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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  April 2, 2024 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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the b-29 live. it speaks for itself. it was a big, bad bomber in the war, and it introduced systems that were so complex, but they fought through it. the people that designed, built, flew, maintain this aircraft were incredible heroes. they came together for one common mission to win this war, preserve our freedom. and they came through. they don't call us super forces for nothin. it was super. if the b-29 cockpit looks familiar, this might be why george lucas used it as inspiration for the fastest hunk of junk in the sky. han solo's millennium falcon. >> hello, welcome to a special edition of kudlow, i'm david asman in for larry kudlow.
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breaking hours ago, a massiveou air strikers targeting you irani embassy complersx in syria reportedly eliminating one of tehran's most senior military commander. several iranian diplomates were killed in addition to the general and they're vowing a i harsh military response to the attack. we'll speak with john b barrasso in a moment. trey yingst has the latest. >> reporter: we are learning more about this rare daytime r strikear in syria that reported killed topth iranian general. he is a man responsible for the irgc's activities across the middle east. specifically though in syria, in lebanon, this is an individual who was responsible for coordinating the weapon shipments from iran to the locations that could threatenip not justme american forces butee israeli troops operating in the
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northern part of the country. all of this in response to escalating tension across the middle east and we know that thi foreign minister of syria is r responding to the strike earlier today. take a listen. >> we strongly condemn this criminal act, carried out by the zionist enemy which led to the death of innocent civilians, passing by the street. we emphasize our position he beside our brothers in the iranian embassy and iranian i republic of iran. we want syria to not forget their enemies. >> reporter: the strike targeteo a building next to iran's embassy in the capital of syria. the question is if and when iran will he respond to the strike that killed seven p members of the irgc. >> trey yingst thank you for the report. for more on this, let's bring in wyoming senator john barrasso, n
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member of the foreign relationse commitarcommittee.d this was clearly a targeted attack. they knew who they wanted to ges and they got i'm had. plus, they got his deputy. they lost a whole cohort of bad actors there.. we know in order to do such a targeted hit you have to haveto the best intel imagineable. i it shows once again what the heck are we doing trying to micro manage their war when nobodyr knows better about whay going on in the middle east thab the israeli intel does, right? >> well, i think that's absolutely right. r what wige see here today is iras is the world's number one state sponsor of terrorism. you see it with the houthis, with hamas, w with hezbollah ar. we have a weakened joe biden int the whithee house. we see increased activity arounf the world with bad actors.ld i the world is a more dangerous
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place, after what we saw octobes on israel by hamas. i spoke to prime ministerag netanyahu a few weeks ago.of i'll stand with the people of israel as they try to do what>> they need to do to eliminatenot hamas. >> i'm going toknow ask you a question you may not have an answer on. do you think israelis told bide officials before the attacked happened? >> i don't know th.e answer to we knoe w there's a strained relationship right now between the president and the prime minister and i expect that to continue as the prime minister does what he needs to do to protect the people of israelople against future attacks fromag hamas. >> we have toains remember tha> wasn't too w long ago when our iranian envoy lost his job because he apparently mishandlea some intel, some intel information that may have passee into iranian hands, for all we know. we don't know for sure.
