinese hardware infiltrating corporate networks. the number has surged in the last year, four scott estimates 300,000 devices from chinese manufacturers are on chinese networks, 41% jump over the last year. the fear is the chinese government could coerce these manufacturers to spy on american users and manufacturers on these systems but china is brushing off these concerns and warning the us not to get in the way of their economic developed. the chinese government spokesperson reacting saying of the us side is willing to seek
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mutually beneficial cooperation and share in china's development, it will find china's door open but if it is adamant on containing china's high-tech development and depriving china of its development, china is not going to sit back and watch. it doesn't seem tiktok's parent company breakdance is going to sit back and watch either while capitol hill figures out whether they are going to ban the apps from the us if they are not sold to an american company, they are paying influencers on tiktok to promote their other apps, in instagram copycat in the us. maria: that is what they do well. your reaction? adam:the notion president biden could call president xi and have a conversation about tiktok and say you people are doing something you shouldn't be doing, it seems it's like that card we were talking about
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earlier being harassed, can you please do something about it. it is so artificial. maria: karine jean-pierre said it came up. it's not a major issue for president biden. he is on tiktok. he is on tiktok. >> why are you using it on your official government device. maria: it's bigger than tiktok but tiktok is a major issue but this is about surveillance. if you have an alarm system on your home you should check that the cameras are not chinese because they could be chinese. there are so many devices in america that are made in china and the ccp uses that for surveillance and the military, they talked about having constant communication, we have no evidence that's happening so course biden wants to follow up can we hear from you before you go into taiwan.
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>> this was about president biden checking a certain box for his campaign because nothing will come out of this call other than any sort of disgrace to our country because we are putting china again in the front see. we know president biden is compromised, we also know that tiktok is spying on one hundred 70 million people not to mention the propaganda on the apps promoting russian disinformation and destroying the next generation from a mental health standpoint promoting violence, promoting self-harm so this is done strategically, president biden can't even call china and adversary. he refuses to do that. this is complete head. maria: something tells me the issue of the 20,000 plus chinese nationals apprehended at the southern border did not come off. something tells me the open border in the way china is exploiting it did not come up in this call. >> i agree with you. i think this is a sidestep. 's is checking a box, the
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truth is we are not only being infiltrated by china at the border was 20,000 nationals what we have to ask why are you come to the country illegally, there's no asylum case here, you can't check that box, if you are being persecuted you need to be remaining your country and petition to that, tiktok is infiltrating the country and creating a mental illness, not only infiltrating our youth but infiltrating government, people like president biden are actively using this apps and you think he's going to tell china to stop? we need congressional action, make sure it is wiped from our platforms and phones because they are surveilling us. maria: they are in a major way and now chinese nationals been apprehended near and that our military bases trying to get into our military bases to put surveillance in place and i've a feeling that didn't come up. the ccp is buying farmland next to military installations, we are branding nationals from
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china at our military bases. >> i met several chinese nationals and when i asked if you're coming to study or learn are you being persecuted, no, what grounds you have to come here, what are you claiming? asylum. who told you to say that? the chinese government, people in china. they are being trained to come here and hijack our country and biden is allowing it. maria: you can't leave china without approval so that is why i believe they are being directed to come, this is what people in the know have said, mike pompeo, michael waltz, congressman from florida, we will talk about all of this. a lot coming up. stay with us, fears of spiking inflation and higher oil prices setting the tone for investors, jay powell's speech at noon time. wall street analysts with expectations and james comber is here to discuss how he and
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his colleagues are demanding accountability for influence peddling. stay with us. ♪ and did all i could to prevent recurrence. verzenio reduces the risk of recurrence of hr-positive, her2-negative, node-positive, early breast cancer with a high chance of returning as determined by your doctor when added to hormone therapy. diarrhea is common, may be severe, or cause dehydration or infection. at the first sign, call your doctor, start an anti-diarrheal , and drink fluids. before taking verzenio, tell your doctor about any fever, chills, or other signs of infection. verzenio may cause low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infection that can lead to death. life-threatening lung inflammation can occur. tell your doctor about any new or worsening trouble breathing, cough, or chest pain. serious liver problems can happen. symptoms include fatigue, appetite loss, stomach pain, and bleeding or bruising.
