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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  March 14, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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potential for regular income are federally tax-free and have historically low risk. call today to request your free bond guide. 1-800-763-2763. that's 1-800-763-2763. larry: just wrap up by saying about some china's national security encryption of the united states, they entered make you talking american business, we can be done and believe that this will surpass the senate ant back and watch liz mcdonald speech of yes please do it the larry always are making we are
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really appreciate you so much welcomed in the evening edit, and elizabeth mcdonald be up in just a few moments, is been byron donald's pt mcfarland want to get right of the action today, before deputy assistant attorney former deputy assistant attorney general john i think it's both for joining us tom first year, tom former president trump in today's court hearing of florida, we leave make tif today trump's team asked to toss out special counsel, jack smith, classified documents case against trump. tom: sure these arguments we knew were coming and the president has legal they were asking the federal judge recommended for the case out entirely and based on her questions from the bench today, it is a semi- she's inclined to do it a few points liz, were she made comments along the lines of flow, these may be very good arguments and powerful arguments were that you can make it the trial and you can make that is right i'm not sure that i see a basis for using them come into dismiss this case entirely and so i think that was assigned the
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judge as they can these arguments seriously and she held hours of hearings clearing the lawyers argued and theories mitigate the end of the day does not seem likely that she will throw this whole case out at the door sweetie of an interesting article you think him and his assault case to be thorough because trump is being overcharged and he's been contacted to the courts i do think that structurally been charged with a structure because we hear reports that there was debate in the court about arbitrary enforcement, selective prosecution, the county special counsel robert hur drop the charges against president biden after robert hur found president biden willfully continuously chris pressley million dollar memoir. >> you make a good point is there's two different kinds of charges here what is for, and president trump to classified information and that's the electric prosecution would buy in general and for the course you don't like to review how the justice department chooses, to bring cases is a hard row to hoe but i think that the obstruction
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cases where you will see the special counsel move his efforts with the prosecution is an easier case to prove what would you think that president trump does have some legitimate questions arise about why is he being pursued when robert hur basically appears to let president biden up because he has always only man with a fork memory but otherwise me seem to have committed mishandling of classified information sweetie what you think about that tom. tom: i things up and pointed think at that robert hur's decision include all of this of the report about biden being elderly in puerto rico this is waverley justifying to the world, what he ultimately was declining bring charges against biden but i do think that it raises concerns, just about a double standard in other works you can have two people, who commit the same type of acts, and yet one discharge in the other one does not out of concern of the prosecutors are
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that well jury might look more synthetically impersonate that person be which may or may not be relevant to a charging decision but you gotta wonder if you do have an ecosystem of justice the universe. liz: and what time you said, you know this case what is this particular case is from is about to go to trial may 20th, was like a may be delayed and john the judge him of the fact, the now former president or vice president has been charged under the espionage act. for me to be classified documents and there's about 32 counts in his front and trump team argues national security files routinely were taken by past presidents i was in the arriving here simple criminal records collection efforts by the national archives is civil in nature - and for close criminal cases. john: i'm going farther than that in those that's when the few times and when i go for the venue, back. liz: please do. >> we shall be going to court at all and you should never have
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done a coercive search of former presidents and instead, the archive suggest work it out, negotiate with the former presidents as they have always done in the past disputes with the president should keep first with the archives to keep that i think that's were trump as the best case to make about make selectively pursuit is that this is the first time that we sing criminal charges against any president maybe you can talk about january 6, usually criminal justice system to go over past president about mishandling documents, that is way overkill ensigns attempt turbo precedents for future residency and what the future presidents always be worried about prosecuted being prosecuted by unfriendly success route ministration because they do the wrong thing with documents. liz: yes, that is a final word i think tom or john just said, i think that you have a georgia 2020 case i just want to quickly button closely with this, it is now less than election likely