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he by the way is teaching ats te yale university, training the next contingent of foreign service officers which is a problem in itself. but i mean, that must have sent shivers through the intel agencies of israel, the factgu that this guy might have been mishandling information that could have helped israel'sat enemies. >> well, that has and cer certy sent slivers through the united states senate, specifically on the republican side of the aisle because of the concerns we have of the efforts through this administration in some ways cozying up to hamas when they shouldn't do that at all, as asw result of the president's concern about his ownth re-election efforts in this country and the outcry of people on the far left wing of theti democrat partyon who arerts continuing to be anti-israel and anti-semetic. e on to domestic issues here because we've got you for a good bit of time. biden's war on fossil fuels, it just continues despite the fact
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the mandates are for impossibleg to reach goals. it's putting a lot of people out of business. they put this out on good you friday, knowing it would be buried by the weekend but the epa issued a mandate to truckeri on their emission standards that would essentially do deep damage to the trucking industry, in fact, they came out with ay, t statement, i'm going to read it to ata, that'ems the american trucker's association, o opposes the rule because the post 2030 targets remain entirely unachieveable given the current state of the zero emission technology. do you think the new standards are unachieveable? >> once again, joe biden's actions are slitting the throat of the american economy and at e same time playing right into the hands of china. i thought it was bad enough when they put all these mandates, tryingto g to get all of us to k trick cars. good friday as you mentioned,
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they've come out with mandatesel on electric trucks as well, even less achieveable, more -- pour more expensive. it's delusional. they're looking to eliminate gas powered cars and trucks in america. people don't want ths,e vehiclee they can't i y you afford the vehicles. they're no t practical here. the cost that this is going to w put on consumers who have to buy the products, they're more expensive to ship, all of those things will hurt consumers and where do the batteries come c fromon? china. once again, playing right into the hands of china. >>equi it's not just these bigh truckinge companies, people wod say they can eat the cost, the big corporations. 60% -- they want by 2032, eight years from now, they want 60% of urban delivery trucks, many of those belong to mom and pop companies, not these bigthe corporations, 60% of those
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trucks they want to be electric in just eight years. i mean, i'm sorry, that seems like an impossible goal and i mean, it's crazy to have a goala that can't be reached but it shows how dis-- how w detached y are from reality. >> this is economic suicide in the name of climate science. to show how detached they are, the epa made the aannouncement about how much carbon will beid avoided going intoed the atmosphere. it's going to take 30 years to-a you avoid a certain amount of carbon. it's the same amount that china and india put into the at moss fear and added -- atmosphere and added to their carbon footprint last year along. they're going to penalize the trucking industry, the drivers, and the consumers to accomplish in 30 years what china and indih are adding in climate to the atmosphere in one year you alone. that's just how wrong headed the administration is. >>tmos they're penalizing theou
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electrical grids. by 2030, ev trucks -- just ev trucks you alone if they reach their mandates will consume 11% of california's electricity. that is to say, over 10% of our electricity will be devoted just to these truck evs. that doesn't leave us enough for the other stuff like our heatini in wintengr the, et cetera. >.>> when you do the math on this, the truck charging station would use the amount of electricity of a city so you don just don't have the electricity. we don't have the power to do it and they're shutting down coalyr fired power plants, natural gas fired power plants, they're shutting those down and there aren't enough wind turbines or solar panels in the world to make up for the energy that this administration is shutting down, really undermining our emergency -- our energy security.tu thrbe biden administration told the epa focus on climate andan
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prioritize that over energy that is available, affordable, or reliable. >> yeah.nd and relatively clean, by theth way. the natural gas has cleaned the air over the past 10 years, remarkably. by the way, you mentioned china. this is something i didn'tally really know much about but the department of energy under its tutelage of jennifer granholm, the secretary there, has these cooperation deals with the chinese government on a.i. really? i mean, a.i. -- the chinese have been stealing our technology and our ideas and all of our innovations for years and yet we want to give them kind of a leg up in their research on a.i. what is that about? >> yeah, the abo biden w administration is much too scow. cozywith the people of china anl thus the chinese communist party. wech are doing world classth a research, we need to do it with energy, artificial intelligencee
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china's trying to steal it and it seems like the secretary of energy is making it easier for s them to do it.ou china always wanted to steal our trade that's nothing new. we don't need to make it easier for them to do it.g to the head of the fbi said what they're doing could undermine our national security, our economic security. it's just wrong. we need to stop the arrangement the administration has and the inspector general of the department of energy came to the senate and said she doesn't havv the resources she needs to doed the oversight that is necessary to watch all of this activity that is happening with the department of energy, inspector general needs to be able to have full oversight. >> after the pandemic and la problem, this is another -- labs, we should have learned oue lesson by now. one final thing.l they're giving me a we're not producing as much oil as we used to. the administration was braggings saying yes, it's going up. domestic oil production wasod
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going upuc but get this, these e the latest numbers that have come out in december we produced 13.3 million barrels a day. in january, we're producing 800,000 barrels a day less. 12.5 million. what is happening there? i mean, we're going in the wrong direction. >> this administration from day one has been on a war, a declared war against american energy. they want iran to produce more energy. they're okay whe enen they sell. they're for saudi arabia, russia at a point. m but they're against americanains it's a waric on american energy, production as a result of this administration's religion ofstra climate and it's bad for our o economy. we can protect our environmentec without hurting our economy. joe biden hasn't learned that lesson. >> i remember when jennifergr granholm, our energy secretary, was asked how much oil is consumed by america in a day, week or month. she had no answer.
