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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 19, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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tuesday morning thanks very much for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo i hope you are having a good tuesday morning, tuesday, march 129, 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, time for hot, hot of the hour president biden hitting trail in las vegas as he heads west for three-day twin state tour campaign team telling fox we
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are going for quote aggressive posture into 2024 saying going to take a relentless effort to reach voters white house is also refusing to say when the president's next news conference will take place fox business edward lawrence questioned karine jean-pierre about it yesterday. >> when will president hold another news conference that weaker ask ask a question from him without any open -- >> i don't have anything to share president as you were just saying president takes questions pretty regularly enjoys having engagement with all of you i don't have a press conference to lay out for your. >> is there talk of one? >> i don't have anything for you as i said the president enjoys engaging with all of you on a regular basis will continue to do that i have to go. >> regular basis? i don't know about that joining me with power hour former arkansas governor presidential candidate mike huckabee steamboat institute, fellow kaylee mcghee white
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thank you for being here for power hour o do you think president biden gives regular talks to reporters going to continue doing so regular basis. no actually the president interaction with press over decades intentional i think good team gave him fancy payer of sneakers so he can walk in swing states if o departure from 2020 strategy to keep him away from press, voters we see a little bit of that with refusal to hold regular press conferences or take questions from reporters out why marine force one blaring in the background but they are forcing him to get on the campaign trail because they recognize, that he is away too far behind in polls he needs to start catching up. maria: i mean listen. voters or potential voters
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reacting about policy governor biden campaign with new ad twisting comments about quote unget bloodbath trump talking about how four more years of biden would impact auto industry the biden team claims talking about political violence wanting another january 6 watch this. >> tell supporters no matter what -- >> it is going to be a bloodbath. >> mike reaction? >> what else have they got i -- i mean they have nothing they can't say the economy is doing great because it isn't they can't say we are managing a wonderful world stage its peaceful, everything is calm. it isn't, what do they have? nothing except this elderly man who might end up become sympathetic to a jury shuffling onstage hands
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outstretched surprise look on face not able to figure out how to get off the stadium without someone coming up pointing him in direction obviously, they think going to put him out there more, the smart strategy would have put him back in the beast don't let him come out for november the more people see what joe biden is like right now why not letting him stand in front of reporters take unscripted questions they can't afford to because of what he says all they can do is attack donald trump for ridiculous stuff makes no to sense montages of democrats using term bloodbath people have no shame no self-awareness it is really an amazing drama to watch. maria: i -- i mean might be a bloodbath, on november 5th, when we actually see the number of people coming out for trump versus biden that is what polls are indicating, kaylee when you look at some policy americans are on to this right look at open border
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we know 10 millioning illegals are here on joe biden's watch. >> that is why they have to lie you about comments like the one trump made in ohio this past week if you take into consideration full context what he was talking be was very specifically addressing auto industry policies that are damaging the auto industry including president biden climate change policies real concerns my in-laws 30 minutes away from where trump held that rally still work in auto factors in that area very clear joe biden does not care about their jobs, when trump he addresses that concern says he wants to make things better he wants to make sure the blue-collar workers of america are heard they are listening to that, that is reflecting in polls that is why the biden campaign has no the choice but to continue lying about this. maria: we are just getting targeted a lot coming up new reports that google entered
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with our elections 41 times, over the last 16 years our power panel hour continues after the break you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business, stay with us. ♪ .