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2020 case because judge scott mcphee, tossed out six charges in that case in three against trump, the rounds that they did not specify felony by fani willis they committed the first myself does not make that make charge, weaker against trump because of those charges were dismissed and tom will be seekers democrats are going to the course and attacking from pretty get rid of them before the election. tom: yes and listing 20 think of fani willis huge are watching that brought this massive complaint she named huge number and it read like a russian i will cover the went on and on and on for pages and pages, and week of the judge might actually dinner a a favor numbers on the boy by throwing out some of the charges have the she did not adequately allege them in the when one girl is a factual bill is that the sabbath defendant she failed to do that. liz: think you both so much we breaking news coming into the stimulus corrective former
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prosecutor kelly stimson news is coming in and to see you kelly met happen prosecutor said they wildlife were president trump's upcoming hush money trial by 30 days but that leaves the term team just a month to review something like 70000 documents. kelly: yes, and in a typical case is on the defense but as a delay the government can impose a door agree with it in here trump asked for 90 days in the prosecutors came in and they said what we would agree to a 30 day life as usual ultimately make the decision whether to grant any delay at all but here, the government whether it is the state come up with a fellow government is imputed to have knowledge with they have their hands, he was attorney's office, they just coughed up 173,000 new documents be given to brag and give it to trump team. adding that 173,000 documents he had 172 pages of witness
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statements this never been given to the trump team so the judge is clearly would have to grant some type of continuances think that the shows bragg's office, as for their incompetence of bragg's office. liz: will kelly we were just talking about the classified documents gazing his truck is special counsel jack smith that that is a civil case and the better records case right, the will is a ratcheting of criminal espionage charges with a look weaker by the day. the manhattan das boosting a statement demeanor books and records charged with felony inflaming the trump try to influence as it was 2016 election at not disclosing alleged money payments. >> right, then set most of the grooves on comes the previous a gun, hit is that most a civil violation or not disclosing or putting on certain ledgers the money see pages somebody. i think that this is yet another example of an abuse of the
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criminal system to penalize a political opponent while lack of quality brings offices response which cnn rapture number posted on the website recently, there are spelling mistakes or grammatical mistakes and this is just ham-handed and not with the government should be doing sweet it of the federal government and by the way, andrew mccarthy saying that the federal government is charged by law and it is a federal campaign finance issue this season oversee that unsolicited former reagan white house assistant he would then listen former assistant u.s. attorney andrew are the and watch this. >> it is a constitutional problem because the president and the executive branch of the federal government, they are charged by law to enforce the campaign finance laws which are federal the extent of bragg and across the entrance prosecutor reports to do that, is actually
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invading the what is the proper legal realm of president and and the other thing that is me like a good is that i'm sorry, greg theory is that trump's stole the election by concealing these payments to the voters had known about these payments, greg's theory is that hillary would've won the election and that is to say that even if this one of the campaign finance laws, it would not be disclosed by law prior to the election pretty level theory is wrong. liz: you human and did you said. >> totaling a heard what he said in my good friend and he is correct printed the u.s. attorney's office the justice department refused after they at all of the evidence to go forward any potential federal campaign file violation. and by trump and so bragg who like fani willis platform that if trump was elected and that's
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a problem in and of itself brought a state case heard, the fact that right now it is responsive pleading when he is figure the u.s. attorney's office for dragging their heels in providing discovery, it shows how ham-handed this is the government is a government weather is federal or state is a governments obligation during the evidence over to the defense suite you got in think you kelly is good to see you and coming up tonight, we are brion congressman byron donelson katie mcfarland and miniature steve fox news contributor tammy rose we have more new polls despite all of this court action against trump, and trumps innocent statistical five invited to get in more falls and plus foxpro who trump is winnipeg for his running mate and going an intense backlash against sooner chuck schumer attacking israel from the senate floor today and israel's in the middle of a war with hamas terrorists hamas continues to hold hostages
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including americans and senator schumer did he do this to appease and stop the protest boycott voting yes biden swimming tomorrow u.s. states and of the story john carey faces a potential new house probe over his shuttle diplomacy with iran during the truck presidency undercutting former president trump and texas he is again defiant against biden white house and it is again expanding border very yours is texas report success in his border crackdown and plus fox news contributor joe is with us we love him and more gaps and blunders and while claims about president biden and vice president harris on the campaign trail at this scorecard, did you know a typical american family us about $11000 worse off under biden, yearly versus trump and were talking about all of this coming up in the evening edit.
