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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 22, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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maria: welcome back. good yogood friday morning. thank you for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. its is friday, march 22nd. time for the hot topic of the hour. former president trump is leading payne in the two states of georgia and north carolina. news polls have trump up 4% on biden in georgia and 3 points up in north carolina. but biden is slamming the media, claiming they're not reporting on five polls that show him beating trump. the biden harris campaign attacking trump for his campaign schedule. claiming he's hiding in his country club. this is really funny, joe. everything they do, they say the other guy does and we have it
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again. they claim trump is hiding, every day we're talking about trump and seeing trump. who is do the hiding here? >> i don't know if we're living through the weekends at bernie's presidency or if it's groundhog day and we're about to go off the side of the cliff with punxsutawney phil. here's the facts. the facts are that there is no way you can argue for a second term for joe biden without using the phrase, donald j trump. if you look at the world, there's complete upheaval. the southern border is a gangster's paradise. people on main street are going broke. all he's trying to do is raise taxes on the rich to raise a half a trillion dollars in tax revenue while you the migrant crisis will cost half a trillion dollars a year. this is joe biden's wayward plan for a second term, gaslight the american people, have us actually believe that nothing that we actually see with our own eyes can be trusted and
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maybe, just maybe if they can cook up another yeah. crazy disaster,they'll be able m through for the sequel. maria: the no labels party reaching you out to former new jersey governor chris christie to possibly become their next nominee. he says he'll do anything he can to prevent a second trump term. jen psaki is warning the biden campaign about the dangers of an independent candidate, though. >> these third party candidates are huge, huge, huge problem and there's a number of them. if you lack at rfk junior, it's the name recognition issue and had interest are still states in the country obviously georgia's one of them, i will name, where the kennedy name is he be lived, -- is is beloved. they don't know he's an
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anti-vaxxer, a consistent spir conspiracytheorist. people need to be shouting it from the roof tops. this is one of the biggest threats to joe biden being reelected. maria: oh, boy. joe biden being reelected. cheryl, what do you sunshine. >> it's interesting, jen psaki is picking up what other left leaning media outlets are picking up on now and that's the defense of. jon: goa. joe biden. that's why you're getting the gaslighting. even the washington post coming out with a headline that says trump is already losing to biden in a big way. they don't mention any of the polls, the editorial board talks about the indictments against trump, financial problems at the rnc. they talk about the fact that joe biden has raised more money than donald trump and anything to steer away from the clear fact that it looks as if because of what's happening at the
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southern border, what's happening at the economy, they're nervous and they know it because these numbers may not go their way in november. maria: yeah. that's right. joe? >> i mean, look -- maria: we're living you through it. joe biden gave us an idea of what the next four years might look like with his 5 and-a-half trillion dollars in higher taxes and no security at the border. >> i think jen psaki, god bless her, sometimes forgets she no longer works at the white house. her job is to cover the news and not to spin it on behalf of joe biden. so yes, i'm sure there is some person out there that might actually think that kennedy is a better fit than joe biden. you are not actually the property of the dnc as a voter. you are effectively a human being who has a right of the choose. whether joe biden saying you ain't block if you don't vote for me, whether jen psaki is
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trying to smear anybody who doesn't vote for him for president. everywhere you look, it's been a failure. maria: john, what do you sunshine. >> i think if we have these third party candidates, let's not forget exit seems as though trump has more hard core supporters than joe biden does and i think as you add these third party candidates, it increases the likelihood that trump will be the next president of the united states. maria: you know, they keep coming up with anything they can to make believe that trump created the chaos at the border. no one is buying it. we all know what took place. the border is absolute chaos. we showed pictures earlier, john, in terms of people rushing at the border, knocking over border patrol agents. some are even hurt this morning. >> yeah. basically, biden loses on all of the issues. the only chance that democrats have of blocking donald trump is
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ythrough these politicized charges against donald trump. he's not a perfect human being. he has a lot of faults. so do the rest of us. when the voter gets into the booth early november they'll be thinking about what's best for the country. my sense is that people are fed up with the open border, with crime, with high prices and so on. maria: all right. we will take a short break. we're just getting started this hour. stay with us for our power panel hour, fox news contributors newt gingrich and kellyanne conway are here with their thoughts on the biggest stories of the morning. first, our word on wall street panel is here to discuss the market's record performance, the fed and the reddit blowout ipo. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us.
