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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 1, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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morning. thanks very much for joining us this morning i hope you are having a good monday i am maria bartiromo, monday, april 1, 8:00 a.m. on the button east coast, time for hot topic of the hour el paso judge ordering releasing of so he illegal migrants stormed the texas border last month knocked over national guard meshz judges arguing da's not prepared to hold detentions hearings for those so releasing them after a leaked texas department memo warned migrants more aggressive
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towards law enforcement not to he thinks heightened terrorist threat reporting isis-k could care out a attack when not if going to see something like this as a result of wide-open border worrisome. liz: i cannot imagine 300 thousand people last few months, in have our country millions across the border illegally there after all kind of people we do not want in our country, the idea, that no one is tracking these people that they are put on planes, flown atrocity country at night unconsable. >> single biggs cause of death among young americans, fentanyl event poisoning when
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serious about influx of migrants hold them accountable, the laws and legislators let this happen jp white house i hope voters do in november this is outrage to all americans. maria: obviously, luke, immigration has become the number one issue, for voters right now because people understand, they connect the dots, crime is spiking there are worries about who is coming in not about you know, not about the people who are running from percent reviewings a pressure on system, but about who we don't know coming in whating intentions are. >> half of democrats democratic voter base knows that the border is a crisis, even in bipartisan issue at this point for from one side, you know i hear talked about only biden administration, interesting is 40-billion-dollar is going into mexico from will investments the majority from
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united states we haveing bargaining power the question becomes who is going to use that power we know trump did, the biden administration not using that my concern we have law enforcement, that we did in 2008, population grown 10% from since then. the democrats voter base democratic you know, administration, is not supporting the border so why would young people want to get involved in law enforcement if that aren't get support for the infuriate concerning about law enforcement system in engine for the future crime is running rampant. >> former president trump slamming president biden after mexican president obrador, had incredible a demands said u.s. must pay 20 billion dollars in aid to latin america every year, each year to quote, so flow of migrants will continue if they don't pay up, trump told fox's brian kilmeade
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would not happen on his watch watch this. >> -- lack of respect for the, never say that to me, they want 10 billion dollars a year mexico asked for 10 billion dollars a year would never ask i wouldn't give them 10 cents. maria: cheryl trump's watch deals negotiations with all countries but that sounded like a veiled threat to me from obrador. chery: either. >> send 20 billion a year ten billion mexico alone or flow continues. chery: obrador made the tlaelt it was threat, maria,, on "60 minutes" of all things i can't believe they broadcast it it was an open handout for cash. i don't know what type of power obrador thinks he have a has but seems to think that joe biden is weak. he seems to think that he is now in control of the border, i guess somebody is in control of the border, might he
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mexico, look this is he president trump said to brian kilmeade, obrador obviously, has a lack of respect for our country, for our rules at this point we don't have a law when it comes to general laws on border, and lack of respect for our leader, currently joe biden. >> there you go, liz a democrat new york city council members pushing for free mental health services to migrants 15 million dollars tax money, a year, buy free therapy social services emergency housing for migrants when dit mental health services become in such need for illegal migrants i continue follow this liz: preposterous all kinds of people in our country city
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that need help focus on them taxpayers whose cities neighborhoods overrun by people increasingly note obeying the law what are we will give them next? pedic cures because they need help with feet walked so far i am sure some people are very stressed i am sure a very difficult situation, to be in. shelter with your family, but for heaven's sakes our cities new york city cannot afford this medicaid spending the same kind of mind-set, has gone -- up 40% last three years killing our budget, that who is a we're doing with migrants as well, we are killing our budget. chery: spend money on people in subway why can't we do that people pushed -- >> dis owners need mental healthy treatments, you have to invest tons of money to make sure that is what we
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have. maria: just getting started quick break the biden campaign is attempting the roll out hispanic outreach in miami now after polls show losing support from hispanic voting bloc, carlos giménez is here to tell us how it went down what i can say next you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. . ♪ i am every woman -- ♪ ♪ . that's a different story. with the chase ink card, we got up and running in no time. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card. make more of what's yours.