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slipping out of balance into freefall. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time. media research center study finds google entered with united states elections 412 times over the last 16 years, mrc free speech america vice president writes this quote in every case google harmed the candidates regardless of party who threatened its left wing candidate of choice, mrc finding from 2008 to february 2024, google quote used its power, to help push for electoral victory most are
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lirp targeting spoepts for censorship google inssifting clear incentive to keep both sides heef safe guards ensure nonbuy as accurate search results going to continue mike we are keeping a spotlight on it your reaction. mike: one of the reasons i don't use google i use do the do the go as search engine hate what google does the worst election interfering anything russia was aaccused of no greater interference than make it so when people he search are driven to left wing point of view against republican point of view, this is enter ference when is government going to force companies gaging in this level
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to have to report they were he engaging in political activity outrage insult to american people to have companies pretend that just out there fact-checking just come dedicateing look for information a propaganda machine dangerous liz cheney ought to be whining about a threat to o democracy. maria: kaley your thoughts. kaylee: a huge problem i am sure one every one of our viewers experienced taking something into google search bar to have to search through pages to figure out what with a they are looking for particularly a problem back during the pandemic when government was colluding with big big to suppress information it didn't want viewers to have, i want to emphasize, one of the things that we mean when we say
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election interference googles suppressed campaign web site more than half all republican senate candidates if you were to google a specific name of a senate inned that cycle there was 60% chance you have go to page three or four of google search results to find their campaign web site. that is election interference, mike is right a contribution to the ab democratic candidates able to suppress about their opponents without doing anything. maria: what do you make of supreme court then right now apparently suggesting skepticism over the argument that the government censored americans on social media during the covid-19 pandemic. the same story government working hand in hand -- hand in glove with google republican attorneys general missouri louisa making kufrgs yesterday we spoke with ag
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yesterday on this program we're expecting the justices to focus on constitution, but one justice -- brown, raised eyebrows with comments about government relationship with first amendment here is what she said watch this. >> your view has first amendment hamstringing the government in significant ways in the most important time periods, the government actually has a duty to take steps to protect the citizens of this country. >> your reaction. kaylee: i wonder if she revises that curtailing government is exactly what the first amendment was designed to do. that is not a fluke many people in government lost sight of the fact government exists to sofsh us not other
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way around exists to secure life liberty, property we do not need to be curtailed not need to be protected to exercise our rights most grieves violation occurred during covid pandemic people searching for information prevented by our government that is a massive threat to liberty moving forward i really hope the supreme court justices, get their heads straight make the right decision here. maria: really mike, quick your reaction. mike: kaylee is right purpose of first amendment to tell government what it can't do in fact if you look at bill of rights all 10 restricted government in the low the people, founders were worried government would get too big intrusive that is exactly what they've become i am not a supreme court justice or lawyer i don't play one on tv i can read the searcher text of the first amendment realize it says the government shall make no law then restricts what government can do, this
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is the same supreme court justice, couldn't tell us what a woman was, so maybe she is just confused about more things than we even realize. >> i don't know we're watching this play out we don't have a ruling but listening to her comments, about that has raised some eyebrows i think because, we just want the supreme court justices to make sure the constitutional is being followed, i mean talking about, did government having a role and having a duty to protect citizens, kaylee. kaylee: right, again, it comes at the expense of liberties how much is tied to the acquisition of twitter now x, by elon musk free speech is available again. you have justices who are questioning whether americans should be able to take advantage that have. >> short break then a lot coming up day one of the fed march policy meeting kicks off
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today, why former richmond federal reserve president says fed in a bind you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ .
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we got him under a new plan. but then they unexpectedly unraveled their "price lock" guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the "un-carrier". you sing about "price lock" on those commercials. "the price lock, the price lock..." so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage?
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we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. position now than a year ago because a year ago inflation was -- running more than double target 4 an a half a percent inflation, just below that even though they can account it recession if no sign of weakness what do you do you stay where you are, and there are concern i think that just over stayed welcome stayeded too long things beginning to weaken you have to cut aggressively once things start to slow down a little bit, they tend to feed on themselves. >> that was "the wall street journal" chief economics correspondent nick timiraos with me this morning what he
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expects from federal reserve tomorrow at the end two of-day meeting kicking off this morning, take a look at futures going into this meeting near lows of the morning dow industrials now down 86 nasdaq down 1312, fed kicking off day one of two day monitor policy meeting take a look at interest rates into the meeting 10-year sitting at 4.33% up 8/10 of one-basis point central bank expected to hold rates steady day and tomorrow 58% chance rate cut in june are, joining me jeff v -- jeffrey lacker as you look at macrostory where we are after that hotter than expected cpi number last week what do you think is right path for federal reserve today and for upcoming month. jeffrey: i think there are in
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a bit of a bind pivoted pretty strongly toward a rate cut outlook last year but did that before they were sure, before they had a lot of information about the pace at which inflation was falling did that before they were really sure that it was sustainable and get to 2%, they arguably pivot was a bit overdone it was based on just a few months data after all. but markets ran with it. the markets have tan on a scenario disinflation rate cuts in 2024 disinflation process stalled recent inflation data hasn't been favorable picked up last two months in cpi report likely pce the one they prefer you
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have seen fed trying to rein in expectations tamp down expectations of rate cuts message to markets please "curb your enthusiasm", i expect more of that tomorrow, when -- the when the statement is released and they release their -- quarterly economic projections, i expect the part of the projections that show meaning participants forecast for funds rate the end of next few years, i expect that to shift up a tad, i expect chair powell to continue to emphasize as he has in recent weeks, that they don't have enough data yet to cut rates or to know that they are going to cut rates next few meetings. what they really need, what really ought to be front and center for them to convey the degree uncertainty about the rate pack going forward, it could be -- a situation where
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rate cuts later this year are warranted but need to prepare markets for the possibility inflation stalled out where it is now doesn't come down to 2% agency they hope expect, as is consistent with target, by the end of the year still might not be -- um -- ready for rate cut i think important thing to keep in mind, go ahead. maria: no, no. please continue. jeffrey: the important thing to keep in mind this is a critical moment for the fed, because the thing that is disastrous about the 70s wallings times fed eved prematurely took foot off gas before inflation was down to reasonable level that is what kept inflation ratcheting up again, again, made that such a disaster of a decade i think they need to keep that top of mind. maria: one of the issues has been the price of oil; right? how did they miss it that oil is now back up to, what 82
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dollars a barrel isn't that one of the underlying issues keeping inflation elevated? >> that is going to work against them for sure. oil translates one for one into retail gasoline prices that is very front and center for consumers, has sort of overall influence on their thinking about how inflation is perceived that will bake into the goods and services and wages as well going forward that is not going to make their liech easier. >> something jim grant told me last week, he also, said that the fed has this bind right now because of tt hotter than expected inflation elevated inflation we continue to see he said look. the fd may decide to change target maybe 3% is fine as opposed to 2% inflation.