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and if you want a successful business, all it takes is an idea, and now becomes the future where you grew a dream into a reality. the all new godaddy airo. put your business online in minutes with the power of ai. maria: welcome back. time for the word on wall street, top investors watching your money. joining me is former gartman letter editor, dennis gartman. also with me john lonski this morning. dennis, thank you for joining the conversation. john, you i want to take a look at the rally underway. we've got markets higher once again on top of a record performance yesterday. dow industrials right now up 51, nasdaq up 16, s&p higher by 7 and three quarters, on top of markets closing in record territory yesterday. the s&p 500 above 5200 right now. shares of reddit soared, closing up 48% in the new york stock exchange debut, reddit originally priced the ipo at $34
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a share. it debuted at 47. right now it's at $50.44, it's pulling back after the huge runup. john, your reaction to reddit? do you think this us an end p cater that maybe the capital markets window is opening again. >> i think it is opening. reddit is the first ipo that we've had, a social media company, since 2019. let's not forget that investors could care less about the fact that reddit has lost money for 19 consecutive years. reddit was introduced as a product back in 2005. 19 long years of losses. yet the market was more than willing to supply equity capital to this company. all of this is a sign that there are -- i think there's speculative y bubbl b bubbles a.
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bitcoin was recently over $70,000, not had that long ago t was $20,000. lickity is pushing up prices of -- liquidity is pushing up the prices of all these assets. if anything, the fed is perhaps less likely to cut rates later this year. the stock market is booming, if we have companies like reddit able to raise money with ease, if we have for instance junk bond yield spreads or the risk premium demanded by investors when they buy junk bonds as a very, very low level, the outlook for the economy is pretty good and the inflation we now see in the financial market stands a good chance of finding its way to consumer prices evidence p onlily. eventually. maria: what about the earnings, john? two names this morning are down, lululemon and nike both reported earnings. there was a double beat on earnings but weak guidance.
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we want to look at these stocks this morning because lululemon is down 13%. nikes is down 6% fed ex is the bright spot of the morning, it's up 12% after reporting better than expected. expected earnings despitelower . >>s there's something about a company whose earnings are up that beats expectations while at the same time their unit sales or sales volumes are down. that's troubling. that's an unsustainable imbalance and unless the sales pick up, those earnings will be coming down at some point in the future. you can only grow profits for so long by belt tightening, by cutting costs. i think if we look at the sales volumes, that is i think a warning that this rally in stocks may not continue indefinitely and in fact if the market's right and if the fed is
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going to cut rates, that necessarily implies we have to have a much slower economy, slower growth by revenues and that is eventually going to catch up with earnings. i wouldn't be surprised if a year from now the s&p 500 is down by 5 to 10%. maria: i don'ts disagree. i'm wondering in fact this market has these expectations that are unsustainable. i mean, three rate cuts? come on. the 10 o 10 year treasury is ard 4.2% as the federal reserve is projecting three rate cuts this year. we have key inflation data next week which may set the tone, final read of fourth quarter gdp on thursday and pce index on friday, hays the fed's preferred reading on inflation. with we know what haps happened happened with thecpi, it was hon expected. >> i aagree with john, i think
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things are becoming terribly bubbly at this point. the economy is doing better than anticipated. i thought we would be in recession by now. clearly we're not. the fed raised its real gdp estimate for the year to above 2.1%. i think that's a little on the optimistic side. and i am surprised by the strength of the stock market to be absolutely clear, it's been shocking to me since a month and-a-half or two months ago that we continue to rally as much as we have. i think earnings will probably be a little bit less than expected by the end of the year but the fed right now is looking to cut the overnight fed funds rate at least twice, that's down from five or six expected cuts by the market a month and-a-half ago and that should be -- by thend of the year i think we'll end up seeing at most two cuts in the rate, maybe by june, perhaps after the election in november. time shall tell. maria: you're still holding gold, right? >> yes, i'm still holding gold.
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gold has been quite strong for the course of the past several months. he mhe metals have been very st, copper's been strong, aluminum's been strong, zinc is strong, indicative of a stronger economic environment. gold has done very well over the course of the past several months. a little excitement yesterday. maria: an indicator for the economy when you look at where the metals are because demand is behind it, right? >> right. >> exactly. maria: go ahead, final word, john. >> everything is going up in price. we also have home prices are moving higher despite higher mortgage yields. you've got to be kidding me. the fed is on the verge of cutting rates, that's the last thing in the world you want to do when you're trying to fight inflation. maria: yeah. it's interesting, these market expectations. all right, gentlemen, thank you. dennis, great to see you. thank you so much. john, you're with us all morning. we're grateful. quick break and then a federal crackdown on american technology as the doj sues apple over what it's calling a monopoly on
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smartphones, what you need to know coming up. first, hunter biden's sugar brother lawyer kevin morris may have been blocked from any interviews by the federal of government. we're on it. why did the cia intervene and say kevin morris wasn't allowed to be interviewed according to the house oversight committee? you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ ♪(voya)♪ there are some things that work better together.