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they had these goals that are unrelated to how much energy we really need and if we're producing less oil, that muchl, less oil, if that trend continues down, that's very bothersome and concerning for all americans. >> these are good jobs for g american workers. we do it be p better than any pe else in the world.a' in wyoming we do it better tha anyone. you'll seeee what respect we hae for the environment and our a workers. >>bout nobody cares more aboute environment than people who live in the environment. thank you for being here. e appreciate it. happy easter to you. >> thank you. >> com w cominghy up, why the r universal basic income in blue cities willnd up backfiring. tennetenner when "kudlow" contis
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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david: remember when hard workk actually paid off?, no not anymore. illinois democrats want guaranteed universal basic income regardless of immigration status. kelly saveri is in chicago with details on this. >> reporter: the plan would send payments of $1,000 a month tomo certaintn people. it's very vague right now but we
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know this would go to those who either provide care for a child or a different specified dependent or one who recentlyy gave birth or adopted a child r someone who enrolled in educational or vocational d programs.op opponents sapoy the bill has not you addressed the immense cost tost fund a plan like this. there's a concern about whatbout will the money be spent on. right now, the text of the bill calls the payments, quote, unconditional. we reached out to the senator from chicago for clarification but have not heard back yet. >> i estimate the cost to illinois taxpayers could be greater than $10 billion pero year and these funds could be far better utilized investing in our crumbling infrastructure, i improving education and supporting public safety.ov >> reporter: proponents say thie benefits would not incentivize unemployment. won't reduce employment.
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what they do, is they give families, again, agency, dignity, choice, and the ability to take care of themselves. >> reporter: there are over 30, different variations of a guaranteed basic income program around the nation.of t the biggest ones include here in cook county which includes the e bacity of chicago, spending $42 million on $500 per month payments. in los angeles and some cities i in new york, those cities allth together have paid out $80 million. in texas, republican state senator paul batencore asked thy state's attorney general to declare a guaranteed income program as unconstitutional. this comes a- ths other states around the country could begin banning this as well because ifa this is successful, it will set the tone for the other programs. at least six other states have already either bannednn restrictions or are ined theestr
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process of preemptively banninga thvie guaranteed income program. david: get where are they goino get the money?than they can't print it. they're not the federal government et yet. for more on this, let's askmo monicani crowley, and jason treener, chairman and ceo at strategis securities. monica, i'll go to you first onh this. universal income, the states and localities can't print money but the federal government can, andc yoanu know there's people if th the biden administration who lik want to apply this nationwide. if there iide,s a second biden , is this what we will start to. see? >> absolutely. you're already starting to see movement in that they would lov de to do it on al evnationwide level. the deep blue states like california and deep blue areas, certain cities are guaranteeing this universal income. that is essentially communism when you have an equal baseline,
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you've got an equal share ofl poverty, you've got an equal baseline where everyone is relativelily economically equal. understand where these people are coming from, this is markism. that's where they're trying to move the areas. the states can't print money. the states are imploding, illinois, washington state, california, new york, imploding and on top onef that you've gott the tsunami of illegal thi immigration which is draining mass resources in the states so of course they're going to comel to the federal government and want a bailout and that meanst you and me. david: callns y important consr just announce -- california juse announced the deficit was creeping up. first it was supposed to be a surplus, then it was 3 billion, now it's $68 billion. r deficit.y fo they can't be pay for all of ths stuff. the other thing coming fromrn california iias the minimum wage increase which is happeningg overnight for fast food restaurants. a lot of these mcdonald's,