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>> by the fact is undivided. sheba: we have a three year inflation rate of almost 50 percent another me, had no inflation no inflation, no inflation. marci, hit the vid'. (both lukes) homes-dot-com. we've done your home work. (luke) now, that is worth celebrating! (brad) i love it. (luke) thank you. (brad) very clever. (vo) ding dong! (luke vo) homes-dot-com. okay y'all we got ten orders coming in... big orders! starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant... that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we got him under a new plan. but then they unexpectedly unraveled their "price lock" guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the "un-carrier". you sing about "price lock" on those commercials. "the price lock, the price lock..." so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. liz: "fox news" tribune are joe concha come is good to see you
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again and president biden is campaigning in michigan his first trip since more than 100,000 have boycotted against biden, do not vote for him in the michigan primary, any a joke on what is your take on this and sit tight for one second i want to the polls because trump is kind of in the course but we have new fox pool simeon advises me on trump in pennsylvania have biden is behind trump in arizona, 538 has biden's average approval rating rubbing going to 37 percent even after the state of the union reuters himself a new poll biden is in which i would throw 39 - 38 itself we make of this despite all of the attacks on trump with the courts. joe: the court attacks were sorters to be going up for many months and trump seems to be going this way wedding is going this way and i'll think trump is going up and bite his way down what here's the thing, i'm vexed by this because the state of the union i was told by a lot of
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other fun is another cable news network so that was like the greatest date of the union ever biden showed passion it was feisty it was in command and control than ever since of the of the union for whatever reason, i think that another reason, his polls have only been going down to be as i guess people do nothing being yelled at the north effect any right of trump, 13 times made a very divisive speech is a i think they quite frankly, when it's real. and so overall having a disabling right by state and just about a seven states in this country on the other 43 no offense, but he comes out of the seven, north carolina georgia, arizona, nevada and wisconsin is a mania michigan, and i can set off the top of my head easily and also international trump in the lead is a very bad sign for joe biden was out like a ordo coming is going to get better with age ago was election and that we see inflation going up things are not looking good for the democratic side see the biden bogeyman rearing its head
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again in wholesale prices accelerated twice the expected pace in february as a reminder the inflation is overly city is losing the war president biden gaps today watch this. biden: the prices and on the most inflation rate of any country in america. in cities all across america. along. [inaudible]. liz: inflation is up nearly 90 percent and abiding, that is triple inflation under trump and blue wages joe have been down soon & i have for 25 straight months of this vice president kamala harris, honestly believes the congress is somehow kept childcare costs and attorney $10 a day and joe their wedding a $15 minimum wage hike and maybe even 20. joe: yes and 70 was to children venting our they think will happen because how we've paid these folks to take care of june is not an easy jobs and replace with and probably taxpayers i
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would imagine to a vague margin but as far as joe biden again he keeps telling you, the no, what you're feeling as far as food prices gas prices and rents, actually is untrue and we have some of the most inflation rates in the world is what he was going to say i think there look at the right ear elizabeth and names in country that much lower inflation rate that do in the cecum china, mass, germany, asia coming italy, japan, netherlands, saudi arabia, state and singapore south korea spain, since interest was aligned in the main know we don't have the lowest inflation rates this was when lose him the selection not feeling people spain. liz: so just be with me once again forgive me, the presidents campaigning passing things like, $3 billion more in infrastructure spending and is fitting in a lockean joke to me this election is not common sense of how is a common sense went the president spent hundreds of billions of dollars of infrastructure but as
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electric arc mandates will tear up u.s. bridges and roads-officials more that he was met inflation shot of two nearly 90 percent and now he wants $7 trillion in new tech sites on top of that and the president collapses the border for nearly 100 executive actions but is white house is suing texas and arizona for putting up barriers and into the shutdown joke of a talk about this, he demanded everybody get covid-19 passport to get into response of the gym but their living illegal immigrants under place with virtually no id. joe: while five donald trump i make it very simple campaign at coming is common sense, versus crazy right if you want to keep spending money and you talk about this on the network but we already know 1 trillion indent or national debt which is a 35 trillion every 100 days are adding trillion dollars is some point, will become unsustainable in the last presidential run rate raising taxes mondo one p-letter only 101 of the 50
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states and so good luck on that front sweetie you are terrific joe concha coming up next congressman he will join us and how he and four other gop lawmakers have intentionally probing, and john curie carries quote shadow of diplomacy in iran during that truck presidency and plus avoided talk to byron about senator schumer was attacking israel on the senate floor plus fox news contributor, talkshow host, tammy bruce and the 24 race with a race like no other and the president's approval rating coverages failed to another all-time low, even after the state of the union and again, the polls show trump is leaving biden and seven swing states will talk about all of this coming up on the evening edit.