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piercing maria: welcome back. florida congressman carlos him jez accusing government of cuba of quote actively targeting attempting to will u.s. citizens issue referring to 60 minutes report found a connection between the new logical condition havana syndrome, 204 car chase involving a suspected russian spy 60 minutes interested one
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who talked about this when and where she was hit. >> she says in 2021 she was home in florida, whether she was hit by a crippling force. >> a drilling noise knocked me front yard. >> near key west florida deputies tried to stop mustang from speeding a search found notes of bank accounts, this device that looks like a walkie-talkie, can erase the computer data, including its gps record. >> was also a russian passport. >> joining me florida congressman carlos him jez a member house homeland security, select can he on china tell me what you feel happened here. >> well, not only there but unless cuba itself, we believe the russians targeted our embassy canadian comae
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affected hundreds diplomats in cuba giving them debilitating brain injuries, where they can't hear, they have functional, dysfunction they one of the things they told me was somebody sulfur from havana syndrome you and i put a finger in front of face see two somebody from this can only see one, that is one symptom they have, the evidence is growing that the russians are behind it, obviously, you know they can do whatever they want in cuba since their big ally, a serious problem happening not just in cuba but around the world. maria: how targeting americans there is a device to carry this out what specifically is the weapon. >> we don't know what the weapon is seems to be i mean my theory some kind of directed energy, toward a specific area then anybody in that area is going to be affected. so, yeah.
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it is pretty serious stuff again like i said not just happening, it started in half anna first time noticed it now seeing it around the world, they even targeted, a nato summit some of our generals targeted people there, too we got to find out what it is protest sure the russians are behind it. >> this is incredible the national security that issues have come to light in the last couple years are stunning. op-ed in miami heral slamming the biden campaign hispanic outreach in florida. they call it quote three gringos in coral gables launched biden-harris latino campaign the piece points out did not feature latinos or big names at opening of miami did a democratic hispanic caucus office sent gentlemen gentlemen doug emhoff kamala harris's husband, nikki fried,
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what do you know about this? >> yeah, hard to find hispanics in miami-dade, i think i must be only one, look. it is par for the course for democrat party. they are you know, blind, deaf, tone-deaf yeah, so i would think that when you have hispanic outreach you launching, you would have hispanics involved, look. the problem with democrat party they know it not joking is that hispanics are turning away from democrat party, in general. and -- and joe biden in particular. more and more hispanics saying hasta la vista to the party they know it they have a huge problem the fact that they didn't have hispanic on this is just -- just plain dumb. and the optics are horrible. maria: who us running things there congressmaning everything from bad policy to dividing us, you know over and
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over again, you know, declaring easter sunday as transgender visibility day what kind of a tin ear does that. >> again these people are just -- they are tone-deaf, and they continue to be tone-deaf the democrat party is more and more just white, liberals ultimate liberals socialists hispanics turning away from that, more and more african americans turning away from democrat party they've got a huge problem on their hands, they are ultra left ideology, you know doesn't fit with normal americans hispanics are normal americans so are african americans, we just don't abide by those values and that is why turning away from them. you are going to see president trump get -- get probably the highest number of hispanic votes of any presidential candidate in that is a
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republican presidential candidate in history. >> maybe, but don't you have also issues on republican side? i mean you've got extremists on both sides, now nebraska congressman bacon says possible mike johnson will be removed as speaker of the house. if he brings the ukraine aid bill up for vote speaker johnson called for republicans stick together was on fox news last night with trey watch this. >> i think republican colleagues recognize a distraction from our mission the administration to save republic only way we can could that if we grow house majority win senate, white house we don't seed disenion right now we have smallest majority literally in u.s. history a one vote margin when you could math get a majority vote i can only lose one not getting a legislation we all desire, prefer. maria: congressman, shouldn't you all be sticking together at this point?