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maria: time for the word on wall street. joining us is the host of pain points podcast ryan payne and adam johnson, thank you for joining us. fear once again instilled in stocks, don't just real down 22 on top of a 400 point selloff, nasdaq down 50 one. this is the second day of selling here and seems to be extending this morning, a rough beginning to the second quarter.
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interest rates higher as our oil prices reaching the highest level since november at 4.36%. calling for three more rate cuts saying it's a reasonable expectation. big news, jay powell will speak at noon today. do you expect him to say something that reverses the inflation fear the stripping markets? >> both fed president yesterday talking about financially seeing rate hikes this year because we've seen harder than expected inflation, oil prices $85 a barrel, a big number but what bloom my mind is looking at for gdp growth it is up to 2. 8%. that's pretty awesome growth for the first quarter of the year revised up to 3.4% from last quarter, fourth 1:45,023 so i think to see the fed talk a little more hawkish and less
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dovish because my concern is with harder than expected economy which we do it the most dangerous thing the fed can do is start cutting rates too early which is like adding gasoline to an economy that's rocking and rolling, why screw it up. maria: we've got the catalyst of powell but next wednesday another cpi in the last cpi was harder than expected, we got these outside events happening in terms of oil like the bridge collapsed in baltimore, the hostilities in the red sea. oil is up to 86 now. oil yesterday hitting a high level since october. the latest policy meeting after an earlier agreement to extend output costs. >> bad news comes on installment plan, drone attacks, russian refiners,
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mexico said they would supply the market as well so all those combinations, israel, the middle east, this is pushing prices higher. the one silverlining is an indication economic growth is picking up. manufacturing numbers in the us but also europe and china but i also think you are seeing global growth pickup which means oil prices will be firmer than they were last year. maria: the selloff the other day is the same number. the ism number was harder than expected. i wonder if some of this is artificial. when you take a look at the fact that it is tax day coming up and the selling in april has to do with people thinking i have to pay taxes on rates, cash, shell stocks and i contacted them on april 15th. >> the temptation, you are right, we all have to write those checks. it is uncomfortable but we have
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to do it, the temptation is to try to expand every move in the market and i don't think we can do that. you have to recognize ryan made an interesting point. this economy is growing. that is why earnings are rising. earnings contracted two quarters in a row at a wonderful thing happened, they started to grow again. when you have earnings growth, gdp growth and full employment, that is a very powerful backdrop for stocks. stocks have been asked all time highs, the dow is down 400 points and down monday. it could go up every day. maria: the first quarter, stocks up 10% so we are in the beginning of the second quarter, one would expect the hangover. >> one would expect a hangover and healthy buybacks or pullbacks.
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i'm okay with that. echoing what i hear from my friend to trade futures in chicago, what we almost want to see is down monday/tuesday but flip on wednesday and finished the week strong and if you can finish the week strong wednesday thursday friday, the monday tuesday pullback, that's just healthy abbott and flow. maria: to buy on the debt. >> i'm generally an optimist. i will say the following. i've been wrestling with. i am generally bullish buying the dip and i like tech. but if you look at what has happened the last month only 25% of tech stocks have made new all-time highs where is 80% of industrials have made new all-time highs so there may be rotation in the market. it has been working wonderfully for all of us, owning tech, may
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be shifting towards investors. on the other hand that's good because it is broadening out. other states going up too but makes me wonder, should i be selling my big tech stocks that have done so well and other stuff like honeywell or rockwell automation. maria: you buy on the dip? >> the will markets still let un, $16 in cash. don't think you will see significant pullback. adam is listening to me. maria: you sold a little bit. oil prices at these levels, you want to buy oil stocks? >> the cure for high prices is high prices, opec members are cheating on their quotas pumping more and that will push the price down. maria: thank you so much. we will take a short break and come right back, stay with us. ♪
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maria: donald trump hitting the campaign trail hitting rallies in bad around states in michigan and wisconsin highlighting the violent crime sweeping across the country as a result of the open border policy, donald trump called it biden's border bloodbath. >> i stand before you declaring biden's border bloodbath, that's what it is, border bloodbath and it is destroying our country, barry bad thing happening. the day i take office which will be january 20th with your vote i will see all the border, stop the invasion, and the carnage, bloodshed and killing and we will crush the human traffickers.