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it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. maria: welcome back. well, a new whistleblower coming forward you accusing the cia of blocking federal investigators from interviewing hunter biden's so called sugar brother, kevin morris, during the five year probe into hunter's tax returns. house oversight committee chairman james comer and jim jordan sending a letter to the cia director saying that two doj officials were allegedly called into the cia headquarters and were told morris could not be a witness for their investigation
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into hunter biden. the house judiciary committee is suing two justice department officials attempting to enforce subpoenas for their testimony related to this hunter biden tax investigation. lawmakers want to ask the officials why they you agreed to bring charges against hunter for the 2014 and 2015 a tax years and then why they reversed the decision a few months later. joining me is texas congressman pat f fallon. thank you for being here. what went on here? you never got to interview kevin morris and what do you believe took place? >> well, maria, i should be shocked and surprised upon learning this but i'm not at all because it simply fits a pattern. what federal agency hasn't protected hunter biden. the fbi, irs, doj, u.s. assistant attorney leslie wolf, it's -- again, it fits a pattern and there's two tiers of justice, if your last name is
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biden you get away with millions of dollars of tax evasion and not face consequences. they almost had a blanket immunity deal. thankfully the judge stepped in and said no, i'm going to void this. he's going to face gun charges and tax evasion charges. i think he'll get convicted of both but not serve a day in jail. mark my words, i'm going to make a prediction. i think joe biden will lose the election if november and in his lame duck two and-a-half months he will pardon his son before sees the inside of a jail cell. maria: will there ever be accountability for the influence peddling that you and your colleagues have laid out and told us that's been going on for decades. >> that's to be determine. we've gone where the evidence leads us. it led us to discover $24 million of illicit foreign cash going into the biden pockets. i laid it out when hunter biden didn't show up for his public
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hearing that him and his lawyer crowed about for months, we gave it to him but he didn't show because he was you coward. his father had ukraine under his portfolio and responsibility in the obama administration. burisma in ukraine hired hunter biden for a million dollars a year and the prosecutor general who was investigating the ceo of burisma was fired by and the ceo was never investigated again after joe biden went to ukraine and demanded he be fired. maria: that's one policy decision that you and your colleagues speculated that joe biden got paid for. you just said you identified $24 million that have gone to the biden family members. tony bobulinski in the hearing the other day said he believes 9 to 10 million of that came directly from china. do we know if the there are policy decisions that joe biden made either as vice president or
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president about china that he got paid for? >> well, certainly there's strong suspicionses. when he was president-elected he said a strong and vibrant and prosperous economically strong china is in the united states' best interest. i thought that's going to give more power in the region and become more aggressive and that's what happened. i think joe biden was exactly the president that the chinese communists wanted. finding links is very difficult because they've learned, they're not cooperating in the investigation at all. in fact, they're stimying it in ever way. hunter was the bag man. that's why you have so many shell companies. after a full year plus of investigating the democrats can't tell us what services the biden family provided anyone. maria: well, i mean, i'm wondering why joe biden just
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doesn't shut this down. i mean, the white house rejected your committee and james comer's invitation for president biden to testify in the impeachment probe. here's what new york congresswoman claudia tenney told me on this program yesterday on why she believes biden will not testify. watch. >> tony bobulinski really proved that joe biden is indeed the big guy. he committed crimes. he talked about rico, racketeering, talked about violating the foreign agent's registration act which was clearly violated by hunter biden as he was using his father as the brand. his father, joe biden, was the brand. he was instrumental inmaking the peddling. joe biden's testimony isn't needed. not only would it be great theater, it would be damning evidence and that's why they're not going to put him out there. maria: your reaction, congressman? >> i think claudia tenney, my good friend, very smart shall
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and she's right. if you get accused of something you didn't do, i'm eager to prove my innocence, always have been. come on, this is ridiculous. maria: exactly. >> they should have handed all of their bank records over immediately when we suspected things. go ahead. maria: i want to ask you about his policy. okay. so we've got corruption in one corner. potential corruption in one corner and policy that is failing in another. there is an invasion at the southern border. look at this shocking video that we have this morning from the new york post. it shows a group of more than 100 illegal migrants breaking through a razor wire fence in el paso texas yesterday, barreling past border patrol agents into the country, the migrants running into another fence before they were apprehended. some were released back into mexico. bill melugin posted this on x, saying one has been arrested so far for assaulting a soldier. more arrests likely coming for destruction of property. how does this happen that so