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in this after political the washington post is already reported president biden visio and loses temper with white house workers they been cursing at them and "fox news" peter ducey is white house with more peter. >> list of the two white house staffers, most responsible for logistics during president biden's last campaign also during his first three years here are out they could have huge implications for the reelection campaign because according to the white house own websites description of this scheduling and advanced about ensuring a successful presidential meeting or events, requires close coordination it across white house offices and across those identities pretty effort is moving forms would be led by less experienced staffers following a months long white house counsel's office investigation, accusations of verbal harassment by the former associate director of advanced and following complaints by the
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press of the now former director of advanced. >> so the president is deeply proud of his advanced team is grateful to everyone who has served as serving an unmatched team that represents the diversity of the country as they have fought every day to help them bring his message to the american people into the entire world. peter: the warmer director of advanced to resign this week tells fox digital about was accusations, simply not true. i love all of my colleagues and they are committed a skilled and brilliant public servants the majority when it felt otherwise anytime, i am sorry and with them to know that the owner like time working with this team and i am so proud of everything that we've done together after over three amazing years in the white house, i wanted to start a new chapter. it is very close to have election majority get a new team up to speed about how to stage presidential events battleground
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states that is exactly this team at the white house is now going to have to do. liz: okay peter ducey is always been happy in the show ♪ ♪ is back with us fox news particular talkshow contributor tammy bruce is up to me you know, he was talking about this, this is a race like no other so c this and you know troop is tied up in the course with multiple cases invited is out campaigning and trump is leaving violent and invited multiple polls inviting calls from others are the politico's resource invited completing aging merrick garland took too long to bring a case against trump before the election. >> will there is chaos. tammy: we see the 73 years in the afghanistan withdrawn the chaos of that event planning about, that was not noise, that was a single what was to come many of us said that of the time that we visited kind of behavior that kind of disconnece kind of chaos, seized into
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policy decisions. no behavior. home and that is been the case. so it is not just one more thing liz, the people see, is ads into the pile what is wrong it is also that administration that does not seem to care or is deliberately disconnected and they will be no they know the american people are seeing when it comes to with a kennedy cannot put in the kitchen table with lunches the lunchbox looks like it was something they could put. so going to be tofu me been everything is expensive. the white house knows how we know that they are not in another planet but we also hear about chaos from kamala harris office. at this rotating staff that goes on here and people going in and out all of the time and they have apparent leaks and chaos going on with people to work directly with joe biden and of course we have to deal with the fact that the press props about american see that for what it is and so, there is some clarity
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but this is not anything you and it is in part, by donald trump is leading in addition to the fact that his policies help the country. liz: he is leading in the reuters bolognese leading also in seven states and a reuters full, you know people say the president of biden, what aids are there say you work with that is a bully that is just a bowling his way and yelling his way through the office and yelled this way for the state oe union and something you have kamala harris now she just apparently bought a cheap but one or 50 world leaders while. tammy: i don't know what had a dream she has but it seems like maybe boardgame summer innovative she asked and you know she's in a position where you go to the human maybe world leaders, what people want father what is the results printed it will see with the policies are limited see their lives improving maybe kamala harris life has improved and she's been very interesting people the people of eric is really regular