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maria: leading biden in 6 of 7 swing states according to new wall street journal polls out this morning, joining is republican national committee chairman michael whatley, thanks for being here. >> great to be with you. maria: you've got the rnc website highlighting the horrors of the border crisis, tell us about it. >> the fact that we've had 9 million illegal immigrants crossing the border, human trafficking is at record levels, fentanyl deaths at 94% since 2019, this is a crisis, it's an invasion and president biden has invited this calamity upon us and it is going to take donald trump getting back into office and shutting down the border and we 've got to make sure people understand the true issues associated with his invasion of the southern border which is why we created the website and want to make sure we get that information to everybody. maria: doesn't appear president
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biden can win on his policies, wall street journal paul shows trump leading biden in 6 of 7 swing states, arizona, georgia, michigan, north carolina, nevada, pennsylvania. in wisconsin they are tied in a head to head matchup so how does biden win? republicans talking about the potential of an election tampered with, republicans warning there is a biden executive order which allows illegal immigrants and felons to vote. what are your thoughts on this issue? >> we are going to win this election because the american people understand that they are worse off under president biden than they were under donald trump. we cannot stand another four years so we are going to do what we can to build up our lead in these polls but also understand april polls don't mean november votes. between now and november we are going to raise the money we need to raise, invest the money we need to invest all across the country to get our message
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to the american voters, we are very excited that we've got $65 million in the door in march alone, presumptive nominee three weeks in that month. we are excited about the fundraising we've seen since he became our nominee, we've got a huge event coming up in florida, we will raise 40 million additional dollars so we will have the resources to take our message from one end of the country to another. maria: you believe those people on the fence, or those supporting nikki haley and others are coming around to trump and will give him money? >> they absolutely will. he has cleared the primary field earlier than any candidate in a contested primary ever for the republican party. we've got a lot of ramp before the convention in july. the people we've worked with on both sides of the republican party from the nikki team to the other teams are all coming
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on board and we are seeing the excitement. the fact we raised $65 million in march alone, have a major fundraiser this weekend in florida, just shows you the party is coming together and we will have the resources we need. maria: that sounds good but at the end of the day it is about who counts the votes. we want to know what you are doing to ensure transparent and fair election. republican secretaries of state sent a letter to the doj alerting it to executive order signed in 2021 by president biden that says it will allow felons and illegal aliens to register to vote in elections, you also have issues all around illegals coming in and i want your take on a citizens group suing to demand laws resulting in honest elections, worries about the open border meaning illegals will be able to vote in this coming election which
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what are you doing about a transparent election? >> we are involved in 80 lawsuit in 24 states as the general counsel over the last year was involved in putting many of those in player. we had a number of winds including one in the third circuit last week that we are winning in courts up and down the country and we will fight for election integrity. the thing we need to do, two things, we've got to make sure the rules of the road are in place for fair, accurate, safe elections and have the observers in place, we will be recruiting and training volunteers in every one of our battleground states across the country to make sure we have a fair election. maria: volunteers you are counting on. the fulton county elections boarding -- voted against certifying the election because signature verifications were
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not performed on hundreds of thousands of ballots. who is watching the ballots at the end of the day? you 're saying you are training observers to do that? >> we are training observers, attorneys and poll workers and we are ready to go with lawsuits as soon as we need to file them. 80 lawsuit in 24 states around the country to make sure we have fair, accurate, safe elections. maria: how big a priority is this? >> it's one of my top priorities, the two things we need to do to win this election are get out the vote and protect the ballot, there is no higher priority for me or the the president and making sure we have safe, accurate elections. maria: we will be watching, thanks for being here. chairman of the rnc, quick brace and house oversight committee chairman james comber is here. you wants to know what biden whistleblowers are facing retaliation. we will discuss when we come back, you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business.
