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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  April 1, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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ok y'all we got 10 orders coming in... big orders! starting a business is never easy, but starting it 8 months pregnant... that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs. the chase ink card made it easy. when you go for something big like this, your kids see that. and they believe they can do the same. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card. make more of what's yours. larry: . >> welcome to special kudlow i'm david asman in for larry
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cut kudlow, breaks hours ago a massive airstrike. in syria reportedly eliminating one of tehran's most senior military commanders. they are vowing a march hill tear response. we'll talk about it with wyoming senator john b boraso. to the center of act, trey yingst is live in tel aviv with this. reporter: good afternoon we're learning more about this rare daytime strike in damascus, syria that reportedly killed top iranian general. mohammad reza zahedi. zahedi is responsible for the irg cactivity across middle east, responsible for coordinating weapon shipment from iran to the location
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that could threaten american forces and israeli troops. all of this in response to escalating tension across the middle east, we know that the foreign minister of syria is responding to the strike. >> we strongly condemn this criminal act carried out by the we zionist enemy, we emphasize your position. beside your brothers iny the iranian embassy and assure that syria and islamic republic don't forget their enemies. reporter: the location is critical in in story, we're talking about a strike that targeted a building next to iran's embassy is capital of syria. the question is if and when iran will respond to this strike today. that reportedly killed 7 members of the irgc . >> thank you for that report, trey, for more
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wyoming senator john barrasso. this clearly was a targeted attack. they knew who they wanted to get, they got him and his deputy as well, they have lost a whole cohort of bad actors there. we know to do such a targeted hit you have to have the best intel, it shows once again, what the heck are we doing trying to micromanage their war when nobody knows better about what is going on in middle east an israeli intel. >> i think that is right. we see here today is iran is world's number one state sponsor of terrorism, you see it is houthis, hamas and hezbollah, they continue to fund, train and arm those, we have a weakened joe biden in the white house, we're seeing is increased activity around the world. oof the world is a more
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dangerous place, after what we saw in october 7 with the attacks on israel by hamas, i talked with prime minister netanyahu just a week or so ago, i will continue to stand with people of israel. >> i am going to ask you a question. you may not know the answer, your opinion, do you think this the israelis told biden officials before the attack happened. >> i don't know the answer, but we know there is a strained relationship right now between the president and the prime minister. and i expect that to continue as prime minister does what he needs to do to protect people of israel against future attacks from hamas. >> we have tomorrow, it was not long ago our iranian envoy lost his job because he mishandled some intel information that may have passed into iranian hands at some -- for all we know, we
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don't know for sure be. he is teaching in yale university. training the next contingent of foreign service offices, that must have sent shivers through intel agencies of israel the fact that this guy might have been mishandling information that could have helped israel's enemies. >> it did send more shivers through foreign relations committee in u.s. senate specifically republican side of the aisle, because of concerns we have, of this administration in some ways cozying up to hamas, when they should not be doing that at all. with president concerned about his own reelection efforts in in country of -- this country. >> let me move on to domestic issues. we have you for a good bit of time biden's war on
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fossil fuels this continues despite the fact that their mandates are for impossible to reach growth -- goals in this case it is putting a lot of people out of, they put it out on good friday, the epa issuing a mandate to truckers on their emissions that would do deep damage to the trucking industry, they came out with a statement. ata, opposes this rule in the current form because the post 2030 targets remain unachievable given the current state of zero emission technology, are they unachievable? >> joe biden's actions are slitting the throat of the american economy and playing right into the hands of china. i thought it was bad enough when they put these mandates to get to us buy electric cars.