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and pointing out biden flurdz rather than having infighting win your own? >> duh, yeah, exactly what we should be doing but then we have, some members that want to put the attention on themselves. not on things we have to do, as a conference, as republican party, what really bothers me, maria, i have to vote on legislation which more to the left than i really want to because of this fringe supposed to be the ultraconservatives are forcing our agenda to go left threatening our speaker again you flow me was i wanted kevin mccarthy i knew nothing was going to change dynamics didn't change we are exactly the same place right now, with speaker johnson when
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i support than we would have been with kevin mccarthy so this whole episode removing speakers, threatening speakers does nobody any good sent the democrat party. he were certainly doesn't do country any good duvent do republican party any good, so, yeah, we need to come back together, get some sanity back in our conference. we do feed to grow the majority, that is the only way that we can save this country we need a new president we need president trump to be president we need to control the senate. that is the only way, you are going to reverse many of these policies hurting every day americans. today. maria: we will see if you can do it congressman, thank you we will be watching we so appreciate your dime this morning carlos giménez in florida we'll be right back. .
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are looking at another strong day although well off the highs of the morning i should point out dow industrials now up 16 nasdaq up 27 s&p 500 higher by 5 points. nonetheless this is a victory, given the fact that the first quarter was strong as it was, this is the first trading day of the second quarter, we begin with real momentum in stocks, after the markets were closed friday the dow s&p 500 finished the week in record
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territory. as you can see, on friday on thursday's close, the nasdaq was negative but the dow and s&p in record territory, take a look at interest rates this morning hovering around 4.2% on 10-year a gain 4 1/2 basis points in 10-year a level 4.24% joining me right now navellier associates founder chief investment officer louis navellier thank you so much for being here. your thoughts on this, first trading day of the second quarter coming off that strong first quarter. what do you expect in the coming quarters after real momentum we've seen? >> well, you know, april is seasonally strong month a lot pension finishing a lot springtime people cheer up in springtime weather gets better cherry blossoms tulips popping up, showed up in michigan consumer survey high level right now. >> you can look at springtime i am looking at earnings i mean look about to see first quarter a earnings come out,
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in the next two weeks, and that is where will we're going to see the -- the strength or lack of in terms can have corporate earnings are we seeing a slowdown in your view in any way? >> no. the next two quarters very easy year-over-year comparisons we do expect blowout earnings for next two quarters, i would add the analysts missed by 6.7% last quarter, so they've been revising estimates higher that gave a lot of power in march but positive analysts revisions good sign of spooidz we say top 35% stocks top 5% extraordinary, there is a big leadership change underway, the department of justice is suing apple things like that, caused leadership shifters we will get update from tesla on sales see if that can recover but because magnificent 7
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isn't perfect anymore money on the move, different leaders. >> great point, in have journal this morning stock markets magnificent 7 is now the fab four. talking about, how you know apple, tesla are not taking part in the rally we've seen elsewhere is that the right move in your view? do you want to broaden away from major tech names are there areas that have not been the focus. >> of course, you do. the small cap sector very strong since late october we have early jan effect it was strong last month, i just did small cap research finding more stocks to buy now, and, so it is it is a good sign you know it is funny super micro computer isn't small cap anymore got really big i incidented find four stocks to buy that have stronger forecast earnings than sushl micro, i would add best sales
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growth. >> your take on macrostory the march jobs' report out this friday, economists are expecting 200,000 jobs created and added to the economy, for the month of march unemployment rate holding steady expected 3. 9 pennsylvania what do i want to say about macrostory impact of 11 rate hikes we saw last year and a half? >> well, first of all,, manufacturing hasn't recovered, we have -- ice on manufacturing survey good friday it wasn't -- a decline the manufacturing sector is contracted 16 straight months, whatever we're trying to do apparently hasn't happened boeing has thrown a wrench in that i am more interested in adp than payroll adp doesn't get revised biggest problem we have with payroll report is all revisions swells seasonal