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many people are rushing to the border like that and destroying property, trying to take down that razor wire? >> anybody that watches that video will understand, that's not the border being secure. we passed federal law back in 2006, the secure fence act, that demanded that the homeland security secretary had operational control of the southern border. does that look like operational control to you? 176,0176,000 illegal crossings n january. that was the worst january ever the in our history we never had a month in the last 25 years of over 200,000 illegal crossings ever and we've had 20 of those months under joe biden. in december it was 300,000 illegal crossings in fy2017 under president trump, there were 300,000 all year. in that instance it's 12 times worse. we've had double the opioid
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deaths, 170 countries represented by people crossing the border illegally, 169 people apprehended on the terrorist watch list. when president trump was in office the number was in single digits. maria: why would anyone leave the border wide open? what is the point of this? do you believe this is an effort to get illegals to vote democrat? >> well, it certainly could be. you know what this is for sure? it's joe bi joe biden appeasingr left segment of the electorate that wants open borders. they're all for sang awarely cities and -- sang wear he at sanctuary citiesand states. not one of them is housing them in their homes. it's high time we throw the guy out in november and bring president trump back. he will reduce this flood back to the trick l it was when he was president. maria: congressman, it's good to see you this morning. thanks very much.
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>> thanks, maria. god bless. maria: quick break and then afpi senior fellow steven yates is here, we'll talk about china and xi jinping's meeting with american ceos in beijing next week. we're on it. stay with us. authorities coming down hard on president trump and his businesses ahead of a monday deadline to pay his fraud trial bond. that's next. which xi start seizing trump's property like trump tower in new york on monday. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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maria: welcome back. new york officials cracking down on president trump's new york assets ahead of a monday deadline to pay off his fraud trial bond. cheryl casone with details now. >> that's right. the new york judge in former president trump's trial ordering the courts to continue monitoring the trump organization's finances for the next three years and the state attorney general latisha james taking steps to prepare to seize trump's new york assets if he doesn't secure the $454 million bond by monday's deadline. the former president has until monday to post that nearly $500 million bond. he's turned away from 30 insurance companies, he's asking the appeals court to stay the penalty until appeals are exhausted. he took a swipe at ag james writing this, numerous businesses have had plans to rerelocate into new york because
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of the fa fab fabricated chargt me. well, as crime spirals out of control in the nation's capital, a house committee heard testimony that repeat offenders in d.c. are rampant and out of control. watch this. >> the average homicide suspect in our nation's capital had already been arrested 11 times. is that accurate? >> that is correct, yes. the counsel doesn't like police officers. they don't want them doing police work. they don't want them making arrests. they don't want them getting out and stopping and investigating people. >> during the hearing several lawmakers expressed frustration at the soft on crime policies in washington and here. watch this. >> i think d.c. in 2023 is a stark example of what happens when anti-police, soft on crime
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policies are implemented. >> we're allowing a city council to let havoc be wreaked in this town because they don't like law enforcement. it's time for the adults to come back in the room and make this country and this city safe. >> law enforcement officers actually wear handcuffs on their gun belts to use them against criminals. but democrats in places like new york and washington dc have allowed those handcuffs to be purchput on us to not do our jo. >> 2023 there were a total of 274 homicides in d.c., a 36% increase over the year before, maria. and those are your headlines. maria: cheryl, thanks very much. meanwhile, dozens of u.s. executives are expected to travel to beijing this week atend the china development forum that kicks off sunday. the wall street journal reporting that china's xi jinping plans to meet u.s. ceos in beijing next week, the
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meeting is set for wednesday and quote ensures chub's ceo along with the president of the national committee on u.s. china relations along with craig alan, president of the u.s. china business council expected to attend along with ray dalio and larry fink. yesterday, apple's ceo was in shanghai for the opening of the company's newest store. joining us now is the chairman of the china policy initiative, d.c. international advisory ceo and former deputy national security advisor for dick cheney, steve yates back with me. steve, thanks very much tore being here. i feel like the sendment around china has changed very much on a corporate level had.'ve got lots of opports for ceos to look for alternatives for the china supply chain. goldman sachs telling clients china is uninvestable and yet this group is still headed to beijing next week. what are you expecting?