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number on your screen, or visit maria: six illegal migrant squatters found in a new york city basement let go by soft on crime officials. this is outrageous. cheryl: we spoke about this story yesterday, learning more today. six illegal migrants walking free without bail after getting busted on drug and gun charges. migrant squatters routinely woke him up. >> you don't want hooligans hanging out with your living near you. at the quiet city. and nuisance in the neighborhood, the motorcycles, the noise the cars with the big boomboxes sound systems.
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>> reporter: one of the squatters was arrested for possessing a loaded gun in september. the nypd says he had a pistol under his arm when he was arrested near the house in the bronx this time he was in the driveway. another freed migrant was arrested on attempted murder in august of last year. that case was dropped when the victim refused to cooperate so this apartment across the street from a school, the bronx da requested bail. the judge didn't set any bail. trash can be seen everywhere. is 7-year-old child found in the apartment, nypd not sure who the child belongs to. donald trump vowing to create christian visibility day of reelected in the white house. watch. >> what was biden thinking when he declared easter sunday to be trans visibility day? such disrespect to christians, november 5th is going to be
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called something else, christian visibility day when christians turn out in numbers nobody has ever seen before. let's call it christian visibility day. >> reporter: those comments after president biden declared this past sunday, easter sunday, transgender day of visibility, that caused online back lash from christian saying this is another example of biden's years long assault on the christian faith. those are your headlines. >> yesterday caitlin jenner blasted the move as well. the chairman of the house ways and means committee demanding the prominent justice, the irs, and the special counsel david wise say whether they are investigating hunter biden whistleblowers. lawmakers writing to the irs commissioner saying hunter biden's lawyers waged an aggressive intimidation
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campaign against the whistleblowers and repeatedly pressured the doj to investigate them for leaking information and a redacted portion of an amicus brief in hunter's tax case suggests the whistleblowers may be subject of an ongoing investigation the irs is involved in. mr. chairman, good to see you, thanks for being here. do you know for sure these whistleblowers are being investigated by the doj? >> we have sources that lead us to believe that. this administration has retaliated. we are disappointed in the way democrats turn a blind eye to this intimidation. you have to rely on inspectors general that are sprinkled around the federal government and whistleblowers.
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everything the house oversight committee should do pertaining to whistleblowers is to protect those whistleblowers and to ensure the federal government doesn't retaliate against those whistleblowers. that is what is taking place with the whistleblowers who were the key witnesses in this investigation with respect to the government cover up. maria: this originates from your investigation of influence peddling and money laundering. i have the letter you sent to president biden dated march 28, 2024, and you and your colleagues write this. the committee has accounted for $24 million that flowed from foreign sources to your business associates. the committee has identified no legitimate services to merit such lucrative payments. you repeatedly denied playing a role in your business activities but the committee asked evidence including bank records and witness testimony that contradicts your position
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on these matters which have you heard back from president biden? >> we 've not heard from president biden but the white house is spending every second of their free time trying to attack me and jim jordan and to discredit the investigation and intimidate our investigation moving forward, trying to get their friends in the media to say the investigation is wrapping up or the investigation is stalled, that's not true. we've proven the bidens were influence peddling, with proven they've taken in tens of millions of dollars and a $24 million is very conservative but we proven, we gave jim biden and hunter biden an opportunity to explain what they did to receive the money, they couldn't do it so it is influence peddling is what it is. the problem president biden has his three of the biden associates testified under oath that president biden was the
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central figure in the influence peddling scheme. no one is disputing the biden family was influence peddling with the dollar amount we disclose the bidens took in because we have bank records, that's pretty hard evidence, what they are disputing is president biden's role, weaver had three biden associates who said he was the closer of the biden selling the biden brand. we need to hear from president biden because we are at the point where we are trying to provide accountability. we've proven the crimes. now it's time to hold people accountable and president biden needs to answer some questions in front of the oversight committee. we gave hunter biden the opportunity and he didn't show. maria: you put a lot of questions in this letter and he's not answering it. with direct to china it's very concerning because the ccp is all over america through surveillance, pushing fentanyl, trying to disrupt this country