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burger king's and everything else are franchises owned by moms and pops who get maybe a 3% profit margin. suddenly with a 3% profit margin you have to increase wages 25%, went from $15 an hour to $20 an hour. that's going to break them. >> of course.m. you think about margaret thatcher, the if socialism is great, the problem is sooner ore later you run out of otherr people's money. this is where we are in the country. i think there's a war on work. work is seen by a lot of people on the left and a lot of people in popular culture as almost an inconvenience, not something that provides you with something of value, something that givesna you personal worth. this is an attack, trust me, this is an attack on jobs. these business men and women are not going to be able to afford the higher numbers of people that they want to. david: they're in in a bubblear against reality. larry often said, like the core
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cpi that excludes nooned energy, you want -- food and energy, yoe want to have just food andan energy and other things thatgs affect people, food, energy, clothing, housing and insurance. you be put together the common man's cpi, you found it outpaced wages by 7% in the biden administration. e hurting. people ar >> the bureau of labor statistics publishes the core cpi which excludes food and energy. for mostar people, eating and staying warm is pretty core.o cr we decided to he create an index of things people have to buyav every day and a every month andy what you'roue finding, it's thea cumulative impactit of inflation that is why people are so grum grumpy. people could say real wages aree startingas to increase but the b problem is they're still behind. they're 7% behind where they weree threes years ago. their standard of living deteriorated in the last three years. david: let's be more upbeat,
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rather than thinking of a biden second term, let's think of a trump second term. if trump wins the election, there's a lot of questions about treasury secretary. one name i thought was kind smart was jamie dimon.e he's a democrat. everybody is saying trump wantst to exclude anybody but a trump like person. he's an independent thinker. aany chance that a democrat like jamie dimon woulrated be the treasury secretary? i don't know where trump is thinking. he's thinking in a lot of different directions for a lot of different posts. david: you worked there. >> secretary my my mnuchin was, evidenceing testify. he's looking at -- effective. robert li light hi iser was aei
5:26 am the core element of treasury secretary is dealing with chinad trade policy, sanctions on all kinds of enemies around the world. so you need somebody who is onos the same page with record to china and a i'm not sure that jamie dimon would be particularly --cu david: nolat as far as blackstone, though. >> you need somebody who is very similar in the thinking toward an aggressive approach th china as president trump is. david: they're giving me a wrap. you're going to the trump even this weekend, right in. > yes.davi yes, i am. david:trum you think he'll mak> 32 million which is what he wants. let's hope so. we need a new. david: you were not always aal just trumpwa guy. >> i've always been prettyri positive on the president, particularly as relates to economic policies. now, with what's going on over
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the last several weeks, economically and culturally inle the country, we need a change. i feel very strongly about that. david:a we need a fix.d: w and that's going to take a lot of tooling by somebody who knows how to fix things, somebody who built a few buildings in his life. >> that's donald j trump. david: folks, thank you very much. good t o see you both. >> good to see you. david: comingll up, remember, this? f those illegal migrantse were reportedly released right back into the united states on easter sunday.sund whatever happened to catch andch deport? we're going toand ask former a. dhs secretary c chad wolf. plus, the biden administration turning their back on christian voters. we will tuckon a talk about allt when "kudlow" continues.