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>> well, i have very, very low expectations in terms of what i think they should be addressing. i agree with all of the framing that you begin with but there's at least two major problems with these kinds of gatherings and how these leaders behave. number one, they're still living in a world where they think they can be one kind of a person in the united states and a different kind of person in china and that won't affect how people in the united states including shareholders will see them. so take the for instance we have these ceos that will plant their flag on everything from environmental issues and energy policy to social issues in the united states. tell me one of these leaders that will get up with xi jinping after kissing the emperor's ring and wave and lgbt flag or talk about how china is actually hurting the environment from their point of view and pressure xi jinping to have more humane and more prosperity oriented
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economic policies instead of putting control and politics first. none of them will speak up more directly about this while they're in china but they have no shyness about lecturing the united states where we can do better on all of these things on our worst day. maria: it's a great point. we're getting lectured on foss i'll fuels and sending all the business to china while china bulks up on its energy assets. but i mean, look, there are new national security laws that have been dropped in hong kong from the ccp. how does that impact american companies? we've already seen ccp officials go in and raid bain. these national security laws that they have enable them to go into any business and just raid the place steal intellectual property. isn't that right? do american ceos understand t that? >> well, a lot of their executives do whether the chiefs understand it or not really
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comes down to whether they're listening to their lines of communication. there are a large number of corporate representatives who are asking to leave china, preparing for their offices to shift to other areas. tim cookies in shanghai, celebrating a big modern city in china but that -- the nature of corporate life in shanghai has changed profoundly over the last 10 years and you're right, this national security law i think is the most fundamental policy change and it basically says the ccp will have a right to go through all of your books, basically you've got to be transparent and you're guilty until proven innocent. but at the same time, they're not complying with transparency and normal accounting principles when they come and bring their interest to our markets and our shores. but this national security law is a chilling effect on hong kong and i think there's a large number of corporate offices that are looking now to move whereas they thought that was a tow hold for major projects and to
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finally reach the billion person market. maria: you made such a great point just there. it astounds me that joe biden while vice president back in 2013, 2014 signed a memorandum of understanding to allow thousands and thousands of chinese companies to trade on our exchanges and not follow standard accounting rules. the chinese companies are on our exchange, not following the same accounting rules from the s.e.c. that everybody else is following. another way that this communist party has goten inside the gates of america. a b bipartisan group of senators are pushing to declassify some of the information that u.s. intelligence officials shared with them on the tiktok threat during a closed door briefing earlier this week. axios is reporting one senator said national security officials described how china can harvest user data and weaponize it through propaganda and misinformation. another lawmaker said they were told that tiktok is able to spy on the microphone on user
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devices. track key strokes, determine what the users are doing on other apps. senate commerce committee chair says she is considering holding a public hearing on the house passed tiktok bill. how threatening and damaging is tiktok to americans? >> well, in some ways it is a gift because its behavior now is much more open and people have resisted believing this reality for a very long time. and so now bytedance is not the only company that controls key inputs in american society and our communication supply chain. out should be a significant wake-up call about this issue of hostile government ownership and control over vital infrastructure for our american way of life. it's why we can't have the people's republic of china be the dominant source for the
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supply chains that run our smartphones, smart devices, even the communications in our cars. and it's why it should be the simplest vote to at least say we have to have them divest from this kind of foreign control. it's the mirror image of what the american ceos are doing in china where they alter all of their behavior to comply with chinese laws and standards but bytedance has gone around what would be normal requirements and accountability in the united states. and so that's a big issue across social media and technology but we ought to at least be able to deal with the hostile foreign ownership and control issue first. maria: joe, jump in here. >> steve, i think to that point, president biden in his state of the union he said that he did not want conflict with china, he wanted competition. it seems blind to the eye that the conflict is already here and even if you look at something as basic as chips where china has banned the micron chips but
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we're taking the chinese kips and preventing us from actually having the rare earth minerals needed at home, how do we actually unwind the two to get people to recognize that everything joe biden does gives the chinese communist party an advantage to continue to wage war on the u.s. homeland both from a technological standpoint and also from a philosophical stand spent when you look at tiktok and pharmaceutical when you look at the southern border and the fentanyl? >> well, several very important and good points, all on target. basically, it's the chinese side under the communist party that began this notion of strategic decoupling, part was to insulate against future sanctions if if there was a conflict. part of it is they were moving in the direction where they want control. it's been late in the game for us to wake up to this reality. the other of point you make that's an important one that's been resisted for a long time is there's been a cold war declared
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on us where economic, technological and other influence operations have long been looking to divide and to malign our way of life and our institutions. and it's just i think way past time to start moving in the other direction. hopefully, people will find opportunities to bring things to our own hemisphere, other parts of the world. i was just in poland where their auto industry is potentially getting devastated by reliance on evs that will help germany and china but devastate the a freer parts of europe that we're supposed to be trying to help had. this is part of the larger china problem we have to wake up here and with our allies. maria: the chinese yuan is jolting foreign exchange markets this morning. the yuan offering the worst dayn two months. that has an impact across foreign exchange. your thoughts on the yuan and whether or not the ccp is not protecting it at this point and putting lots of other of currencies in jeopardy.