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and we wonder why president biden has been so soft on china? is it because he's compromise? we don't know but your investigation is coming up with these things, you're right have you met, spoken to or interacted with jonathan lee, have you spoken to or interacted with cfc, have you met, spoken to or interacted with harvest fund, why do you want to know if he interact with these chinese people? >> we know the answer to those questions, we want to hear president biden answer those questions. he already said publicly numerous times especially during the presidential election that he never met with any of these people. now that the evidence has been brought to life we are going to give him an opportunity to see if he can think back and think real hard and be able to answer those questions because when he said that he never met with any of these people who were sending his family millions of dollars i think most people
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believed him. now the evidence has pointed that he's met with every single person that sent the bidens money, every american should be concerned. we know that president biden is a forgetful old man but you can't play the forgetful old man card every time especially when running for reelection for four more years to the highest office in our land. those families, he's been the central figure according to three of these associates in these crimes. this is a very serious investigation. president biden is in a lot of trouble and needs to answer these questions and if he can't do it in public he needs to answer the questions in the letter. maria: the white house continues to say these were loans and the committee has traced money from foreign transactions including china to your own bank account. certain checks are described as
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loan repayments but the person who provided you free but keeping, your son's business partner did not remember any evidence of the loan from your accounts, are you telling us tens of millions of dollars is gone to president biden, he says it is a loan and you don't have documentation that it was a loan and was alone from china? >> what we have directly to president biden the cordova million dollars and he tries to say it is a loan repayment but if you pay me back $250,000, i should have a check to you before you pay me back for $250,000, they don't have evidence of a check but at the end of the day the money president biden stuck in his pocket, a cordova million dollars is what we found, came from the biden influence peddling schemes, $200,000 of it, the check on the screen now
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came from the health scheme and 40,000, the check that on the screen now came from china, 10% of the and a deal that tony bobalinsky that president biden was the big guy and get 10%, $400,000 fee hunter biden talk from a $5 million transaction he told the bank was a loan or an investment, we don't know what it was but hunter biden got $5 million, 400,000 and called it a fee into his count, days later he got 10% of that 40,003 series of transactions. we identified president biden receiving payments, they don't know why he received the payment, they said was a loan repayment but can't produce evidence of a loan. we are giving president biden an opportunity to answer these
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simple questions. these aren't complex questions, these are simple questions. maria: your letter rights the committee is open to accommodating your schedule but proposes april 16th for hearing to occur. let's say they blow you off and not coming to a hearing what do you do about it? >> everything we can to get him to come to a hearing. when we get to the corner with the bidens, they say hunter biden wouldn't come to the deposition, the same about president biden, the evidence points to the decision president biden should make being one he needs to answer our questions, we are giving him a platform and give him a chance to answer the questions and i'm hopeful he will because he's in a lot of trouble. maria: abby lowell is blasting a federal judge for not dismissing tax charges against
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hunter, his son and saying the investigation was handled in an abnormal way. the judge rejected the argument that was was influence to bring the charges from republicans and the 9 charges should be dismissed, hundreds accused of paying a million dollars in taxes, i find that stunning given that president biden is telling everyone to pay their fair share in his son reportedly did not. >> the arrogance and entitlement for mr. lowell who is hunter's attorney to dismiss the case for failure to pay taxes is preposterous. hunter didn't pay taxes, still hasn't paid taxes. the government determined he owed, paid them for him, a highly unethical loan in the neighborhood of $7 million by hollywood, kevin morris.