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maybe they need to continue tighter monitor policy like raising rates, last week. >> her not expecting a cut in rates anytime soon. >> no, well they my decide, three-ish is fine. >> 3% inflation. >> yes concern over inflation, and to focus on financial stability if they would define it so but i think there is also a chance maria that the fed raises if they are confronted about an accelerating rate of inflation, might feel they have no choice. who is to say that 3.2% thing couldn't go up 80 dollar oil price no longer 70 >> is there any any chance the fed raises rates this year? jeffrey: if things unravel, towards the summer i think there is -- that is a possibility, that is the kind of range of uncertainty that the policy path i think fed needs a better job of
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conveying. markets, i don't think there are going to raise the formal inflation target to 3%. but question always is: lurking out there tolerating 3% level is something that it is plausible would do a bit embarrassing wording into a lather five or six years ago over inflation 3/10 of a percent below 2%, 1.7% inflation into send into a tizzy. would it be a bad look i think to tolerate 2% inflation on -- >> i am sure, jerri your take jeffrey lacker take on macrostory where is the growth where are we? because there is a debate, yes, i know consumer looks okay unemployment numbers have been okay, but when you go below the headlines you see s
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consumers tapping into credit cards, 401(k)'s a stretch situation things away too expensive how would you assess the economy in america today? jeffrey: so i noticed credit card numbers debt numbers, to some extent you have to think of that as a return to the standard prepandemic operating procedure you households received a flood of cash into checking accounts in 2020-2021. they worked a lot off spent a lot of that particularly below upper income levels. now kind of returning back total way they used to run their finances. consumer spending held up very well. considering the labor market is just -- surprisingly resilient, and strong. and you hear about firms reluctant to go without
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hiring, you've got a huge -- spending construction of -- plants, equipment, related to inflation reduction act that surplus that is a big driver of growth right now in spending at aggregate level so on top of that you've got he innovation coming along going to improve will o improve presumptive long time prospects for economy are great. maria: breaking news on housing, cheryl casone who'veing data crossing tape. cheryl: the starts came in stronger than expected 1.521 million that is a gain about 10 point 7% well above the estimate what we were looking for only starts to jump 7.1% so 10.7% jump on starts is you know a positive, as for
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permits, you know homes start building one to three months out came in stronger than expected 1.518 million a gain about 1.9% looking for half a percent gain there for a while stronger than expected, also, i know looking at mortgage rates 30-year fixed 7.1% right now mortgage rates have been coming down a lot of pent-up demand in the market, numbers are really proving what we're seeing. >> all right. cheryl thanks s very much jeffrey lacker your assessment what do you make of housing numbers better than expected now? jeffrey: better-than-expected overall resilient people predicting a collapse but if you look back more than a couple a decade or two, mortgage rates in this vicinity weren't out of the question i think this is another sign that demand spending is very strong. growing very strongly. and to me that is a sign that
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monetary policy is not terribly restrictive right now not as restrictive as people say it is. you know. if you look at spending the inflation picking up look at strong labor market, yeah, just doesn't seem policies that restrictive right now there is a chance this isn't going to be enough to get inflation down to 2% this year. maria: are they could get more restrictive? s. jeffrey: they could, easily, congress talked about how about the restrictive policy is in terms of mutual rate the real federal reserve rates adjusted neither constrictive or expansionary, a decade ago estimates about a half percent. on that, now estimates are between 1 and 2 1/2% if you take those figures add the current inflation rate 3% get 4 to 5 1/2%, compared to that funds rate 5.3% isn't terribly
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restrictive. maria: right, that i think is the point jim grant was making jeffrey great to talk with you this morning. thanks very much. >> my pleasure. >> have jeffrey lacker joining us stay with us. we'll be right back.. . . ♪
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obama behind closed doors says obama and team did not fully appreciate biden's experience with foreign policy congress, are and they were disdid respectful. >> obama was soon in london at 10 downing street for precise meeting with uk prime minister, kaylee having obama do a meeting with a sitting prime minister. uk, is raising some eyebrows here your reaction. kaylee: definitely is having there have been lots of rumors about what it is obama could be doing there, whether it is trying to locate indicate middleton gen zers like to say or convince officials to embrace a palestinian state this will rivalry is going back even back to the obama administration i got to say it is a very one-sided rivalry biden seems to care about what obama thinks obama does not seem to care at all had no