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well, good friday, they have come out with mandates on electric trucks as well. even less achievable, more expensive. it is delusional. this is in their effort to eliminate gas powered automobiles and trucks in america. look, people don't want to buy these vehicles, they can't afford the vehicles, certainly here in wyoming where we drive under severe weather conditions, they are not practical. the cost that it will put on consumers, who have to buy the products, more expectsive to ship -- expensive to ship, they will hurt consumers, and where doe the batteries equipment from in china. >> not just the big trucking companies, people they they , 60%, they want by 2032, only 8 years from now they want 60% of urban delivery trucks, many of those belong to mom and pop companies, not the the big corporations, 60%
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they want to be electric in 8 years. i am sorry -- that seems an impossible goal that shows how detached they are from reality. >> this is economic suicide in the name of climate science. to show how detached they are epa made this announcement about how much carbon will be avoided to the atmosphere it will take 30-years to avoid a certain amount of carbon, the same amount that china and india put in atmosphere added to their carbon footprint in last year, they are penalizing trucking industry and drivers and consumers to accomplish in 30-years when china expin and india add to climate atmosphere
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alone. >> they're also penalizing our electrical grids by 2030, ev trucks, if they reach their mandates will consume 11% of california's electricity, over 10% of our electricity will be devoted just to the truck ev 's. that does not leave us enough for the other stuff like the heating in winter and et cetera. >> i do the math, one of those truck charges stations, would use amount of electricity of a city. you just don't have the electricity. we don't have the power to do it, they are shuts down cold power plants and natural gas -- coals powers planned and natural gas, there are not enough solar panels or w wind turbined in the world. biden administrationel on the epa, focus on climate
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and prioritize that over energy that is available affordable or reliable. >> and relatively clean by the way, natural gas has cleaned air over past 10 years. you mentioned china, this is something, i didn't really know much about, the department of energy under the secretary has cooperation deals with the chinese government on a.i. research, really? a.i. -- the chinese have been stealing our technology and our ideas and all of our innovations for years. yet we want to give them a leg up in their research on a.i., what is that about? >> the biden administration is much too cozy with the people of china, thus the chinese communist party, we are doing world class research, we need to do it on energy with artificial intelligence, but china is trying to steal it it seems
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that the secretary of energy is making it easier for them to do it china has always wanted to steal our trade security rhetts that is -- secrets that is not nothing new, head of fbi said what china is trying to do could underminure economic security and national security it is wrong, we need to stop this arrangement and inspector general came to senate. said she doesn't have resources she needs to do the over site that is necessary. to watch all of this activity that is happening with the department of energy, i inspector general needings to have have -- full oversight. >> we should have learned our lesson, one final thing we're not producing as much oil as we dadministration was bragging saying it is going up dodgistic oil
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production was -- domestic oil production was, but these are latest numbers in december we produced 13.3 million barrels a day in january 800 thousand barrels a day less, 12.5 million, what is happening? we're going to the wrong direction. >> this administration pro day -- from day one has been on a declared war against american energy, they want, want iran to produce more oil, they are against american energy. this is a war against american energy production, result of had administration's religion of climate, this is bad for our economy. we can protect our environment without hurting the economy, joe biden still has not learned that lesson. >> i remember when jennifer granholm was asked how much oil is consumed by america in a day or a week or month, she had no answer, they have
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the goals that are unrelated to how much energy we really need, if we're producing less oil that much less oil, if that trend continues down that is very bothersome and concerning. >> these are good jobes for american work -- jobs for american workers, we're in wyoming we're america's energy bread bass basket. >> no gd cares about the environment than the people who live in the environment, senator great to see you thank you. thank you. >> happy easter. >> thank you, david. >> coming up why liberal push for university basin income across blue cities will backfire, we have monica crowley and jason.
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she shoots from here? that's kinda my thing. david: remember when hard work actually paid off, not any more, illinois democrats' guaranteed universal basic income regardless of i'm make status -- immigration status. kelly in chicago. reporter: the plan would send payments of $1 thousand a month to 7 people, very
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vague -- certain people, this is vague but those who provide care for a child or a different s specified depart dependant, opponents say that bill has not addressed the cost to fund a plan like this, there is concern about what will money be spent on. right now text of bill calls payments, unconditional. i reached out to senator from chicago for clarification but not heart back yet. >> i estimate cost to illinois taxpayers could be greater than 10 billion a year, they could be better utilized investing in our crumbling infrastructure and i'm proving improving education proponents say that payments would not
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incentivize unemployment. >> they don't reduce implement. what they do they give families, agency, dignity, choice. and the ability to take care of themselves. reporter: there are over 30 different variations of guarantee basic income program in the nation, biggest here in cook county, the city of chicago, spending 42 million on 500 dollar per month payment. >> los angeles and some cities in new york. those cities have paid out 80 million together. in texas senator betancourt asked state attorney general to -- the program as unconstitutional, as other states could begin banning this as well. if this is successful it will set tone for other programs, at lee least 6 other states have banned the restrictions or