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the whistleblower's testimony, all these transactions that you mentioned at the outset of the show, didn't pay any taxes on that money, hunter biden, his w-2 primarily from his burisma income. this other money the bidens took in. the loans with the president's brother we argue aren't loans. never made a payment on that. that million dollars is taxable. this is the tip of the iceberg. and the fact they throw this out because it shows to the american people arrogance and entitlement of this family and the legal team.
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the bidens oh millions in taxes in court now for delinquent taxes. maria: you talk about money that he may have received from china, ukraine, in this letter, if you don't get a response from the white house on this, that you are preparing criminal referrals. the information that you dug up. >> the two best options are criminal referrals and impeachment, impeachment still on the table. there is an overwhelming majority of republicans in the house of representatives that agree with me that president biden has committed impeachable offenses. our confidence level in the senate is very low but at the end of the day the criminal
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referrals are something if the department of justice, hopefully, we will have a department of justice that will hold him accountable. maybe the tools in place to hold this county accountable for the common law wrongdoing they committed one way or the other. maria: we will be watching, you. chairman james comeare. americans facing pain at the pump this summer, jeff flock has details as oil prices move higher. >> reporter: good morning. we have break on gas prices but what goes down must come up. i think that's the way the saying goes. just a minute.
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maria: this week on "mornings with maria" tomorrow we take you to the water cooler for the stories grading the biggest morning buzz. right here, live with the top minds in business, right here on "mornings with maria". ed my. and with the right help, i can make this place i love even better. earn up to 5% cash back on business essentials with the chase ink business cash card. make more of what's yours. maria and julio thought their life would never slow down. then one day, it finally did. you were made to find inner peace. we were made to track flight prices to paradise.
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maria: oil prices have been on the rise and rising again as opec plus ministers say they will keep policy unchanged. jeff flock live in philadelphia with what that means for gasoline prices. >> reporter: storm clouds gathering over gasoline prices. opec cuts just one of those. the ministers meeting right now. take a look at the numbers, 85-9, and impact on gasoline prices.
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it is reported by bloomberg the us will back off its plan to replenish the strategic petroleum reserve, 20 million barrels $81, they didn't want to go over 79 and don't want to know where it is now so they will back that often. the impact on gas prices somewhat mineral. that is up a penny in the course of the last week, 20 sent in the last month but the fears are out there. a lot of storm clouds gathering, this is what andy lipphouse sees as news for the oil bulls, in addition to the opec thing, burning the uranian consulate, questions about the middle east, and ukraine. this has an impact on russian oil output for drone attacks.
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>> the greatest fear in the oil market that the strait of hormuz should be cut. we should see oil prices, 2 $34 a barrel which is a significant $0.75 to one dollar per gallon increase in gasoline prices. >> reporter: that would hurt, i would think. this is an election year, no one wants people going to the polls, to reelect the president, when gas prices are high. we will see where it goes from here. maria: thank you. your reaction. another botched decision from the white house when the biden administration sold off 40% of the strategic petroleum reserve
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last year so they could get political and claim to be helping prices after russia in ukraine. >> all we need to do is unleash american capability. the biden administration, commanded the department to approve drilling in federal land. the cheapest, easiest oil is on federal land. maria: no wonder they don't fill up the strategic petroleum reserve now at $86 a barrel. >> they are catering to the extreme left and the climate change agenda which is playing out on the world stage because we are forgoing our energy independence at the hands of china and russia and occurring in the middle east, and this will hurt in the polls. maria: the oil reserve is used for crises.
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we have the situation, how you flood up when oil is at 86. >> america last policies, every american is feeling pain at the pump and at the border, he will lose poll after poll. maria: maria: voters say their taxes are too high but that's not pushing president biden from pushing more. $5.5 trillion in new taxes. you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. nice shot, marcus! sweet, turn simulation off. tssk, tssk, not so fast. what, why? did you forget marcus? forget what? your chem exam? uggh? flashcard time! the atomic weight of boron. the future isn't scary, not investing in it is. 100 innovative companies, one etf. before investing, carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges expenses
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