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issue refraining from endorsing biden in 2020 democratic primary zero issue choosing hl hill over biden in 2016 election, biden seems very upset by that hack the policies of the two administrations may not be very different but clearly there is a bit of competition, that biden sees from his end. maria: i mean i thought obama wanted susan rice in i know kamala harris was his pick after kamala harris showed colors do you think it was susan rice running the show before the they walked out of the white house. >> there are a lot of holdovers trt obama administration, you from the obama administration so-called b, season whether suzanne rice not a distinguishment between obama administration policies an biden administration policies. >> yeah, you know, governor you can havekey i remember when obama went to the white
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house, after joe biden was president. they made a stink about oh, president oeb coming to visit president biden when obama introduced biden called him vice president, right there and then i to me they are still at each other. mike: -- think no secret president obama probably wishes he picked someone else for vice president it was joe biden, the only person in the situation room the night president obama one better moment ordered takeout of osama bin laden. joe biden said don't do it he was only person in the room robert gates famously said about joe biden one consistency in joe biden's career absolutely wrong on every foreign policy decision in 50 year career in public service that is joe biden that many of us are watching fumble across the stage no doubt president obama probably thinks biden is not best pick in 2020.
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he won't be the right guy in 2024. he is wishing somebody else could step in save the day for the democrats joe is stubborn going to take it to logical conclusion being defeated by donald trump in november. >> mike, biden is hitting campaign trail in nevada arizona, and texas nbc reports president anxiety growing ajaed of yen election reportedly a meltdown told about dropping poll numbers in battleground states, over handling of israeli-hamas war. mike: worst part of all this as obama said elections have consequences so does policy, policy has a consequence, the policies of joe biden, whether economic policy border policy, his duplitious policy on
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israel tanking numbers if you add personal concerns about fitness for office cognitive ability joe can scream yell blame people but needs to look in the mirror, that is where the problem is, he doesn't know what he believes, he keeps changing his mind, tries to appease everybody you make nobody happy why joe biden numbers are failing yelling screaming doesn't change disastrous policies. maria: kaylee elizabeth warren agenda joe biden is pushing not resonating to say the least. kaylee: it is not biden's problem nevada arizona pennsylvania georgia not even shored up support among this is base can't get democratic party to fully get behind him you look at the primary contest we had past several weeks massive number of democratic voters whovn chob
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chosen to vote for uncommitted option in my home say it michigan 100,000 decided would rather vote for uncommitted option than joe biden a serious problem in november when you consider back in 2020, biden won michigan by 150,000 votes, if those 100,000 votes who voted none committed decide to stay home or perhaps even vote for donald trump instead he is going to loss critical swing states. >> biden white house keeping foot on gas when it comes to green energy push the climate change agenda we are taking a look at that when we come back you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. . ♪ no -- ♪
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2030 our modlers expecting electricity grid will run on 80% in energy on the path to get to one hundred percent clean electricity by 2035. >> energy secretary jennifer granholm touting electric vehicles in the united states biden administration expected to finalize regulations targeting gas-powered vehicles this week would would force automakers to xan electricing options white house making predictions about number being sold by 2032 including 67% new sedans crossovers suv's 50%, of -- garage trucks and buses. mike do you think this will pan out? mike: there is a simple roll of economics about supply and demanded government pushing supply consumers are not demanding it simply as that. you have the massive push by the government incentives, trying to create regulations that force people into
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electric vehicles, but the fact is this is like a dog food the dogs just don't eat, i don't care what you package it with try to say about it put on the label if dogs don't eat food it is not a good dog food that is kind of what we're having with electricity vehicles it is not working people because people don't want to be stranded want to go more than 300 miles know not enough infrastructure charging stations make get to the place where this works but in the meantime having government rather than consumers and marketplaces make this decision has proven disastrous, reaction. kaylee: the biden administration wonders why we are in economic situation we are in continues to procure policies that wreak of economic stupidity, no matter how many upon up to show biden administration that forcing evs on to market that doesn't want them is not going to work, it is also