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people were suffering like they are but you know we have seen joe biden be a bully from the starting he has always been a little bit of a jerk and we saw that it is 50 years and his work in the senate that we saw that with during the campaign and 2020, where he was calling people names and we saw hitting philadelphia with a lid of the building that freedom oh with a red light and he was calling half of americans from terrorist essentially white supremacists printed it is a bullying fact you this head of harassment that there putting on the democratic party. half of the country has so you have an angry guy, and of course would not be surprised if it is moving through the white house as well these are the kinds of things that surprised the democrats, it is surprising the american people, and is unfortunate, that it is not like joe biden is a different guy, we have known who he is very long
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time. kt: do not have the 1980, recent because of plagiarism charges for denmark about any said to brain aneurysms quickly, finally, questions about kamala harris of the debate is when his now of a neutral will pick into do you think will pick for us 20 met me but or. tammy: a number a lot of popular people like problem well it's good to be 70 him to be president, and if you got a look at them for the next eight - 12 years ahead of time for that person the vice presidency is next in line and we have to have them see alexey navalny can be committed to the dynamic and be able to work with the senate and there's a few people, who can do that, but we will see who he chooses there will be the right person. liz: all i have byron donald's coming up if he could be him and thank you so much and is good to see you in this will show possible oversight byron donald's and you just heard us talking about you and we hope
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you didn't mind that impoverishment is so good have you back on and so leaving the days today and senator chuck schumer attacking israel from the senate floor today when newsreel is at war with hamas terrace and best card open people's lives u.s. hostages this about the growing process boycott but he is bided spreading to multiple states over gossip what you think. byron: will first is good be back with you and senator schumer's comments were disgusting and unappropriate for an american center in the leader in states and by the way, what a great satellite the region is at war with one of the great nemesis and we should be behind israel every step of the way covenant trying to use this moment to do dispatch benjamin netanyahu a broader perspective video reckless like that with your worsening demonstrates, to hamas into the irradiance for the matter, that they have being able to dislodge israel is simply wrong and it is the wrong
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strategies one of the reasons why road was seriously that they can get on the movement take territory at a critical time like this chuck schumer's comments were completely out of line and the voters should see clearly that there is an anti- israel strain in the democratic party and is said to see it is unfortunate but it is the reality today and 24. liz: so sooner schumer is demanding israel to a two state solution does hamas wanted to state solution. byron: no they don't, almost there's been a lot of different agreements that israel is try to do with hamas over the years and it is hamas that is rejected them repeatedly and hamas is the one rejecting the sea cease-fire now be brought in the topic of two state solution in my view is not an israel it interest in what is in israel's interest, of abraham accordance come the presidency trump negotiated think aside before he left the presidency those leading to true peace in the middle east.