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in process. david: where are they going to get the money? they can't print it. thank you so much kelly saberi . more on this we ask monica crowley. and jason trennert, chairman and ceo securities good to see you. monica, the universal income. i said, the states and localities can't prin money but -- print money but federal government can, you know people in biden administration would like to apply this nationwide, is that if there is a second term. >> you are starting to see movement in that direct, they would love to do it on a nationwide level, the deep blue states like california and areas are guaranteeing this, this is essentially
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communism with an equal baseline, a equal poverty and misery. understand where the people are coming from, this is marxism. that is where they are trying to move the areas. to your point about states they cannot print money, they are imploding, illinois, washington state, california, new york i'm f imploding and on top of this the tsunami of illegal immigration, they will come to the federal government and want bailout that means you and me. david: california just announced their deficit has been creeping up, first it was a s surplus, now 68 billion dollars, their deficit, they can't pay for this stuff, jason, other thing that is coming from california. is this minimum wage increase, happening overnight forever fast-food restaurants, a lot of mcdonald's and burger
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kings are franchises owned by moms or pops with maybe a 3% profit margin, suddenly, you have to increase you're wages 25% from $15 to $20 that will b break them. >> of course, you think about margaret thatcher saying that socialism is great but the problem is sooner or later you run out of other people's money, this is where we are now, i believe there is a war on work, work is scene by a lot of people as almost inconvenient, not something that provides you with something of value that will give you personal worth, this is an attack on jobs, these businessmen and women are not going to be able to afford to higher the -- hire the numbers in people they want. david: they are in this bubble, they are in a bubble against reality, sticking with you, you came out with a great -- larry said, like
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the core cpi that excludes food and energy, they want just food and energy, and other things that affect people, you put together the common month's cpi -- common man's cpi it out weighs -- by 7%. >> bureau of labor statistics publishes core cpi, but for most people, eating and staying warm is core. so, we decided to create an index of just things that people have to buy. and what you find is the cumulative impact of inflation, that why people are so grumpy, they could say, now, on other side, gee real wages are increasing, but they are still behind, 7% behind where they were three years ago. the -- their standard of livings that deteriorated. >> let's be more upbeat.
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let's think of a trump second term, if trump wins the election. a lot of question about treasury secretary, one name, we were kibbitzing about, that one name i thought was smart was jamie dimon, he is a democrat, everyone says that trump wants to exclude everyone but a trump-like person, and chance that a d democrat like jamie dimon, one of few moderate democrats in the world. >> i don't know what president trump is thinking, he is thinking in a lot of different directs. david: but you worked there. >> secretary mnuchin was very effective secretary. and you have to look at finance, you look at a number of figures, john pal john paulson, but outside of the box robert lighthizer and jamie dimon, s-- he is a long time
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democrat. david: he may liver from lighthizer mode. >> a core element of being treasury secretary is dealing with china. trade policies, sanctions, on all kinds of enemies in the world, you need someone who is on the same page with regard to china, i'm not sure that jamie dimon would be particularly. david: not as far as blackstone. >> but you need someone who is very similar in the thinking and aggressive approach to china as drusm p president trump is. david: you are going to trump event this weekend. >> yes. david: they hope -- he will make 32 million. >> let's hope so, lord only knows kahnls -- the country needs a different direction. david: you were -- >> i have always been positive on president's particularly with r his economic policies, now over
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the last several weeks, economy like and culturally, we need a change, i feel very strongly. david: we need a fix that will take a lot of tooling. someone who knows how to fix things. >> that is donald j. trump. david: thank you so much, jason. >> all right coming up, remember this many of those illegal migrants were reportedly released right back into the united states on easter sunday. whatever happened to catch and doe po -- beport we ask chad wolf. >> and biden administration turning back on christian voters, mark simon and jon levine will join me on set to talk about that whenn kudlow continues. el more confidt with stock ratings from j.p. morgan analysts in the chase app. when you've got a decision to make... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management
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releasing migrants after the riot. joining me now chad wolf, former dhs secretary, executive director. great to see you, with judges like this, you don't need mayorkas, you were telling me, there are a lot of judges that have done it,y t they come from liberal-oriented cities that you releasing migrants. >> this is a disappointing ruling. we see is the state of texas trying to impose some consequences, some deterrent in the system, as they see thousands of folks streaming across the border, when they take the step to arrest the individuals goat them -- get them before a court, last thing you want to see it the judge dismiss them, the district attorney of the not ready to start detention hearings, this is a disappointing ruling, i wish that district attorney was able to present the case