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adjustments, time of year aren't bad but probably 00,000 the question what with previous months numbers i am more veried in private sector growth than government job growth. >> what is private sector growth? you think that is better? >> yeah are a, that has been very firm, but usually run 1.4, 1.60 a quarter, we have will get that wednesday with adp. >> okay let me get your take on esg i know you say global there is a global rejection of esg expected to have pro founded kwebs tell us mother. >> too many steyer ran for president -- in lake tahoe -- is -- led the fossil fuels the investment from all universities probably behind scenes while biden rejected
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lng expansion. a lot of people think esg not wise policy a lot of people accused of. since s&p global kicked tease l.a. out of index a couple years ago come may, we just don't understand, what they're trying to do. it is a global collapse not just u.s. collapse but a big blowback a lot of states. you know, you know, energy agency a percent of our stock market few years ago got down to 2% of s&p 500, clearly the best growth story in america right now. 13.3 million barrels a day, 5 million a day don't know what to do with all natural gas if you adopt news it they have to flare it i deserves a higher percent of the market it is going to have good earnings next couple quarters like rest of the market so i think time to embrace where we are strong
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engine instead of demonize it, it is just -- you know, it is -- it is -- its i am in ka right now we're so upset, on the whole natural gas policy around here, like -- can't discuss it i think a lot of people, came to the conclusion we can't fix stupid it is stupid to demonize very strong industries in america that makes market great gives a huge comparative advantage. maria: great point do you worry that oil saying elevated is only going to keep inflation elevated. >> yeah fed doesn't look at -- in addition -- it is there -- our client the other day complained about food prices. maria: yeah, exactly. >> rich complaining everybody plain we sool he see what impact in november. >> louis navellier joining us crude oil 82 and change right
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now stay with us. we'll be right back.. .
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policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit back. the month april kicking off with severe weather cheryl casone. chery: really is, maria major storm is expected to hit much of the country this week for. >> thunderstorms with it, from texas, to virginia. texas o oklahoma missouri biggest being risks today, hail damaging gusts for being to bring possible destruction to residents in the pact of these storms. baltimore reported to open
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ultimately channel near the francis scott key bridge, will allow ships in and out the temporary channel will mark an important first step to open a main channel timeline not given for when alternate channel is going to open crews are working to remove thousands of tons from the river bridge collapsed a week ago wasn't a cargo ship crashed into it starting today most factory workers in state of california making a 20 dollar an hour minimum wage. new law going into effect, likely to affect consumers with price hikes in possibility smaller serving sizes as restaurant owners large and small try to pay for new wage, fox news alisha acuna knows first and a half the struggling they have. >> my husband ran a restaurant we closed last year, and the cost of labor, was choking us so badly trying to keep its staff to make up for it, our serving size shrink we had to
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take from premium items off the menu we were trying to cut corners at every step it just became impossible we tried to use a living wage started 15 dollars an hour when we weekend the city started to decide how things were going to change we had a brace ourselves things changed customer didn't like that we didn't like that eventual we had to close. maria: this law supported by trade association represents fast food franchise owners acknowledges during this there is going to be significant impact mcdonald's jack in box plan to raise prices in california. march madness caitlin clark will lead hawkeyes to take on angel and tigers in arenas national championship viewers expected to be massive after 12.6 million watched the showdown a year ago men's side north carolina state next out state punching to the men's
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final four. >> are backdoor, give it up [cheering and applause] cheering ranch the rims elite, to stop here jones for 3. it's good! >> the tournament star leaving nc state to first final four since 1983 a my knowledge duke upset uconn taking on alabama some headlines. maria: thank you so much cheryl casone, meanwhile, we are hearing in on security young widow of slain nypd officer diller giving a devastating eulogy at husband's you are funeral slamming new york city officials allowing crime to spiral without protecting officers. >> he was called do acute in up the cal fashion didn't run away he did what was right he did what he loved it is devastating senseless tragedy loss for so many our family, friends the entire city of new
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york. two years two months since detectives made ultimately sacrifices like my husband jonathan diller, rivera stood in front of all pleading for change, that change never came. so many more police officers how many more family need to make ultimately sacrifice before we start protecting them? >> joining me former, new york city police commissioner, thank you a true heartbreak what happened to nypd officer johnson diller your reaction. >> always gut-wrenching the eulogy by mrs. diller unfortunately seems to fall on deaf ears in new york as far as skruns the state legislature is concerned, they do things made with enemy