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>> well, china has long used its currency value as an economic weapon. many governments would like to try but they are so embedded in international trade and exchanges that this does have an impact. the pressure on them is significant. really, fundamentals have changed in a major way. their image a is really bad under xi jinping increasingly and so i think that's going to have a significant impact. maria: all right. we'll leave it there. steve, good to see you. thank you so much. steve yates on all things china this morning. quick break and then the doj cracks down on american technology with a new lawsuit against apple. fox business' kelly o'grady with the greatest. >> reporter: that's right. this could be a landmark anti-trust case. coming up, i'll break down what's in the suit and what you can expect next. bl
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maria: welcome back. so the doj is suing apple for what it says apple violated anti-trust laws. fox business' kelly o'grady with more. >> reporter: good morning, maria. that's right. the doj and 16 states are suing apple in what could be a landmark anti-trust case. the suit alleges the iphone ecosystem is a monopoly and the company deploys anti-competitive business practices. big part of the suit details the
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harm and cost done to consumers. you ever text an android phone, get annoyed by the green text bubble. the doj claims apple creates a poor experience to force people to get an iphone. they argue the business model meaningfully hurt developers and competitors. >> for developers, that has meant being forced to play by rules that insulate apple from competition and as outlined in the complaint we a allege apple has consolidated its monopoly power not by making its own products better, but by making other products worse. >> reporter: the stock finished down 4% yesterday. the worst day since august. apple is vowing to fight the suit saying the government has the facts wrong, part of the statement, this lawsuit threatens who we are and the principles that set apple products apart in fiercely competitive markets, if successful it would hinder our ability to create the technology
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people expect in apple and set a dangerous precedent empowering government to take a heavy hand in designing people's technology. apple is the latest target of the government. google is facing two separate anti-trust cases, you can't forget the landmark microsoft case in the '90s which paved the way for apple to thrive but with the iphone maker under fire you i can't help be but thk of nvidia, the aim to transform into an ecosystem, key cons r hers tied to our chips. if this suit were successful i wonder if it could impact the a.i. industry's v. back to you. maria: it's a great point. we will talk about it. thanks very much. kelly o'grady on this lawsuit. john, your reaction. >> with these anti-trust lawsuits, they tend to last forever. i could go way back in time, there was an anti-trust suit brought against ibm that had almost total dominance over the computing market at that time and it was never resolved. and finally it came to an end
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like after 15 or 20 years. so i wouldn't expect any quick resolution of this particular matter. maria: cheryl, what do you think? >> look, maria, there is no federal law that requires an american company to make sure that it is compatible with rifll companies. that's one of the holes from the case from the doj. kelly mentioned app developers. over the last 10 years there's a 374% jump in the number of paid app developers on the apple app store. i'll give you two quick examples and there's a lot of other case law. apple's lawyers will have a field day with this one. i believe they're going to win. maria: let's take a short break. i want to thank you, john, joe, and cheryl. great two hours. we appreciate all of your value here. we're going to take a break and then house ways and means committee chairman ja jason smih is here with the latest on the
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impeachment inquiry. and then we've got our power panel, newt gingrich and kellyanne conway on deck for the rest of the hour. stay with us. big hour coming up. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ ♪ we worked hard to build up the shop, save for college and our retirement. but we got there, thanks to our advisor and vanguard. now i see who all that hard work was for... it was always for you. seeing you carry on our legacy— i'm so proud. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. setting up the future for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership. before you use ai
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