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counterproductive considering that increasing the number of electric vehicles will do nothing to offset the emissions carbon output that results from having do mine minerals buy minerals in china. just not feasible yet biden administration continues to procure this agenda at the expense of jobs at the expense of american consumer and, again, mike is right when he said earlier elections have consequences. these policies are a direct consequence of joe biden being elected. he iing if he is reelected in november we are going to get another four years of this economic insanity. maria: yeah, add on to that 5 1/2 bllz new taxes because of regulations, and new ways to get elect vehicles into the market, it is so significant to ceo of hertz planning to resign higher repair costs low command for ev rentals announce biggest quarterly
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loss since 2020 pivoting from elect vehicles moving to gas-powered vehicles now the ceo is resigning. mike: back to the point you can put a steak house in vegan village doucht mean successful ceo of hertz decided the politically correct thing and push evs forgot to ask customers if that is what they want to rent the answer a big fat no, he is on a big fat go somebody else will take reins of hertz. >> housing at about better-than-expected, i there i you kaylee mcghee white, mike huckabee great conversation we so appreciate your time. thank you coming up you asked i will be answering you sent questions on social media ask maria after the break you are watching "mornings with maria" live
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maria: welcome back. it is time for ask maria. let's take a couple of questions from our viewer and one use orer on x is asking this: what is the a real rate of inflation, and i
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want to say that the inflation rate is way down from the peak of july 2022, but there are many areas of inflation that continue to be elevated and very problematic for families across the country. i would point out to you the price of oil now close to $83 a barrel. why is this important? because this plays into the cost of transporting goods and services. so as long as oil stays where it is right now, at $82.611, and if it goes higher, we're in a deep. inflation will stay elevated. now, i did predict a while ago that we would see inflation come back and and stay elevated after the incidents in the are red sea. remember the terrorists who are attacking ships, and they were being forced to change their route? that costs money, going around the africa horn, that costs more gasoline, and as a result, that was one of the issues keeping oil higher, demand higher and keeping inflation problematic. so here we are in terms of where
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inflation has been. the peak was obviously in june of 2022 at 9.1%. we're way down from that at 3.2 percent, but it is not peeling that way -- feeling that a way for the average american family because they are going to the grocery store and seeing everything more expensive even though the overall rate is down from the peak. you're sill seeing things like food, like rent, like oil all eling rah slated. now, on rent i've been reporting now for a couple of weeks, i spoke with steve schwartzman, the chairman ask ceo of -- and ceo of blackstone, he told me flat out, maria, i know for sure rent is not going up anymore. it takes a while to filter or through the economy. so rent will show a much better performance and showing. it will be flat to down in the coming reports. it hasn't gotten there yet, but right now rent appears to be the elevated, food is still elevated even though it's not as a bad as
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it was and p of course, the biggest issue of them all is the price of oil. we are watching that. people are also a worried about dollar devaluation, of course, given the fact the chinese communist party is trying to replace the dollar as are others as the number one currency used in the world. i feel that is quite unlikely. next question, the fans are asking if there will be a maria reality tv show in 2024, 2025. [laughter] i would say not likely but, hey, you've got reality here every day. we are live every day, and this is real. we are showing you what's happening in the world, and you've got me, personal ity on display. there's dusty, i wanted to show you another video of my baby. she took a nice sunset walk yesterday, and i thought it was so is beautiful i wanted to show you. she's doing okay. she had to get teeth pulled, and that definitely put her under the weather because she had to take pain medication. but i think baby girl dusty is
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back to her old self of. thank you so much for the questions. we'll continue ask maria coming up in the weeks ahead. take a look at markets, we are 30 minutes away from the opening bell and we've got a market that is under some selling pressure but we did get better than expected housing data. the dow down 37, the nasdaq down 10 to -- 100, and the s&p down 16.25 as the market awaits results from the fed meeting, day one of the two-damon tear policy meeting happening this morning, and we will hear from jay powell tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. ian. we'll find some clarity in what he's thinking about a cut in interest rates. you heard jeffly lacquer say they're not as -- jeffrey lacker or. stu, take it away. stuart: good morning, everyone. the ceo of nvidia updates the company's a.i. chipsing talks about the glowing future for the company. it's the stock that's tom may noted the technology world this year


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