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people of new york and enemy put in silly laws meant to hamspring the police officers there is no discussion about change here they don't want to do it because -- both parties veto-proof they can do it say we're doing it because we can do it, i wish there was light at the end of the tunnel i don't see it. maria: diller's alleged murderer repeat offender over and over again 21 previous arrests five year prin stayed on record a man fatally pushed a stranger on subway traction last week also repeat offender officers say that attack was totally unprovoked, the fact we keep seeing the same thing happen over and over again, by people who faced very little or no consequences. for repeated offenses. >> you are right you are absolutely right. all no, he consequences,
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remember three strikes and you are out something in 90s, swept across the nation. you only hear you don't hear about that anymore basically not enforced some states have it but not enforced not used you see -- people arrested released, arrested again easiested soon thereafter a legislature only one can make a change in that regard so far, unwilling to do it. and unfortunately more police officers are going to be at great risk people, mostly throughout the subway because it is just -- feels dangerous, there is absolutely feels like something could happen to you people standing against the wall, in subway now put a lot of cops in the subway system cannot really sustainableable
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the department head count continues to go down difficult to recruit new officers, it is going to be a struggling for quite a while i am afraid. >> so, at the end of the day, whose case will to it make a change? i mean, we need leadership, to actually make sure people understand that there are consequences so make this stop, right how will this end? >> well, you are right we need leadership. so far we don't have it, as i said the leaders -- new york legislature, say that there are not going to do anything because if they do something it is discriminatory against minority so they have a majority as i said going to keep that position. we don't have leadership there, the mayor does not have much sway apparently with the
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state legislature or city council, city council keeps passing laws like how many stops or cops have to make out a form everybody they spoke to that is meant to harass the police. to get them to basically not do their job. so this is where we are. as far as leadership is concerned, we need a change of these people, in the elected positions, and we have to wait for the next election nothing is going to kwhaeng the cast of characters in place now until election time people don't know who city council leaders are they just don't know that is a manipulated, in new york city unfortunately. >> isn't it true new york council wants illegally migrants he illegals to vote it is only getting worst; right? >> sure that was actually passed by city council a couple years ago was thrown off by courts but they sure do
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they migrants coming here voting voting for them clear as day, that is their goal. so the city council has become the enemy certainly of the police department, they took away qualified immunity the only jurisdictions major jurisdiction in the country cops can't use it as defense if sued personal hot house at risk tell people they don't have to cooperate with you if you stop them another regulation -- from city council, all these absurd things keep coming out, there is no end in sight, until the elections happen see what happens then. maria: when i -- i say "leadership" in under stories every squatters taking over peoples homes you've got one guy on tiktok telling migrants how to go invade homes, steal homes, nothing is done about it it took days weeks for
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anybody to take this guy down, actually arrest him yet happens in florida? ron desantis makes an executive decision going to be a felony no squatter you are not going to take over a home in florida. ron desantis is leader came across and he made basically made sure aeb ebb knew this is not going to fly in florida also a pair of squatters suing a new york city couple after taking over their home nearly-million-dollar home in queens couple in legal debt after pushed out of their own home. >> incredible, i have no idea myself i have been around a long time no idea the permissiveness, what nerve, you are right florida is ron desantis to be commended saw problem take it on addressed it with executive action we need something done in many states particularly in new
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york state. along those lines, so far,. indication going to lap. where is kathy hochul liz peek jump in where is kathy hochul with squatting situation. liz: she is nowhere she is nowhere in general, ray, you oversaw a dmament turnaround in law and order in new york city exactly this superiority of thing that we need to have happen right now, would it make a difference, if kathy hochul fired alvin bragg at least we had a new -- regime in which there was some effort to enforce laws? i mean, yes some of the stuff he isn't enforcing is small potatoes but whole idea of enforcing small laws and crimes, holdings people accountable, so as to go after big fish disorientate you think might mike a difference in new york. >> absolutely alvin bragg