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david: an el paso judge laid a big easter egg yesterday releasing more than 70 migrants p who were rounded up after the riot that we all saw at the el
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paso border involving the texas nation nal guard. joining me now, chad wolf, former dhs secretary. great to see you. with judges like this, you don'g need mayorkas.ayor apparently, you were telling mee in the comcial break, there are a lot of -- commercial break, there are a lot of judges that have done this that have come from liberal oriented cities that are releasing migrants asts quickly as mayorkas is. >> this itings a disappointing ruling. we see tex the state of texas tg to impose consequences, somein deterrence in the system as thea see thousands of folks streaming across the bo border.vidu when they take the steps to-- arrest the individuals and get them before a court, the last thing you want to seg yoe is a e dismissing them because theth district attorney waes not ready to start detention hearings. it's a disappointing ruling., i wish the district attorney had been able to are present thet case better but that the judge
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indicating the kind of reall the seriousness of the situation would not just release these folks on their own recognizance which is what he did. david: you know the bureaucracy at dhs pretty well.l, aren't there people there -- aftet r all, it was created aftr 9/11, it was supposed to focus on our national security. now it seems to be doing anything but that. do you thinkis that the bureaucrats who have been there for years are upset about this? do you any think there's any pushback from the people at dhs to what mayorkas is doing or amr i too naive in believing thatin there arge good people in the bureaucracy? >> i think that's right.patr specifically as relates tooffi border patrol and law enforcement officers. they take an oath and are trained to keep bad people andet dangerous things out of themo m when they're sent to process more migrants and they see the flow coming across, the chief of border patrol said he'sou
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concerned about the national security threats and got aways they're seeing because of the uncontrolled flow coming across border. i think there's a lot of folks at dhs beyond or just below the political leadership that are very concerned aboutha the direction that the department and now the country has seen foo the last three they would like a they wouldan like a shift.if i justt. don't think you'll see this, if you have the president and secre secretary mayorkas dig the policy. david: the president and mayorkas say if we had the bill that didn't get through thee senate, if wwoe had the bill we would have more r border agents, they would keep people out. they actually say that. do you have any doubt in your mind they would just be used foa procprocessing than for law n c forcement work? >> they're trying to convince the american people they need more authority. they're not using the authorityh they have.y do when they do, they use it to process more individuals in. they also talk about the billou would you allot w them to hire
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more border patrol agents. it's an 18 month cycle from the time they get authorization to you get people on the line as it goes through background checkss and training and everything else. and so it actually is not goingg to have an immediate impact onan the crisis. what would have an i'm immediate -- immediate impact is using the authorities they have, the authority that president trump'n administration used to secur ue the border. they had the same authorities. no new laws have been passed. the can use the same policies and rams they worked but they -- programs that worked but ha to d they choose not to d it. they blame it onidot congress. congress congress didn't createe program, the bideng administration did. david: we have ofa spike in o migrant crime where not only individual bad actors are coming across but whole teams of bad actors are let out of jail in venezuela. president trump was the first tn mentioned that. a turned out he was right.
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i'm told by people that follow these things domestically, interest are gang wars between various i can only call them tribes of bad actors from venezuela, el salvador, colombia, fighting for territory. we created a group of organized criminals or organized crime c families that are fighting with each other now. >> i think that's right. it shouldn't be a surprise. obviously, we dealt with ms-13 gang members in the united states coming from el salvador mainly and other of parts as well. when you see t the influx where you're looking at 7, 9, maybe 11 million individuals coming across the border, obviously there will be bad a individuals and criminals in there, f particularly from countries like venezuela, nicaragua and osar. that's what we're today. there's always crime associated with that. it's elevated because as the numbers increase, the number of
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crimes, the elevated nature of a lot of these crimes are startina to catch the attention of the american people and they're saying enough is enough.en i want ttio see a change. when are we going to get order and security back to that bordel and they're waiting on president biden, second mayorkas towa announce newit initiatives to sy hey, here's how we're ainterrogatoriesing that. -- we're addressing that. we're not seeing it. david: thank you for your service. maybe we'll see you back m the next administration. we'll see. switching gears, the bidenon i administration is responding to the worsening squatter epidemic in america. our own peter doocy is live at the white house, where he had a chance to ask some folks about peter. >> reporter: this is the first time white house officials have gone into any kind of he detail about the president's possession on the stories that seem to be getting wild rer by the day, squsquatters taking over properties, in some cases suing