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better, but j -- judge indicating seriousness of situation. david: you know that bureaucracy at dhs well, are there not people there, it was created after 9/11, supposed to focus on our national security, now it does anything but this. do you think that the bureaucrats that have been there for years, are upset about this? do you think there any push back from the people at dhs to what mayorkas is doing or am i too naive in believing that there are good people in the bureaucracy? >> i think that is right, particularly with border patrol and law enforcement officers, they take an oath, they get trained to protect, particularly on that border and keep bad people and dangerous things out of this country. when they are sent to simply process more and more migrants and seeing the flow, the chief of border patrol said he concerned
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about national security threats and the got aways because of this uncontrolled flow across the border. i think there are a lot folks at dhs below political leadership that are concerned about direction of the department and now country, has seen for last three years they would like a change, and a shift. i just down think that you will see this if you have president and secretary mayorkas directing policies. david: the president and mayorkas say if we had that bill that didn't get through the senate if we had that bail we would have more border agents and keep people out, do you have any doubt they would be used for processes rather than law enforcement work? >> it is a great point. they are trying to convince american people they need more and more authority, yet they are not using the authority they already have, when they do, as you indicate they use it to process more and more individuals in they talk about bill would allow them
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to hire more border patrol agents this is a 18 month cycle from authorization to people on the line as they go through background checks and training, it would not even have an immediate impact on the crisis, but what would is using auth authorities they have, that president trump's administration used to secure that border, they have the same authorities, no new laws have been passed. they can utilize same policies but instead they want to blame it on congress, congress did not create this crises in 20 betwee21. the biden administration did. david: related to national security we have a speaking of migrant crime. -- spike of mig migrant crimes where whole teams of bad actors are let out of jail in venezuela. you -- and now, i am told by
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people like paul mauro and others, there are the gang wars between various i can only call them tribes of bad actors from venezuela and colombia who are fighting for territory. we have created this whole new group of organized criminals or organized crime families that are fighting with each other now. >> that is right, it shouldn't be a surprise we have dealt with ms-13 gang members in u.s. you have this influx, you have 7, 9 or 11 million individuals coming across the border, there will be some bad individuals and criminals particularly from countries like venezuela and nicaragua and others, that is what we're seeing today there is crime associated with that, that numbers increase the number of
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crimes elevated nature of a lot of the crime are catching the attention of american people, they are saying enough is enough, i would like change when will we get order and security back on the border, they are waiting on president biden, secretary mayorkas to announce new ini initiatives, instead they announce the opposite affect. david:ed w chad wolf thank you for your service, we'll see. thank you. >> switching gears biden administration is responding to worsening scatter epidemic in america, peter doocy is live at white house, peter. reporter: david this is the first time white house officials have gone into any detail about president's position on the stories, that seem to be getting whiler by the day -- i wilder by the day, scatters taking over -- squat ors taking over properties, in
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some cases suing homeowners. >> homeowners show up where locks have been changed and squatters move in and the homeowner has no rights, does president biden think that is right. >> my understanding this is a local issue we're tracking that issue. the rights of property owners and renters must be protected. everyone wants the same thing, they want to feel safe in their communities narc. we are tracking the stories. >> poll has donald trump with 15 point advantage over biden at-this-point over who would be best to handle the economy if this squatting issues persists or gets worse. david: on the easter day brouhaha concerning transgender day now with easter egg hunt, having
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anything scrubbed off in relation to religion, someone dropped ball on those easter day issues. >> a print reporter got close enough to president biden while tv folks were being kept back. and asked him about this, the quote s speaker johnson called it out, this is the question, speaker johns called it outrageous that easter sunday was transgender day of visibility, president said he is thoroughly uninformed and asked how, president biden said i didn't do that. david: he signed it. >> he did, but it happens every march 31, every march 31 is transgender visibility day, but easter is not always on march 31, they double booked easter sunday. it seems as a coincidence of the calendar. david: peter thank you, let's bring in mark simon,
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worradio show host and jon levine politics reporter at "new york post." mark, what the hell were they thinking? i don't think either they were not thinking about it at all. , they didn't realize that march 31 was easter sunday. someone some be fired that is a big misjudgment or, they don't care about it. i am trying to be nice to them, but i can't see any winning ex explanation. >> today, is april fool's day, but i don't hear anything mention it any more, every day is a april's fools day with squatters getting their rights, and this it a religious holiday. david: we had caitlyn jenner on, transgender, i think do
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we have that sound bite on -- sound bite, on fox news. >> here joe biden is supposed to be a devout christian, and catholic, and to be honest, what he did is really, flip the middle fingerral at all people of religion, even the dc archbishop on this weekend, called him a cafeteria catholic. >> this is really -- maybe not as important as the overall economy but this is raising hackles. >> i feel that president was in a tough situation, that holiday happens every march 31, president biden had put out stra statement and 20 t 22. >> this letter -- the day before saturday they had 24 hours they could have said