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major impediment the new york crown district attorney's a bellwether organization one of the best in the country, so what they do is follow all across the country certain -- in new york city, he has the nerve to put forward seven-page memorandum day one delegate all what he wasn't going to enforce, going to tell you what you are going to do? >> he is quite proud of it he hasn't paid any penalty would it be good if he was removed absolutely but i have serious doubts it will ever happen the politics just -- doesn't work for governor hochul now, i don't think going to be done, sure would be, a bonus a benefit to all of us, if alvin bragg were taken out of office liz: sorry maria it is case that 90% of new yorkers want law and order reestablished in
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subways on streets, et cetera, i cannot imagine the force the will of the majority at some point will not -- will not rule in this matter. >> well you would think so but so far we haven't seen any significant voting as far as anticrime is concerned. people are can been manipulated in city council elections that is for sure most people don't know who s city council is, 51 members city council, only six are republicans the rest are democrats some democratic socialists of america very comfortable with that don't feel any pressure to change qualify. maria: how donning could cycles take you've seen plenty in new york how long do you think it will take to actually get demolishing new york -- new york walk in a good place
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depends ho next mayor is mayor adams, quite frankly,, at limit on promise to be tougher on crime we have to wait for next administration to come along i would say a comoot you know, two, three, four years before we are going to see significant change at least potential significant change in being new york city. >> all right. we leave it there ray always a pleasure to see you talk with you thank you, sir. . >> thank you, maria. good to see you -- >> stay with us. we'll be right back.
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hi, i'm stacey, and i've lost 60 pounds on golo. (guitar music) this belt i used to wear, way down at the first and second notch, it's the only thing i've kept from before losing weight and i'm keeping this because i'm never going back. her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage?
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we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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former president trump super pac launching a web site shows how much grocery bills have risen under president biden since january 2021 chocolate prices up nearly 300% for easter chocolate eggs up nearly 50% beef up nearly 30% rolls up 26%, candy up 24%. and that easter ham that was up 18% our team went after the streets of new york city to see how americans really feel about high prices. >> i am struggling to have ends meet. >> groceries lone everything
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has gone up everybody is feeling it. >> prices are crisis prices insane, higher even as gas prices way up i do think inflation hitting not only big cities like new york but small towns. >> o coffee or keep walking not coffee it costs so much making food at home. >> 40 dollars, 60 collars up. >> goes release now eggs all products so much for everything, going out the eat triple price what it used to be a few years ago ago saving for certain things like a house more saving, now but i think you can enjoy yourself more but, now, maybe eating out once a month. . >> there you have it, it you the liz peek reaction.
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liz: this is one of joe biden's promise of younger voters in particular they are not able to make ends meet and most particularly what that young man just talked about, they sure can't buy a house housing unare fordability worse in a long time a real issue for all americans. maria: all right. take a short break come back, you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. . business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. it's the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. trust. hang out. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. powering more businesses than anyone. powering possibilities.
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>> welcome back it is time for the big both of morning today is april fools' day, lighthearted pranks and jokes with some parents are taking full advantage of tickling someone tiktok uploading these bringing videos, were they serve their kids, person ♪ ♪ serial, and look at this price planned this year. >> yes we do this to a dog. but in the big easter baskets essex room for develop the school with laudable up with by saturday so absolutely. >> okay class. >> i don't have anything planned it was no wonder because norms are so neurotic these days people playing tricks on them amount of youtube videos, that is astronomical on the serial prank and estate all i will say suet happy april fools' day, thank you great show dan varney and company source right now student taken away. >> good morning christina money we would like to show yo


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