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liz: one state and solution what this rough map and interview the story why did you join the farther gop lawmakers sending in the letter to the state department in many card-carrying and ever all documents about his shadow pharmacy iran during the trump white house. byron: because what you cannot have a somebody outside of the government back chilly to our enemies a look at my joke. give this lame excuse and elsewhere and affairs committee talking about will you know f kennedy, back channel during the missile crisis in a big differences the robert f kennedy was the attorney general what his brother was president of the united states and was beneficial of the administration and john carrie was not so you have his back channeling which is a violation of the connect by people who were not in a government i'm sorry our adversaries in and american foreign-policy division i president trump and he needs to
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present information as we can get to the bottom of it. liz: will congressman, if you are pincus trump's running mate, we break the news on the evening edit. byron: [laughter] [laughter] what i mean listen, present trouble decide that knowing him it could happen anytime but in all honesty he will win wish that make sure that we are prepared to get the job done for the american people sweetie will be waiting by the phone thank you so much to have you want to see you. byron: anytime you think you. liz: coming up were excited about on the show, former deputy social security advisor casey mcfarland it is quite a story divided white house faces the new deadline to appeal a judge's ruling saying of the bided white house cutting out to build the wall the southern border because congress appropriated the funds and out of texas there talking about it success story in texas and he finds he is the bided white house expanding new razor wire fencing and also the story, they talk about 80 dental
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bill down, haiti illegal immigrants coming to the u.s. we will talk of other gotta check in for somebody data john what you have coming up next hour. >> yes underestimating of the students are in the can be mass migration from that island nation we had big zero that as well as we do with the threat from 80 of new mass migration with words are, and she's minnesota talking about abortion. >> is easy washington, here to talk about the biden administration, approving the renewal of a waiver on iran sanctions, and why they say humanitarian but enhance millions more, dollars to the state sponsor of terrorism they both the ceo of tiktok, they say that real you can't medicine with chinese spy app. well we are here for you on really, you are here for the children and teenagers whose lives you damaged my for
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we got him under a new plan. but then they unexpectedly unraveled their "price lock" guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the "un-carrier". you sing about "price lock" on those commercials. "the price lock, the price lock..." so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred.
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tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. liz: okay, the bided white house faces a friday deadline whether to appeal a judges ruling ordering you to start you know really border wall because congress already appropriated the money is 40 to the
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constitution they get to do that, then look at this, texas again defined by the white house in texas said in court fight with the bided white house, texas a building and more order fencing and it's crack down and succeeding in the border fox news gary tinian will pass texas with more garrett see that holism hearing a pass i can tell you that it's a nine and a difference in texas and put the fencing up and year ago you would see thousands of people just coming across and walking in on a daily basis and now it is maybe a dozen or so and you can see on this one video we showed earlier what happens when folks do come across now and they will often walk for miles along the razor wire, looking for an opening to get through and so no doubt it is a lot harder in texas dbo said that there has been a 90 percent drop in the number of people's blessing year and shall be parking and said, folks who want to personnel any two of the sea southwest, where it is a lot easier in places like louisville
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arizona where just this morning, our cameras this group of around 100 people, mostly single little bit to cross overnight and that made their way to patrol to be process, and texas officials believe that word is getting out and that is why the really, even more fencing up and down the grieco ground we it is either firsthand the soldiers from the florida national guard, building a stretch of anti- climb barriers near nobody texas and much of it on private land were richard you don't want to see anymore this happening come the cartels using their land commissionable people into the country with getaway cars waiting to take them deeper into the u.s. and with fewer people coming across the border here, police have border regions are now able to put more time and resources torsos cartel human smuggling operations, which is why texas plans to continue to keep on putting up more fencing on as much of the border is they can sweetie was some interest income agree reporting is always a journeys and from a former
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deputy announcement international security advisor kt mcfarlane, the sixth geopolitical crisis about his watch, haiti, pinning on u.s. southern connecticut ready to evacuate america's second haiti, and 80s meltdown, what you think in this kt is florida governor desantis asserting soldiers and aircraft and protect florida from illegal immigrant goes from 80. kt: yes was not going to be that easy to get this american citizens out of haiti because, they were told to go to the cbs assume that there we have decided to be a navy seal of the school get them about how will they get out, there could be surrounded by these gangs where there is no law and order nobody to appeal to to say give us is a core door and the worry that you could have easily have another black hawk down situation where americans are surrounded by these gangs gangs are very well