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the homeowners. >>, in homeowners are showing t places where they own, where the lock's been changed, the squatter moves in and the homeowner has no rights. does president biden think this is right? >>loca this is a local issue. i we are trackinssg the issue, the rights of property owners andrs renters must m be protected. again, everybody wants the same thing. they want tothin feel safe in tr communities. that's what theycomm want. certainly are tracking these stories. >> reporter: a fox news poll has h a 15 point wit advantage over biden at this moment when it comes to who will be best to handle the economy il this squatting issue persists or gets worse, that number could change. it could get even worse fores folks here. david: peter, quickly on the easter day issue concerning transgender day and with the easter egg hunt having everything to be scrubbed off that has any relationship with
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religion, how is the white house responding to that? someone apparently kind of dropped the ball on the easter day issuing right? >> reporter: a print reporteren goout close to president biden while tv folks were kept back a. the easter egg hunt and asked him about this.e the quote isqu, speaker johnson called it out, this is the question of the president be of. speaker johnson called it outrageous that easter was transgender day of visibility,yf what do you say to speaker johnson. president said he's thoroughly uninformed. he said i didn't do that. he did do that. however, it happens every march 31st. every march 31st is transgender visibility day. it's just that easter is not always on march 31st. so they kind of double booked easter sunday here but just as a coincidence of the calendar it seems. david: somebody should havedavi kept their eyes open about that
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coincidence. let's bring in mark simone and john levine. good to see you both. mark, what the hell were they thinking? i don't think either they weren'don't thinking about it at all, i mean, they didn't realiz that march 31st was easter sunday. which means somebody should be fired. because that was a pretty big misjudgment. or they don't care at all about it. i mean, i'm trying to be nice to them but i can't see any winnin explanation foanr this. >> yeah. funny thing is today is april fool's day. i don't hear anybody mention it. we're living in three years of april fool's. t squatters have more rights in your house than you do. homeland security is a smuggling operation. and this -- it's a religious hole day, easter. --atte holiday. why do you have to wipe out any religious symbol. it's a religious holiday. david: we had katlyn jenner onn transgender.
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do w i te have the sound bite of katlyn. she was on earlier. let me have her reaction to easter sunday. >>news here joe biden is suppod to be a devout christian, ach devout cat catholic. what he did was really flipped the middle finger at all people of religion, eve even the dc archbishop called him aca cafeteria catholic. david: it may not be as important as the overall economy and the border and everything but it is raising issues among the american people. >> i feel like the presidentg was in a tough situation. he obviously -- as peter said, this holiday happens every marc. president biden put out statements in 2023 and 2022 on transgender day of visibility. it happened to be on easter this year. david: the proclamation came out the da saty before, on satu. they had 24 hours, to decide
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maybe we shouldn't put out the proclamation. >> if you reschedule thehe transgender day of visibility,nt they will throw hill under the both. david: i 0.1% of the populatioi is more important? he has a he coalition he hads has to keep in line for the re-election. you have hamas democrats upset with him because of his support ofof israel. he was probably you afraid to upset this wing of the party. the bigger issue, he didn't seen to know he put out the statement. david: he's painted himself into a political corner where he's done so much to cater to t the fahir left, mark, that he s can'o t get out of it and he ent up, spending more time with a minority of his party, let alone a minority of the nation, than he does concerning his electionc re-election chances. >> this administration is just one big dylan mulvaney. they're going to learn the lesson from bud light and joe m
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biden couldn't care about any oh this, tr transgender -- he never mentioned it in 47 years inca politicsre. it's just cheap pandering and id touched a real nerve with people. david: i don't think people will forget it. it's one of those incidents that happen within the campaign.h quickly on the squatters, mark mentioned the squatters issue and pete doocy had a chance to ask kjp about it.y it gets into the issue of property rights.oe does the administration care at all? i mean, what are squatter rights at all, anyway? what's the purpose of havinghe property -- property rights is r what the nation was built on.s this iiss why people come here b because they want property rights. if they're com putting squatter rights above property rights for the american people they're taking away the american dream. >> i think kjp is correct, it's a local issue for different states ands cities to work through and new york is not doing it correct correctly.
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directly. you have c horrible stories whee someone goes on vacation, they come home and there's a random person living in the house and the locks are changed and if you try to do anything, you get arrested. our nation was built on property rights and aged. government that turns away from property rights will endth badly. david: we've got to wrap it, very quickly, aoc and bernie sanders want to make it a national issue, want to makeir what is local national. - they're doing their best to havn government take over, even the horrible public housing, they want to expand that in a new way. >> it's more of theis pro-criminal -- they love the crime shoplifting istt legal now. let them out of jail. the squatters have the rights. you don't have any rightsth anymore. david: good to see yoank you b. thank you.sive israel today struck a massive lethal blow against the
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terrorism network.bide why wouldn't president biden let them finish the job? we'll talk about it next on "kudlow." p next o business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. it's the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. trust. hang out. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. powering more businesses than anyone. powering possibilities.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. david: israel appears to have taken out one of iran's top terror puppet masters today with a surprise air strike in syria.