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maybe we should not put this out. >> if you reschedule transgender day of visibility then the trans activists will say you are throwing them under the bus. david: .1% of pop sa population is more important. >> i am not saying it of right, he has a wieldy coalition, she was probably afraid to upset this wing of his party, said just -- the bigger issue he does not appear to know he pout o put out the statement. david: even with 100% cognitive ability he has painted himself into this political corner here, has done so much to cater to far left, he can't get out of it, he spends more people with mine minority of his party or nation, than concerning his reelection chances. >> this dang is one big dillon mulvaney, they will
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learn the lesson from bud light, and joe biden could care less about transgender he never mentioned this in politics. >> i don't think that people will forget it it is one of those incidents that happen that stick with you, you better bet that trump will make hey with it. >> hay with it. >> on squatters. mark mentioned that and pete doocy asked kgp it goes into issue of property rights, what are sca squatter rights at all? what is is the purpose. property rights is what this nation was built othat is why people come here if they put sq squatter rights above property rights they are taking away the american dream. >> i believe that kgp is correct this is a local
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issue, and new york is not doing it correctly, the situation where someone goes on vacation, they come home, and there is a random person living in their house, and locks are changed. if you change it, you get arrested. you are right, this the end badly. david: we have to wrap it. the thing is, people like aoc and bernie sanders who want to make a national issue. and they are doing their boast to -- boast to have government takeover even horrible public housing. >> it is more of their pro-criminal they love the criminal, shoplifting is legal now, let them out of jailing and the squatter, is a criminal, they have all of rights you have no rights. >> good to see you both, thank you. david: coming up israel today struck a massive lethal blow against iran tor terror network, so why
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won't president biden just let them finish the job we'll ask elbridge colby up next on kudlow. some things should stand the test of time. long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness, or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eyla hd may cause eye infection, separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye. an increase in eye pressure has been seen. n ri the most common side effects were blurred vision, cataract, corneal injury, and eye floaters. and there's still so much to see. if you are on eylea
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david: israel appears too have taken without one of iran's top tier puppet
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master, biden administration keeps trying to tel tell, israel what to do and how do you it with their war with hamas. today, joining us is elbridge col colby, so this guy. zahedi, mohammad reza zahedi was he like sold mai s soleiman. >> i think so, a significant figure in iran's elite military, appears those involved in aggressive activity in the region. david: i asked senator at the beginning of the show whether or not he thought that israelis told u.s. about the attack before it happened. senator barrasso could not confirm or doe my. or deny.
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what do you think, do you think they would trust us enough with that sensitive information? >> i would be surprised, i think that trust level between u.s. and israel are at historic lows this is concerning. i think there is already evidence that the iranians are retaliating. it a worrying situation. david: what happens now? are we going to see a new front in north with hezbollah? >> i think -- look, i think the reality that war in middle east is l likely to go on, that a key issue between israel and united states. i don't want to under estimate what it entails to finish the job, but my understanding this is not just about netanyahu, they believe they need to go to rafah and finish off hamas, whatever that means, you will never get every last hamas fighter, they can't leave hamas in a situation where you know they are still standing strong or
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ththere is that perception, hezbollah has been active in the north, and the israelis have evacuated significant areas along the norther border, i believe that war is likely to go on in gaza, it may expand, for us we should support our friend and close close ally israel, sadly this is a dirty business it was not started by israel. we have a lot of forces in iraq and syria that are just hanging out, there are indication there may have been a suicide bombing attack i believe in syria or in iraq. but i think we need to lock at rationalizing our position, this something that president trump and people you know around him have talked about for some time, i don't understand why we're just leaving our forces out there to be attacked. >> and plus, i don't understand why we would trust the iranians, as much
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as we do. instead of going after them. this is -- the donald trump hit against soleimani, i understand it was in iraq that was where our troops are primarily based. but the point is that, i am wondering why the united states would not assist israel in an attack like this, which is getting out a really bad person who is killing israelis and probably indangerring and killing americans as well. >> well, look, i think you are right in terms of diplomatic and political support, intelligence, i support, and i would say, you know military support that does not trade against, i had a piece interview in washington exa examiner, i believe who'll be president in next term, i support republican president trump, you have to be prepared 2027 is in next presidential term, admiral
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said that chinese are on track, nobody knows what will happen only prudent course is for us to be prepared and we're not, if we're emeshed in a most middle east war. >> we could. david: could we do more than one conflict? >> no, we can't, but we can handle it with or allies but we could support our allies, we have to focus ons aia asias . that does not mean abandoning you on allies and friends if we think we could walk and chew gum as biden says that is irresponsible and we're asking to get punched in the face and probably lose god forbid. david: i don't know if he could just chew gum. elbridge thank you so much appreciate it. >> we more kudlow straight ahead stay with us.
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