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armed they may not have aircraft and they may not have antiaircraft weapons with their sorority control the ground so this could be a real fight to get the americans out of their speech of god income these other story coming in kt, please of each florida to three illegal immigrants abducted and assaulted a woman, the suspects arrested in the schedule reaction to palm beach county sheriff rick bradshaw here watch this. >> they should've never been in this country and it is the same think that happen with t you should have people should not be who we know committed crimes yet they are here right is a failure the border. kt: you know look you can get a drivers license if you're in illegal and you cannot get a job if you're in illegal and if there are illegals in florida, committing crimes, editing, rhonda sentences did a good job of selling florida from the otherwise national crisis, so
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there in florida doing these crimes that is a really indication of how out-of-control this is a look, the southern border is taking time ball we don't know who's coming just the millions of people have this would be a strain on all of our municipalities in our states particularly this actuary cities in the sanctuary states, therefore to go bankrupt trying to provide you housing a medical and for all these people and then at the end of the day boris me is the nobody is talking about the senate president cubs and present companies is a monticello border will you now have organized criminal cartel gangs who are better armed most of our border patrol people and you think it would you give up that extremely lucrative business willingly and happily, we could have a real fight hundreds of the border. liz: so prison invited to border that was coming under control hundred trump, load up and insisted the crisis was not a crisis as we be felt all of the country refused to fix it when the consequences became obvious to everybody else, engage in a
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possible like blame shifting because he's good and hold this new far left radical ideology that even obama and clinton did not endorse. kt: the dirty also presided and ministration was an open border because the goal is to get five or ten or who knows how many million more people in the united states, given benefits and scanned them around the country and turn them into tumor proposers because you know, all of our elections last 20 years have been quite close is what happens if all of a sudden you have a couple of million people are quite about demographer light, you have a one party system the socialist sweetie of the scary scary stuff your best thank you for joining us as we proceed will have you back on top soon a new setback, for the presidents green energy any mandates for america, the body white house it is coming because the new york times is reporting with the washington post is
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reporting, the u.s. power grid basis history pressure major blackouts from electric cars, solar panels, cloud defeating data centers, bitcoin and more and the immediate sure. reporter: will break it down next on the evening did. starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant... that's a different story. with the chase ink card, we got up and running in no time. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card. make more of what's yours.
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elizabeth: look who is back with us, for forbes media chair, steve forbes, how serious do you think that threat is to america? "new york times" joining "washington post" saying that u.s. does face significant power blackouts because a power grid is under historic pressure per biden's electric car push. and solar panel factories and more. >> this has been a story for years, which this administration and the climate extremists have ignored, the power grid is under pressure, when they have to take energy from so-called return of energy sources that degrades the grid, they live out hume demand for -- huge demand for technology, the cloud today uses twice as much energy, than entire nation of japan. they have a huge appetite the data centers, they are
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mushrooming thanks to a.i. and other things, this will lead to, we'll take the lid off of producing natural gas, that is a clean energy, and also nuclear power, they call -- small module reactors, solutions at hand we just need a government that en encourages energy production rather than throttling it. elizabeth: electric utilities need so much more power in 5 years, it like adding another california to the grid. >> that is right. the regulators have to get out of the way and let them produce these gas fired power plants, which environmentalists oppose, one of the dakota, they are keeping a coal fire plant in. we're no longer closing nuclear power plants that have good years left of life, you will see a big
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change, the demand is there. and with high-tech it will just grow. get out of the way, let's get the job done. this administration won't bite -- not bite the bullet, they are not removing the barriers to natural gas production and to nuclear power. elizabeth: we could have power mark outs. we hear that -- states like georgia and north carolina, south carolina, they are talking building dozens of power plants over next 15 years, powered with natural gas, kansas i think will bring back on a coal plant. will biden white house fight them on that. >> not before the election, hopefully after it won't count, the states you mentioned are red states where people and businesses are moving in they need more power. elizabeth: where do we go from here, i talk to people in industry, they are concerned about power blackouts for america. this is not tin foil hat
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stuff biden white house put green energy agenda on the power grid and did not do enough to brack -- back it up, you need to bolster the grid. >> this will electrify the idea we can have ev's and replace fossil fuels you look at california they barely escaped blackouts in the past, this is a wake-up call reaality is setting in fantasies we'll be driving ev's and have windmills and solar panels, will not happy. elizabeth: steve forbes thank you so much. >> thank you. elizabeth: ford o'connel will join us tomorrow night, and liz peek. that does it for us, thanks for watching the "evening edit," i am elizabeth macdonald now it, it time for "the bottom line." dagen: you are grind a for


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