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the biden administration keeps trying to tell them what to do and how to do it in the war on hamas. joining us now, former deputy assistant defense secretary and the author of the strategy ofoi denial, thnie american defense n a time of great conflict. thank you for being here. this guy, was he kind of like solemeni, is it fair to put him in that league? >> i think so. i think there were several people who were killed. the latest reporting indicates he was a senior guy, so a very significant figure in iran's sort of elite military and particularly it appears ones that were involved in aggressive activities around the region. david: i asked senator -- i asked our sun tore at theat beginning ofor the -- senator as the beginning of the show whether or notou hghe thought israelis told the united states aboutot the attack before it happened. senator barrasso couldn'tld confirm or or deny it of coursed
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after a everything they've been through with us, do you think they would trust us enough with that kind of sensitivesurp information? >>rise i would be pretty surpri. i thins.k the trust levels betwn the united states and israel are at historic lows and it's quiteh concerning. there's evidence that the iranians are retaliating so iti. is a worrying situation. david: what happens next? will we see a new front in the north with hezbollah? >> i thinkolla, look, i think te reality is that the war in the middle east is likely to go onn and that's a key issues that's going on between israel and the united states, is israel's desire telo finish the job agait hamas.nt t i don't want to underestimate what this entails. my understanding, it's not just about netanyahu, across theo israeli political spectrum, they believe they need to go into get rafah and finish off hamas,ma whatever that means. you won't get every last a fighter. they can't leave hamas in ay situation where they'rare standn
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strong or there's the perception and hezbollah has been active in the north, they've -- the israelis evidenceing waited -- evacuated significant areas along the border. the war may well expand. the key thing for us, we should support our friend and closelose ally, israel. we want to encourage them to fight the war in as y humane a y as aos possible. we have to recognize it's sadly a very dirty business, it wasn't started by israel. we need to be clear in our ownns heads, we've got a lot of forces in iraq and syria that are hanging out there and i don't think that makes a lotorce of sd because there's already indications there may have been a suicide bombing attack i believe in syria, may have been in iraq, but i think we need to really lootok at rationalizing i position. this is something presidentom trumetp and people around him he talked about for some time. i don't understand why we're leaving our forces out there toc bees attacked. david: plus, i don't understand why we would trust the iranianin
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as much as we do instead ofin going after them. i mean, this is -- the donald trump hit against solemeni, i understand it was in iraq and that's where our troops are primarily based in the middle east righthat, now. i'm wondering why the united states would not you assist israel in an attack like this g which is gettinget out a really bad person who is definitely killing israelis and probably endangering and killing american as well. >> well, look, david, i think you're right in terms of certainly diplomatic andomat political support, intelligencet support. i fully supporelliget that. and also i would say military support that doesn't trades no against. but i had a piece, interview in thine washington examiner this morning. i think whoever is going to be president in the next term and i certainly support it being a republican president, trump, ise would say you've got to be prepared. 2027 will be in the next presidential term and thale head of the indo-pacific command said
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that the chinese are on nobody knows what's going to happen. the only prudent course is for us to be prepared and we're not. if we get in a big middle east war, we're in a world of hurt which is worse than we are. david: if there's more than one conflict, could we do it? >>e no, we can't. but we can handle it with our a lies if we support our alliesth like israel, like india, like he poland that are making theav effort. we have to focus on that doesn't mean abandoning oue allies and friends as president trump and others are saying we have to shift the burden andou o support those who step up.k that's the key way to handle itn if we think we can walk and chew gum, that's deeply irresponsible and we're asking to get punched in the face and probably lose, god forbid. david: i don't know if they can chew gum, forget about the walking. very great to seech you. appreciate it.e we have more "kudlow" for you
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